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Diploma of Management


Qualification Qualification Objectives

Diploma of Management (BSB51107) This qualification reflects the role of individuals who are engaged to manage the work of others or to add value to or review management practices. Their role may be in any industry or organisational setting. Typically people in these roles will have considerable experience in their respective industries or vocational areas and combine an informed perspective of specific work requirements with their managerial approaches. The qualification requires a sound theoretical knowledge base and managerial competencies to plan, carry out and evaluate own work or the work of a team.

The Diploma of Management provides Participants with a sound theoretical knowledge base and managerial competencies to plan, carry out and evaluate own work and/or the work of a team. Participants will be provided with the skills to:

Develop and manage workplace projects; Assist in identifying workforce planning needs for the organisation; Develop and monitor implementation of the operational plan

to manage profitability; Identify team learning needs and maintain team

effectiveness; and

Manage the organisations knowledge management system.

Who is the Qualification Intended For? Preferred Entry Requirements

The Diploma of Management is ideal for: Personnel who are currently in management roles who wish

to formalize their skills; or Employees who are considering moving into managerial


Preferred pathways for candidates considering this qualification include: BSB40812 Certificate IV in Frontline Management or other

relevant qualification OR With vocational experience but without formal supervision or

management qualification.

Award Professional Recognition

Diploma of Management (BSB51107)

Graduates and participants are eligible to apply for applicable membership of the Australian Institute of Management Institute (AIM)

Further Learning Pathways Delivery Methods and Duration

After achieving the Diploma of Management (BSB51107), participants could consider further study within the following qualifications:

Diploma of Project Management (BSB51413). Diploma of Human Resource Management (BSB50613). Diploma of Quality Auditing (BSB51607). Diploma of Work Health and Safety (BSB51312).

Refer to – home page for further information on qualifications outlined above.

General Public Courses – 5 Days; Enterprise (We can deliver at your site). Learning and

assessment material tailored specific to organisational needs. Please email [email protected] for a corporate proposal);

Distance Delivery (course undertaken at your own pace remotely with tutorial support via Skype, telephone and email.); and

Recognition of Prior Learning (Refer to Recognition of Prior Learning Brochure).

Refer to – home page for current qualification fees and dates for all delivery methods.

[email protected] 1300 728 715

Safetynet Management Solutions 2014 ABN: 16 112 952 717 ASQA: 91090 Page 1 of 2











Diploma of Management


Qualification Unit Requirements

The Diploma of Management (BSB51107) requires 8 units to course complete (8 elective units). The units below reflect the requirements to achieve the qualification.

BSBINM501A Manage an Information or Knowledge Management System This unit provides the skills and knowledge required to organise learning to use an information or knowledge management system and to manage the use of the system.

BSBMGT502B Manage People Performance This unit describes the performance outcomes, skills and knowledge required to manage the performance of staff who report to them directly.

BSBWOR502B Ensure Team Effectiveness This unit applies to managers and addresses the need for managers to facilitate work teams and to build a positive culture within work teams. The unit takes a systematic and planned approach to developing teams. It includes the soft skills as well as more structured approaches to the management of teams.

BSBWHS501A Ensure a Safe Workplace This unit provides the skills and knowledge required to establish, maintain and evaluate the organisation’s Work, Health and Safety (WHS) policies, procedures and programs in the relevant work area in accordance with WHS legal requirements.

BSBPMG522A Undertake Project Work This unit addresses the management of projects including the development of a project plan, administering and monitoring the project, finalising the project and reviewing the project to identify lessons learnt for application to future projects.

BSBMGT515A Manage Operational Plan This unit provides the skills and knowledge required to develop and monitor implementation of the operational plan to provide efficient and effective workplace practices within the organisation’s productivity and profitability plans.

BSBRSK501B Manage Risk This unit provides the skills and knowledge required to manage risks in a range of contexts across the organisation or for a specific business unit or area.

BSBMGT516C Facilitate Continuous Improvement This unit provides the skills and knowledge required to lead and manage continuous improvement systems and processes.

Course Timetable (Corporate and General Public Courses – 5 Days*)

Day Unit Number Unit Title


Ensure a Safe Workplace Manage Risk

2 BSBPMG522A Undertake Project Work

3 BSBMGT515A Manage Operational Plan


Manage an Information or Knowledge Management System Facilitate Continuous Improvement


Manage People Performance Ensure Team Effectiveness

* Post course assessments are required to be completed after the attendance on the 5 day course.

For information on course dates and fees refer to home page.

Contact [email protected] for corporate proposal or call 1300 728 715.

[email protected] 1300 728 715

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