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The Faculty of Economics and Administrative -Sciences


MAN 400



Submitted To :Miss TULEN SANER

JUNE 2004

Page 2: · Acknowledgement To begin my thanks, J would like to start with Miss. Tulen Saner, whose cool and tension-free approach made


To begin my thanks, J would like to start with Miss. Tulen Saner, whose cool and

tension-free approach made this study a deligh:ful experience 'for me, and Faculity of

Economics and Administrative Sciences teachers. My special thanks goes to Mr.

Huseyin Ozdeser without whose valuable advice and help this dissertation would not

have been possible.

Finally, thanks to my family. Their understanding and support all throughout of my

studies had been a major source of my motivation. I would like to dedicate this study to

them, to my mum Emel, to my dad Ahmet and to my brother 1-Ialil.

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Motivation is typified as an individual phenomenon. Every person is unique and all the

major theories of motivation allow for this uniqueness to be demonstrated in one way or


Motivation is described, usually, as intentional. Motivation is assumed to be under the

" worker's control, and behaviours that are influenced by motivation, such as effort

expended, are seen as choices of action.(Mullins, 1999)

Motivation is multifaceted. The two factors of greatest importance are:(i) what gets

people activated (arousal); and (ii) the force of an individual to engage in desired

behaviour (direction or choice of behaviour).

The aim of this study is to examine what factors motivate accountants and engineers in

North Cyprus by considering Herzberg Two - Factor Theory. Application is done by

doing questionnaire with sixty persons.

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1.1. Introdu·ction ..........................•......................................................................... 1

1.2. Problem Situation : ~ 1

1.3. Aims of the Study- ...................•.................................................................. , ... 1

1.4. Methodology i: ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 2

1.5. The Scope of Study , , 3 -

II. THE BASICS OF MOTIVATION,. .......................•............................ .4

2.1. Definitions of Motivation 1 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••.•••••••••••••••••••••••• 4

2.2. Motivational Drives ~ 7

2.3. Job satjsfaction ··········································································~·············11

2.4. Work Motivatienal Theories , 14

2.4.1. Maslow's Hierarchy ofNeeds 14

2.4.2. Alderfer's E-R-G Model 16

2.4.3. Herzberg's Two -Factor Model .- ~ 17

2..4.3.1. Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivator 2~

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V. CONCLUSION ·····································~···········································33

VI. RECOMMENDATION .............................•.................................... 34

VII. REFERENCE .................•.............................................................. 36




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1.1. Introduction

Organizational behaviour is related to the behaviours of people in the Organization.

Employees play a role as important as leaders in the organization to achieve the

organizational goals. Motivation, is also important for the organization's success.

Motivation influences and is influenced by a large number of factors in the

organizational environment. It is a study that deals with why individuals think and

behave as they do.

1.2. Problem Situation

This study is about Herzberg's Two - Factor Theory that is related to the motivation.

Which is very important in any organization. Motivation is a general term applying to

the entire class of drives, desires, needs, wishes, and similer forces.To say that managers

motivate their subordinates is to say that they do those things which they hope will

satisfy these drives and desires and induce the subordinates to act in a desired manner

(Koontz, Weihrich; .... ). The way that humans behave in the organization is very

important. Organizational behaviour is related to the behaviours of people in the

organization. Employees play a role as important as leaders in the organization to

achieve the organizational goals. Motivation is also important for the organization's

success. Motivation influences and is influenced by a large number of factors in the

organizational environment. It is a study that deals with why individuals think and

behave as they do.


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1.3. Aims of the Study

The aim of this study is to examine what motivates accountants and engineers m

Turkish Republic of Northeren Cyprus, according to Herzberg's Two - Factor Theory.

This study is done with accountants and engineers, because Herzberg's Theory is

prepared by searching on the motivation factors of accountants and engineers.

1.4. Methodology

Study on Herzberg's Two - Factor Theory is prefered to examine whether hygiene

factors or motivators motive employees especially accountants and engineers in North

Cyprus. In order to be able to do this, a questionnaire has been prepared for an

accountant and engineer. There are thirteen questions in the questionnaire. The

employees will have to give number to the sentences from 1 - 13 in the sequence of

importance level to them. The questions will determine whether the work itself,

achievement, possibility of growth, responsibility, advancement, status, peer relation,

relation with subordinates, quality of supervision, company policy and administration,

security, working condition, and pay for an accountant and engineer people in Northern


Questionnaires will be done with sixty accounting and engineering offices in North

Cyprus to be able to get definite and enough information to find out what motivates



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Certain books and internet were also used to collect enough information to prepare this

study. There are two basic parts in this study. First part is about the basics of

motivation. Certain definitions of motivation will be mentained about motivational

drives such as achievement motivation, affiliation motivation, competence motivation

and power motivation; job satisfaction; and motivational theories such as Maslow's

hierarchy of needs, Alderfer's E - R - G model, Herzberg's Two - Factor Theory.

According to Herzberg's, there are two main factors which motivate accountants and

engineers. These are motivator; Achievement, Recognition, Work itself, Responsibility,

and Advancement and hygiene factors; Company Policy and Administration, Quality of

Supervision, Relations with Subordinates, Working Conditions, Pay (Salary).

Second part of the study is about what motivates employees in North Cyprus. In other

words the results of the questionnaire that I did with the employees in the accountant

office and engineer office will be given in detail.

1.5. The Scope of Study

The irnperteince of motivation in Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus is underlined.

The success of the employees, organizations and countries is directly related with

increased motivations as each ring of a chain.


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2.1. Definitions of motivation

Motivation has been defined as: the psychological process that gives behaviors purpose

and direction (Reiter, 1995); a predisposition to behave in a purposive manner to

achieve specific, unmet needs (Buford, Beading, & Lindner, 1995); an internal drive to

satisfy au unsatisfied need (Higgins, 1994); and the will to achieve (Bedeian, 1993).

otivation is operationally defined as the inner force that drives individuals to

accomplish personal and organizational goals.

Motivation influences productivity, supervisors need to understand what motivates

employees to reach peak performance. It is not an easy task to increase employee

motivation because employees respond in different ways to their jobs and their

organization's practices. motivation is the set of processes that moves a person toward a

goal. Thus, motivated behaviors are voluntary choices controlled by the individual

employee. The supervisor (motivator) wants to influence the factors that motivate

employees to higher levels of productivity.

Factors that affect work motivation include individual differences, job characteristics,

and organizational practices. Individual differences are the personal needs, values, and

attitudes, interests and abilities that people bring to their jobs. Job characteristics are the

aspects of the position that determine its limitations and challenges. Organizational

practices are the rules, human resources policies, managerial practices, and rewards

systems of an organization. Supervisors must consider how these factors interact to

affect employee job performance.


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Motivation is a highly complex phenomenon (Bent, et al., 1999) that influences and is

influenced by a large number of factors in the organisational environment (Porter and

Steers, 1991). The study of motivation is concerned with why individuals think and

behave as they do (Mullin, 1999; Weiner, 1992; Wagner, 1999). A great amount of

definitions are presented by literature, e.g. Vignali (1997) points out that motivation is a

process that triggers individuals to act as they do. Analoi (2000) sees motivation as a

drive within the individual necessary to direct that person's actions and behaviour

towards the achievement of some goals and focuses, according to Luthans (1995) and

Mullins (1999), on the fulfilment of certain needs and expectations. Moreover,

Westerman and Donoghue refer to motivation as" ... a set of processes which energize a

person's- behaviour and direct him or her towards attaining some goal, or put more

simply getting people to do willingly and well those things which have to be done."

(1998, p. 79).

Generally, motivation deals with forces, which initiate, direct and sustain behaviour

towards the attainment of certain goals (Bent et al., 1999). Particularly, in terms of the

organisational aspect, motivation focuses according to Molander (1996), on an

individual's willingness to put efforts into his/ her work, and on the amount of efforts,

which are made in order to obtain incentives or a special form of incentives. Mo lander's

definition of motivation represents the basis for this thesis.

The discussion of motivation in the literature (recent and less recent) to three aspects:

(1) What is the arousal or energising source of the individual behaviour

(2) What directs or channels such behaviour- (Vroom, 1964; Wagner. 1999; Atkinson

et al., 1975), and

(3) The maintenance and sustain of this behaviour (Bent et al., 1999).

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The first issue deals with driving forces inherent in the individual that lead to a certain

behaviour, and with environmental forces that often cause these drivers (Porter and

Steers, 1991). The second feature involves the direction of behaviour towards a goal

(Wagner, 1999). Furthermore, Porter and Steers (199l)refer to the third matter as forces

within the individual and environmental forces that provide the individual with

feedback. This feedback either reinforces the individual to intensify his/her drive and

the direction of his/her energy, or discourages the individual to pursue his/her course of

and redirects his/her efforts.

The motivational process represents a very general model of human behaviour (Mullins,

1999). Steers (1991) argued that this model assumes that individuals hold a number of

needs, desires and expectations in varying strengths. Based on these needs and

expectations, people act or bahave in a certainway that they believe will lead to the

desired goal. Thereby, according to Steers and Porter (1991), the individual will be

provided with feedback about the impact of his/her behaviour. That in turn may induce

the individual to alter his/her present behaviour, or may reassure the individual that

his/her current way of acting is correct and may confirm the person in pursuing this

course of action.

The motivational process is not as simple and straightforward as it seem. It

is according to Atkinson. (1975), a far more complex study. Porter and Steers (1991)

refer to Dunnette and Kirchner (1965) and other who identified four aspects, which

complicate the simplicity of the model. The first aspect refers to the fact that motivates

cannot directly be observed and therefore a need to deduce them exists (Baron, 1983).

However, the inference of motives from observed behaviour is associated with


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difficulties traced back to at least five reasons mentioned by Atkinson et al, (1975).

These five reasons are:

(1) several motives may be expressed through any single action;

(2) motives may occur in disguised forms;

(3) similar or identical actions may represent several motives;

( 4) different behaviour may embody similar motives; and

(5) the model of expression of certain motives may be mitigated by personal and

cultural variations.

The second complication of the model deals with the fact that any person has a host of

motives. These motives may change over time and conflict with each other (Baron,


Third, Porter and Steers (1991) point out that the selection of certain motives over

others, as well as the intensity with which such motives are pursued, may differ from

person to person. In addition, they refer to the fourth complication, the fact that an

attainment of certain needs, desires and expectations may prompt a person to direct

his/her attention to other motives, or to intensify the pursuit of these motives.

2.2. Motivational Drives

Each person tends to develop certain motivational drives as a product of the cultural

environment in which that person lives, and these affect the way people view their jobs

and approach their lives. Much of the interest in these patterns of motivation was

generated by the research of David C. McClelland of Harvard University. He developed

a classification schme highlighting three of the more dominant drives and pointed out


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ir significance to motivation. His studies revealed that people's motivational drives

reflect elements of the culture in which they grow up - their family, school, church, and

ks. In most nations, one or two of the motivational patterns tend to be strong among

the workers because they have grown up with similar backgrounds. In addition to

cClelland's discussion of the drives for achievement, affiliation, and power, the

competence motive is an important factor in current attempts to attain high-quality

products and services.

ehievement Motivation

chievement motivation is a drive some people have to pursue and attain goals. An

individual with this drive wishes to achieve objectives and advance up the ladder of

success. Accomplishment is important for its own sake, not for the rewards that

accompany it.

A number of characteristics define achivement-oriented employees. They work harder

when they perceive that they will receive personal credit for their efforts, when there is

only moderate risk of failure, and when they receive specific feedback about their past

performance. As managers, they tend to expect that their employees will also be

oriented toward achievement. These high expectations sometimes make it difficult for

achievement-oriented managers to delegate effectively.

Some observers have suggested that achievement' motivation is similar to the Japanese

cultural value placed on kaizen. Much of Japan's industrial success has been attributed


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to a widespread belief that everyone should constantly drive themselves to seek ways pf

improving everything around them. Kaizen is similar to the more individualistic

American drive for achievement, in which some people take responsibility for their

actions and results, control their destiny, seek regular feedback, and enjoy being part of

a winning achievement through collective effort.

Affiliation Motivation

Affiliation motivation is a drive to relate to people on a social basis. Comparisons of

achievement-motivated employees with affiliation-motivated empoyees illustrate how

the two patterns influence behavior. Achievement-oriented people work behavior. But

persons with affiliation motives work better when they are complimented for their

favorable attitudes and cooperatin. Achievement-motivated people select assistants who

are technically capable, with little regard for personal feelings about them; however,

those who are affiliation-motivated tend to select friends to surround them. They receive

inner satisfactions from being with friends, and they want the job freedom to develop

these relationships.

Managers with strong needs for affiliation may have difficult being effective

managers. Their high concern for positive social relationships usually results in a

cooperative work environment where employees genuinely enjoy working together.

However, managerial overemphasis on the social dimension may interfere with the

usual process of getting things done by assigning tasks, monitoring work, and directing



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Competence Motivation

Competence motivation is a drive to be good at something, allowing the individual to

perform high-quality work. Competence-motivated employees seek job mastery, take

pride in developing and using their problem-solving skills, and strive to be creative

when confronted with obstacles to their work. Most important, they are learning

individuals who profit from their experiences and continually improve their skills. In

general, they tend to perform their job capably because of the inner satisfaction they feel

from doing it well and the esteem they gain from others who notice it ( such as

coworkers, customers, and their manager).

Competence motivation differs from achievement motivation. Achievement-oriented

individuals enjoy getting things done and moving on to the next objective. They are

more likely to be concerned with quantifiable goals, which serve as yardsticks for

measuring the amount of their success. Competence-oriented workers place greater

value on the level of their own capabilities, and are more responsive to quality-oriented

goals regarding products and services. Although it oversimplifies the comperison, the

two orientations provide a contrast between "How much can I do?" and "How well can

I do it?"

Competence-motivated people also expect high-quality work from their associates and

may become impatient if those working with them or for them do poor work. In fact,

their drive for good work may be so great that they tend to overlook the importance of

human relationships on the job or the need to maintain reasonable levels of output.


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ower Motivation

Power motivatin is a drive to influence people and change situations. Power-motivated

people wish to create an impact on their organizations and are willing to take risk to do

. Once this power is obtained, it may be used either constructively or destructively.

Power-motivated people make excellent managers if their drives are for institutional

power instead of personal power. Institutional power is the need to influence· others

behavior for the good of the whole organization. In other words, these people seek

power through legitimate means, rise to leadership positions through successful

performance, and therefore are accpted by others. However, if an employee's drives are

toward personal power, that person tends to be an unsuccessful organizational leader.

2.3 Job Satisfaction

Satisfaction is an internal state (Mullins, 1999). Various authors define as the outcome

of a motivational process (Bent et al., 1999). Job satisfaction is the positive and negative

feelings and attitudes which an individual holds about his/her work (Schultz and

Schultz, 1998). In other words, it is the extent to which an individual favours his/her job

(Mo lander, 1996). Positive attitudes toward the job are equivalent to job satisfaction,

whereas negative attitudes represent job dissatisfaction. Job satisfaction is a complex

phenomenon (Sell and Shipley, 1979; Bent et al., 1999) and depends on many work­

related as well as personal factors. That means personal factors such as age, gender, and

job experience as well as the characteristics of the job influence a person's degree of job


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satisfaction (Lawler and Porter, l 967). Even thourh personal characteristics are

unchangeable by the company, they can be used for predictions of satisfaction among

groups of employees. The redesign of the work as well as of the work environment, may

lead to increases in job satisfaction and productivity (Schultz and Schultz, 1998). For

example, a redesign of work may provide an employee with the opportunity for personal

growth and development (Hack;man and Oldham, 198.o). Individuals may be satisfied

with some aspects of their work and dissatisfied with others. However, all attitudes are

not measured by the overall job satisfaction. Therefore, it might be of use to break down

an individual's attitude toword his/her work as a whole, into attitudes held towards

single facets of the job such aspay, security, social conditions, and so on (Molander,

1996). In other words, since the overall job satisfaction does not measure all positive

and negative attitudes of a person towards his/her work, it would be of avail to measure

single facets of job satisfaction.

Job satisfaction is a main factor for the motivation of employees (Mak and Sockel,

1999) and is closely related to customer-orientation (Lue & Huang, 1999). According to

Blankertz and Robinson (1996), individuals who are satisfied with their job to a high

extent, are very motivated and do not prefer to leave their job. The relationship between

job satisfaction and work performance is not explicit. Some theorists think that job

satisfaction leads to a better performance. However, accumulated research evidence

only suggests a quite weak correlation between job satisfaction and performance

(Molander, 1996). Vroom (1964) pointed out that there exists no simple relationship

between job satisfaction and performance. Correlation between these two variables

varies to a large extent, with an average of0.14. According to Vroom (1964), this figure

is too low to be of theoretical or practical relevance. Moreover, the opinions of theorists


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differ in terms of whether job satisfaction leads to improved productivity or the reverse

(Mullins, 1999). Lawler and Porter (1967), for instance, described the fact that increased

performance leads to satisfaction with the help of a third variable-rewards. They

assumed that good performance leads to rewords either in the form of extrinsic or

intrinsic rewards, which in turn will cause satisfaction. Furthermore, job satisfaction and

life satisfaction are related positively and reciprocally to each other. That means a

person with positive feelings about his/her family and personal life will be likely to

develop positive attitudes toward his/her job and vice versa (Schultz and Schultz, 1998).

In addition, several studies, for instance Vroom (1964), have shown that a negative

relation between job satisfaction and labour turnover exists. The more satisfied an

individual is with his/her work, the, less likely he/she will change the employer.

However, there are a lot if other factors such as the organisational commitment of an

employee, and the state of the labour market, which have an influence on the turnover

behaviour as well (Molander, 1996),. The relation between job satisfaction and

absenteeism inclines to be negative and less consistent (Vroom, 1964). However,

Verhaegen (1979) argued that turnover and absenteeism are related to satisfaction in

some way, but since many other factors influence these variables as well, an explicit

relationship can only be identified in some concrete situations. Finally, the more a

person identifies himself/herself psychologically with the job, the higher the job

satisfaction seems to be. Thereby, according to Schultz and Schultz (1998), job

involvement depends on personal factors such as age and growth needs, job

characteristics like autonomy, variety, stimulation, and feedback, and social factors such

as group work.


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2.4 Work Motivation Theories

Many methods of employee motivation have been developed. The study of work

motivation has focused on the motivator (supervisor) as well as the motivatee

(employee). Motivation theories are important to supervisors attempting to be effective

leaders. Two primary approaches to motivation are content and process.

The content approach to motivation focuses on the assumption that individuals are

motivated by the desire to fulfill inner needs. Content theories focus on the needs that

motivate people.

2.4.1 Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs

Maslow (1943,1954) pointed out that human motivation has a hierarchical structure,

which he called a hierarchy of needs. There are at least five basic needs. These are

physiological, safety, love, esteem, and self-actualising.

Physiological needs are for instance food, drink, oxygen, sex, and sleep. In short, all

needs, which present the basis for life. These needs represent the starting point for the

motivation. Safety needs include security, the need for a safe, predictable and organised

world, and the avoidance of pain and physical attacks. Love needs refer to affection and

belongingness needs. That means a person will strive for good relations with people and

a place in his/her group. Thereby, special attention is given to friends, sweetheart, wife,

and children. In addition, all individuals hold the need for a stable and high evaluation

of themselves, self-esteem, and respect given to them by other persons. Esteem needs

may be categorised into (1) the desire for strength, for achievement, for independence


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and freedom, and (2) the desire for prestige and respect from other persons recognition,

attention, importance and appreciation. The fifth needs level, the self-actualising needs,

represents the desir.e for personal development and accomplishment. The form of these

needs differs from person to person. As an example, some persons experience these

needs in the desire to be perfect mother, whereas other people express self-actualisation

in form of painting pictures. According to Maslw there is no chance to need safty needs,

before satisfying physiological needs. The needs should be satisfied step by step. When

the needs are satisfied once, they cannot call a need anymore.

Maslow theory is a theory that can be applied to human motivation in private life and

motivation at workplace.

Figure 1: Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs


Source: Adapted from www. Educational Psychology Interactive Maslow's hierarchy of

needs. htm


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2.4.2 Alderfer's E-R-G Model

Alderfer's ERG identified three- categories of needs. The most important contribution of

the ERG model is the. addition of the frustration-regression hypothesis, which holds that

when individuals are frustrated in meeting higher level needs, the next lower level needs


Existence needs are the desires for material and physical Wt:'!11 being. These needs are

satisfied with food, water, air, shelter, working conditions, pay, and fringe benefits.

Relatedness needs are the desires to establish and maintain interpersonal relationships.

These needs are satisfied with relationships with family, friends, supervisors,

subordinates, and co-workers.

Growth needs are the desires to be creative, to make useful and productive contributions

and to have opportunities for personal development.

As you may have realised there is some overlap of Maslow's hierarchy within the ERG

model. Like Maslow, Alderfer offers us a model in which the individual seeks to satisfy

needs. However, Alderfer suggests these needs are more of a continuum than a

hierarchy, in that more than one need may be activated, sought to be satisfied by the

individual, at the same time. Individuals may also regress down through this continuum,

if satisfaction of one need is frustrated.

For example if a person is continually frustrated in their attempts to satisfy growth

needs (e.g. gain promotion), relatedness needs may assume greater importance (e.g ..

social relations at work), this lower level need becoming the focus of the individuals

efforts. Alderfet's research did not however support the idea that lower level needs

decrease in strength as they become more satisfied, as opposed to Maslow.


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In the work situation we might apply ERG to seek alternative satisfiers I motivators for

staff when a primary need cannot be satisfied. If a person's needs at a particular level

are blocked, then attention should be focused on the satisfaction of needs at other levels.

A Subordinates growth needs may be blocked because job doesn't allow sufficient

opportunity for personal development, then applying ERG the manager should attempt

to provide greater opportunities for the subordinate to satisfy existence and relatedness

needs, which are still genuine motivators for the individual.

2.4.3. Herzberg's Two Factor Model

In the late 50's, Herzberg interviewed two hundred engineers and accountants of

Pittsburgh industry in order to investigate what causes their satisfaction and

dissatisfaction on the job. The employees were asked to describe a situation at work

when they felt good, and a situation when they felt bad. Moreover, they work asked why

they felt that way. In other words, the employees were asked if their feelings about their

job had influenced jheir work performance, well-being or personal relationships. The

results of this study revealed that a bad environment caused dissatisfaction. However, a

good environment led to an individual's satisfaction very seldom. According to this

study, employees perceived satisfaction by the intrinsic of their work.

Herzberg's work categorised motivation into two sets of factors: motivators and


(1) Hygiene factors do not motivate employees, however, they may reduce the

extent of dissatisfaction experienced by the individuals. That means if these


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factors are not present, or are mismanaged, they may cause dissatisfaction on the

job. In an optimal situation, regarding the presence of hygiene factors, the

employee will not experience dissatisfaction, but neither will he/she develop

positive attitudes toward the work. Hygiene factors are related to the job context.

They are the major environmental aspects of the work, in other words, they are

extrinsic factors of the job. Herzberg (1966) identified company policy and

administration, supervision, interpersonal relations, working conditions, and

salary as hygiene factors.

Company Policy and Administratiorc An organization's policies can be a great source

of frustration for employees if the policies are unclear or unnecessary or if not everyone

is required to follow them. Although employees will never feel a great sense of

motivation or satisfaction due to your policies, you can decrease dissatisfaction in this

area by making sure your policies are fair and apply equally to all. Also, make printed

copies of your policies-and-procedures manual easly accessible to all members of your

staff. If you do not have a written manual, create one, soliciting staff input along the

way. If you already have a manual, consider updating it (again, with staff input). You

might also compare your policies to those of similar practices and ask yourself whether

particular policies are unreasonably strict or whether some penalties are too harsh.

Supervision: To decrease dissatisfaction in this area, you must begin by making wise

decisions when you appoint someone to the role of supervisor. Be aware that good

employees do not always make good supervisors. The role of supervisor is extremely

difficult. It requires leadership skills and the ability to treat all employees fairly. You

should teach your supervisors to use positive feedback whenever possible and should


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establish a set means of employee evaluation and feedback so that no one feels singled


Interpersonal Relations (Relations with Subordinates): Remember that part of the

satisfaction of being employeed is the social contact it brings, so allow employees a

reasonable amount of time for socialization ( e.g., over lunch, during breaks, between

patients). This will help them develop a sense of camaraderie and teamwork. At the

same time, you should crack down on rudeness, inappropriate behavior and offensive

comments. If an individual continues to be disruptive, take charge of the situation,

perhaps by dismissing him or her from the practice.

Working Conditions: The environment in which people work has a tremendous effect

on their level of pride for themselves and for the work they are doing. Do everything

you can to keep your eguipment and facilities up to date. Even a nice chair can make a

world of difference to an individual's psyche. Also, if possible, avoid overcrowding and

allow each employee his or her own personal space, whether it be a desk, a locker, or

even just a drawer. If you have placed your employees in close quarters with little or no

personal space, do not be surprised that there is tension among them.

Salary (pay): The old adage ''you get what you pay for" tends to Salary is not a

motivator for employees, but they do want to be paid fairly. If individuals believe they

are not compensated well, they will be unhappy working for you. Consult salary survays

or even your local help-wanted ads to see whether the salaries and benefits you are

offering are comparable to those of other offices in your area. In addition, make sure

you have clear policies related to salaries, reised and bonuses.


Page 25: · Acknowledgement To begin my thanks, J would like to start with Miss. Tulen Saner, whose cool and tension-free approach made

(2) The other set of factors, called motivators, satisfies a person's need for self­

actualisation in his/her job and, therefore, leads to positive feelings towards the

work. The motivators are related to the job content, in other words, they are

intrinsic. Job related factors that promote job satisfaction are achievement,

recognition, work itself, responsibility and advancement.

Achievement: One premise inherent in Herzberg's theory is that most individuals

sincerely want to do a good job. To help them, make sure you've placed them in

positions that use their talents and are not set up for failure. Set clear, achievable goals

and standards for each position, and make sure employees know what those goals and

standard are. Individuals should also receive regular, timely feedback on how they are

doing and should feel they are being adequately challenged in their jobs. Be careful,

however, not to overload individuals with challenges that are too difficult or impossible,

as that can be paralyzing.

Recognition: Individuals at all levels of the organization want to be recognized for their

achievements on the job. Their successes do not have to be monumental before they

deserve recognition, but your praise should be sincere. If you notice employees doing

something well, take the time to acknowledge their good work immediately. Publicly

thank them for handling a situation particularly well. Write them a kind note of praise.

Or given them a bonus, if appropriate. You may even want to establish a formal

recognition program, such as "employee of the month."


Page 26: · Acknowledgement To begin my thanks, J would like to start with Miss. Tulen Saner, whose cool and tension-free approach made

Work itself: Perhaps most important to employee motivation is helping individuals

believe that the work they are doing is important and that their tasks are meaningful.

Empha:size that their contributions to the practice result in positive outcomes and good

health care for your patients. Share stories of success about how an employee's actions

made a real difference in the life of a patient, or in making a process better. Make a big

deal out of meaningful tasks that may have become ordinary, such as new-baby visits.

Of course employees may not find all their tasks interresting or rewarding, but you

should show the employee how those tasks are essential to the overall processes that

make the practice succeed. You may find certain tasks that are truly unnecessary and

can be eliminated or streamlined, resulting in greater efficiency and satisfaction.

Responsibility: Employees will be more motivated to do their jobs well if they have

ownership of their work. This requires giving employees enough freedom and power to

carry out their tasks so that they feel they "own" the result. As individuals mature in

their jobs, provide opportunities for added responsibility. Be careful, however, that you

do not simply add more work. Instead, find ways to add challenging and meanningful

work, perhaps giving the employee greater freedom and authority as well.

Advancement: Reward loyalty and performance with advancement. If you do not have

an open position to which to promote a valuable employee, consider giving him or het a

new title that reflects the level of work he or she has achieved. When feasible, support

employees by allowing them to pursue further education, which will make them more

valuable to your practice and more fulfilled professionally.


Page 27: · Acknowledgement To begin my thanks, J would like to start with Miss. Tulen Saner, whose cool and tension-free approach made

They argued that hygiene factors led to job dissatisfaction due to an individual's need to

avoid unpleasantness; whereas the satisfaction generated by motivators was caused by a

need for growth and self-actualisation. Moreover, the factors providing job satisfaction

were separrate and distinct from the factors that led to work dissatisfaction. Argued that

positive and negative attitudes toward the job are not the opposite of each other, since

they are influenced by different factors. Therefore, they suggested that the opposite of

job satisfaction is no job satisfaction, and the opposite of job dissatisfaction is no job

dissatisfaction by Herzberg 1966.

To sum up, The hygiene factors are extrinsic, aim to prevent job dissatisfaction, and

contribute only to a minor extent to positive feelings toward the job. Motivators, on the

other hand, are intrinsic elements of the job, encourage personal growth and

development, and contribute very little to job dissatisfaction. Both the hyriene factors

and motivators serve an employee's needs. However, mainly the motivators cause the

satisfaction on the job and the enhancement in the work performance. Discussed the

effects of job attitudes in term of performance, attitudes toward the job, attitudes toward

the company, mental health, and interpersonal relations. An employee's fellings toward

his/her job had a significant impact on the performance of the tasks. Improved attitudes

toward the job led to an enhanced performance, whereas negative changes in the job

attitudes caused a reduction in the work performance. Moreover, favourable attitudes

toward the job had an influence on performance rather than unfavourable ones.

Conclusions abaut tha impact of positive job attitudes on the psychological commitment

individual to his/ her work could not be drawn. In addition, improvements in job

attitudes led to an increase in the attstude towward the company.Futhermore, there

seems to be a tendency that job attitudes are releted in a positive way to mental health.


Page 28: · Acknowledgement To begin my thanks, J would like to start with Miss. Tulen Saner, whose cool and tension-free approach made

However, this fact could not be assessed fully due to the subjective nature of the data.

Moreover, a relation betweenthe effects of job attitudes and interpersonal relationship

tends to exist.The respondents, however, mentioned that they did not let negative

feelings of their job influence their family life.

Herzberg's two-factor theory represents an extension of Maslow's need hierarchy.

Thereby, the hygiene factors can be considered as lower level needs, wheresas the

motivators can be seen as heigher level needs.Herzberg's theory emphasises that

attention has to be given to hygiene factors as well as to motivators in order to motivate

employees. Furthermore, the major role of the work itself as a factor of motivation and

job satisfaction is stressed.


Page 29: · Acknowledgement To begin my thanks, J would like to start with Miss. Tulen Saner, whose cool and tension-free approach made

Figure 2: Herz.berg's Two - Factor Model

~o,ntenance \\\~giene} Needs

PHYSICAL woik (;iy.:,ul, i.oh

t.lem:imh, . .;mk ~ute;, equipment lornlion,

@iC'IJnih. flffikltiil lncilitic'>, ac'.,lhclic~. lml(ih ktiiflille,. rl!il. rc•)m!, lcrnpcr,,nluro. ,i;inlik1tlo11. ligblir.ig, n;;,kt

•1,mg1,:1 iu:id 1iilnrie;, .uutatllllfit lnncam, pmfil,

,h~ut-n11, so<in1t ie.niriry, •11mkn;.Jn'; rnmp,

1Jne111plr,y111e11r 1,a1111:,, re lirmnnnl, ,poid lc0•1c, lJt\tltQtHe, t11Uh:,11 dNount;



m;,111 incrnn',M. dimeliL•nurr 0·1,orlf>., p.rnfi.1 ,hming

dnt.,!!1iion, 11ms1 to infonnuli<JII, freed1>m !1J mt .. ,nlm(l)plhnrn 'lll app11rrnl

SECURln' foime'i\, Ii:Jn~i;te1,w. r,,n~ilJI nm,,. irie1t,iline~,. ;t11iori,Y ti'JOI\ grk·mn~r. prt"'edur~

ofiliw,! (,,. w-Jrk ihcll, :in·,onliorts,. 11Hhfirnlbm

SO(IAL •:,ork grl•up,. toliee graur;, lum'.h grn1ip\ ~cJtl,ll ilr/Jti,pt, (Jllite pnrti~,,. 1iirln ponh

u1Jll11~1, i,pc·r I'>, profr.;tinnn191~11p. 11Ilfr8il iJIOU,p~

in"l~1l•1cm,;n I. go,il-i~llillU; t•loiu,inrr, pro bl am ,i;Mrag. ·1,i;rk

sirnpliffrnlh)n. 1mforll11Qn~c


;ompnw1 ~0•11tth; ,pro11101it,n\ lromfor.; en~ i,:if{1iio<1t,, ti!IM11on,,hir·

ORIHUATWN joh in,,tnr, ti•)I\ -..,JI k

r:ul'e;. gm,p meellng;, ;hop 1n:lk, Ew .• 1J1n,w;.

hull~liiit, hundbook~. !ellt..r,, h11ll,;;tin bomd;, grnpHinn STAlUS

j,;b dn~;i~~n1ion, !i!lr., fornii~ing,, lt.;:olioi!, pri'•~fo!)il!,

1dn1ionshtp!, (,)111pllny· ;!n1ns

Sources: Adapted from www. Motivating. htrn


Page 30: · Acknowledgement To begin my thanks, J would like to start with Miss. Tulen Saner, whose cool and tension-free approach made Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivator

Nedds 1µ1d expectations (motivators) are often considered in terms of being internal or

external to an individual. Internal motivators are, according to Mak and Sockel (2001 ),

concerned with intrinsic needs that satisfy a person, whereas external motivators are

considered as environmental factors brought by the company to the individual. Intrinsic

motivation is the desire of an individual to perform his/her work well, in order to

achieve the satisfaction of intrinsic needs (Hui and Lee, 2000). In other words, an

individual performs a task in order to achieve certain types of internal states. Which

he/she experiences as rewarding (Deci,1975). Intrinsic motivation relates to

psychological rewards suchas therecognition of a task completed (Mullins, 1999).

External rewards such as food, money praise, and so on, are not the main reason for a

person to engage in activities (Deci, 1975). Intrinsic motives can be satisfied by the

work itself. In other words, the task itself is the main source motivation since it provides

interest, stimulation, challenges, and opportunities for personal growth and achievement

to the individual (molander,1996). Deci (1975) refers to intirinsically motivated

behaviour as behaviour that isdetermined by and individual's need for feeling

competent and self- determining. On the one hand, a person will seek out challenges

that allow him or her to behave in ways that provide him or her with a sense of

competence and self - determination. On the other hand, an individual is engaged in a

process of conquering challenges.

Extrinsic motivation, on the other hand, refers to tangible rewards such as pay, fringe

benefits, work, environment, work conditions, and job security (Mullins, 1999).

Extrinsic motives can not only be satisfied by the work itself. That means pleasure


Page 31: · Acknowledgement To begin my thanks, J would like to start with Miss. Tulen Saner, whose cool and tension-free approach made

comes from something the task leads to, such as money. According to Jung (1997), the

effects of work as well as its contributing factors are also of importance for the need

satisfaction. Thereby, the work is seen as a means to pursue other motives.


Page 32: · Acknowledgement To begin my thanks, J would like to start with Miss. Tulen Saner, whose cool and tension-free approach made



The questionnaire (Appendix 1) which was done with accountants and engineers has

been evaluated (Appendix 2), according to the sequence of importance for accountants

and engineers. It has been examined by counting how many people give number one to

which sentences. There have been thiteen sentences in the questionnaires. The results of

Questionnaires have been evaluated (figure 3).

Figure 3: Results of Questionnaires

1. Status Twenty-five accountants and engineers out of


2. Work itself Eleven people out of sixty

3. Pay Eight people out of sixty

4. Achievement Six people out of sixty

5. Responsibility Four people out of sixty

6. Peer Relations Three people out of sixty

7. Security Two people out of sixty

8. Working conditions One people out of sixty

9. Possibility of growth None of sixty people

10. Advancement None of sixty people

11. Relations with None of sixty people

subordinates \

12. Quality of supervision None of sixty people


Page 33: · Acknowledgement To begin my thanks, J would like to start with Miss. Tulen Saner, whose cool and tension-free approach made

13. Company policy and None of sixty people


It the results are given in ratios; rate of the Status is 41. 7 percent of total interviewed

persons. These status are twenty -five accountants and engineers out of sixty.

Rate of the Work itself is 18.3 percent of total interviewed persons. These Work itself

are 11 accountants and engineers out of sixty.

Rate of the Pay is 13.3 percent of total interviewed persons. These Pay are 8

accountants and engineers out of sixty.

Rate of the Achievement is 10 percent of total interviewed persons. These Achievement

are 6 accountants and engineers out of sixty. Rate of the Peer relations is 5 percent of

total interviewed persons. These Peer relations are, 3 accountants and engineers out of


Rate of the Responsibility is 6 percent of total interviewed persons. These

Responsibility are 4 accountants and engineers out of sixty.

Rate of the Peer relations is 5 percent of total interviewed persons. These Peer relations

are 3 accountants and engineers out of sixty.

Rate of the Working conditions is 1.7 percent of total interviewed persons. These

Working conditions are 1 accountants and engineers out of sixty.

Rate of the Possibility of growth, Advancement, relations with subordinates, quality of

supervision and company policy and administrations are D percent of total interviewed

persons. These Possibility of growth, advancement, relations with subordinates, quality


Page 34: · Acknowledgement To begin my thanks, J would like to start with Miss. Tulen Saner, whose cool and tension-free approach made

of supervision and company policy and administrations are O accountants and engineers

out of sixty.

Lists of Ratios;

Ratio 1 = percentage of status= Number of answers/ number of total interviews= 25 I

60 = 41.7 %

Ratio 2 = Percentage of work itself= Number of answers I number of total interviews =

11 I 60 = 18.3 %

Ratio 3 = Percentage of pay= Number of answers I number of total interviews= 8 I 60

= ~3.3 %

Ratio 4 = Percentage of achievement = Number of answers I number of total interviews

= 6 I 60 = 10 %

Ratio ~ = Percentage of responsibility = Number of answers I number of total interviews

= 4 I 60 = 6 %

Ratio 6 = Percentage of peer relatins = Number of answers I number of total interviews

= 3 I 60 = 5 %

Ratio 7 = Percentage of security= Number of answers I number of total interviews= 2 I

60=3 %

Ratio 8 = Percentage of working conditions = Number of answets I Number of total

interviews= 1 /60 = 1.7 %

Ratio 9 = Percentage of possibility of growth = Number of answers I Number of total

interviews = 0 I 60 = 0


Page 35: · Acknowledgement To begin my thanks, J would like to start with Miss. Tulen Saner, whose cool and tension-free approach made

Ratio 10 = Percentage of advancement

interviews = 0 I 60 = 0

Ratio 11 = Percentage of relations with subordinates = Number of answers I Number of

Number of answers I Number of total

total interviews = 0 I 60 = 0

Ratio 12 = Percentage of quality of supervision= Number of answers I Number of total

interviews = 0 I 60 = 0

Ratio 13 = Percentage of company policy and administration = Number of answers I

Number of total interviews = 0 I 60 = 0

As mentioned above, status is the first factor that motivates accountants and engineers

in North Cyprus which is the same in Herzberg's Two - Factor Theory. So, as their

status goes upper, they get motivated. Secondly, work itself motivates them, that means

accountants and engineers are motivated by their jobs, they like what they do. Third

factor is pay, wages are also one of the first factors that also motivate accountants and

engineers. Achievement is at the fourth stage, so only ten percent of accountants and

engineers are motivated by achieving their goals and determining others. Only few

people are motivated by peer relations, security and working conditions. Questionnaire

has proved that none of accountants and engineers is motivated by possibility of growth,

advancement, relations with subordinates, quality of supervision, company policy and



Page 36: · Acknowledgement To begin my thanks, J would like to start with Miss. Tulen Saner, whose cool and tension-free approach made


This study analyses only the hygienes and motivators for Herzberg's Two - Factor

Theory. Hygiene Factors are Company policy and administration, quality of

supervision, relations with subordinates, working conditions, status, peer relations, pay

and security.Motivator factors are achievement, recognition, responsibility, work itself,

advancement and possibility of growth.

This study based mainly on the out put of the questionnaire that prepared and fullfilled

by myself Theory on motivation explained in brief.

Prepearing this study was difficult. Because there were some problems that prevented

me to prepare this study first of all everything I had to spent much time and money in

internet connection at home. I found informations in many web sides but they were

usually the same things.

I faced with many problems while doing questionnaires with employees. Some

employees did not want to answer the questions because they thought that the

questionnaires will be showed to their bosses. So they did not want their boss to think

that they complain about them. In other words they were afraid oflosing their job.

Some people gave me another appointment to fill the questionnaires. Some told me to

leave the questionnaires with them to fill, and go and get them later. So, this takes much

time for me. And, as known, the time was limited. Although all these problems, I could


Page 37: · Acknowledgement To begin my thanks, J would like to start with Miss. Tulen Saner, whose cool and tension-free approach made

be able to do questionnaire with sixty people. Twenty one of them were engineers,

while thirty nine of them were accountants,


Page 38: · Acknowledgement To begin my thanks, J would like to start with Miss. Tulen Saner, whose cool and tension-free approach made


This study proved once again that motivation plays very important role in order to let

people achieve their goals and the organizational goals as well. Because if people are

motivated well and corrctly, they perform better and this is helpful and causes to

achieve the targets easily. As known, the sequence of importance of motivation factors

differs from one person to another. Questionnaires have showed that status is the basic \

factor that motivates accountants and engineers in North Cyprus. Higher status is equal

to higher motivation and higher performance in North Cyprus. According to Herzberg,

pay is not one of the factors that motivate people to perform better. But questionnaires

gave a result that pay is the third factor that motivates accountants and engineers in

Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus. So we can say that pay is an important factor.

This study proved that accountants and engineers want only status to be motivated and

motive others. It is strange, but it also proved that relationship with other in

organization, management, policies growth and advancement are the hygiene factors

accountants and engineers.


Page 39: · Acknowledgement To begin my thanks, J would like to start with Miss. Tulen Saner, whose cool and tension-free approach made


Questionnaires showed that accountants and engineers are not motivated by relationship

with subordinates, management, policies, growth and advancement. But it must be sure

that if a person is not happy in an organization, he is not motivated.

Happines of the people in these firms should developedfor the improvement of


Chance that be given to the employee to have might to increment in their salaries and

statues will contribute to inisiate the motivation in the firms that are subject to


It is also important that the management knows what their employees expect from them.

Satisfaction of these expectations, can get motivated people and higher performance for

the organizational goals. Satisfaction can be the key word in motivation for this firms.

Reorganisation of the firms is a must for yheir succeses aim to increase the motivation

of their employee. The can be done by redesigning the status and appoinment of them to

these new status and posts.

In conclusion, relationship with other in the organisation, behaviours of management

through people in their organisation, probability of growth, having chance to grow

should motivate people. Actually advancement and probability if growth is the same


Page 40: · Acknowledgement To begin my thanks, J would like to start with Miss. Tulen Saner, whose cool and tension-free approach made

thing with the status. So, it is hard to understand why these are not motivational factors

in North Cyprus. As ones have advancemen, you can get higher and higher status.

More motivated people is equal to better performance, successful organizations.

Successful organization create powerful government and country.


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umber the following motivated factors according to the importance.

Having a job useful for your institution.

___ Having an occupation that provides you with new and various


___ The opportunity to have education facilities for new systems and


___ Having the authority and responsibility been given to you.

___ Being awarded for your good performance

___ Feeling happiness while you are practicing your occupation.

___ Having good relations at your work.

___ Having the opportunity to experience social events with your


Page 47: · Acknowledgement To begin my thanks, J would like to start with Miss. Tulen Saner, whose cool and tension-free approach made

___ Having a work where every one is treated on equal and just basis.

___ Having company policies run by everyone.

Having retirement fund and/or social security facility in your work.

___ Having all resources at your work to enable you to do your best.

___ Being entitled to have a salary you desered.

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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 '

Work itself 11 11 1 6 9 3 5 4 3 3 1 1 2

Achievement 6 10 12 4 3 9 2 4 3 1 4 2 0

Possibility of growth 0 3 7 5 3 7 4 8 5 5 7 3 2

I Responsibility 4 3 4 4 5 4 8 3 4 5 6 4 6

Advancement ,

I 0 4 7 3 5 3 4 4 9 5 5 6 5

I Status 25 7 2 6 4 3 6 2 2 1 0 1 1


I l Peer relations , 3 5 5 7 6 6 6 6 8 3 1 2 2

' Relations with subordinates 0 2 1 2 0 1 5 2 5 16 5 6 15

Quality of '

supervision 0 2 8 8 6 9 6 4 3 5 6 2 1

i Company policy and 0 2 0 0 8 3 2 9 2 4 7 13 10 administration Security

2 4 5 6 5 2 4 5 5 2 7 8 5

Working conditions 1 2 4 2 3 6 5 2 10 2 9 8 6

Pay 8 6 4 6 3 4 3 7 2 7 2 3 5

Page 51: · Acknowledgement To begin my thanks, J would like to start with Miss. Tulen Saner, whose cool and tension-free approach made


Page 52: · Acknowledgement To begin my thanks, J would like to start with Miss. Tulen Saner, whose cool and tension-free approach made

tig1 i~ yeri ·


oer~. J 6riU. Y I w ~. If ,iy fr_ . .

LTI-( 1-f o ~

... daki motivasyon edici (sizi mutlu eden ve olumlu yonde etkileyen) "-"rleri, sizin icin onem sirasma gore numaralandmrnz.

/ Y aptigimz isin cahstigmiz kuruma yarar saglamasi.

~ Mesleginizin size yeni ve cesitli tecriibeler kazandirmasi.

+ . Y eni sistemler ve uygulamalar hakkmda egitim imkam saglanmasi.

·r Size gerekli yetki ve otorite verilmesi.

t,; Iyi performansuuzm odilllendirilmesi.

s Mesleginizi yaparken duydugunuz mutluluk.

r i~ iliskilerinizin iyi olmasi,

/o i~ arkadaslanruzla sosyal etkinlik yapma firsatuuzm olmasi,

-1 i~ yerinizde herkesin adil bir sekilde muamele gormesi.

{( Sirket politikalannm herkes tarafmdan izlemesi.

Page 53: · Acknowledgement To begin my thanks, J would like to start with Miss. Tulen Saner, whose cool and tension-free approach made

(L Emeklilik plarurun, sosyal sigortaruzm var olamasi,

i 1 i~ yerinde isinizi iyi bir sekilde yapabilmeniz icin gereken tum kaynaklara sahip olmaruz .

.2...., Isinizde hak ettiginiz ucreti almamz.

Page 54: · Acknowledgement To begin my thanks, J would like to start with Miss. Tulen Saner, whose cool and tension-free approach made


i~ yeri

· motivasyon edici (sizi mutlu eden ve olumlu yonde etkileyen) sizin icin onem sirasma gore numaralandmrnz.

_____ Y aptiguuz isin cahstrguuz kurwna yarar saglarnasi.

, • ......- Mesleginizin size yeni ve cesitli tecrtibeler kazandirmasi.

~ , . Y eni sistemler ve uygulamalar hakkmda egitim imkam saglanmasi.

5 Size gerekli yetki ve otorite verilmesi.

J ~ Iyi performansiruzm odullendirilmesi.

~ 7

Mesleginizi yaparken duydugunuz mutluluk.

9 i~ arkadaslanruzla sosyal etkinlik yapma firsatuuzm olmasi.

{;___ i~ yerinizde herkesin adil bir sekilde muamele gormesi.

J Q Sirket politikalannm herkes tarafmdan izlemesi.

Page 55: · Acknowledgement To begin my thanks, J would like to start with Miss. Tulen Saner, whose cool and tension-free approach made

i-, Emeklilik planmm, sosyal sigortamzm var olamasi.

___ i~ yerinde isinizi iyi bir sekildc yapabilmeniz icin gereken turn · kaynaklara sahip olmamz.

Isinizde hak ettiginiz ucreti almaruz, ---

Page 56: · Acknowledgement To begin my thanks, J would like to start with Miss. Tulen Saner, whose cool and tension-free approach made


ad : A. 'f.£.f?.. 'IA~¥'...\ N E'2._ • I I L' \ l ,1 ' . • r-it.::\ U()0 r-.\U '-'end\ 0 \

i~ yeri : A.~\ : £,4. 05.0).j

motivasyon edici (sizi mutlu eden ve olumlu yonde etkileyen) · sizin icin onem sirasina gore numaralandmmz.

____ Y aptiguuz isin cahstiguuz kuruma yarar saglamasi.


, ,- Mesleginizin size yeni ve cesitli tecrtlbeler kazandumasi.

'-----'-L-- Y eni sistemler ve uygulamalar hakkmda egitim imkam saglanmasi.

.2 Size gerekli yetki ve otorite verilmesi,

\ ~ Iyi performansuuzm odnllendirilmesi.

1: Mesleginizi yaparken duydugunuz mutluluk,

3 i§ ili§kiletinizin iyi olmasi.

J [) i§ arkadaslannizla sosyal etkinlik yapma firsatnuzin olmasi,

~ i§ yerinizde herkesin adil bir sekilde muamele gormesi,

5 Sirket politikalannm herkes tarafmdan izlemesi.

Page 57: · Acknowledgement To begin my thanks, J would like to start with Miss. Tulen Saner, whose cool and tension-free approach made

j,, ,,. • Emeklilik planmm, sosyal sigortaruzm var olamasi.

i~ yerinde isinizi iyi bir sekilde yapabilmeniz icin gereken turn --- kaynaklara sahip olmaruz.

t ••• , Isinizde hak ettiginiz Ucreti almaruz.

Page 58: · Acknowledgement To begin my thanks, J would like to start with Miss. Tulen Saner, whose cool and tension-free approach made


: SA'/6/AJ G~ : 3¥LSc9~r J-tuhQJricst

~ yeri : RADYD NAY IS : ..20 /D5(f>Lf

· motivasyon edici (sizi mutlu eden ve olumlu yonde etkileyen) sizin icin onem sirasma gore numaralandmmz.

1 • Y aptiguuz isin cahstigiruz kuruma yarar saglamasi.

IIIBl"E- __ Mesleginizin size yeni ve cesitli tecriibeler kazandirmasi,

ia< Y eni sistemler ve uygulamalar hakkmda egitim imkam saglanmasi.

, 1 Size gerekli yetki ve otorite verilmesi.

•• Iyi performansuuzm odullendirilmesi.

, 1

Mesleginizi yaparken duydugunuz mutluluk.

, _ i~ iliskilerinizin iyi olmasi.

~ 1 i~ arkadaslanmzla sosyal etkinlik yapma firsatmizm olmasi.

~ • , · i~ yerinizde herkesin adil bir sekilde muamele gormesi,

1 4 Sirket politikalanmn herkes tarafindan izlemesi.

Page 59: · Acknowledgement To begin my thanks, J would like to start with Miss. Tulen Saner, whose cool and tension-free approach made

i,. , Emeklilik plamrun, sosyal sigortamzm var olamasi, C>

19 , Is yerinde isinizi iyi bir sekilde yapabilmeniz icin gereken turn

kaynaklara sahip olmaruz.

_ Isinizde hak ettiginiz tlcreti almaruz. p

Page 60: · Acknowledgement To begin my thanks, J would like to start with Miss. Tulen Saner, whose cool and tension-free approach made


yad ,~I i J S £ V l 1'1 E E +o N . , £ ~ LET N E (__ /Vt u ko~ s_o__fuL) 't3 C 'li) rv L-- TD. L 'J. :J. ;;u; e9tf

1 i~ yeri

· motivasyon edici (sizi mutlu eden ve olumlu yonde etkileyen) · sizin icin onem sirasma gore nurnaralandmnrz.

___ Y aptiguuz isin cahstigiruz kuruma yarar saglamasi.

.____,_ __ Meslcginizin size yeni ve cesitli tecriibeler kazandmnasi.

2_ Y eni sistemler ve uygulamalar hakkmda egitim imkam saglanmasi.

--------'L--- Size gerekli yetki ve otorite verilmesi.

/ 3 Iyi performansuuzm odullendirilmesi.

~ Mesleginizi yaparken duydugunuz mutluluk.

b i~ iliskilerinizin iyi olmasi.

11 i~ arkadaslanruzla sosyal etkinlik yapma firsatuuzm olmasi,

i~ yerinizde herkesin adil bir sekilde muamele gormesi,

$' Sirket politikalarmm herkes tarafindan izlemesi.

Page 61: · Acknowledgement To begin my thanks, J would like to start with Miss. Tulen Saner, whose cool and tension-free approach made

Emeklilik plarumn, sosyal sigortaruzm var olamasi,

3 i~ yerinde isinizi iyi bir sekilde yapabilmeniz icin gereken turn kaynaklara sahip olmaruz.

2 lsinizde hak ettiginiz iicreti almaruz.



Page 62: · Acknowledgement To begin my thanks, J would like to start with Miss. Tulen Saner, whose cool and tension-free approach made


: {3f f cf71mr- : _15 , /llf/l7vrr/

/dJ tJr? /1'},e ,C. 2-. .&v k_ 24/0~4

i motivasyon edici (sizi mutlu eden ve olumlu yonde etkileyen) ri, sizin icin onem sirasma gore numaralandmmz.

-~-- Y aptigiruz isin calistiguuz kuruma yarar saglamasi.

_ Mesleginizin size yeni ve cesitli tecrtibeler kazandirmast.

~ v: Y eni sistemler ve uygulamalar hakkmda egitim imkam saglanmast.

• _ ..,, Iyi performansimzm odullendirilmesi.

L_ Mesleginizi yaparken duydugunuz mutluluk .

•. ~ !'PP'. i~ arkadaslanrnzla sosyal etkinlik yapma firsatuuzm olrnasi.

---r i~ yerinizde herkesin adil bir sekilde muamele gormesi.

, -=· Sirket politikalanmn herkes tarafmdan izlemesi. '

Page 63: · Acknowledgement To begin my thanks, J would like to start with Miss. Tulen Saner, whose cool and tension-free approach made

1 i~ yerinde isinizi iyi bir sekilde yapabilmeniz icin gereken Him

•• • kaynaklara sahip olmamz.

~ \ ,, Isinizde hak ettiginiz ilcreti almamz.

Page 64: · Acknowledgement To begin my thanks, J would like to start with Miss. Tulen Saner, whose cool and tension-free approach made


. Aj KIL_ U.R£ 7 ( ci • I

: B o. "k..o N\e_ Vv\\A r\,1 i~ yeri : r, :,. t_ . ~ . IS. H-d.

: :2.Lj-. S. Dlf

· motivasyon edici (sizi mutlu , eden ve olumlu yonde etkileyen) sizin icin onem sirasma gore numaralandinmz .

. _ Y apngiruz isin cahs tigiruz kurwna yarar saglamasi.

, • Mesleginizin size yeni ve cesitli tecrilbeler kazandurnasi.

Y eni sistemler ve uygulamalar hakkmda egitim imkam saglanrnast.

-1 Size gerekli yetki ve otorite verilmesi.

_ Iyi performansimzm odilllendirilmesi.

__ Mesleginizi yaparken duydugunuz mutluluk.

____ i~ iliskilerinizin iyi olmasi.

ic= Is arkadaslanruzla sosyal etkinlik yapma firsatuuzm olmasi.

__ i~ yerinizde herkesin adil bir sekilde muamele gormesi .

•• , Sirket politikalannm herkes tarafmdan izlemesi.

Page 65: · Acknowledgement To begin my thanks, J would like to start with Miss. Tulen Saner, whose cool and tension-free approach made

.... Emeklilik plammn, sosyal sigortaruzm var olamasi,

5 i~ yerinde isinizi iyi bir sekilde yapabilmeniz icin gereken turn kaynaklara sahip olmamz.

!±__ Isinizde hak ettiginiz ticreti almamz.

Page 66: · Acknowledgement To begin my thanks, J would like to start with Miss. Tulen Saner, whose cool and tension-free approach made

daki motivasyon edici (sizi mutlu eden ve olumlu yonde etkileyen) -ir1eri, sizin icin onem sirasma gore numaralandmruz.

_b__ Yaptiguuz isin calrsttginrz kururna yarar saglamasi,

:;l__ Mesleginizin size yeni ve cesitli tecrtibeler kazandirmasi. 1_

~ 1 1

Yeni sistemler ve uygulamalar hakkmda egitim imkam saglanmasi.

'"' Size gerekli yetki ve otorite verilmesi.

I= , Iyi performansnuzm odullendirilmesi. 5

___ Mesleginizi yaparken duydugunuz mutluluk .

..._ i~ iliskilerinizin iyi olmasi.

__ ,L..__ i~ arkadaslanruzla sosyal etkinlik yapma firsatuuzin olmasi. '6 \

~· i~ yerinizde herkesin adil bir sekilde muamele gormesi.

• •. Sirket politikalarmm herkes tarafmdan izlemesi. .. -

Page 67: · Acknowledgement To begin my thanks, J would like to start with Miss. Tulen Saner, whose cool and tension-free approach made

--+--- Emeklilik plammn, sosyal sigortaruzin var olamasi.

-+-- i~ yerinde isinizi iyi bir sekilde yapabilmeniz icin gereken tlim kaynaklara sahip olmaruz.

3 Isinizde hak ettiginiz ilcrcti almaruz.

Page 68: · Acknowledgement To begin my thanks, J would like to start with Miss. Tulen Saner, whose cool and tension-free approach made


-Soyad slek h~tJg1 i~ yeri : He-\-e... G 0 ver-, rib : 22/ s/

gidaki motivasyon edici ( sizi mutlu eden ve olumlu yonde etkileyen) orleri, sizin icin onem sirasma gore numaralandmmz.

JO Yaptiguuz isin cahsugiruz kuruma yarar saglamasi,

J Mesleginizin size yeni ve cesitli tecrilbeler kazandmnasi.

3 Y eni sistemler ve uygulamalar hakkmda egitim irnkam saglanmasi.

5 Size gerekli yetki ve otorite verilmesi.

'] lyi performansuuzin odullendlrilmesi.

_ Mesleginizi yaparken duydugunuz mutluluk.

8 i~ iliskilerinizin iyi olmasi.

// i~ arkadaslanruzla sosyal etkinlik yapma firsatuuzin olmasi,

, _ i~ yerinizde herkesin adil bir sekilde muamele gorrnesi.

:t: Sirket politikalarmm herkes tarafindan izlemesi.

Page 69: · Acknowledgement To begin my thanks, J would like to start with Miss. Tulen Saner, whose cool and tension-free approach made

Emeklilik plarunm, sosyal sigortaruzm var olamasi,

i~ yerinde isinizi iyi bir sekilde yapabilmeniz icin gereken turn kaynaklara sahip olmaruz.

lsinizde hak ettiginiz Iicreti almamz.

Page 70: · Acknowledgement To begin my thanks, J would like to start with Miss. Tulen Saner, whose cool and tension-free approach made


yad ~ "05 \...:) iL.~ -, (\ ~ Se\ue\ef' 6-u\ 1.s. 5.ol\

1 i~ yeri

motivasyon edici (sizi mutlu eden ve olumlu yonde etkileyen) · sizin icin onem sirasma gore numaralandmruz.

-==;..__- Yaptiguuz isin cahstigimz kuruma yarar saglamasi.

___ Mesleginizin size yeni ve cesitli tecrtibeler kazandirmasi.

, ~ Yeni sistemler ve uygulamalar hakkmda egitim imkam saglanmasi,

~ / Size gerekli yetki ve otorite verilmesi.

~ , b,,. Iyi perforrnansnuzm odllllendirilmesi .

., T Mesleginizi yaparken duydugunuz mutluluk .

.., i~ iliskilerinizin iyi olmasi,

., i~ arkadaslanruzla sosyal etkinlik yapma firsatimzm olmasi.

\ i~ yerinizde herkesin adil bir sekilde muamele gormesi.

!o- ,- Sirket politikalannm herkes tarafmdan izlemesi.

Page 71: · Acknowledgement To begin my thanks, J would like to start with Miss. Tulen Saner, whose cool and tension-free approach made

Emeklilik planmm, sosyal sigortaruzm var olamasi,

yerinde isinizi iyi bir sekilde yapabilmeniz icin gereken turn ynaklara sahip olrnaruz.

inizde hak ettiginiz licreti almaruz.

Page 72: · Acknowledgement To begin my thanks, J would like to start with Miss. Tulen Saner, whose cool and tension-free approach made


: M~ i~ 'h ll':k,1 __ . .Eklrr, -I: ftlii~~J; eri : SzrbR.;i:

: .ze / 0.5 /2.()'(X/

tivasyon edici (sizi mutlu eden ve olumlu yonde etkileyen) . icin onem sirasina gore nurnaralandmruz.

Y aptignuz isin cahsuguuz kuruma yarar saglamasi.

Mesleginizin size yeni ve cesitli tecriibeler kazandirmasi.

Y eni sistemler ve uygulamalar hakkmda egitim imkam saglanmasi.

Size gerekli yetki ve otorite verilmesi.

Iyi performansuuzin odullcndirilmesi.

Mesleginizi yaparken duydugunuz mutluluk.

i~ iliskilerinizin iyi olmasi.

..• ,.,, i~ arkadaslanruzla sosyal etkinlik yapma firsatuuzm olmasi.

,, i~ yerinizde herkesin adil bir sekilde muamele gormesi.

, Sirket politikalannm herkes tarafmdan izlemesi.

Page 73: · Acknowledgement To begin my thanks, J would like to start with Miss. Tulen Saner, whose cool and tension-free approach made

Emeklilik plarunm, sosyal sigortaruzm var olarnasi,

i~ yerinde isinizi iyi bir sekilde yapabilmeniz icin gereken tilm kaynaklara sahip olmaruz.

lsinizde hak ettiginiz ucreti almaruz.

Page 74: · Acknowledgement To begin my thanks, J would like to start with Miss. Tulen Saner, whose cool and tension-free approach made


~se lohj rlek/,.1l vf o1761')d;s/

ri : }(et?d' oj-151 iv; .2.\ - 5- Ol\

ivasyon edici (sizi mutlu eden ve olumlu yonde etkileyen) icin onem sirasina gore numaralandmmz.

Yaptiguuz isin cahstignuz kurwna yarar saglamasi.

esleginizin size yeni ve cesitli tecrilbeler kazandirmasi.

Yeni sistemler ve uygulamalar hakkmda egitim imkam saglanmasi.

Size gerekli yetki ve otorite verilmesi.

Iyi performansuuzin odullendirilmcsi.

Mesleginizi yaparken duydugunuz mutluluk.

~- i~ iliskilerinizin iyi olmasi.

iiA" ls arkadaslanruzla sosyal etkinlik yapma firsatunzm olmasi,

••.....•• Is yerinizde herkesin adil bir sek ilde muamele gormesi.

____ Sirket politikalarmm herkes tarafmdan izlemesi.

Page 75: · Acknowledgement To begin my thanks, J would like to start with Miss. Tulen Saner, whose cool and tension-free approach made

Emeklilik planmm, sosyal sigortaruzm var olamasi,

ls yerinde isinizi iyi bir sekilde yapabilmeniz icin gereken Him kaynaklara sahip olmaruz.

lsinizde hak ettiginiz ticreti almamz.

Page 76: · Acknowledgement To begin my thanks, J would like to start with Miss. Tulen Saner, whose cool and tension-free approach made

MOTiVASYON ANKETi ~ \J \cs~ \ 1\ °"""" k q -.1 ~ l.__,,,

M"'~tf i~ yeri : \) jv.v'J\!l~\ rA C. (J

'l \ l ()'~ I ;loo!f-

motivasyon edici (sizi mutlu eden ve olumlu yonde etkileyen) sizin icin onem strasma gore numaralandmruz.

~- Y aptigimz isin cahsngnnz kuruma yarar saglamasi,

___ Mesleginizin size yeni ve cesitli tecriibeler kazandtrmasi.

_ Y eni sistemler ve uygulamalar hakkmda egitim imkam saglanmasi.

_... __ Size gerekli yetki ve otorite verilrnesi.

1- Iyi performansnuzm odtlllendirilmesi.

___ Mesleginizi yaparken duydugunuz mutluluk.

____ i~ iliskilerinizin iyi olmasi.

\2> i~ arkadaslanruzla sosyal etkinlik yapma firsatuuzm olmasi,

____ i~ yerinizde herkesin adil bir sekilde muamele gormesi,

\ 7- Sirket politikalannm herkes tarafindan izlemesi,

Page 77: · Acknowledgement To begin my thanks, J would like to start with Miss. Tulen Saner, whose cool and tension-free approach made

Emeklilik plarunm, sosyal sigortamzm var olamasi.

Is yerinde isinizi iyi bir sekilde yapabilmeniz icin gereken turn kaynaklara sahip olmamz.

Isinizde hak ettiginiz Iicreti almamz.

Page 78: · Acknowledgement To begin my thanks, J would like to start with Miss. Tulen Saner, whose cool and tension-free approach made


: /Lt:..C;u ~ c{:t1oell6 W : cf\~_e.J7tJ2.._

i~ yeri : c.J'-tu,11 s,qc. .e. Co. : c{l__/ . .05. .o Lf

· motivasyon edici ( sizi mutlu eden ve olumlu yonde etkileyen) · sizin icin onem sirasma gore numaralandmmz.

___ Yaptignuz isin cahsnguuz kuruma yarar saglamasi .

.3 . Mesleginizin size yeni ve cesitli tecrtibeler kazandirmasi.

5 Y eni sistemler ve uygulamalar hakkinda egitim imkaru saglanmasi.

IL Size gerekli yetki ve otorite verilmesi.

I I lyi performansiruzm odullcndirilmesi.

1. Mesleginizi yaparken duydugunuz mutluluk.

L} i~ iliskilerinizin iyi olmasi.

13 i~ arkadaslanmzla sosyal etkinlik yapma firsatuuzm olmasi,

"]: i~ yerinizde herkesin adil bir sekilde muamele gormesi,

l O Sirket politikalanmn herkes tarafindan iz1emesi.

Page 79: · Acknowledgement To begin my thanks, J would like to start with Miss. Tulen Saner, whose cool and tension-free approach made

--~ __ Emeklilik plarurun, sosyal sigortaruzm var olamasi.

____ i~ yerinde isinizi iyi bir sekilde yapabilmeniz icin gereken tum kaynaklara sahip olmaruz.

_ lsinizde hak ettiginiz ticreti almamz.

Page 80: · Acknowledgement To begin my thanks, J would like to start with Miss. Tulen Saner, whose cool and tension-free approach made


: ~-1lk~t-f ~ . \ OiC~, : f{\ u \,,~e. \:x:.. Me (Y\-.JS°'\..I

I i~ yeri : D..,:,1vi'\i'\~a.\ b c .. .,C.) ~ \ ~, ..20~....,.

motivasyon edici (sizi mutlu eden ve olumlu yonde etkileyen) sizin icin onem sirasma gore numaralandrrllliz .

..: Y aptiguuz isin cahstiguuz kuruma yarar saglarnasi.

~·' Mesleginizin size yeni ve cesitli tecrtibeler kazandirmasi.

~--y eni sistemler ve uygulamalar hakkmda egitim imkam saglanmasi.

L, _ Size gerekli yetki ve otorite verilmesi.

i.-.;;..=---i yi perfofll)anslllizm odilllendirilmesi.

____ Mesleginizi yaparken duydugunuz mutluluk.

____ i§ iliskilerinizin iyi olmasi.

_ i§ arkadaslarmizla sosyal etkinlik yapma firsatnuzm olmasi.

\ \ i§ yerinizde herkesin adil bir sekilde muamele gormesi.

\ 't. Sirket politikalanrun herkes tarafindan izlemesi.

Page 81: · Acknowledgement To begin my thanks, J would like to start with Miss. Tulen Saner, whose cool and tension-free approach made

, Emeklilik plarurun, sosyal sigortaruzm var olamasi.

_.... __ i~ yerinde isinizi iyi bir sekilde yapabilmeniz icin gereken tiim kaynaklara sahip olmamz .

..., Isinizde hak ettiginiz ucreti almamz.

Page 82: · Acknowledgement To begin my thanks, J would like to start with Miss. Tulen Saner, whose cool and tension-free approach made


: \-\+\~u \hP.~Hf\Ci M~u9-.

U~\ut'-A.~ L, Q. . C...Q .

.'.L\ -- ~ - O~-

motivasyon edici (sizi mutlu eden ve olumlu yonde etkileyen) leri, sizin icin onem sirasma gore numaralandmruz.

L;-- Y aptignuz isin cahstiguuz kuruma yarar saglamasi.

~ Mesleginizin size yeni ve cesitli tecriibeler kazandirmasi,

'] _ Y eni sistemler ve uygulamalar hakkmda egitim imkam saglanmasi,

Io Size gerekli yetki ve otorite verilmesi.

---=..___iyi periormensuuzin odiillendirilmesi.

2- i~ iliskilerinizin iyi olmasi.

8 i~ arkadaslanmzla sosyal etkinlik yapma firsatmizm olmasi.

3 i~ yerinizde herkesin adil bir sekilde muamele gormesi.

\ l Sirket politikalarmm herkes tarafmdan izlemesi.

Page 83: · Acknowledgement To begin my thanks, J would like to start with Miss. Tulen Saner, whose cool and tension-free approach made

_ Emeklilik plarunm, sosyal sigortaruzm var olamasi,

___ i~ yerinde isinizi iyi bir sekilde yapabilmeniz icin gereken turn kaynaklara sahip olmaruz.

_ _ Isinizde hak ettiginiz ucreti almamz.

Page 84: · Acknowledgement To begin my thanks, J would like to start with Miss. Tulen Saner, whose cool and tension-free approach made

MOT,iVASYON ANKETi '/q.,_", ~ i!Je C ei_:.Le ,r

A 1 « · G ~, tc'_ / '-'l,VC-,,

J--713 :ll-(/5/0;

· motivasyon edici (sizi mutlu eden ve olumlu yonde etkileyen) sizin icin onem sirasma gore numaralandmruz.

~ ,, Y aptignuz isin cahstrgiruz kuruma yarar saglamasi.

•<:/ Mesleginizin size yeni ve cesitli tecriibeler kazandirmasi.

j w.z:..,< Yeni sistemler ve uygulamalar hakkmda egitim imkaru saglanmasi,

(i) Iyi performansimzm odullcndirilmesi.

{i) Mesleginizi yaparken duydugunuz mutluluk.

~i~ iliskilerinizin iyi olmasi.

@- i~ arkadaslanruzla sosyal etkinlik yapma firsatuuzm olmasi.

@-t~ yerinizde herkesin adil bir sekilde muamele gormesi,

Sirket politikalannm herkes tarafindan izlemesi.

Page 85: · Acknowledgement To begin my thanks, J would like to start with Miss. Tulen Saner, whose cool and tension-free approach made

., , Emeklilik plarunm, sosyal sigortaruzm var olamasi, r ,,.,...,

, I i~ yerinde isinizi iyi bir sekilde yapabilmeniz icin gereken tum • >'

kaynaklara sahip olmaruz.

,v, Isinizde hak ettiginiz ucreti almaruz. ,

Page 86: · Acknowledgement To begin my thanks, J would like to start with Miss. Tulen Saner, whose cool and tension-free approach made

motivasyon edici (sizi mutlu eden ve olumlu yonde etkileyen) ri, sizin icin onem sirasma gore numaralandmrnz.

1 ::,, -t Mesleginizin size yeni ve cesitli tecriibeler kazandirmasi,


~ Y eni sistemler ve uygulamalar hakkmda egitim imkaru saglanmasi,

_ __._-'------_iyi performansmizm odullendirilmesi.

----~_Mesleginizi yaparken duydugunuz mutluluk.

1; i~ iliskilerinizin iyi olmasi,

__ P 1

-· _i~ arkadaslanruzla sosyal etkinlik yapma firsatimzm olmasi,

/!f2__ i~ yerinizde herkesin adil bir sekilde muamele gormesi.

\ l- Sirket politikalannm herkes tarafindan izlemesi.

Page 87: · Acknowledgement To begin my thanks, J would like to start with Miss. Tulen Saner, whose cool and tension-free approach made

_____ Emeklilik plarumn, sosyal sigortaruzm var olamasi.

__ _.___ i~ yerinde isinizi iyi bir sekilde yapabilmeniz icin gereken tum kaynaklara sahip olmaruz.

~ ,..., Isinizde hak ettiginiz ucreti almamz,

Page 88: · Acknowledgement To begin my thanks, J would like to start with Miss. Tulen Saner, whose cool and tension-free approach made

. en

MOTiVASYON ANKETi : ~.L_ _v,., .o. : r-~\-~ : ~~Ob ~~¢. )-U, =~lo4

tivasyon edici (sizi mutlu eden ve , olumlu yonde etkileyen) · icin onem sirasma gore numaralandmruz.

Y aptigmiz isin calisuguuz kuruma yarar saglamasi.

Mesleginizin size yeni ve cesitli tecrtibeler kazandirrnasi.

Y eni sistemler ve uygulamalar hakkmda egitim imkam saglanmasr,

Size gerekli yetki ve otorite verilmesi.

Iyi performansuuzm odilllendirilmesi.

Mesleginizi yaparken duydugunuz mutluluk.

1~ iliskilerinizin iyi olmasi.

1~ arkadaslarmizla sosyal etkinlik yapma firsatnuzin olmasi.

i~ yerinizde herkesin adil bir sekilde muamele gormesi,

Sirket politikalanrun herkes tarafindan izlemesi.

Page 89: · Acknowledgement To begin my thanks, J would like to start with Miss. Tulen Saner, whose cool and tension-free approach made

Emeklilik plamrun, sosyal sigortaruzin var olarnasi.

~ yerinde isiriizi iyi bir sekilde yapabilmeniz icin gereken tum kaynaklara sahip olmaruz.

lsinizde hak ettiginiz ticreti almaruz.

.\ _ _,,.,

'~ !

Page 90: · Acknowledgement To begin my thanks, J would like to start with Miss. Tulen Saner, whose cool and tension-free approach made


ad /ff~~ :~f'

i~ yeri : ~ / t? '-r

motivasyon edici (sizi mutlu eden ve olumlu yonde etkileyen) · sizin icin onem sirasma gore numaralandmmz .

., Y aptiguuz isin 9ah~tigm1z kuruma yarar saglamasr.

II"= Mesleginizin size yeni ve cesitl] tecrubcler kazandmnasi.

..,. Y eni sistemler ve uygulamalar hakkmda egitim imkam saglamnas1.

____ Size gerekli yetki ve otorite verilmesi.

{ Iyi performanslllzm odtillendirilmesi.

,- Mesleginizi yaparken duydugunuz mutluluk.

z3 1 i~ iliskilerinizin iyi olmasi.

, i~ arkada~lanmzla sosyal etkinlik yapma frrsatlllzm olmasi.

____ i~ yerinizde herkesin adil bir sekilde muamele gormesi.

~--- Sirket politikalanrun herkes tarafmdan izlemesi.

Page 91: · Acknowledgement To begin my thanks, J would like to start with Miss. Tulen Saner, whose cool and tension-free approach made

___ Emeklilik plamrun, sosyal sigortaruzm var olamasi,

~-- i~ yerinde isinizi iyi bir sekilde yapabilmeniz icin gereken tum kaynaklarasahip olmaruz.

__ Isinizde hak ettiginiz tlcreti almamz.

Page 92: · Acknowledgement To begin my thanks, J would like to start with Miss. Tulen Saner, whose cool and tension-free approach made


;1{.,u__s-/f -/1,f e f), ,./ •. J : !v1. o. I, . V'V\ v- L-: ,

<;. .e ..-6,.e---? 1 :2v/1.Y6/oy

ki motivasyon edici (sizi mutlu eden ve olumlu yonde etkileyen) eri, sizin icin onern sirasma gore numaraland1nmz.

~ Y aptigimz isin cahstiguuz kuruma yarar saglamasi,

__ C,L-. _ Mesleginizin size yeni ve cesitli tecrubeler kazandirmasi.

1 ·J Y eni sistemler ve uygulamalar hakkrnda egitirn irnkaru


__ __:_( _ Size gerekli yetki ve otorite verilmesi.

___ __.__ Mesleginizi yaparken duydugunuz mutluluk.

Q_ j$ ili$kilet1nizin iyi olmesi.

__ y__.__ ls yerinizde herkesin adil bir sekilde muamele gormesi.

.,,- __ '.':)_· .,__ Sirket politikalanrun herkes tarafmdan izlemesi.

Page 93: · Acknowledgement To begin my thanks, J would like to start with Miss. Tulen Saner, whose cool and tension-free approach made

Emeklilik plamnm, sosyal sigortamzin var olamasi,

i~ yerinde isinizi iyi bir sekilde yapabilmeniz icin gereken tum kaynaklara sahip olmaruz.

Isinizde hak ettiginiz ilcreti almaruz.

Page 94: · Acknowledgement To begin my thanks, J would like to start with Miss. Tulen Saner, whose cool and tension-free approach made


AJ ; n c+ 'v\> .c. : /11-S"a,/wri'" .

1 i~ yeri : &.,,, 1h£

S / l C / ,f''"' ,,. e: C ··:s

() I '

motivasyon edici (sizi mutlu eden ve olumlu yonde etkileyen) sizin icin onem sirasma gore numaralandmmz.

'"" , . Y aptignuz isin cahstiguuz kuruma yarar saglamas1.

i.- 1

Mesleginizin size yeni ve cesitli tecriibeler kazandmnas1.

'-- Y cni sistemler ve uygulamalar hakkinda egitirn imkam saglanmas1.

0 .~ Size gerekli yetki ve otorite verilrnesi.

l ( iyi performansm1zm odilllendirilmesi.

~-,,L-- Mesleginizi yaparken duydugunuz mutluluk.

LJ, i~ iliskilerinizin iyi olmasi.


\] ls arkada~lanruzla sosyal etkinlik yapma [irsatuuzrn olmasi .

. f' i~ yerinizde herkesin adil bir sekilde muamele gormesi.

LJ_ Sirket politikalanmn herkes tarafmdan izlemesi. I '--'

Page 95: · Acknowledgement To begin my thanks, J would like to start with Miss. Tulen Saner, whose cool and tension-free approach made

'----- Emeklilik plamnm, sosyal sigortaruzm var olarnasi,

i::: i§ yerinde i§inizi iyi bir sekilde yapabilmeniz icin gereken Him kaynaklara sahip olmaruz.

,_ _ _ Isinizde hak ettiginiz ucreti almamz.

Page 96: · Acknowledgement To begin my thanks, J would like to start with Miss. Tulen Saner, whose cool and tension-free approach made


/-/LIDA' A IC SOY £ / e fc./--mv1 / I<:. t-{ t-1' k .e,"(d /s.,-' ~'\a lc'yt_,,'s·-f/,e,,, '731'v- l1'f'' 17. O· ,.,200 4-

motivasyon edici (sizi mutlu eden ve olumlu yonde etkileyen) leri, sizin icin onem sirasma gore numaralandmrnz,

;{ (f Y aptiguuz isin calrsugiruz kuruma yarar saglamasi.

R1.L Mesleginizin size yeni ve cesitli tecrtibeler kazandtrmasi.

__jJ__g_ Y eni sistemler ve uygulamalar hakkmda egitim imkam saglanmasi. ,

____ Size gerekli yetki ve otorite verilmesi.

J;/3 Iyi performansmrzm odullendirilmcsi.

1 Mesleginizi yaparken duydugunuz mutluluk.

5 i§ iliskilerinizin iyi olmasi.

{ Q i§ arkadaslanruzla sosyal etkinlik yapma firsatnuzm olmasi.

_____ i~ yerinizde herkesin adil bir sekilde muamele gormesi,

- Sirket politikalarmm herkes tarafindan izlemesi.

Page 97: · Acknowledgement To begin my thanks, J would like to start with Miss. Tulen Saner, whose cool and tension-free approach made

;,.._..-->-.L--- Emeklilik plarunm, sosyal sigortamzm var olamasi,

-..i---- i~ yerinde isinizi iyi bir sekilde yapabilmeniz icin gereken kaynaklara sahip olrnaruz.

______ Isinizde hak ettiginiz ucreti almamz.

Page 98: · Acknowledgement To begin my thanks, J would like to start with Miss. Tulen Saner, whose cool and tension-free approach made


M eti 6/K.Gr:!lJ : ,,b,1eklriJ::_- .,&'/ek:lro/'il £ ,A..../i:J" ·

tig1 i~ yeri : .,Serk.e~+ : 2.,--z_~OS~ O<t

motivasyon edici (sizi mutlu eden ve olumlu yonde etkileyen) eri, sizin icin onem sirasma gore numaralandmmz,

5 Y apngnuz isin cahstiguuz kuruma yarar saglarnasi,

• _. Mesleginizin size yenive cesitli tecriibeler kazandirmasi.

I ( Y eni sistemler ve uygulamalar hakkmda egitim imkam saglanmasi.

7- Size gerekli yetki ve otorite verilmesi.

-~ __ Iyi performansuuzm odullendirilmesi.

~ · Mesleginizi yaparken duydugunuz mutluluk.

____ Is iliskilerinizin iyi olmasi,

, "'"' i~ arkadaslanmzla sosyal etkinlik yapma firsatuuzm olmasi,

-~--i~ yerinizde herkesin adil bir sekilde muamele gormesi,

____ Sirket politikalannm herkes tarafmdan izlemesi.

; , •••.. Emeklilik plarurun, sosyal sigortamzm var olamasi.

Page 99: · Acknowledgement To begin my thanks, J would like to start with Miss. Tulen Saner, whose cool and tension-free approach made

__ i~ yerinde isinizi iyi bir sekilde yapabilmeniz icin gereken tum kaynaklara sahip olmamz.

·- lsinizde hak ettiginiz ucreti almamz.

Page 100: · Acknowledgement To begin my thanks, J would like to start with Miss. Tulen Saner, whose cool and tension-free approach made


: ~ V". ~1· M.~ '; \<\ ....,. 1' it_ ' .

: ~E,._,,,._,,<....,G~ )...Lo .. rf~l"\iqS.G'"R6- ~c.S:1'<.S-'1"1'14 1::'iih1vH1,

':1\\ os\0·1.1

motivasyon edici (sizi mutlu eden ve olumlu yonde etkileyen) izin icin onem sirasma gore numaralandmmz,

Y aptiguuz isin cahstigiruz kurwna yarar saglamasi,

Mesleginizin size yeni ve cesitli tecrubeler kazandirmasi.

Y eni sistemler ve uygulamalar hakkmda egitim imkam saglanmasi.

Size gerekli yetki ve otorite verilmesi.

Iyi performansuuzm odullendirilmesi.

, Mesleginizi yaparken duydugunuz mutluluk,

•• i~ iliskilerinizin iyiolrnasi.

JEN' ls arkadaslaruuzla sosyal etkinlik yapma firsatuuzin olmasi.

~ , i~ yerinizde herkesin adil bir sekilde muamele gormesi.

1 ,._ Sirket politikalanmn herkes tarafindan izlemesi.

Page 101: · Acknowledgement To begin my thanks, J would like to start with Miss. Tulen Saner, whose cool and tension-free approach made

•.. Emeklilik plamnm, sosyal sigortamzm var olamasi.

1 , • i~ yerinde isinizi iyi bir sekilde yapabilmeniz icin gereken Him kaynaklara sahip olmaruz.

~ , Isinizde hak ettiginiz i.icreti almaruz.

Page 102: · Acknowledgement To begin my thanks, J would like to start with Miss. Tulen Saner, whose cool and tension-free approach made


~ " I .. I, "X:fJ ~~ .-( L .a. ct.l!UJ~, f, t I ,,;·, // (/'L' : k a r. tl re .<."' '} ·

Se -u ,~ / ,V\.._ c,L c» : ;2~ -s, t) y

· motivasyon edici (sizi mutlu eden ve olumlu yonde etkileyen) sizin icin onem sirasma gore numaralandir1mz.

Y aptigimz isin cahstigrmz kuruma yarar saglamasi.

~- Meslegirtizin size yeni ve cesitli tecrtlbeler kazand1rmas1. ·

Y eni sistemler ve uygulamalar hakkmda egitim imkam saglanmas1.

Size gerekli yetki ve otorite verilmesi.

~-. Iyi performanslillzm odi.illendirilmesi.

___ Mesleginizi yaparken duydugunuz mutluluk.

11 i~ ili~kiletinizin iyi olmasi.

"" i~ arkadaslanruzle sosyal etkinlik yapma firsatuuzm olmasi .

.,, i~ yerinizde herkesin adil bir sekildc muamele gormesi.

, Sirket politikalannm herkes tarafindan izlemesi.

Page 103: · Acknowledgement To begin my thanks, J would like to start with Miss. Tulen Saner, whose cool and tension-free approach made

~• Emeklilik plamnm, sosyal sigortamzm var olamasi,

~ i~ yerinde isinizi iyi bir sekilde yapabilmeniz icin gereken turn kaynaklara sahip olmamz.

iJ lsinizde hak ettiginiz ucreti almamz.

Page 104: · Acknowledgement To begin my thanks, J would like to start with Miss. Tulen Saner, whose cool and tension-free approach made


• ____.I__ \ ' 7 , a --- . e1n1n--.,o._1, /"'~'"" · : o\(0-.i"'-\..) ~\.,\~ 0µ....-..(>J" \ : N eC\.. ;- / o,.."::J+. • LJr,~ '1 e:,~ i ·-\c.\ : 25. Q5. 0~

i motivasyon edici (sizi mutlu eden ve olumlu yonde etkileyen) ·, sizin icin onem sirasma gore numaralandmmz .

..-'---- Y apuguuz isin cahsugmiz kurwna yarar saglamasi.

lo--''---- Mesleginizin size yeni ve cesitli tecrubeler kazandirmasi.

• .,.., Y eni sistemler ve uygulamalar hakkmda egitim imkam saglanmasi.

~_.L_- Size gerekli yetki ve otorite verilmesi.

__ ..:,___ Iyi performansuuzin odullendirilmcsi.

, r:: Mesleginizi yaparken duydugunuz mutluluk.

___ i~ iliskilerinizin iyi olmasi.

~ • _ i~ arkadaslanruzla sosyal etkinlik yapma firsatuuzm olmasi.

____ ls yerinizde herkesin adil bir sekilde muamele gonnesi.

2- Sirket politikalannm herkes tarafmdan izlemesi.

Page 105: · Acknowledgement To begin my thanks, J would like to start with Miss. Tulen Saner, whose cool and tension-free approach made

, • Emeklilik plamrun, sosyal sigortaruzm var olamasi.

.,, i~ yerinde isinizi iyi bir sekilde yapabilmeniz icin gereken tum kaynaklara sahip olmamz. -

r ~ lsinizde hak ettiginiz ilcreti almamz.

Page 106: · Acknowledgement To begin my thanks, J would like to start with Miss. Tulen Saner, whose cool and tension-free approach made

d- Soyad eslek ah~tig1 i~ yeri arih


z: l<u~ \4ojrn.+ Nu\ bee : 'I u k8e I A t,n,;eJ Kt, 5 ,' / I- M .



ag1daki motivasyon edici ( sizi mutlu eden ve olumlu yonde etkileyen) torleri, sizin icin onem sirasma gore numaralandinmz.

LI Y aptigiruz isin cahstignuz kuruma yarar saglamasi.

b Mesleginizin size yeni ve cesitli tecrubeler kazandirmasr.

SS Y eni sistemler ve uygulamalar hakkmda egitirn imkaru saglanmasr.

I \ Size gerekli yetki ve otorite verilmesi.

q iyi performansmizm odtlllendirihnesi.

12 Mesleginizi yaparken duydugunuz mutluluk.

Js i~ iliskilerinizin iyi olmasi,

( 3 Is arkadaslanruzla sosyal etkinlik yapma firsatuuzm olmasi.

15 i~ yerinizde herkesin adil bir sekilde muamele gormesi.

Page 107: · Acknowledgement To begin my thanks, J would like to start with Miss. Tulen Saner, whose cool and tension-free approach made

Emeklilik plarunm, sosyal sigortaruzm var olamasi.

i~ yerinde isinizi iyi bir sekilde yapabilmeniz icin gereken turn kaynaklara sahip olmaruz.

"' Isinizde hak ettiginiz licreti almaruz.

Page 108: · Acknowledgement To begin my thanks, J would like to start with Miss. Tulen Saner, whose cool and tension-free approach made


: i l 1. \:: T 'fHl f\"1 S (;) 1 : K\)\nseh-e · _

"'1 i~ yeri : ~ b\i:~.c \ ~ \ M e \. tC\.~, \- \ \-1· : 1ilslo'-t

motivasyon edici (sizi mutlu eden ve olumlu yonde etkileyen) ·, sizin icin onem sirasma gore numaralandmruz. I _ 1 3

1 Y aptiguuz isin cahstigmtz kuruma yarar saglamasi.

~ _ Mesleginizin size yeni ve cesitli tecrilbeler kazandirmasi.

Lf Y eni sistemler ve uygulamalar hakkmda egitim imkam saglanmasi.

____ Size gerekli yetki ve otorite verilmesi.

I I iyi performansnuzm odilllendirilmesi.

. Mesleginizi yaparken duydugunuz mutluluk.

____ i~ iliskilerinizin iyi olrnasi,

\ 0 i~ arkadaslanruzla sosyal etkinlik yapma firsanmzm olmasi.

____ i~ yerinizde herkesin adil bir sekilde muamele gormesi. 9

l L.. Sirket politikalannm herkes tarafindan izlemesi.

Page 109: · Acknowledgement To begin my thanks, J would like to start with Miss. Tulen Saner, whose cool and tension-free approach made

Emeklilik plannun, sosyal sigortaruzm var olamasi,

i~ yerinde isinizi iyi bir sekilde yapabilmeniz icin gereken turn kaynaklara sahip olmamz.

Isinizde hak ettiginiz tlcreti almamz.

Page 110: · Acknowledgement To begin my thanks, J would like to start with Miss. Tulen Saner, whose cool and tension-free approach made


: /JAC/tf G' jjA,{ 6VL . : \..--\uh°'~6ec__Z . 0 '\ \ L{c<

yen : ~:xs-e \ A~Me_\ cLP5

,: ~c2/ 5/ JOOl/

motivasyon edici (sizi mutlu eden ve olumlu yonde etkileyen) izin icin onem sirasma gore numaralandmrnz.

Y aptigmtz isin 9ah~hgm1z kuruma yarar saglamasi.

Mesleginizin size yeni ve cesitli tecrilbeler kazandirmast.

Y eni sistemler ve uygulamalar hakkmda egitim imkaru saglanmasi,

F Size gerekli yetki ve otorite verilmesi.

____ iyi performansuuzm odtillendirilmesi.

IIP""" Mesleginizi yaparken duydugunuz mutluluk.

, , i~ iliskilerinizin iyi olmasi.

_.'---- ls arkadaslanmzla sosyal etkinlik yapma firsatmizm olmasi.

~_, i~ yerinizde herkesin adil bir sekilde muamele gormesi.

. . Sirket politikalarmm herkes tarafmdan izlemesi.

Page 111: · Acknowledgement To begin my thanks, J would like to start with Miss. Tulen Saner, whose cool and tension-free approach made

klilik plarunm, sosyal sigortaruzm var olamasi.

yerinde isinizi iyi bir sekilde yapabilmeniz icin gereken ynaklara sahip olmaruz.

inizde hak ettiginiz ucreti almaruz.

Page 112: · Acknowledgement To begin my thanks, J would like to start with Miss. Tulen Saner, whose cool and tension-free approach made

i I I • I I I •


· DEr-Ji :l- CtuNG ; • I , I

: HuHAScbE ~E~Ue_u _: - • ·-...1 "1K:..Se<- At-HrleT' ~1T j.._10. • i l- I

: ao Isl o~ 1

aki motivasyon edici (sizi rnutlu eden ve olumlu yonde I I I ·

eri, sizin icin onem sirasma gore numaralandmmz, ! .


I etkileyen)

I !

l I I !

1o---==------ Yaptiguuz isin 9ah~t1g1111z kuruma yarar saglamasi

I I : 2- Mcsleginizin size yeni Je cesitli tecrubeler kazandrrmasi.


1 I I I I

1 2 Yeni sistemler ve uygulamatar hal<lpnda egitim i~11Ka111 saglanmasi. I I !


I ;] Size gerekli yetkr ~e Otte lverilmLi.

l yi per:onmns1ruT Odtillrkilm~si.

01 1 Mesleginizi yaparken duydugwmz mutluluk. 1

! I I I I I I

i~ iliskilerinizin iyi o,lmarl.

I i I I

_3_! _ Is arkadaslanruzla sosy~l etkinlik Yf pma firsatuuzm olmasi, I I I I I ! I ~1 1· .. d h k . d.11 bi kild, l " ' . __ --)-..-1 _ ~ yenruz e er esm a 11 ~ se 1 e muame e gormesi.


I ; I I

I 1 i Sirket politikalanmn herFes ltarafmdan izlemesi.




Page 113: · Acknowledgement To begin my thanks, J would like to start with Miss. Tulen Saner, whose cool and tension-free approach made


Emeklilik plamrun, sosyal sigortamzm var olarnasil ---- I


_______ i~ yerinde i~i~i iyi bir ~ekyde yap,abilmeniz icin JereJen !fi\~ kaynaklara sahip olman:1z. I · J I


• I

--='---- lsinizde hak ettiginiz ucreti almamz. I

Page 114: · Acknowledgement To begin my thanks, J would like to start with Miss. Tulen Saner, whose cool and tension-free approach made

o : Aj~E f-/oCA M u hats ll. be. 1 fYl e. m L-1 ..- L-1 PAg_i'\Lil(..

: J. { I GI QL)


I I 1

· -~ot~v~s~_on edici (sizi __ 1put~u ede? ve olumlu ~on~e etkileyen) sizin rein onem sirasma gore nuraralaldmmz. . I

: I . . I Y - . . I - I kl -1 I --..._____ apuguuz 1~m ca isuguuz urwna yarar sag arnasi.

. I I I Mesleginizin size yeni vr 9titli te{·ubeler k"f,d1r··mas1.

' I I I I

Y eni sistemler ve uygulamalar haJmda egitim i1~a111 _..__ saglanmasi. / / / ;

I i i I ! I


1 I I

' • I Size gerekli yetki ve otorite rerilm~si. I I I ,

iyi performansinizm od~lleA<lirilmesi. ____,,'--- I I I

_ Mesleginizi yaparken dJyd~gunuz inutluluk. I I . I I

f i~ iliskilerinizin iyi olma11.

1 C') i~ arkadaslanruzla sosyal etkinlik y· apma firsatiruzui olrhasr, I y y I I I I I ' .

:it 1· . . d h k . dil bi 1 kild I 1 .. ' . · ,L ~ yenrnz e er esm a j 11 se I I' rnuame e gormesi.

I -· 1 Sirket politikalaqmn herkes tarafindan izlemesi.

I /, i,

Page 115: · Acknowledgement To begin my thanks, J would like to start with Miss. Tulen Saner, whose cool and tension-free approach made

! i I i ! I

Emeklilik plarunm, sos~al Slgortaizm var olamasu

I I I !

i~ yerinde isinizi iyi bir ~ekilde ya]labilmeniz ici; •. 11erelen t1·· ·.n kaynaklara sahip olmarµz. I I I

I I I '

I. · · d h k ·~· · ·· l · 1 I : 1

suuz e a ettigimz ilcreti a maruz. • I I I I I


Page 116: · Acknowledgement To begin my thanks, J would like to start with Miss. Tulen Saner, whose cool and tension-free approach made

I 6 = Y aptigrmz isin 9ah~tigm1z kuruma yarar saglamasi,

'" I I ' . r I I


I I I '

______ Meslcginizin size yeni vie 99~itli tecrtlbeler kazandumasi. I

i i I '

____ Y eni sistemler ve uyguIJmalar hakkmda egitim i1 saglanmasi. \ ,


Size gerekli yetki ve ottite verilmri.

i yi performansuuzin Odrlleririlmtsi.

1 M l -· . . 1

k1 d I d 1- I l 1 k ~ I:, ' . es egmizi yap~r ien r ~gunuz jnut,u U ,

I~ iliskilerinizin iyi olmasi, ___.__ I

~ i~ arkada~larm1z~.a ., JI eti1 inlik ykp11ia firsatuuzu I I I I I I I ' I

' I I I I I i I I' I ; I I

I ! I i~ yerinizde herkesin '" bl ~ekildf mhameie' g1rn1es1.


(J Sirket politikalarmm heries itarafmian izlemesi.

: , I I

I I I l

· motivasyon edici (sizi lnutlu eden ve olumlu sizin icin onem sirasma gor~ nJmaralandmmz.



I et1iley~n)




Page 117: · Acknowledgement To begin my thanks, J would like to start with Miss. Tulen Saner, whose cool and tension-free approach made

I Emeklilik plarurun, sosya~ sigortaruzm var olamasi.


i~ yerinde isinizi iyi bir sekilde yapabilmeniz icin gereken turn kaynaklara sahip olmam~. ! ' I

I I I I I I I .

lsinizde hak ettiginiz ucreti almarnz. , 1 1 , ' '

I '


Page 118: · Acknowledgement To begin my thanks, J would like to start with Miss. Tulen Saner, whose cool and tension-free approach made

• I •


: 2c2( r i ;1, ~Cf3.cbJJ · I


motivasyon edici (sizi mutlu eden ve olumlu I I I izin icin onem sirasma gore numaralandtnruz.

I . I I ;

-1 Yaptiguuz isin s,ah~h, kr= 1arar saglamasi,

Mesleginizin size yeni Vt s,eritli teJiibeler ka~arn·

'* Y eni sistemler ve uygulamal1ar hakkmda egitim imkaru sagla , _ 1. I 1

, ' , I

S . kl' k: I . I ilm I • ' I ~ 1 , ize gere 1 yet 1. ve otor1te vcri esi. .: __._7.;- ' I I

j I I I I


..+ , 1

: Iyi performansuuzm odu1·neydirilmisi. I I


-~ I I I . ~3:/ Mesleginizi yaparken d~yd:gunuz [utluluk.


I : ' ? i i

--==-'~"---i~ iliskilerinizin iyi olm~s1. ·

I li.Jl_i~ arkadaslanruzla sosyil etr' inlik ~apma firsatiruzm OJ1llaS1.

I I I ' -©-i~ yerinizde herkesin adr bt ~ekil,e muarne~e gonnesi.

r· i-~-l · k 1· ik 1 h I k I ~ 1 d · 1 · ~ Sir et po It a anmn er er tar~1l~ an lZ emesi. I I I



.. J k1'1 ,J,, ) yon'ie et 11 ey'f,n

as 4.

Page 119: · Acknowledgement To begin my thanks, J would like to start with Miss. Tulen Saner, whose cool and tension-free approach made

i : i

(J~meklilik plarunm, sosyal si~ortamzjn var olamasl. I : : I

I : I ; l I I l I ! I I I

('"nl r~ yerinde i~ini~i iyi bir ~:ekilde yap~bilmeniz icin g r n tilrri y kaynaklara sahip olmamr : i . I I I l I I

I I I .I ! I

_ _..,.,(jg~~t~inizde hak ettiginiz ilcrJti almaruz, I I I I I

j I I

Page 120: · Acknowledgement To begin my thanks, J would like to start with Miss. Tulen Saner, whose cool and tension-free approach made


Size gerekli yetki ve otori~e v~rilmesi11 I I

I I . I I I

,- Iyi performansuuzm odillllendirilmesii" I I I I i I

__ Mesleginizi yaparken duy1ug1nuz mutluluk.


. I __ I~ iliskilerinizin iyi olmas1./

I I ! I

. ' I I I : I I I I

I~ arkadaslanruzla ;oi.syal eltkirpl ik yapra firsat~llZT olmasi.

' ' I ' : I I I i~ yerinizde herkesin adil blir sekilde muai11ele gorml esi.


<;;,:. k 1· ik l ' 1 k I i C. d I . 11 • -- ylf et po it a apmri : ter els tar1In anl lZ :.emeSl.

i I I l i




• I I : •

MOTIV ASYilON ANI(ETI , I I [J 11,\ / n >1 ;v/c !

ELJ ft)' k: f}'J;;:h. J . E /c k tn 'k._ fl?,,:' t'1,{.; ~ L+ of' _i-, ,24 I s]» YI I j


. di . ( . . 11 I d 11 I I t~v~s~_on e 1c1 Slfl .. = u e en ve , o um u rem onem sirasma gore qw11rraland1nmz.

I I I \

. I I Y aptiguuz isin cahstiguuz ,1kuruma yarar saglamasi,


, i ; l I M l -· . . . . . 1· ilb I k d es egiruzm size yeru Ve 9e~1r I tecru e er azan m~aSl.

. i I I I i

Y . ' l l ! l I

l kk rd - . ' '-1• em sistem er ve uygu a111a ar ia · 111 a eg1t1111 ll11l}aI11 saglanmasi,

. en

Page 121: · Acknowledgement To begin my thanks, J would like to start with Miss. Tulen Saner, whose cool and tension-free approach made


. _ Emeklilik plarurun, sosyai sigortaruzjn var olamasi. I I I ! .

' i I I : 1' · I I i~ yerinde isinizi iyi bir sekilde yapabilmeniz icin gerekeln tum kaynaklara sahip olrnaruz. 1 1 I

, I

• . , lsinizde hak ettiginiz ucreti alinamz. 1 i I )

i I I I I I


Page 122: · Acknowledgement To begin my thanks, J would like to start with Miss. Tulen Saner, whose cool and tension-free approach made

1 i~ yeri

I i

• I I •

MOTIVASl01Y ANJ(ETI • 5UL-if1 tJ t-1:21 u:.Atc(l : 2e KuHASe'eJE ! HeJ-tu.e .. J~ , . : t-{c:.ure..or-J ,c.s : :J.3/'S/O~

etkileyen) I I


I motivasyon edici (sizi mutlu' eden , ve olumlu yonde

sizin icin onem sirasma gore numaraland1nmz. y ' I I I I I

\ I i, I I

Y - . . 1 - I k I I -1 ____ aptigiruz 1~111 ca 1~tig11?-12j u~uma y~rar sag amast, - I I


! I I ---,--- Mesleginizin size yeni ve !9e~itli tecrtibeler kazandirmasi

i I

Y · · 1 1 I 1 , h kk I d - · · ·mk1 i,.. • , 1

em sistem er ve uygu ama ar a 111 a egium 1 a:111 saglanmasi. I I I I

Size gerekli yetki v~ otorr ~erilme1.

I I lyi performansuuzm odli lendirilmeJi.

~+-- , i I I 1

()I M 1 - . . . : k1 i ' d d J 1 1 luk 1- .L es eg1111z1 yapar 1n u1 u1unuz 11ut u .


_-+---+--- i~ iliskilerinizin iyi olmas[, I I I I I

,...........---J---,--- i~ arkadaslanmzla sosyaf etkinlik yaprna fusatuuzm olrnasi. I I I


I ! I b i i~ yerinizde herkesin adili bir ;~ekildei muamele gormesi,

! ! i

( ( i Sirket politikalarmm her~es tarafmda[1 n izlemesi. I ;

I I I I ; I


Page 123: · Acknowledgement To begin my thanks, J would like to start with Miss. Tulen Saner, whose cool and tension-free approach made

I Emeklilik planmm, sosyal sigortamzm var olamasi, I I I


ls yerinde isinizi iyi bir ~~kilde yapapilmeniz icin gereke:n turn kaynaklara sahip olmaruz, i


I . • I Isinizde hak ettiginiz tlcreti alp1a111z.




Page 124: · Acknowledgement To begin my thanks, J would like to start with Miss. Tulen Saner, whose cool and tension-free approach made



: ~l0" A~v=-i N\'-.:l~CV'Jebe. : l{ t>\.i..teL 1-\ . f; U,cl ?-;;-/ 05 j ~LP (f' I

! I I I

i motivasyon edici (sizi m&tlu eden Ive, olumlu ~qnde I etkileyeri) ri, sizin icin onem sirasina gore f ,aralan,1rm1z. I

~ y - . . i - I k I I . -1 : aptignuz 1~m ca 1~tlg1111z u1:w1m yarar sag am •. asi, ' ·. I ' I

I I I 5 Mesleginizin size yeni ve 19e~itli tecrubeler kazandmnasr

I I ,

. . I

b Y eni sistemler ve uygulamalar hakk1hda egitirn imkaru saglanmasi. 1 / l

I i I

1- Size gerekli yetki ve otorite +rilmei"

. I . , Iyi performansrmzin odullendirilmesi.

I I I I I I I I I I I 9__J__ Mesleginizi yaparken du){!1 dugunuz mutluluk.


J. I i~ iliskilerinizin iyi olmas~. I I I I

L . I . I • / / I~ arkadaslanruzla sosyall etk/inlik yarma firsatnuzinl olmasi.

3 I i~ yerinizde herkesin adi~ bir l~ekild~ muamele gormesi.

I Sirket politikalarmm herJes ~arafmd~n izlemesi.

• I I I





Page 125: · Acknowledgement To begin my thanks, J would like to start with Miss. Tulen Saner, whose cool and tension-free approach made


I I I I I I I I I . -24--- Emeklilik plammn, sosyai siJortaruzln var olamasi.

\ \ \ \ !

\ I ! I . . ! I I I

I 2-t ls yerinde isinizi iyi bir sekilde yapabilmeniz icin gerekdn turn I kaynaklara sahip olmamt I ' . . I

lsinizde hak ettiginiz ilcret aramz.


: I

Page 126: · Acknowledgement To begin my thanks, J would like to start with Miss. Tulen Saner, whose cool and tension-free approach made


. . 11~ yen

! I I I motivasyon edici (sizi mutlu eden ve olumlu y9nde etkileyen)

i, sizin icin onem sirasma gore µun1aralanqmmz. I I I


_ . Y aptignuz isin 9alt~t1gmi:4 kuruma yarar saglamasi. • ! I I

. I

1- Mesleginizin size yeni vel 9e~ttli tecrpbeler kazandtrmasj. I i

I I i

Y . . 1 1 ! 11 l kk I d - . . . 'k . . em sistern er ve uygu ama ar ta m a egitim im am ' I I ! I

saglanmasi. i i I . I I I I I

S . k1· ki l I ·1 '· flC" ize gere 1 yet 1 ve otor~te ~en me11.


I Iyi performansuuzm odtillendirilmesi.


5 I Mesleginizi yaparken + 11utluluk.

6 I ls iliskilerinizin iyi olma~1. I I ; i !

I I . , I , I -1=+-- i~ arkada~lanmzla sosyal etl1inlik yapm~ firsatuuzm ol

I I I I ' ..

io"'I ; I I

. I i ~ yerinizde herkesin adil bir\ sekilde muamele go111fosi. ---r- 'j ! " I I I I I ' I '

I _) i Sirket politikalanmn herfes farafmqan izlemesi. I I , I

as 1.

Page 127: · Acknowledgement To begin my thanks, J would like to start with Miss. Tulen Saner, whose cool and tension-free approach made

2- Emeklilik plamnm, sosyal sigortamzm var olamasi,

~ , , i~ yerinde isinizi iyi bir sekilde yapabilmeniz icin gef1·ekeh tiim! kaynaklara sahip olmami. , I i I .


lsinizde hak ettiginiz ilcreti alfnamz.

Page 128: · Acknowledgement To begin my thanks, J would like to start with Miss. Tulen Saner, whose cool and tension-free approach made

. motivasyon edici (sizi mutlu eden ve olumlu yoncte ri, sizin icin onem sirasma gor~ num aralandmmz.

II. I ! I I

Y ~ . . 1 • i ~ I .1 t

aptiguuz 1~m ca \~llglI\JZ la rrar sag amaisl.

:c, Mesleginizin size yeni ~e cesitli te,riibrler kazar1·

"' I , , , ..J Y eni sistemler ve uygulamalar hakkinda egitim imkaru

---=cc__ . saglanmasi. i I I !

. : I i I I

-~-- Size gerekli yetki ve otJritel verilmesi. · I I I

1-E__ iyi performans=m oJiillidiril!nFsi. I I i I I .

,__ Mesleginizi yaparken dpydfgunuz imutluluk. I I i I

L i~ ili~kilerinizin iyi olmfs1. 1

i I 1 •

I I :

I 3 i~ arkadaslanmzla sosya\ 1 etkinlik tapma firsatlru. Zill oras1.

I I : .i . ' I I I t I~ yerinizde herkesin adil bir sekilde muamele gormes ·.

~~ I I I I I :

'6 Sirket politikalanrun herkes tarafuidan izlemesi. ~---y I I I I I ,




i !

ti k-e ul ~J;O( 9 - . El er.;-fr l'k-1 IE Jek+r0n I k- M - y) I <I - " i- i o K C) ...J 1 11 c Ot re.

' I I

2~ IS j:04- 1

I Ml\,~ H[er;o{/ s 1

t-d. I !

Page 129: · Acknowledgement To begin my thanks, J would like to start with Miss. Tulen Saner, whose cool and tension-free approach made

. . I ______ I~ yerinde isinizi iyi bir sekilde yapabilmeniz icin

kaynaklara sahip olmarilz. I I I

I I I I , • _ Isinizde hak ettiginiz iicri thnam1.

I i


I , I I

! I , Emeklilik plarurun, sosyal sigortaruzm var olamasi,

-~- . t :


,.erel{en J



Page 130: · Acknowledgement To begin my thanks, J would like to start with Miss. Tulen Saner, whose cool and tension-free approach made



1-J Q-":::J O IJ I ~ \f Q":JUJ j .IA ;I I . · · . . : E-l~1k __ T~'<'...f<O,c,*=-:'. './11,,f\Cc<\~ I

11~ yen : .A \ u~ -r I CM(e...-\- .J_-\-,d • . I

. ----2-S 14 /f OOih- motivasyon edici 1 (sizi 1\'mt\u ede4 ve olumlu: 'l!Onde

sizin icin onem sirasma gorr nurarala~d1nmz.


I I I ' ' I

Y aptigiruz isin 9ah~t1g¥ lillZ kuruma yarar sag lamas 1. --- I I '




I , Mesleginizin size yeni vr l'~~itli te,riibeler kaza'1d1r· asi,



___ Y eni sistemler ve uygulamalar hakkmda egitim imkaru ¥1 I I sag anmasi, 1

1 ' I I I I


I I I r---, Size gerekli yetki ye ot9rite1verilmlsi.

-...., • , I

"-"\ Iyi performansmizm odpllendirilm~si. I I I I I I I I i

Mesleginizi yaparken d\lydlgutluz lutluluk .

......=:---- i~ iliskilerinizin ~yi olmds1. 1


i~ arkada~larlllizfa; sosyal etl' inl.ik xapma firsatmizin olmasi.

I I I j

. I ; I~ yerinizde herk.; ef in adr·1 bf sekilde muamele gormesi

I I I I I ' I

'Sirket politikalannm herkes tarafindan izlemesi. I I '

i !

Page 131: · Acknowledgement To begin my thanks, J would like to start with Miss. Tulen Saner, whose cool and tension-free approach made

I i

I I I I I I I ~'--- Emeklilik plamrun, sosyal sigortamzm var olamasi. - I I I I I


,-;;;.....-i~ yerinde isinizi iyi bir ;ekiide yapabilmeniz icin grl rektn t~ kaynaklara sahip olmaruz, , I

! I !


Isinizde hak ettig iniz ucreti almamz. "I I I !


Page 132: · Acknowledgement To begin my thanks, J would like to start with Miss. Tulen Saner, whose cool and tension-free approach made



ad : ?-elAy/ ~lo~tb_s_lv : M\~ "--- ~\ :'\~ \__Q,\A._ ~(s1

is yeri : .5c: ('o~sl 1

: 9-.?-( s ( 04 , I

· motivasyon edici (sizi iput~u eden ve olumlu xond~ etkileyen) sizin icin onem sirasma gore numaralandmmz.

y l I I I I

I I I _____ Y aptigiruz isin c;ah~tlgllllz kuruma yarar saglamasi.


M 1 ~· · · · · I I ·1· 1 ub 1 k 1d

___ es cgmizm size yem vt cesrt 1 te1ru e er aza1 11


--~ Y eni sistemler ve uygulamaJar hakkmda egitim · 1



Size gerekli yetki ve otrite verilrnri.

I. . c. ··d1··11 di ·1ml . ----- y1 per1orma~smpp1 0 lu er m fSl. 1

I I I I i

I i I I ! '

___ Mesleginizi yaparken dpydugunuz imutluluk.

~ I i ___ i~ iliskilerinizin iyi olm1s1. I

,v i~ arkada~lanmzla sosyr etkinlik rpma firsatimzin olmasi,

i~ yeriniz~e herkesin ad\il bf ~eki11e muamele giirinesi•. ! ' ! i

f Sirket politikalanmn h+ke! taraf~dan izlemesi.


Page 133: · Acknowledgement To begin my thanks, J would like to start with Miss. Tulen Saner, whose cool and tension-free approach made


I Emeklilik plarumn, sosyf 1 s1.~gortarupn var =: J )

I ,

___ i~ yerinde isinizi iyi bir leki;de yapabilmeniz icin Jreke\1 n tum kaynaklara sahip olmaruz. 1

\ I I

• I I

_ Isinizde hak ettiginiz ticrf1i llmaruz.1


Page 134: · Acknowledgement To begin my thanks, J would like to start with Miss. Tulen Saner, whose cool and tension-free approach made


I I I I '

· motivasyon edici · (sizi mut'u ede1!1 ve olumlu: fonqe etkileyen) ri, sizin icin onem sirasma gori nraralandmmz.

~ Y aptiguuz isin 9a. hstignuz luruma yarar saglamasi, ! : I I !

I I : , I I i.----L--- Mesleginizin size yeni "ie cesitli tecriibeler kaza1tdtrmas1.

: I I ' I i ' I z y eni sistemler ve uygulama~ar hakkinda egitim imkaru

saglanmasi. \ I \

I I :

u. s· kli ki I · 1 ·1m! · 1 ize gere 1 yet 1 ve otqnte\ ven f si. I I l

i I I

Iyi performansiruzm O~iill~rdiri~esi.

I I : I Mesleginizi yaparken dl'ydl'gunuz lmutluluk.

¥ i~ iliskilerinizin iyi olm~s1. , I

1 I I ! I

. , I I I~ yerinizde herkesin adil bir sekilde muamele gormes~.

----+--. -- I I I I

Sirket politikalannm helrke~ tarafindan izlemesi, • I I · I •




Page 135: · Acknowledgement To begin my thanks, J would like to start with Miss. Tulen Saner, whose cool and tension-free approach made

I I )

r ! I : , I I I

E klilik: 1 , f l /. l 1

--- me 1 p amnm, sosya s1gortamzm var o arnasr

r ( ( (

' I I I ___ i~ yerinde i~inil:i i1i bir \~ekllde yapabilrneniz icin gereken tum

kaynaklara sahip plmarz. I I I

. I . I .

, . , Isinizde hak ettiginiz ucreti almamz. •• I I 1

I ! I

Page 136: · Acknowledgement To begin my thanks, J would like to start with Miss. Tulen Saner, whose cool and tension-free approach made



ad : Mvsfqf"'- ! ;tvy\J,o__s \v : E:le-l\-,,"-- M'v~~~ \s,

i~ yeri : Se\\r)e.S-t : 1

:~7/5/o<-A I

etJiley~n) I I

motivasyon edici (sizi mutlu eden ve olumlu vonde ri, sizin icin onem sirasma gork niaralard1nruz.

• I I . I I . I

Y aptiguuz isin cahstiguuz kuruma yarar saglamasi, --- I I

l ' I I I

_ Mesleginizin size yeni 're 99§itli tecriibeler kazandirmast. I I I

I . I :

___ Y eni sistemler ve uygulamalar hakkmda egitim imkaru saglanmasi, i I I

I I I ,

Size gerekli yetki ve otorite verilmLi.

- \II I

. I I I yi performans~m ii,iillrdirilisi. . •


_____ Mesleginizi yaparken dfyd'1gunuz lmutluluk.

/1. 1· ·1· kil ..... 1ml '-11 § 11§ 1 enruzm ~y\1 o asi,

I • : . I I I :

: i~ arkada~lanmzld sosyr "" yaprna firsat+r orasl.

\ ' i~ yerinizde herkesin adil l ~ekil1e muamele g?rmesi. I

2p Sirket politikalanrun herke~ taraf~dan izlemesi. y I I I


Page 137: · Acknowledgement To begin my thanks, J would like to start with Miss. Tulen Saner, whose cool and tension-free approach made

• , Emeklilik plarurun, sosyal sigortallfzm var olamasi


~- i§ yerinde isinizi iyi bir :§ekilde yapabilmeniz icin gere kaynaklara sahip 0Ima111z. i


en twp I


• I I

...__ __ Isinizde hak ettiginiz uc1eti flmamz!" I I I I

Page 138: · Acknowledgement To begin my thanks, J would like to start with Miss. Tulen Saner, whose cool and tension-free approach made


:Sal,h G-o~!han h b l I' tru o s e

1ee,1 A-11 }(. Huho~e.-b~: BJro.>'u J- -=t I o ~ I :J-.9" 4:

I ' I I

aki motivasyon edici (sizi mutlu eden ve olumlu eri, sizin icin onem sirasina gor¢ nurnaralandmmz. I I ,


I I I I ,

. , v Y aptigimz isin 9al~~t1grrv-'. z kuruma yarar saglamasi, ~ I I I l

1; M 1 ¥ • • • • • I f . 1· I lib 1 k : d 1

Id:: es egnuzm size yeru "ie cesit 1 tecru e er azan irmasi.

I I 41


l I Y eni sistemler ve u11 ygulhmJlar ha mda egitim iinttaru I ¥1 I I I ! sag anmas1. , ,

S . kl' k" I . I .,_: . ---L--- ize gere 1 yet 1 ve otonte verume si,

I I I I I I : I I I

1 )_ iyi performansimzm odullendirilmesi. I ! I

2 M 1 ¥ • • • k di di ¥ i 1 luk es eguuzi yapar en uy rgunuzl mut U .


7- i~ iliskilerinizin iyi olmks1. I

I ! I I -4----· I I I . '


I~ arkadaslanmzla soTelkmlik rpma firsat1 ras1.

\ 3 I~ yerinizde herkesin a?il bir ~ekilke muamele gormesi, I I I I I I ! I

~ Sirket politikalanrun hcrkes tarafindan izlemesi.

I I I I i I I I I I


I yonqe etkileyen)

Page 139: · Acknowledgement To begin my thanks, J would like to start with Miss. Tulen Saner, whose cool and tension-free approach made

_ Emeklilik plarumn, sosyal sigortaruzm var olamasi. I I I

! I I

I : ' I I - i~ yerinde isinizi iyi bir sekildc yapabilmeniz i9~ gereken tii,,, kaynaklara sahip qlmam11z.



, I I I I I

..-'----- Isinizde hak ettiginiz ucreti ,Jmamzi I ! ! i



Page 140: · Acknowledgement To begin my thanks, J would like to start with Miss. Tulen Saner, whose cool and tension-free approach made


• I I 1 •

MOTIVASYON ANKETI . ' I I I ''/ u K~ Qj I 1ft t \I K

I 'I' I ! 11 u ha> e.,,b e: c I i I I . AT '1, \( 111u hi a~ e b e, J3ur t'islGt

'.2-T/os/12rf/-! I ! :

daki motivasyon edici (sizi I mutlu eden ve olumlu I yonde I I I I

Ieri, sizin icin onem sirasma gore numaralandmmz. "J" I I I

I I i .

f I 2 Y apngunz isin cahstignuz :kurwn~ yarar saglamasi, I ! I

I : Mesleginizin size yeni Ive r_ esitli tf criibeler kazanlhnlas1.

I I I I I Y eni sistemler ve uygulamalar hakkmda egitim imkaru

saglanmasi. : I 1

' I

: I I I . I

Size gerekli yetlc/ ve olorije veri,,esi.

2 Iyi performansuuzm 5idiil~endirilmesi. I I I

____ Mesleginizi yaparken f uyf ugun11f mutluluk.

3 I. ·1· kil . . . .' . 1ml ~ 1 1~ 1 enmzm 1y1 o . asi, I I ' I i I h, . ' I : : I I I •

I I I~ arkadaslanmzla sosyal etkinlik yapma firsatuuzm olmasi. . ' I I I



};' i · · d h k · ~n i1 • kid 1 1

·· ,

1• r ~ yenmz e , e~ !S!Il a I , If se I e :ua111e ~ rlTileSI.

j Sirket politikal~nrun hfrkJs taraiipdan izlemesj. I I I '

I I : I I I : I i


Page 141: · Acknowledgement To begin my thanks, J would like to start with Miss. Tulen Saner, whose cool and tension-free approach made

I I . . I

,1 Emeklilik plarurun, sos~al sfgortanizm var olamasi

' I

_ i~ yerinde isinizi iyi bir ~ekVde yapabilmeniz icin gere,en twp kaynaklara sahip olmamz. I 1


~· Isinizde hak ettiginiz ucreti almaruz, ! I

Page 142: · Acknowledgement To begin my thanks, J would like to start with Miss. Tulen Saner, whose cool and tension-free approach made


• I •


I ,

f_m,rv2 as~. !

~u . : 1


H-ToR.PS TIC. L..TO · . I J;2.8,()5 .04 ,' i



I etkileyen)



I I ki motivasyon edici (sizi !mutlu ed1n ve olumlu jyonUe

eri, sizin icin onem sirasma gore niunaraland1nmz. I I I


---4--- Y aptiguuz isin 9alI~t1gipiz kuruma yarar saglamas .•. ! . i


1 I I · _ __..;.;;;c.___ Mesleginizin size yeni ye cesitli tecriibeler kazandirmasi.

I \ • I I I

Y eni sistemler v. e ,.uygulamalar hal, mda eg~ itim iITIJKan I I i I I I I saglanmasi. , I I · i

I I I :

Size gerekli yetldve otorite verilesi.

S i . f • . : .J.) d .. lrri • yi per ormans~m o I u In m I esi.

I I I Mesleginizi yaparken iuyigunuzj mutluluk.

4. 1· ·1· kil · · · · · 1m1

1 I ---- ~ 1 1~ 1 enruzm IYJ O rs1. ' i

I I i~ arkadaslanruzla sosyrl etinlik fapma firsatnuzln olml' asi, I

[ · I \.~ ~er\l\U.<ie \\erke~\l\ I\.\ \ir ~ek'l\~e m,i,,me\e %i:>tm.e~\. \

2 Sirket politikalanrun hJ1rke~1 tarafutan izlemesi. I I

I I :


Page 143: · Acknowledgement To begin my thanks, J would like to start with Miss. Tulen Saner, whose cool and tension-free approach made

, r: _ Emeklilik plamrun, sosyal sigortaruzm var olarnasi. I i I


-~·- i~ yerinde isinizi iyi bir Jekilde yapabilmeniz icin gbrekbn kaynaklara sahip olmamz, , / / I


. _ Isinizde hak ettiginiz Iicreti almamz.: I I I I I

' I ' I

Page 144: · Acknowledgement To begin my thanks, J would like to start with Miss. Tulen Saner, whose cool and tension-free approach made

• I ! •


Ad - Soyad : ). ~ la. (~rdp. < Mesl~k . . : Mu ~CJ.-~Q._\:ie. I ! . r

<;ah~t1g11~ yen : J..___a_tof'\\ c::- WI i?uKl Tarihl : ,J-3 / S- /04 I I

I i I I ' I I I I I I A~ag1dkki motivasyon edici (sizi. m1tlu edfn ve olumlu I yonde etkileyen)

rakwr1ri ri, sizin icin onem sirasma gore numara1rnd1nmz. · I I I i

J2 Y ~ · · 1 ~ · k I ~1 I r aptigimz ism 9~ ,~tJ,mz I Ul1lilli yarar sag anrs1.

--,:, I I ' V Mesleginizin size yeni .. ve cesitli t~. criibeler kazano]as1.

I I i I

6__ Yeni sistemler ve uygl1la~alar hakkmda egitim imkara saglanmasi. I !


~ i ' . Size gerekli yetki ve otorit~ verilmesi.

I · 1

1 I . I ; I

I I I 1 . ! I Iyi performansnuzm o1dull1endiri1rfesi.

I I I · 1 Mesleginizi yaparken duyduguntcl: mutluluk.


M, i~ iliskilerinizin iyi olnias1.I I

I I I . \ 0 i~ arkadaslanmzla sosJal etkinlik ~apma frrsatJul'm olmasi.

. I I I

111 1· . . d h1 k . fi ·1 u: k'll 1 ... , ~ yenmz e er1 ysm a 1 yrr ~e 1 i-ie muame e go - I ' i I I I ; I

JS Sirket politikalarmm h~rke1r tara:dan izlem~si.


II I I 1: I

Page 145: · Acknowledgement To begin my thanks, J would like to start with Miss. Tulen Saner, whose cool and tension-free approach made


' I I i "1,2 . . I I. · 1

\ _) Emekhlik plamrun, sos1al si' gortantzm var olamasi

I I I I I ! I I l

-----+'-- i~ yerinde isinizi i~i bir ~ek'lde ya1111abi!meniz i9ir gerellen t"" kaynaklara sahip plmmfz.



! I I • I

Isinizde hak ettiginiz ucreti ilmami.




Page 146: · Acknowledgement To begin my thanks, J would like to start with Miss. Tulen Saner, whose cool and tension-free approach made

I d- Soyad

Meslek (:ah~tig1 i~ yeri :,,,.;c_ C.01"'"~":"+~r T

. . . I arih : z.s I vs- I Z.Jo Lt

Asagidaki motivasyon edici (sizi I mutlu eden ve olumlu jyonde I faktorleri, sizin icin onem sirasma gore numaralandmmz. , , I

I ' I I

>11 Y aptiguuz isin calisuguuz kuruma yarar saglarnasi. I


Mesleginizin size yeni ve ~e~itli t9.criibeler kaz~n1rrm1s1. I I I r I , I I s- Y eni sistemler ve uyguf amklar hakkinda egitim irrika .

~l I sag anmasi. I I 1

\ l Size gerekli yetki ve oioritb veriJesi.


\ '2,1 i yi performansnuzm iiriillrndirihrsi.

I 1··· di I I luk j_.. Mes eg1111Z1 yapjken


uytgunuz mut ul . .

I I • I I I~ iliskilerinizin i~

I , '> i~ arkadaslanmzla sosyal etkinlik'yapma firsatip.11'. rn olmasi.


: I I I : I I 4 i~ yerinizde herkesin a~il bir sekilde muamele go

: I I ! I I

, J Sirket politikalarrnrn h~rk~s taraf~dan izlemesi. I : I I I




Page 147: · Acknowledgement To begin my thanks, J would like to start with Miss. Tulen Saner, whose cool and tension-free approach made

(..l · Emeklilik plamrun, sosyal sigortamzm var olamasi.

, . I I I I I 1- i~ yerinde isinizi iyi bir sekilde yapabilmeniz icin glereklen tU111 1 1 r I , kaynaklara sahip olmaniz. ' , I

i I

\ Oj Isinizde hak ettiginiz ticrf ti ~lmamz. I I I I


I • I


Page 148: · Acknowledgement To begin my thanks, J would like to start with Miss. Tulen Saner, whose cool and tension-free approach made

- Soyad esle~ h~tig1 i~ yeri rib

I I I .

g1<l1-k:i motivasy~m edici (sizi / mupu ed9n ve olumlu Jyon~e etkileyen) orleri, sizin icin onem sirasma gore niaralindrr1mz.

I I I I Y ~ . . I ~ 1 1, I ~1 1 ---r aptiguuz ism ca istiguuz t .•. uruma yarar sag amasi.

I I I I I ' I I I I I I

'4 Mesleginizin size yeni ~e Je§itli t~crtibeler kazandirmasi.

Q!) . I Q' 1 Y eni sistemler ve uygulamalar hakkinda egitim irrika

T saglanmasi. / / r

I i I . I ' . I I 71' I I

10 Size gerekli yetki ve otorite verilmesi. -~Ir=--- i I I


I , 4 iyi performansmizm ii~iillf ndirilmesi, I I I 1 i I j Mesleginizi yaparken duydugunuz mutluluk.

I I I • §' i§ iliskilerinizin iyi 0Intas1.I /


JC) . '. I I I ! I I~ arkadaslannizla s?sya] rkinlilyapma firsati/' lil olmasi.

, I . I I I i

I I/ i§ yerinizde herkesin aldil bir sekilde muamele gonnesi. I I I 1


\ 3 Sirket politikalannm h~rkJs tara~dan izlemes;,

i I I i I

I !

Page 149: · Acknowledgement To begin my thanks, J would like to start with Miss. Tulen Saner, whose cool and tension-free approach made


i I I -6 Emeklilik plarurun, sosya! sigortaruzm var olamasi I , T I

I I i I i

I i I I I I

L. Is yerinde i~inizi iyi bir ~ek1lde yari/1abilmeniz i9in 1 kaynaklara sahip oliz. I ! · /

. I I I Isinizde hak ettiginiz iic1eti rhnaruz.

ereken tfu

Page 150: · Acknowledgement To begin my thanks, J would like to start with Miss. Tulen Saner, whose cool and tension-free approach made

I • I I ! •

j MOTIVA'sr~N IKETI . Soyad : Jorr.j :JeL. rp3 L/ !

le~ : .tlu)-{)52_~/ I ~ttg1 i~ yeri : tl.~AL, 10\J e../

h I : cZa/os{oy I

. Ir I I I

daki rnotivasyon edici (sizi mutl u eden ve olumlu 'leri, sizin icin onem sirasma gorF numaralanduuuz.

. ! . '

+: I ' Y apuguuz isin 9ah~tiguµz ~uruma ;yarar saglam~s1

I I ; I II : I i I

i Mesleginizin size yeni v.; e ~r~itli tef riibeler kazaµdf maJSL

· i I I I J' Y eni sistemler ve uygulamalar hakkinda egitim imkaru / saglanmasi. f / ,

I ' I I I : ! I

-) I s · kl' ki I · ·1m1 · , IZe gere 1 yet 1 ve otonte1. ven esi, I I I I I I 1


1 Iyi performansiruzin odtillendirilmesi. --r- I I I

I i I i L Mesleginizi yaparken ~~yd~gunuz! mutluluk. ·I /

• I

//7 . : I , <; 1 i~ ili~kilerinizinii~i olmasi. I I i I

L ; II I . ~ ' I I I I I

""'!'=-- I~ arkadaslanruzla sosYial erkinlik rap~a firsatuuz I

' ' I I I I I I i ;

i~ yerinizde herk~sin aril blir sekilde ~uam~l .• e go,, ! I I I . i I ' I : I i

' :

Sirket politikalanmn hrker' tar4da~ izlem~si/


/. I I I

I I I I i I

!, I '

Oras 1. es.

Page 151: · Acknowledgement To begin my thanks, J would like to start with Miss. Tulen Saner, whose cool and tension-free approach made

I I . (J_ I I ~ Emeklilik plarurun, sosyal s~gortarurm var olamasi.


j 1~ yerinde isinizi iyi 'bir sekilde yapabilmeniz icin kaynaklara sahip olmaruz, I

ereken tum


IO ' I

Isinizde hak ettiginiz ucreti flmaruzi' I I

Page 152: · Acknowledgement To begin my thanks, J would like to start with Miss. Tulen Saner, whose cool and tension-free approach made

--:i i I -- , __ y aptiguuz isin 9ah§tigr1z ikurumt yarar saglamasi.

I I ;

Q M 1 v• • • • • 1 I • l' i lib 1 k I 10 es egmizm size yem ve cesit 1 tecru e er azancirmasi. 1 I

!\ . I ..lJ Yeni sisternler ve uygulamalar haimda egitimlimka

I vl I I I sag anmas1. · · 1

I . ,

I CDII s. kl' ki . I .J . ize gere 1 yet 1 ve qtonte1 verumesi. I I I I

121 i yi performansuuzm iif iillC[ ndirilmesi. I .. I I I

l I ' I

-~- Mesleginizi yaparken f uy1ugurn1 mutluluk. I . . . I I

a 1· ·1· kil · · · · · 1m1 I ...:) § 1 I§ 1 enruzm 1y1 o asi, I

I I I I I T i~ arkadaslanruzla sosJal etkinlik f apma frrsatf J:m T. asi.

L } i§ yerinizde herkesin adil Bir sekilde muamele go mesi.




c s: k 1· ik 1 h I k 1 ) d · 1 ·1 .::_) ir et po it a annm er es taratm an iz emesi.




fiQ_tD Eex.u /\ I µ DR~<2: f?;;.E. i

: P-:SAL TJJJ~2-M :;i_~ I o:s l4t


agidaki motivasyon edici (sizi I m~tlu eden ve olumlu torl~ri, sizin icin onem sirasma go1re ~umaralf1nd1nmz.

[ i I

d- Soyad I eslek

ah~t1g1 i~ yeri arih\

yorlde Jkile~en) I I

Page 153: · Acknowledgement To begin my thanks, J would like to start with Miss. Tulen Saner, whose cool and tension-free approach made

Ll E klilik 1 I 1 : · 1 1 I me 1 p amrun, sos~a ~1gortarpzm var o amasf.

?:> i~ yerinde isinizi iyi bir sekilde yapabilmeniz icin gere kaynaklara sahip olmaruz.. .


ti . I I

Isinizde hak ettiginiz u9reti I almamf.


Page 154: · Acknowledgement To begin my thanks, J would like to start with Miss. Tulen Saner, whose cool and tension-free approach made


Ad- Soyad : M v, ,;;,e. \':l~,l~~v ";,.., Mesle~ : ('<"\v,..~~~(2__\o Q. I i .

~ah~t1g1 i~ yeri : \'v\~"°t\)~os ,,l. 'r'"'ta . ~ e.\e.\...\t--~"-J-~ c.i'-\Q.. J""-4-(o...·::.:') Tarih [ : '1. -s. s. 'l...dc\\-

i. I I I I I I

A~ag,dti motivasyon edici ~sizi jmuflu edJn ve olumlt ~On~e etkileyen) fuktor!T, sizin icin onem srraSlJlli gOr numaraltdmmz. . I

I I I ' O Y apnguuz isin cahstrgimz 1furuma 1yarar saglamasj.

' I I ! I

i I

Mesleginizin size yeni r rf sitli tef. riibeler kazand'rrmas1.

I : I I I I f l]_ Y eni sistemler ve uygulamalar hakkmda egitim imkaru I I I I I saglanmasi. 1 I I ,

i I I I I 9 Size gerekli yetki ve otcrite verilmesi. I I I I

3 1· · c. od .. 11 I di ilm · yr perrormansiruzm o u en 1r1 esi, , I I


~ Mesleginizi yapar~en du/ ydlgunuz 'mutluluk.

: I I I !

J i~ iliskilerinizin iyi olmfs1. 1

. I i I ; 1- I~ arkadaslanruzla sosyrl e\kin'ik yapma firsatuyz

a- . ! I I -:; I~ yerinizde herkesin adil bir sekilde muamele go

' ! I I I , I

\ 3_ I _ Sirket politikalarnpn he}ke~ tarafindan izlemesi. I



I j

Page 155: · Acknowledgement To begin my thanks, J would like to start with Miss. Tulen Saner, whose cool and tension-free approach made

I ! I

I I i I I i

'2. Emeklilik plarurun, sos~al sigortaruzm var olamasi, ~- I I ! ~


I. · d · · · · · · bi 1 k'(d I bil · · . i 1

• , . _ ~ yerm e 1~1Illz1 1y1 rr se 1 e yap1a 1 memz 19m kaynaklara sahip olmaruz, i


• i L\- Isinizde hak ettiginiz ucreti tlmamz.

Page 156: · Acknowledgement To begin my thanks, J would like to start with Miss. Tulen Saner, whose cool and tension-free approach made


• I I I • MOTIVASYON ANKETI ' I , 1_~; I j

A:~P \~ Oj c. \:;,,{. . ~'1n_QjQbe . I , '.,. J"' ~ :lb Ms rr,c L_rfcl ( clet!LD1v'l II , jq,_ 2'6. 5~ 2cD lf I ,

' .

tig1 is yeri

I ,

- daki motivasyon edici (sizi I mutlu edrn ve olumlu I yoride orleri, sizin icin onem sirasma g9re 9umaraland1nruz. ,

1 I

Y apngnuz isin yah~11gi ~urum, yarar saglanrslll. l I I : :

( ! Mesleginizin size yeni /ve 're~itli te11 cri.ibeler kazan . irmasi. I .

, I I I i 9 Y eni sistemler ve uyg~lamalar hakkinda egitim imkan'

saglanmasi. I / 1 I


~. . Sae gerekli ye&1 ve ott v~nltesL --rt r Iy1 performansmizin o~ull~nd1nlmes1.

: I I I . ----+--''--- Mesleginizi yal?ar~en duyqugunJ mutluluk.

i • 1 I I I I . , : I ,

\ • I

, I~ iliskilerinizin iyi olmasi.

W2- J J ·1 J .I. - - ---;

I I I ' I I I J r· · · d h k · a1 ·1 b. k·11d 1 · ·· :l ~ yenmz e er esm a 1 Jrr se 11 e muame e g.oliJilf;!S,... , . I I

I I I ! 13 Sirket politikalannm hbrkels tarafindan izlemesi. I I I I





etkileyen) I . ' I I I I

Page 157: · Acknowledgement To begin my thanks, J would like to start with Miss. Tulen Saner, whose cool and tension-free approach made

! Emeklilik plamrun, sosyal sigortaruzm var olamasi.

---- I

I r:) . __ t- __ Is yerinde isinizi iyi bir sekilde yapabilmeniz icin gerelden tum

1 kaynaklara sahip olmaruz, 1 I [ 1.

I ! I

i Isinizde hak ettiginiz Iicreti thnaruz:

! i

Page 158: · Acknowledgement To begin my thanks, J would like to start with Miss. Tulen Saner, whose cool and tension-free approach made


\ '

0 ) \\ I 0


: Gqc.kJ'A C:~~~ Mu~ : fv\qfht.Jfl-{ ·

: M. Toeos ';Ti-c.- LLD . :'21\5\~4,1· !

I , I i I I I . I I

a~1da~i _mot(v~s~_on edici (sizi .. /Iluvu edep ve oluml~ )/On<1e torler, SlZlll rem onem srrasn;ia gorle nrara1a,d1nmz. I

I I I I \ \ y ¥ . . I ¥ I kl I ¥1 : apuguuz 1~m ca I~tlgnpz urwna /yarar sag arnasi

1 I

-fL M I ¥" • • • • I . 1· I ub I k Id es eguuzm size yem ve cesit 1 tecru e er azan urnast.

: I ' I I~ i I I ~ Y eni sistemler ve uygulamalar hakkmda egitim flKam

saglanmasi. I ! I I

d-Sryad eslelt

I • • (;ah~ttg1 1~ yen arih /

\ 3 · Size gerekli yetki ve otorit~ verilmesi. I I I i !

3 . i ~ Iyi performansnuzm odtlllendirilrnesi. I I I

I I 1

1 r

{; l Mesleginizi yaparken <luyd1~gunuz1 mutluluk. ~ II'

i I I $ i~ iliskilerinizin iyi olmiis1. I j

~I . I I .. / '- 1· -! I I~ arkadaslanmzla sosrl elkinlik rpma firsatuuzin o unasi,

/ . I I I . b I~ yerinizde herkesin adil bir sekilde muamele gormesi. ~/- I I I I

1 /, 1 / I : _LJL__ Sirket politikalanpm hirkel taraidan izlemesi,


Page 159: · Acknowledgement To begin my thanks, J would like to start with Miss. Tulen Saner, whose cool and tension-free approach made

, 3 Emeklilik plamrun, sosyal sigortaruzm var olam~s~. i I i I I I I ' I I : I

r"'A 1· · d · · · · · · bi l kild I bilm · · } l \ ~ yenn e isuuzi 1y1 lfl se 1 e yapa 1 eruz icm I kaynaklara sahip olmaruz. ! : I , I I I I

+r···<lhk ·-·· .. : .l1m I I ~= e a et!i~1'.'1z uc[retr amz,


ereken t"

' I


Page 160: · Acknowledgement To begin my thanks, J would like to start with Miss. Tulen Saner, whose cool and tension-free approach made


ll MOTiVAsra.;w AJYKETi

I ! I

- s yad : ~~ '1or5\fw~ le~ : rnu~e., 0)~,.)(\J

~bg1 i~ yeri : (V\,ro-ro~ ci~\ rib I : .2ol 510'1 [


g1dal$.i motivasyon edici (sizi mutlu eder;i ve olumlu yondj'e etkileyen) orleri, sizin icin onem sirasma gor~ numaralandmrnz. [ I

i I I I

Mesleginizin size yeni ve cesitli tecriibeler kazaidl asi. I I

\ ~ Y eni sistemler ve uygulamalar hakkmda egitim · : am I saglanmasi. i I ' I I I I ! I

01 Size gerekli yetki ve ot~riteiverilmesi. I I I '


S Iyi performansmizm odul1"llehdirilm~si. I I !

I I i

l!\: Mesleginizi yaparrn drydlgunuz rutluluk.

01 1· ·1· kil . . . . . 1m I I I - , ~ 1 1~ 1 enmzm 1y1 o asi, I , .

I I I . l rl'I . ! I ' I I I I

LY_1 _ I~ arkada~lanmzl.a1. sosyal etkinlik yapma firsatmlzin 0Jas1.

I . I ; I i

4-' · i~ yerinizde herke~in adil bir sekilde muamele gormesi,

I I I I I I 9 Sirket politikalanmn he~kes11 tarafm~an izlemesi.


I I I ' .1



Page 161: · Acknowledgement To begin my thanks, J would like to start with Miss. Tulen Saner, whose cool and tension-free approach made

~ Emeklilik plamrun, sosyal ~igortamzm var olam~s,.

]:· i~ yerinde isinizi iyi bir sekilde yapabilmeniz icin gere kaynaklara sahip olmamz.


' \



t .. I en um I !

f I Isinizde hak ettiginiz ucreti almaruz.

'I i

Page 162: · Acknowledgement To begin my thanks, J would like to start with Miss. Tulen Saner, whose cool and tension-free approach made

I- Soyad es I elf l11~t1g1 i~ yeri

"I I m 1 f

MOTiVASYON ANKETi t w -:_ }:f'- - )\J e::: I f'\

N V~CA<;;,e.~.~ : 10~0':::, \lc.u., e.) : 2'& I o <::> lo Y: 1 _ !

I I I . ron1e I I I .

:3 Y aptignuz isin 9al1~tJgn~ ~uruma yarar sag!amasJ ' I I I I

I I l I \ ~ Mesleginizin size yeni ye cesitli tepriibeler kazandirmasr.

I I ; I I I

I u - Y eni sistemler Ve uygulamalar hakkmda egitim ir i saglanmasi, : I j ·

I I I I l n Si kt· ki 1 · I ·1 1 · ~ ize gere 1 yet 1 ve otont1 ven mesi.

I , I I I ! I I I 5 Iyi performansmizm odtillendirilmesi. I I I I


agidaki motivasyon edici (sizi '.mutlu eden ve olumlu torleri, sizin icin onem sirasma gore numaralandmmz.


I Y Mesleginizi yaparken duy~ugunuz1 mutluluk. I I !

i I I I

• i i I~ iliskilerinizin iyi olmasi, i I

I ' I I I ,

t I I i~ arkadaslanruzla sos~al etkinlik yapma firsatnuzin oimasi,

I , I i 2- i~ yerinizde herkesin a?il bir sekilde muamele go

; I I , + Sirket politikalanrun h~rkes tarafindan izlemesi. I I I I I


I !

\Q- I


Page 163: · Acknowledgement To begin my thanks, J would like to start with Miss. Tulen Saner, whose cool and tension-free approach made


}: Emeklilik plamrun, sosyal sigortamzm var olamast:. I I

I !



6 i~ yerinde isinizi iyi bir sekilde yapabilrneniz icin kereken tum I I I I I '

1 kaynaklara sahip olmamz. 1


1 Isinizde hak ettiginiz ucreti ,'almamz. I I : I I :


Page 164: · Acknowledgement To begin my thanks, J would like to start with Miss. Tulen Saner, whose cool and tension-free approach made




I I I i I I '

l- ~oyad : &:\~~ ~~\~~~" eslek : ~~o..~tb~

1 1


I t i ,.. o o ~\ , I\ !"' \ I

I ·~ 1g1 ·~ yen : D'\O':::, "~ ~'"' ~ . .

rib[ : 2'6, s o~ I


: i •

,gidiki motivasyon edici (sizi I mutlu edln ve olumlu I yiitjde ejkileyen) torl~ri, sizin icin onem sirasma gore 11umaraltnd1rm1z.

! , : I I I I '.l Y aptiguuz isin cahstiguuz kuruma yarar saglamasi,


3 Meslcginizin size yeni vc cesitli tecriibeler kazandirmasi.


I \ 0 Y eni sistemler ve uygulamrlar hakkinda egitim inikani

saglanmasi. 1

' I

\3 Size gerekli yetki ve o~orit~ verilmesi.


6 Iyi performansuuzm odiilllndirilmesi. I I ! I I I


I __, __ Mesleginizi yaparken 1uy9ugunll2j mutluluk.



~' i§ iliskilerinizin iyi olmasi. ! !

I i I , 1

i . I I i r \ 2J I~ arkadaslanruzla sosyal etkinlik yapma firsatnuzin oimasi.

1 • 11 1· · . d h k • . di ·1 bl. k"ldl 1 I .. -r . ~ yenruz e er esm a 1 tr se 1 e muame e gormesi. I I I I .

' \ I c · k 1· ik 1 , h k ~ Id · 1 · i 1 yIT et po It a annm er er tara1m. an lZ emesi,

! I I I I

. I I I .

Page 165: · Acknowledgement To begin my thanks, J would like to start with Miss. Tulen Saner, whose cool and tension-free approach made

i I I I

~ Emeklilik plarurun, sosyal sigortanizm var olamas •. I


I .I : ' , I


qi Is yerinde isinizi iyi b; ~e~ilde yapabilmeniz icin gereken tiim kaynaklara sahip olma~z. 1

I I . I

I !

I i I

~ Isinizde hak ettiginiz ucreti almamz.

Page 166: · Acknowledgement To begin my thanks, J would like to start with Miss. Tulen Saner, whose cool and tension-free approach made

I- Soyad ~sle~ h~t1g1 i~ yeri rib

• I •


rn E:.~ L ~ '--\ ~'"" 1 Ky~~ ell~ (

~~) M. ~ce.=;i,.;, 11C.A~", .L Tt:)

2cr )\'l2oo~ I I .. a D7on.e I

.gidaki motivasyon edici (sizi lmuvu eden ve olumlu orleri, sizin icin onem sirasma gore nurnaralandmruz.


J i i

Y aptiguuz isin cahsngimz kuruma 'yarar saglamast -~- I I · i I

I I b Mesleginizin size yeni ye 9f sitli tecrubeler kazandirmasi.

I i I j Y eni sistemler ve uygulama/ lar hakk. mda egitim imkam

I ~ I I I saglanmasi. I . · · I I

I II !

\ ~ s· kli k. I · ·1-' • I rze gere I yet I ;ve otonte venmrSl.'

I i

'1 Iyi performansunzm O~till1ndiriJesi.

J M I ~· . . 1k d1 J ~ I I I luk I es egnuzr yap."'i rn iuy ""?" mu.tu .

~ i§ iliskilerinizin iyi olmasi. I I

II I i

', , I I I ' • I I , I' Is arkadaslanruzla sosyal etkinlik yapma firsatuuzin otmasi.

I i I I I ' 10 . ' I I ' '

, l§ yerinizde herkesin a1il b1ir §ekilf e muamele g1orlnesi. I i I I I I I ! I ' / i 11 Sirket politikalanmn herkes tarafindan izlemesi. I I I I


! I .._J

etkileyen) I


Page 167: · Acknowledgement To begin my thanks, J would like to start with Miss. Tulen Saner, whose cool and tension-free approach made

' "}- Emeklilik plarurun, sos~al ~igortamzm var olam~si.

I ! I I

2 i~ yerinde isinizi iyi b~ sekilde yapabilmeniz icin zereken tum I kaynaklara sahip olmaruz. J I I I :

I i

~ Isinizde hak ettiginiz ucretiaimaruz.

Page 168: · Acknowledgement To begin my thanks, J would like to start with Miss. Tulen Saner, whose cool and tension-free approach made

d- Soyad eslek

<;ah~tig1 is yeri Tarih

• I i •


F::.::,~..,._~ ~~-s~



onde etkileyen) I

sagidaki motivasyon edici (sizi iputl~ edeq ve olumlu faktorleri, sizin icin onem sirasma gor~ nup1aralaqd1rm1z.

I i

\ . Y aptignuz isin c;ah~t1gmiz kfUIDa y1 arar saglamasi, I I I


~ Mesleginizin size yeni ve ~el1~itli tecrubeler kaza~d1tmas1. I I I

! I . • ! !

\ 0 Y eni sistemler ve uygulamalar hakkmda egitim imldaru saglanmasi. \

, I

\ \ Size gerekli yetki ve otorite verilmesi. I I

:l. Iyi performansuuzm odullendirilmesi. ! I


~ Mesleginizi yaparken d~ydlfgunuz mutluluk. I I

. I I~ iliskilerinizin iyi olma1s1.

I I I i I I I I • I

l b I~ arkadaslaruuzla sosyal etkinlik yapma firsatnuzm o I ! I I

\J_ I

as 1.

! I • I I

'"! l I~ yerinizde herkesin adil bir sekilde muamele gormesi. -¥\- I I I I I I


fl Sirket politikalanmn. he~kesl.tarafmr1 an izlemesi. I

. I I I


Page 169: · Acknowledgement To begin my thanks, J would like to start with Miss. Tulen Saner, whose cool and tension-free approach made

b Emeklilik plarurun, sosyal sigortamzm var olamas1. 1 : I


I I i I I

~ Is yerinde isinizl iyi bir ieki~de yap1abilmeniz icin gereklen turn ~. I I I I '

\ kaynaklara sahip olmaniz. i ' I I I \ i I

I I i I

-=t-- . I I _----l--i _ [sinizde hak ettiginiz ilcrf ti ,lmamzi ' I

Page 170: · Acknowledgement To begin my thanks, J would like to start with Miss. Tulen Saner, whose cool and tension-free approach made


g1 i~ yeri : M~~s 0 c., 0._ i \ o S. \ o'i

,oyad k



li motivasyon edici (sizi mutlu eden ve 0Iwn1J i, sizin icin onem sirasina gore numaralandrriruz. /

! I I

yqnde etkil~yen) I


I > __ Y aptlgiruz isin i;;ah§tlgiruz kuruma yarar saglama:S1.

Mesleginizin size yeni ve cesitli tecrilbeler kazaridmnas1. - : : I I ' I Y · · ml I

I i 1 h kk d ~· . . hk _ em siste er ve uygy. ama ar a in a egrtim u aru saglanrnasi, ' / j

I _ Size gerekli yetki ve otorite verilmesi.

I ' I


Iyi performansllllZm o1dullendirilmesi. ~ I I

I I i

I I I _ Mesleginizi yaparken 9uy1ugun~ mutluluk.


i§ ili§kilerinizin iyi olmas.. / - I I :

. . I I I I Is arkada§lariruzla sosyal etkinlik yapma firsatnuzln olrnasr.

- I I I I i

_ i§ yerinizde herkesin adil bir sekilde muamele gonnest I '

_ Sirket politikalarmm herkes taraf111dan izlemesi. I

Page 171: · Acknowledgement To begin my thanks, J would like to start with Miss. Tulen Saner, whose cool and tension-free approach made

__ ,___ Emeklilik plamrun, sosyal sigortamzm var olamas1f

( L-- I§ yerinde isinizi iyi bir sekilde yapabilmeniz icin gereten t~ kaynaklara sahip olmamz. I :

' I

4 Isinizde hak ettiginiz ucreti almamz.

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