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de Baak Shanghai

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De Baak ShanghaiDe Baak‘s mission is to work together with the leaders of Dutch businesses, and businesses in the Netherlands, in becoming more effective. China is a major trading partner with the Netherlands and the cross-national investment between the two countries is increasing steadily. In order to make this exchange more effective, de Baak has been creating networks, building relationships and establishing affiliations between China and the Netherlands. De Baak is a representative of Dutch business culture in Shanghai and opening the doors for Chinese investment within the Netherlands. In addition, we are connecting and supporting companies in both countries with their leadership develop-ment needs. Learning from each other, understanding each other and creating a common language. De Baak has been providing this platform through its activities, specially designed courses and open programs.

De Baak has been active in leadership and entrepreneurship development - the human side of enterprise - for more than 60 years, for national and international companies. We are an institute which focuses on the individual, the individual’s effective interaction within organizations – and within so-ciety. This method of learning appeals to the intellect and the imagination, the pragmatic and creative sides of human nature. We have programs which are designed for individual participation, or tailor-made programs made for companies, with learning locations in Noordwijk, Driebergen, and Amsterdam in the Netherlands, Antwerp in Belgium and Shanghai in China.

The Dutch Specialist in China; the China Specialist in the NetherlandsDe Baak has developed programs for Dutch enterprises that wish to strengthen their connection with China and develop their understanding of this country and its people. The programs de Baak offers are divided into three different categories: (1) introducing China, (2) doing business with China and (3) starting up within China. In addition, de Baak uses its unique position in the Netherlands to make the European market more easily accessible and understandable for Chinese entrepreneurs who are looking for ways to connect to Europe.

1) Learning Journeys: Introducing the Chinese market and


In co-creation with our clients, de Baak designs tailor-made Learning Journeys for Dutch entrepreneurs and managers to become familiar with Chinese business culture and acquire the starting network they need to investigate further possibilities. In these journeys we focus on: business development, cross-cultural understanding, network building, company inspiration visits, reflection moments and in-depth cultural comprehension.

2) Doing Business in China

Is your company planning to expand and/or enter the Chinese marketplace? De Baak can provide you with the preparation you need. This program consists of a one-week preparation module in the Netherlands focusing on: 1) cross-cultural differences, 2) contemporary China (focusing on social, economic and international issues) and 3) creating an International Business Development Plan.

The second module, which will take place in China, will provide you with concrete tools, practical information and the right network (guanxi) that you need to start your business or trade with China successfully.

3) Starting up: building your Chinese enterprise

The great differences in culture, language and legal systems make a start-up in China very challenging. In collaboration with the Consulate General of the Netherlands in Shanghai, De Baak provides an annual start-up program for Dutch businesses/entrepreneurs that want to begin a successful company on the Chinese mainland. This unique program is supported by a group of experienced Dutch-China entrepreneurs, who will share their experiences and coach you through the process. Learn from the experience of others who have gone before you. Save time and investment on getting into the right network with advisors and even within the Chinese government.

De Baak’s International ActivitiesIn addition to its activities in China, de Baak is supporting its partners throughout Europe, the US and India. Over the last few years de Baak has been organizing multiple Learning Events within the Netherlands on these focus countries and issues concerning global business and identity. De Baak will continue to be an initiator in organizing these international Learning Events in which we push to deepen understanding of ‘other’ cultures, society and business practices. De Baak also publishes an annual international magazine “The Human Side of Enterprise” in which we introduce our readers to leading figures in business and society who have interesting perspectives on how Dutch leadership plays a role in global business.

For more information, please refer to

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荷兰培巴可管理中心上海分公司荷兰培巴可管理中心的使命是通过与荷兰企业领导人以及在荷兰 的企业合作,使公司客户们的运营取得更好的效果。中国是荷兰 一个重要的贸易伙伴,荷兰及中国互相投资的数额正稳步增加。 为了使双方更加有效地交流,培巴可公司一直以来致力于加强荷 兰与中国的商业联系并且着力发展相互之间的关系网。作为荷兰 在上海的商业文化代表,培巴可公司更能随时协助并欢迎中国企 业家到荷兰进行投资。此外,我们会根据公司客户在领导能力方 面发展的需求,为公司创造两国企业领导人互相交流与合作的机会。我们将通过实际行动,特别设计的课程和开放的项目提供两 国公司相互学习,相互了解的机会,并在此基础上,建立一种共 同语言的平台。

60多年来,培巴可公司一直为荷兰国内及跨国公司研究领导学和 创业学的发展做着积极的贡献。我们重点研究的对象是个人,以 及个人在企业和社会中有效的互动。这种学习的方法要求个人本 质的聪慧,想象力,创造性及务实性。我们不但有为个人设计的,也有为公司量身定做的学习项目,这些项目的学习地点在荷兰 的诺德韦克,德希伯亨,阿姆斯特丹,比利时的安特卫普及中国的上海。

在中国的荷兰专家;在荷兰的中国专家对那些想要加强与中国联系并且想加深对中国及其人民了解的荷 兰企业,培巴可公司已为他们开发并制定了计划。培巴可公司提 供的计划分为三个不同的层次: (1) 对中国市场的介绍, (2) 中国营商与经贸,(3) 在中国设立公司。此外,对那些正在寻找各种方式或途径连接欧洲市场的华人企业家,培巴可公司利用其 在荷兰独一无二的地位使他们更容易地接受和了解欧洲市场。

1) 学习的旅程,中国市场和社会的介绍


2) 中国营商与经贸

您计划扩大您的公司,并想知道如何进入中国市场吗?培巴可公 司可以为您提供所需的筹备工作。这个计划包括两个模块,第一个模块是在荷兰进行一个为期一周的准备工作,侧重于: 1) 跨国文化差异的介绍,2) 当代中国(重点是社会,经济和国际)的问题,3) 国际业务发展的计划拟定。第二个模块将在中国进行,我们为您提供具体的商业工具,实用的信息和正确的人际 网络(关系,这些都是您在中国创业或者与中国的公司进行交 易所必需的。

3) 在中国设立公司

在不甚了解语言,文化,财务和法律的制度的情况下,这种种的 差异会使您在中国设立公司时觉得非常困难。对那些想在中国大 陆建立一个成功的荷兰企业的企业家,我们将通过与荷兰驻上海 总领事馆的合作,为企业家们提供一年一度的关于在中国开展商 业业务的项目,该项目得到了一批在中国经商的成功荷兰企业家 的支持,他们将分享其经验,对您进行培训及辅导,让您可以顺利渡过起步时的难关。这些有益的经验告知为您节省下来时间及投资成本,您可用于有价值的顾问咨询以及与中国政府建立良好的关系。

培巴可公司的国际业务除了在中国的商业活动之外,培巴可公司的合作伙伴遍及欧洲, 美国和印度。在过去的几年里,培巴可公司已在荷兰成功举办了 多个大型学习活动,这些活动的主题是关于我们所关注的国家以 及全球的商业事件和商业特性。培巴可公司将会倡导并继续举办 这些国际性大型学习活动,在这些活动中,我们推动加深对异国 文化,社会和商业实践的了解。此外,培巴可公司每年出版国际 性杂志 (The Human Side of Enterprise),在该杂志中我们给读 者介绍了一些商界的领军人物,他们有关于荷兰领导人怎样在全 球商业中扮演好自己角色的独特观点。


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de Baak, associated with the VNO-NCW Email: [email protected]: www.debaak.comInformation number: +31 343 55 63 69

Driebergen, the NetherlandsP.O. Box 88, 3970 AB DriebergenDe Horst 1, 3971 KR Driebergen, the Netherlands

Noordwijk, the NetherlandsP.O. Box 69, 2200 AB NoordwijkKoningin Astridboulevard 232202 BJ Noordwijk, the Netherlands

Amsterdam, the NetherlandsIJsbaanpad 3B,1076 CV Amsterdam, the Netherlands

Antwerp, BelgiumBeukenlaan 122020 Antwerp, Belgium

The Hague, the NetherlandsMalietorenBezuidenhoutseweg 122509 AA The Hague, the Netherlands


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