
progress monitoringDIBELS

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DIBELS® Next Student MaterialsDaze/Level 3

Progress Monitoring

Roland H. Good III

Ruth A. Kaminski


Kelli Cummings, Chantal Dufour-Martel, Kathleen Petersen,

Kelly Powell-Smith, Stephanie Stollar, and Joshua Wallin

Dynamic Measurement Group, Inc.


Copyright 2011 Dynamic Measurement GroupAll rights reserved

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Practice 1

After playing in the dirt, Sam went homesummer was

to wash her hands.

Practice 2

On her way home, she chairsleep saw

an ice cream truck.

Name: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________

C: __________________________

I: __________________________

AS: __________________________

G3/Progress Monitoring 1

progress monitoringDaze


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Race Car Driver

A checkered flag waves. A line of cars takes off.FindIt'sThankful

the Indianapolis Five Hundred, one

of the mostfamouslinecars

car races in the world. Manysonsbrotherspeople

dream of driving one of thelongedsleekairplane

, fast

cars around the track. It's awasn'tsoondream

that comes true for only alearnedbrotherfew

people, but some find great

success at the Indy Five Hundred.FriendsMadeOne

of these people is Bobby Unser.


racing in his home state of New Mexico assoonanymorethough

as he learned to drive.

He soonwassomegot

bringing home trophy after trophy incertainlylocalimitating

races, but he longed to win the Indy

Five Hundred. Hewingotstate

one step closer to his dreamhomeit'swhen

he started racing cars at thepopulartrackfirst


Indianapolis. It took six years ofattemptsthreedid

, but he finally won the Indianapolis Five Hundred! He


on to win the Indy Five Hundred threetimeswentcomes

in all. Between those races, hecompetedsloweddoesn't


and won many smaller races.


very popular with the public. Toycompanieslovedgirl

made small race cars and


with his name on them. Childrenverylovedsleek

imitating their racing hero with thesehundredtoysstep


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Thousands of fans loved Bobby andstartedcheeredtwo

for him when he raced.

However, Bobbyflyingwasn'tspending

the only one from his family wholovedlocaltoday

racing. His father and two


drove race cars. Bobby's brother, Al Unser,childrenalsofast

raced in the Indy Five Hundred and

won theracenowhas

four times in all. Al Unser'ssonattemptscompanies

has even won twice! Bobby's twootherracingtime

brothers did some racing, and Bobby'ssonsgreatname

also have raced. In addition, hisstayshavedaughter

is now a race

car driver. Shedriveherois

the first girl in the family todriverracetrophy

. Over the years, their family hasdrivensixdaughter

in over a hundred races andtookwonis

thirty-seven times! That is a lot ofdriventoyraces

for one family.

Today, Bobby isthankfulmosttrue

for his many years of success andfamilywashappiness

racing cars. He

stopped racing yearsmanysonago

, but he stays busy working, flying hisairplanesmalluncles

, and spending time with

family andfriendshowevereven

. Even though he doesn't race anymore, hecertainlyracedsuccess

hasn't slowed down!

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Practice 1

After playing in the dirt, Sam went homesummer was

to wash her hands.

Practice 2

On her way home, she chairsleep saw

an ice cream truck.

Name: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________

C: __________________________

I: __________________________

AS: __________________________

G3/Progress Monitoring 2

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A Jazz Composer

In the nineteen twenties, a young boy heard some exciting new music on the radio. He had never

heard anything like it, and from thatmomentoftenswitched

he was hooked. The boy's namewastimemusician


Mingus, and the music hemanytogetherheard

was big band jazz. Charles wouldgrowconcertseventually

up to be a great



Charles was born in Arizona andgrewnineteenlearned

up in California. When he was averycomposerstrumpets


boy, he spent many hours at hisownsoundschurch

listening to traditional gospel music. Hebecomewellwas

eight years

old when he firstmovedwouldheard

jazz music on the radio. Thesongstooloud

sounds of the trumpets thrilled him. He


listening to the radio more often,threealwaysgospel

trying to find more of thatbeganmusicwas

. A couple of

years later, heborngothours

a trombone. He chose that instrumentjazzbecauseall

he had seen one at church and he


it sounded like a trumpet.


practicing right away, but the tromboneplaywaschurch

not a good match for him and he


learned to play it very well.CoupleMostEventually

, he stopped taking lessons. His fatherlaterlivingperformed

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traded the trombone for a cello, ansoundedinstrumentwere

with strings that is played with amomentcomposerbow

. This was

a much better match for Charles. Hissometeachersone

were impressed by his talent.


, Charles switched instruments again, this timelivedbandstrading

his cello for a bass. The


is similar to the cello, but itisworkinstrument

much bigger. Charles practiced by playing along with


. After only three days, he played histradedthoughtnew

instrument in a concert!

When Charles was ateenagerchoseanything

, he started writing his own music. Hegreatestwouldseen

play these new

songs when hemuchtradingperformed

. Pretty soon, famous bands were playing hisbecauseheardmusic

too! Even though

Charles wanted tobestoppedmake

a living as a musician, heplayingneededeight

to earn more money. As apracticedbiggeryoung

man, he moved to New York City togoodlessonswork

for the Postal Service.

This turned out tobandbeimpressed

a good move for him. Many of thegreatestcameonly

jazz musicians of

the time lived in New York, and Charlesbetterbassmet

them all. Soon he was playingexcitingconcertssimilar

with them

and writing more music. Hewentgotmore

on to become one of thegreatfathermost

important jazz composers of our

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time. Themusicboyspent

styles of his childhood, gospel andbigcelloloud

band jazz, often came together in his


later, his music still sounds fresh.

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Practice 1

After playing in the dirt, Sam went homesummer was

to wash her hands.

Practice 2

On her way home, she chairsleep saw

an ice cream truck.

Name: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________

C: __________________________

I: __________________________

AS: __________________________

G3/Progress Monitoring 3

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Long Key State Park

Schools of colorful fish swim through sparkling blue water next to smooth, white beaches. A

bright green lizard darts up thewaytrunkpicnics

of a tree. Tall, pink birds withenjoyanimalslong

legs search for tasty

shrimp. Thesecolorfultrunkplace

sights are just a few of thelookthingsbeautiful

visitors can see at Long Key State Park

in Florida. Thistropicalbesidesclear

island is a great place totowerbeachwalk

, canoe, swim, and fish. It isdartsalsoday

a great

place to just lie on thewatchsightsbeach

under the warm Florida sun!


offers three choices of nature trails. The Golden Orb Trailwavescampis

named for a kind

of spider thatoceanthirdlives

in the area. The trail takeshasnaturevisitors

on an easy walk along thedifferentbeachwhite

. It also

passes through a swampyisthicketflamingos

and tropical woods. It is interesting tocampsiteseenamed

the different

kinds of plants thatpaddlegrowstay

in each area. There is agrowtallflock

tower at the end of thefulltrailponds

. It gives

visitors a bird's-eyefunexcitingview

of the beach and ocean.


will enjoy walking on the Layton Trail. Ittallareleads

to a point where many tropical


come to hunt in the shallowwatersparklingcan

. A flock of bright pink flamingosearlyhandcatching


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shrimp is an exciting sight!


trail is not for walking, though. Itisseeplants

for canoes. Visitors can rent a


and paddle it through the shallow,peopleclearbirds

ponds that lie behind the beach.GivesManyCanoe

tropical plants, birds, fish, and otherthreesomeanimals

live in the water. This traillizardbrightis

a great way to get a


look at them.

The park offersotheralllie

things to do besides hiking. Thebeautifulnotsun

beaches and sparkling water

invite visitors toeachplaythicket

in the ocean waves. Many visitorspinktrynext

their hand at fishing. There are


for picnics, as well.

Some people like tolegscampoffers

at the park. Each campsite has aviewtimesleep

of the ocean. After a full


of fun in the sun, camperstropicalcomecan

enjoy a quiet evening with thethoughbreezeeye

blowing across the

water. They go tospidersleepbreeze

to the sound of the waves on thequietswampybeach

. Those who wake up early can


the sun come up over theswimendocean

. Visitors might stay the night orotherhikingjust

come for the day,

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but theywillwalkingpasses

all leave with great memories of theirtimebeachesrent

at Long Key State Park.

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Practice 1

After playing in the dirt, Sam went homesummer was

to wash her hands.

Practice 2

On her way home, she chairsleep saw

an ice cream truck.

Name: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________

C: __________________________

I: __________________________

AS: __________________________

G3/Progress Monitoring 4

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A New Idea

Have you ever looked at a tool you use and thought of a way you could improve it? Such a thing

happened to Maggie.TopOneWorking

day, Maggie was doing her maththoughtreallyhomework

when the lead broke on


, so she stopped what she wascouldremovabledoing

and went to the pencil sharpener. Aimprovefewthinking

minutes later, she went back to thenotebookmathshowed

problem, but she could not recallthenwherewanted

she was in the

solution. She had tolovedhomeworkstart

over from the beginning. That gave her anideahavedinner

. She thought

pencils should have atimesmadebuilt

-in sharpener. Maggie concentrated on herwerenicehomework

until it was

complete, but shecouldwaterhow

not stop thinking about her idea.


at dinner, Maggie told her dad about herheldideastop

. Dad encouraged Maggie to think

more about her idea bymistakemakingnight

a drawing of what the pencilneededwouldbe

look like. Maggie got a

notebook andpencilbeganinstead

making sketches. She drew many designs, but thewentoneso

she liked best looked

like aregularbuiltsuch

pencil. It had a removable top thatheldputwondered

an eraser and a sharpener.


, Maggie showed her drawing to herdadmodelminutes

. Together, they used pencils and

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to make a working model of Maggie'swouldlotsharpening

pencil. They tried many times


a lot of pencils. At last, they had abackbestfunctioning

model. Maggie tried it on hersharpenhomeworkstart

the next week. It really worked!SlippersWhenGot

her pencil broke, Maggie had what shetogetherneedederaser

to sharpen

it. When she made amathmistakeday

, she had what she needed tomanyputtingerase


Maggie loved her new pencil. Andmoreonewhen

her friends saw it, they allfunctioningwantedconcentrated


pencils, too. Maggie showed themhowcompletethings

they could make their own. Shewonderedsolutionerase

if there were

other things shemakeweekendcould

improve. She started to look for them.AllOneEver

night, as she got up from


to get a drink of water, shedrawingthoughtexcited

how nice it would be ifwasinsteadmight

of putting on her

slippers andotherthenlead

turning on the light, she coulduseregularhave

her slippers automatically light up when she


them on. Maggie was excited todadthinkautomatically

she might have another great invention.

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Practice 1

After playing in the dirt, Sam went homesummer was

to wash her hands.

Practice 2

On her way home, she chairsleep saw

an ice cream truck.

Name: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________

C: __________________________

I: __________________________

AS: __________________________

G3/Progress Monitoring 5

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The Nurse

Jason and his mother were in the waiting room of the doctor's office. He leaned on his mother's

arm andaskeddoorwaylistened

why he had to see thedoctorcalledexample

. Mom stroked Jason's forehead with herfingersthenshook


“Because you are sick and weneedchestused

to get some medicine for you.”SuddenlyInterestingMedicine

, someone called his

name. A man inheightwhiteled

pants and a white smock wasveryexplainedwaiting

for them at the doorway.


you're not feeling too well today,” themuchsurprisedman

said. “Let's see if we can


you up!” He showed Jason out of thealllobbyjob

and asked him to step on ascalewhenhead

. He wrote

down Jason's weight andshotsomethen

he measured his height. Then thewhymanhow

in the white pants and white


recorded that number, too.

“Why did yousomeonetemperatureneed

to measure and weigh me?” asked Jason.


we want to make sure that yourecentlyaresample

a healthy weight, and to seehowinformationsaid

much you've grown recently,” the manstitchesexplainedgrown

. “Your weight also helps us decidehowarmillness


medicine to give you.” Themanfavoritesmall

led Jason and his mom to asmallsuddenlyentered

room and took Jason's

© 2011 All rights reserved Keep going G3/Progress Monitoring 5Page 2

temperature while heyou'vebadtold

them how all this information helps thewhiledoctorsure

decide how to treat the



surprised. “I thought you were theofficedoctorstep


The man chuckled, “No, I'm Nurse Doug. Iweighneedassist

the doctor.”

Jason was thoughtful for adoctor'smomentsubject

. “All you do is measure people andnumberprobablytake



Nurse Doug shook his head. “NoAssistDon't

, I do lots of other things. Foryou'reifexample

, I can clean and

bandage badcutsarewell

, measure blood pressure, or take outstitchesdohear

. I can also take a sample of your


or give you a shot.”


grew wide. “Don't worry,” Nurse Doug laughed andheartforeheadsaid

, “you probably

don't need a shotthingswastoday

.” Nurse Doug showed Jason some of theequipmentwrotedecide

he used in his job and


the purpose of each item. Jasonpantsweightthought

it was all very interesting.

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When the doctormeasuregrewfinally

entered, she looked in Jason's throat andmakethoughtfulpeered

gently into his

ears. She tapped on hiscanstrokedchest

with her fingers and listened to hisscaleseeheart

. During the examination,

she asked him abouteachmanschool

, his favorite subject and his favoritepurposesportswant

. When she asked him what


to be when he grew up, Jasontooknewears

what to say immediately. “A nurse!”

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Practice 1

After playing in the dirt, Sam went homesummer was

to wash her hands.

Practice 2

On her way home, she chairsleep saw

an ice cream truck.

Name: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________

C: __________________________

I: __________________________

AS: __________________________

G3/Progress Monitoring 6

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A Special Place in Arizona

Arizona is a state with great natural beauty. Its landscape of desert and giantpackedfishingred


formations attracts visitors from far andpicnicsunwide

. Arizona has many state parks wherehundredvolleyballpeople


hike, camp, and enjoy nature. But Slide Rock State Parkhasstrollhot

something extra. It has a natural



A creek with a rockyblossomsbottomtime

runs through the park. In onelieparttoo

of the creek, the water runs

through aeveryonecrackmany

in a giant, flat rock. Over theyearsarejust

, the crack has become smooth andtrailtablesslippery


People go there to splash androcksslidespring

in the cold water. It isliveexcitingride

to slide down the creek along the


rock. Not everyone is brave enough tobeautynotride

the natural water slide, though. Someapplespinkprefer

to wade and swim in theprefergocalmer

parts of the creek. This canbeswimago

fun, too. After playing in the


water for a while, many like todesertpartspread

out a towel and lie down on thestandingfallwarm

, sunny


Slide Rock State Park offers more thanjustonewide

swimming. It has many attractions. Aissplashhiking

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trail leads to a cliff overlooking thefuncreektrails

. Visitors can also bring fishing poles andnaturaltryfarmer

their luck

at catching fish thatshelterswantlive

in the creek. There is also anstayareanature

where visitors can play volleyball.


is a great place to have acamptoolspicnic

. There are areas with picnic tablesmachineswherethere

visitors can enjoy lunch in theyearsmoregreat

outdoors. For those who want tostaywaterplanted

out of the hot sun, there


some shelters with roofs.

The parkwhilesitstry

on a piece of land thatusedredpark

to be an apple farm. Thebringparksman

who owned the

farm planted hispolesfreshapple

trees almost one hundred years ago.SittingOverlookingSome

of those trees are still


visitors love to see the pinkslidealmostblossoms

in the spring. In the fall, theyenoughwerecan


a fresh apple straight from thecracklucktree

. A stroll around the old farmplaceeveryis

interesting at any time of


of the old tools and machines thefarmerrockyplaying

used are still sitting in thegrowingfieldsmooth

. The barn

where the apples weretowelroofspacked

into boxes is still standing.


hiking trails, apple trees, fishing, andlandscapeareaslippery

water slide, Slide Rock State

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Park has something forstilleverybottom


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Practice 1

After playing in the dirt, Sam went homesummer was

to wash her hands.

Practice 2

On her way home, she chairsleep saw

an ice cream truck.

Name: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________

C: __________________________

I: __________________________

AS: __________________________

G3/Progress Monitoring 7

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Starting a Company

Every year, a certain catalog is delivered to mailboxes all over the world. It is full of camping


clothes, and backpacks. The name on thesureordercatalog

is L. L. Bean, a company that


around for more than ninety years. Itmanyperfectsells

more than one billion dollars worth of


every year. This giant company had abootsbackpackssimple

start when one man got tired offullhavinghunting

cold, wet feet.

Leon Bean lived in Maine, astatemailedpeople

known for its woods, lakes, andthenriverslives

. One day he went

hunting when thefixingweathernot

was cold and wet. Water leaked through hisbootsdidwould

and made his feet cold


. Why couldn't someone make a pair ofbackbootsgot

that did not leak? As hesturdythanstomped

around the

wet woods, he dreamed up adescriptiondesignsells

for waterproof boots. They would haverubberdesignhimself

bottoms to

keep the water out. Theymadehunterswould

have leather tops to provide sturdyotherscomforttoday

and a good fit.

Leon decided tomakeeverybuyer

the boots himself if he couldhastopsnot

buy them. He had a shoemaker


leather uppers to a pair ofrubbersatisfactionwere

boots. He tried them out, and theyworkedriversleather

! His feet

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stayed dry and snug,oneevenproducts

in wet weather.

Leon was sure thatotherssendhave

would also like his boots. Hecouldstayedwrote

a description of the boots and


it to all the hunters hesomeoneknewyears

. He wrote, “You cannot expect successlovedhuntingdelivered

deer or

moose if your feetlivedcampingare

not properly dressed. The Maine Hunting Shoe isdesignedqualitycold

by a hunter

who has tramped the Maineeventearwoods

for the last eighteen years. Weguaranteemoosesnug

them to give perfect

satisfaction ineveryprovidemost

way.” Leon promised that if abeenwhenbuyer

did not like the boots, hedressedwouldpromised

send his or her money back.


people wrote to Leon to order apairdaywear

of the boots. He had themmanguaranteemade


sent them off. However, theitsrubberstate

bottoms fell off most of thebootscompanyadding

! Leon kept his promise,

though, andmakecatalogsent

back all the money. Then hewentbilliondeer

to work fixing his design, addingninetydrystronger

stitching. The new boots held up tothoughsorewear

and tear and people loved them.TrampedExpectSoon

, Leon began

selling other goods asworldwellother

. All the products he sold were ofsoongoodway

quality and he always promised

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. This promise to the customer lives onshoemakertodayname

as his company continues to


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Practice 1

After playing in the dirt, Sam went homesummer was

to wash her hands.

Practice 2

On her way home, she chairsleep saw

an ice cream truck.

Name: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________

C: __________________________

I: __________________________

AS: __________________________

G3/Progress Monitoring 8

progress monitoringDaze


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Going to the Dentist

Sitting in the dentist's leather armchair, Kayla noticed that a picture of a waterfall hung above her

head. Kayla wondered why the dentist wouldrealizedwantnow

to hang pictures on the ceiling.


in a blue smock walked in. “SmallSittingHello

, Kayla,” she said. “I'm Christine, and I'm


to be cleaning your teeth today. Before wedentistwhileget

started, I'd like to show youkindsomevery

of the

special tools that we'llallmirrorbe


Christine let Kayla look at acouldhavingsmall

tray of items next to herarmchairstringspecial

. Some of these things

were familiar to Kayla. Sherememberedtoolswe'll

the special kind of string, calledgetsremovefloss

, that she used

each night when shearmchairfeelbrushed

her teeth. There was also afunnysizedround

-looking toothbrush. It was round,


than the one she used atswishedhomemouth

. Christine explained that the toothbrush wasveryhurtblue

soft, and wouldn't hurt as sheranlittleleather

it over Kayla's teeth and gums.


were also different-sized tools thatlookedspittinglots

a little bit like toothpicks. Christine


that she would use these instruments toscrapecleaninghome

a substance called plaque off of

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Kayla protested, “My teeth aren't dirty! Iinstrumentsbrusharen't

them twice a day.”

“Wonderful!” said Christine. “Youwillteethhello

have less plaque to remove thansomeflossran

of the patients

I see. Butwereeverybodyscrape

gets plaque. Even me.” Kayla laughed.NiceThenToothbrush

Christine began cleaning

and brushing Kayla'sceilingteethyou're


While she cleaned, she told Kaylalotstraydifferent

of stories. She also explained what sheuseeverybodywas

doing while she worked. After she wasfinishedwonderedbe

, she ran a little tool with asmallexplaineddoing

mirror on the

end of it around Kayla'swhenendmouth

. She said that this was so sherememberednextcould

check her work and make

sure she hadthenlesscleaned

all of Kayla's teeth.

“All right, Kayla.GazeYou'reDay

all finished!” Christine said. “Now, all youbeganfunnyneed

to do is rinse out


at this sink.” Kayla walked over to thesinksubstancemist

and swished the rinse around in her


before spitting it down the drain.

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As Kaylaneedsaidleft

the dentist's office, she realized why thepictureleftbrushing

was hung on the ceiling. It


nice to gaze at the waterfallwhilegetwill

she was having her teeth cleaned. She hadrightevenmake

imagined that she could feel theusingdentist'smist

as the water hit the pool below.

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Practice 1

After playing in the dirt, Sam went homesummer was

to wash her hands.

Practice 2

On her way home, she chairsleep saw

an ice cream truck.

Name: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________

C: __________________________

I: __________________________

AS: __________________________

G3/Progress Monitoring 9

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The New House

“Let's go, everybody,” Mom called as we got in the van. I fastened my seatbelt while Dad


my brother Ian's wheelchair into place. “Ihugpointedcan't

wait to see our new house!” Mom


. We were all eager to see it, butnorollhallways

one was more excited than Ian. Afterfrontallplace

, the

house was designed especially for him.

As wetroubledgiantdrove

, I thought about our old house and aboutfaucethowdining

uncomfortable it was for Ian.

First ofsaidallcarry

, his small hands had trouble turning thestilldoorknobssame

. In addition, it was hard for him to


his wheelchair through the narrow hallways. Histurninggreatestdoorknob

challenge was that he couldn't go


by himself. Dad had to carry him. In thehimselfadditionbathroom

, Ian was barely able to reach the



As Mom pulled into thedrivewayroomsreach

, we saw Mr. Sanchez waiting for us. Heexcitedwelcomewas


contractor who built the house. Wegogotdoor

out of the van and Ianrolledwheelchairwide

up the ramp that led to the


door. Shouting a hearty welcome, Mr. Sanchezshookrolledexplained

Ian's hand and explained that

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going to take us on aeagertourusual

of our new home.

Ian opened thelongfronthome

door. Instead of the usual rounddoorknoblovenew

, it had a long, thin handle to


. “Hey, this is easy to open,” Iangreatestissaid


We entered the living room. Thelookedhallwaywindows

were low so Ian could see out of themterrificeasilyhard

. The

doorway to the dining roomwasthinhead

wide. Mr. Sanchez told us thatwouldallhearty

the doorways in the house



Mr. Sanchez led us down the widewascan'thallway

to the bathroom. The faucet handles on thesinkdroveno

were long handles, like the doorknobs. Mr. Sanchezalsolet'sseatbelt

pointed out that there were nogotcabinetsmore

underneath the sink. Ian showed usseegavehow

he could roll right up to thecandoorknobssink

and reach the faucet


As wehandheadedold

down the hallway to the bedrooms, Ianhaveledlooked

troubled. He asked if Dad


have to carry him up thestairswereshowed

to go to his room.

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Mr. Sanchezturnshookall

his head. “There isn't an upstairs, Ian. All thewhileroomsfirst

are on the same

level, so youlockeddoorwayscan

go everywhere by yourself.”

Ian clapped hiswaitingwe'rehands

and said, “This is a terrificcouldhousegoing

.” Mom gave Ian a giant hug and


, “We're all going to love livingheresinkramp


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Practice 1

After playing in the dirt, Sam went homesummer was

to wash her hands.

Practice 2

On her way home, she chairsleep saw

an ice cream truck.

Name: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________

C: __________________________

I: __________________________

AS: __________________________

G3/Progress Monitoring 10

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The Best Kind of Present

The students were on their way to Dinosaur State Park for a field trip. They were all very excited


real dinosaur tracks, and they chatted andit'sexcitedlaughed

as the school bus rolled along. Cody


looking forward to seeing the park,watchedwatertoo

, but he was quiet. He hadwheremadesomething

on his


His teacher, Miss Chen,satmessyvery

down next to him. “You looknexttroubledreally

,” she said. “Is

something wrong?”


serious,” Cody started. “It's just thattomorrowwalkedmix

is my dad's birthday, and I


don't have a present for him.” Hedad'ssighedarea

. “I want to get him somethinganotherfunreally


this year.”

Miss Chen said thatrolledlaughedperhaps

he would find something great at thelookedworkpark's

gift shop. Cody

nodded, but when Miss Chenreturnedtracksfirst

to her seat, he sighed. Heperfectbucketknew

he didn't have enough

money tobuyeyeswhen

a present.

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When they arrived at thefeeldidn'tpark

and went inside the exhibit hall, Codyseatforwardforgot

all his troubles.

It was fantastic! Thepaintedtimedisplays

walls and dinosaur models made Codyfeeltraveledbest

like he had traveled

back inoilexplainedtime

. There were displays of fossils toknewlookmake

at, too. Best of all, though,footprintwerepowder


dinosaur footprints in the sandstonemindfloorcheered

. Cody liked the fact that hewasthenmixing

standing right where

dinosaurs had oncewalkedgiftreal


After the students watched a movie abouteveryonedinosaursmodels

, Miss Chen led them outside to another


with dinosaur footprints. She asked if theysighedmoviewould

like to make a plaster casting of a


. Everyone clapped and cheered, and Miss Chenexplainedparkwant

that they would each use a


as a mold. First, they wouldmixfieldteacher

plaster powder with water in adinosaurbuckettroubled

. Then, they

would rub oil into thedon'tfootprintgot

. Next, they would pour in thesaidplasterserious

. When it was dry, they could


it out and have their verywasownwalls

dinosaur footprint.

The students got busyfootprintsmixingall

, oiling, and pouring. Cody found that ithalleachwas

messy work,

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but very fun. When hethat'sliftedfossils

up the dry plaster and looked at hisstandingcoulddinosaur

footprint, his eyes lit up.

With abackwrongbig

smile, he told Ms. Chen that he hadjustquietcried

found the perfect present.

“That's great,” shethoughrubcried

. “And best of all,” she added with awinktoldadded

, “it is really different!”

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Practice 1

After playing in the dirt, Sam went homesummer was

to wash her hands.

Practice 2

On her way home, she chairsleep saw

an ice cream truck.

Name: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________

C: __________________________

I: __________________________

AS: __________________________

G3/Progress Monitoring 11

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The Attorney General

Over three hundred million people live in the United States today. There are thousands of laws to


sure all are treated fairly. The Department of Justicesawhastwo

thousands of law officers, judges,


. They work hard to bring justice torightsalldo

the people.

The Department of Justice is part of the United Stateshonestsometimesgovernment

. This department has many

duties. Two of thebepartmost

important are helping people understand thelargelawswork

and making sure people

follow them.


in charge of such a largeaunthundreddepartment

has a lot of responsibility. This


is the Attorney General. To do thisreportersisjob

, a person must be honest, tough, and


. He or she must have manyyearschargeheld

of experience in the justice system. President Bill Clinton


all of these qualities in Janet Reno. Hetriednamedtime

her Attorney General at the start of hiswhentermwant


She held this job for eightyearsjobsoffice


Janet was the first woman tofairarebe

Attorney General. As a young girl, shebeganlookedmaking

up to the

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other women in herfamilysomeright

as role models. At a timewhenhardworked

most women did not have jobs, her


was a reporter. Her aunt was anarmyfollowalso

nurse. Another aunt flew planes.


on to study law. When shewasnotflew

done with college, she tried totimesstacksget

a job at a

big lawmustmetfirm

in Florida. They did not want herdaydonebecause

she was a woman. Another officesystemhaswas

glad to have her, though. After afewheadnurse

years, Janet began to work for thestateanotherdid

of Florida. During

this time shelawdutiesworked

hard to protect the rights ofchildrentherefirm


As Attorney General, Janet had a lot todoyearsfamily

. Every day she had stacks ofroleoftenpapers

to read

and sign. She also had toattendunderstandfirst

important meetings. She often met withquestionsjudgessuch

, people in the

government, or thetreatedadvicehead

of the FBI to give legaladvicewomenqualities

and ask questions. Sometimes she would


with the President to give himsignrememberadvice

. Other times, she would meet withreporterswomanlooked


answer questions.

In all shefairlylegaldid

, Janet worked hard to do whatwaslawsnamed

right. Some people will remember her

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the first woman Attorney General. Most willremembertodaydepartment

her for being honest and fair.

© 2011 All rights reserved


Practice 1

After playing in the dirt, Sam went homesummer was

to wash her hands.

Practice 2

On her way home, she chairsleep saw

an ice cream truck.

Name: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________

C: __________________________

I: __________________________

AS: __________________________

G3/Progress Monitoring 12

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Hank Aaron

The famous baseball player known as Hank Aaron was born in nineteen thirty-four. When he

was a teenager, hisnotfamilycalled

moved to another part of townhitsoteenager

that he and his siblings could


to a different school. His mother andtownotherfather

always encouraged their children to be the


that they could be. So when Hanktwodecidedany

to become a baseball player hebetterstoppedput

all of his

heart into it.


Hank was a teenager, he played onsomegofamily

of his city's baseball teams. On these


, he just played for fun andhappymotherdid

not earn any money. One day heplayedpartforty

in a game

against a big,certainlyimportantsiblings

team from a city in Indiana. Theagreedteam'sbeat

owner was amazed by young


. He offered him a job as anewplayedprofessional

baseball player.

Hank was very happywouldmadebecause

this man was going to pay him tojobdolast

what he loved—playing

baseball. Withonlyfamouseighteen

two sandwiches and two dollars, Hanktookfansvery

the train to Indiana.

Over thenextpowerwent

few years, Hank played for manyslappingoneother

teams. Each one was better than

© 2011 All rights reserved Keep going G3/Progress Monitoring 12Page 2


. On every team, Hank's talent made himbigdidstand

out as an important player. Then,titlewhenif

he was twenty, Hank was invited toplayersjoinrattlesnake

a team called the Braves. Heruneagerlysix

agreed. Hank

was playing with thebestfindingyear

players in American baseball.

What made Hanksuchlaterbreaking

a special player? It was hiscouldencouragedspeed

and power when hitting a


baseball players feel lucky to hitpitchereighteenanother

home runs every year. Hank once


forty-seven! Baseball pitchers tried toyearstwentytrick

him, but he could always get ainvitedsevenhit

. One

pitcher said that trying tothanrunsfool

Hank was like slapping a rattlesnake.


year, Hank made more home runs.BothBaseballSport

fans started to wonder if hewouldfunfour


Babe Ruth. Babe Ruth held theeachsuchtitle

for the most home runs during hiscareerspecialowner

. When Hank hit the


run, his fans went wild! Itcareerrecordwas

an exciting moment in the history



Six years later, Hank stopped playing baseball. Hestandbeganfew

a new job finding talented

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and helping them to succeed at thebornsportwild

he loved so much. This rolewasnextmoved


for Hank. He is aputroleoffered

model, both on and off thefielddayalways

, and has certainly left his mark on the


of baseball.

© 2011 All rights reserved


Practice 1

After playing in the dirt, Sam went homesummer was

to wash her hands.

Practice 2

On her way home, she chairsleep saw

an ice cream truck.

Name: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________

C: __________________________

I: __________________________

AS: __________________________

G3/Progress Monitoring 13

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Known for Courage

Leaping across the boulders leading to the lighthouse, Ida pulled her shawl tightly around her.

“What a busy morning it's going toaloudblewbe

,” she said aloud. Ida knew thatsomeoneifhear

she didn't clean

the prisms on thelighthousereachedcouldn't

light, it wouldn't be bright enough tocouldoarshelp

guide the sailors entering

the harbor.


she reached the small lighthouse, Idaleadingpulledbright

open the heavy door and stepped inside.


out the oil lamp and trimmed thewickpulledwere

before relighting it. She finished therestbarelyslid


her chores quickly. She wanted togetbecamechores

back home before the big stormlampblewshort

in. Making her way

back to herit'saboardhouse

, Ida heard the cries of gulls and theheavywavesblast

of a horn from a ship atseaislandsomeone's


As the hours passed, the daybackbecameheard

gray and bleak. A frosty chillsaidenoughsettled

on the island. The

wind grewdangerouscryingmore

forceful. Inside, Ida had moved hergrewblastchair

closer to the fire and picked up her


basket when she heard a voicearmscryingwind

, “Help! Someone's drowning!”

In an instant, Idamorninggullsleapt

from her chair and ran out of thetiltfinishedhouse

, calling for her brother to

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follow. Shehalfwaylighthousewas

moving too quickly to hear hergoingneighbor'sbasket

plea. “Stop! It's dangerous!” the


, but Ida couldn't hear her voice over thecriescrashingnoticed


Seconds later, she was rowing theboatcallingstruggle

through the choppy seas. Even though her


were strong from years of rowingbackbigif

and forth to the mainland, Ida had toneighbor'sstruggleslamming


keep the boat on course.QuicklyHalfwayAlso

out, a huge wave crashed into thebowmovedwater

, causing the boat to tilt to


side. Ida barely noticed the wave or thewateropentrimmed

at her feet. Instead, she held herfirsttoogaze


the two men bobbing in thewaterlaterfire


Straining to pull the oars through the water, shesmallslidmen

the boat beside the first man. Ida


to steady the boat against thewantedcleanslamming

waves. Her brother pulled the manaboardstormsaw

. At that

moment, she saw thepassedsavingsecond

man disappear beneath the water for amoremainlandshort

time. She could tell

that hisstrengthsecondsteady

was running out.

Minutes later, theoilkeepsecond

man was also safely in theforcefulboatinstant

, and Ida had turned the boat

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. The two men, gasping for air,gazetriedprisms

to thank Ida and her brother forknewturnedsaving


“What would you do if youwouldn'tboatsaw

someone drowning?” she said calmly.

© 2011 All rights reserved


Practice 1

After playing in the dirt, Sam went homesummer was

to wash her hands.

Practice 2

On her way home, she chairsleep saw

an ice cream truck.

Name: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________

C: __________________________

I: __________________________

AS: __________________________

G3/Progress Monitoring 14

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The Perfect Topping

On Thursday, everyone in class went around and named their favorite foods. Tonya said her

favorite food was theturnedwaterpizza

her family made. After school was over, sheagreedwaitedtonight

with Megan for the


“Do youthingreallygot

make your own pizza?” Megan asked. “Isaidlovethought

pizza, but I've never made


it hard?”

“No, it's easy!” said Tonya. “IfGrilledPotato

our parents let us, do youwantservedsprinkled

to come over for

dinner tomorrow?EagerWe'reAdded

making it then.”

Megan was eager tolovetrycalled

it, and their parents agreed, so thediscussedhardnext

day Megan went to

Tonya's house. On thebroughtwholeway

, they discussed what toppings to put on theirspreadpizzasalt


“You'd be surprised by what youpepperscanso

put on a pizza,” Tonya said. “LotsCouldn'tPan

of things

you'd never think ofdinnercanpotatoes

make really good toppings.”

Megan alwayssuggestedorderedmixed

the same thing on her pizza:pantryseenmushrooms

and green peppers. She

© 2011 All rights reserved Keep going G3/Progress Monitoring 14Page 2

wondered whattookelsecook

she could try.

As dinnertime approached, Tonya'scoolbrotherslices

started making the dough by mixingnextdinnertimeflour


water, salt, and yeast. He let Tonya and Megandoughtastetry

it, and Megan thought it wasdeliciousyou'dfamily


Tonya's parents opened the pantry forchoosetoppingexcited

ideas. “What shall we put on ittonightflavorsbus

?” her

mom asked.

Tonya suggested angreatonionwe're

, and then Tonya's brother got outwonderedsomeput

potatoes. Megan had

never seen potatoes on arolledpizzareally

before. She tried to think what shecouldtoppinghot

choose that would be a



“What if we put applebrotherslicestoo

on the pizza?” Megan suggested. Everyoneagreedcheesehelped

that was a

great idea. While Tonya'sparentscomeideas

prepared the toppings, Megan grated cheese and Tonya and her


rolled the dough flat and put it in thedadtablepan

. They spread sauce on it and Meganthingssprinkledsome

on the cheese. Tonya's dad put on thesetovengrilled

onion and her mom added thefoodsaucepotatoes

and apple

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slices. Then they put thecarefulwholeonion

thing in the oven to cook.

As Meganhelpedgoodmade

Tonya set the table, she wasopenedbiteexcited

by the thought of their pizza. She


wait to taste it.

“Careful, it'shouseeasyhot

,” called Tonya's father as he brought it out. Hemushroomscutclass

it into slices

and served everyone, andelsewhenown

it was cool enough, Megan took abitecutfoods


The sweet flavors of the appleneverslicesfavorite

mixed perfectly with the grilled onion andwasbepotato


Thrilled, Megan turned to Tonya. “Now yourfavoritemixingpizza

food is my favorite food, too!” shemaketastesaid


© 2011 All rights reserved


Practice 1

After playing in the dirt, Sam went homesummer was

to wash her hands.

Practice 2

On her way home, she chairsleep saw

an ice cream truck.

Name: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________

C: __________________________

I: __________________________

AS: __________________________

G3/Progress Monitoring 15

progress monitoringDaze


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Being a Plumber

When people wake up and prepare for the day ahead, they expect to have hot and cold water.

When they are ready to brush theirhappensteethfew

, they turn on the faucet forpeoplealsocold

water. Warm water

makes for atreatmentcomfortablecompletely

bath or shower. Clean water flows into theconnectcleansink

, shower, or tub. Then it

drains down and out through thewellpipeswashing


A hundred years ago very fewtoiletcasepeople

had hot and cold running water.LinesMostBath

people had an

outhouse in thetankarebackyard

. Very few had indoor toilets. They had tosewerpumpgo

water from a well. If they


hot water, they had to pumpruncoldhome

water and then heat it on thehowstovewhen


Plumbers are the workers who makeallneedrunning

water possible. Plumbers know how tosingleconnectcoming

all the pipes and valves thatagobringmake

water into a home. They alsocarryvalvesknow

how to get the wastewater out

of theturnplumbershouse

to the sewer. These sewer pipesgroundteethcarry

wastewater to the treatment plant.


also brought to our homes throughouthousetherepipes

. These pipes are buried in the


along the streets. When a newsplitnothouse

is built, the city installs amightwaterhundred

meter, a branch

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pipe, and acutwateryears

-off valve near the house. Thewaterbranchjust

meter measures the amount of water that


used in the house. The plumberapartmentuseswill

the branch pipe to connect asupplyaheaddo

line. The cut-off

valve lets aplumberrunningif

turn off all of the waterbringemergenciescoming

into the house in case ofemergencieswantedtwo


Inside the house, the single linevalvesupplycoming

in is split into two. One of thesebroughtlinesfix

feeds water

into the hot waterhousetankday

. From there, pipes go to all thehotmeterother

water faucets in the house. The


line feeds water to all theplantcoldlets

-water faucets and to the toilets.


know how to provide people with theworkerswaterexpect

they need for cooking, cleaning, and


. Sometimes a part of the plumbing in afeedspossiblehouse

or an apartment breaks. A toilettimemightpump

start to run water all thetimebreaksshower

. A faucet might not turn offdrainsheatcompletely

. When that happens, it is

time tosometimescallprovide

the plumber, who will know just what tocookingfaucetdo

to fix the problem.

© 2011 All rights reserved


Practice 1

After playing in the dirt, Sam went homesummer was

to wash her hands.

Practice 2

On her way home, she chairsleep saw

an ice cream truck.

Name: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________

C: __________________________

I: __________________________

AS: __________________________

G3/Progress Monitoring 16

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The Invention of the Vacuum

Pet hair, dust, dirt, and cookie crumbs can all add up to make a carpet a dirty mess. It's time to

get out thethinkingmopsvacuum

cleaner! Plug it in, and insimplejusteasy

a few minutes the carpet isthancleansuck


It wasn't so simple in the past. Before theinventionwheelsdid

of vacuum cleaners, floors were cleaned


, brushes, and mops. To get abackbreakingcarpethousekeepers

really clean, it had to bereallyhungenough


outdoors and beaten with sticks. Itlaterwasman

backbreaking, unpleasant work.

Inventors looked fornotwayscart

to make the job easier. Thewerefirstplug

sweeping machine appeared in

1858. Itwasmadehung

a brush with wheels on ahandleairappeared

. The brush spun around when pushed,timesweepinggot

up dirt. This machine worked about ashandlewouldwell

as a broom, but it couldcallnotrug

pick up dirt that was deep

in acarpetcreatedjust

. Housekeepers still had to beat theircarpetsinsteadcookie

to get all the dirt out.


years later, an inventor came up with adirtysomachine

that would suck the dirt up,hoseratherlooked

than brush it around. The suctionhousekeeperwasused

created by a small fan inside themachinewasn'tthanks

. There was

no motor to drive thecatchfancleaning

, however. Instead, it had a crank that thehousekeeperpickit's

turned by hand.

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Turning this crankmachinefastinvention

enough and long enough to clean amesspopularwhole

rug was tiring! This

machine didnotwheninventor

catch on.

Around the beginning of thecleangettwentieth

century, someone got the idea that agoodmachineyears


blew air could be used fortwentiethideacleaning

floors. This machine was not populareithersuccesswork

. All it did was

blow thedirtsmalltiring


Finally, a year later, amancarpetvery

invented a machine with a motor thathoweverfewsucked

dirt up. However,

this machine wasmakehugebroom

! It sat on a cart that wasbepulledfirst

by horses. People would call themansuctionwhole

when they wanted their floors cleaned. Hewouldclosetssweeping

park the cart outside the house andpulledcleaneruse


hose that was one hundredbeatenfeetwas

long to suck up the dirt. It wasnotbrushhouse

easy, but it did a very


job of cleaning.

This man's successstillgotbrushes

other inventors thinking, and it wasn'tyearaddlong

before someone made

the first smallcrankelectricsticks

vacuum cleaner. Thanks to its smalluselongsize

, people could store it in

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. Thanks to its electric motor, it washorseswelleasy

to use. And thanks to all thesecleveroutdoorsthere

inventors, cleaning a carpet is ajobworkedquick

and simple job today!

© 2011 All rights reserved


Practice 1

After playing in the dirt, Sam went homesummer was

to wash her hands.

Practice 2

On her way home, she chairsleep saw

an ice cream truck.

Name: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________

C: __________________________

I: __________________________

AS: __________________________

G3/Progress Monitoring 17

progress monitoringDaze


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The People's Artist

You might not know his name, but you may have seen his pictures. His art brings to mind the


old days of small town America. Thosedayspopularpainted

may be gone, but people stilloftenloveactually


art of Norman Rockwell.


born in New York City. He knew from ayoungmoneynormal

age that he wanted to be an


. He actually left high school early tomanstudyborn

art full time. It wasn't long before heconfusewasartwork

earning money for his artwork. He waspaintingtimeonly

eighteen when he was hired by adifferentmagazinelet

to be its

art director.


twenty-two, a magazine called the Saturday Evening Postputartistsquares

one of his

paintings on itsletterscoverseen

. This was a great honor forlovesuchordinary

a young man. The Saturday Evening Post


of the most popular magazines in America at thatinterestmaytime

. Over the next few decades,


appeared on the cover of the “Evening Post”womanmorepaint

than three hundred times.

Many of Norman'sartistspaintingsfew

showed ordinary moments of life in America. Theyshowedstillhired

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children playing and people working at theirjobsnotmany

. Norman painted these scenes with charm and


. They showed the good side oflifecharmingother

and made people feel happy andpeoplehundredproud

. He

often told people that hesadjustmight

couldn't paint sad pictures.

His paintingswantedthanwere

very different from the work ofotherpaintingswasn't

artists of that time. These


making modern art. They did notpaintcouldn'tcalled

scenes in a normal way. Forsideyounginstance

, a

painting of a woman by amodernmoreage

artist might be made up ofmagazinescribblesbags

, drips of paint, or circles and


. These artists looked down on Norman'sonlyjustwork

. They said it was dull. Theywarmthdidfeel


consider him a good artist.


art did not interest Norman. Heweredidwanted

to paint pictures that everyone would


pictures that would confuse or worrycharmpeoplehonor

. And many people preferred Norman's


scenes to modern art. They let himknowgoodhigh

by sending him bags and bags of


letters. Even after his death, hissuchartlong

lives on. Today people still love hisitspicturesbrings

for their

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warmth and humor, and formakingleftmost

them smile.

© 2011 All rights reserved


Practice 1

After playing in the dirt, Sam went homesummer was

to wash her hands.

Practice 2

On her way home, she chairsleep saw

an ice cream truck.

Name: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________

C: __________________________

I: __________________________

AS: __________________________

G3/Progress Monitoring 18

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The News Team

It is 1956, and people all across the country are turning on their television sets to watch the

evening news. On one channel, two men deliver thecollegeclevernews

. One is serious, and the otheragainletsloved


spark of wit and humorshowonewould

in his reports. They make aschoolperfectmore

team. For the next several years,


program is number one in themencountrywriters


The serious member of this teamthingreportsis

Chet Huntley. The other is David Brinkley, who


born in North Carolina in nineteen twenty. Hiscareerwasn'tjust

as a news reporter began when he


a teenager. He wrote articles about hisdeliverenjoyedhigh

school for a newspaper owned by a


of his family. After high school, heenoughbetterwent

to college for a while. Then henightstartedowned

working as a reporter again, writingpartnernewsborn

stories for many newspapers. He made theswitchhighcountry


newspaper to radio during the Second World War.SoonFeelingLasted

a new invention started to catch on:


! It wasn't long before Brinkley beganarticlesisn'tgiving

news reports on TV.

What made Brinkleyansweredlittleso

good at what he did? First ofgivingwayall

, he was a good writer.

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explain a news story clearly withworkingreporterjust

a few words. Younger news writerslookedperfectvery

up to him. From him theylearnedmindwhile

that good writing could make theirmadeworkall


Second, he did more thanjustothercame

read the news. His wit andcleverbenineteen

mind always came

through. He onceshowfriendlysaid

that the only way to do news on TVishumorsets

not to be scared of it. He


that most of the news isn'tyoungerverybrought

important. In fact, he thought verylittlewarmare

of it was.

He was serious about hisreadworkwrote

, though. In fact, he and histwentywitpartner

on the news show did not

like theeachendingnewspaper

of their show because they felt itteamwriterwas

not serious enough. Each night at the


of the show, David said, “Goodtoldnightwatch

, Chet.” Chet then answered, “Good night, David.” They


thought this was silly, but peoplewatchingsillyonce

the show loved it. They liked theinventionswitchwarm


friendly feeling it brought to the newsletsshowold


Brinkley's career lasted for over fortyendexplainyears

, and he enjoyed all of it. Heeveningtoldwriting

his son

that if he weretwentylongscared

years old, he would do thewentsamewere

thing all over again.

© 2011 All rights reserved


Practice 1

After playing in the dirt, Sam went homesummer was

to wash her hands.

Practice 2

On her way home, she chairsleep saw

an ice cream truck.

Name: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________

C: __________________________

I: __________________________

AS: __________________________

G3/Progress Monitoring 19

progress monitoringDaze


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Most people have seen money, but few have seen it being created. Keep reading to find out


comes from and how it isbillmetalsmade


In the United States, money comes in thecontainedsafetyform

of coins and paper bills. Newonlymachinecoins


made every day at one ofusesbagsfour

places in the country. These specialbegovernmentplaces

are called mints.

To make aholdingcoinhave

, a machine feeds huge rolls ofmakefindflat

metal into the side of another


. Different coins use different metals. Then theyearagosecond

machine cuts the flat metal into


than thirty thousand round pieces, likedriedloadedusing

cookie cutters on dough. The metallargecutterspieces

come out of the machine shaped likecoinswhereday

, but they are blank. The piecessheetscannotare

heated and cooled.

Then they arewashedeachhow

and dried. Next they go tocanfewanother

machine. This machine presses each round


into a mold of a coin.DoughCarsNew

, shiny coins come pouring out of themachinewatermarkscomes

. The coins are

counted and put intomoldhugecounted

bags. The bags are loaded ontokindsmadearmored

cars. Now they are ready to


safely delivered to banks across thebeinggetcountry


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Paper bills are printed in Washington, D.C., and Forth Worth, Texas.CountryGoesEach

of these

locations prints millions oflightworkdollars

worth of bills each year.


of bills begins with large sheets ofcoinpeopleblank

paper. Unlike other kinds of paper,


paper the government uses for thebanksbillsshiny

does not get soggy if itlocationspapergets

wet or is run

through thewashingreadycookie

machine. The paper is made ofifcottonpresses

and linen. Bills made one hundred


ago even contained silk.

The hugesideblankpouring

sheets of paper enter a machine thatblankrealstamps

the paper with ink and cuts it


. The machine uses special ink thatfourunlikecannot

be duplicated. There are many othercreatingsafetythen

features on the bills, too, such asspecialwatermarksgo

that can only be seen whenholdingdifferentdelivered

a bill up to the

light. Thishelpsfeaturessure

people make sure that the money theytherearecuts

spending is real. As you can


, a lot of work goes intocreatingroundis

the money that is used each andformeverywashing


© 2011 All rights reserved


Practice 1

After playing in the dirt, Sam went homesummer was

to wash her hands.

Practice 2

On her way home, she chairsleep saw

an ice cream truck.

Name: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________

C: __________________________

I: __________________________

AS: __________________________

G3/Progress Monitoring 20

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The Harper House

One hundred years ago, the Harper House was the grandest in town. The Harper family gave

parties inwereplaceits

ballroom, and the gardens were theperfectplayedenvy

of everyone. But then the familywasnowlost

their money, and they moved away. Forwantedyearsfixed

the house stood empty. The roofwhenpartfell

in, the walls

sagged, and weedsfamilytookhelped

over the gardens.

But today the Harper Housedecoratedesigneris

beautiful once more, thanks to thebelievesfinishedefforts

of the town's

Park Department. The head of the Park Departmentfloorsolderexplained

, “We wanted to save the house


it is part of our town'shistorybecausemoved

. Now it is beautiful and useful,wouldtooplanned


Workers and builders fixed the walls,meetingsroofhelp

, and floors. When repairs were finished, it


time to decorate inside. The decoratorspiecewantedbeautiful

everything to look just like itchoosetoodid


hundred years ago. They studiedoldcurtainsbe

photographs and drawings of the house. Thishelpedworkerslarge


choose the right curtains, artwork, andwilloldfurniture


Then it was time to restore theeverythinglawnthere

and gardens. For this job, thedirectorbackyardtown's

hired May

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Chen, an expert gardener andlandscapechildrenfell

designer. She believes landscaping is veryhouseimportanttoday

to the

appearance of a house. Shelandscapingwantedartwork

the yard to be as pretty as thejustsaggedhouse


Designing the landscape for the Harper Housewasexpertfuture

a challenge for Ms. Chen. Because the


is very big and sits on acouldgardenerhuge

piece of land, she needed toplanroofbuilders

flower beds that were

very large.PhotographsDirectorFlower

beds of a normal size wouldlookalsohead

too small.

Like the decorators, Ms. Chenstudiedplanonce

old photographs of the house. Shelookemptyalso

talked to

older people in town. The Harpergoldfishthanksfamily

still lived in the house whenhistorysomepicnics

of these people were

children. They hadballroomplayedstroll

in the gardens and could stillrememberappearancepretty

what the gardens looked like.


told her about a little goldfishponddesigninglandscape

in the backyard. With his help, shemoneyitsplanned

one just like it.

The Park Departmentfurnitureflowerhas

big plans for the house now.NeededThereSize

will be town meetings

and parties in thetoldballroomhas

, and part of the house willbigsmallbe

a museum. People will be able

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and have picnics in the gardens, and itveryisstudied

the perfect place for weddings. The Harper

House isgardensnormalpart

of the town's history. Now itwallshiredis

part of its future, too!

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