Page 1: DONALD KENNEDY EJCH-Ca CALIFORNIA … is the idol of local patrons, nnd there woui'd he many sore hearts here



More Trouble For the California League An Internal Row Started and Then Smoothed Over Changes in Oakland The Sacramento Runaways -- Fogarty'g Funeral Engagement* and Releases, Etc. SAN FRANCISCO, June 6. Editor SPORT­

ING LIFE: The year 1891 destined to be one of trouble for the California League. Iso sooner had the difficulty with the Pacific Northwest League been partly settled than internecine strife began. What has actually transpired at llie secret meetings recently held by three of the magnates will probably forever remain a secret to the world at large; but there are leaks in even the closest cor­ porations, and California's tnnjor base ball orgnni2:i(ion has not been able to thoroughly seal up the interstices through which infor­ mation might find egress. In brief, anger overruled discretion, and one of the malin­ gers loosed his tongue where silence would Lave been more beneficial to all concerned.

THE CAUSE OF THE HOW. The trouble began when Co!. Tom Robin-

eon announced his intention of turning over to Captain O'Neil the management of the Oakland Club. When Robinson's proposi­ tion appeared in the public prints the wrath of Manager Finn, of San Jose, was aroused. Sir Michael swore by all his Celtic ancestors that he would never recognize O'Neil as the manager of the Ouklanit team if "Tip" went to San Jose in that capacity.

"He will go buck from San Jose empty- handed," roared the Hibernian delegate as he danced a wrathful jig in Stallings' head­ quarters. "I will never allow O'Neil inside the box office at San Jose. He will not be permitted to take tickets at the gate, nor count the slioa of pasteboard in making up accounts, and I will never pay over to him one cent of the cash collected from patrons."

Finn never courts newspaper notoriety and \fheu his statements arc so boldly made no one doubts his earnestness, Mike can be as stubborn as the mule in the fable when his lines arel crossed, and his fellow-magnates are fully aware of that. After unbosoming himself in the Garden City, Finn boarded the first (ruin for Pan Francisco, bad a hur­ ried' interview with Manager Harris aud telegraphed for Robinson.

When the Colonel arrived* at the League office, it is said, some very pointed and disa­ greeable remarks were directed toward him by Messrs. Harris and Fiiin. The aliiiirs of the Oakhunl team from the opening of the year to the present time were thoroughly gone over nnd Robinson's doings criticised, lie was shown how he could have secured a winning team, simply by engaging men who had been left over from last season, and several sugges­ tions for the future welfare of the tail-end team Were made.

A CHANGE IN THE OAKLAND TEAM. That the conference bore fruit was shown by

the immediate engagement of John P. Cahill by the Oakland magnate, and the dispatching of a telegram tn Jim McDonald, who is in tho North, to return to his former place among the Colonels. Cullill bad been out of n situation Bines the close of last season, despite the fuct .that ho is a hard hitter and clever fielder. Patsv promised sincerely to attend strictly to business, and if he fails to do so will have no one to blame but himself should ho be per­ manently rctir:d,

McDonald was one of tho most popular men in tho California League last season, but the Coionel did not consider him speedy enough for tbe "World Beaters," aa he called tho Oakland job-lot before the present series opened. The Colonel, however, found a number of his men Inferior to McDonald, but was loth to admit his mistake. There will bo hundreds of people at the first game in which Jitn appears, who will go out for the express purpose of giving him a rousing welcome.

As a final result of the conference between the three Leajrue managers, it was decided that Robinson should retain fall control ot the team across the bay, and this he agreed to do. So il the tail enders begin to play better ball nnd capture a few games, everything will once more be serene in tho Oakland camp.

TIIK SACRAMENTO 1SUNAWAYS have been heard from. Frank Ward, instead of going to St. Paul, side-tracked at Spokune, where he played last year, and, it is reported, immediately joined his old love. Jack Huston w.vs not so fortunate. Tho Northwest people did not turn out en masse to greet him. In fact, be was very coolly received by the base ball managers, and it was not until he realized he bad thrown himself upon tho charity of an uncharitable class that ho repented deserting his soft place in Sacramento. He bad the cheek to telegraph back to Manager Ginsberg that he would return to Sacramento if a railroad tickel was forwarded. (Jiasberg did not deign to answer the message.

Ward and Huston, before being liberated from the Portland, Or., jail, were compelled to square up their accounts with Ginsherg, so neither of them are gainers by their crooked and tricky transactions.

When the precious pair jumped their con­ tracts it «as believed two large-sized apertures were left in the Saciamcnto team, but Captaii: J. J. MeClo?key speedily repaired tho damage. Harry O'Day is guarding second baseexjcl- lently, and in lieu of llustou, two young pitcher?, Frank Simpleton nnd Lou Tinlgi, have been engaged. Stapleton pitched his first game after a long absence from active work, and kept tho bits so well scattered that ho pulled out n victory. When in trim he will prove a winner Joung Balsz was taken from the amateur league. Ho had been tried before bv profes­ sional clubs, but could not control the ball. He 1/i'obed for the Senators two days ago an flowed great speed nnd good curves. He was a trifle unsteady in his delivery, but held th Colonels down to three safe shots. Rather a good record for a youngster.

MINOR MENTION. Nick Smith, who now leads the League in

battintr, has been temporarily shelved owing t an injury recived in tho last scries with Sacra mento. He was spiked by Hutcbinson whi the latter was sliding to third. Catcher Pop Swell has been guarding the difficult corner during Nick's absence.

M-anager Harris a few days since displayed ft telegram from the East which he said offered a handsome sum for tbo release of one of the San Francisco team. Harris declined to name the player, but it is currently believed Danny Swee- ney is the man. If the local magnate wishes to avoid a riot among the crank?, he had better not open negotiations fur tbe sale of the midget. Dauny is the idol of local patrons, nnd there woui'd he many sore hearts here if he should be allowed to deport. Besides his popularity, llanny's extraordinary bitting abilities make

him one of the most valuable members of tbe team, nnd it would not be good policy to send him awoy, even though the pocket of his present employer be enriched.

Tbe prompt action of Manager Ginsberg in causing the arrest of Ward and Huston will possibly prevent nnv further di^ertions from tho Sacramento Club should any be contem­ plated. It is fnid, however, that the balance oi the men are satisfied with their lot.

All that was mortal of the lute James G. Fo- garty was consigned to rest in the Catholic cem­ etery of this city last Monday morning. Charles Gagus, the ex ball player; Manager Harris and lleuhen Levv, ol the San Francisco Ball Club, were among the pallbearers. A number of handsome floral tributes were placed on the grave by local mcmhers of tbe profession.

There is trouble in the amateur league, and steps are being taken to prevent the withdrawal of the country teams. A meeting will be held to-night to patch up matters and to adopt a new gehedtilo.

Manager Finn has been dubbed "The Duke of Santa Clara," and the title promises to stick to him so long as he remains at the bead of the San Jose tcnm.

Robinson hnd lines out for pitcher Balsi, when McCloskcy signed the young fellow.

Hurry Reitz, of the Rochesters, writes that he wil! spend tho winter in California.

Beth Sacramento and San Joso are kicking at the schedule. It's either a feast or a famine with them. This mouth San Jose will nitcets three games only.

All but two of the members of the San Jose sam lead their fellows in gelding eg far as icir respective positions are concerned.George Borchers must bo behaving himself

p North. His contract has been promulgated y tho Spokane Club.The botne team is pulling up in the cham-

ionship race, and is now close to the San oses, who are in the lead.Bill Stevens has been released by the 0»k-

and management. Tbe team across the bay as bad about a dozen outfiolders already tbis enson.

TUB SPORTING LIFE'S handsome portrait of 'resident Mono was one of the attractions on le news stands this week. J. M. CARBOLL.


ittle Confidence in tlie Northwestern League's Future Changes iu the Local Team, Etc.GRA.ND RAPIDS, June 9. Editor SPOHTISQ IFK: There will be a League meeting in Chi-

ago to-day to reorganize with six clubs. A cw schedule will bo adopted, the old record 'iped out and the Vnllcy City Club will start :ie new race with a club that is able to com- ete with those $2000 Southern clubs. There re some doubts about tho League's lasting onger than a month, though, for the smaller ities can't stand the pace cut out for them, 'eoria is already trying to sell out to Toledo, nd (Then a club commences negotiations for a ell-out it is a pretty sure sign it won't last long.

Grand Rapids can j-trint with pride to her re- ord in every league she has entered, fO far as ticking qualities are concerned, never disband- ng till there was nothing left to stick to. It's oo had we are n<>t located iu a bettor geographical lositiun, near citiea ol our own felze. Toledo and Ue- roit aro the only oiies th>U approach us Iu that re- peot (they »ro both ahead of us, in fuel), and TOU au't form a lt»gue with a threa-cluh circuit very ell.Two of those new men we made such a blow about

timed out ti> he unqualified failures, \iz., pitcher Green aud third hasnuian Jack Biennan. If lireu- nan is a good specimen of last year's I'larors' I.cnguy. we dou't waul any I'l-iyera* Lvuguo hall in this vale of rard. Pitcher Uauniboo was ateo released, lie anil Ireen signed immediately with Llav City. Each itched a (jams against Oatid Bnplds and Grand

^l-ipius knocked them both all OTor ihe lot. Rousaoy irill HI.-O be rtdtasfd. lie a not fust enough for hU omj'any.

To fill these positions Manager Murphy has sisned Pop" Wlialou and Popkay (another Top), of the dls- laudtd Bay Citv't. to cover third »ntt short re- Jiectivelj. A» Whalon is a catchtr and I'opUav a irst bdseman, I can't aay whether tiiey will t-zcel in heir positions or not. They are botli good batters,

anyway The rest of the Bay Cily team, with the ox- spiions of Bejm, Tart n;id Flatuin«i!, who huve gned with Green Buy, Wi.... will be homeless wau-

lerei-j as far M u berth in a h:t!t leant id concerned."Chick" IIotTord. (he much-lauded midget catcher

Vom New U.tven, airived lust Sa.turd.iy. He took his iiue gcttiug hery. He was sent advance money three

wtt-ks a:<>. IK- caught Sunday's gume HU I yesterday's l»o. Ho Is without doubt tho best catcher who ever

Itnmi-d a Grand Raidda nnif >rm It's a mystery why Sew Haven, \vh,> plays IVttee and considers him first- class, leleased euch a uiau as Iloffurd.

Rooks' work is also worthy of mention. Iu my umble opinion ho is Ihe btisf ball player iu the entire

LeHguo. His experience with Boston evidently did lim lots of ;:ood, as ho faster Iu every

spuct than he was last yuar. He had six put-outs ^ tterdfty, three of them being way up ngainet the 'ence, and would have rt-sultbd in two-bftggers with a ess brilliant playing that garden.

Tho new rceu have taken tho hoodoo from the team, and the boys took two < u: of thrco from l>otn*it and four out of six from Bay Cily. The Day City eaniel wt-ro Lot much to brag of, though, e.3 the visitors

ero h.nnrlees cirphaut, aud did not can* a continental whelhor they won a game or not.It si-euiS odd tluit your Ft. Wayne correspondent

doesu't know the first name of their crack piuher. He tpenlc of "Bot," laks. Please aslt "Bob" if his name Isn't "Bert.' M. J. W.

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Pleaee mention THE SPOUTING LIFE.


Pleased With the Steady Work of tlie Stars Umpire liattin's Removal Local Gos­ sip, Etc.SYRACUSE, June 10. Editor SPORTISG LIFE:

Base ball in this town has been quite well SLH- tuined in the amateur line, but we are all wait­ ing for the return of our "Sturs," and next neek will be a great one in this town. The team has dune well so far on its Eastern trip, and we are quite willing to remain in second place until we meet the leaders; then there will be fun. Anil the four games with Buffalo next week, two here, Wednesday nnd Thursday, and two »l Buffalo. Friduy and Satun!..y, will ba a pood test butweoQ the uvo bts: clubs of tbo J£.iBieru

B^ncUtlon.The release of Umpire Battln la received with (rood

co by tbe fKO« here, and aijootl utnprro in his place will bo i-cctivi-d in tbe samo form. Joseph lUiusey, of thiti city, \vouhl make ft gofwl man on tbo utulf uf iim;,ine. IK> umpired tlie exhibition ginies hero this spring, nnd 'pave cood put'sruclioit, ami tlieve is no reason why he wonlj not inulce n flret-clu-n umpire.

Tbi3 week we have hpen treated to a nerics of panics bctweou the S. racuse University Club and tbe Syra­ cuse A. A. 0. Club. lutheflrsl K.IUIB (MoLday) the A. C boys walked off with the frame in (treat shape, ami from their appf ar.ince it BO -Hied ttiat they could make U warm f'ir moat any of our amateur clubs iu town, but Wednesday's K*"10 WIV8 Dot <*' llie Mooiiay kiml, and it would seem that thev need slreiiKtlienin.* in tbo boi. Halbritter'a work was not up to tbe usual standard, ami it looks as if he needs recuperation. The anal t"0"1 . to be played Ihis week (Saturday), will be a good one.

Of conrte, Oreoriie Geer was doing a quiel bit of linillinic \vlille here, End he got the man be was alter, too Mr. t'ia:pk Gtiodryder, and a good ouo, too. Juat watch and see him line tbem out.

l>r. Oliorlauder IB doing flome uood work for Olefto, and I recKon that when tbe hoye get down to t>iz they »ill be in it. McQuiLTOp.


Disappointment Over tlie Team's Rather Poor Showing Efforts to Strengthen, Etc,OLEAN, N. Y., June 5. Editor SPOUTING LIFE:

There are many disappointed people in Olcan over the poor position of (Mean's base ball team in the race, but no one has aa yet broken out into open mutiny. Everybody gives the team credit for earnest work, and by common con­ sent the poor showing is laid to the rather in­ definite reason, ill luck.

However, it seems to be a fact that our pitch­ ers are not yet iu pood form, and it is expected that with the coming of settled warm weather the pitching will improve.

Wo have had three of our best mon laid ofl by illness anil injury during Hit pa>-t week and ooly won one game out of three with Erie on our hooio ground.

Manager Geer was in Syrnnno a few days ago and Binned Go'>dry<ier, the second Lascuiaii of lai-t year's Troy mid Oneouta tennis, ntid later with Mat^eld.

William J. Bradley, of I'iiilndtilphia. recently with Terro rinuie, IIHS been signed to pitch, aud will join the team at Krie.

Tho statement in vcur Rochester correspondent's letter that Phil Begy lihd tijfn«d here WHS erronojn?. Phil came to Oictui to cie Manager Geer, who was absent, and was asked to till a vacancy on the team for one {fame.

Sirico writing the above tli« series with Meadvilla has been piuyod resulting iu Olcnii winuiug two out o: three, »nJ in owe of them occurred tho first white­ wash of tho eoaflon in tbis League.

We !:ow feel considerably belter tban hliherto, ant if wfi ciin only got &wn.y with our "dearest fue'' Krnd« ford this week wo will be, comparatively apeakintr III KUMV street.

Manager Geer Bee ma to be doing sll he can lor lh< success of the team, and although there arp some com plaints nnd criticisms ou bib methods, * few won purnea just IMW will smooth iuat:orj ovur wonder fully, Llero's hjpiug. AILSIE.


About tho Home Team and Illinois-low Affairs in General.

OTTAWA, 111., June 6. Editor SPORTING LIFE I notice that Davenport has fired Pchmidt, (he would bo wonder that she secured frotn St Paul. Pittsburg people will remember him last year. About half of the Davenport team seems to be of the game stripe as Schrnidt o" the exploded phenomenon vnriety.

Catcher Whiting, Ottawa's new player showed up verv^vell on the trip, getting his sharo of tlio hits in tbe (ranus he played. Hy ouiy eftii£lit one uam*1 , but in that dH good work con-ider- iu* that ho faced a strange pitcher, und a BpeeUy ou ut tintt.

El Kent came homo with « broken finger, which h' received In stopping a line ''if » ' the first gnnie tit Au> rora As it vm* on h B left hand he did uot lay off, bn t.Juk liia turn in t!ie imx both at Joliet aud Kockfi>r<' &u-l will play litre in his turn.

Now that Covue bus recovered the u?e of hlsfrot which ho huil in OHHIUV.-H, the clubia Iu httter shape lie !.i the finest fielding third basenian that Inu j,l.tyei" hero &3 vet, aud gets iu hia work wtlb the ttick vcr; regularly.

I was a Httla amused by the letter from ft dramn)*1 In the la»t Sro«TiNU LIJ-K, iu which he tpoke of Yui' a s l.'fing: a promising third basem\n. York neve piayed third in his lifo uutil Coyoe was hurt aod WB (Eiveu w tiial'tht-rt* as BD experiment. He put up line fielilinj; ten me, but the knowl^^o U:nt lie WH out of his position, which is propel ly the outfieid made him nervous and kept him strung u;> to such icoslun thnt he tt-11 off in bis b.itliu,; oiaterialiy. II made few errors fu the poBitlou, but eaid he wa» ver


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clad to be allowed to got back to loft field, where he a playing a tino name nod is getting his old ability to bit the ball. QUETZAL'.


WardSokl to Minneapolis Pitcher Hasten to be Retained, Etc.

SPOKANB FALLS, June 2. Editor SPOUTING IJILE: Tbo boys Itft this morning for a long ,rip of seven weeks. Happy Jack Huston ac­ companied them and will play left field when ic isn't pitching. Ward and Hnpton have come o the conclusion that the National Agreement s a great thing, and both appear satisfied to ilay wherever the homo club plays them. We mvc sold Ward for $1200 to Minneapolis and ;e left for thero last night. He will ornament )ag No 2., and will mako the opposing twlrlers trcm- »le when he etepa ti> tlio plate to "Hue 'tin out.' 1 lappy Jnck will be kept by the liome team, BB ho is a rrL'.it'nenernl player nnd a Imnl bitter beBidta his titchiug ability. Welch has bepn released OD Recount if liia inability to h* tl.o ball, llayea will play second

.,nti Stenzel will do the catching. llayos will un- doubfably make a gacccaaat seooud as bo plnyod tliat toeitJon pa't oHa*t yenr with the Brooklyn Playeia' jcneue C!ub. George llorchers pitched two of the

bcHttle games ami diu great work, but was robbed of jotli the contests by Ilcngle. Hmgle i* the worst specimen of an umpire that bus yt-t appeared here, and it is to bo hoped that he will to bouuced us soon && possible as ho knows notbirtg of the panic mid rubtierl us of two panics of the Seattle series and ODP ol :he T«conm. With Klopf. dmover. Borcht-rn aud [lustou iu the box we should have no difficulty in win­ ning iw'D-ibirds of the paraes on this trip, as they are without doubt the best twitleru ID the League.



Xicol'ft Lads Steadily Gaining on the Lead­ ers Tlio Team Strengthened, Etc.

ROCKFORD, 111., Juno 9. Editor SPORTING LIFE:- Since my last communication Rockford bag won five out of the six games played, which

uts them safely in fourth place and in easy ailing distance of third, and the boys are play­

ing great ball. Nicol has resumed his position at second, and a new man, Casniboin, has been signed ostensibly lo play right. He has, however covered third in a conplo of frames, and bhowu re- markable ability f»r a youngster.

It broke Jack Ren^em'a heiit to lose three straight, uJ Ottawa went nway from here a vt-ry poor third,

anil unless tbuy ttiko on a etiff brace Rock fold will supplant them before (mother week.

This coming wevl; \vo tackle the leaders, Quin«y and Ottumwa. So fur llueltford baa bcjjri in-Ht) -micceEsfti with "fccmen worlby of their a'.eel" than with tail-

dfrs.The CeJar Rapids came scheduled here for las

Saturday, the Oth, pos'p^aod on account of iaiu, wil,' probably bo played on tbe 18tb at Cedar Rapid*.







Full of Tricks ns Ever.Mana2er McGnnntcle, of tim Providence ttam,

i\ (rittiR l;i^t week lip|»i'-ii \Vb-n tin




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The Fhiladclphia Club a Standing Protest Against It.

In c^mmentins upon the great disparity be­ tween the League and Association admission rates, notwithstanding the slight difference in the quality of 1.all given for the money, tn Philadelphia- Press suys:

"All of the reasons Kiven why the Poaton A?socia lion Club should uut reduce thu pnce of pencrnl ad- inie^ion to 25 cents pro fnni>y, but the funnitet la (he claim tliut 'lloelou ehwtild have tl.o beet.' No one wil deny that nost.'D fch-JUld Imre tbe bett of eveiythinj, in n Jjase bail wity, but d-*es It (let ir nuder a fifty ce;j! larin? Since 1885 (tie League Hub has heacei the I'hiludelphia teom out but orire. Puriug a!) thosi ycnrs residents of t!ie Hub have been compelled to pin fifiy ct-nt-i to witness the same attract totis for whicli I'bi!a'*elpliift paid ouly txveuty-fivo cents, and if (hi ftftndiiiK of tha clubs has any offset upon tbecharactc; of tbe attraction, tb« Quakers got « little more lV,i their quarter t'mn the Beau-e&teis tlM for their lialf. Tho Philadelphia League Club, which gives belter ic- coniodatloiu to the general patron Ihan any other cluh iu the country, and ths Ameficiii Association had d fin oust riiteJ tiiac It 13 poeaible to prosper ou t';o twenty-five cent busii, aud what has b-eii douo IHTO and elsewhere can bo done in Boston. The oiilv jii" tiricutio:] for Ui'j bi^iier rate is found iu the fact that th« people will pay it."

A Young Manager's Endorsement.HARTFORD, Cr., June 11. E-ii'oi- ^poaiiNfl LIFK:

Tli i-j is to certify that tnv denlin^s witti Mr. M. K. Fii/.u'erald. of Trenton. N. J., Intrt mannger of tho Uai't(.'id Base Ball Chib, have be«n of ti:e inoit s-ttis- f'aciorv mid cordial nature, una I take great pleasiiry iti bi>iugnble t-i s ; ate, from my Uiuavledge of hi-* enp-rior skill r.nd jttdKDient as a b»sn lull mm:ager. tb'it lie brought to llartf-ird the best uitil flns-st to.tiii that llio city lixs ever had, anil at tht- tnnw tlnio on^ cf the lowest iu salaries. Tlu- o-^v r-aMu. T regret tu s:iy, of bis Icavin,' onr city ii livm Hit- lack of inu-r- eat iu the ninoucr <'f enpi-ort for the imtiornl psuiic. Any cluU in need of ati A Ko. 1 m-*u will be ffi-tunata in tecuring his services. A. W. I.A.VU.





The Editor of the Recognized Base Bal



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157 Broadway, New York.

FRONT. VIEW. BACK VIEW.EWJNG MITT, same as worn by Mr. Ewing, catcher of (he New York Bas«

Ball Club. Made on scientific principles and of the best material and workman ship; impossible to break the lingers; best Mitt now made. PRICE, §7.01).

SAMI'LKS AXDMEASURMKNT BLA.XKS FREE O\ APPLIC.YTIOX.Send for-catalogue containing full line of Base Balls, Bicycles, Lawn Tennis, eto



UNIFO10 Caps, 10 Shirts, 10 Pair Pants, 10 Balls and 10 Pair Stockings.

TRIMMED ANY COLOH. Send for Samples.


are now displaying the finest and most complete stock of BASE BALL, TENNIS AND OUTING GOOD'

ever manufactured. The season of 1891 promises to be ; most momentous one in all sports, and especially in BASE BALL, and we have paid special attention to our line of goods, BALLS, BATS, MITTS, MASKS, etc., etc.. that every ar­ ticle may be the best that can be produced; this is a fact, and the Spalding line is pre-eminently in the lead of all others.


108 Madison St.NEW YORK,

241-243 Broadway.PHILADELPHIA,103-J Ciieslniit St.

BILLIARD TABLES.The Brimswick-Balke-Colleiider Company

Manufacturers of

Billiard, Pool and Combination Tables.Importers of an<l Wholesale and Retail Dealers in

BILLIARD MATERIAL OF EVERY DESCRIPTION.MAIN Ol'FICKS: 88O lirotttlwuv, New York; Nos. 8, 1O anil 12 W. 6Hi Ht., Ci:icimnti

Market anil Huron SU., Chicago; No. 117 X. Clh St., St. Lonij.

10G2ARCH ST., PHILADELPHIA.O-Brancb offices anil salesrooms In all principal ciiias. H. J. BEH.GMAN, Agent.

T?TT T T ATfUQt I FINE TABLKS of THK BRUNSWICK-BALKK-COIXEN-l>AJUUJ-2ii\JLJC7 . | 1)KU MAKE. CAROM, COMBINATION ami TOOL,For Hut*K ('lulw, I'rivit'e Hollas find Public KJPIUJ, at Ihe Lf.vcst. Market Pr:c »s

Ovi-r .1 mlliic.ii NOISK-SUIJDUKRS fold. Tha SntllUKRS for tale l.y the Briinswlck-Mke-Col lender Oo. in their wurerooms lhr<>i!;:lf>nt ih?country. Orders from nil imts of tho world pivnn tly nite-.iled to ___________________JOHN C'BKAHAN, Agent. Continental Hotel. Philadelphia.



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phia, Pa.

Watch Clubs, Instalment Frauds ant Catchpenny Watches Exposed.


E. P. PEKCIVAL, Watchmaker, N. Eighth Street, Philadelphia, Pa.

IToneet goods for honest peopl« 0 no of tho largest selfcriuus o wfttchon i» America, from £'',0( up to S5'10. 20ytan GoKI-File Cases, Boa9, Dauber, (3"o\vn, Fa lit-ys,Crescent, A'huitio. We re- conimeuU the i'liiitulelpliia cases us the best on enrth, with Elulii, Walthain, Spring field, Columbus or n<>ckf\r< 6tHH-wiudlnR wurks, SIti air f!8. Solid Hkurnt eM cages, cumi'lete wilh nictocl works any maUor, £38 t >Hj,arcori1ii! to «ei£ht and dwigil cf case. .

o for thrt'e ji-ars to givo ialibi'dc or volley refuudtd. Ageatg waatcd*

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