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  • David the Refugee: Episode #3 David in Full Flight in the South I Samuel 21-22/ Psalm 34;52; 142
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  • OUTLINE I. David flees to NobI Samuel 21:1-9 II. David flees to Gath-I Samuel 21:10-15 III. Wise counsel for the poor of heartPs 34 A. Thanksgiving for Gods goodness and justice (vv. 1-7) B. In praise of wisdom (vv. 9-22)
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  • IV. David at the cave of Adullam (I Samuel 22:1-23) A. David wanders in the south (vv. 1-5) B. Slaughter of the priests of Nob (vv. 6-23) V. Psalm 52David Responds to Treachery A. The Folly of Evil/David Accuses Doeg (vv. 1-4) B. Gods Complete Judgment/David Foretells Judgment (v. 5) B. Wisdom Derived from Gods Judgment (vv. 6-7) C. The Blessing of Righteousness (vv. 8-9)
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  • VI. Psalm 142-David Prays in the Cave of Adullam A. Lament (vv. 1-2) B. Loneliness in suffering (vv. 3-7a) C. Public thanksgiving (v. 7b)
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  • Chapters 21 and 22 of I Samuel essentially form one literary unit w/ three sections: -First and third section concern events at Nob in Benjamin. (21:1-9 and 22:6-23) -Sandwiched between we see Davids flight to Gath, then Adullam in Judah, and Mizpah in Moab. The events in these two chapters are later than those in 19- 20, since by then David has gathered a sizeable body of men around himself and become their leader. (Or, in chapter 21, Ahimelech assumes that David is still a leader in Sauls army,---SCB).
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  • I. David at Nob vv. 1-9 A. David is fleeing from Saul and needs help, so he stops at Nob. 1. about 2 miles south of Gibeah of Saul and 1 miles northeast of Jerusalem. 2. Notethis is in the tribe of Benjamin-Sauls tribe. 3. It may have been a tabernacle site at one time. Site of a large contingent of priests.
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  • B. David approaches Ahimelech, apparently one of the prominent priests at the site. (v. 2) 1. Ahimelech trembles (v. 1) -Davids reputation? -Davids authority? 2. Ahimelech asks two questions that sound the same, but David answers them separately (v. 2).
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  • Ahimelech: Why are you alone? David: I am on a secret mission for the king. No one is to know about it. (One commentator suggests that the term king is meant by the narrator to mean the Lord. Ahimelech means The King [God] is My Brother. So this is a wordplay). Ahimelech: Why is no one with you? David: My men are to meet me at a certain place. Certain place is a rare idiomatic expression used when one either does not know a person or place or is deliberately trying to conceal it from the hearer. I.e. such and such
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  • C. In v. 3 and 8 David now has two questions for Ahimelech. 1. Both questions use a rare idiom what do you have under your hand/control. 2. In v. 3 David asks for provisionsGive me five loves of bread, or whatever you can find Ahimelech must have wondered Only 5 loaves? Thats not very much for a group of men. Whats really going on here. Is David making up the story from whole cloth to protect Ahimelech from accusations of complicity?
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  • 3. Ahimelech answers I dont have ordinary bread, but I do have consecrated bread. But under Levitical law your men must be ceremonially clean to eat it. (Exodus 19:14-15). Have they had sexual relations with women? David: Whenever we are on a mission, I keep my men from women. Doesnt matter if it is a holy mission or just a military mission. How much more so today! (v. 5). (See Uriah). -ImpliedOh, this is a very serious mission the king has sent me on. Again, protecting Ahimelech. Remember, David is prudent in speech.
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  • 4. Satisfied with the answer, Ahimelech gives David the bread, which normally would have been reserved for consumption by the priests and their families. It was to be eaten in a holy place. (Leviticus 24:9). This begs the question, If only the priests and their families are to consume this bread, how can Ahimelech give it to David in good conscience? Answer: Ahimelech knew the purpose of the law was not merely as evidence of ceremonial obedience.
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  • -Ahimelech rightly understood that the Sabbath is made for man, not man for the Sabbath (Mark 2:27), and that it is always lawful to do good on the Sabbath (Mark 3:4). -Ahimelech understood that human needs take priority over ceremonial law in Gods eyes. (F.F. Bruce, The Hard Sayings of Jesus, Downers Grove: Intervarsity Press, 1983). -It may be that the incident recorded here took place on a Sabbath day since there is a fresh supply of hot bread to replace what Ahimelech gives to David. According to the procedure set forth in Leviticus 24:5-9, the high priest is to arrange holy bread before the Lord regularly.
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  • 5. Lurking in the shadows is Doeg the Edomite. -mercenary working for Saul as a result of his wars against Edom (I Samuel 14:47)? Now Sauls head shepherd. -detained before the Lord probably means for a ceremonial reason. Was he a proselyte to Judaism? 6. Having asked for bread, David now inquires about a weapon. (v. 8). Ahimelech supplies Goliaths sword. The only one here. One commentator suggests that this speaks to the transfer of royal power for Saul to David. (v. 9)
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  • II. David flees to Gathvv. 10-15 A. In the second half of the ninth century B.C.E., Gath was the largest of the five cities of the Philistines and perhaps the largest city in the Land of Israel during the Iron Age. artifacts/artifacts-and-the-bible/where-did-the- philistines-come-from/ 1. In 2011 archeologists uncovered a two- horned altar in Gath which may point to the origins of the Philistines.
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  • 2. The fact that the Tell es-Safi/Gath horned altar has only two horns may have to do with the cultural origins of the Philistines. The very motif of the horned altar in the Levant may have been influenced by earlier Minoan horns of consecration, symbolic representations of the horns of the sacred bull in Minoan culture. In fact, there is an altar from the Late Bronze Age site in Cyprus that also has only two horns. The unique horned altar from Tell es-Safi/Gath, the earliest stone altar ever found from the land of the Philistines, may be another indication of the Aegean influences on early Philistine culture and quite possibly a hint to their origins. artifacts/artifacts-and-the-bible/where-did-the-philistines-come- from/
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  • 3. You say, Brown, why do I care about dusty old ruins and the origins of the Philistines? I thought this was a Bible study, not archaeology! Cultural contextIt helps us understand the clash of cultures that existed between the Philistines and the Israelites. -monotheism v. pagan polytheism -city-dwellers/sea-farers and commerce v. farmers and shepherds in Shephelah -advanced technologically/economically v. agragrarian/cosmopolitan v. rural
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  • B. David leaves Nob (That day v. 10) with the sword of Goliath and went to Gath. 1. Irony-Goliaths home town (17:4) 2. Why? Employment as a mercenary? 3. The king of Gath was Achish who probably ruled Gath for over 40 years. In Psalm 34 he is referred to as Abimelech, which is probably a royal or dynastic title, i.e. Henry Tudor or Richard Plantagenet. 4. Acishs advisors are wary (v. 11), remembering the song about David.
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  • Note-king of the land is probably a term intended to belittle, and reflects on the political situation in Israel from an outsiders view point. -He is one of a number of local leaders/rulers. He is a local warlord. But what is he doing here of all places! -the Philistines do not see the Israelites as a united threat at this point. They still see Israel in a tribal context.
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  • 5. Obviously, David is conspicuous. He killed the Philistine champion and is now walking directly into one of their capitol cities. -this is either extreme chutzpah or extreme desperation. 6. In order to escape danger, David feigns insanity, scratching on the gates of the city, foaming at the mouth, saliva dribbling into his beardnot a picture of a future king. David controls madness; Saul is controlled by madness. 7. Comic relief, v. 14Achish yells Dont I have enough crazy men here already! Why are you bringing me another one!
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  • 8. This is how low David has sunk. Even Israels sworn enemies dont want him around! He gets thrown out on his ear. My guess is they roughed him up a little on the way out the gatekicking, punching, etc. God has pulled the last crutch-self-respect-out from under David. -Position and prominence -wife -friend (Jonathon) -counselor (Samuel) David is starting to look a lot like Job.
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  • TAKEAWAYS 1. Why is God removing Davids crutches? To force him to rely on God only and not be dependent on the crutches. 2. Crutches can become substitutes for God. God will strengthen us and hold us up, we are not to be anxious and fear (Isaiah 41:10). If we are leaning on something or someone other than God, we are not leaning on Him. 3. Crutches keep our focus horizontal rather than vertical. Human crutches paralyze the walk of faith.
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  • 4. Crutches offer only temporary relief. God offers permanent solutions. Our woes began when God was forced out of His central shrine and things were allowed to enter.... There is within the human heart a tough, fibrous root of fallen life whose nature is to possess, always to possess..... The pronouns my and mine look innocent enough in print, but their constant and universal use is significant. They express the real nature of the old Adamic man better than a thousand volumes of theology could do.... The ancient curse will not go out painlessly; the tough old miser within us will not lie down and die obedient to our command. He must be torn out of our heart like a plant from the soil.... A. W. Tozer, The Blessedness of Possessing Nothing (Do we pray Lord, pull out the weeds from my heart so you may be at the center?)
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  • Examplethistles and their roots in the garden. III. Psalm 34Interior view, reflective thinking A. This psalm is David looking back on his experience in Gath. It demonstrates the wisdom that David gained from the experience. 1. David recognizes that God removed the crutches for a reason. 2. How long after the experience was this written? How long did David reflect?
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  • B. Individual and communal praise (vv. 1-3) 1. Notice that David boasts in what the Lord has done rather than pointing out his own achievements. (my soul makes its boast in the Lord) 2. The praise of God is continual (His praise shall be continually in my mouth) and God-centered, the product of a grateful heart. -the crutches and weeds have been removed from Davids heart, the work has been done. 3. Davids response to his adversity and deliverance is to encourage the afflicted and rejoice in the Lord.
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  • TAKEAWAYS -David understands that one of the reasons for our testing and suffering is so that we can encourage others in their times of testing and suffering. Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our affliction, so that we may be able to comfort those who are in affliction, with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God. II Corinthians 1:3-4 -The purpose of praise is not to makes Gods people feel good, but to acknowledge in a communal way the greatness of our God. VanGemeren, The Expositors Bible Commentary.
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  • C. Individual and Communal Experiences (vv. 4-7) 1. David understands that a wise teacher shares from their own experiences. -David knows fear, having experienced it first-hand (v. 4) -David has also seen how Gods people radiate confidence and joy. (v. 5) (Do we radiate so that others can see?) -this confidence is like a bright light, driving out fear.
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  • 2. In v. 6, do you suppose David is pointing at someone in the congregation when he says this poor man (or, humble man)pointing to the experience of another. Or, is this pointing the finger at himself, saying this poor man? -Are there amens! from the congregation as David shares and others remember? -Either way, the idea is the same. Shared experience is a teacher. 3. David moves from the specific to the general in v. 7the angel of the Lord protects those who fear [reverence, not dread] him
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  • D. In Praise of Wisdom-Exhortation to Wisdom (vv. 8-14) 1. Here we see that we cannot experience Gods goodness w/o an accompanying godliness (blessed). 2. Three imperativestaste, see and fear -How do we taste Gods goodness? By taking refuge in him (v. 8). refuge=submitting our way of life to Him. Result-we are blessed
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  • 3. So, David has learned the lessons of having his crutches removedhe takes refuge in God alone, not anything else, and he sees that as a result he is blessed. 4. Those who fear God are blessed because they will lack nothing (v. 10), unlike the young lions, a metaphor for the rich or the strong who rely on their riches and strength. -young lions are frequently hungry. -encouragement to seek the Lord, He provides for all our needs.
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  • 5. In vv. 11-14 we see an address to younger members of the community w/ 3 lessons. children=students a. First-I will teach you the fear of the Lord=submission b. Second-v. 13, fear of the Lord is expressed by obedience. -integrity of language -honesty -seek peace c. Third-the reward for submission comes in this life, for those who seek him. (v.12,15-16) -see many good days-God is good
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  • E. In Praise of Wisdomthe Rewards of Wisdom (vv. 15-22) 1. The list of rewards for fearing the Lord, or submitting to him, continues: -God looks on those who fear him w/ favor (v. 15) -God protects (v. 20) and cares for those who fear him (v. 15)notice they still have troubles (v. 19) -God hears the prayers of those who fear him (v. 15, 17) and delivers them from trouble (vv. 18-19). -God comforts the brokenhearted and crushed in spirit. (v. 18) in ways the world cannot understand (Philippians 4:7)
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  • NoteThose who fear God are not free from troubles, they do not escape trouble, but they are not overcome by trouble. Therefore, they do not need to be afraid of trouble, because they are not alone. (David now realizes he was not alone next to the rock waiting for Jonathon, or in the city of Gath). Protection of the bones is a metaphor for Gods care. 2. Conversely, the wicked will be overcome by their evil (v. 21), and they will perish. But, the godly find God faithful and will not perish (v. 22)
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  • TAKEAWAYS 1. The fear of the Lord does not insure a trouble-free life. David missed out on the message of the prosperity gospel somehow. He knew trouble. He also knew that fearing the Lord means we dont fear trouble, because we know that God is in control of the trouble. Romans 8:28 2. Those who fear the Lord are fully aware of their own self- limitations. Why? Because God has used their circumstances to force them to rely on Him. David had no one else to turn to after he left Gath. He has hit rock bottom. Psalm 34 shows us that David learned the lessons of relying on God that Saul had never learned.
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  • IV. David in the cave of Adullam (I Samuel 22:1-23) A. Wandering in the south. (vv. 1-5). David has now bottomed outno security, no food, no one to talk to, no promise to cling to, no hope. 1. He leaves Gath and escapes, presumably from Saul, to a cave in Adullam. It was in the western foothills of Judah, about 10 miles SE of Gath. 2. Davids family joins him in the cave, probably out of fear of reprisals by Saul if they remain in Bethlehem. (v. 1) -Can you imagine the guilt David feels?
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  • 3. What do you think David thought about this? -Did he want his family there with him? -Would he rather just have them leave him alone? Is he at a point in life where he would rather have no others around? -Ever been there? You dont want to admit it publicly, and you usually dont. -Yes, Im here in the cave, now leave me alone! -Im not worth anything to myself....or you!
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  • 3. Remember, not too long before Davids family didnt think too highly of him. -He was an afterthought for Jesse when parading his sons before Samuel. -Eliab at ElahWhy have you come down here in the first place. I know you are just trying to get some undeserved credit for the battle! David probably didnt want his family there, but they came anyway. God brought them along and they crawled into the cave with David.
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  • 4. But, Davids family arent the only ones who join him. (v. 2) a. Not clear who came first family or malcontents. b. everyone who was in distress- zuk=under pressure/under stress c. everyone who was in debt-probably poor tenant farmers. Nashah= to have a number of creditors, at interest. So, deeply in debt. d. everyone who was bitter in soulas a result of an injustice/wronged (by Saul the king as Samuel had warned?)
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  • Like a roaring lion or a charging bear is a wicked ruler over poor people. A ruler who lacks understanding is a cruel oppressor but he who hates unjust gain will prolong his days. Proverbs 28:15-16. A description of Saul? Look at how he treats David, who is one of his most devoted servants. How did he treat everyone else? We are going to see later.
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  • So, every malcontent in the area is coming to join you. Great. I just want to be left alone. This bunch cant get along with anyone. -They are angry. -They are depressed. -They feel victimized. -They feel marginalized. -They dont want to be around people. -They have given up hope. -They are unmotivated. -Some are wallowing in self-pity -Some may even be sociopathic WHAT A GREAT LABORATORY IN WHICH TO LEARN LEADERSHIP SKILLS! If David can lead this bunch, he can lead anyone!
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  • d. What was it like leading this bunch? David gives us some idea in Psalm 57, which was written when David was in the cave. Be merciful to me, O God, be merciful to me, for in you my soul takes refuge; in the shadow of your wings will I take refuge till the storms of destruction pass by (v. 1) My soul is in the midst of lions I lie down amid fiery beasts- the children of men whose teeth are spears and arrows whose tongues are sharp swords. (v. 4)
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  • This sounds as though it was written when the strangers began to crowd into the cave. If youve ever worked with malcontents, you know thats true. They are a thankless, coarse, thoughtless body of people, so overwhelmed with their own needs they dont pay attention to anyone elses. Swindoll. So, how does David pray to God Be exalted above the heavens, O God... My heart is steadfast, O God my heart is steadfast... I will sing, yes, I will sing praises!... Be exalted above the heavens, O God; Let Thy glory be above all the earth!
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  • We will see that in Psalm 142 David will say, Im in the cave, Im at the end, theres no one on the right hand or left hand. I have no one who caresI am at the end of myself. And then he turns, crying out a declaration of dependence. -Be gracious to me God -Im stretched, Im pulled beyond my limits -You are the only one who can meet my needs! David is learning the lesson God has for him. Saul was self- dependent. David is learning to be God-dependent.
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  • 5. Did the leadership workshop pay off? Apparently. These men will become the core of Davids mighty men of valor. They will become his inner circle of counselors. -He must have instilled in them a sense of discipline, character, purpose, teamwork, and direction. 6. Once his situation has stabilized, David takes his family to Mizpah in Moab. (v. 3-4) -We dont really know where Mizpah was, but it means watchtower or place that overlooks. Probably in the plateau east of the Dead Sea. Well to the SE of Gibeah, across Dead sea.
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  • 7. Why Moab? They were related. -Remember, Ruth the Moabitess was his great- grandmother. -David is following the ancient practice of protecting ones family unit (Genesis 14; Joshua 2:13, 18; 6:23) and also adhering to the 5 th Commandment. 8. We dont know where Davids stronghold was, but it cant be the cave of Adullam, since it was not in Judah (v. 5). Likewise w/ the forest of Hereth, except that it was in Judah.
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  • 9. Notice last of all, that God has provided David w/ a spiritual counselorGad-- to replace the loss of Samuel. (v. 5). -David not to rely solely on the counselor, but on God, and to listen to the counselor (Proverbs 27:17). -Gad will continue to counsel and advise David through the end of his reign (II Samuel 24). He also was an historian. He kept a first-hand account of the rule of David (I Chronicles 29:29) which has been lost. According to the Talmud, Gad and Nathan wrote I Samuel 25-31.
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  • Go to slide #85Psalm 142. What is living in a cave really like?
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  • B. Saul slaughters the priests at Nob (vv. 6-23) 1. This passage has a twofold purpose a. Fulfilling the promised divine judgment against the priestly house of Eli in I Samuel 2:27-33. -Eli had honored his sons more than he honored God. (v. 30). -Literal translation: I will chop off your arm and the strength of you fathers house. Eli would be the last old man in his family line. All his descendants would die in the prime of life.
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  • b. Demonstrate Sauls complete contempt for the priesthood and its authority (remember his disregard for the prophet/priest Samuels instructions. -contrast w/ Davids respect for and gratitude toward the priesthood. (See v. 23) -Saul considers the priests to be treacherous. -David considered the priesthood to be an important mediator for Gods will to his anointed.
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  • 2. The scene opens with Saul sitting under a tamarisk tree on a hill at Gibeah surrounded by his officials. (v. 6). a. The tamarisk tree may be connected to pagan rituals. Could also be translated grove. In Ezekiel 16:24-25 we see the same word translated hill here is lofty shrine in a chapter given over to description of the worst apostasies. b. Saul is sitting with a spear in his hand. This has become his S.O.P. He is a danger to all around him. c. Note that Sauls efficient intelligence network has informed him about Davids whereabouts and who is with him. (Nixon).
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  • 3. Saul berates his officials. (vv. 7-8) Proverbs 28:15 Like a roaring lion or a charging bear is a wicked ruler over poor people -son of Jesse. We have seen this pejorative use before=snot-nosed brat (SCB). -Can he give you possessions and titles like I have given you? Insight into Sauls view of leadership/government-based on patronage. Patronage politics. Think Tammany Hall/Chicago- Richard Daley, Jane Byrne, Harold Washington.
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  • -Sauls paranoia then shows itself again, You are all co-conspirators w/ David, just like my son, Jonathon. By the way, none of you bothered to tell me about that, either! -According to Saul, Jonathon has not merely entered into a covenant with David, he has incited David to ambush Saul. (... has stirred up my servant against me, to lie in wait....). So, in Sauls mind, Jonathon has actively turned against him. -Sauls paranoia is now becoming extreme! He insists that the failure of all to notify him of these events proves no one cares about him.
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  • Notice Sauls focus here-everything is about him. Cf. Davids attitude in Psalm 34. 3. Doeg the informantvv. 9-10 a. Doeg is standing there with everyone else, and sycophantically imitates Sauls reference to David (son of Jesse) whom he reports he saw meet w/ Ahimelech. b. Doeg informs Saul that Ahimelech inquired of the Lord on behalf of David and provide him with supplies and the sword of Goliath. The emphatic language here indicates he has accused Ahimelech of treason.
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  • Notice that Doeg omits that David had told Ahimelech that he, David, was on a secret mission for the king when Ahimelech provided David with supplies and a weapon. c. Following Doegs report, Saul summons Ahimelech and his fellow priests and condemns them. (vv. 11-17) 1. when summoned, the whole priestly family travels about 2 miles from Nob to Gibeah. 2. again, Saul makes pejorative use of son of in this case son of Ahitub (v. 12). 3. Here I am, lord-appropriately obedient.
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  • 4. in v. 13, Saul openly accuses Ahimelech of conspiring w/ Sauls enemy David (you and the son of Jesse), to which Ahimelech responds politely but firmly. -no other servant is as loyal as David -this is not the first time he has consulted with me. -hes your son-in-law, why wouldnt I? -hes your bodyguard, why wouldnt I? Why wouldnt I consult with him? Doesnt mean we were conspiring against you! (vv. 14-15). Dont impute wrong to us!
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  • d. Even though Ahimelech was not, and could not, have been complicit in treason, Saul orders his death, and the deaths of his family. (v. 16). Whythey did not inform Saul of Davids whereabouts. -Sauls officials refuse to carry our his order. The phrase used here would not put out their hand is the same as when David refuses to kill Saul, the Lords anointed. Their religious scruples will not permit them to obey. -Not to be thwarted, Saul orders Doeg, who does not share their scruples, to kill the priests.
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  • -In Doeg, Saul finds not only a servant who is not bound by the religious concerns of the Israelite courtiers, but a real overachiever. Doeg kills all 85 priests present with Ahimelech, then massacres the entire village of Nob- men, women, children and livestock. (v.19). -So Saul, who was not willing to deal with Agag and the Amalekites by exterminating them pursuant to divine order, has no qualms about wiping out a clan of Israelite priests.
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  • e. Unbeknownst to Saul and Doeg, one of the sons of Ahimelech, Abiathar (the Divine Father is Excellent), escapes the slaughter and runs to David. (vv. 20-23). -he will perform priestly service for David the rest of his life (I Samuel 23:6; 9; 30:7; II Samuel 8:17). He is eventually replaced by Zadok (I Kings 2:27, 35) during Solomons reign. -think Friar Tuck. See also Mark 2:26. -Abiathar reports, David takes responsibility for the massacre, and offers refuge to Abiathar. King-elect and priest-elect have joined forces.
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  • V. Psalm 52David Responds to Treachery Uprooted tree/fallen tent v. Strong, green olive tree Evildoers v. Righteous Doeg v. David A. The folly of evil (vv. 1-4) 1. This is a question followed by a series of accusations. 2. Evil is evidenced in word and deed. Notice the role of the tongue. Cf. James 3:1-12.
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  • -boast= the self-reliant mighty man -tongue-plots, lies, deceives, devours The picture is of the internal plottings of an evil heart. Does this describe opportunistic Doeg the sycophant yes-man? -like a sharp razorthe idea is like a sharp sword as the word is used elsewhere, see Ps. 55:21. Exactly as Doeg behaved to the priests. 3. Actions are the result of a heart attitude (v. 3), they love evil more than righteousness (good). 4. O deceitful tongue!rebuke of evil
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  • B. Prayer for Gods complete judgment on evil (v. 5) 1. We should read this as a desire rather than an assertion, May he bring you down... May he snatch you... May he uproot you. 2. So, when we understand it this way, we see that this is Davids prayer. -God, I know you cannot tolerate evil, assure me that righteousness will prevail by judging this evil man! David wants reassurance of justice! Notice the intensity of Davids emotion. Do we ever pray like this? Sure!
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  • 3. The verbs used herebreak down, snatch and tear (or snatch up), and uproot-are three word pictures. break down= demolish, like a wall or structure. snatch-like a coal removed from a fire. It becomes useless and is thrown out of the tent. Castaway, vagabond, without family. (What David was experiencing at the time). uproot-Like a big tree in a storm. Torn from the land of the living. With their death their evil thoughts and deeds cease.
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  • C. The wisdom derived from judgment (vv. 6-7) 1. This passage shows how righteous are instructed by Gods judgment. 2. First responseawe and fear/reverence. (v. 6) 3. Second responsetriumphant derision. (v. 6-7) -actually a taunt. Look at him. He was self-reliant! Why? Gods judgment of evil assures them that he does judge between evil and good. -not malicious or vindictive. Righteousness triumphs! Hooray for our side! God is good!
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  • 4. After the joy of triumph, the righteous learn a lesson from Gods judgment (v. 7). -The person who acts independently of God, trusts in his/her own knowledge, riches, etc., the person who betters themselves at the expense of others will be brought down. -The wicked may trust in wealth and feel strong as they exploit and destroy, but when their riches, power, and house are taken away, their life falls apart.
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  • Doeg is the subject of many rabbinical legends: -He is regarded by the rabbis as the greatest scholar of his time (chief shepherd), who made every one with whom he disputed "blush. He could bring forward 300 different questions with reference to one single ritual case. But, he lacked inward piety. His most unfortunate qualities were his malice, jealousy, and calumnious tongue. -According to legend he was slain by his own pupils when they discovered that he had lost his learning, which was taken by an angel sent from God.
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  • D. The blessing of righteousness (vv. 8-9) 1. This is the contrast of the self-reliant mighty man in v. 1 who trusts in himself, power, ill-gotten gains and the righteous man who trusts in God. Self-reliantGod-reliant -destroyed, uprooted -rooted, flourishing w/i vagabond (no community),the house of the Lord (v.8) demolished building (v. 5) -boast in/rely on their-praise God for what He has own abilities (v. 1)done, rely on Him. (v. 9)
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  • 2. OLIVE TREES -Domesticated 5,000-6,000 years ago -The most ancient cultivation found in Syria, Israel and Crete. -The olive was one of the main elements in ancient Israelite cuisine. Olive oil was used for not only food and cooking, but also lighting, sacrificial offerings, ointment, and anointment for priestly or royal office. -Key element of commercial trade in ancient Mediterranean.
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  • -Remember, the first thing the dove brings to Noah is an olive branch. (Genesis 8:11) - Olives grow very slowly, and over many years the trunk can attain a considerable diameter. One has been recorded exceeding 33 feet in girth. -Olive trees may live for hundreds of years and therefore are a symbol of longevity, usefulness, productivity and wealth. -A productive olive tree supplies about 6 gallons of olive oil per year. -Big, thick root system to sustain growth/life.
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  • 3. The lesson here is that the godly prosper when they depend/rely on Gods steadfast love or unfailing love for their nourishment and fellowship. 4. The response of the godly to Gods righteousness is praise and thanks. (v. 9). -Gods very name (Yahweh/Jehovah) becomes a source of assurance that God is righteous and loving.
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  • TAKEAWAYS How did David respond to Doegs injustice? How do we respond to injustice? When judgment does come, Davids response is praise and reverence. Vengeance is mine, and recompense, for the time when their foot shall slip [is my responsibility].... For the Lord will vindicate his people and have compassion on his servants. Deuteronomy 32:35- 36. For the day of vengeance was in my heart, and my year of redemption had come. Isaiah 63:4. Beloved, never avenge yourselves, but leave it to the wrath of God, for it is written, Vengeance is mine, I will repay, says the Lord. Romans 12:19-20.
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  • Look at those olive trees again -will they be blown over by a strong wind? -will scorching heat destroy them? -will pests (i.e. locusts) eliminate them? Those who are rooted in God and in his word are like those olive trees. What does your root system look like? What will happen to you when strong winds blow and the heat is turned up? When you experience injustice, how do you withstand it?
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  • VI. Psalm 142-David Prays in the Cave of Adullam Here we will see the psalmist in great distress. In v. 7 he refers to a prison, either metaphorically for oppression or in the sense of exile. The superscription indicates that the prison may refer to a cave, so this may refer to Davids time in the cave of Adullam (I Samuel 22) or in the cave at En Gedi (I Samuel 24).
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  • A. The Lament (vv. 1-2) With my voice I cry out to the Lord with my voice I plead for mercy to the Lord. I pour out my complaint before him; I tell my trouble before him. 1. Here we see two parallel expressions of lament---cry out/plead and pour out/my trouble. 2. Parallelism is for emphasis in Hebrew poetry. 3. The emphasis here is on the anguish that David is experiencing and his dependence on God.
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  • B. Loneliness in suffering (vv. 3-7a) When my spirit faint within me you know my way! In the path where I walk they have hidden a trap for me. Look to the right and see: there is none who takes notice of me; no refuge remains to me; no one cares for my soul. I cry to you, O Lord; I say, You are my refuge, my portion in the land of the living.
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  • Attend to my cry, for I am brought very low! Deliver me from my persecutors, for they are too strong for me! Bring me out of prison, that I may give thanks to your name! 1. In v. 3 we see that David has reached the end of himself. He is totally exhausted. He is spiritually depressed. -yet, he knows that God is still in control and knows his situation (my way).
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  • 2. The way of the Lord is different than the path he is on (where I walk). The latter is full of entanglements and traps. -the way of the Lord, we will see, leads to salvation (vv. 6-7). 3. Look to my right and see. The right hand would be where ones legal counsel or witness would stand, but here, no one is concerned for me. -My friends at court have abandoned me. -There is no one to defend me against my enemies, I have no refuge! -I am a refugee for whom no one cares!
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  • Everywhere David looks, the supports have been removed. Samuel---gone. Michal---gone. Jonathon---gone. He has no one to turn to. No one to defend him. No one to provide him refuge. Even the Philistines have kicked him out. He is hiding in a cave, waiting for Saul to catch him and kill him. His situation is desperate, there appears to be no hope. We can feel Davids desperation here! 3. So, I cry to you, O Lord. With a petition- Listen...Rescue... Set me free! WhyIt will give me a renewed opportunity to praise and give thanks to the covenant-faithful name of God!
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  • C. Public Thanksgiving (v. 7b) Then the righteous will surround me, for you will deal bountifully with me. 1. The resolution of Davids despair will not only provide him with opportunity for thanksgiving, but also for public praise. -Davids sharing will encourage and edify the righteous community. 2. David envisions what it will be like with the righteous crowding around to hear his story.
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  • TAKEAWAY Againwhy do we go through adversity and affliction? -So that God can demonstrate his goodness. -So that we can praise God for his deliverance. -So that we can encourage and edify others. Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our affliction, so that we may be able to comfort those who are in affliction, with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God. II Corinthians 1:3-4.

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