Page 1: DIY fashion accessories- cobra friendship bracelets for guys

DIY fashion accessories- cobra friendship bracelets for guys

Actually these kinds of strong cord bracelet jewelry

are appropriate for both genders, as these DIY

fashion accessories are apt to be cool and unisex.

However the presented one is navy and black color

match, which we think is much suitable for

friendship bracelets for guys.

Materials and tools:

2mm Black nylon threads

2mm Navy blue nylon threads




Step 1: make cobra pattern

1st, snip a piece of black thread measuring his wrist

circumference and 10cm plus, and fold it;

2nd, snip a piece of blue thread measuring twice

length of wrist;

3rd, make double pairs of square knots with blue

threads 2cm under the fold;

4th, use black threads to tie backward-forward

(forward-backward) knot over sided blue thread;

5th, tighten the pattern.

Step 2: repeat to finish the rest

Keep on make square knots with sided blue threads

and repeat step 1 to lengthen the friendship bracelet.

Want to arm your boyfriends with some DIY fashion accessories? Here the simple project of cobra

friendship bracelets for guys is just what you need!

Page 2: DIY fashion accessories- cobra friendship bracelets for guys

Step 3: end up the bracelet

1st, use black threads to tie forward-backward

(backward-forward) knot over left blue thread

(right blue one);

2nd, black threads are now on sides and use

them to make a pair of square knots.

3rd, cut off excess black threads and singe their


4th, tie a double stranded button knot with

middle blue threads, and the trim off the


Tada, the stunning cobra friendship bracelets for

guys are successfully done!

Learn from this tutorial: many exquisite and sophisticated patterns of DIY fashion accessories are

derived from the basic and simple knotting skills, such as in this one, the cobra pattern is from

square knots and half hitches.

Search for many kinds of thread and cord please visit:

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