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Additional Documentation for SAP note 1062489: DMEE for outgoing XML payment files

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Data Medium Exchange Engine (DMEE) foroutgoing XML payment files

This information was extracted from the SAP online help (R/3 Enterprise 470) by theauthor of note 1062489. The full DMEE documentation can be found in the SAP On the initial ‘SAP Solutions -> Overview’ screen, you select ’SAP R/3and R/3 enterprise’ in the navigation area:

On the next screen, you choose the English documentation for SAP R/3 470:

This opens a new window. There, you drill down: Financials - Financial Accounting (FI)- Accounts Payable - FI Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable - Payments -Executing the Payment Program - Payment Medium Workbench - Data MediumExchange Engine.

The Data Medium Exchange (DME) Engine enables you to define file formats that meetthe requirements of your financial institution. By doing so, you model an externally

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defined bank format in the R/3 System, which allows you to send or receive data in theform of DME files in this format.The ability to define these formats in the R/3 System is particularly important in casethere is no worldwide or regional standard format or if the file must comply with bank-specific standards. Covering such numerous and varied local format requirements is verydifficult in standard software, but the DME Engine enables you to define your particularlocal format yourself – without any ABAP programming knowledge or coding. With thisCustomizing tool, in the form of a graphical editor, you can define new formats flexiblyand, as format requirements change, modify existing ones efficiently.

IntegrationOnce you have modeled an external file format as a format tree in the DME Engine,calling applications can use it to:

Generate an outgoing DME file as a flat file or an XML fileConvert an incoming DME file to a format that the R/3 System can process

For SEPA, we have outgoing XML files.

FeaturesThe system comes complete with predefined format trees, which represent the file formatrequirements in a number of countries. You can also transport format trees to othersystems, or alternatively upload and download them as XML files.

Applications – Payment Medium WorkbenchThe DMEE supports a variety of applications (tree types). In the SEPA environment, wecreate outgoing files for the Payment Program (tree type PAYM), to submit payments tothe bank electronically. For this tree type, we use the Payment Medium Workbench(PMW) to configure payment media.When one executes a payment run, the system triggers the generic payment mediumprogram of the PMW for creating payment media. This program uses the DMEE formattree to create the file to be sent to your bank. For this, the system requires a specialconfiguration of the corresponding payment method:

In Customizing for Financial Accounting (FI), choose Accounts Receivable and Accounts PayableBusiness Transactions Outgoing Payments Automatic Outgoing Payments Payment

Media Make Settings for Payment Medium Formats from Payment Medium Workbench

1. Create Payment Medium Formats

Create a new format with the same name as your DMEE format tree. Choose the formatoutput Payment medium without docs., and type File. Under Program control, set theMapping using DME engine indicator. Once this indicator is set, the DME engine buttonappears, which allows you to access the DMEE format tree directly.

Under Format information, specify your country. You can also write documentation foryour PMW format by choosing the field help for the Documentation module field. Fromthere, choose Proceed, and a document maintenance screen appears. Select documentclass General text, enter a name for the text, and create the documentation. Lastly, enterthe name of this text in the PMW format in the Documentation module field.

2. Assign Payment Medium Format and Note to Payee to Payment Method

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You need to specify that the PMW is to be used for the given payment method. To do so,double-click the payment method. Under Payment medium, set the Use payment mediumworkbench indicator and enter the PMW format name you created in step 1 (which musthave the same name as the corresponding DMEE format tree). If you createddocumentation for the PMW format in step 1, once you choose Enter, an i button appearsnext to the format name. If you choose the Format settings button, you branch to thesettings for the PMW format (the activity in step 1).

Creating Format Trees for Payments

1. Call the DME Engine by entering transaction DMEE.2. Enter tree type PAYM3. Enter the name of the format tree (equal to PMW format name)4. Choose Create.5. In the dialog box that appears, specify whether the format tree is to be used to

generate a flat file or an XML file. The SEPA formats work with XML files.The DMEE: Create Format Tree <format tree> screen appears.

6. Maintain data for the root node, called the header, which appears automatically.7. Insert nodes hierarchically to represent the DME file layout description, and maintain

the detailed view as needed for each node type.8. Define a mapping procedure for each node that serves as a source field (for outgoing

files). Based on the tree type, nodes that require mapping are elements, atoms, andaction nodes. The DME Engine offers a number of special functions, such asaggregation.

9. Activate the format tree.Once active, the format tree can be accessed and used as needed by the PMW.

DMEE Screen LayoutAfter you specify a tree type and a format tree ID on the initial screen of the DataMedium Exchange Engine (DMEE), the Create Format Tree <format tree> screenappears. It is divided into three parts:

Tree structure (1)On the left side of the screen, you define your format tree by inserting nodes in ahierarchical structure.

Detailed view (2)

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When you insert a node in the format tree, detailed information is displayed to the rightof the tree in the top frame. Here you specify additional data depending on the tree andnode type. The information is displayed like a card index; you navigate between differentareas by choosing the tabs along the top.To display the details for any node, you double-click it in the left-hand tree structure. Thedetails then appear in the top right frame, and the node you have thus selected ishighlighted in the structure with a blue arrow ( ).

Source/target fields (3)The bottom right frame contains all source fields (for outgoing files) or target fields (forincoming files) that the system makes available for you, based on the tree type youspecified on the initial DMEE screen. These fields make up the source/target fieldinventory; you can select from them during the data-mapping process.

Header Data for Outgoing FilesYou maintain the following header information, displayed on the various tabs, for formattrees representing outgoing data medium exchange (DME) files:

Administrative DataYou can document your format tree as needed. To do so, specify a name for yourdocumentation text in the Documentation field; the name format <format treeID>_DMEE is recommended. You can then maintain the text directly in the SAPscripteditor by choosing . For more information on creating your own format documentation,refer to the field help for the Documentation field.

The format documentation is meant to contain general information that is relevant tothe entire format. If you want to document details at the node level (such as how anamount is calculated), you can enter up to three lines of comments per node, on theComment tab (which is visible for all nodes except the header).

The version of the format tree is displayed. The system assigns the fixed value 000 to anactive version and 001 to a maintenance version.

Format AttributesHere you specify a DDIC structure in the case of format-specific parameters. Dependingon the type of file format, you can specify other details: for flat files, you can enterdelimiter information; for XML files, you can specify further processing (via exitmodule) for a file after its creation, by entering an XSLT program.For format trees of the tree type PAYM, you can additionally specify that anaccompanying sheet is to be printed when the file is generated. The system supports theprinting of both simplified sheets and sheets with subtotals. If you specify anaccompanying sheet with subtotals, you must maintain the key fields on the Sort/keyfields tab.

LevelsHere you specify the number of levels in the format. In addition, you can define arepetition limit for each level. This value specifies how often a certain level may beoutput. If this number is exceeded, the corresponding level cannot be output anymore. Ifthe limit is reached for the uppermost level in the format tree and additional data is to beprocessed, a second file is generated. If the limit is reached for lower levels, thepreceding level is repeated so that data can continue to be output for this level.

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Sort/Key FieldsHere you can specify how certain fields are to be sorted. For the payment program, forexample, you can sort according to currency or account by specifying the appropriatesource field. If a sort field is additionally marked as a key field, then a change to thevalue in this field causes the corresponding format level to end. By activating both KeyField and No Sorting, you specify that data does not need to be sorted by this criterion (if,for example, it is already presorted in the Payment Medium Workbench); this results inadditional space in the sort fields, which allows you to use additional fields as sort fields.If you indicate on the Format attributes tab that an accompanying sheet is to be printed,you maintain the key fields here, which define how the subtotals are calculated.

File DataHere you specify whether segments are to be separated by carriage return or by line feed.You can also enter your own format-specific characters that you wish to allow in orexclude from the file; enter them one after another, with no spaces between them. If youthen select one of the following radiobuttons and choose the conversion functionExclude/allow defined characters for the affected elements, the system does thefollowing:

Do Not Allow These Charact. The system removes the specified characters from thecharacter string.Allow Only These Charact. The system removes all other characters from the characterstring except for the ones specified here.

Creating Nodes 1. For the first node, position the cursor on the root node and choose the pull-down menu next to the icon, or do a right mouse click on the root node and select thenode you want to create. 2. For successive nodes, double-click the node above where you want to insert thenext node, which the tool highlights with a blue arrow ( ). You can then specifywhether you want to insert the node on the same level or as a subnode.

Certain restrictions apply to node relationships within a format tree, but the tool onlyoffers you subsequent nodes that are permitted – provided you double-click thenode you want to insert beneath. For instance, an element cannot have a segmentas a subnode, so this is not an option when you insert a node that follows anelement.

3. Depending on the type of node you create, various data can be maintained inthe detailed view to the right of the format tree. For more information on the individualfields, choose the field help.

Node Types for XML FilesBelow is an overview of node types used in the Data Medium Exchange Engine (DMEE)for defining outgoing DME files in the format of XML files:

Node Use

Element Represents one line of an XML file; cancontain a value itself, or it can be used togroup elements as subnodes

Atom Used: 1) to output more than one value to asingle element, or 2) to control which value isoutput to an element (based on conditions)

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Technical node Element that is not output to a target file; itstores values that are used in other treenodes (elements, atoms) by a reference tothis node

XML attribute Represents a subnode of an element;provides detailed information for an element;can contain atoms as subnodes (forexample, to map conditions)

Data MappingFor each element in the DMEE format tree, we have to define how data is to be mapped.

1. Insert an element (or atom as a subnode to an element) in the format treestructure on the left. 2. The system automatically displays the detailed view for the node in the rightframe. This includes the following tabs: Attributes, Source, Aggregation, Conditions, andComment. 3. After you enter the required attribute information, select a mapping procedure.

Mapping procedures:

Select mapping procedure If

Constant The value is to be set to a constant

Structure field A value is to be retrieved from a specific sourcefield in the R/3 System

Reference to tree node An attribute (current value, length, or counterreading) of another DMEE format object thatwas already defined is to be used

Aggregation A value related to a reference node is to betotaled and made available to this node

Exit module The standard mapping and conversion rules donot meet your requirements and you wish tospecify an exit module

Own mapping (atoms) – onlypossible for elements

Your mapping rules are dependent onconditions or if different parts of the elementare to be filled from different sources

No mapping – only possiblefor XML format trees

The element is not to contain a source valueitself, but is used to group other elements orother permissible subnodes below it.

4. Enter detailed source information:

In most cases, you specify that the target field is to be filled from one source fieldfrom the R/3 System, which corresponds to the mapping procedure Structure field.To specify the source field, you can enter the source field and structure directlyunder Source, or you can select a field from the source field inventory.

5. You can specify a conversion method used to convert source field data to aparticular format for the DME file. This step is optional; if no conversion method isspecified, data is transferred to the target field in the format it has in the R/3 System.

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Source/Target Field InventoryFor each DMEE tree type, a set of possible source fields (for outgoing files) or targetfields (for incoming files) is predefined by SAP. These fields form the source/target fieldinventory, which is generated automatically during the data-selection step. You can selectfrom these fields in the data-mapping process.

For the PAYM tree type, we have the following source field inventory:

Source fields for the application, in structures FPAYH, FPAYHX, FPAYP.Source fields for note to payee (DMEE_PAYD)ABAP system fields, for example the system date.Source fields for format specific structure (if exists)Technical fields: These fields are additional ABAP system fields that areusually not selected in the data-mapping process. However, they are still madeavailable in the case that you require such source fields.

Selecting Fields from the Source/Target Field InventoryTo select a field from the source/target field inventory, double-click the document icon tothe left of the field name, and the system transfers the structure and the field name to themapping source above. For a description of the fields, choose . To branch from thestructure directly to the ABAP Dictionary, choose .You can also insert a new element in the format tree directly from the source/target fieldinventory by highlighting the field name and dragging it to the format tree. The elementis inserted after the last node in the structure and assigned the technical name of the field.


This function enables you to aggregate values for specified format tree nodes (calledaggregation nodes) and it makes this number available to a defined field in the DME file.You can either add values (e.g. to get the total amount of all payments) or occurrences(to get the number of payment transactions in a file).

ConditionsThis function enables you to define conditions that control whether a certain format treenode is processed during file generation or conversion.You can define conditions for any node type for outgoing files. If one condition applies toseveral consecutive elements, you should define a composite. If you assign a condition toa segment or a composite, it applies to the corresponding subtree. In this way, forexample, you can control that a complete record (a segment, including all its elementsdefined as subnodes) is not output to the file.

You define a conditional relationship for a node in the detailed view under Conditions,which displays a condition list that looks like this:

Arg1-1 Arg1-2 Type Operator Arg2-1 Arg2-2 Type Operator

x x x x x x x x

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The first part of the argument is defined by the first four fields, and the second part by thelast three; the fourth field is the linking operator to the next condition line, if you defineone. You fill this condition list as follows:

Field Name Required Entry

Arg1-1 Here you specify field 1 of the first part of the condition argument.This can be a constant, a source structure, or a reference ID (ofanother node already defined in the format tree).If a comparison value is a constant other than a numeric value,then you must enter it enclosed in single quotation marks, like'EURO' in the example below.

Arg1-2 Here you specify field 2 of the first part of the condition argument.If, in Arg1-1, you entered a:1. - Constant, then leave this field blank.2. - Structure field, then enter the field name (which you can

take from the source field inventory).3. - Reference ID, then enter the node attribute of the

referenced node that you want to check.

Type Enter the type of argument for the first part of the conditionargument:1 = constant2 = field in source structure3 = reference ID

Operator Enter the operator to be used for the comparison, such as equal to(=) or less than (<).For more information on possible logical operators in thecondition, see Comparing Strings.

Arg2-1 Here you specify field 1 of the second part of the conditionargument. Like the first part, it can be a constant, a field in a sourcestructure, or a reference ID.

Arg2-2 Here you specify field 2 of the second part of the conditionargument. The same dependencies apply as for Arg1-2 above.

Type Enter the type of argument for the second part of the conditionargument. The same values apply as for the first part of theargument.

Operator Here you enter the linking operator to establish the logicaloperation (AND or OR) between two condition lines (onlynecessary if you have two condition lines).

When a file is generated from one of the predefined applications, the system processesthe format tree and checks each node for conditions. If a condition is met, the systemprocesses the node; if it is not, the node is ignored.

If a condition for an upper-level node is not met, all subnodes are also ignoredduring processing.

Activating Format Trees

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You always maintain version 001 of the DMEE format tree. After you create or make anychanges to your format tree, you need to activate it so that calling applications can use itto generate or convert a DME file.


1. Complete maintenance of the format tree.2. Choose Format tree Activate or .3. The system checks the format tree.

ResultIf the check determines inconsistencies (errors or warnings), the system saves the formattree in the maintenance version, 001. To activate the tree, you must first correct all errorsand then repeat the activation procedure.If no errors are determined, the system activates the format tree and saves it as the activeversion, 000.

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