Page 1: DE TAIL S INVESTMENT - Blush Creative Studio · • Mood board to represent the brand’s overall personality, vision, & style inspiration • Color palette & brand typography for

D E T A I L S & I N V E S T M E N T

Page 2: DE TAIL S INVESTMENT - Blush Creative Studio · • Mood board to represent the brand’s overall personality, vision, & style inspiration • Color palette & brand typography for


is to empower women to build successfulbusinesses by providing beautiful, intentional

design that communicates a message& tells your brand story.

Page 3: DE TAIL S INVESTMENT - Blush Creative Studio · • Mood board to represent the brand’s overall personality, vision, & style inspiration • Color palette & brand typography for

Hi, I’m Jess! It’s so nice to meet you. I am a brand stylist & web designerborn in Seattle & settled in a charming town just north of Salt Lake City withmy husband and our two-year-old little boy.

Growing up in an artistic environment, I embraced a love for art & design at ayoung age. Upon starting my first design business at the age of 20, I wentthrough many frustrating rounds of ideas, styles, & logos for my own work,mistakenly focusing solely on what it looked like aesthetically.

After working in corporate marketing for some time, I came to understand thevital importance of finding a visual style that is not only beautiful, but that isstrategically designed to attract clients you dream of working with. This means diggingdeep & looking under the surface of a company in order to really createsomething that is both well-designed & unique, as well as smart & intentinoal.

Our team pours heart & soul into everything we create & work hard to assureall the pieces of your brand help to tell the story of you, your business, & yourvision for the future. We aim to provide a custom boutique branding experience,fit & tailored to your exact needs. We believe in “doing less with more focus” so that we can devote more attention, creative energy, & communication to yourproject, all with a streamlined process & efficient project timeline.

We can’t wait to create something beautiful together!

xoxo, jess


Page 4: DE TAIL S INVESTMENT - Blush Creative Studio · • Mood board to represent the brand’s overall personality, vision, & style inspiration • Color palette & brand typography for

“your brand is the mostimportant investment you can

make in your business.”- S T E V E F O R B E S

Page 5: DE TAIL S INVESTMENT - Blush Creative Studio · • Mood board to represent the brand’s overall personality, vision, & style inspiration • Color palette & brand typography for

• Virtual coffee date to discuss your business & our project together• Worksheets to assess your brand, understand your market, & discuss details• Collaborative Pinterest board to share ideas & inspiration• Custom logo design including primary logo & two variations or submarks (2 revisions)• Mood board to represent the brand’s overall personality, vision, & style inspiration• Color palette & brand typography for design cohesiveness • Comprehensive brand style guide PDF that details each element of your brand & how to use • Overview brand board to showcase your new logo, color palette, style, & typography• Your choice of four (4) marketing collateral pieces including, but not limited to social media branding, business cards, letterhead, product tags,media kits, etc.• Overview brand board to showcase your new logo, color palette, & brand details

B R A N D B A S I C S , M A R K E T I N G C O L L A T E R A L , & W E B D E S I G N

Investment: $3000 • Estimated timeline: 8 weeks

0 1 . D E L U X E F U L L B R A N D & W E B S I T E

This is our most popular & highly recommended package, giving you everything you need to refresh your business from start to finish.This allows us to define your brand, create a strong identity, & take your company to the next level. We will work one-on-one to

break down the elements of your business, understand your target market, & create a beautiful brand design & intuitive website thatcommunicates your vision & attracts your ideal clients. Through quick, excellent communication, a structured timeline, & an efficient

project process, we are able to transform your entire brand & help you design the business of your dreams.

• Clean, easy to navigate, easy to manage website consistent with your brand via WordPress, Shopify, or Squarespace.• Website planning & wireframing (if applicable) based on content, target market, & overall goals• Customized backend features using a professional Content Management System for easy website updating & management• Customization including typography, color palette, & design elements• Website layout optimization & design• Design of various website pages, based on content• Custom branded graphics including slider designs, blog buttons, social media icons, etc.• Contact page with custom form(s)• Set up of newsletter, subscribe opt-ins, & other signup forms on website • Platform & theme installation, if applicable• Theme research & selection based on style & needs • Custom designed coming soon page on your domain during transfer or prior to launch if domain is empty at time of development.• Design of launch graphics to announce & promote your new website

Page 6: DE TAIL S INVESTMENT - Blush Creative Studio · • Mood board to represent the brand’s overall personality, vision, & style inspiration • Color palette & brand typography for

Investment: $2100 • Estimated timeline: 6 weeks

W E B S I T E & B L O G D E S I G N

• Worksheets to assess your brand, understand your market, & discuss details• Collaborative Pinterest board to share ideas & inspiration• Virtual coffee date to discuss your business & our project• Clean, easy to navigate, easy to manage website consistent with your brand via WordPress, Shopify, or Squarespace.• Website planning & wireframing (if applicable) based on content, target market, & overall goals for your site• Customized backend features using a professional Content Management System for easy website updating & management• Customization including typography, color palette, & design elements• Website layout optimization & design• Design of various website pages, based on content• Custom branded graphics including slider designs, blog buttons, social media icons, etc. if applicable• Contact page with custom form(s)• Set up of newsletter, subscribe opt-ins, & other signup forms on website • Platform & theme installation, if applicable• Theme research & selection based on style & needs • Custom designed coming soon page on your domain during transfer or prior to launch if domain is empty at time of development.• Design of launch graphics to announce & promote your new website

0 2 . W E B S I T E D E S I G N E S S E N T I A L S

The website design package is ideal for the business that already has a strong brand identity & aesthetic that fits well,but just needs some help in bringing that to life in the form of a beautiful, dynamic new website.

note: logo & basic brand color palette must be provided by client or booked as a full brand package.

“jess was the absolute best to work with! she & her husband created my dream website. they finished by the deadline given & helped me understand howto run it. jess made everything perfect up to every last detail. this girl is beyond talented & has such a creative eye! i highly recommend her!”

J E S S O A K E S , P O S I T I V E L Y O A K E S

Page 7: DE TAIL S INVESTMENT - Blush Creative Studio · • Mood board to represent the brand’s overall personality, vision, & style inspiration • Color palette & brand typography for

• Virtual coffee date to discuss your business & our project together

• Worksheets to assess your brand, define your mission, understand

your market, & discuss details• Collaborative Pinterest board to share ideas & inspiration

• Custom logo design including primary logo & two variations

or submarks (2 revisions)

• Mood board to represent the brand’s overall personality, vision, & style

• Color palette & brand typography for design cohesiveness

• Comprehensive brand style guide PDF that details each element of

your brand & how to use them

• Overview brand board to showcase your new logo, color palette,

style inspiration, & typography

Investment: $1200 • Estimated timeline: 3-4 weeks

L O G O D E S I G N , M O O D B O A R D , & C O L O R P A L E T T E

“jess was an absolute dream to work with in designing our logo. we had a short timeframe, & not only was she able to make our deadline, she must have read our minds

because our logo came out exactly how we envisioned. when she sent over several options,we could hardly choose which one because they were all so perfect. she is incredibly

talented, & we will absolutely use her again and again for all our graphic design needs!” M E R R I C K W H I T E , T H E M O D E R N G I R L S G U I D E T O S E W I N G

0 3 . B R A N D B A S I C S P A C K A G E

This collection is perfect for you to take the first step toward beautifully designing the appearance of your business.It will provide you with the basics that you need to revamp the visual style & direction of your brand and includes:

Page 8: DE TAIL S INVESTMENT - Blush Creative Studio · • Mood board to represent the brand’s overall personality, vision, & style inspiration • Color palette & brand typography for

“passion & persistence are whatmatter. dreams are achievable and you

can make your fantasy come true,but there are no shortcuts.”

- D I A N E V O N F U R S T E N B E R G

Page 9: DE TAIL S INVESTMENT - Blush Creative Studio · • Mood board to represent the brand’s overall personality, vision, & style inspiration • Color palette & brand typography for

“working with jess was such a great experience for me. i had worked with designers in the past & always felt so

frustrated with the lack of options & creativity i found. i havea difficult time verbalizing that i have in mind so i needed

someone that could come to me with options & help guide mealong to see what i really wanted. i was so impressed with jesswhen she had gone to the effort to check out my pinterest boards

& social media platforms to get to know what my style & creativetendencies were. it was so very helpful for me & made me

feel so much more confident in the end product.”

T R A C Y L A Y N E , T R A C Y L A Y N E P O R T R A I T S

I ’ M R E A D Y T O G E T S T A R T E D . W H A T H A P P E N S N E X T ?After we discuss the details of your project, a 50% deposit will typically be due to reserve a spot in my calendar dedicated just to you! Once your date is secured, I will send your brand worksheets & set up your Pinterest board so you can get started on them right away!

D O Y O U O F F E R P A Y M E N T O P T I O N S ?I want the branding process to be refreshing, exciting, & inspirational without the added stress of cost. For this reason,

I offer payment options to assist in offsetting the investment of your branding project. Please contact me for additional details!

W H A T I S A B R A N D S T Y L E G U I D E ?A brand style guide is a PDF document that will outline all of the branding we design together, style inspiration, font information, color

palette details, as well as how to use your logos (& how not to use them!) & will give you the tools to keep things cohesive.

W H A T I S E X P E C T E D O F M E , T H E C L I E N T ?In order to provide quick turnaround times with excellent focus, I ask that you be committed to quick email responses during the time we work together.

If you know you will be out of town or unavailable during your scheduled dates, please let me know so that we can reschedule to a time that is better for you.

I S T I L L H A V E A F E W Q U E S T I O N S . C A N W E C H A T O N T H E P H O N E ?Absolutely! If you’d like to chat before booking your project, we can schedule a 15-minute phone consultation to connect with one another,

answer any questions you may have, & learn a little about your branding needs. Feel free to email me anytime as well at [email protected]


Looking for more information about working with us?Check the FAQs below or send us an email at [email protected]

Page 10: DE TAIL S INVESTMENT - Blush Creative Studio · • Mood board to represent the brand’s overall personality, vision, & style inspiration • Color palette & brand typography for

have additional questionsor a custom design request?contact me for information& a custom quote. xoxo!

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