Download - DEN Starter Aug 27

Page 1: DEN Starter Aug 27

In the folktale of Tom Thumb, Tom had a pair of 7-league boots. When he ran wearing the boots, his stride was 7 leagues long. (A stride is the distance from where one foot hits the ground to where the same foot hits the ground again. A league is equal to 3 miles.) How many

miles could Tom run in 50 strides?

Page 2: DEN Starter Aug 27

Remember to think about what is important and not important in this word problem.

The explanation of the stride is not important. However, the fact that a league is equal to 3 miles is


Page 3: DEN Starter Aug 27

In your notebook, write out the problem in math form and show your answer. Be prepared to discuss your

answer in class.

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