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Egyptian Geophysical Society EGS Journal, vol. 1, No.1, 17-29 (2003)


W. Abd El-Aziz* and H. Zahra**

* Department of Biological and Geological Sciences, Faculty of Education, Ain Shams University. ** Geology Department, Faculty of Science, Benha, Zagazig University.

ات مجاالت الجهد الجيوفيزيائيةحديد التراكيب التحتسطحية وتكتونية منطقة قارون باستخدام معطيت

ناولت هذه الدراسة أساليب معالجة المعطيات الجيوفيزيائية والتى شملت فصل شذوذ الجهد إلى مركبات عميقة إقليمية ومركبات ضحلة ت :لخالصـةاناصر المحلية للمصادر الضحلة باإلضافة إلى ت والمشتقات الثانية الرأسية، وتعكس خرائط الشذوذ المتبقى الع امتبقية باستخدام طريقة جريفين والمرشح

كما تم أيضا استخدام ثالثة أنواع من المرشحات لشذوذ . الظواهر الطبقية والتركيبية، بينما توضح الخرائط اإلقليمية المعالم العريضة لمصادر عميقة .لشذوذ المتبقى واإلقليمىالجاذبية حيث أوضحت هذه األدوات وجود عدد من المصادر على أعماق متباينة بالنسبة ل

ما أوضح النموذج التثاقلى أن األحواض الترسيبية قد تأثرت بعدد من الصدوع الرأسية، كما أن الخريطة التكتونية التى تم رسمها لصخور القاعدة تبين كة فى حساب عمق صخور القاعدة وقد استخدمت طرق مختلف . صاعدة وهابطة ضمن أحواض ترسيبية عميقة أن المنطقة تحت الدراسة تحتوى على

ومنها أمكن رسم خريطة التضاريس هذه الصخور، كما أمكن رسم ثالثة قطاعات جانبية تعزز التفسيرات الجيوفيزيائية للمنطقة وشكل التراكيب الغطاء الرسوبى الذى يعلو صخور التحتسطحية بها، والتى توافقت مع نتائج التفسير لخطين سيزميين بالمنطقة ذاتها، كما تشير خريطة التضاريس أن

القاعدة يتراوح سمكه ما بين نصف كيلو متر وستة كيلومترات وهو ما يعطى أهمية خاصة عند البحث والتنقيب عن البترول والمياه الجوفية وتتزايد .فرص العثور عليها بالمنطقة

ABSTRACT: More attention has recently been given to the geology of the study area. It is expected as a potential source for oil, gas and groundwater. The utilized processing techniques include the isolation of potential anomalies into deep regional and shallower residual components using Griffin’s method, filtering methods, downward continuation and second vertical derivative. The regional and residual components of the Bouguer map were calculated using Griffin’s technique. The residual anomaly map reflects the local elements of shallow sources and significant stratigraphic and structural manifestations ,while the regional anomaly map reveals the broad features of deep sources. Moreover, wave number filtering of gravity anomalies is carried out utilizing three types of filters with different operators. Application of these tools on the gravity data discriminated variable sources of different depth ranges for the residual and regional anomalies, as well as those limited to a certain depth interval. Gravity modeling revealed that, the sedimentary basins seem to be structurally controlled and affected by normal faults with dipping angle nearly vertical. The constructed basement tectonic map shows that the area consists of simple and complex series of faults, uplifted and down-faulted blocks delineating promising deep sedimentary basins. Different methods were used in calculating the basement depth by which the basement relief map was constructed. Three basement cross sections were generated using 21/2 -D forward modeling to support and refine the interpreted structures. Also, two seismic lines were used to confirm the interpreted basement depth. Besides, the basement surface map shows that the sedimentary cover ranges in thickness between 0.5 to 6 km.

INTRODUCTION The study area is located in the eastern part of the

North Western Desert of Egypt between latitudes 280 45/ and 300 15/ N, and longitudes 290 50/ and 310 20/ E, (Fig.1) within the tectonic framework of the unstable shelf and has lateral variation in layer thickness and facies. It is characterized by major and minor faulting originating by compressive forces along a period of movements followed by a short action period

of tensional relief (Said 1990). This area covers a part of the Nile Delta and extends through Wadi El-Natrun depression, which is mostly covered by plants and shows no geologic exposures. Therefore, comparative structural analysis of gravity and magnetic was carried out to identify subsurface structural features and to give satisfactory picture concerning tectonics. The most

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important tectonic event affecting the Northern part of the Western Desert occurred during the late Cretaceous and early Tertiary periods, and is believed to be related to the movement of the North African plate towards Europe. This compressional movement caused the elevation and folding of major portions of the Northern Western Desert along a northeast-southwest trend and resulted in the development of numerous faults, the majority of which exhibit considerable displacement and long history of growth. Inversion features, i.e. low areas at the time of deposition that were subsequently uplifted are numerous and are associated with Jurassic depocenters in the Western Desert. Thus, one of the key elements to exploration success is being able to look below the inversion features in order to obtain a better understanding of structural timing. In the Qarun area both shallow and deep structures are present along faulted anticlines that are generally aligned in the northeast – southwest direction. It is clear that the Qarun area is located along a NE – SW trending intra-basinal paleo arch in a flank position with respect to both the Kattaniya inverted basin to the northwest and Gindi basin to the southeast. Prior to its discovery , the nearest on trend production was located 18 km to the northeast at Ahram ( WD-19 ) field. TOPOGRAPHY AND GEOMORPHOLOGY

Topographically, the area under study is relatively of high relief. The ground elevation ranges between 116m and 175m above the sea level; however higher ridges, e.g. Gebel Hadid (175m.) and Gebel El-Washika

(171m) and lower depression, e.g. Wadi El-Tarfaya depression are present.

Geomorphologically, the region west of Nile Delta, which includes the area of study, is distinguished by Shata and Fayoumy,(1967); Abdel Baki,(1983) and Gomaa(1995) into the following geomorphic units from north to south: The coastal plains. The northern table land. The alluvial plains. The structural plain. The southern table land The shifting sand.

ANALYSIS OF POTENTIAL FIELD DATA 1- The Bouguer anomaly map:

Bouguer anomaly map (Fig. 2) shows that the area is characterized by intense gravity minimum extended from the northeastern to the southeast one and dividing the area into two parts, the first extens to the east and the southwest with high and moderate gravity anomalies and the second extends to the northeast and northeastern part with high gravity minimum trending NE-SW. Also, the study area is characterized by the existence of some large regional and local gravity maximum, mostly trending NE-SW and NW-SE.

Fig. (1) Location map of the study area.

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Bouguer anomaly map indicates that the area is

affected by two directions. The first one is the NE-SW direction coincides with the regional trend of the Syrian Arc and is represented by a large number of faults with great length. The second one is NW-SE trend and characterized by faults of large extent. These interpreted trends show good matching with those deduced by Shata, 1956; Said,1962; El-Shazly et al.,1974; Darwish and Riad,1986. 2- Regional -Residual Separation:

There are many different methods concerned with separation of the regional and residual components from the magnetic map. In the present study, the Griffin’s method (1949) was applied for isolating the Bouguer anomaly map to the deep regional and shallow residual components, Figs. ( 3, 4 ). The regional map reveals the nearly central NE-SW gravity gradient that separates the northern low and southern gravity high. The eastern portion is occupied by two major gravity highs one of them is trending NE-SW in the northern western part of the regional anomaly map, while the second high anomaly is located in the south western part trending in NW-SE direction. The northern portion of the area is characterized by two major gravity lows with the NW-SE trend. The residual anomaly map reflects high frequency content of high and low gravity anomalies of limited areal extent and considerable vertical relief. The western portion is characterized by local anomalies of NE-SW trends, while the eastern portion is characterized often by anomalies of NE-SW and E-W trend. The selected depth of separation ( the radius of the weighting circle ) between the regional and residuals is carried out along intermediate depth, regardless of the

dimension of the shallow and deep gravity anomalies of the study area.


It is worth mentioning that, the interesting anomalies on the gravity map are frequently obtained by the deep-seated features. Therefore, the removal of the regional anomalies from the total is the main aim of the gravity separation. So, we can define better the anomaly

Fig. (2) Bouguar anomaly map of the study area.

Fig. (3) Residual anomaly map (Griffin’s method).

Fig. (4) Regional anomaly map (Griffin’s method).

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trends and configurations that are not easily detectable on the original map. In working with the gravity map, the usual situation is that, we have a basement of regular depth variation, consequently sedimentary section of regular thickness variation and that the anomalies on the map all stem from sources at this basement surface and within the sedimentary section. Filtering the maps serves to improve the understanding of the geological configuration of the basement and the covering sedimentary cover.

Therefore, the filters used were grouped into three

categories, namely; regional (low-pass), residual (high-pass) and band -pass filters. The low pass is defined as a filter which passes long wavelengths and rejects all wavelengths smaller than the cut-off wavelength. A high-pass filter emphasizes short wavelengths and eliminate wavelengths larger than the cut off wavelength. The band pass filter passes wavelengths within a certain range (Peter and John,1970). The basic operation of filtering is the convolution of a matrix of filter coefficients with a set of equi-spaced grid of two dimensional data. In the present study the filtering technique is carried out, using three sets of filtering coefficients developed by Zurflueh, (1967). These sets are coefficients of the 8,16 and 21.3 units of regional filter. They are computed by numerical evaluation of the inverse Fourier Transform of the frequency response of the filter matrix row, low pass ( LP ), high pass ( HP ) and band pass filtering.

1- Low - Pass Magnetic Filtering ( LP) The low pass filtering process is used to isolate the

regional features from the local ones. Three sets of filtering coefficients are applied upon the gravity anomaly map. Three regional gravity anomaly maps are

produced, (Figs. 5, 6 and 7). The gravity map with 8 unit regional filter (Fig.5) is similar to the regional anomaly map separated by Griffin’s method (Fig.3), but with minor exception regarding the decrease of relief and gradients magnitudes of the anomalies, while the gravity maps of 16 and 21.3 units (Figs. 6 and 7) reveal more smoothed anomalies. They show that the area is subdivided into three portions, the northern and southern lows with negative anomalies and the central high positive one, separated by steep gravity gradient oriented NE-SW and NW-SE directions. A tectonic map was constructed for each regional filter map (Figs. 8,9 and 10).

2- High-pass Magnetic Filtering (HP):

The local anomalies are isolated from the regional

Fig. (5) Regional filter map with 8-unit filter.

Fig. (6) Regional filter map with 16-unit filter.

Fig. (7) Regional filter map with 21.3-unit filter.

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ones by high pass filtering. Three residual anomaly maps are produced (Figs. 11, 12 and 13 ). The residual gravity map with 8 units (Fig. 11) is more or less analogous to the residual gravity map separated by Griffin’s method (Fig. 4), but with smaller number of anomalies and more gentle gravity gradients. The increase of the filter operator from 8-units, 16- units to 21.3 units pass the longer wavelengths of more uniform nature as composed to the shorter wavelengths of the more heterogeneous nature. Therefore, maps with 16 and 21.3 units residual filters Figs. 12 and 13 , reflect more integrated and smoothed anomalies and more steeper gravity gradients. Also, they are distinguished by a central high positive anomalies and southern low negative one. Three tectonic maps were constructed for each residual filter map (Figs. 1, 15 and 16).

3- Band – Pass Magnetic Filtering (BP):

This process resulted in maps expressing the anomaly pattern within a certain range of wavelengths. Accordingly, three maps showing the band pass effects (16-8, 21.3-16 and 21.3-8) of the gravity anomaly map are illustrated in (Figs. 17, 18 and 19). The gravity map with 16-8 units band pass filter (Fig. 17) characterizes the upper section of the study area and exhibits high frequency content of limited areal extension and considerable vertical relief anomalies; while the 21.3-16 units band pass filter, (Fig. 18) characterizes the lower part section and shows low frequency content of larger lateral extension and smaller vertical relief anomalies. On the other hand, gravity map with 21.3-8 units band pass filter (Fig. 19) characterizes the summed effect of the two fore-mentioned band pass and represents the high frequency with the sharpest relief and steepest gradient. Three tectonic maps were constructed for the band pass maps (Figs.20 , 21 & 22).

GRAVITY TECTONIC ELEMENTS The critical analysis of the regional and residual

gravity anomalies, as deduced from the griding and

Fig. (8) Regional tectonic map with 8-unit filter.

Fig. (9) Regional tectonic map with 16-unit filter.

Fig. (10) Regional tectonic map with 21-unit filter.

Fig. (11) Residual Bouguar map with 8-unit filter.

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filtering methods, reveals the implication of the studied area with a number of structural belts of varying types (folds and faults) trends and locations. They reflect well the subsurface geologic conditions and are considered as first approximation that the anomalies at different depths might also represent the geotectonic behavior affecting the earth’s crust in the manner that the characteristic features of a given set anomalies are related to certain functions of the total affecting stresses. (Bayoumi and Bacili, 1976).

For illustrating the trend patterns of the gravity

anomalies displayed at shallow, intermediate and deep depths, using three types of filters of high-path (HP), band pass (BP) and low-pass (LP) of short, intermediate and long wavelengths as well as regional and residual

anomalies, separated by Griffin’s method, a simple

Fig. (12) Regional tectonic map with 16-unit filter.

Fig. (13) Regional tectonic map with 21-unit filter.

Fig. (14) Residual tectonic map with 8-unit filter.

Fig. (15) Residual tectonic map with 16-unit filter.

Fig. (16) Residual tectonic map with 21-unit filter.

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standard method (Miller and Khan, 1962) is used to construct azimuth-frequency diagrams showing the number and length of elements (Fig. 23). They indicate that the area is affected by a number of structural belts of varying types (folds and faults), trends and locations; (Fig. 23). Each of these zones is affected by specific, dominant feature trends. The shallow section is characterized by the E-W, N35oE, N550W, N-S and N25oE trends. The deep section is characterized by the N45oE, N35oW, N-S, E-W, and N250W, while the intermediate section is characterized by N-S, N45oE, E-W, N250Wand N45oW trends. The major tectonic trends deduced from band-pass filtered maps were compared with the other maps. It was found that the 21.3-16 units band pass is more conformed with that deduced from the gravity anomaly and 8-units residual filter maps.

Fig. (17) Bouguer anomaly map with band pas 16-8 unit filter.

Fig. (18) Bouguer anomaly map with band pas 21-16 unit filter.

Fig. (19) Bouguer anomaly map with band pass 21-8 unit filter.

Fig. (20) Bouguer tectonic map with 16-8 band pass filter.

Fig. (21) Bouguer tectonic map with 21-16 band pass filter.

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On the other hand , the lower part of the studied

section in the eastern and western parts is characterized by E-W and NE-SW trends of major normal faults forming a number of alternating horst and graben blocks implicated by anticlinal and synclinal trends, while the central part is characterized by a number of shear zones trending NE-SW and E-W.

In the upper part of the sedimentary section, it is clear that the eastern side of the area is affected by faults of NE direction. Rejuvenation along some of the southeastern old faults occurred, followed by uplifting of some downfaulted blocks and subsidence of the others. Studying, the regional, residual and second vertical derivative maps relative to the geology of the area, the following can be deduced:

1- The broad anomalies of the Bouguer map are still found on the regional map and not indicated on both the residual and second vertical derivative. It implies that its origin of the anomalies associated with basement and not with the shallower rocks.

2- The scattered basalt shown on the geological map is only well defined on the shallow origin of the basaltic rocks map (Fig. 24).

3- The similarity of both maps gives a good support for the presence of very shallow to near surface causative bodies.

DOWNWARD CONTINUATION The downward continuation process of the

potential field indicates that, when the continuation level is 3.75km (Fig.25) both major and small anomalies appear with higher resolution than at the previous level

Fig. (22) Bouguer tectonic map with 21-8 band pass filter.

Fig.23 Azimuth frequency diagram of the study area.(Re: regional Rs: residual b: band pass)

Fig. (24) Basalt relief map.

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and the extension of major and minor axes of the

original anomalies did not change. Hence, it can be concluded that levels 3.75 km revealed out that most of the observed anomalies in the area reflect the effect of deep seated structures lying mostly within the basement rocks rather than the effect of shallow structures.

FAULT REPRESNTATION Potential anomalies are aligned along defined axes

to indicate gravity trends. The purpose of this trend analysis is to define statistically the major tectonic trends which affected the sedimentary section as well as the basement rocks of the studied area. Trends of the different types of potential anomalies and the prominently steep gravity gradients on the previously studied maps were traced out , statistically calculated and represented on frequency diagrams; (Fig.23); in percentage of the total number and length. The different peaks on the diagrams are considered to represent the major trends of different trend but the faults having E-W trend are of relatively large number and of limited areal extension, which may be explained as due to a continuously acting force of long duration. The NW-SE trend (Suez and Najd) represents a minor trend on the anomaly maps statistical analysis of the continuation anomalies confirmed the presence of NE, E-W and NW folded and faulted structures. It was also found that the intensity of the NE and NW continuation anomalies is higher at the continuation level 5 km which is the maximum depth to basement in the area. The E-W anomalies were found to have the higher intensities for the shallower continuation levels 2.5 km which were found to be the average depth to basement within the study area.

SECOND VERTICAL DERIVATIVE METHOD This technique was also applied on the gravity

data using Henderson and Zeitz (1949) formula in order to reveal the shallow anomalies occurring within the sedimentary succession or at the top of the basement complex. The SVD technique was applied on the Bouguer map with radii (r = 3, 4 and 5 km.). The SVD map with radius (r = 4 km) (Fig. 26) shows suitable anomalies more clearly and emphasizes the minor features on the expense of the major ones. These maps show alternative positive and negative anomalies and some high amplitude with great gradients, indicating major faults and another small amplitudes and gentle gradients reflecting smaller displacement faults.


Two and half-dimensional (2.5 D) gravity modeling was carried out along selected profiles to confirm and adjust the proposed basement structures.

This technique was applied on the Bouguer map map along four selected profiles using 2.5 D algorithm (Talwani et al., 1959. Talwani and Hentzler, 1964) to confirm dip of the tilted fault blocks, depth of the basement surface and to delineate accurately basement tectonic framework in the study area. Four regional geologic cross sections for the buried crystalline basement rocks were constructed along the selected gravity profiles (Fig.27) using surface geologic information.

Fig. (25) Downward continuation map of the study area.

Fig. (26) Second vertical derivative map.

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Fig. (27a) Modeled Profile A-A’.

Fig. (27b) Modeled Profile B-B’.

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Fig. (27c) Modeled Profile C-C’.

Fig. (27d) Modeled Profile D-D’.

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The modeling is carried out until reasonable fit is obtained between the observed and calculated curves. The values of gravity for the different polygons are changed and readjusted during modeling along these profiles. (Figures 27 (a,b,c,d) are examples of these modeled profiles.

All the above mentioned analyses of gravity data were integrated with the different geologic information to construct the basement structure contour map of the area (Fig. 28). Finally, a tectonic map for the area was constructed (Fig. 29).


The available Bouguer maps of the northeastern part of the Western desert were resolved into their regional, residual, second vertical derivative and downward continuation maps through a classical griding methods. Then a filtering technique was carried out to isolate the regional (deep-seated structures), the intermediate (intermediate-local structures) and local (near-surface structures) in order to define better anomaly configuration, trends and other features that are difficult to be detected from the original maps. Therefore, the residual filtered (HP) anomalies of short wavelength, high frequencies and shallow depths ; the regional filtered (LP) anomalies of long wavelength, low frequencies and deep depths; and the band pass filtered (BP) anomalies of intermediate wavelengths, frequencies and depth range were separated from the gravity map, which reveal that the residual filter of 8-

unit is the best for delineating the smaller elements of shallow depths than the others, the 21.3 regional filter is the best for defining the larger elements of deep depths than others, while the 21.3-8 band pass filter is the best for delineating the intermediate depth range .

Close examination of the different anomalies

through the different maps reveals that the study area can be subdivided into northern low portion and southern high by the nearly NE-SW major fault trend. The northern low part composed of two major gravity anomalies of nearly NW-SE trend, while the southern low is subdivided into two major gravity low of NE-SW trend and separated by intermediate gravity nose of NNW-SSE trend. Each one of these gravity anomalies reflects the distribution of the causative mass, depth, density and configuration. The gravity anomalies on the different maps were statistically analyzed to identify the correlation between these anomalies and the tectonic trends affecting the study area. These trends comprise as E - W, N 350 E,N 550 W, N - S, and N 250 E trends affecting the shallow section, while the N450E, N350W, N-S, E-W, and N250W trends affecting the deep section, and the intermediate section is affected by N-S, N450E, E-W, N250Wand N450W trends. Also, it was found that the 21.3-16 unit band pass is more conformed with that deduced from Bouguer anomaly and 8-unit residual filter map .

In addition, the basement relief map of the study area was constructed. It shows that the NE-SW trend is the most important trend in the area and NE-SW trend is the most predominant in the southern part of the area. The basement depth ranges from 0.5 to more than 7.0 km in the area. Finally, the tectonic map was constructed; it shows a northern downfaulted block

Fig. (28) Basement Relief Map.

Fig. (29) Tectonic map of the study area.

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extended NE-SW through Khatatba Basin and Kattaniya Basin followed from south by alternating E-W high ridge and downfault block. The southern part of the study area is complicated by a number of high and low blocks of NE and NW trends and number of wrench faults.

Four major basins have been interpreted from the Bouguer anomaly map, considering lateral density variation). Four theoretical models have been constructed. The maximum depths of the probable suitable shape of the basins along the four profiles were determined.

On the basis of these analyses, the following may be concluded : � Tectonic movements are not uniform allover

the area. � 2-The comparative study or the subsurface

geologic conditions described from the different maps and the methods of calculating the basement depth indicates that most of the structural features of the basement configuration are represented mainly by the anomalies of the 21.3 regional filter.

� The main structural features within the area are in the form of high and low structures as well as faulting.

� It is evident that the basement surface is characterized by several arching and sagging in the form of ridges, uplifts and structural lows as well as zones of dislocations having different areal extensions, relief, and are oriented either in NE or NW directions.

� The detected tectonic trends show that two stress fields may have been acting. The first is the meridional (N—S) stress field acting since early geological times (Pre-cambrian). The second is modified equatorial stress field. Both stresses of these fields have been acting with different intensities through the different levels of the study area.

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