Page 1: Design and development of forest nurseries, for the enhancement of a multi-functional agriculture and for a didactical purpose. The experimental idea of

Design and development of forest nurseries, for the enhancement of a multi-functional agriculture and for a didactical purpose.

The experimental idea of the present project was elaborated in order to create a structure where different categories and institutions could collaborate, with the common aim to develop a sustainable and profitable agriculture in mountain and marginal areas (Fig.1). The model proposed can be a incentive for the activities already present in that territory and to stimulate new ones. The project target is the recovering of an abandoned agricultural site, throughout its re-organisation, re-qualification and auto- sustainability, involving local citizens.

The experimental field is the ex-forest green nursery, in the Municipality of Moggio Udinese, characterized by almost 1,8 ha (Fig. 2).

The main outputs observed are the design and recovering of a disused area, as the criteria and modalities reported below:1. experimental function (green plots in Fig. 3), where testing recovered autochthonous varieties and species, typically farmed in mountain (es. buckwheat-Fagopyrum esculentum, flax-Linum usitatissum, pumpkin-Cucurbita spp., friulan cabbage-Brassica oleracea acephala), and other low impact species, important from the economical and ecological point of view (es. Winter savory-Santureja montana, artemisia genepì-Artemisia spicata). The management is based on the employment of the Software, appositely created, VivaioGest (Fig. 6). 2. knowledge transfer (yellow plots in Fig. 3), the areas utilized by the local farmers, for fruit and vegetables production. They are free given to citizens by the Municipality of Moggio Udinese.3. didactic-demonstrative activities (brown plots in Fig. 3), the area is managed by Prealpi Giulie Nature Park . They use mini-parcels with officinal species, typically used in the local cuisine and testes also in BioInnovErbe Project (ad es. Cicerbita alpina, Chenopodium bonus-henricus, Spirea Aruncus dioicus, Silene vulgaris, Levisticum officinalis, Valerianella molitoria) for guided visits or practical activities.In the present project some management instruments were created (Fig. 6: a sheet of VivaioGest software), to help in: 1. the prevision of costs in the design phase;2. the definition and planning of agronomic practices;3. The optimisation of the activities, for an organic future development of the project. For the agronomic management of the area, an excel sheet was created, where all the parcels were catalogued, as their position and cultivated species in them. The technical schedules are available throughout it (Fig. 4 and 5).

Valent Elena1*, Cividino Sirio Rossano Secondo2, Barbaro Marco2, Luisa Dalla Costa2, Stefano Santi3, Rainis Simona1.Rino Gubiani21 CirMont - International Research Center for Mountain, via J. Linussio 1, 33020 Amaro (Ud).2 Dipartimento di Scienze Agrarie ed Ambientali, Facoltà di Agraria, Università degli Studi di Udine. 3 Ente parco naturale delle Prealpi Giulie, Piazza del Tiglio 3, Fraz. di Prato di Resia 33010 Resia (Ud).*[email protected].



The partners are the Prealpi Giulie Nature Park of, the Municipality of Moggio Udinese, the University of Udine, Cirmont and local farmers.From the methodological point of view, the work was divided in 4 phases, as follows, 1. identification and analysis of a suitable site for experimentation and development of a multi-functional agriculture (Fig. 2);2. creation of a management software, for the evaluation of the species to farm and relative costs (Fig. 6);3. compilation of technical agronomic sheets, for the farmers (Fig. 5);4. implementation and development of a model.


C 2-L C 3-L C 4-LC 1-L



D3-O D4-Z /Y

A 1-T A2-T A3-T

B1- B2-M B3-M B4-

E1- E2-C E3-GS E4-GS

F1- F2-D F4-D

G1-F G2-D G3-B G4-GS

H1-P H2-Ma H3-Ma H4-O

I1-O I2-O I3-O I4-M


The applicative phase of the project depends on the active contribution of the local farmers, for an undoubted advantage for mountain agriculture. The involving of the consumers, the schools, the local realities, enhancing activities in the field, will allow the recover of marginal areas, the valorisation of the landscape, the tutelage of biodiversity and the real knowledge of the own territory. The requalification of this are should be an example of a possible pathway to relaunch all the zone, famous already from roman times for its interesting agricultural activities, especially characterised by fruit production (Adduca et al., 1998).


BIBLIOGRAFIAAvailable from the authors.

Fig. 3: subdivision in coloured plots of the site. Fig. 4: technical sheets in excel.

Fig. 6:



A1-T 200A2-T 200A3-T 150B 1-

B 2-M 200 MeletoB 3-M 200 MeletoB 4-

C 1-L 200 L inoC 2-L 200 L inoC 3-L 200 L inoC 4-L 170 L inoD 1-A 200 As parag oD 2-P 200 P atateD 3-O 100/100 O ffic inali: S antoreg g ia ed Artemis ia g enepì S A s c hede n.1-8

D 4-Z/Y 100/100 Zuc c a/ Y ac on Z y s c hede n.12-15E 1-

E 2-C 200 C av olo da fog lia s c heda n.4E 3-G S 200 G rano s arac enoE 4-G S 200 G rano s arac eno

F 1-F 2-D 200 Dimos trativ o P arc oF 3-D 200 Dimos trativ o P arc oF 4-D 200 Dimos trativ o P arc oG 1-F 100/100 F ag ioli/T eg olineG 2-D 200 Dimos trativ o P arc o s c hede n.9-10-11G 3-B 200 R apa per B rov adar

G 4-GS 200 G rano s arac eno s c heda n.5H 1-P 200 P atate

H 2-Ma 200 MaisH 3-Ma 200 MaisH 4-O 200 O rtic oleI1-O 200 O rtic oleI2-O 200 O rtic oleI3-O 200 O rtic oleI4-O 200 Meleto

s c hede n.2-3-7-13-14



Area c on tav oli ed aiuole di frag ola s elv atic a

s c heda n.6

s c heda n.5

Fig 5:

technical schedule

of Silena vulgaris.

Fig. 1: the institutions. Fig. 2: aerial picture of the area.

Municipality of Moggio U.

Municipality of Moggio U.

CirmontCirmont University of Udine

University of Udine

PreAlpi Giulie Naturel Park

PreAlpi Giulie Naturel Park

Local Farmers

Local Farmers

Ex-forest green nursery

Ex-forest green nursery

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