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With the shadows being cast upon the

house from the trees, the time is getting closer

and closer. The house was built back during

the early 1900’s and was home to a very

wealthy family called the Smiths. The Smiths

were not among the normal people that lived

in the town. Everyone stayed away from them

and the house. The family consisted of James

(the father), Mary (the mother), and their

teenage daughter Leslie. All three had died

from a fire in the house a couple of years after

they moved in. The fire was set in the

basement where the family had been trapped.

Rumers spread that they had been running

from someone and were finally found. The fire

consumed the house but for some odd reason

the house remained. The foundation was still

stable and so were the floors. Some people have

visited the house during the night and claimed

to have seen James, Mary, and Leslie. They

have also said that each one offered them

something different in exchange for something

they wanted. When this took place there was

always another figure present in the room but

no one ever saw the face of the dark figure.

Very few have taken an offer and those were

never seen again. Most people just steer clear

of this house, but not on this night. Three teens

have decided to check out the house, but they

have no idea what is actually waiting for

and the trees are squeaking in the wind.

!e Smi" Haunting by taylor sheehan

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Tyler was the first to bring up the idea of going to the house. He

had overheard a conversation between some classmates about it. At first

Victoria and Mckenzie were a little skeptical about going because of all

the stories they had heard. Eventually, Tyler convinced them otherwise;

he did this by teasing them and saying they were too scared. The teens

decided that they would sneak out and meet up at the edge of the woods

at midnight near a church to go check out the house. Mckenzie still

wasn’t too thrilled about going to the house but she went because she

wanted go so she would know that her friends were safe.

Finally, it was time for the teens to meet up. Tyler arrived first and

thought he had seen someone walking in the woods in a black cloak, but

he didn’t tell Victoria and Mckenzie since he knew they probably

wouldn’t go after hearing that. They had been walking through the woods

for a while when they came across an open field. They seen a hooded

figure in the middle of the field. The figure told them to turn around now

or deal with the devil later. Mckenzie looked at Tyler and Victoria and

said “You two are on your own, I’m out of here!.” Tyler and Victoria just

laughed it off and kept walking. After thirty more minutes of walking

they came up on three head stones, one of witch was up against a tree.

Victoria went to check them out and it turned out to be the head stones

for all three of the Smith family members. A cold chill blew through the

woods as they could here the trees squeaking in the wind. At this point

Tyler was getting a little scared but he refused to tell Victoria, in fear

that she would make fun of him.

The two teens walked a couple more yards and they found the house.

They walked up on the porch and right before Tyler reached for the

handle the door swung wide open and Victoria screamed. They decided to

walk in and then up at the top of the steps Victoria saw a figure of a

women. While Tyler saw a figure a man walk down the stairs and go into

the room to his left. Victoria headed up the steps and Tyler went into the

room without a word spoken between them. Tyler walked into what

looked like the living room with a fire place in it. The man was standing

against the fireplace with his back turned towards Tyler. “Who are you?”

Tyler asked. The man replied with “I am James Smith and this is my

friend, he has an offer for you.” Tyler was shocked, he could not believe

what he had herd. Eventually he replied with “Well whats the offer sir?”

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Mr.Smith’s friend came into the moon

light. In that moment Tyler realized that it

was the same figure they had seen in the field.

He spoke and said “Tyler I am the devil and i

want to make a deal with you.” “The dill is

you give me your soul in exchange for all you

have ever wanted in life.” Tyler thought on

this for a while and said “What if I have

everything I want in my life and refuse to give

you my soul?” The devil responded with “you

can leave and never come back but I promise

you I will get your friend and you will never

see her again.” Tyler ran for the door and

never looked back. Once he was outside he

remembered Victoria, but he didn’t want to

chance going back in that house.

While Tyler was down stairs Victoria

had went up stair and had found the master

bedroom. There she seen Mrs.Smith and her

daughter. Victoria knew exactly who they were

because she had seen old pictures of them. Mrs.

Smith stepped forward and said hey to

Victoria. Victoria responded with “theres no

way you two are real, you’ve been dead for

over a hundred years.” Leslie responded with

“we are real and theres someone else that

would like to talk to you.” When Victoria

turned around she was face to face with the

hooded figure that she had seen in the field. He

said “I am the devil but I think you might

already know that from how your acting.”

Victoria nodded her head. He continued with

“you are a very bright young women and I

know you will under stand what I’m about to

ask you.” Victoria was in shock and couldn’t

move, she didn’t know if she should stay of try

to make a run for it. The Devil continued with

his proposal, “I want you to give me your soul

and do my work, in return I will give you all

the money you will ever need.” Victoria

thought on this and decided to take the devil

up on his offer. The devil was very pleased

with his accomplishment, but he did fail to

mention the penalties that would come along

with giving your soul to him. By the time

Victoria made her way back to the meeting

place but Tyler and Mckenzie weren’t there.

The next morning she woke up in a little

apartment in the town that she had lived in

all her life. When she walked outside she saw

Tyler and Mckenzie, she ran up to them and

said hey but they just looked at her like she

was crazy. Victoria went around town to

places where she knew people the knew her

were, but no one remembered her. She had

gotten everything the devil had promised her,

which was all the money she would ever need.

The thing was when she gave her soul to him

he erased her from everyones memory that new

her. Victoria had finally got what she wanted

but lost everything that truly made her happy

in the process.

Tyler and Mckenzie went on with there

lives but only spoke to each other about that

night. They both remembered a third person

going with them but could never figure out

who it was. Tyler remembered everything that

happened in the house and even remembered

seeing victoria go up the stairs, but now he

didn’t know who the girl was that went

upstairs and never came back. From then on

if either Mckenzie or Tyler herd people talking

about going up there they told them not to.

The weird thing was they could remember kids

that went missing after a group had went up

to the house but no one else could. They soon

came to the conclusion that they had lost a

friend that night to the devil and promised

each other that they would always look for

that girl that they seen in there dreams that

had went to the house with them.

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The Voices by ryan date

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Once upon a time right around 1820, dark and gloomy place was founded because of gold. This little place in the valley became known as Golden Valley. As settlers moved in hoping to get rich, they were brutally killed by many mysterious figures in the woods. Many believed that it was ghosts. Many that were able to settle told others to not even attempt to come to this horrific land because they would die.

In 1824, four long horrible years after gold was founded in Golden Valley, a happy couple from Sunshine was wanting to live the rich life they always wanted to have. Their names were James and Wanda Williams. They had heard about the gold founded in Golden Valley but they had not heard of all the killings that had happened since gold was found. The suspicion was that the ghost was killing any innocent people looking for gold.

As James and Wanda made it into Golden Valley, they found the perfect spot to build their dream house. James worked day and night collecting logs so he could build the house. He finally got the house done after two months of hard labor. Then one lonely night when James was gone, Wanda had her first encounter with a ghost. The ghost said to her, “Youuuuu haveee ten dayyys to move out of myyy land before I killlll you and your soul mateeeee.” When James returned, he found poor old Wanda lying in the floor with her eyes wide open and she was terrified to death. When she told James the story, he thought she might have drunk to much Golden Valley moonshine. So, he just laughed and said everything will be alright. The next day was a dark and gloomy day. James told Wanda that he was going to go and hunt. When James started to head to the honey hole where all the deer was, he sat down and he sat in the same spot all day long.

When night time came, he was about to leave when all of a sudden a strange figure popped up. The person was dressed in all black and was holding a scythe. James didn’t even hesitate to run. As James was running, he all of sudden fell. When he fell, his gun went off. He was not hurt but was scared to death because he did not trip, something pushed him. As he was getting up, he heard a voice in his right ear say “you are going to die!”

James made it home and he decided to not tell Wanda about his horrific experience because he was going to look for gold in the river the next day.

The next day came up and it was a clear day. As James went to the river he was very jumpy because of the day before. As he started panning for gold he looked up and the Grim Reaper was staring at him with a hollow scary face. The Reaper said to James that “If you give me your soul I will give you all the gold that you want.” So James was so greedy he didn’t even think about his wife. So, he agreed to the deal and gold started flowing down the river. James was living the life.

As he came home that night, Wanda was so surprised to see how much gold he had found. They were living the dream they always wanted. They were so taken up with all the gold that they forgot what the ghost had told Wanda that they were going to die in ten days. It had been eight days since she heard that. James was safe because he had sold his soul to the Reaper. James was safe since he sold his soul to the Reaper. The reaper has all control over the ghosts but the Reaper failed to mention this to James.

The ninth day James and Wanda found out that Wanda was pregnant with their first child. They were so happy that they went out

for a night on the town. They had a great time. They were living in nothing but wealth and happiness. It seemed like the perfect life.

As the 12 o’clock hour struck, the couple was on their way home in their buggy. They all of a sudden hit a rock in the middle of the road, the buggy flipped and Wanda was crushed by the buggy. James was flung in the soft grass and was perfectly safe. As he was crying by Wanda’s body he could think nothing but why it was her, why not him that was killed. The Reaper came up to him and said to him “Your life has been spared.” James did not know what the Reaper was talking about. Then he realized he had sold his soul.

Two years after the horrible crash James was now a drunk with no money because he spent it all on Moonshine. He was now lonely and was too lazy to go and find more gold in the river. He thought back on the day when he sold his soul to the Reaper and wished he had not done it because nothing good will come of it.

He prayed day and night to the good Lord to forgive him of all his sins. Two years later James died and was sent straight to hell while his wife and unborn child were in God’s house.

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Fishing for the Devil January 1900

On January 19th, 1934, just as the dusk settle’s over the sky, a man and his son were walking through the woods heading home from a long day of fishing. As they were making their way up the trail, a tall, black, crusty, horned man jumped out in front of them. The man and his son jumped back in fear. The tall man that jumped out in front of them told the man and his son that he was the devil. The devil said, “I would be willing to make a deal with you.” The man said, “What might this deal be?” The devil said, “If you can catch me thirty-four fish I will let you go.” The man said, “What is the catch?” The devil said, “If you don’t catch thirty-four fish, I will kill your son.” The son of the man was sitting back shaking and scared. The man looked at his son and said, “Son, do you think we can catch thirty-four fish?” The little boy said, “I think we can; we are pretty good at fishing.” Well, the man and his son went off on a fishing trip the next day to catch the thirty-four fish the devil was having them catch. The man and the boy both caught ten fish each in the first hour. They sat there and waited on more to bite. The man finally caught another fish, so they had twenty-one fish so far. The devil walked up and said “Have y’all caught all thirty four fish yet?” The man said“No sir, we have caught twenty-one.” The devil said, “You have one hour to catch thirteen fish.” So, the man and his

son continued fishing. They finally caught ten more fish which means they have thirty-one fish. The devil came back an hour later and said, “Times up!” The man said, “Please, devil sir, just give us one more chance.” The son was crying his eyes out. The devil said, “I can’t give you anymore time, my fish fry is in one hour.” Well, the man started crying and said, “Please don’t take my son from me.” The devil said, “We made a bet and you didn’t complete the task that I asked of you.” The devil grabbed the man’s son and threw him in the lake knowing that the boy could not swim. Before the father could jump in after his son the devil had the man tied to a tree. The devil waited a few minutes and then pulled the boy out of the lake. The boy had drown. The man said, “You will pay for what you have done!” The devil didn’t say anything and laid the boy down beside his father and walked off. The man found a sharp rock and cut the rope that the devil had tied the man up with. He found a bigger rock and snuck up behind the devil and cracked him on top of his head. The devil fell to the ground dead. The man grabbed his son and went home. He and his wife had a funeral for the boy. The man’s wife cried so much you could fill a swimming pool up. The man said a prayer for his son. They finally put the boy in his casket and buried him. The wife said, “I know you are in a better place now son.”

The man and his wife finally decided to just give up on there son coming back. They decide to just learn to live their life without him and know that God is with them and their son is in a better place where he doesn’t have to worry about anything. They had another son about two years later. The man swore up and down that he would never make another deal with the devil. He, his wife and his new son returned to the lake where his first son was killed and they started to fish in his memory. They caught thirty-four fish each that day. They took the fish home and had them a good o’l fish fry with their family and friends. They said the blessing and started to eat.

by jake goode

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The Collector, 1234 Main Street, Any Town, State ZIP | 123-456-7890 |

THE COLLECTORDecember 1821

A Few miles from my house in Leeds England there was a flat dark graveyard in the distance which I came upon. I ran into what seemed like a standing shadow. He had no color whatsoever just dark with an emotionless face. I stood there puzzled not knowing what to say, and then the dark figure started to move closer and closer to me.

So, I ran as fast as my legs would move until I ran into a dark foggy forest where I could hardly see anything at all. As I walked around blinded by the fog, I had to find a place to hide, but then I remembered that I was in the forest one mile away from Mr. buttlocks house which contained thirty million dollars in the floorboard. So, I wondered if maybe that shadow wasn’t actually a shadow. Maybe it was a person after the money just as I was. Thinking of this I knew I had to make it to Mr.Buttlock’s house before he did, so I ran on as fast as my legs would go.

England, Leeds

by damon roberts

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The Collector, 1234 Main Street, Any Town, State ZIP | 123-456-7890 |

AS I CONTINUED TO RUN I FINALLY REACHED MR.BUTTLOCK’S HOUSE, BUT I WAS NOT ALONE: AS I GLANCED BACK, THE PERSON THAT I THOUGH, WAS A SHADOW WAS RIGHT THERE AND HE WAS EVEN CLOSER THIS TIME SO CLOSE THAT I COULD MAKE OUT THAT THE THING I THOUGHT A SHADOW WAS NOT A SHADOW. AT ALL IT WAS A PERSON, BUT NOT ANY PERSON I HAVE EVER SEEN IN MY LIFE. He had very long hair and his hair was really frizzy. He wore a top hat and his face had a couple of scars on it. He also had a very odd eye color and his voice was not like any that I have heard before. When I glanced at him, I couldn’t take my eyes off of him for some reason, and he said to me, “So, Your after the treasure aye?” I still could not say anything I just stood there looking dumbfounded. He got angry and said to me again,” So, your after the treasure aye?” I finally found my voice again and said to him, Yes..Yes I am. He then said to me, “I’ll make a deal with you .” “I’ll give you three times the money that is in this house for something in return. “ I said to him, “Sounds like a bargain.”

“What do you have in mind.” He then said to me with a smirk, “Your soul.”

Maecenas pulvinar sagittis enim. Rhoncus tempor placerat.

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The Collector, 1234 Main Street, Any Town, State ZIP | 123-456-7890 |

I thought about this offer for a minute and then I soon came to the conclusion that the man was obviously crazy, because no one could just take another man’s soul so I said to the man, “It’s a deal.” “My soul for 90 million dollars. “ The man’s smile suddenly became even bigger than before and then he said, “Good, good.” He then stuck his thumb on my forehead and imprinted a symbol on it. I had never seen the symbol in my life and it was kind of odd, but I was not worried until after he had imprinted the symbol and he vanished into thin air. As I walked back to my house through the grave yard feeling as if I were fooled, I noticed that the sun was starting to come up, so

I had to return home as soon as possible.

Maecenas pulvinar sagittis enim. Rhoncus tempor placerat.

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The Collector, 1234 Main Street, Any Town, State ZIP | 123-456-7890 |

When I retuned home I noticed something a little odd. There was something sitting on my desk, but I had never even owned a desk before in my life. I walked over to my desk and noticed an envelope. I was unsure if I should open it or not. After several minutes of staring at the envelope, I finally worked up the courage to open it. When I did open it, a check fell out with the amount of 90 million dollars on it. I was then scared and happy at the same time and I thought to myself, “ Did I really just sell my soul to the devil or am I going crazy like the scary man was?” I then came to the conclusion that I was just going crazy. I had 90 million dollars and I was going to spend it. After I put the money in the bank, the whole town heard of me getting the money and the town’s people begged me for a little piece of my fortune. Me, being the good person that I was, told the town’s people that I was not going to give any money to anyone unless they worked for me. I paid each of them three dollars and hour which seemed reasonable to me, but to the town's-people that worked for me it was not so reasonable to them. They plotted for a long time to start a strike until I raised their pay and gave them more protection from the other town's-people e who had no money, and tonight was the night that the strike was going to take place.

Rhoncus tempor placerat.

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The Collector, 1234 Main Street, Any Town, State ZIP | 123-456-7890 |

As I sat at my desk filling out checks for the townspeople I heard chanting outside, “ We WANT MORE!,” “WE WANT MORE!” It startled me and I ran to see what it was. “ Give us more pay!,” One of the townspeople yelled at me. I said to them calmly, “You guys should be lucky I am paying you at all.” With a grin I said, “Just working for me should be enough.” The townspeople soon became even angrier and they then said to me, “ Your going to hell for what your doing to us Mr. Roberts.” I looked at them with a big smile and said, “ If I am going to hell, let the devil come here and take my head right now.” The sky suddenly became pitch black and the townspeople began to scatter and off in the distance that person I saw on that one dark night that I had received the 90 million dollars came closer and closer to me. This time the person seemed as if he were a giant. He was ten times bigger than before and he came closer and closer and stopped right in front of me and stared at me without saying one word. He then raised his arm and with a fast swift swing of his ax my head was decapitated. But I was still alive, I could still feel the pain from when my head being cut off. After the giant black man cut off my head he then put it in his top hat, which was filled with many o t h e r h e a d s , t h a t i s w h e n I

remembered the man as the collector. Then he vanished into thin air.

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The Collector, 1234 Main Street, Any Town, State ZIP | 123-456-7890 |



There is a old story about a house in the woods. This house was no normal house, it was in the middle of the woods. It was a dark and scary place, filled with evil and fright. The woods were all dead around the house, no life could be found. No sounds of wild life just silence, disregarding the crow that would always sit on the house and make a noise if it saw someone coming down the trail to the house. This trail was narrow and overgrow but we still could make it out. It was tangent to the main trail that traders used. Right where the trail splits there’s a little sign that saids, “trade, anything, anyone.” Inside the house, it was dark, the rugs was ribbed and the house looked like it was a century old.

by austin bridges

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The Collector, 1234 Main Street, Any Town, State ZIP | 123-456-7890 |

There once was a good man named Rick. He was the nicest guy in town and wouldn’t hurt a fly. He gave you anything and helped everyone. He loved his wife to death and would do anything for her. And do anything is what he did. He treated her like a queen. He gave her anything she wanted. He was expecting a baby. He could not wait to see his child, but one day his wife became very ill. He called a doctor to see her. The doctor said, “There is nothing I could do. She only had a few weeks left.” This hit Rick hard and he begged for anything to save his wife. There was nothing to save her from dying, well almost nothing. After a week, Rick couldn’t stand the thought of losing his wife so he screamed out, “I will do anything, anything at all for my wife to get better!” About that time, the room got very cold and he started to feel sad. He looked down and saw this dark hand come out of the ground followed by this wretched face, but you really couldn’t make out the face. It had no features, and it was just dark. Rick soon found out who was coming up, he got terrified. It was the Devil. When the Devil got to his full stature, he had to bend over just to stop from hitting the ceiling. You could make out what he really looked like. The only thing you could see from his face was the dark red eyes. The Devil said, “So you will do anything for your wife will you?” Rick took a second to reply, “Y- Yes I will.” The Devil looked at

him and said, ”Hehe! Well, if you do some deeds for me, I’ll save you wife.” Rick looked at him and felt like he had to agree, “I will do anything to save my wife!” The Devil looked at him and said, “Well, if you sell me your soul to me, I’ll save your wife.” Rick said, “You can take my soul!” The Devil touched him on the head and left a little black mark. After that day Rick was never the same. He would not do anything around the house, cut the grass, or fix anything when it broke. The house soon went to ruins. Elicia got better out of nowhere, but Rick was not the same. He had a willingness to kill. So he called the doctor to come see his wife. When the doctor came, he told him that she was down in the basement. The doctor started walking down the steps when Rick pushed him. He fell violently and broke his leg. He could get up and run. Rick walked over and picked up an ax. He went up to the doctor and chopped his head right off. He started going crazy with madness, but this wasn’t Rick, for this was the Devil telling him to do these things. So, Rick would

invite his close friends and even his family over to see what he said he had in his basement. Soon he could not stop killing until all the people who haven’t done any crimes were gone. Right when Rick killed the last good man in the town. The Devil rose up out of the ground. He said, “Your work for me is done.” Rick said, “So i’m free, and you will let me go?” The Devil just laughed, “Haha! you fool you will never be free. Your soul is mine!” Rick’s eyes got big and out of nowhere the ground started burning. Rick was engulfed in flames. “Ahhh! Help me please Help me!” Rick cried, but one on could hear him. Rick died on April 3, 1929. No one really knows what happened to Rick, for he was never seen again. His wife lived on, but she never really was the same. She had terrible stomachaches every night. She didn’t know why. She had no clue that she has her own Devil inside of her. The End.

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As the sun falls and the moon rises.... a dark gloomy church in a small unpopulated town in London in the late 1700‘s on top of a mountain. There hasn't been anyone in the church in hundreds of years, no one had even been in the graveyard behind the church in a

really long time. The latest date on any of the tombstones was in the 1500s so nobody living knew anybody to visit. Then one day the owner of the land that the church was on started wondering what it was like inside and got up the nerve to go inside and look alone. He

The Devil InsideBy Austin Yelton

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He picked a day to go when he had nothing to do. He went and got a few guns and some other supplies he thought he would need to be safe to go in alone.

A few days passed, and the owner started getting worried as the day that he was going to the church got closer. He started thinking more about all the negative things that could happen. As he started thinking, he thought it might be better if someone went in with him. He started thinking of who he would go with but he had no one that he could think of because he was a really old man and all his family had died and he had no kids or friends. He lived out in the middle of nowhere about twenty miles from the church with no neighbors. So, he finally remember someone that he thought would go and that was one of his friends that

he worked in the mill back in his 20’s. He went to the house he lived in when he knew his friend and went up and knocked on the door and after about five minutes the door slowly opened a few inches getting stopped by a chain lock, and he could see someone’s head was slightly. Then, all of a sudden, the door closed then opened back up all the and he seen the biggest smile he’d ever seen. It was him, his long lost friend, still living in the same house as he always has. The old man George came out and shook his hand in disbelief that he had come to see him after so many years. George asked him to come in, sit and have a cup of coffee and he agreed and went in and they talked for hours about what has happened in the past thirty years of their life. After they had both caught each other up on their past, he started

talking about the church he had bought several years ago. After telling George all about the church and graveyard and how nobody had been there in hundreds of years and how scary he thought it would be, the owner of the church asked if George would be willing to go in the church with him. It took him a few minutes but he finally agreed to go in with him. So they set up a date that they both agreed on.

That day came and they got everything ready to go and set out to the church. Once they got there, they walked around looking at the outside of the church and the grave year. Finally, he pulled the key out of his pocket and walked up the steps and put the key in and turned it. They both looked at each other and he pushed the door open and the inside of the church took their breath in disbelief. After a few seconds when they caught

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their breath back they stood there for about a minute before they even said anything. The inside was nothing like they had thought it was going to be like, everything in the whole church was made of gold. They walked in and looked around for a few minutes. Out of nowhere, they heard someone walking and laughing then someone walked around from the back and said “Can I help you?” They said back,”Can we help you? This is my church.” They talked for a few minutes. The man told them who he was. He said “I’m the devil”. They didn't believe him for one second even though he did look quite scary looking. The devil said, “I’ll make you a deal, if you’ll be mine and sell me your soul you can every bit of gold in here and have anything you could ever want. But for me to give you all that, you have to do what I said and

go with me when you pass away.” So they thought about it and talked about it for a few minutes. Finally they said why not and said,“yes, we will do it.”

After they live for a few years, the best life anone could ever live, they start to regret it very bad. The devil didn't forget about them, when it was their time to go he came and got them. After that they figured out they had made the worse mistake anyone could ever make. It was to late now to take it back. Now they will be in hell with the devil for eternal life.

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There was a dark gloomy night in the London woods of 1830 where the late night monster lived. The moon stuck through the haunted woods while the wolves howled. Creatures scurried from high to low when the sounds of the late night monster echoed through the woods,and made every creature hurry to safety. But who was the late night monster? Why were the people scared? What does he do?

In addition, the late night monster had everyone scared. Every time someone would go into those woods they would never come back.

However, there was one Christian man named Bob, who feared nothing but God and decided to go in the woods and see what was up. He made the decision of going in those woods that night. The whole town feared that he wouldn’t come back.

He then walked to the edge of the woods, followed by the many people of the town. The people watched as the man walked in the woods.

Bob knew he had a reputation of being the fearless man of the town: but when he entered these woods he had a bad feeling. He started toward the”endless path.” He walked and walked and walked until....

“......Bobbbbbb.” Startled by the sound of someone calling his name, Bob terrifyingly turned and looked in every direction. But what was calling his name? Bob started back walking when....”Booobbbb.” Bob stopped while yelling, “Whose there?”!!!.Out of the distant mist a figure of some sort, a large shadow walked toward Bob. Trembling in fear Bob said, “Are you the late night monster?... I come in peace.” But the Monster kept coming , but he walked faster as if he was interested in getting Bob. Yet that big shadow got smaller and smaller as the monster got closer. Bob wondered... what is this thing? The Monster yelled .. “Stop calling me a monster.” Confusingly Bob asked, “What’s your name?” ..”I am Satan!!!!” says this creature.

The monster appeared at Bob’s feet as a midget with the looks of a homeless man. Bob asked, “You’re Satan? ”The monster proclaimed that he was Satan, but he was so small. So Bob asked, “Why are you so small?” Satan answered, “I am only small to those who have God.” Therefore Bob realized that maybe the people who came through these woods before didn’t have God in their heart. Satan told Bob about all the people who has came through his woods: some with low self esteem some that felt unloved and some that just wanted money. He told Bob a story about a man

The mystery of satan

from his town who came through his woods looking for fame and fortune but called himself Christian. Satan seemed happy to have gotten the man who was called a Christian. He told him how he sent demons out to persuade the people to come to the woods to give their soul to him.

Hearing all these things Bob was startled with a million questions in his head. He wanted to know why someone would do this.

Satan showed him things he had never seen before. He showed him how rich he could be and how happy he would be if he sold him his soul. Bob started thinking about selling his soul. the more Bob thought about selling out, Satan grew bigger and bigger.

Satan then grew as big and tall as any mountain or giant. He then had the man scared because of his image. Satan began to ask him “is it me or him” (meaning God). Bob just stopped and started thinking what should I do? Then a BIg BOOM!! came from he sky as if God was warning Bob, but Bob was already persuaded.

Bob told Satan he would sell him his soul under one condition. Bob still wanted to love God and have the fortune and fame at the same time. So Satan said, “Sure,” and told Bob all he had to do was sign his soul over. Bob then had to cut himself in order to make it official and sign his name with his blood.

Satan then let him leave. The people at the town were worried that he had been captured by the monster, until Bob yelled, “I'm coming home!” loud enough for the people to hear him.The people of the town rejoiced. Then out of nowhere all you hear is a big rumble coming from the ground.The people waited and waited for nearly a week, waiting for Bob to come out of the woods.

What they didn’t know is Bob sold his soul, and still wanted to be with God, which made Satan mad.

Satan took Bob with him as quick as lightning.The people soon realized Bob would not be back. And the

rumor was ... “there was a man named Bob who entered the woods looking for the monster to destroy him but the monster was too big for Bob to handle so the monster killed Bob and strapped him to a tree with the words I WAS HERE imprinted on his body.

by justine greene

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The sun was setting in this lonesome place in London in 1457 and the creepy noises started to occur under the dark grey sky. No one around but an old house and a few young men. Suddenly they heard a noise that didn’t sound too pleasant like a young woman screaming. They called out to see if she needed help but nobody seemed to answer. Suddenly they heard it again. Looking scared and speechless the young men did not know what to do. They had approached this old house a few minutes before the scream had occurred. They decided to investigate the house and see what might it be. The house was old and run down. They were for sure nobody lived in this old house. The three boys went toward the house and heard the scream of what sounded like a young woman again. Again speechless, they didn’t know whether to keep going toward the house or get the heck out of this place. Joey whispered in a frightened voice, “Can we please get the heck out of here?” but Mark was curious and wanted to find out what was going on. So they crept toward the house. The noise did not appear to happen again. Mark wondered if something bad had happened but he just couldnt quite understand the whole situation. Finally, they came to the old house and Mark thought, “Well lets go in and explore and see what we can find.” Then they heard the screaming again but now it sounded like it was getting farther and farther away. When the three boys entered the house, it seemed to appear empty and nobody to be found. After exploring the house through and through, they finally went toward the woods and was going to explore the stuff around the old house. It was beginning to get foggy out and the creepy noises just kept coming. The boys continued in the woods and through the distance they saw something that appeared to look like a graveyard. The boys stopped in terror. The screaming was getting closer and closer as they approached the graveyard. The boys were scared to approach the graveyard but they did anyways and their found themselves in the middle of a ceremony. The boys looked confused and didn’t know exactly what to do. The man standing in the ceremony looked horrid and hideous. He was evil looking. He was holding a pitchfork. The boys stood there with confusion and what appeared to look like the devil began to speak to them, “What are you three boys doing here in my forest?” “Are you wanting to sell your soul to me?” “This is no place to play! Get out of here! Go on get!” Mark then began to back talk, which was not a very bright idea! The uninviting, evil spirited man said, “You do not back talk to me. This is my forest and you do as I say you understand me?” The oldest boy Mark said, so go ahead and put a curse on me. I dont care to sell my soul to the devil and as soon as he said that the “devil” then began to put a curse on each one of the boys. The boys now had to do what the devil said or they would die. The three boys did not think anything of selling their soul to the devil. The oldest boy Mark had made the decision for the other two boys. The other two boys were in shocking terror because they did not want to sell their soul to the devil but they now had to because Mark had done it for them. Once you sell your soul to the devil there is no taking it back. So now since the other two boys had no say so in what they wanted to do they now had to join the ceremony and become part of the devil’s group. The three boys did not know that all the devil wanted was people to persuade people to join his group. The devil is greedy! He wants everybody to know that whats his is whats his and nobody else can touch it or enter it without them having to sell their soul to him! Eventually the three boys went on about their business in the group and the oldest one Mark ended up dieing because he did not want to listen and obey what the devil had told him to do. The other boys lived in torture.


The Devil Inside By summer owens

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DON’T BLINKby reva parker

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DON’T BLINK! That’s the words my grandma whispered before she died. I was now

traveling to her house in England. I’ve only been here once and even then

my grandmother hurriedly rushed us away. We would always plan to stay

the night and she would always refuse for us to even be there without her

presence. We never understood why, but I had a feeling I would soon find

out soon.

The drive there was terrible. People looked like they hadn’t taken a

bath in weeks and some even months. I struggled to keep my distance so I

didn’t have to breathe in the smell of almost dead bodies. As I got off the

train, I got into a black car that looked like something that had come way

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back in time. There was an old man driving. He was really quiet and

looked like he was in severe pain. I told him the address. He just gave me a

look of horror and started to speak but he didn’t. He never spoke a word to

me the whole time. Finally, I arrived at my grandmothers house that she

had left me. As I shut the door, it made a piercing noise that gave me a

slight headache. I walked around the house looking for a letter or at least

something that my grandmother had left for me. Nothing, I found nothing.

The only place I hadn’t looked was the basement but why would she leave

me a letter in the basement? It didn’t make sense to me but my

grandmother was a weird, mysterious woman so there was no telling. I

quickly headed to the basement door. I turned the corner and saw a

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concrete angel. I remember long ago my mother telling about the weeping

angel and how they always covered their eyes because God had punished these

angels for their transgressions with the Devil. I had no idea why my

grandmother would have one of these in her house. Like I said she was a

mysterious, weird lady. I continued to make my way to the basement on the

door. The door was painted black and had the same words my grandmother

had said to me before she died written on it in red paint. My curiosity shoved

me through the door. My eyes wide open I haven’t blinked yet. I quickly

walked down the steps and there as I figured was a note that said, “Don’t

blink. Don’t even blink. Blink and you’re dead. They’re fast, faster than

you can believe. Don’t turn your back. Don’t look away, and don’t

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blink! GOOD LUCK! Love, your grandmother.”

All of a sudden, BANG! I blinked and when I opened my eyes the

weeping angel was in front of me! I didn’t understand how it move so fast

and I really didn’t wanna find out! I started breathing heavily, I began to

panic and all I kept screaming to myself was DON’T BLINK! Quickly

I spun around and jetted for the door but it wasn’t quick enough! The angel

was already at the door. It was hard for me not to blink the more I panicked

the more I felt my eyelashes touch, blinking rapidly until... I saw darkness I

knew my eyes were wide open but I saw nothing I was sweating bullets and it

felt like I was in a pre-heated oven. What do I do? Do I run? Do I cry

for help? Or do I do anything at all? All these question running through my

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head and had no answer to none of them. I got up and begin to walk the

further I walked the hotter it got. Then I begin to see a shadow of a tall

man and a strange head which looked like things projecting out of his

head.He begin to walk toward me and it sounded high heels clanking on the

ground. Then again I didn’t understand, why was this mysterious man was

wearing high heels? Finally, he reached his arm out and touched me on the

shoulder. It scorched my skin and I began to scream, he then took his hand

off me. I realized that it wasn’t a tall man wearing heels and the things

projecting from his head was horns, it was the Devil. “Hello you must be

Adalynn” with a screeching voice. “Why yes I am” I said shaking and

sweating. I couldn’t believe standing here in front of me was the Devil!

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I asked him what did he want of me and he said that the weeping angel had

touched me and sent me to hell. He begin to describe a woman who sounded

exactly like my grandmother and said that she had sold her soul to him long

ago and she refused to do the things he told her so he got tired of the denial

she always gave him so he took her away from this earth. He pointed to me

and said, “ Now that I have burned you, your soul is now mine and you

have to do what I tell you or else.” “No!” I screamed in his face as loud as

I could. Darkness covered my eyes, I felt as if the oven was no long on

preheat but on 500 degree fahrenheit. Slowly I was burning and I just knew

this is what I would feel forever.

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The Collectorby ryan beheler

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In the 1850’s at a church in this

little town called Bostic, North

Carolina there were these men who

had gone to church there and they were

not from around here. They were not

welcomed by the other local men. The

men that moved here from New York

started disappearing out of no where

and no one knew what happened to


The local’s names were, Chase,

Austin, and Ryan. These men were

known as the men who did not like new

people to come into their town.The

man from up north was Damon; he

did not know what to think of these

men he just wanted to be friends with

them, but they would not have some

stranger in their town.

No one really knew what happened

to poor ole Damon, everyone said he

was as good as gold. He was nice.

He was just an all around good guy,

but for some reason the other three men

did not like him. They said there was

just something about the way he looked

at them and the way he acted toward

everyone. One man said he heard them

talking about him and planning to kill

him.A few weeks went by and Damon

was still alive.

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One day Damon’s wife said that

one day Damon wanted to go out for a

walk, so he went out walking to the

church. He was walking to the church

and he was looking in the graveyard

at all the headstones. He started

hearing someone talking and he

started looking around to see where the

voice was coming from. He finally

found where it was coming from.It

was a big man. He stood ten feet

tall. He was a nasty looking man he

was almost like something that would

come out of the ground. He was a

dirty man. Damon started talking to

him and this man’s name was Storm.

He was a rude man.He was not nice

at all, but Damon was not scared.

Damon was thirsty and tired and

hungry. He asked Storm if he had

food,water,and somewhere he could

sleep. Storm said “Yes but, you

would have to give me something.”

Damon had nothing to give and

Storm said “Well if you don't have

anything for me then I have nothing

for you.” Storm said “You could give

me your soul.” Damon did not know

what to do he was not sure if he

should or not. He needs something to

drink,eat and somewhere to sleep. He

does not know what to do so Storm

starts to talk to him and try’s to

persuade him to sell his soul to him.

Damon tells him ok i will do it, but

he asked Storm what he had to give

him in return. Storm says that he has

repay him but he will know when the

time comes. So Damon does it he has

nothing to loose because he is about to

die. Well he sells his soul to Storm.

As soon as they made it final his soul

became rotten at the core.

After that night Damon ask

Storm if he could stay another night

because he has no where else to go and

he has no more food or water, Storm

told Damon that he had done agreed

to it and he sold his soul and he could

not do anything that he did not want

him to do and he told him he could

stay for one night. Storm said you

sold your soul to me and now i own

you and you have to do as i say and

you are apart of me now. Damon

says no i will do as i want to do,

Storm tells him that he will not do as

he pleases because i own you. You

have to listen to me so you better get

used to it because it will be like this

for ever. Damon tells him no, no it

will not be, i did not say this and

Storm says yes you did because you

sold your soul to me and i own you.

Damon says i will not put up with it

and i will not let you tell me what to

do because you are not my father.

Storm tells him that he will do away

with you if you do not listen to me.

You will have to do away with me

because i dont want this. So Storm

kills him because he does not want to

listen and storm owns his soul now.

Everyone thought that Ryam,

Austin, and Chase killed him but

they did not they were no where

around at the time of the death but

they were happy because Damon was

gone and they won from this to as so

did Storm.

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