  • 8/6/2019 Discovering Me - A Personal Understanding and Discovery of What It Means to Have Aspergers - Version 1.1





    MEANS TO HAVEASPERGERS(A book of poems and other musings Version 1.1 Dated 2011-07-11)

    By Emma Jane

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    This book of poems and other musings of my life are dedicated to my parents. Though many of the

    poems and musings express anger or frustration of things I was experiencing. It was of no fault of

    my parents. They knew something was off but had no idea. Even those they took me to try and

    find out what was going on, couldn't tell them. They did their best with what information they had.

    I myself couldn't express to them what was going on. I didn't understand what was happening and

    or had no words to describe it or took it to be normal, despite the problems it gave me. For no oneseemed to be struggling with this like me. When I did try to tell others by words that I could express

    or by my actions, I was told to get over myself or was given a look, that made me feel like I wanted

    the ground to swallow me whole. My reaction to this was to keep quite, put my head down and

    carry on. Even all these years later and only after eventually getting a diagnosis of a sort (The

    person I went to, turned out not to believe it is a condition and refused to give it stated on paper), I

    am only now starting to learning the words to describe what has happened to me and is still

    happening to me. Most times when I do, it takes a while. That's why I write it down, it is easier

    than trying to say it face to face.

    Yet my parents raised me with love and lots of answered prays. Despite not know what was wrong.

    Both my parents went out of their way never to give us kids any labels. The way they raised me and

    my brother, in many respects the way that was ahead of its time for the norm. Which when I looked

    up how to raise children with Aspergers, they had done exactly all the right things and more!

    Including the use of computers and this is without the guidance of professionals in this field! You

    must remember this was the early 80's and it was a very rare thing to have a computer in the home.

    The use of computers for Aspergers was most likely not even on the radar for people else where

    either at the time either. Because of what my parents did many of my symptoms are not as severe

    as they could have been.

    If I did do something that was different, the only thing they would say was 'you think out of the

    box.' As I have read more and more on the subject of Aspergers, I have come to realise that despitesome of the problems in some regards it gives me. It is just figuring out how to use those 'problems'

    and turning what could be a potential problem into an advantage. Though I must admit this can

    take a while at times and have and will be bumping my head more than a few times as I figure

    things out.

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    Something is just not right 4

    Broken Telephone 5

    Now will you let me be? 5

    Do I know you 6The Ironie 6

    Get the message yet? 7

    Just plain stubborn 8

    Mind your manners 9

    The picky eater 9

    Mustn't be late 10

    Where is the order? 10

    Playing the pretend game 11

    Sparkly things 12

    Who are you? 12

    Why aren't you listening? 13The Clumsy one 13

    You don't have Aspergers 14

    You got lost ..Where? 15

    You're an adult now 16

    Always lagging behind 17

    Out of the box 17

    Hanging on for dear life 18

    The unwritten rules 18

    I want to be alone 19

    The wallflower 19

    The tightrope walkers 20Woe is me 21

    Your inner strength 21

    Always been misunderstood 22

    I hate forms 22

    No imagination?

    The rat race 23

    Paperless is better 24

    Which is better? 24

    Please don't touch me that way! 25

    The bee in my bonnet 26

    Are you ok? 26The collection bug 27

    Difficulty in explaining 27

    The sound of an argument 28

    Unlocking the door 28

    What's the point of it all? 29

    An Automatic Reaction 29

    Feelings 30

    I like order 30

    Just visiting 31

    The dance 31

    Lemonade 32

    Playing with children 32


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    The invisible barrier 33

    The realization 33

    The longing 34

    The slow poke 35

    The look 35

    When Inspiration hits 36

    Index Alphabetical listing 37


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    All your life you know something isn't quite right with you.Others too see it too.

    But what is it?

    No one knows.

    To others you're just quirky or one the who thinks out of the box.

    You try to explain what you are experiencing.But can't most times.

    When able to do so in part, you are told:

    You are imagining things.

    To get over yourself.Everyone is also dealing with that.

    So you keep quiet, put your head down and carry on.

    You want to be alone.

    People don't want to accept this.You don't like certain foods. Like Onions.They call you a picky eater.

    How would you like it if all you tasted was onions and nothing else of the food? Yuk.

    Need order.

    Not amused when someone disrupts that.

    People must leave your things where you put them.Must not be late for things.

    Even better, arrive earlier.

    Certain touches make you want to climb the walls.

    Loud noises are a pain.

    You react badly or show displeasure at your world been disrupted in some way.People shake their heads in amusement or are puzzled.

    You are frustrated that no one seems to understand you or is willing to try to.

    Everyone seems to expect you to be like them.

    How can you when you don't seemed to be working from the same script as everyone else.

    Frustration builds.You have a blow up about the way people are reacting to you.

    You seek help once more.

    This time the you recognised some symptoms from an article on the net.The psychologist listens.Some help she is.

    She says you have Aspergers, but doesn't believe it is a condition.

    So refuses to state it on paper.

    You are angry at first.Then you realise that you have the answer of why you are different, even if there is no paperwork for


    Your actions make more sense

    Many of the others you tell about this are now starting to listen to you.

    Now knowing what is the matter, you can deal with it and make life a little easier.Never give up.

    You may see the world a little differently to others, but so what, we were never meant to be the same.5

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    Playing Broken Telephone as a child is fun.

    In real life not so much.

    People don't understand.

    Face to face you hearing seems to be fine.Use a telephone and you begin to play a real life version of Broken Telephone.

    Don't recognise voices too easily.

    If you know what the conversation is about you are ok most of the time.

    People who don't talk clearly, or have very bad accents, sound like Martians.

    Need someone else to take directions to a new place you need to go.

    Otherwise the person will have to spell extremely slowly each new word you don't recognise and

    then you still get lost.

    People talking near you.

    Crackling noises on the phone.People answering the phone in very noisy places.

    Background noises can make it almost impossible to hear what they are saying at times.

    You have your hearing tested.

    The results come back, there is nothing wrong with you.

    Now what?

    People think you are acting up or talking nonsense when you tell them you can hear, but not

    properly on a phone.

    Years later you see a program on hearing problems.

    Your symptoms fit one of the conditions talked about.You most likely have CAPD.

    It means that you hear fine, but understanding its just that you can't filter out certain sounds, or

    distinguish certain words from each other.

    Now you understand why at other times besides the telephone, you misunderstand instructions at

    times or find out what you thought the singer was singing about was not what they were saying.

    You have been playing Broken Telephone all along and no one had told you!


    I said I wanted to be alone

    You wouldn't listen

    I said I don't like crowds

    You wouldn't listen

    Well I've done the deed

    I've taken the test

    I am not anti-social

    I am Autistic

    Now get off my back and let me be. 6

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    People don't understand or want to believe.

    You have difficulty recognising faces.

    You have difficulty remembering names.

    More so when trying to put them together.

    They laugh and they say they do too, it comes with age.

    I'm in my 30's!

    They don't understand.

    I have always had this problem.

    I have learnt ways of hiding it.

    It can be very embarrising at times, when you do trip up.

    You change your hair,

    The way you dress,

    I see you in a place I don't normally see you.I cannot recognise you.

    You wonder why I look hard at you for a second.

    Sometimes I fain regcognition.

    For only after talking to you for a moment I realise who you are.

    The person you are talking to about this, has a look on their face.

    You can tell they still don't seem to understand even after all this explaining.

    They go on their merry way.

    You have no idea who the where, only that they looked familiar, but cannot place them.


    I Know I think out of the box

    I know I am different

    But you would not listen

    I'm tired of defending my actions that fall on deaf ears.

    I have accepted that I am who I am

    Without having to know the cause.But you still won't

    Why do I have to try and get a piece of paper from a psychologist, stating that there is something

    wrong with me to get you to listen?

    Now I've spent a small fortune

    I'm stuck with a label

    Are you listening now?

    Or is this still not enough?

    I AM AUTISIC!!!!



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    People keep saying,

    Where have you beenWe've missed you

    Most times in a patronising voice of some kind.

    Nothing makes my blood boil quicker.

    I said I was going to be away

    I said I didn't like been in crowds

    Yet they still ask.They don't listen.

    I don't tweet and twit.

    I don't use facebook.

    I don't use mixit.

    I barely use my cell phone.

    I was born before personal cell phones, computers and the


    When cell phones were available, they cost a pretty penny and

    were sizes of bricks.

    Most didn't have computers, even when I was in high school.

    The internet was only something you heard about and was

    expensive to use.

    You may be addicted to your little electronic boxes.

    I am not.

    It has resulted in you constantly being in communication with

    someone all the time.

    The problem is now you don't know how to be by yourself.

    Well my message is this.Don't make your problem mine.

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    Your world is difficult at times

    You put down your head and just carry on

    You are just plain stubborn

    Things can be overwhelming at times

    You take one step at a time

    You put down your head and just carry on

    You are just plain stubborn

    Others ignore your cries for help

    Or just don't understand.

    So you do your best to figure things out on your own.

    You put down your head and just carry on

    You are just plain stubborn

    You struggle to do things, others do with ease.

    It takes you hours, even days what others do in a few minutes.

    You put down your head and just carry on

    You are just plain stubborn

    While everyone else seems to know the script to life by heart

    You do not and seem to loose the plot at times.

    Others do not react well to this

    You put down your head and just carry on

    You are just plain stubborn

    You look back at all have done, despite all you have faced

    You are amazed.

    I did all that? you say in disbelief.

    Many of the things, you seem to be dealing quite well with in you own way.

    Others are surprised, knowing what ails you.

    It is not normal for someone like you to do some of those things willingly.

    You realise why.

    You put down your head and just carry on

    You are just plain stubborn

    Remember no matter what life throws at you, there is away to get around those stumbling blocks.If you can't go around it or over, DIG!

    It may take you a little longer to get there, but you will get there.

    The key is never to give up.

    So in the mean time, put your head down and just carry on.

    Being just plain stubborn has it's rewards!


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    Mind your manners.

    These word I heard a lot when younger.

    Use your knife and fork.

    Not your fingers.

    But I hate using a knife and fork.

    I can't eat my food properly.

    I don't want them.

    You are told it is not good manners, especially in public.

    Then comes the pudding.

    There is only a big spoon.

    Can't I have a teaspoon? I ask.


    But I can't get it in my mouth,It is too big.

    You get the look.

    The conversation is over.

    So you reluctantly nibble the food on the edge of the spoon.

    The years have passed.

    But at home I eat how I please.

    But still in public, I hear these words ring the back of my mind.

    Mind your Manners.


    Such a picky eater others say.

    Be greatful for the food you have.

    Stop wasting it.

    There is nothing else if you don't eat that.

    'If you don't eat it all up, you will not get some sweets like the others.' they would say.

    I don't care.I am not hungry.

    The look of disbelief on the person's face, 'You doesn't want sweets?'

    When little, I had no word to describe what I can now.

    To me I just didn't like the food or want the food.

    Now I know that certain tastes and textures get to me,

    Sometimes to the point I just can't eat it no matter what and I would rather go without.

    I don't like to mix most of my foods together and prefer they don't touch each other on the plate.

    I do not have a eating disorder.

    Though it can lead to one if not careful.I will eat other healthy things with pleasure.

    But I just won't eat that. 9

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    Mustn't be late, Mustn't be late.

    I know the world will not fall apart if I am.

    But the words still are still ringing in the back of my mind.

    Mustn't be late. Mustn't be late.

    When do you have to be there? They ask.

    A week or so from today.

    Their eye brows rise.

    You're packed already?

    It's only a two day trip.

    I don't want to forget something.

    Time gets closer.

    More double checking.

    Is this all that I need or think I will need?The day comes closer.

    Mustn't be late.

    I arrive at least half and hour earlier, some times more.

    It gives me time to think about things.

    Calm my nerves before we leave.

    But with every appointment I have, the words still ring in my head.

    Mustn't be late, Mustn't be late.


    They know you like order

    They know you like your routines

    At work things are where they need to be.

    At church you run the library with an iorn fist

    Each thing in it's place and don't you dare mess it up.

    Yet when they see your home they see only chaos.

    At times it looks like a hurricane has gone through it.They cannot understand this.

    This is not order

    But they are wrong

    The definition of order, is it not, the placing of things in ways to find them again when needed?

    There is a name for what my place looks like.

    Organised Chaos

    Yet to those looking in it is a hopeless mess

    But I know where everything is.


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    Be careful when playing the pretend game

    The objective is not to be found out

    If you are

    You have failed.Failure brings shame.

    You mustn't let people see fully who you really are.

    They will not understand

    So you do your best

    The 'Normal' world can be harsh if you fail.

    So the facade stays rigidly in place

    But when they see though the cracks in it, panic sets in.

    They mustn't see all of the real you

    They will not understand.So you try even harder to master the pretend game.

    You hope and pray that you get through this hiccup, in the game.

    Relief sets in when you do

    Till the next hiccup crops up

    Then you panic once more.

    The pretend game is not just something to amuse one self with to pass the time.

    It's the difference between surviving the world out there or yours falling apart infront of everyone.

    The last thing you want, is to be treated like some freakish thing.

    So be careful when playing the pretend gameThe objective is not to be found out

    If you are

    You have failed.

    Remember failure brings shame.


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    Many like to watch flowing water.

    I like water, but to play in.

    Many like to watch spinning things

    When younger I liked to spin till I fell down, then watch the world spin instead.But now just watching someone spin, sometimes makes me not feel too good.

    But what I have always liked, is sparkly things.

    They seem to mesmerise me at times

    Gold and silver crayons

    The way the light bounces off different shiny objects

    Things like marbles, glass figurines, even certain types of metallic paints

    Almost anything that allowed sunlight to sparkle through its shapes or bounce off it sparkling.

    My most favourite is water droplets when the sun hits them, especially on a leaf or a flower.

    My favourite picture when younger was of a kingfisher just had it hits the water.It was from my veiwmaster.

    The sunlight used to see the picture, made the water sparkle even more.

    I would stare at it for ages.

    So while others like their flowing water and spinning things, give me something sparkly and it will

    most likely have my undivided attention for quite a while.

    Well that's if it doesn't interfere with my work or with others.

    Otherwise I have to patiently wait till I can, then the world can carry on without me.


    'Who are you?'

    The teacher asks the question

    What do you mean 'who am I?'

    I am me.

    She explains.

    Now what?

    Frantic thinking.

    Quite a while later, put down, I am a child of God.

    Teacher says no religious answers.

    I am confused.

    If I'm not that, what am I?

    Says describe yourself.

    Now what?

    Rest of the class begin to read their responses.

    I listen.

    Write down what I think the teacher wants.

    But is it really me?

    For still inside, my first response is:I am me.


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    The teacher says something.

    She immediately asks you a question about it.

    But you are unable to respond.

    She gives the questioning look of disapproval.Why you are not listening?

    But I am.

    It's just that I can't answer right now.

    If she asks five minutes from now you will be able to.

    You know this is weird.

    You cannot explain it.

    So you do your best not to be seen in class.

    The less questions you are asked the better.

    It is not a nice feeling you get from the teacher as she gives you a look when she thinks you are notlistening.

    Yet inside you are screaming, I am listening.

    I just need time to think!


    The Clumsy one.

    That's what you are.You cannot deny it.

    You walk into things.

    You fall over things.

    Even your own feet at times when younger.

    Your 4 year old brother can beat you at a computer game.

    You are 6 years old!

    All you have to do is hit the spacebar!

    You sit there for hours crying, trying to get it right.

    He got it right in only a minute or two.

    You still haven't.

    Eating with a knife and fork is a challenge.

    They don't want to go where you want them to.

    You were 8 before you could ride your bike without training wheels.

    Have been to swimming lessons for years.

    But you are nearly 10 and a half before you can swim.

    You cannot hit a tennis ball in a straight line.

    Even now you have to work doubly as hard as most people to get certain things right.

    It means hours and hours of practice.

    But lose your concentration for just a second and your co-ordination goes out of the window.When this happens, everyone knows.

    You are the clumsy one. 13

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    You don't have Aspergers

    You hear people say when you tell them.

    You seem fine.

    Even thepsychologist says that, after she tells you she doesn't believe it is condition.But admits on paper you show strong signs of it.You try walking in my shoes for a day or two and see what you have to say then.

    The severity of my symptoms over long periods of time ebb and flow.

    But I have them. Not as bad as some may get them, but I still have them.

    Aversion to certain smells, tastes, textures, lights, sounds and even touch.My co-ordination is up the creek.

    I have difficulty in:

    Recognising faces

    Hearing on the phone

    SpellingProcessing my emotionsUnderstanding and interacting in social situations

    I even have difficulty in unfamiliar places finding my way many a times

    Taking the scenic route to get there is not my idea of fun, especially when one is in a hurry.

    That's even sometimes when I use a map.

    But when people look at me they don't see that.

    They don't see the hours and hours of hard work, just to keep up the appearance that everything is

    fine, including the routines I have developed to get though the day or to deal with certain situations.They don't see the panic, when things start to go wrong.

    When they do see you do something out of the ordinary, the looks you get are not always pleasant.Or when you refuse to do what everybody else is doing, they hound you and will not listen to you.

    You try to explain, but have difficulty in doing so.Your conditions seems to baffle them and the reaction from most is the same every time.

    They just say get over yourself.

    I am still lucky, most of my symptoms many a times are more of an irritation to me at times, than


    But the embarrassment from doing something you shouldn't have, infront of others, is very real andvery unpleasant.

    That on its own can be very debilitating.

    So to those who refuse to listen.Spend some time in my world and you will soon change your tune.

    I do have Aspergers. It's just that I am good at hiding it.


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    You got lost.... where?

    In the the shopping Centre.

    You hear and see the response of disbelief and amusement.

    That place is so small.In less than five minutes they knew their way around.

    They laugh again.

    You feel embarrassed

    Now years later you understand why you got lost.

    Going to new places, especially shopping Centres is not fun.

    Your eyes feel like they can't open wide enough to take it all in.

    Feels like everything is coming at you all at once.

    You feel off balance and disorientated, almost like you are high on something.

    You now learn this is not normal.Yet you had tried to tell before, but struggled to find the words.

    When you managed to tell them, that you felt disorientated.

    Everyone just told you that they too get slightly disorientated in a new place of that size, there is

    nothing unusual about that.

    But they don't fully understand what you are experiencing.

    You still go to shopping Centres.

    Have learnt ways to cope with what is happening.

    Look only where you need to.

    Focus on where you are walking.

    Going with someone also helps, focus on them and not whats around you when you start to feeldisorientated.

    Some say stay away from such places.

    I will not.

    Things will be fine once I get to know the place well.

    Well, till they swap things around quite a bit, that is.

    Then I will have to learn all over again where things are.

    But so what? Staying away will not solve the problem.

    I will live my life the way I want to, not letting things like this stop me.


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    You hear the words

    You're an adult now

    You are 21

    But inside you feel like you are still 12 years old.Things have just got harder.

    The fear just got more

    Will they realise that you are not as old as they think you are?.

    Some in the past have

    When much younger you were not acting your age, but more of your younger brother's at times.

    But they said that was normal there was only 2 years difference between the 2 of you.

    But as the years pass you too seem to notice you are not the age inside others expect you to be.

    The gap ever widening, no matter how you try to hide it.

    You feel like a child constantly trying to play pretend.

    At 21 you feel like a 12 year old who has been given adult responsibilitiesIt is very overwhelming .

    Now even in your 30's, you still feel like a young child inside, trying to deal with an adult world at


    Some times even now you feel like you are seeing things as perhaps 12, now 13, maybe 14 year old

    would see the world.

    Yet at other times maybe even a little older.

    There are times when the facade fails.

    The looks you get when it does, only makes you want to hide your secret more.

    People do not understand.

    But do you really want to tell others?

    You have the intelligence of an adult

    But the emotions and reactions of a child at times.

    They will not get this.

    The fear of been treated as less than who you are by others is real.

    Knowing many would talk down to you.

    You are not stupid, You are not dumb.

    You just want them to be understanding if you react differently.

    Yet you know they will most likely will not.

    So you hold up your facade to the world.While others say you're an adult now.

    Inside you know you are not.


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    When others tried the latest fads

    You did not

    You would analyze it first

    Think about itThen only do it if you felt it is worth the while

    This could take days, weeks, months and even years

    But you have learnt

    Jumping in with both feet like everyone else, most times leads to disaster

    Decisions that you come to regret later

    Some of them have serious consequences

    So you take your time

    Tread carefully

    Make sure everything is rightThen go ahead

    To others it may look like you just aren't interested or that you are lagging behind

    But when you are doing a balancing act with your life

    Trying to keep everything together

    The decisions you make have far reaching consequences

    So while others think you are lagging behind

    You are not

    You are moving at a pace that is right for you


    You don't think like others

    You think out of the box

    But so what?

    Look back in history

    What do you see?

    Those that made the biggest contributions to the worldThey thought out of the box

    True you may not be a genius like many

    It doesn't mean you can't make a difference.

    You still can

    Help others to see things from your angle

    Help them too, to think out of the box

    Imagine a world where no one is in their own little world

    A box so small

    That they do not see there are other ways of seeing thingsHow much better this world would be

    If we all thought out of the box. 17

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    Everyone has a part of them they do not reveal to others

    Only yours is a bit more

    As you grow up you realise you are not like everyone else

    You know not why

    You have learnt to show that difference, brings looks of disapproval

    Yet you have broken no laws that you know of and do not understand why

    So you try bury that part of as deep as you can

    Hang onto it so tightly

    Fearing to let go

    To do so, would mean loss of control and others seeing

    You do not want those looks

    The years pass and nothing changes

    Then you discover why you are like you areThough you only tell only a few why

    You start to let go

    The freedom it brings

    The relief

    The load has been lifted

    But still a large part of you still wants to hang on for dear life, to that part of you that was hidden

    Will you truly be able to let go?

    You know it will take time

    But life is much better knowing whats wrong

    Denying it only makes things harder, if not, much worse


    You get the look.


    You shouldn't have done that.

    Done what?

    You broke the rules.

    What rules?

    You don't know of any rules written down, that say you can't.

    Not all rules are written down.

    If they are not written down, how are you supposed to know them?

    You just do.

    You have no idea what they are talking about.

    You get the look once more, but no one explains


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    I don't mind being around people some of the time

    But I need my alone time

    The constant bombardment of things happening around me

    Constantly trying to readjust to itIt is very draining

    I just need to get away from it

    Being constantly being on my toes

    Must not make a mistake

    Can be very stressful

    People say you don't have to take part

    You can just sit there and watch

    They do not understand

    Even just sitting there trying to be invisible is still too muchThe noise

    The going ons

    And people will never truly let you be

    You are continually trying to fend them off

    You are tired of doing so

    The looks you get are not always pleasant

    So when I say no

    Or want to be alone

    Please respect my decision


    For most of the time in your life you are a wallflower

    You fly under the radar

    Many a times you have tried to move away from the wall

    Only to end in disaster

    You learn quickly it is far safer to remain by the wallYou are not subjected to looks

    When you get things wrong or cannot keep up

    People tend to forget wallflowers are there

    They leave you alone

    No unwanted attention they give

    So you remain where you are observing the world as it goes by


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    The tightrope stretches before you

    It is so thin

    It is so high up

    You feel dizzyYou are scared

    How are you going to get across this?

    You haven't been trained

    You have no idea what you are supposed to do

    You look to your right

    You see your friend, who stands at his rope

    He gives you a smile and a thumbs up

    He is not scared

    He can't wait to get started

    You are both handed some items and told to take them to the other side

    You both take a step

    There is no going back

    You hesitate

    You look at your friend

    Your eyes grow wide

    He is juggling his items

    Then he dances across like it was a 6 lane highway

    How is that possible?

    The audience cheers and begs for more

    You look at the rope

    It is so thin

    Holding on tightly to your items, you take the next step

    Your balance is going

    You take a few quick steps to try to regain it

    You fail

    You drop some of your items

    The audience becomes quiet

    You take a few steps moreYou loose your balance again

    This time you fall

    You catch the rope

    You cannot stand up, so you inch along

    The audience boos

    You get to the end

    What a relief

    You and your friend climb down

    He is congratulated and carried on shoulders

    Those that notice you, do not look happy

    Everyone leaves


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    You are alone

    You look up at the tightrope of life and know tomorrow you have to do it all over again

    The fear hits you again

    What if you fall once more?

    But you know you have no choice

    So you head out the door, fearing what the next day will bring.


    Woe is me

    That's the reaction manypsychologists and psychiatrists think you will have

    You sitting in a corner crying

    Woe is me

    If they acknowledge you have Aspergers

    That's not trueWhat utter nonsense

    I am stronger than they think

    I am not an ostrich like them

    Sticking one's head in the sand never solved anything

    If you deny there's a problem

    How are you to face it?

    To know if you can learn to deal with or over come it?

    So to all the psychologists and psychiatrists out there that think like this.

    Wake up and smell the roses

    And take your head out of the sand!


    Many say:

    You are so strong

    You are coping with what?

    How are you able to do what you do?

    You are always smiling when I see you

    How do you do it?

    This I can tell you

    One cannot deny it

    That strength is there when you need it the most

    When you come to the end of your tether

    When you think you cannot no more

    It fills you with hope

    You know he is there

    So give him your thanks and your praises

    And never forgetHeavenly Father is there


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    You open you mouth and say something

    Yet it seems no one hears you

    It got lost in translation

    You try once more

    You say your say again

    Yet they still don't seem to be listening

    It got lost in translation once more

    It's got corrupted some how

    How is this possible?

    We speak the same language

    You try a third time

    It still does not work

    You are given the look or reprimanded for your trouble

    Your reaction to this, is to keep quiet

    Don't make a scene

    The frustration it brings

    How do you get them to understand?


    The paper is placed before you

    Great another form

    Where do you start?

    All the words are coming all at the same time

    So you take a deep breath

    You try to take it all in

    Now that you see more than a jumble of words

    But the requests of information are not clear

    Are they wanting this or that?

    You are frustrated

    You write carefully

    You think you are done

    You ask to make sure it is all there

    They seems satisfied

    You are relieved

    It is now over

    But you are not happy

    A single page has taken 10 15 minutes to fill inBut you know sometimes it can be longer.


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    Many people say that those with Aspergers have no imagination

    Is that so?

    No it is not

    Mine is just differentMine does not always come quickly

    True mine was structured to some degree

    My playmobile dolls had to be the same colour for families

    Our lego was was mostly to do with cops and the hospital

    Barbie and Ken were family orientated stories

    But so what?

    There are so many variations to what each of those story lines could be.

    As I got older stories began to run around in my head

    But how to put it to paper?I didn't know how

    It took years, before I began to

    It is still takes time at times.

    It comes in waves

    Sometimes seeing what others have to say about a certain subject helps

    It unlocks the door, to let me get started

    But my imagination is there


    Hurry, Hurry, Hurry

    This should have been finished yesterday

    I cannot wait, I need this right NOW!

    People hoot for they feel the car infront of them is not going fast enough

    20 000 things to do and only 24 hours to do it in

    For me I have no choiceBut in a way its good

    I have to take things slower

    Otherwise I will not survive

    Everywhere I look

    Everyone is in the same rat race

    They are stressed

    They become ill because of it

    It may take me longer to do things

    In the end it will get doneThe chaos and the rushing

    This is not for me 23

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    Give me a computer any day

    I don't like pen and paper

    I write too slow

    I press too hardMy hand gets sore after a while

    You are given a form to fill in

    How on earth are you supposed to get all that information in such a small space

    My hand writing is at least twice the size of yours

    I used to write in cursive

    But at times I couldn't read my own hand writing

    Now I only print

    But as I said give me a computer

    My spelling is atrociousMy ideas are very scattered

    I can go over and over my work without having to re-write everything

    Thank goodness for the internet

    Spelling checkers are a great help

    If I couldn't do it this way

    I wouldn't even attempt to write down my works

    So many trees would have to be sacrificed

    My poor hand would not survive

    Let alone my patience


    It is a question I have often asked myself.

    To be aware that I am not always doing things the way others do

    The looks I get at times because of it.

    Then the upward battle to make sure you don't do it again

    Or to be blissfully unawareOf the looks or of my actions not being exactly right

    But then I think of the heartache this may cause

    My parents do not deserve to have that

    They have sacrificed and dealt with so much

    So as I think of this dilemma I know what the answer will be

    But still at times you do wish

    That life was not always feeling like Mount Everest

    While others seem to be crossing life with ease


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    How are you my dear? she says

    She pats you on the arm as she greets you

    You want to get away

    You can't, she's holding you by the wrist

    She continues to pat your arm with her other hand as she talks

    Someone please help me!

    You want to climb the walls

    You've got to get away

    But you are helpless till she lets go

    She eventually lets go

    Thank goodness!

    Oh, no!

    Another person comes to greet youThey place their arm around you as they talk

    You cringe once more

    Why must they hang onto you?

    At last you are free of them.

    Then someone hugs you from behind

    You stiffen

    Not again!

    You don't mind getting hugs

    But they must let you know it's coming

    I don't mind a hug or handshake

    But to all of you out there

    Please take note

    If I do not return the greeting or stiffen at your touch

    Please let go

    Remember for the next time

    Please don't touch me that way.


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    I've got a bee in my bonnet

    I have got to do this thing right now

    I cannot wait

    If I do, it will not get done

    I have learnt to harness the bee in my bonnet

    Focus it in the direction I need to go

    But do not disrupt

    I cannot get restarted

    It is extremely hard to do so

    It will lie there unfinished

    So while I have this bee in my bonnet

    I will go all out

    By the end of it I will be exhaustedBut much will be done

    So when you see me with a bee in my bonnet

    Please do not disrupt me

    You can ask me if I need help

    But if I say no

    Do not insist

    Leave me alone

    So I can get it done quickly

    For once this bee in my bonnet is goneYou can have my undivided attention


    The tears are coming

    The nose is running

    Are you ok? They ask

    There is no need to be upset

    That's just it

    I am not upset

    This is very embarrassing

    I am just nervous

    But I do not have total control

    So when I am nervous

    Agitated or even just slightly upset

    This is the result that you get


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    I like to collect things

    And many different things over the years

    Many are not like what others would

    Some is not voluntaryIt just happens

    But the urge is always there

    Radio Stories

    I do not like listening to music in general

    So radio stations are a pain

    You can't get your work done if you are stuck in front of the TV

    Remembering random facts

    But have difficulty in remembering formulas or whole subjects

    Remembering TV schedules and what the programs are aboutThough I didn't studied it

    Remembering the almost all the books I've read

    But only if you show me the book, can I tell you if I have

    Do not ask me the Authors or names of the books

    I may only remember a few at random

    Be warned do not let me into a second hand bookstore they may be left bare

    These are just a few such things

    I like to collect

    But let it be knownThankfully I am not much of a horder

    If things get too much they will be gone


    Others talk with ease

    Explaining their world to othersI have extreme difficulty with this

    Speaking face to face about my world

    This is not for me

    But have found it best to write

    What you want from me

    It takes time to answer as best as I can do

    Of what you want from me

    But even then I do not always get it right


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    You turn on the TV

    You watch Dr Phil

    You watch a real court case

    You watch to the end

    But not me

    When the arguing starts

    The pitch of their voices change

    I don't feel real good

    I am uncomfortable

    I've got to stop watching

    I've got to get out of the room

    Change the channel

    Turn off the TVJust make it stop

    It's made me feel agitated

    Want to curl into a ball

    The strange part is, that if this was a movie

    It would most likely not affect me that way

    But if someone shows just the slightest agitation to another in real life

    All I want to do is get away

    The sound of someone pulling ones fingernails across a chalkboard, is better than this


    A key has been turned

    It's opened a door

    The words are now tumbling

    I've got to keep up

    Or all will be lost

    I cannot explain itBut words are now found

    How long they will stay

    I do not know

    So while they are here

    I'll make the most of them

    Explain what I'm feeling

    Explain what has been

    For tomorrow the words may be gone

    The struggle returns

    So while I canHere is my voice

    This is what it means to be me 28

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    I am not perfect by any means

    But one things for sure

    I find it harder than many to lie

    What's the point of it all?

    Some say it makes things easier

    Others say they it's the only way to get ahead in life

    Others get rich

    But as I said

    What's the point of it all?

    You are going to be found out

    Weather it's now or after you die

    When you're standing before himThe Master will ask

    Why you did that

    Your head will be hung low

    The punishment hard

    So the question is this

    What's the point of it all?


    You've unknowingly trained yourself well

    A question is asked

    You answer without thinking

    But when you take the time to think of the question

    You now realise the answer is wrong

    But as you grew up

    You learned your lesson well

    The answer you have givenIs the one you think that they want or the nearest to what you cannot say

    Back then you had no words to describe what was happening

    So you answered without thinking

    To a script that you knew

    Now you have found the right answers

    But it's still hard not to answer without thinking

    But slowly that's changing

    Hopefully one day

    There will be no answers without thinking.


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    While most show their feelings at a drop of a hat

    Many a times you cannot

    It takes time for what has happened to sink in

    Then the feelings hit

    The result can be

    Feeling like a dear caught in headlights

    To others they may think

    You do not care

    As you do not react as they had expected

    For at times

    You have no idea what to do with you emotions

    Which can be very confusing or overwhelming

    Because of this when someone asks

    How are you feeling?

    You are unable to find the words

    To express what you are feeling


    While most live according to the chaos theoryI do not

    I like my world to be a bit more orderly

    Most things in it's place

    I do not mind small changes

    Or major ones if given time to process it

    But I do not like been disrupted

    When a time limit has been placed

    I've got to do this in order

    Otherwise disaster might take place

    Strange as it may be

    I do not like when others change my schedule

    But when I do it myself, I am ok with it

    I guess the reason for that

    Is that I can take my time

    While with others

    Most times they do not give me time.


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    If I were from Uganda

    And did what I had done

    You would not give me a look of disapproval

    You would help me learn the cultureGuide me along the way

    If I were from Russia

    And did what I had done

    You would not give me a look of disapproval

    You would help me learn the culture

    Guide me along the way

    But because I sound like you

    Look like you

    Then I do not always react like youYou do not

    Yet I am too just visiting


    You've been dragged here

    You don't want to be here

    The musics too loudThe flashing lights are too much

    There's too many people

    You don't want to dance

    You have 2 left feet stuck in cement

    So you sit outside

    Away from most of the noise

    While you wait for the others

    Wishing this night would be over


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    You see the world

    You want to take part

    You want to connect

    But you're unable to do soThere's an invisible barrier between

    You are unable to tell

    What you want or you need

    When you try

    The message doesn't get through

    There's an invisible barrier between

    People can't seem to see it or understand

    But it is there

    No matter how much you or they try to deny itThere's an in visible barrier between

    At times it's like watching a play

    You are there as things happen

    But you cannot take part

    There's an in visible barrier between


    As I now look back on the stories I've written

    Before I had words to describe as I do now

    I have discovered

    The realization is quite shocking

    I already unknowingly knew the answers way back then

    A lot of what my characters experienced or who they are

    In some ways had a started in mine

    In a way it is quite spooky

    And as I continue to uncoverUnderstand more of what goes on

    I'm beginning to see more of me in these stories of mine.


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    You want to dance in the rain

    Out in the open

    But the looks that one gets

    Make you want to hold back

    You want to build sandcastles

    Out on the beach

    But the looks that one gets

    Make you want to hold back

    You do not like crowds

    You want to go where you will not be bothered

    But you can't get away

    You've got to be there

    For the crime is too high

    There is so much that you would like to do

    But the looks that one gets

    Make you want to hold back

    It hurts you deep down inside

    When they look at you that way

    Like you've done something most horribly wrong

    When all that you've done

    Is to be all of yourselfYet no laws have been broken

    So you do your best to avoid those looks

    But as time passes on

    You are screaming inside

    You want to get out

    You want to be all of you

    But you know that you can't

    It will hurt a lot more

    So you hold backOnly letting all out you out

    When you know that it's safe


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    I was almost always one of the last to finish things in class

    If I tried to rush it

    Things would be even more untidy

    My co-ordination completely out the door

    While others made their decisions now

    I would take my time

    Think it over most carefully

    While most people I know are speed freaks

    Most times I do not go faster than 60 k/m an hour

    Which most of them pass quite speedily on their way to their top speed

    Everyone else is rushing, rushing, rushing

    I take my time on thingsI know I do take longer

    But it will get done

    But if I tried to live my life like yours

    My world would end in shambles

    Things would not get done

    Quite frankly it would leave my head spinning

    Not knowing what was going on.


    I may miss some body language and expressions people show at times

    But the one that hurts and affects me most

    I am cursed to know

    To me the look people give

    That says they are extremely disappointed in me

    Like a parent would a child

    With the threatening look behind itJust wait missy till we get home

    You are in big trouble now!

    Most times I have no idea

    What I did wrong

    But I do my best

    Not to do it again

    Of what you think I may have done

    But the feeling one gets

    From the look that they giveMakes you want the ground to swallow you whole


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    The wave of inspiration hits

    Oh great look at the time

    It's nearly passed midnight

    Most of times during the day

    I'm as dry as the perverbal desert

    But when it's time for bed or much later

    The rains begin to fall

    I am greatful for these waves of inspiration

    They are helping me to express

    What was once locked away for so long

    But there is just one thing

    Why can't these waves of inspiration come at a more convenient time?


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    Always lagging behind 17

    Always been misunderstood 22

    An Automatic Reaction 29

    Are you ok? 26Bee in my bonnet, The 26

    Broken Telephone 5

    Clumsy one, The 13

    Collection bug, The 27

    Dance, The 31

    Difficulty in explaining 27

    Do I know you 6

    Feelings 30

    Get the message yet? 7

    Hanging on for dear life 18

    I hate forms 22I like order 30

    I want to be alone 19

    Invisible barrier, The 33

    Ironie, The 6

    Just plain stubborn 8

    Just visiting 31

    Lemonade 32

    Longing, The 34

    Look, The 35

    Mind your manners 9

    Mustn't be late 10 No imagination?

    Now will you let me be? 5

    Out of the box 17

    Paperless is better 24

    Picky eater, The 9

    Playing the pretend game 11

    Playing with children 32

    Please don't touch me that way! 25

    Rat race, The 23

    Realization, The 33

    Slow poke, The 35Something is just not right 4

    Sound of an argument, The 28

    Sparkly things 12

    Tightrope walkers, The 20

    Unlocking the door 28

    Unwritten rules, The 18

    Wallflower, The 19

    What's the point of it all? 29

    When Inspiration hits 36

    Where is the order? 10

    Which is better? 24

    Who are you? 12


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    Why aren't you listening? 13

    Woe is me 21

    You don't have Aspergers 14

    You got lost ..Where? 15

    Your inner strength 21

    You're an adult now 16

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