Page 1: Democratizando la innovación. ¿Qué podemos aprender de la innovación desde abajo?

Democratizando la innovación. ¿Qué podemos aprender de la innovación desde abajo?

Adrian SmithProfesor de Tecnología y Sociedad. Science and Policy Research Unit (SPRU) y STEPS Centre. Universidad de Sussex

Page 2: Democratizando la innovación. ¿Qué podemos aprender de la innovación desde abajo?

Democratizing innovation: what can we learn from grassroots innovation?

Adrian Smith(STEPS Centre and SPRU, University of Sussex, UK)

itdUPM Conferencia: Tecnología e Innovación para el Desarrollo 24-25 June 2015, Madrid

Page 3: Democratizando la innovación. ¿Qué podemos aprender de la innovación desde abajo?

STEPS – Social, Technological & Environmental Pathways to Sustainability

[ Global research and policy engagement Centre linking IDS, SPRU, international partners

[ Shared view that, in a complex, dynamic & globalised world, sustainability is acknowledged to be political – a matter for diverse forms of democracy

[ Plural pathways to sustainability fully integrate ecological integrity with social justice

[ Science and technology work as means not ends: for people and the environment

[ Power needs to be built to enable those living in greatest poverty and marginalisation

[ Develop, apply and communicate a ‘pathways approach’ to research that brings together development studies and science and technology studies to understand interactions between social, technological and environmental dynamics in diverse settings

[ Link new theory with practical solutions, policy and political debate by engaging with diverse local and global audiences

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itdUPM conference

[ ¡Esta es una conferencia! A convergence during a process (meetings, working papers, networking, follow-on, continuous reflection and activity …)

[ Working Paper - The role of innovation for a sustainable future

[ Important themes - partnerships, co-production, experimentation, niche spaces, new institutions

[ Key point is need for transformations to innovation itself – its direction, the way it happens, who is involved, how it is resourced, and its consequences

[ Presentation: use STEPS research in grassroots innovation to share some thoughts about transforming (democratising?) innovation

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Why grassroots innovation?

[ Networks of activists and community organisations generating novel bottom–up solutions for sustainable development

[ Solutions that respond to the local situation and the interests and values of the communities involved

[ Communities exercise control of both the process and results of innovation

[ Neglected by innovation policy – which is based in combinations of technology-led, state-led, or market-led approaches

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[ Car clubs

[ Wind turbines

[ Refrigeration (zeer pots)

[ Mobile laundering

[ Community currencies

[ Solar home systems

[ Repair Cafés

[ Cycle rickshaw gear-trains

[ Eco-housing neighbourhoods

[ Rainwater harvesting

[ Urban agro-ecology

[ Hackerspaces and Makerspaces

[ Etc etc etc …

• Artefacts (e.g. specific artefacts, such as

water-cooled fridges, or portable milling machines)

• Methodologies (e.g. participatory design, regional network-building, entrepreneurship)

• Actors (e.g. new identities & subjectivities, grassroots entrepreneurs, innovation scouts, developers)

• Infrastructure and facilities (e.g. prototyping workshops, design expertise, databases)

• Networks (e.g. topics like agro-ecology or housing, mentoring programmes, development services, representation, knowledge platforms, skill swapping)

• Concepts and agendas (e.g. for knowledge production, whether commons-based or proprietary, for ways of being and organising, relationships with people and resources)

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Insertion of GIM into STI Politics of technique

Mobilisation of GIM to transform STI Politics of structural change


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[ funding

[ supporting

[ networking

[ partnering

[ lobbying[ activism

Intermediary activities

Open participation

Local developmentEnvironmental sustainability

Social goals

How to help grassroots niches grow and spread?

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What roles might niches play in transformations?

Perspective Niche purposes Niche developments

Strategic niche management Instrumental improvements in niche solutions (grassroots ingenuity)

• Projects as demonstrations• Knowledge for diffusing solutions• Intermediaries disseminate good

practice• Politics is rational & objectifying

Niche policy advocacy Advocacy that makes niche solutions matter to others, e.g. policy or business or science (grassroots empowerment)

• Projects exemplify narratives• Knowledge argues what matters• Intermediaries lobby• Policy is argumentative &


Critical niches Unsettling and debating innovation norms and challenging power from alternative positions(grassroots critique)

• Projects challenge norms• Knowledge about structures• Intermediaries mobilise critical

reflection• Politics is antagonistic & radical

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Conclusions: what can we learn from grassroots innovation?

[ There is a wealth of innovation amongst the grassroots, and it takes various forms

[ Intermediaries play influential roles when they help the development of grassroots niches

[ Does that development inserting grassroots ideas into conventional innovation systems, or is it trying to transform those systems?

[ The dichotomy presented here is a simplification. Complex and dynamic innovation hybrids are evolving and interacting.

[ Always ask, what are the power relations in these interactions? Whose priorities count? Whose knowledge counts? Who controls resources?

[ These are inherently political questions – any transformation in innovation needs to be democratic, though the different theories and forms of democracy is a topic for another presentation!

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More information …

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[ @smithadrianpaul

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[ Fressoli, M., Arond, E., Abrol, D., Smith, A., Ely, A. and R. Dias (2014) When grassroots innovation movements encounter mainstream institutions: implications for models of inclusive innovation, Innovation & Development 4, 2: 277-292

[Smith, A. (2014) Technology networks for socially useful production, Journal of Peer Production issue 5 (online journal:

[ Smith, A., Fressoli, M. and H. Thomas (2013) Grassroots innovation movements: challenges and contributions, Journal of Cleaner Production 63: 114-124


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