
    THE K ~ R ~ A N .




    BY' C"

    To save t h e ttrrr6iei. &%Go& tile e ~ s i e s t pntIi.--bnn~ raorenu.

    l @ u Y I E CHER4GS ALT Y Yar Juvg Dahndur . S%rrARq$

    , Beught is J#JC/w t6a : urtr

    L O N D O N : HENRY S. KING &. CO.,

    65 , COXZNHILL, A N D 2 2 , P A T E R N O S T E R R O W . I I

    1 8 7 3 .


  • P R E F A C E .

    HAT a competent knowledge of the Ror-&n is indispensable as an introduction t o T the study of bmabio literature vill be admitted by a31 who hare advanced beyond the rudiments of the language. From the purity of its style and elegance of its diction it has come to be considered as the standard of h a b i o even by those who have no belief in its pretensions to a divine origin, vhile so great is its authority among the followers of Mol;ammad, that it mould be difticult to name a work by ariy Mussulman writer which does not abound in allusions t o its precepts or in quotations from its pages.

    It is not to be expected that all the transcendant excellencies and miraculous beauties discovered in the Koor-an by it's commentators and others should immediately unveil themselves to our cold and unsympathi~ing gaze ; beauties there are, many and great ; ideas highly poetical are clothed in rich and appropriate language, which not unfrequently rises to a sublimity far bepnond the reach of any translation ; but it is unfortunateb the case that many of those graces which pesent theaselves to the admiration of the finished scholar are br t so many stumbling-blocks in the may of the beginner; the mar~ellous conciseness vhich adds so greatly to the force and energy of its expressions cannot fail to perplek him, while the frequent use of the ellipse leaves in his mind a feeling of fagt1eness not alto get?^ out of character in a wollk of its oracular apd soi-disant prophetic nature. .

    I t has been the privilege of the For-&n rather to impose its o m laws upon grammar than to accept them from other sources; and as it was written origina1I-y without vowel points, it is no; sarprising that a good ded of difficulty has been experienced in framing rules to meet the various readings that have thence crept in.

    The following pages have been compiled in the hope that they may prove of* service to the beginner in mastering some of the diflioulties to which I have re- ferred; they mill be found to contain much, which to the more advanced stuclent may appear trivial or unnecessary, but which mill not be without value if it lighten the 1.abours of those for whose use the book is principally designed ; it has no claim to originality, it merely presents to the reader in a succinct form that which th0 writes has culled for his benefit from the -works of others.

    The edition of the Tor-dn -which I have chosen for my text is that by Fluegel, printed at Leipzig in 1834; the Concordance by the same author has been my sheet-anchor throughout. Each word mill be found under its verbal rpot; where none exists it must be looked for in its alphabetical place; so dso in the case of

  • v%. . (I I'EPEFAGE* * - w

    ~ ~ o r d . r which hawo soenled likely to puzzle tho bcginnor ; many of theso haile been separately amangod in their alphabetical ortlcs, but ?v-ithdravn s little mithiG: tho

    ,,SL + ' w e

    mnrginai line; thus for csanip1,lo tho word 5-,5 lnny be look~d for citker u n d ~ txndcr its root 26. TIXI vowel of the aorist has been given where it is h o m n ;,'l hikrc generally added the or&i.ilml meming, and whmc such meaning is not t o bb ~ ~ u ~ ~ d ~ ~ h %


    the qor -dn the mords nm printed in Italics. I must here claim indulgenca.for the; fii~ilt-if halt it be-of haying given the English of tho illfinitire inslend of &I$,


    thka person siugulnr of the preterite, or grammatical root of the verb; it seems more oonvenieut and less round%bo~~t to say that 42 means to strike, nlthougli no one nrould be likely to comlncnce the study of the For-Bn mithont being f~tlly amre that tho word sl~oold in strictness bc rendere4 " He struck " ; while up011 this point I may observe that although there is no true infinitive in Arabic, the nbstmct noun or noun of action frequently supplies its place ; the letters n.a. merely refer to the forms of the different nouns of action, not necessarily to theis meaning ; this also applies to the participles, written part. act. and pass.; these names haw been re- tained for conreniencc? sake, an4 mark the for?~t o ~ l y of the verbal tlcljectives, which, being constantly employed as substnnti-ires, are generally ao rendered.

    It i; hardly no&esstlry that I sl~ould offer any abology to my readers for the frequent references I ha~re nlade t o DQSaoy's G m m a i r e Ambe; the study of t'he

    ianpuagtgc is now so univcrsab as ~111lost to t*enc'Ler s trauslation superfluous ; the letters D. 8. Gr. etc. refer to the second pdition.

    I have not, as a rule, thought it necessary t o notice the various readings of disputed passages, nor the numerous inte~protations of thee. same passage mhich abound in the Coillmontwios; those who may wish to extend their researches in this direction mill find an ample field in the woslrs of the tmo great authorities El BeidAmle and Bz-Znmakhsl1~ree ; the Co~nmentasy of the former, as being the more gmmrnatical, is the one I have generally oonsulted. Free use has been maae of the Dictionaries of Preytag and Johnson, pl.iucipa1l-y the former; to them, as well as to Sale's well-known translation, my aolmomledgrnents are especially due.

    From the many careful revisions the work has unclergone, both previously, and also in passing thotzgb the press, I have good grounds for hoping that but fern ' typographical errors have escaped detection ; entire freedom from such is hardly to bo expected, but the short table of errata will, I feel coddent, compise the greater

    . part; for 811 other shoxtcornings I must seek the indulgence of my readers, trusting that my humble efforts may have plrorided for them in the wrds of my title c L A

    . clue of elucidation to the intricate passages of the I$or-hu.?, ~RAJIEETCSX LODGE, NORW-ICIE, 5, PENRICE.

    3v*rE P;clbr.l~niy, 1873.


    THE KOR-1,~.

    7 A prefixed particle mawering io the Lalin num I To r cmain in a place. \%? EEte~nnlly, ever, for oraa , Whether? I ~ i t ? When thefirstof1 ewr, two consecutive propositions begin8 with i, and the second with i?, both may frequently

    E% L P N < L I S be taken in a dubitatire senae ; as F;J&l i L I L . L P Irr

    ,J 2vm5,"Whetherthonwarnthern, OF whether thou warn them not ;" f is often

    ' I S found preked rto other parkcles, as, LL; 1 0 a 4 d c

    P +;) Abmhnm ; n. noun of the second deolen-

    don , of Hebrew origin, D. 9. Gr. T. I , p. 404. 29 and A>! 1 pers sing. aor. iv. and ii. forms IMP

    oShq,r. ;? f l ees . 5Ig~ n.n. ~ii i . f. of 2; q . ~ .

    0* +T anor. i. .and o. To 6s mild (an animal) ; nor. i.

    ;I for g from g q.,. s 3 s/- L." for *' A father ; vhm in comexion with 3

    P E 3 complement, nom. *\, gen. 1, a,,. g;

    -3 /

    wl I! for &f GO! m y ~ a t h e r ; D. S. Gr. T.:, p. 91 ; Goal g ~ 3 parents, and in can-

    #& 9 ,,= nexion \$\, oblique ;$, as a i f l and $g Hia two parents ; Flus. 5TT Pathem, ancmtore, far ;F~T like JGTa the findl , being changed into halrrza after 1 quiescent; 13, 3, Qr. T. 1, pp, 91 and 113.

    u>tT B a plur. of S$ q.v. /Z aor. 8. and i. To dislike, disdain, refme, to

    be averse from (with LT, and also with g ~ ) , as \ 17 r. 101, " But the I G$ 31 up#

  • h

    t 2 ) * 6\ L*?\ * I

    +- /Z s LZ

    wic]cetl hare rpjcct~il (tile truth) or olllr (re- nor. i. 3'0 b ~ j ~ * ? f ~ l ? / rooted. J;\ (generic noun) " ceho it) with Isrg~*tstittldc." i ; .,5 T~xnarisks. , 5

    r - c G . - ~ L S ! f, o f >+ 3 , ~ ~ ~ r ;\ nor. o. and a. To pmnotrnce guilty, and !:\ 8ors a. 8 ,r P ; i s.:, r-

    -'. 5,. ,&! see ,+. C To E ~ R . vL n. o, A sin, guilt, iniquity.

    ""1 . " i cef. viii. f. of ,,':- '1.'. 1 Puni:-hmcut ofniekcdn.ness. :g part. act. One !

    - 27 ,s ' -;$ * "z 3;! 1 PEPS, j i n ~ . r.@?r. r. T, or 41 t1.i-. i mllo sins, nn evil-doer. A ~~ic l i ed person. .d / I

    "-2. 41, rfir, i, T~ rirrrith, r),m:p to (ni;li nitll -- jL1:b n.a. $1. f. Aceusatio~l of crime* " ., -

    I * & I ) P $1; to brill: tto (iyilil of tjlil lg and nee. i a ~ r . O. 20 ~ L O * Z . c\Gi Bitter, sdt (water). j " ,,,, / / of PCP".) ; t.13 pnsi, e imc to I,n.i, enme j G-7: ~ - j i i @ f* of k- q * ~ *

    * - . S r ,

    nyon i ~ i t ~ ,ij : tct do, conlitlit (fin act, / aj p138, yiii, f. L= q.v. I)- .*,,,; ! c 5 5 / r

    witit nee. o r rritll 3;. I : : 1 I . plur. of sepulchre. I ..' LC$, / z ?i

    I - . i+ i port. act. Oz;c n iio conked to, 3.3 ~i aor. o. and i. To pry wages, serve for hire.

    i n J i - L I S . 'E :, ? -t

    .s-\ n.n. d rcrrnrd; P l u ~ . ~ ~ \ Wages, dowers. ,*&..I li r. 78, " Y c r i i ~ t l l ~ r ~ is coming : , , s .. t / r &.'L

    upon them n pur~ial~l~~ent." G ; ~ ~ ~ part. pass, - J ~ f ~ l H. To hire. , . . # S b

    , *nitlr active eigaifieation, Tliat nLicil i a 'dqt T o J ~ a tto.~ta. b&f A cause, the sake, as' r ; \ ' ' % c. I I

    ' come to pass ; nt 1 9 r. 61 it has n f u t ore j 1 ? o n that account." L i A Y C & # , '

    ? ,a Ti i t I , u . ., &d . i s pro- fixed term, bredeterrnincd period. -- *\ 11.-

    w *

    miec ill come to pnss."- 21 I\'. To cnus C / To appoint a fixed term (mith ace. and J), Clr

    to eonle, i~rillg. produce, give (r?itb douWc i zg:: part, pnss, \vitl1 act, signiEcntion,'as - @

    q z I' d' , , , : neeua.1.. P b ! .. f n. r,. l'iio bestsniilg of gifts. : +&,-=$ +.+ 3 r, 139, fi According to the

    l" P .. P O

    9 1 p111r. G9?+ p r t . :let. One nlio gins. i nllich fixes the appointed term of all things,,, r " 5 PRE.:', kzi;l, or with the oillirsion of the sceonll / F,, il,is %drerbial use of the nccusativo see

    / ." Bnmza, ~ $ 1 D. 8. Or. T. 1, p. 97; Ex. r . -~3 * $ c .$G 4.L91 1?zj\ &.;d ! ; d pllrase ~-;llich is cxnctly

    rendered in eolloquinl Etiglisii by " Tlloae nB o

  • am. o. To take, reccive (with MC, and nlso with u) ; to accept, t z k e away, punish, Set


    (with am. of pers. and +, &,, or &) ; to compact (with & of pers. or with

    acc.1; to seize upon, aeize (with acc, or with w o f thing) ; to take in hand and arrange, is

    */bs. 1*#3 0 f 3 $ Li.l b d i .Li 9 V. 50, "We had ordered onr afaire beforehand." n.s.

    ~ ' L z The act of Salring, punishment. i&.l noun of unity, A punishment. 4&~ part. act. One


    who takes, - &-\ * br gi aor. &% 111" To puniah (with ace. of pers, and + of iLe / * ,,,b I w i m e l . - ~ j f m & ~ D. S. Qr. T. 1, p. 230, PIII. To tnke, t ake to one'a-self; with 12;

    */,g d c r ? it means to beget, as Id, !,I 2 T. 110, "God hat11 begot tea issue; " to Gceive, make,

    * #,*, P C P & x,' m&e for one'tj-self, oa aj;.r + d l


    29 v. 40, " Like the qider (who) m&eth r,P x&,a-s

    for herself a house ; " at 38 v. 03 pb &I b n / b 0 * 4

    ia for ~b i& i i , the alif of union being mp- -pressed after the interrogative particle 7, D. fi.

    P 6,

    Br. T. 1, p. 71 ; to hold os reckon, ns i.& -$ ..Cr ./b # P I P C.9 , \ L\iS 9k .y &*, 9 V. 100, EB Con-

    siders what be expends QS a means of bringing him nigh nnto God;'Yo act, bebarn (with kindness), as at 18 v. 85 (with csj of person). 2 0 : s *s o k \ n,s. Act of taking to one'e-self. h ,, .-

    part. act. One who talres. ;+? No verbal root, the verb not being osed in the

    P / t % first form ; Latter, Zmast. 3 for p\ l (2nd declension) Aao tbcr, oMer, the last ; Fern. &-kf Dm 9. Gr. T. 1, p. SSl; Plor. , $ 0 " r r P S F * . p ; F e m . p i for+\, the more usual form, D. S. 8r. T. I, pp. 359 and 407.; y e 0 ( . $ I? -

    $1 61 j, 3 y. 147, " h your rear. J+ I , F A

    B '

    Fern. i + T Imt, thc Inst, the end, llntter end ; , 9 -L4

    ,e+ Y1 \ The last, thc latest poateri$; isby rc-5- r? F. The next (life) as opp~,wd to Ljd I XI.

    p r % P aor .+.. TO do a thing after zinother,*do nay- thing last, defer, leme undone, put off (with

    r -rtccr r F r 0 dL4 zoo. and 21, as 1 b p T 3; 11


    v. II, " And verily if we pnt off their p~zniah- mcnt;" to give a respite to any one (with

    s g 5 , nco. and j\).-ij~ V. To remdn behind,

    C / , lr ,p

    come after a n o t h c r . - p t j X. To stay be- 9 Y s L P h i d , delay, wish todelay. ,g b pnrt, act..

    Onq.who t x ~ ~ i e s behind. 4 0-c. 7z # ,

    -,PI 3 pera. aing. pret. iv. f. of d - q.v. / / I

    t i ~ . f. of & q . ~ . qz , %&-i (2nd declension) plur. of s, rt. ,E q.?.

    D b * X azrl am. oond. 1 pers, sing. -nit& affixed, from

    'G C us, *

    for2&\ ; mllm in con~lesion with a complement r TE I I ncc, k? A brother; porn. +\, gen= & ,

    Dud, wt&T, ob1,liqoe &f, nnd in oanatmo- /Zr G d M ~ '

    t i and , I ; Plm. ~ii! and 21g1; the latter generally means compnnions or

    s r . 5 :,* 5 friends. u l for b p - l A eiater ; Phr. rC /r E 8 b l L, b o+\; Dud 9 , , oblique u+l,: e a,, D.S.Gr,T.l,p.353.- s

    3 aor. a. i. and o. To fall ox, opprc~~. j! 6tu- pendoas, gievam.

    t $, a b r L 0, .', ?b\ 21 for ~ b \ s 2 pers. plnr. vi. f. o f b ~ q.v &;\:I Pi. f. of &;i q.v.

    *% $7 Cause t o come ; Imyerat. ii. f. of 4.v. r3 G! see &J\. . .

    g HC'Z H e 0

    Ib21 BeedJ. , , ~mparztiva 5 p h d of Y q . ~ . 5wi>7 .. , plur. of &; An adopted son, rt. d; q.v. ~ 5 7 iv, f. of $5 q.v.

  • * I

    I - - / , c 9 L 3 I witliout any antecedent; the words GK InJS'i\

    / a J\ aor. a. To Be taxmy. (2nd declension), f

    Adam; D. 8. Gr. T. 1, p. 404. T IV. TO injure, Ten,

    .$, / P j - / amOY) Offend, aflict; aorn 1533 ; ~ J J ~ L 4 V* 201 '' Then punish them both ; " . P ? ? P ~ T ~ , r I do them both some injury" ; Commentators differ as to what this injury should be; Pass. . . 5 0 .:: .- * : 3 Q~,I 29 v. 9, for ,-$,\ for 6 9 1 1 , see 3 v.134;

    ' ,- 43 ~ t , do\ plur, of 3: A chin, see 2;;. 0 L \S q.r. See also

    6 d

    I 34 plur. of a;, rt. JG q.v. 83

    4 . / $ 5 \ To give ear ; and u+ 1 aor. a. To suffer, grant permission, permit (with J of pers, and L+ of

    ,F thing, also with LT of the ierb) ; to hesrlieh to (with J). f i f e . When the Imperative of this

    / L (2,

    verb is preceded by J it is written u3 U1 as at 2 v. 270 ; see D. 8. Gr. T. I, p. 232, izotg.

    see also D. 8. Gr. T. 1, p. 95, $ 187. &g see &;T -

    ,. 15 * vJ\ aor. i. To tie (a h o t ) tight, and 4 aor. n.

    b . 4 To want. qj! n.a. mani, a necessity, as ,,+ 4 -. s5)l dJT2 24 T. 31, " Who have no nccd (of women)." G,,L (2nd ileclension) plur. :, ," /

    of 6) h Necessities, necessary uses. s 4%

    *2 B +kJ\ plur, of e; q.v.

    . -

    /b% ! 1 iv. f, of 5 q.v. LCJ -- 4 G 0 C 0 / /

    ui jJ! viii.f. of u b for +J q.v. -/ G 5 2\?,1 p l ~ r . of G; A side, rt. &; q.v.

    &-7 Put him off1 a See q-, ,

    / 6% 0 0

    iv. f. of 3-3 q.v.

  • Angel Gabriel. $7 plur. of 3 Tracts or / L P.-

    regions of the earth ; d\$jTL,. \

  • 1 &or. i. TO diminish, defraud (with acc, of pers. / / Q L 9 .&,E /,

    and > of thing), as >? ;;$.rs P\XJ :" 5 ~ C I ,


    52 v. 21, " A ~ i d we vill not defraud them OuJ 1 of any of their worlcs." &\ viii. f. of 3 q.v.

    o+ /

    n.s, iv. f. of ;;! q . ~ . s ;L 1 jL!\ n.a. ir. f. of &! q.v. c 4 ,'

    I Join me ; Imperat. ir. f. of L+l q.v. +..S d 1 (2nd declension) cornparat, adjective fr . 3 .v. ,*

    4 "4s d+.!\ (He, tlle man) who, (him) ~ h o m , (the thing)

    a3 / G 3 0 'iir8 which ; Fern. cs,.+~ i ; Dual u1 ;\JI ; Plur. d;,& I ;

    -* $ fern. plur. &%~7 and j UJ i ; De Sacy instead

    C 0LB U ~ I 8 W a.


    LS d\ iv. f. of q . ~ . , 5 ,La

    u \ d \ plur. of a A nicl- \name. 27 iv. f. of 2; q.v. & / S

    1 Am I not? Is it nut? etc. from f interrogative ' and 7 not ; used also in co~ljunction with o t l m

    C,/d LNB $C/d par ticles, as +.i 1 , +3 1 , bJ2 \ , etc.

    h c- (JI Letters found at 'the commencement of the second and several other chapters of the Forhn. . Concerning the meaning of these and other lettemts found at the commencement of various chapters, differer~ces of opinion hare almays existed among cornmentatora ; but it is held

    1 of the last form gives ;ki and G%i ; see his I by many of the ablest of the Mussulmsn Gralnmar, T. I, p. 446 ; According to the I Doctors that the true meaning has never been rule given at 5 232, p. 113 of the same volume, 1 bi n o u n seem to be ale most correct nay of

    communicated to any mortal, Mohamm'ad done excepted. See Sale's Forin, introduc-

    spelling it ; see also his olfservations on thew I tory remarks, aeetion iii. Note. These and 1 pronouns, or, as be calls them, conjunctive / similar letters are to be pronounced at full

    adjectives, vol. 1, p. 443, et seq., and rolf 2, p. 313, et seg. The mteeedent is frequently omitted; see an instance at 28 v. 14,

    ' j1 Letters placed at the commencement of the loth, lltll, 12th, 14th, and 15th chapters ;


    see (J 1 . a G Z

    Q \ p ~ u r , o f & J , r t . 3 q . v . , af nor. a. To be accustomed ( t o a place), to join

    together. 3 7 A thousand; considered by 0 3i

    some as the root ; Dual . 127, oblique 1 ; 5 /-

    I 9 4%

    Plur. LL\J I and s]l. - d J 11. TO knite, join together, reconcile (with 2) ; sor. dihi;, 9 .. 8 Gz. P G Z P L ~ , ~ S y fern, part. pass. Reconciled, na +'rJ \, C ? C P V ,.++ 9 v. GO, "And those whose hearts are re- conciled : " For the construction of this seiite~ice / seeD.S.Gr .T.2 ,p .277. -s&ln .a , iv . f .

    1 A compact, uniting together.

    length, aZ$ Itrim, meem, etc, 3Faor . a. TO suffer (pain). >lf painful. I a+ / AT Letters at the commencement of the thirteenth

    chapter, see p. h& -

    4 1 Letters at the commencement of the seventh I chapter, see JT. s/S s I PJ I To adore. dl; D u d oblique 2~ ; Plur. $2~

    P' - A Deity, God. 97 God, T'he God, The only God; A word which embraces all tLe names by which the &fussulmans designate the Deity.

    73 -a/ &c and dJJ !, By Gqd ! 9~ K K To God, be- longing to God, as pY? q 2 v. 151, "Verily

    $598 d we are God's." f l l A form of invocation, 0 God ! The p being added to compensate the omission of the particle ; it is said to

    915.4 / stand for 2 C I \ I, " o GO^ I instruct us Jg ,

  • of pers. and thing), as $G 3' 3 9.114, "They will not fail to cor rupt you." plnr. of ;P! for 27, Benefits. -JT IT. fi,r

    C ~ f i (possibly derived from an obsolete root

    /z 11) To swear, vow nbatinence from (with C5 r 9 : ~ hi, aa d$ 3 pwa. plnr. aor, at 2 v. 226.-

    ~ P P b~ &i VIII. To'swew, as &$ u\ . . . &\b 24 v. 22, " Let not (the wealthy) swear tiat they. wiliilirotgive." Note. The ellipse of thenegative is uau a1 afiw an oath ; the onth itself implying s negation, unless there appew gome precise indication to the contray; P. 8. Gr. T. 2,


    of two alternative propositions, the f i ~ t of whioh iii preceded by 7 ; both may frequently be rendered " whether ; " see 1.

    5i= 0 4.- l am. o. To sed, illtend, proposa. I oblique plnr. part. nct. Thoae who seek, or are intend-

    s -6 i n g (to $sit). ?Amother, Plur. ~ 4 ~ 1 ;, p&&;ale, s capital, place of abode, foundation, as Ff 3 T. 5, '(The founds-


    tion (or fundamental p~rt) of the Book." A'bte. The contents of the Vorhn are cla~lsed by Mo$nmrnad under two heads; the first,

    .. b 4 +- which is cnlled uw 1 or the fundamental


    it has occopied. ; iv. f. of q.v, and p. 37 iv. f. af 2 q.v. 3 aor. o. To be wanting in duty, to fail (with aoo.

    p, 474. I part, contains Bose passage8 whose meaning

    -/c,- as gl;, and we both nnmeA of Momt Sinai.

    o r 1 0' ; a conjunction used in the

    own;" in thia and similar instnncea there 0.: B P z

    appeFs t o be an ellipse of the word tcr+ f I $ uddiag it," or of mine sirnilor word ; iT J! Until. As a general role Ji indicates the t a m or Tidt beyond which an adfan doea not

    / A. . J , I ~ plur. of 3 A species, q.v. JJ~ To, towards, aa far a5 (but not inchding) ; For

    the difference between $- and J! see &; m b W r r u ~

    in, an,or at, as+@\ r* d~ 4" 89, "Verily he will yon together on the day of resmeation ;" with, or in addition to, as,

    ?\1j~ ' I I$.& 6 4 v. 2, " DO not rlevour their eubetance in addition to yous

    'extend. $ g ~ (2nd. declension) Elias. &Gl 57 v. 130 IlyAseen; this word i~ suppoaed by some to be the plnr. of and to mean Elim and his followera, but it is probable that the termina- tion a only added for the salre of the rhyme, and t h ~ t Both worh designate the same person ;

    ' '

    is plain and ol.6ions; the o&r portiona m e 'metnphorical; t hemordsuwr , at 18 v. 39 ~ n d 43 v. 3 mean "'The original of the Book," and refer to the table on which God'e decrees are recorded; it is d s o a name sometimes

    r -c&T given t o the opening chapter : ?! The

    51 rc-4 metropolis, Mecos : ;/& 1 7 v. 149 foru;jzT Son of my mother, D. S.Gr."T. 2, p. 91, note;

    yla .dLrn@ in some manuscripts tho words \ I! at

    :*/w 20 v. 95 are written in one word *,, D. 5.

    s r"i, ar. T. 1, p. 99, 21 HUT. r\ A people, nation, race, a party (especially of the aame reli&n), it h e d and deiinite term, a certain

    - -

    . time, R religion, $1 & 43 W. 21 and 22, t i In the practice of e religion; " an Imhm, .

    P . d 0 or model of religion. Before; ~ L T 75 v.'5, " (For that which is) before him," $.em " for the fnture." TG\ sing. and p h . ; the


    Plnr. of vhich is 2-7 A leader in religion, a a

  • moclel, example, rule, pntteiaii, or hook for S 13.

    gtlidance or instrnction. ,;?I One mho can neithw reacl nap write, illiterate, an epithet of Mobstminad, ignorant, Pagan, one who is ignorant of the Scriptmes. El As for; OCCB- siounlly put for in ;yf Or that wllich, or what. \.:\ Either, or wl-ethe~~, in which seilse i t re-


    quires to be before each of the alterna- tive propositions of n sentellce ; D. S. Gr. T . 1, p. 573 ; instalices however occur mllere instead of L:) bcing repeated, 3 is s~tbstituted, thus, '6' * (rS c g 9 r c F /F b 4 0,~:- sc9 & / a

    a , \ A 1 a+ cZ-+tLb 17 v. J' '

    24, " Whether one, of them attain old nge with / (r

    thee or both of them : " mhen standing for L*,,\ If (the boing espletioc), no repetition is

    // Y w 'YS/ !i0 necessary, thus JAA ,% r~gj ! L% 2 v. 36,

    & cr And if n, cfirection shallporne to you from me."

    s- ' s b \ plor. of &T A maid-sers&t, see \;T for $f.. .$ ,s , S n j L l A deposit, rt. w3 \ q.v. a -5 ,S 5.. .,4 (,d Z / &id\ plur. of Desires, rt. U;. q.v.

    0 CZ S (.I aor. i. To cZetemi?zc, to be enrvd. u l A

    curve, anything which shows ups and downs. 5.2

    , an\ A maid-servant, rt. \ ~ f for 37 q.v. jG! viii, f. o f j L c1.v. ' /< 6 /--

    viii, f, of q.v. zJ 3'0 be $~aisRed, and &f To be a12gry. L?

    A~tger, tho term of existence, a space, term, terminus.

    6 Z 3 xor. o. To command, O T ~ ~ S , enjoin (with u\ or J or with ace. of pera, and t+ of thing); ': 9 9k0 I( / ~ 9 2 ,

    ~ ~ 3 j f " G Ye order me," 39 v. 64,is fordJi" G; r. Y IrnperattY ; mhen preceded by the conjunction

    c. PZZ ; it is written , ~ b , D. S. Gr. T. 1, p. 232. s c* / \ 11.21,. A command, decTee, matter, thing,

    S 95 bE b ..- business ; Plur. ; G ~ \ ,+p Of my own

    mill, A serious matter, a strange thing. S c f l 1 part. r act. One who commands. ;GT Prone.

    /0 05 - I To take counsel together, de-

    b /sG liberate d ~ o u t (with +) ; Imperat.Jfi,\, and

    - , 6 A0 / with2 , 5 .

    S f P ' - S b 3 Z0 ;tL gpe. dy) A man, rt. bd q.v. S b.C @,

    w\ Yesterday, (no verbal root). s-'6P $I-\ plor. of An intestine.

    aoaor. o. To Hope. n.a. Hope. 0& 3

    L 5 L\ is. f. of G q.v. / '.

    ~ 3 3 I aor. a. To be secure, trust (wit11 acc. of pers. and L+ of thing), put trust in (with acc. of psrs. a id UG), to be secure from (with ace.),

    Q 4 ' 6 0 P /(;, /, aa $11 I IC. ud Uj 7 v. 97, " POP (no one) is

    3 ~3 secure from the stratagem of God." ,,-,A\ n.a. Security; at2 v.119 it means a place of security. z9T past. act, One or that which is secure,

    9 S safe, secure. us 1 Faithful, trustworthy,

    5,/ 0z secure. 127 Security. aj\n\ A pledge, cove-

    s 9:' n e n t , faith, a trust. ujn L" part. pass. Secured. s 021 u* b A place of security.-;I IV. To rnalre sure or secure (with acc. of pers.) ; to have .

    5 ' CIL faith in, believe (with o). u&\ for z l * r l D. S. Gr. T. 1, p. 95, (185 and is7 *.a. A believing, faith, hea~tfelt belief, see ;GI. s 49 ' C 4 0NS I fly pzrt. ,. . act. One who believed.- @,l

    / 9Z:E 1 Pass. &,l VIII. To be entrusted wit11 the custody of my thing.

    S *,a ~b -2 0 , d j / . l Anything wished for, rt. L5d q . ~ . aor. o. To mcw ZiBe a cat, to become a maid-


    servalzt. &T for D. S. Gr. T. 1, p. 358, A maid-servant ; Plur. ~~~.

    r. 3 w\ That, in order that, lest, that not; when followed

    by a verb in the aorist, such verb is generally put in the subjunctive ; wl~en put; before a

  • noun pronoun it governs it in the accusa- tive, and is then written tile teshdeed QS

    ,\. This conjunction is fYeqllontly used after JG or gome verb, an ellipse of


    (saying) go unto the midied people;" when used in the sense of lest, for fear that, or ill order that (it may) not, it is generally neces-

    you call upon them fhcy niIt not h e i p a r ) pnyer, and if thcy llenrd they vot11d not I nnswcr you." ;! gives n future signifiention 1

    @ $ . I t o verbs in tlie preterite, u~lless rrbero ub is , , P 5 , C " k , the word "saying," thus, &,,., wJ JL d\ &>

    'UJ&-y= '" 4 2.4 2 f3il l +J l 1 20 V. 9, '' And (re- b*, // 9 nlernber) when thy Lord called unto Moses

    rer;vsTd is not (due) eseept &am him 1~3110 c~eaifed 1

    interposed, D. S. Gr. T. 1, p. 181, et siq.; 1 i t has sonletimes a negfttiue ~nenning, as 1

    G 4 "/ 3 0 6 3 L. 1 2x5 is&J \ ,i; "I iji3! 11 V. 53, "'My 1 LJ

    LSZ G C / (, 5 c, * me." &/\ nnd ,:I fop ,.!I and ,,\' .5 . , G Z s! like ,,I is used with almost e ~ ~ e r y kind of I I

    sary as a rule that the prccoding proposition I prefix and n%s. ; when without an aEred pro- 1 the idea of prollibition, hindrance, or obstacle, / has an df i r~unt i~e meming, and ma^? ~ ' r n " e a l 1 ~ 1

    9 9 /C/ C 'L z0,5 G 9 9 M , 'b, , a s % , , ,r a;?\p+& ,;J & ~ + d b 1 8 v . 5 5 , "Verily we put veils over their hearts that they should not understand i t (the Il;orbn)." The above rule however is by no" means withont exceptions, several of which occur in the J$ordn ;

    I I 9.- G J thus at 7 s. 171 $9 u \ must be rendered "lest ye should say," where there is an entire ellipse of tlie negative ; a simila~ ellipse is corn-

    /...g mon in case of an oath, see rt. $7. (, 1 c S' &'/- ,I! and 34 That. us As though. 37 That ' /C IS not, for B u1 .

    733 ~9 1 is used with every kind of prefix and affix,

    1 and may be rendered that, since, because ; I when followed by the affixed pronouns as zf

    eto. it loses its influence over the following noun:; D, 8. Gr. T. 1, p. 567.

    " \ If, differs from inasmuch as the former is C=r, , simply conditional, 8s if (;!) you are vise ;

    be rendered reriIy, or indeed; it is sometimes i writtcn without the teshdeed, gad must not 1 then he collfo~~nded with the conjunction if, 1 \ 6 .- 4 ~ G F " 3

    called by tlio i u h s /I' 1 i>=+-, or putieie 1 of re~t~ic t ion, B ~ n y fsecp.ently be rendered ouly ; the is occasionally a simple expletive, and 2be word baa then the force of :\!, bat it no longer governs thr: accusnti~e. De Sncy ghcs tlre rules for all tllcse particles in his x ~ a d admirable manner, m.nd to his ~rrttn&nr I refer the reader for tho fullest inforrwlztion, ou the , s~~ljject.

    ~ ' f L ; p e r ~ o n d pronotm. s-+- r.3 $ f% /S s L i \ plur. of j I for ,$ I Hours, r t. 2 \ q.r. ? / / ~3 0 r a lib\ 3CC. p1ur. of , rt. C S / (1.Y.

    r, , - S 5 0 c 3 &L 1 plur. of C5y~i, rt. yw? / q . ~ . L/

    (ea11ective noun) crentulres ; no verbd rook. ,. S ., / PL.E (2nd declension) plnr. of Finger-ends.

    .while the latter supposes what is not the ease, as if (;i) you were wise ; this is made clear by

    P / c r y / G 9 96 4 (. the following example : \-, 76 r b , ~ ~ i ' wb

    j //LCD .- ' Lfl' G?~-/ 9 1 C

    rt. l! q.v. c-O1,d

    P Q pluy. of &, rt. i z q,v, / /r

    iv. f. of vi q . ~ . / / CL, b+\ L' \ I & $ , ~ S G J 35 v. 15, If I &j rii. f. of 3 g . ~ .

    _ _ - - - -

    A L P - .

  • -0 b# -7 B r (lnd declension) pl~ur. of L2 or Le A .-

    prophet, rt. 3 q-v. / dl Tllbn ; pcraonal pliononn moac. ; nur. 37 ;


    Dual GI . I 31 viii, f, of' &' q,lT.

    / 0 9; viii. f. o f 2 q.v. * #-'C, /, . 9 1 ~ i i i . f. of+ q.v. Fl vjii* f. of> r1.v. -+!\

    viiL f. OF q.v, P "-1- ' r lfi5L 3 pr:rs. 111 t ~ t ~ . ~ * i i i * f: of L&8 q.v.

    i &\ Z f ~ I , i c s d t ( i ~ ~ n n ) . &i l'lor. &G\hfclndc; os *r:t bbliqns d11n2 4 i.

    - 1 . q .', '

    ~ I I I P . OF j: An idol, rt. 3 q.v. .'i y &I nor. n. 2)) icjnailiar. vu ! (eol iiotrn)

    Mfi~l ih ld , Ilnrn:ul I l o i n p l liti ill. SG! C O ~ ~ I I I ~ D I ~ gc~~lcr, ~ ^ n a ; 1'111 1.. &ij': ~coraom'y rr)?zt,.ur~tt:ni

    1, :b it2fo &I. 3~ A 11,hll; 1~11ir. &\j \ eh?

    '' 4-

    ~ l ~ c l ~ ~ ~ f i i u ~ ~ ~ ; D. 8, 'Ii. I 1). df)!-?.-& ,- 1 J Y , 711 ~i:ttf/tstq mj;rr t t ;ho~* , pcivx!ivi! { w i t11 :IC(!. i i r ~ (1

    , :...,. - \ S Yb h,:,/n~;lirrr, lo nuli prr-

    0- :* b w mi$aion, l~clg p!vrbu. w; h T I I I P ~ , IIC~. 0111: tvlro is fbuiliar. !. ,I.% L --r ,+ 0 *

    u\jl p111r. of d-...;, rf,, + -...;j,v . W iv. E uf q,v.

    ,' -, 3 1 iv. L 01. u 11.v. -3 mr. R. ~b tam 21p the ,zm vt, tnclo c ! :~oP~! . &,i ,I lint now, 1rttt:ly : tho logiunl mot i~ -'\ A nORt1.

    $3 * l l l l~ . 0s 3 , rf,, qmIp* III~I . . 3 A aul~I, rt. &G q.v.

    u '* &\ vii, f. of' 3 r1.v. JcT p l ~ r . or &; A Lhtnr, rt. iG q . ~ . G&:$I Hc?n 9,

    I J k\ irnpernliva ol' Ld q.v.

    27 aor. i. TO arrive (the Firno, with j) ; to l o Sf Coiling hot. Glfir Afitting t h e , con-

    / /t,, venicnt opportunity, ns ;6! 93 v, 53, '

    0 w

    "Without laolcing t o hia eonvenicncc." $ 3 far d, I I part. act. Doiiing hot (wate~) ; Fcm;

    &T. ~ % ~ p I u ~ % ~ f $ f u r ~ f, p, 111, A fittil~g tjrnc, n part of tima; gLT

    L j r 4 &I l 20 v. J :if), TIN llol~rs of tho night," ...* ;%I Timo. L T .., p l ~ ~ r , ul. 2x1 A vcsscl.

    4% &\ 3lorrr, in rvl~nt way, in ml1:tl wrly BoCwr, Whcrc, wltwiec, li0r1111 ~ ~ I l c r ~ c o ; D. 6. a r . ?I1. 1, pp. 165 rind 205,

    >! ~ ~ i i i * f. ole> r1.v. 4 P I.% &i iTco$e, n Sfinlily or i tno~d~old ; -&3l &\

    !I111r! 11copIc oi't,lic 1 innlt, i , c . r I ~ \ ~ ~ tln~lCliristinn~, t. I1 c.F

    zho c:ellctl) +J 1 3al oc, 'l'l~a~r! who hrwc chnrge otD flla ursclh al. God ; &I rL&r Clidstims,

    ' ' ....Qrnb tllo licap~c of t ~ ~ o Gnal~ol ; ,W \ JAI ~11s i l l hn l~ i tnnfu (IS 'I lr!ll-[iro ; rvorlliy oi' (with

    ,gcnil,i vr). .-. ,I i

    ah\ ~lllll', 0s Jh, W ~ W lllODnRl I*+, 3 1 . Y . t.* d * 19 I p l ~ n , of &$ A i\l~c.sirc, ~ t . =+ q.v.

    cT ,I Or, citlicl; .rvllst;E~cr, nll lra~s ; D. E. Cl1~. T, 1,

    1). $71, lu111 T. 3, p. 28, s i 7 * ,-'i a\, l sac ;i fir 3, I .

    * #* fir 1 I . I . Y? f ;$\ n.n. Tho *, 4k

    nct of sck~rning. ~1~ 1 A ~inccrc penitent, tmc wlio fit:rlur:nf41y rckrrr~n, orla who trims ombiooaly to (lod. & A plnor? ol'rcturn.--

    * Y 1 I. To ning lhr! prnisca of' God by sng-ing 4 4 , ,b r r*

    nU I ,Ly ; y!J l fen,. i~npamtivc. C

    *, /+.f ), \ ~ I I I T . of;;, rt,, 2; t~,v. jGiI plln. O S A Y Y , rt. 2; q.v. &!!I pnnti. viii, f. ole&\ r1.v. "i"\ ~ I I w , of 2; AT] ido1, cl J

  • ( 13 311 r d\ , LS / ,

    c s ~ . l iv. f. of G ~ 3 YV. j\T for GT, aor. i;i for i,; D. 8. Gr. T. 1, p. 104,

    2b Ircnd, oppress by its grnvity. 5 CE 0 / +, ?,1 plur, o f $\; A vallcy, rt. &J, q.v. , 6 .i / 6 % &g3l pms. iv. f. of ~ $ 1 r1.v. 5 0c,S s 6 40.c J\J I plur. of j j? , rt.,jj r1.v. L;: see LL;.

    / L ~ , 4 /

    ,s,\ iv. f. of &. q.v. A, 3 .+, j l compm'ative sntl iv. f. of s3 c1.v. L.5 J , .*tax ,, #.#

    A+\ iv. L of' &GJ r1.v. j'i for JJ aor. o, i / ~ r rctzrna, to ~o ~ ~ f u r c . JT A

    pcoplc, uncc, linnily . J",, Fcm, ~3 First, / P-Jz < f'or~ncx; prior, i,lic first bcgirzning ; &$,U I The ,as

    ancients, tllo~c of former dnyfi.-- J31 11. TO :, 6ring 6mk, r;r/,laia. J:, c 1L.a. Iulcrprclation,

    cxl~lanetion, dctcnninution (of a dispn tc). '-. .i r

    l !L1llc~e ; lrlur. of \ i ; D. 8. ar. 'l'. 1, p. 439. r -, .Z Z , I


  • id i\;f Their l~ands ; oblique plur, of , rt. LS* qnv* c%

    &F atid 87 (nonn *of unity) A wood; Q l i l ,/LZ -0 ,$, y \ The inhabitants of o wood near Midinn, to whom the prophet Sho'aib wns scnt.

    S$J n.a. iv. f, of d , I q . ~ . L. a Y.? @ 4. ?\ \ for 6 i aor, i. Ib be olnma~ricd, c5& i (211l.L

    declension) plus. of An ut~rnarpicd mnrr or

    L.+ an i~~sc~arabie proposition, prcfixod to tho word 8

    it governs, whicll wllcn a noun is pat; irk tllrc genitive ; *it line divci*c,,sigx~iflcatiorf~~ nfi In, by, at, will], lo, into, upon, i"or 02 1 y X*OUHNII of:

    / $> r / from, as &I;! dp L. 82v. 0, "What lmtlr / .'

    acduccd thca from thy Lad? " It ia-used with j;f , &&, and marly olllcr vcrbw ttr

    , render thoin trarisitivc, OJ join t l~cm to RII ill- direot oomplemont, t l m ~ j~g'l" Ilc L~*o~ighl


    i t " ; litwtxlly, " ho canlo wit11 it." q~ i~ r

    Bequently an expletive, wllcn put baroro tllc! complement of a nopt ivo propuuilioo, RH

    Y ' & r &L+ dl 1 Lr 9 v. OD, "God is not ncgligcllt " ; 9 x

    it is aleo an cxplctivc in somc oUllor cuas, 1545 , $3 2 v. 43, " Uud i e an 811 eufficicr~t witncaa." Bur tho vurio i ~ s uetigGa uf L+ ace D. 5. ar. T. 1, p. 460, ct rcq.


    &$ Babel (2nd dcclcnsion, D. 8. Clr.'C. 1, p,404). /

    ! , 3, L;S4 see \ , 8 /

    . utld I wlrirlk arc$ trot ooirjrrgrrlctl, thn

    tltu fir& mttir:tJ int trjr $6 nttlqtreefiotl, sad tltnt oi'lIio ~ccurirl ia put in itr placu, ma 1). X. UP.

    5 2 4 T. I , 1" 2G3!(IS, and T, D, 11.231. 4 Rcvority, 'r 6,

    rt!~tgt'~n~t, vnluttr, fbrao. uriavon~. L #" y ~ 4 pork. ML. Nltcdy, ~ L G (Ibtlily) mis-

    Eurbmc, -- $b! V111. To bo griavcd tfrt: tail, 5 ! (I~tl dcclensiojl)

    F:fxTlatlnrsur, nor. i, ~nii o. I b ctct, cut 11, To

    * ',,.flp> .& eizt off, wltft tho itlua of ropotilion ;

    @ I 4 v. 1 1% " Ycrily tiicly shell auk a&" I & aor, a. 3b cut a& avarattr.--@ @.a. 1I forn~,

    I 1

  • f& ( 15 ) ')t

    A life of comp1ete a~$)%l'ation fr0T.n the world ,- 5) /,

    and devotion to Rod.--&; V. To devote one's- self wholly to God's service (with JI), as at

    .5. '73 v. 8.

    & nor. i. nllrl o. To disperse, disseminate (with S S I & ,

    nco. anL" 2). SOT~O~V. Scat- 5 , b y

    tcretl, spread allroad. --&+ part. pass. VII. .I?. Scattored t~l,rand.

    I . . / . ' ///!, nor. i. and o. l'o let n . a t e ~ ~ ' Z o j l . - ~ ~ ~ ; ? , ! VII.

    ; , :? To ?)urst fort.1~ (wnlex*), ~ e e ~ + ~ ! .

    EL ,+lC &+ sol*. s. 2'0 ~crntcl l the ground like a hen (wi 111 $1.

    5 f.>0 / " # ,q Y3b slit ( J caswl's ems. J2 Pl~us. ;\& ;-nil

    :, Y 4,T 0 0 b / y,;l Tlic sea, n 1nl.g~ body o f watcr ; 9\< illrnt, 9'11~ two l)o(lic~ of watc~~, viz,, mlt anrl

    5- 8 ~ I * c R ~ . i2q U i i ~ e ~ l ~ t k , tlie nume given among tho Ptkgot~ Aukl~s l,o n camel wfiicli thoy turned louwo to f'c~il, nftcr slitting its cars.

    " ."

    UYc+ :\or, a. !Po diminish, wil,Lllold what is cluo ( n i ~ l , n c c . o f t J l i n g n n d ~ 2 ~ f p ~ . ~ ~ ~ i t l l

    5 0 , e do111 de ~ac . ) . A, d~fici~~lcy, smdl, trifling. &. .=fl $+ 3'0 .sk~ugAler b s h q ? ) by ctllting its thoc~t , to hill o~2c'a-sclJ wilh grid* ;f.~\; part, act.

    who frcta llilnsclf to ilcatll (with act. of' c, %

    pcru, %nil or w\). c r 8, T o bc covcto~~a, t~varicious, covct;ons

    of (with +A). &< Avnricc. f$ j:up. a. To oroatc (with aoo. and 8 1 ~ 1 with

    ( . v . ; r ~ b y < ,

    +) ; +,J! pJ I' And tl~cy l~cgnn (witti) you ((0 ~ a g ~ ~ u l t you)," 0 v. 13.--"TGf IV. TO create,

    5 cJP malilie ancw ; A o ~ i ~ f ; if*, .

    /c lY Jq nor, 0. 2'0 qnnkc At~slc. ;;J ilcdl; n m o of a plaeo ncax8 Mecca ; I[%& moon tvhen f @lZ ; P ~ U L b Y P (i A+ . c\& IIwLily.

    #' $ 6 F8,@ tq aaor. a. Yb p~otluco fiojnetdi?tq nm. tq .- New, nom-fitngl~de &?J: Tho Crontor, as mnkor o f

    C //b

    a new creation.- Lw\ VIII, To bring for- ' &

    ward a novelty. j& To dunye, $$ For a changc.- jq 11. TO

    substitute, change one thing for another (with ace. or with double aco. a ~ ~ d "1. J,,G ~ , a .

    SUJM9 / An exchange. J.\-. part. act. One who &,b3 ,-

    changes.- JJ?\ IV. To substitute, give in 'a/y

    exchange (wit11 double acc.) - J+; V. To / 4 6 0 &

    exchange (with aco. and u) X . To ,-

    w i ~ h to exchange (with ace. and 4.) ; to put in the place of anotller (with oca: a n d 2 ) . J\

  • ,--/, g , $-/@ oiete (with God)." $I;! same as d2 8.b

    ?a 4 5 ,/ Immunity. +) A creature. &4 part. act. 0

    #/, '

    The Maker, Creator, ~ o d . - y ; 11. To absolve, 6, 3 ",/"I

    acquit; Ex. CS$ G-+/ 1.. 12 V. 53, " I do not /

    absolve myself,'' (also wit11 ncc. and &Y). &, ,.Y SC G% ,y part. pass. Absolved.- b.;\ IT. To cure,


    heal.-b,; V. To free oi~c's-self, clear one's- self (with ;?); &Jl '* $ 13~228 v. 63, "We are free (frorn them and turn) to thcc,"

    . / N 5 F J z$ To eat a?zd drinR in large yuantities* c.?$

    plur. of '; A tower, sign of the Zodiac.-- ,$FC rJ $$, #/ Ep V. To deck one's-aolf. E$ n.a. Tllc ornamenting one's-self in an o~tontntiovs

    / -3, $#< / O a/( c manner; EX. 4:b@\ cp I 33 v.33, 6 1 Deck not yourselves wit11 tho ostentation of'

    * $ w#/P (the tirnt" of) ignoranrk" cp pnrt, act. Decking one's-self out. v

    ~3 To turn t o tAe lgt, as a deer, milich %a$ n

    thought unluchy ; ant1 ' j aor. a. To ocaac, TII leave offj quit.'

    52 aor. o. To Ire cold. n.a. Cold, cool, ooolnoss. $,, H i . 5 6 art. act. That which cools, 2 refreshes.

    A//' 23 To go forth, as out upon a plain (wit11 J), J, 3; ." .-

    or i*) ; to be m-anif'est (with J)* jJk ;, .. "

    act. One who goes fort11 ; xj4\! 18 V. 45, In an extended form, like a 11. To maltc manifest. (with J).


    -?;; A pertition Or interstice) bar; the departed spirits, Hades ; No verbal root,

    r. /

    .,< - s

    Liglltrling, tIinndcrl.~olt. dJ+\ i jrf ~ ~ a ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ + t k:t3g? 11, 5.

    ,,, dJd nor, 0, gb K,i t l : t~l kjoz liki 18 rbnhtrhl, $~htil~l~l;~*~ir. p 1

    9 , & \ s - ~ I 1'11 x' +" blcsfl (wjlJll . i f 3 - 2 i ' l l d ~ . d p e J . + P ~9 J&"* li:lJ*i#+ pilsi3* 1 i i t !~~ f*4**- - d;*:$ \* 1.

    &. @ .,&- .' . . J,G Ncssl!rl ; :Jvl \ ~ 5 k i t*dktr " ; t ~ t L

    wxa ]llc!sscd," {Ir " i i11)~~l~ll it,' [ ;rUl ; '' t i l l ' ~ ' I ' I ' - i,cpilc> ],t!ilig ~~~~~t~ f t j ~ ~ I H * d I t j ~ i ~ $ l irk t ~ j t f i i t i ~ t : fionxc ill i]lo p:rrltt: vvny !M ,::d t ( * ~ * F ~ w f11i;i ltge (,f {,Iifj 1% l*#? {t ,rikt! 1 I* $* ".a. '2 c*rttltilrlillg i t t t l l r d ; bi>~y! CL~W; \; $0 v, !ij "'i'$tc ~ j i t ~ i ~ ~ i t ; h i ~ i . ~ b4!iik!l 1 % ~ t*rt i~t i ig l f4t l is120 ~ l t ~ t d ~ "

    8.. 2 2 / f ' 8 " I c t 111: c,P :IIk cnlslcrti cc)lmf f:~lrnrrt:. >if pirt tu:i * A tltii ,+*x*tt utt2 r t i ~ t t l r r l - I o r ~ k i l ~

    i" #*r + nor, o. 'Po c!rjarkil, ~ ! x t t * l i t f , 1*111111*gg4+ ) i t t~011:1~ ~ l r ~ l c l l fi)lttll 1 tititi J, j\, ~ I P


    D t , 1l%[it l ~ : x i t ! ~ k 8 i * ~ l ~ * fixptitg~itlit* ~ k : x t * t ~ l ~

    Icaoo, i~~crenec! nf H ( . I I I ~ I P I N . $G A I * ~ ~ I + ~ I I ~ I , . kl; pcirt, net* ()111> w i l a stn.ll*lttgH i r \ g r , ; hd&\ \>G9b 0 v * i ~ j ~ bkgtrtgitq~tiftg G # P ~ I ~ t i i f+ i r

    &$ a* To i e le~rous* (2nd dcalenfiion) Geprous.

    / / bi; aor. O. To shin@, and dJ; To be smitten with a~t~nislllnent, to dakld* 5; lln.&. of $

    $ 4 ~~ilntls ; " ~ i ( f ? p , . u t l y , ~ ~ p p ~ e ~ j g ~ ~ * ~ f$~rt lk fjj" f,1iftip hatids ; " \$$G i~ ltcro put fat is&+ wiril:\k lase^ i t s na bciilg unLcc:urleztt ta ks4G!; f,llo nlif i s addcc\ 8s fill nlif of' precigulirrrr {lr

  • " 0 (+A! ( l i J ) Jk!

    i .,, / 4 %liJ\ a , l t the object of which ie to prevent the 2 being taken fbr the conjunction #-

    2 a'2d; for the construction ,gee D, 8, Gr. T, 2, 1.3 b' P* "3. w 3- 5 v. 69, part, pass. fern,


    " ( I r is two hands are) out," ,F 4' i"? To 'pit, to. be tall* &$ Tall (as a Pallm-tree), JG. To 'oo'.$e~ce~--&f IV, To deliser over to

    perdition. / / A

    'GRK (w*l sol*. i. TO smile.--r*;. V, same ,, .'/ .-

    Si4 9 5 Y 9 r" A To peel of bark. J+ andJ,! A bringer

    of P o d tidings* JG A man, men, illman bcillor"s ; maso* and fern. sing. and

    l C I 9

    /a / mattel* for co11ternplati0n.--*q, 11. TO make

    N G S

    to see, shew, make mani fes t . - - - 1 IV* To see$ consider, causeAto see (with acea or wit11 of pers,) : For two different interpretations of 6 L z , ,Ls ,r! \ at 18 v. 25, and 19 V. 39 See kwj iv* f * , / .5 oi'

    ofed, i9 part, act. One who sees, that wllich rellders evident, or enables one to seep

    s L / C P visible, manifest.~-~*%.w+ part* act- X* f* A

    s,, clever and far-seeing person- j*p! An onion, and when used in a collective or , -,

    generic sense, Onions. s q

    PLJ+ $7 v. 12, " ~ o o d news to TO cut of a part. e, A pw't a amai1 Yo" ;" s f . is replaced by \ before the affixed

    S ., pTonoun~ 8. ar, To 1, p. 118. $4: 4 /a /

    of good tidings.--+ 11, (used ivitb accuse of person and + of tile tiling, or with C "

    number (from 3 to 9 or to 5, or from 1 to 4~ ' 4

    or froin 4 to g), also seven ; ;;-. yj 1 2 ~ . 429 I C A few years ;" g; is here put in the ~ c u s * as indicating tho c i r c u r n s t ~ ~ ~ ~ _ of time, see

    S 4. / '

    TO announce gooinewe ; sometimes used D, 8, G ~ + T. 2 , 4 69. a s k A portion of goods, suln of money, m c r c h ~ n ~ i z e m

    9 C CC 1

    "len announce to the111 a painful puni~h. . s * x 9

    ~ r ~ ~ d Part* act. One who announces / Z C

    joyful . CZ news*-j;G 111. To go in unto (a wife)., 9; 1 IV* To receive pIcasurc from good no&,

    Z C C / b (will1 + of thing).- X. T~ rcjoiee / J sj s .ar 68 c e g ~ e c i a l l ~ ill good news (with C-)), 5&+

    part* act. ~ C I D . 0110 who rejoices: .-- ?/

    J+ .!5 C d 1001~ at (with *) ; to understana, S .C L% IP! P1''r* ~ L p l l Simht, /Gye-sig1lt, sense Qp

    .0,4 ~J' "eil'g ; 1 16 v, 79, " Lilie th, f twinlr'i'g of an eye ; " 1n plilr, it generally

    s / "cans "

    J+ Seeing, a Seer, o, nol'olderp ti- On' who seos or undorelands .,c ,- P ~ - / N * l'lnp*d\r! An evideneo, evident n r g ~ _

    /.+ rnent or demonstSration ; $2 1, 12 v* 108 C i ,J..E. (S 6

    13y a ~ t 3 1 1 i f ~ ~ t dcmonstration,fi bN ' b Y J 4

    za / c, /*. CPC 6 56 be slow,-b 11. TO retard ; & @ a s -/p/ uG 4 v, 74, " And verily there is (a portion) of you who tarry (or cause t o tarry) bel~ind*' flotc+ 1n oases where the 2nd f o ~ m of a verlr llas a neuter signiBcation, the Ellipse of eomnplelnel~t lmay frequently be illf'eryed ; D * Or. T. 1, p. 133v

    ;JY" %or, o, f i qlit; ;bi nor. a. TO )J@ insolan1 ('jasClessncss, insolence.

    & aor, i, and 0, TO lay Ilold, t&kc 02 seize - force, lnake an onslaugllt upon (with

    s J& n.". Force, vio~enee, Vengoaxlce* 2 Force, power, severity*

    .= & &or, 0, TO 1x3 in v d n , peri~h* L That whicll iis ~ d n , fal~lse, fhlso'

    + r C 4 &qris tllc opposite t o &\, s /c;% &!\ IV. To cause to 'be in

  • mako inoffcct~td. g: ... part. act. Ono wllo d e d ~ in vanities. 3 xor. o. Ilb enter i ~ $ t o tAe ihzos t parts of nqp

    Y 3 thbzg, to lie hid. sg n.3. flor. u&+ Belly, interior part. ;kl part. act. Tllnt whicll is bidden, illnor part, inside, intcriop, ;$u; ~ 1 1 Y'o be i l l n nzc~?*~iad ~ t f t f ~ . & Baal, a

    > * ':. -. Pi' inrlcr vosk; q~$ttnpAo~icrbl&, hi inthnnto Friend, l~t~slrt~~ltl; P~IXI*~ tJfi #a

    jr * ,r ..'-t,4 #' 3 y. 114.; PIur. &% (2nd doolcnsion) IIlllpr 2% P ~ I ? ~ Z C ?qio?l 8ulu!nb, On % I

    linings, 5'5 v. 64. m4 ., f l . ,c

    norq, n. To send (~vi t l l nec. and J, L+, n l d nor, o. 3b h d c . gL;i! (%id dcelcnsiu~l) "'. # Violria t li:rtr.c?tl, 2, also wil,ll u&) ; t o inclkc i t k f ~ ~ ~ i S c R t ~ ra i~o L

    up, r:riso f ~ o m slocp or fro111 tlkc tlelrd (with ncc. c ~ l ' .pcrs .) . n.8. l!lm rcom'mclion.

    IF fl .., ,- ~ t ? t ! f i , t!tt~i~"t~'~l"itli 4IoitId0 nee* rrr with t-lca, arxct wyi-q pn~l;. ~ S R . ~S'c?tt, raised fkow ill(? tlciul.--

    # @ . . C , ' I 8

    'VII* TO IJQ ~ ~ n t . uL+.4j! P n*n* 'fhc l ~ e i ~ ~ g I~oIR,,

    a r b # \ ,+ !Po aeuttl?r allroad, tun1 upsfilc ilown, tcur filrll,

    To lio li~r ofl] go n long way oil; ijerisll; H Y . .

    , , d r : ' i . n c ? P r r r 6 f+ dl'+ W

    6 t i i ~ 1 i i"i~Ji 0" 9 Q. 40, " Tl10 wtby H ( ! o ~ L L ) ~ yr ,9 P

    1 H x 1 I 11. 11 1 , I ) ~ ~ i r l l i g ~ l~ifitirig*- fhr to t,lkr!tll. rvllc!n I I A C ~ 118 nu itllv~~rl) LS;*;? VlL lib IN: fil a~ id I ) C O I I ~ K ~ I~~rro~liing, is i ~ l t l ~ c l i ~ i : ~ l i l ~ , Aflorwnnls, wibiri; tvIi[!~i 0111- lilf~yctt a3 II pvcposition i h i~ I ~ H C ~ $11 ti10 Acengnlivo G, or in tho ge~litivc! if lrrnccllctl dl, I s

    r. r t, ~ t ~ ~ l i ti# (~~1111 ~ i ~ f : , t t ~ t i l L.iF dfi uzr 0%' qj)* by &, n~ ;r! dd Aftor, ~ c o IS. H. Gr. 'l', I , .+ p, tl)H, and '1'. 2, p. 15% A niliatnllec; ZG! xr.8, A R ~ ? I * ~ L U K , II~!x~~u 01:

    - r,p ,a 8' "C \;G kwnS ; $\;! \+ 3 \ 11 vB 63, 1viIH it $ 2 j;! crkIlt!r.tivcl ilnun, Oxcl i . not (finid), Away witlr 'htl l " &.& i l i s l n ~ ~ t ,

    t s ', k , fur 015 pemqlc, a8 ~cr ! WJ Y' 3, " yo- k ~ r n rc:znote froxkl ihc irnagitration, or f r~ tn I x l ~ ~ i b i l i f y III. To oauac a ili~tn~bco to fljjp4:tkrf ~ g ~ l r J L I I * ~ ~ ~ & gcllwig:

    " # I > X intcrvoxle (vvifll 2) a8 at 34 v. 1S--+ not~n, i 1 orbs, pot-llcrlrrr. ~ ~ i l v l . prus. I Y . C. Far rctnovud.

    >i YIb i/i:r:otidt: , f idII grui";n (a ca~ne0~ corrrm. 2 1 1 1 I lo~nuit j ing~ tlmb wlriel~ rc- g i ~ i d , h ftx[l-graw~~ cnxn~l. ~ttairm~ trr A\ I~V~VL 'R , l~~rlxtnxiont~ cr~notttnl, t l i r ! $4 h )iorkirin o f nngitiing, soma; ono nnotlicr; & 18 !fa 44, f i t l d 10 Y.

    L C

  • 19, "Pious works or words, which are per- -

    rnanent." z& A relic, that which is left ; 6 4 9 d / Ex. +U\ ~ ~ 2 ; 11 V. 87, " That wlrlch is left

    you by God." N O S B . The letter CJ is occa- sionally substituted for the S, see D, S. Gr. T. 1, p. 276, f io te; $4 \>,'I 12 T. 118,

    C f."5 Endued with prudence or virtue." G ~ ; - (2nd declension) comp. form, More or most lasting, enduring, permanent.- gr IV. To 15 leave remaining, leave dive, sufl'er to remain.

    9 ~ " " / / / --\,+dl see +.

    9 Q iZ.i (2nd declension) Beccs, a name of Mecca ; see

    D. S. Gr. T. 1, p. 404. S"

    aor. o. 2'0 60 car& in the mornin*g. A virgin, S ZL% Q,L.,,

    a young heifer ; Plur.)l(J I Virgins. b$ In the mornifig, early in the morning.-;LC1 n.a. IV. f. The morning. To be 1~m6. pii (2nd declension), Plur. ;$ Dumb,


    L5 $ aor. i. To weep, woop for (with ace. or with ) 3 ~ce~ing . - ,& 'T IV. To caus'e to weep.

    & A particle which affirms that which follows it, but contradicts or corrects that which went before ; thus i t may be translated But, not so but, on the oontrai~y, or rather, nay rather, still more, bc.

    I accortling to tile context; for the differciice between $ and ;y sec D. S. Gr. T. 1, p. 865. 2'0 'otq or remain in a phcc. Plur. 5%

    $ 8 ,

    A rcgion, country, tei*riho.itory. $5 A country: territory. A man of despcrutc charactel*; there is no verbal root of this word in the Brst foxm.- &rf' IV . TO be ovciicome with grid, to be doaperate, struclc dumb wit11 dospair. J< part, aot. Beised wit11 despair. && (2nd doclenaion) Iblees, Tlle Devilg.


    aor. a, To swallow up. am. o. To arrive at, reach, attain one'a object, obtain (with kc . ) , as at 18 v. 75. stll; / r part. act. Arriving at, bringing to a conclusion, attaining its end, excellent, consumxnate ; Ex.


    &\j 2,&- 54 V. 5, " Consummate wisdom; " LP, (rlE

    also, that which is pararno~znt over, 5

    ., /by/ s ,Ls c.U r ' &J\J , . i ; i c 68 v. 39, " Ewe ye any oaths 7 / /

    which shall be binding upon us '? " k$ A warning, preaching, that which is published, sent, or brought to any one. 9 Affecting,

    s / C ) eloq~~elent. +& A goal, perfection, highest

    / g* pitch.--$.; 11. To make to arrive, publish, / /bZ bring (with double scc.) .-&Q l IV. To canse

    to reach, bring, deliver a message (with donblo acc.) . r* *"

    .or. o. To t ~ ~ , - ~ ? o v e , experience (with acc, and 00 / 0

    + or $), see note to B j ; ,:; am. a. To be- /

    2ome worn with age, to be woian out. $$ * '"9.

    t i - IV. To try by esperii~ent.-- &;J 7111. To provc by trial or oxamination, try either by prospeyity or ndversity (with acc. and +), see 89 vv. 14 and 16, wllei-e it

    / L 6' is nscd in ioth senses, J-4 for Gsi D, 8, @

    Gr. T. I, p. 111, pai1t act. One who proves, Yes, surely, vcrily, nay but verily, 011 the con- trary; this pnrticlc is used after a negutivs propo~ition (interrogative or othe~wiwe), rind aGrms the contrary of such proposition to 6c tho t ru th; hence it differs from '2 which i* assents to the preceding proposition ; see D. 8. Qr. T. 1, p. 514.

    3 uIii oollective noun, The tips of tlm fingers, see

    D. 8. Gr. T . 1, p. 381; the verbal root is 'us 4 .,+ To stand fast. L,

  • nor. i. To boild, o o ~ l ~ t r n c t (wit11 nco, and +, L S lr


    J, . ,;! for A Asan ; Plor. gq!, , \< 0 0

    rrlso L,j?I old iqnc &A, nud mllcn in conircxion 0 , - b

    wit11 n co~rq~lcment +;! and Ls; D~llsl +,b\ I.-.

    find &\, or in co~iucrion qi and 2 ; ~ ; 5 * 5 - / I My mas, D. 8. Or. 'P. 1, p. 4 E O : L~ d i ~ t ~ i ~ ~ ~ i -

    5' *b tivo, A little son, -1 A d:n~g\llur, act? S .

    . 'u -24. ; 1 1 I , & ; ,u\ old irliic dud, My G

    tff0 III~IIR~I~C~'B, BCO L+o Node. 111 :111 ~~Ics ( ! w o n l ~ tlv: ~lrnliscd 1, ahcn it daos nnf. Iwgiu n sortict~w, i~ ~nnrliod will1 st 111n~l:l; T).S,Gt, l', I ,

    4 . 1 I . :& h ceilctl roul'. si;! A buildr?r,

    * .I -1. Y 2 4, * .* " I . -

    nn!l~ilc~el. & 11 l i t ~ i l ~ l i ~ ~ g . ft~r dfi~ p~rf., ~ ~ I S S . 1 !ni1Lr 'I). fi. I-, *P. I , 1 W.

    !* 4, * &; nolo. a. Tn conliln~ld. uLk Fil:iil{ler, ~fllil~~lny ; tlin root %S this word :3 snid to 1rc 9b bc

    d~vclling, provido n tlrvclling for onc'~-self (rvitll nee. of tlliilg anti J or pers.), i f i tc . is nnc of tllotrr! l;crLs wliich a13c nt ttic snme t i ~ n c ctJllanr! I L ~ I I I~mnzntr!rl; ihr tfic rulca for f.11 c w pprcssion (or ot11vrwisc5 of tllu Ilaru~xn RCI: 1'). 6, fir. 7: 1 1, I), tj?, 1'11 4cy. ; nnll nlso t11~ r t i l ~ ~ far tlu: j)cr~lin t:~tion oI' i ~ ~ f l ~ ~ i i I c i t ~ r ~ . !. ,l r +G I'l~tr. \ A d(1i1r1 gidc.

    ,X * 5 P Jl! t\olq* 0. t r ~ ~ p~tis11, 1 0 IN ill v:~iu, ,t$ ~ I U ! w110 is

    lust, ~ v i t * I i NI. ;t2 1)1:rtli1 i o r ~ fi JG wrr. 1 1 . i l l t d t : ~ + : t l t ~ ~ ~ . J4 I I~t~rt . ~ i l i ~ i ~ l ,

    Cbcnlght, il~teirt icm, ccsnrlil itrrl. G& :IOI*. i . i~r111 3 ~ . 'f'u p t t ~ 1 1 i v t~iglit~. 24 l n l ~ l ~ * .

    !r ? + u,+ A Ilf~t~n*, nlrotlr:, fia~lilg. &J .". 11 11igl11,

    f * .

    l i l . i t l t m l i , - ~ .. . 11. '1't~ lt/ lt[!i(:~l{! l ! ~ l l i g l f i , l d I ~ ~ I ~ Ily ~iiglil,

    & I W ~ , i , Yh yo ir!,!t{;/ f j > t j t j i o~t,~'.v,fri,-tt~/~v~, 1 ~!r iu l i ,

    t .11~ p e t m i k l,t:i~tg nst!d wit11 IL f ~ t ~ ~ r c ~ i ~ i ~ j f i ( : a ~ 1 tLtlFm i , p;, iIc f ~ ; f i ~ ; l l c ~ nilti 8,y,ttl.tftp, 2 ~ ? p ~ , ~ v t ~ t ! r , , L t ian ; 11. $a (lr, 7'. 1, pm IGS.-~; 11~ ' ~ ' t l l ~ ~ c - 1 nn &li . I, - ,, f Ilukwastl llix ktvl.c~ illlt~tls," i . ~ . ~ I P I ! ri d\rbl:lli~lg lir, loci~te any onc (rvillt ~ l o [ ~ l ~ l e 1 lJtbnjpf! i t n , lLiH llr~~flc[lct! ; rlq]lifl iv~,pil, t I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ] ~ u~!. alps wit11 J of pcre. nntl mom of plllcfi, fir ctlltlrtir~l~ly ilnrrl n* n prapoxiiiofl, b ],nl]j(blvlg n n~?s. nl. p r ~ , ned 21. f ~ i A plnao fhr dwel ling I I ~ I ~ I I I in f , l l ~ III-I!II~I. nwiltl i t g a11 i~if t!r~lil, iuid


    ;*i.-?+ 1:. l ' u lwlio pussossion of, occupy n 1 noiacti*nc~ a connanian; when prcccdcd lly s

  • &J By ; preposition prefixed as a for111 of oath to 6 - S F

    tllc word $7, as $I! L2 " By God." t, 9 / ' w$\j' An adr,

    ( 21 > '" J? us U .


    ,4 / 3 wb' 2 p a s s sing. aor. cond. of g.v. &,'ti n.a. ii. f. of Ji for J;f c1.v

    S ,/ G C: Y'o c u t oJ; perish. +\p Loss.-WJ n.a. '

    preposition i t is declinccl, see D. 8. Gr. T. 1, S\u0 5 p. 408. u& Manifest, evident. An evident

    .- /

    testimony or demonstration, evidence, proof. G ,b/ /a' ,ld An exposition, explanation.-d 11. To allow, llzizlre mmifmt, make known, declare, explain, become tnanifest (with aec. and J or

    b S 5 d / P / with J of pers. and @ I ). ,- part. act.

    4 z /S 0

    manifest.-& \ IT. To muhe mu?zijest, to S ,/

    articlilato clistklctly, see 43 v. 52 . u\d n.2. An argument, clcar clomonr;tration, cloyuence,

    11. f. A loss, detriment. 4 d.6 8 4 R JC;' sccizj.

    C, i 8 " b * 0 E' p+' $2 pers, sing. ao', cond, viii. f. of c4.v. 5 4 0 ;jj' no;. i. To Lrcah, clijstroy. J C j Destruction.- / S 0, 2 II. To brcalc it1 pioeos. f i + ~ $ nn.n. Uttcr dcs-

    faculty of clearly explaining, explan ation. B 9 ~ $ 9 part. act. That which is manifest, open,

    C .

  • y Q< i8 then indeclinable, as L,& Domn, below; Endowed with-and hence, enjoying When cmployed as a preposition i t is put in

    / L.' 8 G - 4 4 0.: tho ncous. -4 Beneath; ns ,591 cj* 20 v. 5, " That which is beneath tho earth ;" If prcccded by & it is put in the genitive, as e Id:

  • 5

    825 n.a. ii. f. of &; 4.v. / / &LZ see jGl riii. f. of ub.

    2 pers. sing. aor. cond. iv. f. of i$ q.v. a 3 * ' ,LC / S b f

    w 2 pers. sing. aor. iv. f. of wL$ quadri- literal verb, rt. 3 q.v.

    /a // t& v. f* of p q.v. 05 c/ + v, f. of;& for;S q.v.


    2 2 pers. sing. my. oond. of \z q.v. 4 /.. 6 9 , B L, uwj. Ilb perish. &d n.a. Deatnlction ; ,++ Ld

    47 v. 9, '' May perdition seize tllem."

    BI / f c f u?\G' n.8. vi. f. of u+ q.v. .- f l u l u l 9 r ~2 /

    w 3 pers, fern, sing. aor. energ. of> q.v. 4.21. n.a. v. f. of B \ i q.v.

    S P / * c fib n.a. vi. f. o f 2 q.v. t 9 / r oJb n.8. vi. f. of A6 q , ~

    &' 15 perform the sacred rites at Mecca; also, to cleanse. Two interpretations are given of this word ; according to one it means fifth, and according ko the other, the observance of certain rites and cereinonies imposed upon llle Pilgrims at Mecca, among which were cleansing the pcrsou, shaving, etc. Thus the

    t, 9/ 8,- pllraso & \,a! 22 v. 30 may mean, " Let them pht tm end to thcir want of clennliness," or, " Lot them complete the rites" above mentioned. & &*

    ko 0 C# $ see d,. .

    f f b Z 3; Natzlre, mtacl.--JD l 1% To establish firmly. This vorb i g not found in the primitive form,

    /I 3p n.a. of 9.v. 5 4.;: $,JU n.8. ii. f. of '\; .v. .I r

    3 aor. i. To fear, 27 (2nd declension) comp. V

    9 form, Greatly fearing, most pious. ,$ God- fearing, devout. These words seem to owe their derivation to the viii. f. of J; q.v.

    & for 3. 2 pers. sing. aor. cond. of ;\$ q.v. 9 b..

    .G n.a. ii. f. of;c q.v. J 2 3 To lay prostrate (with ace. of pers. and J ). >iC n.a. vi. f. of 2.5 q.v.

    V* f. of ;qj q.v. 3 v. f. of &: q.v. &; fexn. of ijljj: q.y. J see \j- .

    C 0

    aor. o. To fo1lo.w rehearse, read, declare, medi- *

    tate (with aco, of thing and LSif of pers., also t i t h clcc. and &). Note. The \ called d~'? .,. ' Q yb,~ l , or Alif of precaution, is sometimes found


    added to the words $; and though pro- perly only added to servile, to distinguish it

    P / GiZ from; and, D. 8. Gr.T. 1, p. 109. o g W \ fern. plur. of J lf part. act. "Those who read." ", ,


    kjX; n.a. A reading. LJi see &3.

    C c aor. i. To be entire, complete, perfect, fulfilled

    (with 3 of pem.).-~I IV. TO complete (with ace. and J! or t+ of thing, also with


    acc. and &, 31, or J o f pexs.) ; to perfect, 6 c 0 ,

    accomplish, fulfil, perform. ?L&' n.a. Some- &$; q~ thing oomplete,perfect ; EX \ + c-0 L k 6 vv. 155, "We gave Moses the Book, a

    G ur P perfect Law," etc. .y part.. act. One who

  • &G plur. of JQ, flee JX. /0 &;G ~ i . f, of 44 q.v.

    s P r L ; L;Ip 2 pws. plnr, nor. vii; f. of J; q.v. d Q0, / 0 *

    pj' v, f. of p q.v. $2 T. f. of U;: q.v,

    0 /

    Tv, f* of &a q.v. . + ~ e & ,

    ?Q ## F Q , r , / I j.;" fOrw , ~l?ejZ.*. . 0 ,

    ;?b vim f, o f 3 q.v. SG ;(. f. of \&-- q.Y.

    ' - ,,, / 0 #.-

    vi, f. of ~2 q.v, S F 00 , #

    .mmnbi%lnn 7" u';;' in h@fi pfi Pw. &G, .. .

    IY, S* El%3 T* T q TI\, ,*l*VL r+ 1'.

    P . kn+ r &L&$' rn! #+.u ' - "L 2.-

    x- I;TY 3 qw pf*gfr- i ~ : A ijmp, -I

    .' ,,= il ,8 ,s 'l'lv T ~ Y F T ~ ~ ~ ~ I F ,

    4' TO he firm, stcndfnat, eonatfin t. && p:wt, $ 3, Lrvp hm=h, h ; t d t o ~ , - - G 1 1. ' I 1 t ~ ~nnlct! ~ l o l J * f ~ t I ~ I I

    act. Remaining firu~ly fined, fins, ~te:allil~t, L$ Y:, nt!/,at, tnr~!~: l , * i~ / l~ t r : . wg 4 v+ 72, '' ~ I I I ., fi A$ Bteadfast, f i n i n g . - 4 ' 11. Tu conlinn, 1 i l ljtli4~:+; II, 1 1 1.. t l f I l;(lll. fur

    *. # . I

    aet fast; estahlidl (wit11 ace, ruid q). d ." . 3' A ~ c r l ~ ~ i l ~ l ~ ~ y ttr 1,otIy I,~.ITH!~I. i\?~[r: Mnny * -'**

    n,n, A omfimnstion, eatnhlid~mcn t , - d l I tr , ; I I ~ I I I I N ~ I I f.ltlt ii l t ~ . ~ i r l g . I r w t ! ! h i r ihirtl 1 Zttf?ifinl \

    & n.n. vi. f. of Gli q.1'. &$ n.n, ii. f. a t J> q.v ,

    '9': V. f. of $q.v. " S ' JLZ I+ n.;. Ti. E. of ;ii; (1:7- n.n, ii. I!.fili I[.+. j > - , - ?'a Jg An oven (a NOTO! o f f o r n i p ori,qi~) ; i i R/I 1 1 &$ vs fr ~ ~ r d : 4I.v~

    means a place wIicncc wntcrs ~ I I R I ~ f i )~t l l .

  • 0 s & ' - 2 aor, o. TO$*~. \+Pouring forth abundantly.

    / rr 0 , 0 0 &$ To be f?~iclc.--,&\ IV. To do sometAing great,

    make a great slaughter (with 2) ; slay in great numbers (with aec. of pers.).

    ' 'A u; aor. i. !i!b b~ame.--&,> n.a. 11. f. Blame.

    C ,

    55 ' ! To 6e moist, as the cart& after rain. d2sf; for 4 '- 0 '. /a % 22 and j, and with the article cSi'i I The


    Earth, , s -4: - To cause to j o m . u\;u A serpent. ,

    s < -8 ROF. O. TO pegorate, penetrate, shine. ~..+\i

    9 & c . - s g '!LCr . part. act. Shining; -j\"ll 86 v. 3,

    " The star of piercing brightness," by some supposed to he Saturn, which is called Gjfi?.

    4 aor. a. To find, catch, take, gain the mastery over (with BCCUS. of pers,),

    4 ,9/ ,! To be heavy, grievous ; to be z grievous

    .-'a 65 inattor ( w i t l ~ d ) . uU:J \ generally interpreted

    - 4 I c to mean men and genii," as at 55 v. 31.,

    s / Y 3 d u d of 3)' l3aggaYe. J bi I plur. of &' A burden. s$ Heavy ; Plor. Jq. J$ bZ A weight.-L@j IV. To grow heavy, oppress,

    3-4 9 9 wcigh down. J6h Fern. a& part. paas.

    6 is; 9 C / L Burclenod ; u,l 35 v. 19, "If a burdened (so~il) cry out;" the word 3

    C , 2 0 / / A being understood.-&bl for Ji1S VI. To bc borne down Beavily, incline heavily down- wmds (wit11 Jl); For the employment of tlioso forms wlsicl~l take teaclldeed on tho first

    9 9 9 P

    tion and & Two-thirds, D. S. Gr. T. 1, ' S ,

    p. 415. Fern. 2QI; Third. ~ G ~ h r e e by 0 . f

    three, in threes, or three pairs ; Ex. ,y? I J,,\ ' 5 / G ,

    '6" &Xb &b CI LJ! 35 v. 1, " Having two and , /!

    three and four pairs of wings;" At 4 v. 3 ullj lnay be rendered " By threes ;" This word is of the second declension, it answers to the Latin Ternus; D. 8. Gr. T. 1, p. 426.

    6' $ 2 aor. o. To tread. 3 There, in that direction.

    ,,p. (C r ; j Then (after an interval).

    sY2 Thamood, name of an ancient tribe of Pagan Arabians, destroyed for their impiety. This word in the $orfin is always of the 2nd de- clension ; see D. 5. Gr. T. 1, p. 405. 2 To bear Jruit. Fruit, wealth, possessions. 5 0 4

    A fruit ; n o n f o f unity or individuality ; lp

    see D. S. Gr. T. 1, p. 300.---;~ IT. To bear fruit,

    ' Mb e %or. 0. TO take tRe eight H part. >' A price. s .g One part ont of eight. d The eighth.

    3 // ,a, (for 2)z) fern. and +;Id maso. Eight ;


    * ,,'- / 0 /< ' { / ' - s e e p s , see &o , t 5 , u9 \A! Eighty.

    0 9 G* ii; 3 aor. 2. and i. To be&, fold, double. /

    for >jG The second ; also part. act. Turning, #

    as ,& &,j:C 22 v. 9, " One who turns his side," or "A turner of his side," i.c. Proud. f i ~ Y maw. and ~ i \ fern:, and in the oblique

    ,Ltl, c, COb k,Fb , C C

    cases M J ~ and &! Two. J&s L$l masc. , c. '

    and i I i6 '&if! fern., and in the crbliaue cases Radical, see D. 8. Qr. T. 1, p. 220.

    6 , :

  • (but not found in the K o r h ) is sG; These forms are equivalerlt to the Latin Enus ; seo

    9 /; . p\i2 and with %he alltiale & , a T A name given either to the wliolc JiorBn, or to those passages which are freq~~cntly repcatcd ;

    is affixed, but in the aecus. 4 is retained witll- out tnnwec1i.'Q~t3r fin ~s]?lnl.tntion of tho

    5 / X P 5b pDSHnge i ~ t A9 V. 24 B C ~ +k~*, ~ t . 19. fl

    i\btc. Otlicr singllltrra ikfi~ye ulvn bccn nstligncd

    some interpret it to mean tlro first chnptcr, fl w

  • tribute, or as tribute (with I\ of place). /cb.'s 55% +\&\ Poet. licehce for \ plur. of

    / 6 a,' 0 c./ 0 0 a,?k A cistern, see 21fl, rt. JJT ; see also


    . i'

    - ( 27 ) -2 .5 .

    / , 0 0 * 0 Nl, &;L, rt. C5i j . -LS~b VIII. TO choose (with

    0 0 0 5 .-- +q- ~ O P . a. TO strike on theforehead. b\,? plur,.

    5 0 ..A 6

    of ai,? A forehead. for xG aor. a. and i. To collect or gather

    acc. and G9 or ji,). 4 0 ' & ~o cut o~.--&! VIII. TO tear up, root

    L"' b

    up (with ucc. and gj; &). 8 C C

    t . ~ zlor. i. and o. Il'o lie ruitll the 6reast on the r s4 4 yroz6?zd >k part. act. One lying on his P breast.


    aor. i. and o. To K?tcel. +I+ Fern.

  • 0 J' 4 lice~lcc i s substituted J\4 I both in the no- .-' #.--

    minative and genitive cases, see note on ,&+*, 0 3 .

    L " see also D. S: Gr. T. 2, p. 407. 5 / c r , LsF for 4.r. D. S. Gr. T. 1, I). Illt The

    # # c , 0

    course of a ship, ss t~+* 11 P. 43, " During her course ; " D. S. Or. T. 1, p. 118.

    S, r .cy p 3~ ;or. a. To take apart of anytli?ty. % A part,

    portion, individuality; At 43-17. 14 tllc ~rrord 174 is by some tulccn to moan "Dnogl~tors."

    / / #

    ~2 30 pass ovcr, and i$ To be inlpnticnl. .r* 9 , k.iF Impatiently. 4

    / / l'4 nor. o. To sulcluc, and 4~ nor, i. To satisfy, rcj- J eornpense for good or ovil, give as a rcwmd (with doulile aoc. or with ace. or u o f thing for wllicll WCj1'IL fry IVf't"Oflf'tt* 1

    i i +- & utjr. i. (I;, ,c*rnztt (he d k i ~ , H E O ~ I F ~ O , lr ,r rcward, ctc. ie given) ; to givo nn cqoivnlont., ;AT 11 ,[L, or lnak. satisfaction for (with 2 or with iloablr: n floggir,gr Iilrrw wilb tr n~d. XT JtIijj+,


    aoo.). jL$ for sj\& @rt. act. One who t n r ~ l t o ~ /I / C;,

    satisfaction fornnotllcr (with 2). gTj& (Ak~z~?w P '

    pcnsntian, sutiafaction, cquivqlt?nt, retribution, &b (2rltt ilt:elarlsicl~l) reward. % G ~ Tuibuto, cspcoiully tlmt ciuctad pltlr, trf' &+ :\ jjltisa {if ~iffi l ig rti* Cr ~ ~ ~ d l ? l i l l ~ l y . fi*orn Jowa and ~hris t ian~.--~$& 111. To ~ ~ ~ i t ~ r ~ (I* I!] rvlf i t t~~ tt24tJ ~ ~ i ~ t ~ ~ $ : ~ t ~ ;L+ IItt~iigli- rcwi~x~d. i is ri*o xiik~!:f! ~nti!iiiibsf+~ rt?~ft;tkl ;

    a # ..+d f i ,X + r p 6 p~ ROS. O , [Ib Aandle.-p+~ V. To i l~qt~irc b& \ i L JLk~l \ 4) !!Is :I$ t # liy t lm t k t j r W ~ P B ourionsly into (by h a n d l i n ~ otc.). i t rt:vc!ltlrr 1ic.r (tlhu Hltnl ill ~ 1 1 . her ~glcnrlou~*."

    ? i # " To stick to the body (lilooil). n.a, A -& Lr+ ~jlbltt~itr i~i gl(jry {~vi t l i J j* @ r / f l c , t bociy; \JUU?- 7 v, 146, " A. calf in n bodily + 2 &ltip!lw

    shaps," fl P Z To ham a lapgo boilg. 2 A body, l'lor,

    / (11 ' , Y 9 0 c % L \ ; fln& \ 63 V, " Tltcir Por~ona."

    &'aor. a. T'O $uoc, put, impaao, mukc, appoint, conatik~te, ordain, altrib~xtc (rvitli J cl' pcn.

    ," r * d k

    nor. tt. 'Po br! rtifmcfary. ** r & ROC. 0. 312 C N I I ~ C ~ ~ I ~ fa /)c Jj*~)t. pt~rt.

    801. ~ ' I I R ~ wl~ieli is firnity Flrcd. aor* n* Tu calloct, gntllor Eogcllkar, ~sacttjlrlr,


    au~d acc. o f thing or wit11 do~rfsla ace, alan with aoc. and &, &, or >); t o Ilold, rcgurd. ar cstccm, as al; 20 v, 0 ; used wiMl G i of fullowM ing verb at 50 Y. 81. &L& part, act, IIo

    urlilu ; fo 11nvu cnri~lcxiojl willr, innrry (tc.illi 6 , " E * & t c*49 d r , a ) I i i. r d), IIH e~ h l d ?!p+@$ 4 vV. Dl, (f t

    i~ fu~ljitl[lt:il Y U I I ~ t~ takc two aislcrs to wif~," or "inkcrinarry ; " $0 gntlicr togoltlcr-ngc~inxL,

    who places, ctc. will1 see. nnd J ;--at, wiilr aoo, of pcm, mkd i

  • J or Jl of . time; it is also used with acc. /

    and & as at 6 v. 35, and with 2 of' per- st,/

    aons asse~tlbled as at 34 v. 25. n.a. An asse~nbly, ~rrultitude, a gntheikg together,

    9 & / p, 5 crowd ; 128 v. 78, " Who have amassed (wealth) more abunduntly ; " Literal&, " more

    /'C& K G , abundant in amassing (wealth) ;" & \ r$

    /I, .- "D

    9 \ 3 v. 149, " The day of the tneeting of P".-L'90 P /.# / Rb" /

    tllc two hosts;" ajij, QG 7.5 v. 17, 4 6 Up011 us devolves the collection (of its scat- tcrod acntcnces), and tlte proper method of rending it." big part. act. One who gathers

    ?, P 9 P togother, elc. ~ z u A congregation, as ?,J, .I.-P I 4 $4 l The day of the congregation, Friday. 9' & Collected, assembled, all, nn army ;

    D *r ,x PC,.- At 36 v. 32 is used for @A+-&, see D. S. Gr. T. 1, p. 540, nots: \:& adverbially,

    9 0 6 % c 9 r c % Altogcther, wholly. ~r;r I Plur. c,w 1 All, D / t r The whole, e + n A place of meeting to-

    $ 9 . . / gethcr. t e part. pass. Assemble$.- / /(,% 1 IT. To agrc-roe together, concert a plan

    1,s or ilcsign (wit11 l of following verb) ; to

    / C C C l

    agree upon (with act.).-- el, VIII. To be gaUimed togothor (with J) ; conspire (with

    G .r I, 9 0

    &). e~ part. act, Gathered together. & nor. 0. ?'a collect, and & To be Aandaofize. r+ / 0 & A ~amcl . J\- Orace, olegance ;

    gG \& & 16 v. 6, "They are a credit to ' ,,

    you." J,* Becoming, decorous, honour- 5 ',/ (2 9

    aljlo, gmcious. An aggregate, some- @, / O / ' p

    thine; complete, ss a scntcncc ; hF\3 25 v. 38, '( AR ono eornplctc and pcrfoct wholo." 8, ,

    Ii)ll~, of & h onmcl. C

    aox, i, To 60 cowrdd ; &or* 0. TO CO-vcr (with 5'

    u ) GT +-. collective noun, A acilii, darnons,

    .."/ 5 0 0 spirits, as opposed to men. Plur. ulq- A garden, Pamdise. A covering, cloak. ?*G a;? Madness, frenzy ; used also in a collec-

    rC s

    tive sense, or as plur. of ;T Genii ; see D. 8. . 9 .-. Gr. T. 1, p. 382. s~~ of u& Anp-


    thing covered, a fcetus. ;& A serpent, "a pcf genius, demon ; :\$ 15 v. 27, for 21 9 ,!I

    0 rc

    "The Father of Devils ; " or the part for the 5 9 L . A

    whole, Jinn or Genii. u,~+d part. pass. Mad, possessed of the Devil,

    / --,-

    LA+- aor. i. and o, To turn aside, cause to turn . a

    c a g e r from or avoid (with acc. and I lest). 5 1 9 C ~'"4 Plur. 9- A aide ; Q 4 V.

    / .-

    40, "The familiar ir(end ;" & a> L; (r / &hy * 39 T. 57, " What I have neglected F S P P

    (of my duty) towards God3' - + A stmnger, c o ~ j n g from afar, Olie suffering

    e y p i J O from pollution ; +,q- 28 v. 10, " Worn. 3 # p

    &far off." +;iT A side, tract of country ; \ 17 . 8 " H e drew aside."-

    4 1 / / 0 c . 0 , h y 11. To cause to turn aside, remove


    srvay from (with double ace.).-++c V. To turn away or withdraw one's-self from (with

    / // c, n c c , ) . - ~ - ~ ~ \ b * a 'VIII, To turn saide from, avoid.

    0 0 / 0 0

    e aor. a. i. and o. To incline (with J). ck 5 . ,c t.5


    comm. gerid. Plur. dT l A hand, wing, arm, /

    ' r 0 / arm-pit ; &b &&Ti 15 Y. 88, "And behave wit11 humility ; " Lite~aEl?/, "Lower thy wing." ;G A crime.

    $6 9 S P 9 &q- PInr. d*7; An amny, troops, force^, & host, cornpaniona ; no verbal root.

    L& aor. i. 2'0 claelilzc; and &$.& a0r. a. To dcuiato vr*om the tr~tl i) . di+ n,al A m~erv- ing from t1:lle right way.--dj;@; part. act. VI. f. Inclining t o evil (with J ),

  • uL?- ( 30 ) jk # 0 r / 0 a aor. i. To gather (fruit). for st~criflces were xnn~le Ly fire to Molocll : Tliia

    Fruit ; s r ~ 55 ye 54, u ~ 1 ~ 0 fruit tvoril an account of its Torcig~r origin arid /

    of' the two gardens," D: S. Gr. T. 1, p. 110. fmminino gcxiiler is of the second dcclcnaiort ; 5 ' &% Fresh (dates) ready gat21ered. D. 8. Ck. T. 1, p, 404.

    0 0 /

    a, To de diligent. n.a. A striving b /b% . - b 0

    with might and main; The words w;& ,:Lu A,? at 5 v. 58 and elsewhere may bc hm~+latcd c 6 Their most binding oaths." gG Power,

    b P / C I P ' r 9 0 r; 8 4. ability; P* % v* "They & nor, o. l'n ~li l i t, deicvc, cut nni. u\r; An

    find nothing (to give) but tllc frnit of' ell~ir nilmop, iYm ~,-L;G\ 1 ~ . T~ PCkllPll +./ 0 ~~L~ou~.' '--JJ-II~ 111. TO strive, contolld withl It R I I R W ~ ~ ~ ? 1102101?, to IICIL~BCIL to (with n(:o. oft pew. fight-especially against tho crlolllios of I a l h

    (, -Z /c or iliilly9. part. act. One who n:t~icrii, -(with BCC. of' pcm, and \ &, &R ni; 51 v. 14, jr A , also with & u, or J). 3&- n.u, A. con- mi ntlrrwor, RR ;&?P * 37 v. 73, " A ~ I tending, a going fo;hltll to fig]lL (ill verily wc T I itctt~rxial a graoiott~ itlixwar;" the Qly War). %\&Z ppart, act. Onc who ILilr!ncgy, All ti veliily tlicy who g t i ~ ~ ~ c tIl,c

    4 strives, ono who goe8cfortli to figlit in tl~cj

    F$ causo of Islhrn, // /

    aor. a. To be manifest, ~nxblisl~ drroad, spcn aloud (with u of tllillg J of ifirs.

    That wbic?~ is mnnifcal;, lohd ~1,ctlliin opkn and public spcaliing. s$ Opcnlly?

    $4, / P C a H O P @ ~ ~ Y , ~ i s i b l ~ , ~llani f~fill nor. o. Y t turn m i L a>& Nenr, oao jr.llo i e -sqT n.a. III. f. In public, opanly. Itcar, it, rlcightoiir, >q ~inrt. ricf,. O ~ l a wllo

    // 4 c

    #Y "+ aor. a. To rush 0% a W O I Z ~ E C ~ mag with inte turn# R H I I I o . - ~ ~ ~ I I 1. 1'0 IL 11g~j~Iglj0ilr~

    0 ,, $0 $ 2 ~ hifat j ~a~ ' f i~ l~mi~ l ia , t o dtvcll llcnr (will1 uc!c, c t l d 2144f 1Y. necessayy for a joumoy.-% 11, To Gd out To j j ~ o t o ~ t , d~~li~~r--li.nztl I I I X J I ~ N ~ ~ I ~ I ( I Z I tt s~c*-- with pTovisiuns or other ncccaeado~ (with u o f pere. and cr, of thing).

    @ v. 00, " Ncitller i~ !kt! lirotttctt?tf trf' ally ; "

    t f & aor. a. To be ignorant. && pnrt. act. i t Neitlrcr is i t tlrotcctcrl nvrr 211111,'' I who is ignorant. JG Vory igt~orant or " i s any proleoliori (tlnown) over hirii : " for

    8 ..I / C foolish. &Ljr Ignorance. && Hia~ t lru 1180 of ikssivo Vcrl~a ia &it itnpcmorinl ignorance, of the Pagan Araljs b l f ln r l l l~ r adc! I), 8, Or. 9'. & ,h K% ; noo QI~~Y

    *, r g s the timc o f Mo1;ammnd. nt $2 .-Jjb~r p~rk. a ~ t . V I . C Hoar lo onlt

    Pa/ 0 ** ( @*P) X I

    W cnoilicr.-Jkel X . To nrrk for protcotioxi. *DB:! #'a Valley of Uinnom, where h or. o, ilb go.-jj& 111, To ~lnrs on or over,

  • to cause to pass over (with u of pers, and /

    // 0 / act. of thing).-jJ\~" VI. To pass by or over (with ii). -

    aor. o. To search, explore. 5 P :&- aor.'o. To hunger. te IIunger.

    / / dh aor. 0 4 TO penetrate inwardly, to be hollow. 4; The belly, the interior.

    5-& aor. i. To come, come to, arrive at (with ace. / /

    or with J, jl, ;+, or &) ; with L.+ it means t o come with, i.e. to bring; ~ i k e ' ~ T it may sometimes be rendered to do or commit (om action), as at 18 v. 70 ; Pass. 5 s some-


    h- / w @ r o b c times written su? for 5 2 , aa 4 4 I&-

    / /

    39 v. 69, "And t

  • , a proposition with that which precedes it; i t then

    v .

    LS==- ( 32 ) &A*

    means "until," and has grammatically no effect

    the fish, head and all ;" if we say qet 3') we mean " as far us the head, and no further : "

    i s ' No instance of this use bf &=+- occurs in the Korhn.

    3rdly. As a conjunction serving to connect

    on the succeeding proposition; thus at 6 v. 149, /,", Q .. c4 6.4 /

    LQ t j \ ; d=- 2 L;,.J\ +S &,G " In like nianner did they who went before

    4 ,--

    --To cover, sAut out. e\k7 A veil, curtain. s , ' + '

    ++*F-f" part, pass, Shut out (with 2). 0.-- s'+ J+- aor, o. To Ailzder (with &). J+T n.a. Any-

    thing forbidden, unlawful, a wall or dam, 9 9 9

    understanding; P l u ~ ~ ~ ? - A bosom, guardian.

    them accuse (the prophets) of falsehood, until they tasted our severi by." Note. In tho &or$n

    . / it is frequently followed by \jl; D. 8. Gr. T. I, pp. 175 and 202, note, - Lastly. It governs a verb in the subjunctive

    89 v. 4, " For one gifted with ship ; =+, /

    PC intelligence." >:' 1 The country inhaiiled by the tribe of Thamood; The wordsG.&y

    =* occur twice in the 25th chap. ; in the s,kG ' 24th verse they appear to mean " Far be it from us," like " Ne liciturn sit ;" In the 55th verse they mean " a wall which it is for-

    $/ ,- bidden them (the two Beas) to pass." J+.?

    5 S ../b p Plur. gl& A rock, stone. afis Plur.

    mood when that verb has a future signification; -k, 6 I it then means untiEJY or " in order that ;"

    S S , ?+%4a' /b% L.4 2 1 & 12 Y. Ex* iS;l L5, &k ,-+=- pJJ\ CJ.

    80, "I will on no account quit the country, 6

    until my Father give me permimion ; " It may sometimes bear either interpretation ; thus a t

    6 4 CZ r C / '4 9 --r 4 9 ~ . 9 , + ~ \ ~ 1 $ ! ~ & ~ * ~ & ~ $1 \ 3$~ " Then fight against (that party) which is in the wrong, until (or SO that) they return to obedience to Gocl." To excite. \gfi;2 Quickly.

    ' co?'teTZd wigh> go on a pilgrimage to (with z ,

    ace.), 7 n.a. The pilgrimage to Mecca. E 5 S 3 c- same as >A. CL.. part. act. One who per- forms the pilgrimage. 247 phr. of &: A single pi&rimage, a year. disputingy.

    / 4:,agcs cause of dispute, argument ; as & 1 + 1

    CC 6 v. 150, The conclusive argument."-- a 1; 111. To dispute about (with Gi) ; to dis- E pute with (with acc. of pers. and L& or &).- - 6 , F

    E \ d V I , To dispute with one another (witbd;ii),

    s 0 9 0 s 9 ",A oh* A private chamber. J,+ part, pass. Forbiclden. &or. 0. TO nzahe a came2 lie down ; to restrain

    C 4 (wit11 acc. and d). ;?\: part. act. One who 0

    hinders, a bar, 8am to keep back water. a,-* S F 9 AS &or. o. To sharpen, limit, dejne. J,J~ plur.

    S s / of ;; A prescribed limit, ordinance. A;+L Iron, Plur. $\& ~ h a r ~ . - - ~ \ ~ 111. To hinder, stand in the way of, oppose,

    L? / / Gg TO 6e humpbached. v~l- An elevation of the ground : Instead of this word which occurs

    21 v, 96 gome copies haye 9G signifying " A grave."

    .- / / CJL TO be new, to Aappen. &,;L A novelty,

    event ; eornething which has lately happened, e'Q/

    a story, history, mrmtive, discourse ; %J 31 v. 5, " The ludicrous tale."

    4,+Lf (2nd declension) plur. of &L +b ,- ,SrD r, ' 9-CP

    Tales, sayings ; +,&- B I ddk w, .+- 4

    12 v. 6, "He shall teach thee the interpreta- ..z C P #&A 0

    tion of (dark) sayings; " h t~L\ (~bw 23

  • v. 46, " We have made them (idle) tales," or / a /

    "like a, tale that is to ld ."-ebb 11. To declare, narrate, acyusint (with ace. of pers.

    / / L % and +* of the thing).--ub\ IV. To cause to


    happen, biaing about, produce (with acc. and J S / b 9 .

    of pers.). part. pass. That which is newly produced or revealed,

    plor. of 2 % ~ A garden planted with trees. ;& aor. a. To beware, talrc heed of, fear (with nee.

    6 % b

    also with d l of the verb). :;~2 Precaution. ,

    s * , Ti: n.a; Fear. J+L part, act. One who is

    s ' L, cautious, provident. JJh~.- pa& pass, That

    , which is to be feared.--;'k 11. To caution aiaininst (witli double ace.).

    6 , p aor. a. i. and o. To Beconzc free, lo Be hot. ",/ S "4 9 5 9.' p- n.a. Heat. p- A free-man. J2y fern. A

    5 4 hot wind blowing by night. Silk.-- / G / Jy 11. Yo free from slavery, devote to the

    5 6.' service of God. n.a. Tlie giving freedGn,

    / P L < as 5 v. 91 " Thc freeing of a neck

    / / ? (from the yoke of iilavery)." bJs4 part. pass.

    acc. " Dedicated to God's service," 3 v. 31. c +-/ 5 L / U? aor. o. To spoil one's goocls. vp feem, n.n.

    5 / b P / / War. ui,r; Plur. -iJlz# (2nd declension)


    A psivste chamber ; a niche in tAe mall of a nzosque nzarkiny the direction af Uecca.- / / /

    . VJL 111. To fight ngaillst (with aco. of pers.).

    # /

    oF aor, i. and o. To till the ground, HOW seed. s b# oy n.a. A field, cultivated ground, produce of the same, fruits of the eartli, tillage.

    / /

    3 aor. a. yb be o~p*essed by c~oseness or chJicz6lty. c< 5.'/ cy n.5. Narrom, a restriction, difficulty,

    --# # J C l l

    L . aor. i. To pe~fo~ate, inte7nd. JP n.8. A pur- pose.

    / / /

    ~ Y J S (PO guafd. G;; collective noun, Guards. /, / 5 / eJ- aor. i. T O desire ardently (with &) . U C ; ' , ~


    p /L B Greedy, eager (with &). LPF\ superlaive form, Most greedy, A

    // / s / e To milk &y, to corrupt o?zc's-soy. f . ~ At

    the last extremity from disease.--s> 11. To instigate, excite (wit11 ace. and uG),

    / / 0 S.6 / ~ 5 . 5 - aor. i. To change, L>S A verge, margin,

    , A / I I manner; +y uL 22 v. 11, After a way, or upon the verge-as i t were-(of religion),"-

    .'a/ d 2 11. To pervert (with ace. a i d G).-

    S w / < P LF, part, act. 7 . f. One who turns aside (wit11 J ).

    , // / %or. i. and o. To gnash t i le ter&~ to burn. . d P S ,

    */Q / ///c, 3.r B n r n i n p - d p 11. To burn.--b2=-l VIII. To be burnt,

    /P/ dJ* .TO r&se mhat is due, and LG Ti Be moved. -&; 11. To move (with sco, and 9).

    / / 0

    1F aor. i. To proAi6it. ;$ A holy place, 5- / / asylum. ;F plur. of rb Prohibited, un- lawful, sacred, sanctified, as believers d~ir ing

    / ~ P ~ . . O the Pilgrimage. &\nid l The Sacred Ordi-

    5 9 L..' nances of God. p,J& part. pass. Forbidden ;

    C F At 51 v, 10 this word seems to niean Pre- -vented by shame, or a sense of decorum;" at 56 T. 66 and 68 v. 2'7, " I-Iilidercd from enjoying the fiuits of our labour."-;> II. To forbid, make or declare unlawful (with -

    / /

    acc. of the thing and uk of the pers.). 5 $3 c I-

    t 2 n.?. Prohibition. I O J G ~ part. pnss. That P$ wllicli is forbiclden or nnl awful, declzl~eii sacred.

    / /

    ~p ROP. i. ;Ib t l e e r o a s c . - - ~ ~ V. To sselc. s b S / L Z

    +p TO tozdch. ~ j p Plar. vhl A company, 5 .

  • 8

    ";a- ( 34 ) u--

    troop, party, sect, Those mho side with any c/c, -0 .r, E

    one ; &>\1 d l 18 v. 11, "Which of the two ,

    pat ies ; " Meaning probably The Companions Y .,a -a

    of the Gave or the Compa~lions of p9J\ ill ? J L 5 - 1

    in the 8th verse ; +b~ 1 The confederates mentioned in chap. 33 were a body of Infidelg, who .were leagued together against Mobammad in the War of the Ditch ; Those a t 40 v. 31 are the People of Noah, etc. who appear in the verge, and who were in league againat the prophets of their day.

    4'0 .- /

    aor. o. To grieve ; cp aos. a. TO be sad ; to be grieved about (with ui; of pers, or thing). SF r 3C.Y L, and up- ns.a. Grief, sorrow.

    Q 0 5 aor. o. To parch up, utterly destroy. We-

    - Q 0 B A souiR3 (so, h i s ~ i n g ) . . ; ~ l IV. To perceive, find, be aware of, feel (v&h A, or with aco.

    075 /' and >,).-vMd V. TO make inquiry after (with ;?I. e

    0 / / 0 0

    +,a+ &or. 0. TO rec40n; r~ aor. a. and i. To imngine, to be of 'pinion, cnlcul:t:

    (with acc. of thing, also with or without i before following verb) ; see D. 8. Gr. T. 2, pp.

    2i b' 74, 296, and 580, also 227, note, n.a. One who suffices, a sufficiency, or that , which .one is obliged to regard as su-8icient; Ex. yG,// j I G , ~ r'.;"c"r +d '* 202' FB "And -0 ypr, c be his sufficient reward ; d;" idJ I & 9 v. 59, " God

    B / i s all-sufficient for us." - L p a r t . act. One who Or an an

    B fib 9 accornptant. &\ Plur. u\,, A reckon-

    &' ing, computation, account ; v \ - ~ + 2 v. , , ' ' 208, " Without measure ; " dd+ 69 v. 20, ,

    I I My account," for Gji& ; The ; at end 6 F rO -.-

    of this word is callcd l S L b ; The affixed


    pronoun 3, is here written and pronounced G,, as is frequently the case; D. S. Gr. T. 1, p.

    5 ' 459. +- One who takes an account. s 'L Y The word u & ~ besides being the plural of


    "C& is also used as a collective noun mean- ing Darts or lightning, and i t is in this sense

    0' C 0

    it is elnplo~ed at l8 v* 3 8 e - ~ L 'I1* To call to account for (with ~ C C . of pers. and u).

    0 / //I,

    C r M s ~ k VIII. To calculate upon, expect. C' 0

    J w aor. i. and 0. TO envy (with aCC. of per88 and & of thing)). &\; part. act. One who envies. A- Envy.

    / / C S ..' 6 ' aor. i. To lay hare, to be weary. Flur. /"Z ,, , wL- D. S+ Gr. T. 1, p. 355, Sigl~ing, cause

    fly f4 C

    of sighing; u ~ - 1; 39 v. 57, "Ah! m y sighing, (ah me ! )" Expressions of this kind are spelt and pronounced in a variety of ways,

    5 0 D. S. Gr. T. 2, p. 90. J2- Fatigued, s 9 6 Jy-@ part. pass. Stripped, destitute.- ,'b/6 pdd! X. To be worn out with fatigue.

    - s Y F yw- aor. i. To cut. ry The usual acceptation of tllis word is A succession of unluoky nights ;

    J7 P a%

  • S

    means a good action, good thing, happy state, / / ' 9 9 liappy end ; D u d . l ~ ~ I and in the oblique

    ,,' ,- / good, fair, gmcious, handsome. GS A good S /

    thing, a benefit, good, a good work. u\M9 S F

    rnasc. and fern. plm. of u- Beautiful; S / SF'/

    ,Ls 555 v. 70, " (Damsels) exquisite 9 L.5

    and beautiful." &.s\ (2nd declension) comp. form, not used adjectively in conjunction with

    9 f r . 5 3 y c a as uu' j?J) but with the substantive understood ; Better, best, more or most excellent. Note. Words of the second declension when in connexion with a coinple-

    0 0 b S ment take the three inflexions, thus \1+s4

    0 CL S b d

    '7 v. 142, where the pronoun refers to yb.! U \ . / L 9 P / G 3 + fern. of u-\, when used substantively

    G / 0 L 9 4 ' < I cases u+r] l 9 v. 52, The two most excel-


    lent things," viz. Vic tory and Murtyrdoin ; For the Rules which govern adjectives in the comparative form I must refer the to

    / / L E

    D. 8. Gr. T. 2, p. 301 et ~ e q . - ~ - l IV,.To do well, act upriglltly, act with kindness (with

    / / /

    -- aor, i. To scatter gravel, cast i lztp the 3 r d . $ / /

    4-c~" That i?lhich is cast into the fire, fuel. &c A violellt wind bringing with i t 8 shower of stones.

    / / G /

    +=- To become manifest. 5 ,/

    o, and i, T~ reap, 3 L n.a, A reaping, S r harvesting, Harvest, mown down,


    + O, T~ 6sng into dZ$;czllty, besieo e. .. d d ~ r s t " aor. a. To be restricted, hindered (with of

    S P A s the following veib). JF Chaste. HS- A P r i s o n . - - \ / / L ~ IV. To prevent, keep back -from a journey, etc.-(with 2).

    +, or with J) or J of the pera.); to render / /

    agreeable, make beautiful (with acc. of thing and J of pers.). zg! *.a. A doing good,

    # c b 9

    a kind action, kindness, well-doing. uyd part. act, One w11o does well, acts righteously, a righteous man.


    JZ TO be ovef- and above, to be manzjest.- .-a c 3- 11. TO 111al;e manifest.

    # 1 # 2 9 , c r - ~ s TO be strongly fo~tiJed, a i ~ d ,p- To Beep

    8 9 31 .. s at bonze. uj,if~ plur. of u* A fortress.- STjj , - 9 &4xA part, pass. II, f. Fenced in, fortified.-- i / & %

    G= -1 IV.

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