

EHS 2013/14 – 2014/15 Dictionary of derived variables in detailed file ‘Energy performance 13+14.sav’

UK Data Archive Study Number 8068 - English Housing Survey, 2014: Housing Stock Data: Special Licence Access


Dictionary of derived variables

This document contains a series of tables that provide the reader with information on the derived

variables contained in the detailed file ‘energy performance 13+14.sav’.

- Energy performance 13+14.sav relates to the dwelling sample for survey years 2013/14

and 2014/15 combined. These datasets comprise of cases where the home was occupied

or vacant and where a physical inspection was carried out.

Each table in this document corresponds to a derived variable. The derived variables are in the

order in which they appear on the dataset.

This dataset is only available under the Special User Licence.



Variable Name File Name Page Number

EPcco212e Energy performance 13+14.sav ................................................ 4

EPcltc12e Energy performance 13+14.sav ................................................ 5

EPcwhc12e Energy performance 13+14.sav ................................................ 6

EPcshc12e Energy performance 13+14.sav ................................................ 7

EPcrnc12e Energy performance 13+14.sav ................................................ 8

EPcalc12e Energy performance 13+14.sav ................................................ 9

EPcuse12e Energy performance 13+14.sav .............................................. 10

EPulin12e Energy performance 13+14.sav .............................................. 11

EPucwi12e Energy performance 13+14.sav .............................................. 13

EPucyi12e Energy performance 13+14.sav .............................................. 15

EPucyt12e Energy performance 13+14.sav .............................................. 17

EPuctr12e Energy performance 13+14.sav .............................................. 19

EPublr12e Energy performance 13+14.sav .............................................. 21

EPubms12e Energy performance 13+14.sav .............................................. 23

EPustr12e Energy performance 13+14.sav .............................................. 25

EPuwas12e Energy performance 13+14.sav .............................................. 27

EPpsap12e Energy performance 13+14.sav .............................................. 29

EPpeeb12e Energy performance 13+14.sav .............................................. 30

EPpeir12e Energy performance 13+14.sav .............................................. 31

EPpeib12e Energy performance 13+14.sav .............................................. 32

EPpco212e Energy performance 13+14.sav .............................................. 33

EPpwhc12e Energy performance 13+14.sav .............................................. 34

EPpshc12e Energy performance 13+14.sav .............................................. 35

EPpalc12e Energy performance 13+14.sav .............................................. 36

EPucos12e Energy performance 13+14.sav .............................................. 37

Appendix 1 Alphabetical list of Energy performance 13+14.sav variables . 38


EPcco212e Energy performance 13+14.sav

Variable name EPcco212e

Variable label Notional total CO2 current emissions (tonnes/yr) (EHS SAP 2012)

Units Tonnes/yr

Description The amount of carbon dioxide (equivalent) released into the atmosphere from the consumption of energy due to space and water heating and lighting in the unimproved dwelling. The emissions are based on the consumption as calculated using the SAP methodology.

Type Numeric

Measure Scale

Value labels None

Missing data None

File location Energy performance 13+14.sav

Validation Values are checked against the consumption variable produced by the SAP modelling process. Checks are against manual calculations using the SAP methodology.

Key inputs Raw physical data relating to heating and services, insulation information, built form and age, construction materials and derived dimensions variables, SAP carbon emissions factors (see SAP 2012 booklet for details)

Modelling Created by the energy model. It follows the SAP 2012 methodology for calculating domestic consumption as closely as the EHS data allows, with imputed values or assumptions based on the type of dwelling used where data is missing or not collected in the EHS. CO2 emissions are produced by multiplying the consumption for each fuel by the appropriate emissions factor from the SAP booklet.

Imputation Missing dimensions data or data not collected in the EHS are imputed using a default stereotype database, providing a generic value derived from cases of a similar dwelling type, age and size. Other missing inputs, e.g. boiler efficiency are given a conservative estimate for that dwelling type.

Key dependencies None

Introduction date 2006

Date of key modelling changes

2006 – Variable introduced using SAP 2005 methodology

2010 – SAP 2009 methodology adopted

2013 – SAP 2012 methodology adopted

Other relevant information

This variable is only available in the dataset provided under the Special User Licence.

Previous variable EPcco205e, EPcco209e


EPcltc12e Energy performance 13+14.sav

Variable name EPcltc12e

Variable label Notional lighting current cost (£/yr) (EHS SAP 2012)

Units £/yr

Description The cost to power the lighting in the dwelling for one year according to the consumption calculated using the SAP methodology

Type Numeric

Measure Scale

Value labels None

Missing data None

File location Energy performance 13+14.sav

Validation Comparisons with previous data. Internal consistency checks

Key inputs Raw physical data relating to heating and services, insulation information, built form and age, construction materials and derived dimensions variables, SAP fuel prices (see SAP 2012 booklet for details)

Modelling Electricity consumption for lighting is extracted from the SAP modelling process for the unimproved dwelling and is multiplied by the correct electricity unit price based on the selected tariff for that dwelling.

Imputation No missing data

Key dependencies None

Introduction date 2006

Date of key modelling changes

2006 – Variable introduced using SAP 2005 methodology

2010 – SAP 2009 methodology adopted

2013 – SAP 2012 methodology adopted

Other relevant information

This variable is only available in the dataset provided under the Special User Licence.

Previous variable EPcltc05e, EPcltc09e


EPcwhc12e Energy performance 13+14.sav

Variable name EPcwhc12e

Variable label Notional water heating current cost (£/yr) (EHS SAP 2012)

Units £/yr

Description The cost to provide hot water in the dwelling for one year according to the consumption calculated using the SAP methodology

Type Numeric

Measure Scale

Value labels None

Missing data None

File location Energy performance 13+14.sav

Validation Comparisons with previous data. Internal consistency checks

Key inputs Raw physical data relating to heating and services, insulation information, built form and age, construction materials and derived dimensions variables, SAP fuel prices (see SAP 2012 booklet for details)

Modelling Fuel consumption for hot water is extracted from the SAP modelling process for the unimproved dwelling and is multiplied by the correct unit price based on the fuel specified by the EHS surveyor.

Imputation No missing data

Key dependencies None

Introduction date 2006

Date of key modelling changes

2006 – Variable introduced using SAP 2005 methodology

2010 – SAP 2009 methodology adopted

2013 – SAP 2012 methodology adopted

Other relevant information

This variable is only available in the dataset provided under the Special User Licence.

Previous variable EPcwhc05e, EPcwhc09e


EPcshc12e Energy performance 13+14.sav

Variable name EPcshc12e

Variable label Notional space heating current cost (£/yr) (EHS SAP 2012)

Units £/yr

Description The cost to provide space heating in the dwelling for one year according to the consumption calculated using the SAP methodology.

Type Numeric

Measure Scale

Value labels None

Missing data None

File location Energy performance 13+14.sav

Validation Comparisons with previous data. Internal consistency checks

Key inputs Raw physical data relating to heating and services, insulation information, built form and age, construction materials and derived dimensions variables, SAP fuel prices (see SAP 2012 booklet for details)

Modelling Fuel consumption for primary and secondary space heating is extracted from the SAP modelling process for the unimproved dwelling and is multiplied by the correct unit price based on the fuel specified by the EHS surveyor. Standing charges that apply to the dwelling are also included within this variable.

Imputation No missing data

Key dependencies None

Introduction date 2006

Date of key modelling changes

2006 – Variable introduced using SAP 2005 methodology

2010 – SAP 2009 methodology adopted

2013 – SAP 2012 methodology adopted

Other relevant information

This variable is only available in the dataset provided under the Special User Licence.

Previous variable EPcshc05e, EPcshc09e


EPcrnc12e Energy performance 13+14.sav

Variable name EPcrnc12e

Variable label Notional renewable electricity current cost (negative) (£/yr) (EHS SAP 2012)

Units £/yr

Description The value of the annual cost saving associated with the generation of renewable electricity (as calculated using the SAP 2012 methodology. The calculation considers solar PV and micro-wind installations.

Type Numeric

Measure Scale

Value labels None

Missing data None

File location Energy performance 13+14.sav

Validation Comparisons with previous data. Internal consistency checks

Key inputs Raw physical data relating to heating and services, insulation information, built form and age, construction materials and derived dimensions variables, SAP fuel prices (see SAP 2012 booklet for details)

Modelling The amount of energy produced each year by renewable installations is calculated according to the SAP 2012 methodology using information on the presence and characteristics of the installation collected by the EHS surveyor. This is extracted from the modelling process and a unit price is applied to the amount generated. The SAP methodology assumes that 50% of the electricity generated is used within the home and 50% is exported to the grid. A different price is used for each. The amount generated is recorded on the dataset as a negative value.

Imputation No missing data

Key dependencies None

Introduction date 2011

Date of key modelling changes

2013 – SAP 2012 methodology adopted

2014 – Method of calculating PV electricity generation improved by the inclusion of PV panel area, which is now recorded by the EHS surveyor.

Other relevant information

This variable is only available in the dataset provided under the Special User Licence.

Previous variable EPcrnc09e


EPcalc12e Energy performance 13+14.sav

Variable name EPcalc12e

Variable label Notional total energy current cost (£/yr) (EHS SAP 2012)

Units £/yr

Description The total annual cost of the energy used by the unimproved dwelling for space and water heating and lighting, minus the value of renewable energy generated.

Type Numeric

Measure Scale

Value labels None

Missing data None

File location Energy performance 13+14.sav

Validation Comparisons with previous data. Internal consistency checks

Key inputs EPcltc12e, EPcwhc12e, EPcshc12e, EPcrnc12e

Modelling Each of the component costs variables on the ‘Energy performance 13+14.sav’ dataset are summed to produce total annual cost.

Imputation No missing data

Key dependencies None

Introduction date 2006

Date of key modelling changes

2006 – Variable introduced using SAP 2005 methodology

2010 – SAP 2009 methodology adopted

2013 – SAP 2012 methodology adopted

Other relevant information

This variable is only available in the dataset provided under the Special User Licence.

Previous variable EPcalc05e, EPcalc09e


EPcuse12e Energy performance 13+14.sav

Variable name EPcuse12e

Variable label Notional primary energy use (kWh/m2 per year) (EHS SAP 2012)

Units kWh/m2 per year

Description The primary energy consumed by the dwelling over the course of a year. That is, the energy required including the conversion and transmission of the raw energy fuel. Expressed as the primary energy required per square metre of floor area.

Type Numeric

Measure Scale

Value labels None

Missing data None

File location Energy performance 13+14.sav

Validation Comparisons with previous data. Internal consistency checks

Key inputs Raw physical data relating to heating and services, insulation information, built form and age, construction materials and derived dimensions variables.

Modelling Delivered energy consumption is extracted from the model for each of the fuels used in the dwelling. These consumption values are multiplied by the primary energy factors from the SAP 2012 booklet to produce the primary energy requirement.

Imputation No missing data

Key dependencies None

Introduction date 2006

Date of key modelling changes

2006 – Variable introduced using SAP 2005 methodology

2010 – SAP 2009 methodology adopted

2013 – SAP 2012 methodology adopted

Other relevant information

This variable is only available in the dataset provided under the Special User Licence.

Previous variable EPcuse05e, EPcuse09e


EPulin12e Energy performance 13+14.sav Variable name EPulin12e

Variable label Energy upgrade (low cost measure): loft insulation (EHS SAP 2012)

Units None

Description A flag to identify whether or not a case has received a loft insulation upgrade as part of the improvement modelling procedure. Cases without a loft are marked as not applicable.

Type Numeric

Measure Nominal

Value labels .00 = No

1.00 = Yes

8.00 = Not Applicable

Missing data 8.00

File location Energy performance 13+14.sav

Validation Checks for eligibility for upgrade, comparisons with previous years.

Key inputs Raw physical data relating to heating and services, insulation information, built form and age, construction materials and derived dimensions variables.

Modelling Improvements are modelled in a fixed order:

1. Loft insulation

2. Cavity wall insulation

3. Cylinder insulation

4. Cylinder thermostat

5. Heating controls

6. Boiler upgrade

7. Storage radiators

8. Warm air systems

9. Biomass

For each stage, SAP is modelled for the dwelling with the addition of that improvement. Where the improvement makes at least 0.95 SAP points difference to the SAP rating it is selected and the revised consumption, costs and emissions are used. Improvements are modelled cumulatively.

Imputation Uses the existing SAP model as a base. Please refer to the data dictionary entry for Sap12 for details.

Key dependencies EPpsap12e, EPpeeb12e, EPpeir12e, EPpeib12e, EPpco212e, EPpwhc12e, EPpshc12e, EPpalc12e, EPucos12e

Introduction date 2006

Date of key modelling changes



Other relevant information

This variable is only available in the dataset provided under the Special User Licence.

Previous variable EPulin01e, EPulin05e, EPulin09e


EPucwi12e Energy performance 13+14.sav Variable name EPucwi12e

Variable label Energy upgrade (low cost measure): cavity wall insulation (EHS SAP 2012)

Units None

Description A flag to identify whether or not a case has received a cavity wall insulation upgrade as part of the improvement modelling procedure. Cases without cavity walls are marked as not applicable.

Type Numeric

Measure Nominal

Value labels .00 = No

1.00 = Yes

8.00 = Not Applicable

Missing data 8.00

File location Energy performance 13+14.sav

Validation Checks for eligibility for upgrade, comparisons with previous years.

Key inputs Raw physical data relating to heating and services, insulation information, built form and age, construction materials and derived dimensions variables.

Modelling Improvements are modelled in a fixed order:

1. Loft insulation

2. Cavity wall insulation

3. Cylinder insulation

4. Cylinder thermostat

5. Heating controls

6. Boiler upgrade

7. Storage radiators

8. Warm air systems

9. Biomass

For each stage, SAP is modelled for the dwelling with the addition of that improvement. Where the improvement makes at least 0.95 SAP points difference to the SAP rating it is selected and the revised consumption, costs and emissions are used. Improvements are modelled cumulatively.

Imputation Uses the existing SAP model as a base. Please refer to the data dictionary entry for Sap12 for details.

Key dependencies EPpsap12e, EPpeeb12e, EPpeir12e, EPpeib12e, EPpco212e, EPpwhc12e, EPpshc12e, EPpalc12e, EPucos12e

Introduction date 2006

Date of key modelling changes



Other relevant information

This variable is only available in the dataset provided under the Special User Licence.

Previous variable EPucwi01e, EPucwi05e, EPucwi09e


EPucyi12e Energy performance 13+14.sav Variable name EPucyi12e

Variable label Energy upgrade (low cost measure): cylinder insulation (EHS SAP 2012)

Units None

Description A flag to identify whether or not a case has received a hot water cylinder insulation upgrade as part of the improvement modelling procedure. Cases without hot water cylinders are marked as not applicable.

Type Numeric

Measure Nominal

Value labels .00 = No

1.00 = Yes

8.00 = Not Applicable

Missing data 8.00

File location Energy performance 13+14.sav

Validation Checks for eligibility for upgrade, comparisons with previous years.

Key inputs Raw physical data relating to heating and services, insulation information, built form and age, construction materials and derived dimensions variables.

Modelling Improvements are modelled in a fixed order:

1. Loft insulation

2. Cavity wall insulation

3. Cylinder insulation

4. Cylinder thermostat

5. Heating controls

6. Boiler upgrade

7. Storage radiators

8. Warm air systems

9. Biomass

For each stage, SAP is modelled for the dwelling with the addition of that improvement. Where the improvement makes at least 0.95 SAP points difference to the SAP rating it is selected and the revised consumption, costs and emissions are used. Improvements are modelled cumulatively.

Imputation Uses the existing SAP model as a base. Please refer to the data dictionary entry for Sap12 for details.

Key dependencies EPpsap12e, EPpeeb12e, EPpeir12e, EPpeib12e, EPpco212e, EPpwhc12e, EPpshc12e, EPpalc12e, EPucos12e

Introduction date 2007

Date of key modelling changes



Other relevant information

This variable is only available in the dataset provided under the Special User Licence.

Previous variable EPucyi05e, EPucyi09e


EPucyt12e Energy performance 13+14.sav Variable name EPucyt12e

Variable label Energy upgrade (higher cost measure): cylinder thermostat (EHS SAP 2012)

Units None

Description A flag to identify whether or not a case has received a hot water cylinder thermostat upgrade as part of the improvement modelling procedure. Cases without hot water cylinders are marked as not applicable.

Type Numeric

Measure Nominal

Value labels .00 = No

1.00 = Yes

8.00 = Not Applicable

Missing data 8.00

File location Energy performance 13+14.sav

Validation Checks for eligibility for upgrade, comparisons with previous years.

Key inputs Raw physical data relating to heating and services, insulation information, built form and age, construction materials and derived dimensions variables.

Modelling Improvements are modelled in a fixed order:

10. Loft insulation

11. Cavity wall insulation

12. Cylinder insulation

13. Cylinder thermostat

14. Heating controls

15. Boiler upgrade

16. Storage radiators

17. Warm air systems

18. Biomass

For each stage, SAP is modelled for the dwelling with the addition of that improvement. Where the improvement makes at least 0.95 SAP points difference to the SAP rating it is selected and the revised consumption, costs and emissions are used. Improvements are modelled cumulatively.

Imputation Uses the existing SAP model as a base. Please refer to the data dictionary entry for Sap12 for details.

Key dependencies EPpsap12e, EPpeeb12e, EPpeir12e, EPpeib12e, EPpco212e, EPpwhc12e, EPpshc12e, EPpalc12e, EPucos12e

Introduction date 2007

Date of key modelling changes



Other relevant information

This variable is only available in the dataset provided under the Special User Licence.

Previous variable EPucyt05e, EPucyt09e


EPuctr12e Energy performance 13+14.sav Variable name EPuctr12e

Variable label Energy upgrade (higher cost measure): heating controls (EHS SAP 2012)

Units None

Description A flag to identify whether or not a case has received a heating controls upgrade as part of the improvement modelling procedure. Cases without boiler or warm air systems are marked as not applicable.

Type Numeric

Measure Nominal

Value labels .00 = No

1.00 = Yes

8.00 = Not Applicable

Missing data 8.00

File location Energy performance 13+14.sav

Validation Checks for eligibility for upgrade, comparisons with previous years.

Key inputs Raw physical data relating to heating and services, insulation information, built form and age, construction materials and derived dimensions variables.

Modelling Improvements are modelled in a fixed order:

1. Loft insulation

2. Cavity wall insulation

3. Cylinder insulation

4. Cylinder thermostat

5. Heating controls

6. Boiler upgrade

7. Storage radiators

8. Warm air systems

9. Biomass

For each stage, SAP is modelled for the dwelling with the addition of that improvement. Where the improvement makes at least 0.95 SAP points difference to the SAP rating it is selected and the revised consumption, costs and emissions are used. Improvements are modelled cumulatively.

Imputation Uses the existing SAP model as a base. Please refer to the data dictionary entry for Sap12 for details.

Key dependencies EPpsap12e, EPpeeb12e, EPpeir12e, EPpeib12e, EPpco212e, EPpwhc12e, EPpshc12e, EPpalc12e, EPucos12e

Introduction date 2007

Date of key modelling changes



Other relevant information

This variable is only available in the dataset provided under the Special User Licence.

Previous variable EPuctr05e, EPuctr09e


EPublr12e Energy performance 13+14.sav Variable name EPublr12e

Variable label Energy upgrade (higher cost measure): boiler (EHS SAP 2012)

Units None

Description A flag to identify whether or not a case has received a boiler upgrade as part of the improvement modelling procedure. Cases without boiler or warm air systems are marked as not applicable.

Type Numeric

Measure Nominal

Value labels .00 = No

1.00 = Yes

8.00 = Not Applicable

Missing data 8.00

File location Energy performance 13+14.sav

Validation Checks for eligibility for upgrade, comparisons with previous years.

Key inputs Raw physical data relating to heating and services, insulation information, built form and age, construction materials and derived dimensions variables.

Modelling Improvements are modelled in a fixed order:

1. Loft insulation

2. Cavity wall insulation

3. Cylinder insulation

4. Cylinder thermostat

5. Heating controls

6. Boiler upgrade

7. Storage radiators

8. Warm air systems

9. Biomass

For each stage, SAP is modelled for the dwelling with the addition of that improvement. Where the improvement makes at least 0.95 SAP points difference to the SAP rating it is selected and the revised consumption, costs and emissions are used. Improvements are modelled cumulatively.

Imputation Uses the existing SAP model as a base. Please refer to the data dictionary entry for Sap12 for details.

Key dependencies EPpsap12e, EPpeeb12e, EPpeir12e, EPpeib12e, EPpco212e, EPpwhc12e, EPpshc12e, EPpalc12e, EPucos12e

Introduction date 2006

Date of key modelling changes



Other relevant information

This variable is only available in the dataset provided under the Special User Licence.

Previous variable EPublr01e, EPublr05e, EPublr09e


EPubms12e Energy performance 13+14.sav Variable name EPubms12e

Variable label Energy upgrade (higher cost measure): biomass system (EHS SAP 2012)

Units None

Description A flag to identify whether or not a case has received a biomass upgrade as part of the improvement modelling procedure. Cases without boiler or warm air systems are marked as not applicable.

Type Numeric

Measure Nominal

Value labels .00 = No

1.00 = Yes

8.00 = Not Applicable

Missing data 8.00

File location Energy performance 13+14.sav

Validation Checks for eligibility for upgrade, comparisons with previous years.

Key inputs Raw physical data relating to heating and services, insulation information, built form and age, construction materials and derived dimensions variables.

Modelling Improvements are modelled in a fixed order:

1. Loft insulation

2. Cavity wall insulation

3. Cylinder insulation

4. Cylinder thermostat

5. Heating controls

6. Boiler upgrade

7. Storage radiators

8. Warm air systems

9. Biomass

For each stage, SAP is modelled for the dwelling with the addition of that improvement. Where the improvement makes at least 0.95 SAP points difference to the SAP rating it is selected and the revised consumption, costs and emissions are used. Improvements are modelled cumulatively.

Imputation Uses the existing SAP model as a base. Please refer to the data dictionary entry for Sap12 for details.

Key dependencies EPpsap12e, EPpeeb12e, EPpeir12e, EPpeib12e, EPpco212e, EPpwhc12e, EPpshc12e, EPpalc12e, EPucos12e

Introduction date 2006

Date of key modelling changes



Other relevant information

This variable is only available in the dataset provided under the Special User Licence.

Previous variable EPubms01e, EPubms05e, EPubms09e


EPustr12e Energy performance 13+14.sav Variable name EPustr12e

Variable label Energy upgrade (higher cost measure): storage radiators (EHS SAP 2012)

Units None

Description A flag to identify whether or not a case has received a storage radiators upgrade as part of the improvement modelling procedure. Cases not eligible for storage radiators are marked as not applicable. Cases are eligible if they have storage heaters or electric room heaters and are not on the gas network.

Type Numeric

Measure Nominal

Value labels .00 = No

1.00 = Yes

8.00 = Not Applicable

Missing data 8.00

File location Energy performance 13+14.sav

Validation Checks for eligibility for upgrade, comparisons with previous years.

Key inputs Raw physical data relating to heating and services, insulation information, built form and age, construction materials and derived dimensions variables.

Modelling Improvements are modelled in a fixed order:

1. Loft insulation

2. Cavity wall insulation

3. Cylinder insulation

4. Cylinder thermostat

5. Heating controls

6. Boiler upgrade

7. Storage radiators

8. Warm air systems

9. Biomass

For each stage, SAP is modelled for the dwelling with the addition of that improvement. Where the improvement makes at least 0.95 SAP points difference to the SAP rating it is selected and the revised consumption, costs and emissions are used. Improvements are modelled cumulatively.

Imputation Uses the existing SAP model as a base. Please refer to the data dictionary entry for Sap12 for details.

Key dependencies EPpsap12e, EPpeeb12e, EPpeir12e, EPpeib12e, EPpco212e, EPpwhc12e, EPpshc12e, EPpalc12e, EPucos12e

Introduction date 2006


Date of key modelling changes


Other relevant information

This variable is only available in the dataset provided under the Special User Licence.

Previous variable EPustr01e, EPustr05e, EPustr09e


EPuwas12e Energy performance 13+14.sav Variable name EPuwas12e

Variable label Energy upgrade (higher cost measure): warm air system (EHS SAP 2012)

Units None

Description A flag to identify whether or not a case has received a warm air system upgrade as part of the improvement modelling procedure. Cases not eligible for warm air systems are marked as not applicable. Cases are eligible if they have a warm air system over 12 years old and are on the gas network.

Type Numeric

Measure Nominal

Value labels .00 = No

1.00 = Yes

8.00 = Not Applicable

Missing data 8.00

File location Energy performance 13+14.sav

Validation Checks for eligibility for upgrade, comparisons with previous years.

Key inputs Raw physical data relating to heating and services, insulation information, built form and age, construction materials and derived dimensions variables.

Modelling Improvements are modelled in a fixed order:

1. Loft insulation

2. Cavity wall insulation

3. Cylinder insulation

4. Cylinder thermostat

5. Heating controls

6. Boiler upgrade

7. Storage radiators

8. Warm air systems

9. Biomass

For each stage, SAP is modelled for the dwelling with the addition of that improvement. Where the improvement makes at least 0.95 SAP points difference to the SAP rating it is selected and the revised consumption, costs and emissions are used. Improvements are modelled cumulatively.

Imputation Uses the existing SAP model as a base. Please refer to the data dictionary entry for Sap12 for details.

Key dependencies EPpsap12e, EPpeeb12e, EPpeir12e, EPpeib12e, EPpco212e, EPpwhc12e, EPpshc12e, EPpalc12e, EPucos12e

Introduction date 2006


Date of key modelling changes


Other relevant information

This variable is only available in the dataset provided under the Special User Licence.

Previous variable EPuwas01e, EPuwas05e, EPuwas09e


EPpsap12e Energy performance 13+14.sav

Variable name EPpsap12e

Variable label Post-improvement Energy efficiency rating (EHS SAP 2012)

Units None

Description The SAP rating of the dwelling following application of all appropriate improvements by the improvement modelling process. Refer to the Sap12 data dictionary entry for a description of the SAP variable and its derivation.

Type Numeric

Measure Scale

Value labels None

Missing data None

File location Energy performance 13+14.sav

Validation Check that values are permissible (greater than or equal to 1, less than 100 except in exceptional circumstances), comparison with previous years.

Key inputs Raw physical data relating to heating and services, insulation information, built form and age, construction materials and derived dimensions variables. Flags indicating whether case has been selected for each of the energy efficiency upgrades (e.g. EPulin12e)

Modelling Where cases have been selected for an upgrade, the raw data is altered to simulate the application of the improved measure. The energy model is then run with the altered data to produce results for the revised position.

Imputation Uses the existing SAP model as a base. Please refer to the data dictionary entry for Sap12 for details.

Key dependencies EPpeeb12e

Introduction date 2007

Date of key modelling changes

2010 – SAP 2009 methodology adopted, biomass included

2013 – SAP 2012 methodology adopted

Other relevant information

This variable is only available in the dataset provided under the Special User Licence.

Previous variable EPpsap05e, EPpsap09e


EPpeeb12e Energy performance 13+14.sav

Variable name EPpeeb12e

Variable label Post-improvement Energy efficiency rating band (EHS SAP 2012)

Units None

Description The energy efficiency rating of the dwelling post improvement - groups from A to G that are used in the Energy Performance Certificate. ‘A’ is the most efficient and ‘G’ is the least efficient

Type Numeric

Measure Nominal

Value labels 1.00 = A

2.00 = B

3.00 = C

4.00 = D

5.00 = E

6.00 = F

7.00 = G

8.00 = Not Applicable

Missing data None

File location Energy performance 13+14.sav

Validation Comparison with previous years

Key inputs EPpsap12e

Modelling The post improvement SAP rating is recoded into the energy efficiency bands according to the categories in the SAP 2012 booklet.

Imputation N/A

Key dependencies None

Introduction date 2007

Date of key modelling changes

2010 – SAP 2009 methodology adopted, biomass included

2013 – SAP 2012 methodology adopted

Other relevant information

This variable is only available in the dataset provided under the Special User Licence.

Previous variable


EPpeir12e Energy performance 13+14.sav

Variable name EPpeir12e

Variable label Post-improvement Environmental impact rating (EHS SAP 2012)

Units None

Description The environmental impact rating (based on the modelled CO2 emissions) of the improved dwelling on a normalised scale from 1 to 100, where 1 is the worst/has the highest CO2


Type Numeric

Measure Scale

Value labels None

Missing data None

File location Energy performance 13+14.sav

Validation Comparison with previous years

Key inputs Raw physical data relating to heating and services, insulation information, built form and age, construction materials and derived dimensions variables. Flags indicating whether case has been selected for each of the energy efficiency upgrades (e.g. EPulin12e)

Modelling Where cases have been selected for an upgrade, the raw data is altered to simulate the application of the improved measure. The energy model is then run with the altered data to produce results for the revised position.

Imputation Uses the existing SAP model as a base. Please refer to the data dictionary entry for Sap12 for details.

Key dependencies EPpeib12e

Introduction date 2007

Date of key modelling changes

2010 – SAP 2009 methodology adopted, biomass included

2013 – SAP 2012 methodology adopted

Other relevant information

This variable is only available in the dataset provided under the Special User Licence.

Previous variable EPpeir05e, EPpeir09e


EPpeib12e Energy performance 13+14.sav

Variable name EPpeib12e

Variable label Post-improvement Environmental impact rating band (EHS SAP 2012)

Units None

Description The environmental impact rating of the improved dwelling - groups from A to G used in the Energy Performance Certificate. ‘A’ is the best with the lowest CO2 emissions and ‘G’ is the worst with the highest CO2 emissions.

Type Numeric

Measure Nominal

Value labels 1.00 = A

2.00 = B

3.00 = C

4.00 = D

5.00 = E

6.00 = F

7.00 = G

8.00 = Not Applicable

Missing data None

File location Energy performance 13+14.sav

Validation Comparison with previous years.

Key inputs EPpeir12e

Modelling The post improvement environmental impact rating is recoded into the EIR bands according to the categories in the SAP 2012 booklet.

Imputation None

Key dependencies None

Introduction date 2007

Date of key modelling changes

2010 – SAP 2009 methodology adopted, biomass included

2013 – SAP 2012 methodology adopted

Other relevant information

This variable is only available in the dataset provided under the Special User Licence.

Previous variable EPpeib05e, EPpeib09e


EPpco212e Energy performance 13+14.sav

Variable name EPpco212e

Variable label Post-improvement notional total CO2 current emissions (tonnes/yr) (EHS SAP 2012)

Units tonnes/yr

Description The amount of carbon dioxide (equivalent) released into the atmosphere from the consumption of energy due to space and water heating and lighting in the improved dwelling. The emissions are based on the consumption as calculated using the SAP methodology.

Type Numeric

Measure Scale

Value labels None

Missing data None

File location Energy performance 13+14.sav

Validation Comparison with previous years

Key inputs Raw physical data relating to heating and services, insulation information, built form and age, construction materials and derived dimensions variables. Flags indicating whether case has been selected for each of the energy efficiency upgrades (e.g. EPulin12e)

Modelling Where cases have been selected for an upgrade, the raw data is altered to simulate the application of the improved measure. The energy model is then run with the altered data to produce results for the revised position.

Imputation None

Key dependencies None

Introduction date 2007

Date of key modelling changes

2010 – SAP 2009 methodology adopted, biomass included

2013 – SAP 2012 methodology adopted

Other relevant information

This variable is only available in the dataset provided under the Special User Licence.

Previous variable EPpco205e, EPpco209e


EPpwhc12e Energy performance 13+14.sav

Variable name EPpwhc12e

Variable label Post-improvement notional water heating current cost (£/yr) (EHS SAP 2012)

Units £/yr

Description The cost to provide hot water in the improved dwelling for one year according to the consumption calculated using the SAP methodology

Type Numeric

Measure Scale

Value labels None

Missing data None

File location Energy performance 13+14.sav

Validation Comparisons with previous data. Internal consistency checks

Key inputs Raw physical data relating to heating and services, insulation information, built form and age, construction materials and derived dimensions variables, SAP fuel prices (see SAP 2012 booklet for details)

Modelling Fuel consumption for hot water is extracted from the SAP modelling process for the improved dwelling and is multiplied by the correct unit price based on the fuel specified by the EHS surveyor.

Imputation No missing data

Key dependencies None

Introduction date 2007

Date of key modelling changes

2007 – Variable introduced using SAP 2005 methodology

2010 – SAP 2009 methodology adopted, biomass included

2013 – SAP 2012 methodology adopted

Other relevant information

This variable is only available in the dataset provided under the Special User Licence.

Previous variable EPpwhc12e, EPpwhc12e


EPpshc12e Energy performance 13+14.sav

Variable name EPpshc12e

Variable label Post-improvement notional space heating current cost (£/yr) (EHS SAP 2012)

Units £/yr

Description The cost to provide space heating in the dwelling for one year according to the consumption calculated using the SAP methodology.

Type Numeric

Measure Scale

Value labels None

Missing data None

File location Energy performance 13+14.sav

Validation Comparisons with previous data. Internal consistency checks

Key inputs Raw physical data relating to heating and services, insulation information, built form and age, construction materials and derived dimensions variables, SAP fuel prices (see SAP 2012 booklet for details)

Modelling Fuel consumption for primary and secondary space heating is extracted from the SAP modelling process for the improved dwelling and is multiplied by the correct unit price based on the fuel specified by the EHS surveyor. Standing charges that apply to the dwelling are also included within this variable.

Imputation No missing data

Key dependencies None

Introduction date 2007

Date of key modelling changes

2007 – Variable introduced using SAP 2005 methodology

2010 – SAP 2009 methodology adopted, biomass included

2013 – SAP 2012 methodology adopted

Other relevant information

This variable is only available in the dataset provided under the Special User Licence.

Previous variable EPpshc05e, EPpshc09e


EPpalc12e Energy performance 13+14.sav

Variable name EPpalc12e

Variable label Post-improvement notional total energy current cost (£/yr) (EHS SAP 2012)

Units £/yr

Description The total annual cost of the energy used by the improved dwelling for space and water heating and lighting, minus the value of renewable energy generated.

Type Numeric

Measure Scale

Value labels None

Missing data None

File location Energy performance 13+14.sav

Validation Comparisons with previous data. Internal consistency checks

Key inputs EPpwhc12e, EPpshc12e

Modelling The post improvement costs are summed to produce total annual cost.

Imputation No missing data

Key dependencies None

Introduction date 2007

Date of key modelling changes

2007 – Variable introduced using SAP 2005 methodology

2010 – SAP 2009 methodology adopted, biomass included

2013 – SAP 2012 methodology adopted

Other relevant information

This variable is only available in the dataset provided under the Special User Licence.

Previous variable EPpalc05e, EPpalc09e


EPucos12e Energy performance 13+14.sav

Variable name EPucos12e

Variable label Energy upgrade cost – all upgrades (£) (EHS SAP 2012)

Units £

Description The total cost of installing all of the specified upgrades. Costs are inflated annually to current prices.

Type Numeric

Measure Scale

Value labels None

Missing data None

File location Energy performance 13+14.sav

Validation Comparisons with previous data. Internal consistency checks

Key inputs EPulin12e, EPucwi12e, EPucyi12e, EPucyt12e, EPuctr12e, EPublr12e, EPubms12e, EPustr12e, EPuwas12e

Modelling Costs per square metre for element areas (for example loft insulation) are multiplied by the area of that element. These are added to unit costs for other improvements (for example cylinder insulation). Costs are summed to produce a total upgrade cost.

Imputation None

Key dependencies None

Introduction date 2008

Date of key modelling changes

2008 – Variable introduced using SAP 2005 methodology

2010 – SAP 2009 methodology adopted, biomass included

2013 – SAP 2012 methodology adopted

Other relevant information

This variable is only available in the dataset provided under the Special User Licence.

Previous variable EPucos05e, EPucos09e


Appendix 1 Alphabetical list of Energy performance 13+14.sav variables

EPcalc12e Notional total energy current cost (£/yr) (EHS SAP 2012)

EPcco212e Notional total CO2 current emissions (tonnes/yr) (EHS SAP 2012)

EPcltc12e Notional lighting current cost (£/yr) (EHS SAP 2012)

EPcrnc12e Notional renewable electricity current cost (negative) (£/yr) (EHS SAP 2012)

EPcshc12e Notional space heating current cost (£/yr) (EHS SAP 2012)

EPcuse12e Notional primary energy use (kWh/m2 per year) (EHS SAP 2012)

EPcwhc12e Notional water heating current cost (£/yr) (EHS SAP 2012)

EPpalc12e Post-improvement notional total energy current cost (£/yr) (EHS SAP 2012)

EPpco212e Post-improvement notional total CO2 current emissions (tonnes/yr) (EHS SAP 2012)

EPpeeb12e Post-improvement Energy efficiency rating band (EHS SAP 2012)

EPpeib12e Post-improvement Environmental impact rating band (EHS SAP 2012)

EPpeir12e Post-improvement Environmental impact rating (EHS SAP 2012)

EPpsap12e Post-improvement Energy efficiency rating (EHS SAP 2012)

EPpshc12e Post-improvement notional space heating current cost (£/yr) (EHS SAP 2012)

EPpwhc12e Post-improvement notional water heating current cost (£/yr) (EHS SAP 2012)

EPublr12e Energy upgrade (higher cost measure): boiler (EHS SAP 2012)

EPubms12e Energy upgrade (higher cost measure): biomass system (EHS SAP 2012)

EPucos12e Energy upgrade cost - all upgrades (£) (EHS SAP 2012)

EPuctr12e Energy upgrade (higher cost measure): heating controls (EHS SAP 2012)

EPucwi12e Energy upgrade (low cost measure): cavity wall insulation (EHS SAP 2012)

EPucyi12e Energy upgrade (low cost measure): cylinder insulation (EHS SAP 2012)

EPucyt12e Energy upgrade (higher cost measure): cylinder thermostat (EHS SAP 2012)

EPulin12e Energy upgrade (low cost measure): loft insulation (EHS SAP 2012)

EPustr12e Energy upgrade (higher cost measure): storage radiators (EHS SAP 2012)

EPuwas12e Energy upgrade (higher cost measure): warm air system (EHS SAP 2012)

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