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  • 8/18/2019 Discussion SAP


    Pt. Katti Narahari

    169, 1st Main 4th Cross Srinivas Nagar, BSK 1st Stage, Bangalore – 560050 Page 1

    Phone - +91-9880454848

    Who, what and why are you being denied happiness?

    All planets in this chart are hemmed in between Ketu and rahu, with Ketu leading the way. This

    constitutes a yoga called Kala Amrita yoga. This is the Kala sarpa yoga in reverse.

    The planets here are caught in between the nodes, Rahu (standing for materialism) and Ketu (standing

    for religious, spiritual or a more balanced life). People with this yoga are usually stuck between these

    two extremes.

    A better way of looking at this yoga is a python which has entangled a person and is squeezing the life

    out of that person. Unless this yoga breaks there is hardly any relief to the person who undergoes this

    tremendous squeeze. This dreaded yoga is the main reason as to why you are unable to have a stable

    and a peaceful like. Please understand that the nodes (Rahu and Ketu) are karmic planets no matter

    how good the other planets are, these nodes dominate completely over the other planets.

  • 8/18/2019 Discussion SAP


    Pt. Katti Narahari

    169, 1st Main 4th Cross Srinivas Nagar, BSK 1st Stage, Bangalore – 560050 Page 2

    Phone - +91-9880454848

    This yoga in your chart means that this has been continuing from your past life. For some reason this

    yoga was not broken in your past life and hence it continues. It comes very important that a breakage

    happens in this life time.

    Since people with this yoga are controlled by Rahu and Ketu, lots of forced errors are made by the

    person. You have made certain decisions because you experienced certain unforeseen events that left

    you in a state of shock. The consequence of this made you take further decision that has now proven to

    be a headless action in hindsight.

    Rahu is the reason one goes through shock. Ketu make's one headless in work or decision making. The

    result is that you are now caught between a hard rock on one side and a deep sea on the other.

    The question that arises is this – “is there a solution to get out of this yoga"? Until the time this yoga

    breaks you will be under the influence of a BIG snake and its squeeze.

    There are many ways this yoga is broken.

    1. This yoga automatically breaks at the age of 43. You are currently 30 and I as an astrologer cannot

    wait 13 more years for this yoga to break on its own. This means that the remedies I give you should be

    practiced at least till you turn 43. Else the two snakes (rahu and Ketu) will be back to entangle you.

    2. This yoga also breaks if there is a benefic planet in quadrants. Sadly there is no benefic planet that

    satisfies this condition. This means that there is no person will pass your way automatically and kill the

    snake that has entangled you.

    3. This yoga also breaks if there is a malefic planet in quadrants. This is not a good way to break this

    yoga as in the process of breaking this dreaded yoga, the planet (malefic) further punishes you. Imagine

    you are already being squeezed by the snake and the person who has come to help you, instead of

    killing the snake further punishes you and THEN takes his own time to help you. In your case the fiery

    sun is in a quadrant and hence Sun can break this yoga. I would not advice a remedy of sun breaking

    this yoga.

    4. When points 2 and 3 are not an option, then we need to pray to that person who can help even when

    all gods (planets) have no intention of helping you. That person is a guru or a teacher. Since in your

    case Ketu is leading we need to look at Venus (the guru of demons) if he is willing to help.

  • 8/18/2019 Discussion SAP


    Pt. Katti Narahari

    169, 1st Main 4th Cross Srinivas Nagar, BSK 1st Stage, Bangalore – 560050 Page 3

    Phone - +91-9880454848

    In your chart, venus is well placed in a trine (place of lakshmi) , the 9th house. Now interestingly, there

    is an exchange of houses (parivarthana) between moon (mother) and Venus (guru).

    Hence your mother or someone who has been a mother like figure will step in to help you. Venus also

    signifies people who are like brothers and guru. Thus people who guide you or who play the role of guru

    or a teacher will help in breaking this yoga.

    Hence the primary remedy I would be giving will address this venus/moon specifically.

    In fact most of the questions you have asked pertaining to your chart relates to this Kala Amrita yoga.

    The reason of your sadness, lack of fulfillment, contentment, and health is all due to these two nodes

    and their nexus.

    I will come back to your chart in sometime, but at this juncture, here are some issues regarding your

    husband's chart.

  • 8/18/2019 Discussion SAP


    Pt. Katti Narahari

    169, 1st Main 4th Cross Srinivas Nagar, BSK 1st Stage, Bangalore – 560050 Page 4

    Phone - +91-9880454848

    The lagna lord represents one's intelligence and how one applies this intelligence in daily life. Lagna lard

    moon is placed in the 12th house (stands for losses, hospitalization etc) and has malefic rahu and Saturn

    aspecting it. This gives rise to a situation where a person's however intelligent to sometimes goes blank

    and is unable to answer or address the questions or challenges in front of him.

    The influence of rahu (alcohol and maybe other addictions) and Saturn (bad or stale food) will have or

    already has had an impact on health. It is possible that he may have problems sleeping as well. These

    have to change.

    All your questions relating to your husband is about his career or job. There are 3 good benefic planets

    in the 2nd house of finance. Though the potential sources of incomes are very much present, Rahu's

    influence on lagna and lagna lord (intelligence) is making Anand reject the options placed before him.

    Lagna is cancer and for these people Venus becomes the main planet who has the portfolio to obstruct

    everything. Anand is running Saturn period and the sub period of Venus! Such a planet who obstructs

    money and income is in lagna. Maybe Anand is unwilling to compromise and see the practicality of life.

    Mars placed in the 4th from lagna and 6th from AL (His image) only makes Anand un-necessarily

    stubborn and aggressive. Anand will also be always debating if he has to be in a regular employee or

    start his own venture. In case he does start any venture on his own, there would be more losses. He

    should stick to a regular employment or service drawing a regular salary. It is possible that the odd jobs

    he does now-a-days relates to some form of trading. This trading could relate to IT market and property


    The current planetary period in operation is that of Saturn-Venus. as mentioned about this venus

    obstructs whatever action he does. The next dasa period is that of Saturn-Sun.

    These two planets are not very good to each other to begin with. To make matters worse, Saturn-Sun

    (2013-april to 2014-April) will cause more problems in the area of marriage and spouse. You have to be

    very careful when this time comes. Since there is a huge influence of the 12th house (expenses), Anand

    should be careful in matters of money.

    The destructive combination of sun and Jupiter is the house of income (2nd house) is yet another reason

    for lack of good income. I would strongly suggest you both offer prayers of goddess Lakshmi every

    Thursday. If there are no temples of goddess in Australia, the prayers can be said at your home. Keep a

    picture of Dhana-lakshmi and offer your prayers.

  • 8/18/2019 Discussion SAP


    Pt. Katti Narahari

    169, 1st Main 4th Cross Srinivas Nagar, BSK 1st Stage, Bangalore – 560050 Page 5

    Phone - +91-9880454848

    Since Anand won't perform any remedial measures, I can only ask you to do it on his behalf. This does

    not give 100% relief, but it's something you can try. Chant the mantra bija Srim every morning 108

    times. (I have given more detailed procedure later in this document) This will help making your

    relationship issues a bit better. It is better if Anand also chants this bija mantra.

    Back to your chart

    Since this KSY involves your 2nd-8th houses, you have been tormented by issues related to wealth,

    family, debts and diseases. I have rectified your chart to 1:24:42 pm as a person you may have strong

    inclination towards some singing activity, but never-the-less you are a person of extreme emotional

    quotient. The day your Saturn period started 2007-april, your life started going the roller coaster way.

    Saturn is your Atmakaraka, or the one who guides your soul. Since Saturn is a first rate malefic, the

    experiences of your should will be terrible. Saturn gives sadness, and health related issues.

    Many of your questions pertain to relationship issues in marriage. The first issue you need to know is

    that you both will run the same dasa's all the time since both of you were born on nakshatra’s ruled by

    rahu. Hence both of you are now running Saturn period!!! This means that there will similarities in what

    you both will go through.

    Both of you are running planetary periods that do not support marriage. Hence these marriage related

    problems, compatibility issues will go on till 2014-april. It is this time that will test your energy and

    patience. The doubts about mutual separation will only increase during this time. Please read theremedies I give below and perform them very seriously.

  • 8/18/2019 Discussion SAP


    Pt. Katti Narahari

    169, 1st Main 4th Cross Srinivas Nagar, BSK 1st Stage, Bangalore – 560050 Page 6

    Phone - +91-9880454848

    Remedial Measures for you

    1. Since Venus is the only planet capable of breaking the KAY, remedies should be based on Venus only.

    The best remedy for you is the mantra of Kamalatmika. This is one of the forms of the goddess Devi

    who will bless the following

    Since you need to understand why you are doing this remedy please read on

    Kamalatmika Sadhana

    Kamalātmikā of golden complexion and perfectly proportioned, is bathed by four elephants from the

    four directions (Kendra) using amṛta kalaśa. Amṛta (nectar) constantly flows from kalaśa (jars) and

    nourishes the rivers and beings of the universe. She has four hands. In the two hind hands, she holds

    two lotuses and her two fore hands are in abhaya mudrā (fearlessness) and vāra mudrā (boons)

    respectively. She is seated in padmāsana (lotus posture) on a red lotus that symbolizes purity. Kamala

    means ‘red lotus’ and Kamalā refers to her as ‘the essence of the red lotus’. This is another name for

    Lakṣmī. Her themes are associated with the exaltation of Venus – (1) causing fertility and marriage, (2)

    bestowing wealth, food and grains and (3) restoring the vitality and immune system of the body. Kamala

    Lakṣmī is the goddess of fortune, riches, marriage, relationships, fertility and children, wealth, every

    kind of food and material well being. Print the picture below and place it in your puja room.


  • 8/18/2019 Discussion SAP


    Pt. Katti Narahari

    169, 1st Main 4th Cross Srinivas Nagar, BSK 1st Stage, Bangalore – 560050 Page 7

    Phone - +91-9880454848


    1. If you have a room dedicated for gods (puja room), after bath every morning sit facing east or north.

    Sit in the posture of Padmāsana. Close your eyes and start chanting the bījaशी ंi.e srim. Do this for 108

    times. If you have a mala made of tulsi, it is most advisable. You should have this yantra in your puja

    room in front of you. Print this out.

    2. Start chanting ॐ िवषिण ेनमः Om Vishnaye namah for 108 times or till you internally feel you have

    to stop. This is important as every brāhmaṇa, be he of any tradition, knows too well that he cannot do

    any pūjā without first purification by the name of Viṣṇu

    3. Chant the following mantra for 108 times. This is most crucial. The mantra is ॐ ऐ ंह ंशी ंकली ंसौः

    जगतरसतुय ैनमः om aiṁ hrī ṁ śrī ṁ klī ṁ sauḥ jagatprasutyai namaḥ. This is the mantra for thekamalatmika devi.

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