Page 1: Draft information letter 2010

Space Camp 2012A commitment for parents and students

May 10 2012

Dear Parents/Caregivers,

I welcome you on board the adventure to send Cashmere students to Space Camp in 2012. I would like to outline some of the expectations and requirements for this trip organised by Cashmere High School.

The trip will require a ratio of one teacher to approximately 8 students. It will be possible for parents to go too, but these would have to be additional to any staff and be self funded.

The costs for the teachers who are giving up their time to coordinate and lead the trip are paid by the students taking part in the trip.

Money will be paid into a school account on a monthly basis, regardless of whether families are involved in fund raising or not. The interest that this money earns is used as much as possible to pay the teacher’s airfares so that the actual costs to students are minimised. An amount of $300 per month starting in July 2010 will provide $5100 by November 2009. At least $5000 must be with the school by Nov 2011 to ensure a place on the trip. It is possible to set up an automatic payment. The money for the actual Space Camp in Alabama has to be paid 6 months in advance in order to secure the booking, and airfares are required 2 months in advance. Refunds are available on a reducing scale the closer to the camp date they are requested.

It is very important that families make a firm commitment to the trip as the cost is dependant on the number of students going. If students pull out a few months before the event then the costs go up for everybody left. However, I realise that it is possible for circumstances to change over this time period, and ask that you inform us as soon as possible if there is a possibility that your child will have to pull out.


The maximum number possible on the trip will be 24 students. If more than this wish to go a selection process will be undertaken. Firstly their form must be in on time, the student must be aged between 15 and 18 in April 2012, and they must currently be in good health. Secondly, teachers and Heads of School will be consulted to see if the student’s behaviour and levels of personal responsibility are deemed appropriate for such a trip. Thirdly students showing a strong interest in Science and/or Space will be selected. If the list of students is still above 24 then a ballot will be held and the remainder put on a waiting list. The first payment of $300 will then secure a place, along with a certificate of good health which must be signed by both a parent and a doctor (this is a requirement of the Space Camp programme). Otherwise the next student on the list will be asked to join the group.

Actual Costs

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The total cost is approximately $7100. It must be noted that fluctuating exchange rates and inflation may alter this.This estimate does not include any spending money, some meals while travelling and passport applications. It is recommended that spending money be limited to an amount between $500 and $1000.

Fund raising

If a group of parents wish to organise raising funds then support will be provided by teachers at the school. However, the ideas and organisation will come from the parents.

I do hope you are keen to be a part of this adventure, and if so will you fill in the form below and return it to Mr Tuaine, Mr Wilkenson or Mrs Merchant.


Bob Tuaine Jenny Merchant Tom Wilkenson

Teachers in charge of Space Camp 2012

Space Camp 2012Application Form

Page 3: Draft information letter 2010

We wish our son / daughter to participate in the 2012 Cashmere High School trip to Space Camp, USA.

Student’s Full Name ________________________________ Form class _____

Date of Birth ___________ Age on April 1st 2012 _________(Students turning 15 in May are allowed)

Address _____________________________________________________________

Home Phone no. _______________________ E-mail _________________________

Recommendation from a teacher or Head of School:

I support _________________________ in his/her application to go on Space Camp 2012. He/she is a responsible student and will be a worthy ambassador for Cashmere High School.

Additional comments:

Teacher/HOS __________________ Signed ______________________

Science/Space InterestsWrite a few sentences to explain why you would like to go on the Space Camp trip and detail any clubs/activities/competitions that you have been involved with that relate to Science or Space. Use the back of the sheet if needed.

HealthThis student is in good health and will cope with the Advanced Space Camp programme.

Parent/s Names ________________________________________________________

Parents Signature/s ___________________________________________________

Please return this form to MJ, WK or TE

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