Page 1: Dear Disciples,2 Dear Disciples, Fall is officially underway! The kids are back in school and families are stepping back into familiar rhythms. Football season is kicking off and friends
Page 2: Dear Disciples,2 Dear Disciples, Fall is officially underway! The kids are back in school and families are stepping back into familiar rhythms. Football season is kicking off and friends
Page 3: Dear Disciples,2 Dear Disciples, Fall is officially underway! The kids are back in school and families are stepping back into familiar rhythms. Football season is kicking off and friends


Dear Disciples, Fall is officially underway! The kids are back in school and families are stepping back into familiar rhythms. Football season is kicking off and friends will gather in stadiums and living rooms to cheer on their favorite teams. In just a few weeks, the crisp air will move in and the leaves will begin to change. Fall always brings a sense of newness, a sense of getting things moving again, a sense of coming out of the summer beach days and flip flops and re-engaging with a sense of purpose and call. As much as we need that season of rest and abiding and fun that the different pace of summer brings, there’s something exhilarating about stepping into the very things we are created for. That is what this brochure is all about –finding a place to use your God given gifts in the ministry of Trinity. If you have not already identified your spiritual gifts, you can do so by taking a spiritual gifts survey on our website: ( Here you will learn how God has equipped you in order that you can better select the ministry areas at Trinity that will be the most satisfying. Remember “The place God calls you to is the place where your deep gladness and the world's deep hunger meet.” (Frederick Buechner) It is my prayer, my friends, that as we move through this season, we will all experience a renewed since of purpose and call. This will come when we are able to use our God-given gifts to serve others clothed in kindness. As St. Paul said to the Christians in Colossians: So, chosen by God for this new life of love, dress in the wardrobe God picked out for you: compassion, kindness, humility, quiet strength, discipline. Be even-tempered, content with second place, quick to forgive an offense. Forgive as quickly and completely as the Master forgave you. And regardless of what else you put on, wear love. It’s your basic, all-purpose garment. Never be without it. (The Message) May our Lord make it so.

The Rev. Paul Lutz, Senior Pastor

Page 4: Dear Disciples,2 Dear Disciples, Fall is officially underway! The kids are back in school and families are stepping back into familiar rhythms. Football season is kicking off and friends

Administration Clerical Work The clerical disciples assist the staff in fulfilling everyday office routines. Answering the phone, data processing, collating, preparing mailings, data entry, word processing and system set up are a few examples of their ministry. Some service opportunities include:

Bulletin & Trinity Weekly Collating Clerical Work Computer Work Lansdale Lutheran mailing Pew Stockers Photocopying and Filing Receptionists

Karen Brown or Victoria Seal [email protected]

Archives Committee Archives committee is interested in the preservation and historical significance of Trinity Lutheran Church. Our goal is to share artifacts with Trinity members while protecting them for future generations. Heide Pickens [email protected]

Communication The Communication Committee shares the mission and activities of Trinity with the congregation and the community. We use media such as Facebook, Twitter, weekly devotional emails, Trinity Weekly, Lansdale Lutheran, bulletin boards, flyers and newspaper releases. If you have the following knowledge or skills, we could use you on our team:

Photographers Writers Media/Video Website-Wordpress Constant Contact Social Media Computer-Indesign

Victoria Thomas [email protected]

Human Resources Committee This group advises staff on compensation and other employment matters. The major responsibilities include serving as an agent for the Congregational Council to develop and recommend human resource policies, review and evaluate personnel policies and salary administration programs, and promote the general well-being of the staff. Chris Worrell cj.worrell@gmail.

Christian Education The Christian Education Team oversees all phases of Educational Ministry for infants through adults. A highlight of this ministry is the annual Vacation Bible School held in the summer which involves approximately 200 children, youth and adults. The Christian Education team is responsible for planning, teaching and evaluating educational studies and resources for opportunities within the congregational educational ministry program. Some ministry opportunities include:

Preschool Vacation Bible School Lisa Corr [email protected]

Sunday School Karen Strobel kstrobel@trinitylansdale. com.

Adult Faith Formation Sunday morning Adult Faith Formation provides a variety of topics throughout the year, generally from September thru May. In addition to Sunday morning education, we offer additional Adult Education opportunities that meet at various times throughout the year. Mary Kieras [email protected]


Page 5: Dear Disciples,2 Dear Disciples, Fall is officially underway! The kids are back in school and families are stepping back into familiar rhythms. Football season is kicking off and friends

Christian Education Diakonia Diakonia is a two-year commitment to spiritual growth and faith formation. Diakonia is committed to providing learning and fellowship to assist disciples in growing deeper in faith and exploring their spirituality.. Norma Nish (Trinity location manager) [email protected]

Seekers Seekers is a class for developmentally challenged adults. The Seekers are a wonderful group of men and women who gather together for structured learning, singing , music, crafts, videos, and games. Nancy Smith [email protected]

Small Group Leaders Small group leaders agree to facilitate a small group for a period of six to ten weeks, either in the fall or the spring. Leaders go through training, prepare to guide conversation around specific resources, and help to invite and encourage participation in their small group. Paul Lutz [email protected]

Wed. Morning Bible Study Please join us every Wed. morning from 10-11am,Rm#125 Pastor Lutz [email protected]

Words in Worship (WOW) Have you ever pondered the week’s gospel with only a vague sense of the meaning? Come try an hour Sunday morning with the Words of Worship group. This group meets from September through May. Richard Olson [email protected]

Congregation Council The Congregation Council is the governing body of the congregation. Voting membership is presently comprised of 12 elected lay members of the congregation and the pastors. Warren Ditzler or Liz Ricketts [email protected] [email protected]

Discipleship Ministry Discipleship Ministry works with the Dir. for Discipleship Gifts in all aspects of discipleship. This committee assists with the new disciple sessions, spiritual gifts surveys, discipleship recognition, new disciple mentors and publicizing opportunities for new disciples to share their spiritual gifts. This ministry leads the annual church picnic and Winterfest. Victoria Seal [email protected]


Trinity has inherited a legacy of faith from our founding families whose vision built a vibrant congregation. Trinity will continue to grow and you can participate in this glorious tradition by making a special and permanent gift to the Trinity Endowment Fund. The Trinity Endowment Fund provides resources for the ministry of Trinity and the wider church in perpetuity. Now you can help this Fund become a cornerstone of future ministry, our legacy of faith.

Endowment Program Committee This committee receives requests and makes recommendations for the distribution of Endowment funds. Some examples of granted requests have been the Seaman’s Church Institute (local and global Outreach), seminary and preschool scholarships (scholarships), maintenance projects (capital improvements), and media signage (discretionary). Todd Simpson [email protected]

Endowment Administration Committee The Finance Committee manages the Endowment Administration Committee which is responsible for the investment decisions relating to Trinity’s Endowment Fund. Todd Simpson [email protected]


Page 6: Dear Disciples,2 Dear Disciples, Fall is officially underway! The kids are back in school and families are stepping back into familiar rhythms. Football season is kicking off and friends

Evangelism The ministry of Evangelism is the task of all disciples. We are called to reach out with the gospel to visitors and disciples and to encourage a witness by the body of Christ to the local and global community. Some ministry opportunities include:

Fellowship breakfasts Greeter Greeter Coordinators Receptions and dinners Welcome Center Hosts

Victoria Seal [email protected]

Baptism Ministry In a coordinated/collaborative effort, the Baptism Facilitator provides classroom instruction for the Pre-Baptism Gathering Class. The Baptism Guide shepherds a single candidate plus their immediate family through the sacrament of Baptism process in keeping with the vision of Trinity Lutheran Church. Bob Gamble [email protected]

Eucharistic Ministers This is a ministry of caring and sharing, focused on visiting Trinity’s homebound disciples. Eucharistic ministers are trained in the Scriptures that Guide the Sharing of Communion to homebound disciples, and Trinity’s reporting process for

bringing homebound disciples communion. Eucharistic minsters let these special disciples know they are not forgotten even at this time in their lives when they are not able to attend Trinity’s Saturday/Sunday worship services. Our theme and mission is “Let No Person Feel They Are Forgotten “. Pastor Chris Glod [email protected]

Love Links Love Links is the name of Trinity’s prayer chain. All prayer requests are kept confidential - we use just first names. We pray for a certain request for a minimum of five days. Many of the folks pray for a longer period of time. The prayer requests are sent to members of Love Links either by email or phone, whichever the pray-er prefers. Some of our pray-ers pray for a request once a day while others may pray often throughout the day. Some pray on morning walks, others while waiting in line at a store, some pray while stopped in traffic or at red lights, some have chairs within their homes that are designated as their “prayer chairs. This is a ministry that everyone can participate in since you can pray anytime or anywhere. Grace Walz [email protected]

Prayer Shawl Ministry Knitters and crocheters make these at home and /or at monthly meetings. All shawls are prayed over. Some folks pray over the yarn prior to making the shawl and others pray while knitting and/or crocheting the shawl. At the end of our meetings, we put the shawls together and pray that the recipients of the shawls will experience the power of God’s love and peace. Amy Rosborough [email protected]

Prayer Partner Ministry The mission of the Prayer Partner Ministry team is to actively encourage and strengthen personal/individual prayer within the life of the church. The ministry team meets periodically to see how prayer can be enhanced to meet the needs of Trinity disciples. Jim Hulton [email protected]

Finance The ministry of the Finance Committee is to oversee the fiscal life of the congregation. Beyond routine financial functions, responsibilities range from the annual audit to data processing and investments to insurance. Some service opportunities include:

Money Counters Finance Committee

Jamie Price and Cathy Pezzutti [email protected] [email protected]


Page 7: Dear Disciples,2 Dear Disciples, Fall is officially underway! The kids are back in school and families are stepping back into familiar rhythms. Football season is kicking off and friends

Family Ministry

Creates and helps facilitate the yearly calendar of events, social and spiritual formation for students in 3rd-12th grades. Some ministry opportunities include:

Kids Rock This youth group for 3rd and 4th graders, will meet once a month on Friday night in the WELL between October and May. Join us and build friendships through faith based activities… and lots of music. Bob and Miwa Sperring [email protected]

CHAOS This youth group is for 5th and 6th grades. We meet twice a month on Sunday nights in the WELL to share in fun, fellowship and faith. We share highs and lows, discuss the sermon we heard that day in worship and play LOTS of manhunt. New friends are always welcome to join us. Matt and Beth Boeh [email protected]

Trinity Youth Group This youth group for the 7th—9th graders (older youth are always welcome) is newly designed this year and will be meeting twice a month in the Well. Activities and events will help us learn, serve and explore ways to

use gifts within our theme area for the use gifts within our theme area for the year. Don’t worry-we will still play games, enjoy off-campus events and have Lock-ins! Karen Strobel [email protected] Miwa Sperring [email protected]

Dare to Deviate (D2D) D2D is our confirmation program that meets twice a month for over two years with a goal of building relationships among the students, their adult guides and God through learning, serving, worship and fellowship. We meet for Learning Nights to delve into stories in the Bible, attend weekend and single day retreats to learn the catechism, serve together both in our congregation and outside our church walls, and worship together. Affirmation of Baptism (confirmation) is celebrated during Reformation weekend in October. Pastor Skilbred [email protected]

Dare to Deviate Guide (Catechism) Adult Christian friends who learn with, serve with and share faith with Trinity’s 8th -10th grade youth. Pastor Skilbred [email protected]

Global Mission

Global Mission Committee This committee meets several times a year. We support the Lohmeyer family, missionaries in the Dominican Republic, Young Adults in Global Mission (YAGM) and On Eagle’s Wings ministry in Northern Canada. The committee has also participated in special projects to aid ELCA Global Missions-sending mosquito nets and medical supplies to Africa, etc. John Wittenbraker [email protected]

On Eagle’s Wings Ministry On Eagles Wings Ministry, whose U.S. office is housed here at Trinity, has served more than thirty remote communities in the Northwest Territories and Nunavut. The people are primarily Inuit, and First Nations people who come from many different tribal back-grounds. Much of the area is served by the Anglican and Roman Catholic churches who welcome the partnership with On Eagle’s Wings. Trinity has sent teams of bible school teachers to the North since the summer of 2000. Dave Weber davidweber [email protected]

Grief Sup


Page 8: Dear Disciples,2 Dear Disciples, Fall is officially underway! The kids are back in school and families are stepping back into familiar rhythms. Football season is kicking off and friends

Grief Support

If you have experienced the death of a spouse or loved one, are you in need of a support group? Trinity’s Grief Support Group will care for you in your time of need. Judy Frankel [email protected]


Food and fellowship are the key words to describe this ministry. The Hospitality Committee coordinates the various church dinners and receptions, including F.E.A.S.T. meals, throughout the year, with many additional disciples helping on a rotating basis. Some service opportunities include: Hospitality Committee Dishwashers Coffee Hour Bakers Coffee Hour Hosts TLC Dinner Together Special Events

Gail Shaffer [email protected]

Funeral Receptions Through this ministry, receptions or meals are provided (at cost) following funerals as requested. Trinity disciples serve and host all funeral receptions at Trinity. These disciples provide comfort to families at this difficult time. Barbette Bieber [email protected]

Hospital Follow-up Through this ministry ongoing care is expressed to all disciples. We offer continued personal contact with disciples after they have been discharged from the hospital as well as a liaison between the disciples discharged from the hospital and the disciples who will prepare the meals for them. Diane Gamble [email protected]

Nursery Provides supervised care of infants and young children while parents are in worship or Sunday School. Cathy Grever [email protected]

Transportation Ministry Provide rides for those in need. Rides are needed for doctor visits, church, etc. Vicki Seal [email protected]

Social Ministry

Social Ministry Committee The Social Ministry Committee seeks to bring the love of Christ to neighbors near and far through service and giving. This committee directs a number of appeals, both seasonal and ongoing, to God’s children of all ages through financial support to a wide variety of organizations both in the Lutheran network and beyond. Education and

advocacy regarding social issues and justice are also part of the initiative. Some examples of service are World Hunger, The Wounded Warriors Project, annual Crop Walk, Lutheran Charities, Mother’s Day Blanket and Father’s Day Appeals, Food Cupboards, Christmas Ingathering, Code Blue, Disaster Response Shelters, The Norristown Ministries Hospitality Center and Seamen’s Church Institute. Donna Watson [email protected]

Code Blue Provides homeless men with a safe place to rest overnight when Montgomery County declares Code Blue. Karen Strobel at [email protected]

Health Ministries Health practitioners partner with pastors through the ministry of healing to promote a healthy mind, body and spirit and offer education, prevention and support to the congregation, community and world. Sallie Cassa Sallie [email protected]


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Social Ministry

Living Well Ministry Are you interested in healthy living? “Living Well” is a new ministry at Trinity. This ministry is in the early stages and still imaging what this ministry will look like. Meetings are on Tuesday evenings in the Parlor at 7:30 pm. Our goal is to meet weekly to support one another as we work together toward making healthy living choices. One Tuesday evening per month we hope to have a speaker to discuss such topics as healthy food choices, dealing with stress, and exercise and fitness. Please feel free to stop in to the Parlor on Tuesday evenings and join us. We encourage you to bring your favorite “light” recipe too. Amy Himmelberger [email protected]

Local Food Runs This ministry provides meals and/or supplies to community facilities like Manna on Main Street. Some service opportunities include:

Preparation Team Serve Team

Karen Strobel [email protected]

Sign Language Interpreter This ministry provides a service to our hearing impaired community which enriches their worship on Sunday mornings.

Trinity Disaster Preparation and Response Team This Trinity team educates congregational members in a variety of ways about being better prepared in the event of natural disasters. In cooperation with the Borough of Lansdale the task force helps oversee temporary shelter to support both members and our neighbors displaced by fire or weather emergencies. The congregation has adopted a shelter protocol making use of existing Trinity groups to support the church’s Incident Commander Denny Smith. The church is also certified as a Red Cross shelter should the community be declared a disaster locale through PEMA or FEMA. Joe Howard joe.howard [email protected]

Quilters Ministry The Quilters group meets in the afternoon and evenings on the second and fourth Wednesday of each month starting in September through Mother’s day. The quilts are displayed on Mother’s Day weekend and then donated to Lutheran World relief. Barb Miller [email protected]

Stewardship Ministry

Stewardship is the responsible use and management of what belongs to others, but the concept has monumental implications for Christians. Since we profess that God is the Creator of all that is seen and unseen and that everything ultimately belongs to God. Christian stewardship pertains to the entirety of creation and the totality of our lives. Stewardship at Trinity is divided into five areas – Environmental & Social, Time & Talents, Financial & Material, Wholeness & Wellness, and the Word & Church. Each area has its own cadre of coordinators and ministry opportunities and/or intersects with other ministries at Trinity.

Stewardship of Life Team The Stewardship of Life Team meets quarterly and is a think tank for encouraging and equipping disciples of all ages to grow as whole-life stewards. Teri Lanan [email protected]

Environmental & Social Stewardship This area of stewardship is about valuing and caring for all God’s creation, protecting and sustaining the earth’s natural resources, living lovingly and justly with all of humanity, and working for economic, political, social and ecological justice for all. In addition to what appears under Social


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Stewardship Ministry Ministry, other service opportunities include:

Adopt-A-Highway Trinity has participated in this PennDOT program for nearly 20 years. The A-A-H crew gathers just four Saturdays each year and spends about one hour picking up and bagging litter along a 2-mile stretch of Allentown Road between Valley Forge Road and Sumneytown Pike. The necessary safety equipment and instruction are provided for all participants prior to each pick-up. Mark Lanan [email protected]

Energy Management Team Trinity has committed itself to be as earth friendly as possible through its Green Team. The Energy Management Team is a component of this “green” effort. The Energy Management Team investigates and evaluates how Trinity can best manage its energy use. Curt Deardorff [email protected]

Green Team The goal of this ministry team is to fully integrate earth-keeping and social justice into the fabric of our congregational life. The Green Team endeavors to accomplish this by incorporating Care for Creation into our worship services, educational programs,

and service opportunities, into the care of our building and grounds, and into the lifestyle of Trinity’s disciples at home and work. Deb Neves [email protected]

Garden Club This ministry team maintains and beautifies Trinity’s grounds by watering, weeding, planting and pruning the gardens and trees around the campus. Everyone is welcome. Gayle Gotwals [email protected]

Feast Garden This ministry team prepares the soil, plants the seeds, and tends the garden that supplies fresh produce for F.EA.S.T. meals during the growing season, and it cans/freezes the leftovers for the off-season. Deb Neves [email protected]

Financial & Material Stewardship This area of stewardship is about putting money and possessions into proper perspective so that we don’t make idols of them. Stewarding our finances and possessions is also about honing our money management skills so that we have the means to be wise savers, prudent

spenders, and generous givers, service opportunities include:

Commitment Campaign Team Working closely with the Senior Pastor, this group of disciples orchestrates the annual financial response program. Teri Lanan [email protected]

Envelope Task Team This team designs and orders the monthly offering envelope packets. Teri Lanan [email protected]

Stewardship of Time and Talents Stewarding our time and talents is about identifying and developing our passions and skills and using them out in the world to reflect and further God’s kingdom. It is also about balancing and prioritizing our commitments to make time for God, for building relationships with our family and friends, for good old-fashioned fun, for renewing our body, mind, and spirit, and honoring the Sabbath. Look under Discipleship Ministry for opportunities and contact information.


Page 11: Dear Disciples,2 Dear Disciples, Fall is officially underway! The kids are back in school and families are stepping back into familiar rhythms. Football season is kicking off and friends

Stewardship of our Wholeness and Wellness This area of stewardship is about loving God with our whole heart, loving our neighbors as ourselves and diligently tending to our entire well-being. Our well-being is multifaceted and involves our social, emotional, physical, financial, vocational, intellectual, and spiritual health. Look under Health Ministries for opportunities and contact information.

Stewardship of the Word and Church This area of stewardship is about modeling a Christ –centered life, sharing our faith with others, spreading God’s Word, and giving expression to God’s Kingdom on earth. As stewards, we are also called to strengthen the Church by being part of a congregation, positively participating in and contributing to it, and protecting it from conflict. Look under Christian Education and under Worship and Music for opportunities and contact information.

Worship The Worship ministry goal is to develop and present a program of worship which offers meaningful opportunities for prayer, praise and thanksgiving for each member and guest of Trinity in a variety of ways. Some service opportunities include:

Worship Planning Team Meets to imagine and discuss worship and special services.

Acolyte Disciples perform liturgical duties such as candle lighting and receiving the offering plates during worship services.

Alb Care Disciples care for and clean the albs for worship services.

Altar Guild Disciples care for the altar and its furnishings and linens, and prepare chancel for each service.

Altar Flower Delivery Disciples deliver the altar flowers to the homebound and hospitalized disciples each week after Sunday services.

Assisting Ministers Assisting Ministers assist the presiding minister in leading the assembly in worship.

Biblical Storytelling Meets the third Saturday of each month at 10 am to explore the art of Biblical storytelling. Come listen and

consider how you could learn and tell a Bible story.

Communion Assisting Ministers Disciples assist and distribute communion during each worship service.

Chancel Housekeeping Disciples keep supplies replenished and polish the brass/silver for Sunday services.

Crucifers Disciple leads procession into Worship carrying the cross.

Eucharistic Ministers Disciples will take and share communion from worship with those who are not able to attend worship services.

Gift Bearers Disciples bring the elements forward and place on the Altar for communion.

Greeters Welcome all disciples to Trinity Lutheran Church.

Lectors Disciple delivers the scriptural readings during the worship service.

Ushers Disciples assist at worship services; welcome and seat worshipers, etc.


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Worship Welcome Center Host Disciples answer any phone calls or questions on Sunday morning as well as direct visitors. For any of these service opportunities, contact Vicki Seal in the church office to be directed to the appropriate coordinator.

Church Decorating Committee

Plans and carries out sanctuary decorating for each season of the church year with special decorations - Easter, Advent, Pentecost and Christmas. This committee also maintains decorations, makes new decorations and assists when needed for church events where decorations are needed. Some service opportunities include: Annual Cookie Shoppe Christ the King display Decorations Lily/Poinsettia setup Flower delivery Easter Floral Cross All Saints Sunday windows Harvest Home display Healing Service Prayer Shawls/Quilts display

Cricket Snearing [email protected]


We invite and encourage you to consider participating in music ministry. Eric Gombert or Andrea Baxter [email protected] abaxter

Trinity Concerts Committee Plans programs for this musical outreach series. Eric Gombert [email protected]

Saturday Worship Musicians Lead worship from the piano or organ at the Saturday evening worship service. Sue Sheppard ssheppard


Trinity Choir This choir is our adult vocal ensemble which typically leads worship each Sunday at the 10:45 am service. All singers, regardless of musical ability, are welcome to participate. We would enjoy having your voice as part of our sound! Trinity Choir rehearses on Thursday at 7:45 pm. Eric Gombert [email protected]

Daybreak This ensemble typically serves as the weekly musical leadership for the 8:15 am service. Daybreak consists of both singers and instrumentalists and works on a repertoire encompassing many musical styles. Singers and all types of instrumentalists, percussionists and guitarist can participate in this ensemble and are encouraged to join. Daybreak rehearses on Thursday at 6:30pm. Eric Gombert [email protected]

Cherub Choir (Grades 1st-2nd) Choir rehearsals focus on introducing children to the joy of music through singing, playing instruments and moving. This choir leads worship approximately one time each month. Cherub Choir rehearses Wednesdays at 5:30 pm. Andrea Baxter [email protected]

Chorale This is Trinity’s only auditioned vocal ensemble. Eric Gombert [email protected]


Page 13: Dear Disciples,2 Dear Disciples, Fall is officially underway! The kids are back in school and families are stepping back into familiar rhythms. Football season is kicking off and friends

Joyful Choristers (Grades 3rd-6th) Singers continue to build their musical and vocal skills while learning about their role as worship leaders. This group leads a worship service approximately one time each month. Joyful Choristers rehearse on Wednesdays at 6:30 pm. Andrea Baxter [email protected]

LifeSong Singers (Grades 7-12) These teens develop choral singing skills as they learn music of varying styles . Lifesong Singers lead in worship approximately once each month. Lifesong rehearses on Sunday at 9:30 am. Andrea Baxter [email protected]

Musikers in the Making (Ages 3, 4 and Kindergarten) This is a music experience for young children. Early childhood is the perfect time to begin a musical journey in the church. A parent is required to participate along with the child, and home materials are available for purchase to reinforce learning at home. Musikers meetsTuesday at 12:30 pm. or Wed. at 4:30 pm. Andrea Baxter [email protected]


Generingers This handbell choir is intergenerational! Ringers start from the very beginning, learning basic musical skills and basic ringing techniques. If you’ve always wanted to learn to ring, this is for you! Generingers rehearse on Wednesdays at 5:30 pm. Andrea Baxter [email protected]

Special Ringers Emphasis is on fellowship and working as a unit or team. Special Ringers play during worship several times a year. Special Ringers rehearse on Sundays at 9:30 am. Marlene Long [email protected]

Trintinnabulators This is an intermediate handbell choir that leads worship approximately once every four to six weeks. Trintinnabulators rehearse on Thursdays at 7:00 pm. Andrea Baxter [email protected]


Bear Creek Camp Work Crew This team meets on an “as needed” basis during the spring and fall months. We travel to Bear Creek Camp on Thursdays, leaving the church parking lot at 7:30 am. and returning around 5 pm. We assist the Maintenance Supervisor in maintaining the camp facilities. John Walz [email protected]

Columbarium Committee Meets on an as needed basis to review procedures and policies of the columbarium. John Waltz [email protected]

Evening Security Each member of this team serves for a one-week period approximately three times a year. Each evening we secure exterior doors and turn off lighting. This team works in conjunction with the second shift maintenance personnel. John Walz [email protected]


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Maintenance Support Opens and closes the church on Sunday mornings and for special events. Requires a team of two persons for each Sunday. Serves approximately every six weeks. Some handyman knowledge is helpful. John Walz [email protected]

Maintenance Assistance Crew The MAC crew assists in various building maintenance projects. Meets every Monday from 8am to noon to assist the Manager of Building and Grounds with duties relating to the maintenance of Trinity’s facilities. Handyman and gardening skills required. Denny Smith or John Walz [email protected] [email protected]

Fellowship Groups

ASP Appalachia Service Project is an emergency home repair organization. Each year Trinity sends crews of high school and college-age disciples with adult leaders south to repair homes and build relationships with families living in the Appalachian Mountains who are in need of assistance. Sara Heil [email protected]

Daytime Book Club The Trinity Daytime Book club gathers together for fellowship the third Tuesday of the month at 1 pm in the parlor. All are Welcome! Nancy Mellon [email protected]

Evening Book Club Trinity Book Club is a group of disciples that gather together on the fourth Tuesday of the month. They meet at each others houses for a pot luck dinner and a group discussion of the book of the month at 6:30 pm. Great Fun is had by all! Carole Kriebel or Juanita Hyson [email protected] [email protected]

God on Tap God on Tap typically meets the last Monday of the month at 7:30pm. We enjoy having a beer or soda and talking about faith and Christianity at The Stove and Tap in Lansdale. This group is open to all– Christians, non Christian, beer drinkers and designated drivers. Paul Lutz [email protected]

Men’s Breakfast Fellowship The Men’s Breakfast Fellowship group meets every Tuesday morning for breakfast and fellowship at West Main Diner. Bruce Shaffer [email protected]

MOPS MOPS is for mothers of preschoolers. This group meets the second Wednesday of each month, October thru May. If you are a mother of children from birth to kindergarten and want to get to know other mothers while enjoying a morning out, please join us. Ashley Han [email protected]

Small Groups Want to meet people at Trinity and get connected? A small group is the perfect answer. Choose a small group that suits your style, topic and time preference. Grow in your faith and enjoy gathering with Trinity disciples. Katie Risser [email protected]

Trinity Seniors Social organization for those members and friends of Trinity who are over age 55. This group meets the first Thursday of every month, and luncheons are on the fourth Tuesday of every month. Dot Underkoffler [email protected]


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Veterans Ministry The mission of the Veterans Ministry is to actively support and encourage Veterans, their families, active duty military, and their families, to be involved in and receive support from their church and community. The ministry meets monthly to determine necessary assistance. Jim Hulton [email protected]

WELCA (Women of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America) Our organization includes Lutheran women who gather in over 7,000 locations in the U.S and the Caribbean for service, study, advocacy, fellowship, and more! WELCA embraces all kinds of ministries that support our mission of mobilizing women to act boldly on their faith in Jesus Christ. WELCA Board contact is Terri Maurice [email protected] There is a place for you in Women of the ELCA. Some service opportunities include: Ruth Circle Jane Eiler 215-855-8047 Sarah Circle Cindy Ryan [email protected]

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