


Human Development


Jaden Loose

Devlopment of Infants

Assisted Human Reproduction (AHR)

Fertility Drugs FreezingArtificial Insemination

Pregnancy & Prenatal

Conception is the first step: occurs when a sperm penetrates an ovum

Pregnancy is a physical condition in which a woman’s body is nurturing a developing embryo or fetus.

Stages of Pregnancy

Zygotic Stage: 1-2 weeksEmbyomic Stage: 3-8 weeks

Fetal Stage: 9-38 weeks

The Mother’s Experience

During pregnancy

Morning Sickness:symptoms of illness,

headaches, and nausea.

Mother’s are emotionally connected

to their fetus

It’s expected that womengain weight during pregnancy


Breastfeeding is known to be a better and healthier choice for the baby.

It’s a natural way of feeding without using harmful substances.

Why breastfeeding is essentially better than formula

1/3 twins are identical

3.3 out of 100 babies are born as twins

2/3 twins are fraternal


The Brain and Nervous System

The reproductive system is formed at birth but doesn’t grow or change until


At birth, the midbrain and the medulla are the most

fully developed.

Synaptic Development:Neurons and Glial Cells

Neuroplasticity:The ability of the brain to reorganize brain structuresin response to experience

During infancy, babies grow25-30 cm and triple their body

weight in the first year.

By 2 years old, infants almost have a full sized brain.

At 2 years old, toddlers are half as tall as they will be as adults.

Behavioral States & Reflexes

Neonates sleep 80% of the time

By 6 months, the average baby is sleeping 14 hours/ day.

By 8 weeks, the infant should be sleeping through the night.

Crying:Basic- Rhythmical Pattern

Anger- Loud & IntensePain- Very Abrupt

Motor Skills:-crawling

-head movement-use of hands and fingers

Healthcare:-Infants need frequent check ups-Full set immunizations include:

Chicken pox, hepatits, diptheria, tetanus

Sensory Skills:-Visual Activity

-Tracking -Color Vision

Basic Colors: Red, Green, Blue

Infant Illnesses

Babies in daycares have twice as many infections

Average baby has 7 respiratory illness in the first year of life

Babies are prone to get ill in the first 2 years

Post term babies have increased risk of mortality

Sudden Infant Death Syndrome

A term used to describe the sudden and unexpecteddeath of an apparently healthy infant

How to reduce the risk of SIDS:- Placing the baby on his back when he sleeps

- Eliminating quilts, duvets, pillows, soft toys, or anything that may cover the baby’s head.

-Avoid laying the baby on soft surfaces-Avoid sharing a bed with your infant -Provide a smoke free environment


- Human Development Textbook

- Class Notes (September – November)

- Wikipedia

- Google Images (All Photos)

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