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Design Without the User in Mind

Comments… with some help from

User Interface Designfor Programmers

Joel SpolskyApress ™

ISBN: 1-893115-94-1

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UI Design: Choices

• Every time you provide an option, you’re asking the user to make a decision.

• The problem… you ask the user to make a choice that they don’t care about.

• “Users (us included)” care about a lot fewer things than software designers think!

• When does a feature become an annoyance?

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Useless Choices…

The “moving” task bar.

You can now choose to lock it ☺

How did I get all those Quicklaunch icons?

MS Word… where to begin?


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The *#@!+& Keyboard

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“Just because Microsoft does it,doesn’t mean it is right.”

Consider:If MS is doing it in programs like Word, Excel, Windows, Internet Explorer… millions of users think it is “right”.What do you do?

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Harder to use… because it is notbehaving as the user expected.

“ Good UI designers use consistency intelligently, and though it may not show off their creativity as well, in the long run it makes users happier. ”

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Who is the user?

When you are writing a program targeted at non-expert Windows users, thinking like a JAVA programmer who visualizes design as a web of interacting classes is probably not the ideal mindset to visualize this typical user.

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People can’t read…What happens:• Advanced users skip over instructions.• Novice users skip over instructions, hoping

that the defaults are OK.• Some novice users read… and get lost.

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“I thought so, but maybe you are right…”

Thanks for using Juno. Are you sure you want to exit?Yes

Confirm Exit

User kept hitting no, and was surprised that Juno did not exit…


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Yes, No or was it No, Yes?

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Aiming the mouse…

• Do you always point and click correctly?– Textboxes – like the URL address in your browser…– The “minimize, maximize, and exit” trio

• “Design your interface so that it is good enough to gesture with the mouse instead of requiring the precision of a surgeon with a scalpel.”– Radio button “target practice”

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Ready, aim, click…

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Moving tool bars …

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Double Clicking• First, the functionality is invisible• Next, the act of “double clicking”:

Click twice within roughly 500 msec.– Click too slowly– Jiggle the mouse between clicks– Click too fast in selecting text within a word – Click too slow…

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Double DysclicksiaSome people are immune!• They remember what requires double

clicking, and• They possess the aiming skills necessary to

“shoot a flying bird with a .357 caliber revolver while driving along a twisty mountain road.”

From Joel

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Microsoft and the Start Button

Way when… Usability Testing of Windows 95:To find documents or run software, users would not click on the Start button!Users somehow missed the logic of clicking Start to Shut Down, or Restart!!!

So… MS added a pop-up (“Click here to begin”) !

Usability didn’t increase, but the success rate in the Usability testing went up!

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“How did it know”I typed “teh” and it automatically changed it to “the” ☺

Microsoft Office contains a “ton” of these heuristics *… another,

I want a lower case i, but it keeps changing it to upper case!

* heuristics… rules that are probably right, but maybe not!

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Make your own ☺

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How annoying?

• There is a line … between “doing what you want automatically” and “annoyances”.Example

Using hyphens – such as - … No problem… cut and paste your choice!

• How do you turn off the “heuristics”? You can make money with “turn off” help!

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Did they miss the meeting?

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I have a new algorithm ☺

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When am I not annoyed?

“ A good heuristic is obvious, easily undone, and extremely likely to be correct. Other heuristics are annoying.”

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Customers / Users

How to increase the number of people that can use your software?Perspective building …

98% are smart enough to use a TV.70% can use Windows.15% can use Linux.1% can program.

0.01% can debug ASP code.

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Designing good software takes about 5 steps:

1. Invent some users.

2. Figure out the important activities.

3. Figure out the user model – how the user will expect to accomplish those activities.

4. Sketch out the first draft of the design.

5. Iterate over your design again and again, making it easier and easier until it’s well within the capabilities of your imaginaryusers.

6. Watch real humans trying to use your software.

Note the areas where they have trouble, which are probably areas where the program model does not match the user model.

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Designing “thoughts”

“… we think we’re designing for users, but no matter how hard we try; we’re designing for who we think the user is, and that means, sadly, that we’re designing for ourselves.

Until you prove that it’s usable by other people, your software is certainly not designed for them.

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“What does it do?”

Until you make the shift and let the users tell you how your software works, it simply can’t be usable.

Every successful software product is proof of this, as is every failure.

How many times have you installed some software or visited a Web site and wondered, “What does this do?”

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How will “they” use it?

Now, understand that other people will ask the same question about your software… but not in your presence.

It’s a puzzle… to solve it you must figure out how to get your software into a user’s mind, and to learn how to do that, you must learn how that mind works.”

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Where to begin?

• Build a prototype of the UI• Give users a set of tasks to accomplish and

step away!• Watch!• As they work, you may ask them what they

think is happening… what do they expect…

This is Usability testing!(well, there’s more to it than that… )

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Cardinal Axiom“A user interface is well designed when the

program behaves exactly how the user thought it would.”

All other rules of good UI design are corollaries!

Check out Joel at

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Other good “reads”The Humane Interface, Jef RaskinThe Invisible Computer, Donald NormanEmotional Design, Donald NormanAbout Face 2.0, Alan Cooper & Robert ReimannThe Inmates Are Running the Asylum: Why High-Tech

Products Drive Us Crazy and How to Restore the Sanity, Alan Cooper

Also, Check out… Jakob Nielsen’s site…

Under construction ☺

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