Page 2: Dominant SEO and Online Advertising Trends of 2016

The only constant in the world of SEO is ‘Change’! Lots of changes have affected search in 2015 and 2016 is fast approaching. Now it’s the time to compile the SEO trends that will dominate the coming year.

Page 3: Dominant SEO and Online Advertising Trends of 2016

Video Content Wins the Race

Even though written content is considered ‘standard’, including different formats of content is considered to be a good idea. In 2016, it’s expected that the usage of years-long trends will shift, and video will outpace written content in terms of reach, engagement, effectiveness, and overall ROI.

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Embrace Mobile Optimisation It’s known that with the advent of smart phones, mobile has revolutionised the digital world and had made a commendable impact on online businesses. Mobile searches surpassed desktop searches for the first time in 2015, and along with Mobilegeddon, Google announced to the world that mobile and desktop traffic was on relatively equal footing.

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Social Content Will be More Readily Indexed Just imagine, you are searching for a news item in Google, what will you see in the Google search result? Probably you can come across a tweet or two appearing in the search result. This emphasises the value that social media carry and its consideration similar to an independant webpage.

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Deep Link in Apps

In 2015, it’s expected that apps may overtake traditional websites in popularity and functionality. So, deep links to app may have more meaning and also grow in importance. If you don’t have an app for your business, then it’s the right time to create one.

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