
Skill Ltnl 7 8 9 10

IP Cost 1 0 10 20 30 .W � 60 70 80 90

Total IP Co1t 10 20 � 70 llO 160 210 290 3 'lO 460

Complex , --·�········-· .. ··••··•·•• +2 Very complex Npalr -···�··-· .. ·-····· +4 ••t•s nw.r been done before• ....... + 6

IP AWARD GUIDELINE TASK DIFFICULTIES Don't baYe th• right parts ·····-····· +2 Don't """"the right tc>c>ls ··-···-··· +3 Unfamiliar tool, weapon, Yehlcle-.+4


2 3







Ueed Skill often, but not effectively Used SkUis effectively Fr.q.uent and effe.ctfw use of skill Old oomethlllg out of the ordinary

Very cleverieffectlve UM of tblsllklll Extnlmely cl.,.rtelt.ctlft

.... of oklll Skill critical to player l.n thlo ses-sJon SkiD critical to all eroup this &Halon PerfcH"med Incredible with skill

Easy ···-·······-·-····· 1 D A""rage ····-·-·-·-· 15 Difficult ·····-·--·-· 2 0 Very Difficult ···-··· · 25 Nearly lmposolble • 30


Treatment·PUJday First Aid ··-···-·0.5 Medical Tech ..... 1 llpeedheal ·-····· +1 Enhanced Anti-· .. -······ +1 Naftoa'"l"ns .... x2.

(First Aid not cumutatlw with


Under atresa .... ._ ..... ..__ .. _____ • +3 Under attack ·------ +3 to • Wounded -·----·---· +2 to 6 DI'Wik, dnofged c>r tired ·--···- +4 Hostile eftViton..ment ........... --··-·-- •• Lac.k of lnatructiOfts for task·--· +2 Other charact.,. -wdbtttfng- ···-·- +3 M"""r performed task .,_,. __ ._ +1 Dtfflcutt aero.batfea ---· + 3 Very cllfl'leult acn>batlcs lnvolwcl..+4 lmposalllle acroiNttlc•IIIYOivecl - +5 htformatlon hidden,

aecret, o.bsc.ure ·-··· -·--···-·-· +3 Well-h.lddMt due, door, pane.l ,._ ...,, +3 Complex program ··--· -·-· .. ·-·- +3 Very compl.x. program --·-·-····-· +5 Complex lodt ... .... -----·-·-· +3 Very cc>mpl"" lock --····---····- +5 Taf'9*t on guard or aJ•rt•d -•ou••• .. +3

simple electronic d""lce or gun •• 5 Brightly lit area -·······-····-···-····-· complex elec·tronlc device ••....... 20 Insufficient llght ..... -·-·--·-·u····- +3 a laa•r, taser, or maeer ............. 10 min Pitch blackn•ss ........... .... .. u ...... ..... +C a ttre ·-·-· .. ·-····-· .. ····--·-.... .,. •.•..• 15·8 min Secretive taak under an engine ............................ 1 0•20 min Add LUCK poll\111 ................. ·1 to ·10 I A:eb•ulld an engine ........................... 2 claya Manipulation with natu.,.J claws .. .

for hidden object ................... 2·5 min Cyberc:.ontrol& ........................ ....... u ·2 simple mechanical lock ...... 1·2 min MaSf"'Duc:t spots & eybercontrola .. ·1 complex mechanical lock •• 5•10 min Model100 plugs & cybercontrota.. +2 simple electronic lock . ......... 3-4 min Excellent tool:ll �utpment .... ·1 to ·2 compl•x electronic lock •..•. 5-10 min Excellent conditions ......... . u ..... ·1 to ·2 I S<uoccb a clatabaoe •••••••••••••••.•••••• $-20 miR Rushing the task ·········-······-········ I D .. Iign a cyto.rdeck ······-·············1•3 days

S "'T & SKILL MODIFIERS on a dlsguiM ................... . . ........ 3 min T .. imim·�---·- ·· ·· ····� ·····�····-�···1���==� AnR

Bodycure (1d6 days)--···---· AWARENESS MODIFIERS Autc>tanner (1d6 clays)···---- +1 Taret firing ·-····--·-·-···--···-- +4 Royo BC>dyfree Masks ·-·-·-·-- +1/+2 Ta<get moving ··-··-···········-·····-- PERSONAL GROOMING Ta.111•t l.n c crver ......... <04o••o••o . . --·-· • o -10 Nano--Gtoontera ----· +2 to +4

Full-llpectntm Bc>c>ster(+dlseaoe) •• Anti·Piagu• Manotecb (dlo••••l • •• +ll SWIMMING Web Foot ·····················-····-·······-· +3 Web Hand ·····-····-····-··········-······· +2

CODUWIU. Life S.C.n Body Monitor ...................... +1 Streas Chip (morale) ••••••••••••••••••••• +1 Facedown C h lp(Facedown rolls) ...... +1 INTERROGATION Voice Str••• An•lyHr ...... o ••• u . .. ..... .. + 2 Hand Held VSA ··-·····-··••·•••····•·•·- +1 RESIST TORTURE/DRUGS BlomonJtor -···· . . . .............................. +2

EMPATHY Streu Chip (human 1nteractton)-· +1 HUMAN PERCEPTION Voice Stren AnaiYMr . , . ._o_ •• ._ ... . +2 Hand Held Voice Streos,,.e,r-.<>1 PERFORM AudJoVo• ··········-· ···············o-········· +2 Sound Optlml&atlon Syo --····-···­PERSUASION/ FAST TM.K Tailored Pheromon•Oulllble .... o .... . +1 Nymph Perfume ............................. .. + 2 Forlutd Tong .. • (Audlo·Vox) ···-······ SEDUCTION N·ymph Perfume ............................ .. Forked Tong .. • (Audlo·Vox) •••.••••••• Mr.Studd/Midnlght Lady ................ +1 Maximum Lover Chip ..................... +2 Tailored Pheromore-Love ............. .

INT Cybe,.PCX (sklllo) ·····-····-···········• +1 Cybe,."E·Boc>k" (sklllo) •••••••••••••••••• + 2 Tailored Pheromone-Confuafon(1m)�1 Photc>Mem RAM Cblp(remember) ••• +2 INTERFACE Trod• Set ................. ............................... ·2 Tecm.lnal ..................................... ""' .. .. . Model100 Plueo(+2 vs Black ICE) ••• •2 DIAGNOSE Mecl..accanner .. .............................. o ....... +2 Com.puMocl M ed.acann•r .... .. .......... o + 1 Portable Intern Unit ........................... + 2

Ibm: MAx3 for a slngJerouncl• times

again for full ten

l,.sco>nd turn. Unit camouflaged ···-·······-·· ········- ·5 WARDROBE AND STYLE Al'cb-othetlc ······ ···-···-···- ·-···- +1

Leap! Single round

divided by 4 for l"'trtical distance In ten second run I dlvld•"' by 4 for

loorlz•>ntal distance ln,..t

'RIIIIAIH IIIODif'l&lll I!.UJ (ol,.... l'laln o )

No rMvcitlon

RoYg:h Cwoocta, unci) 1/ZMA

��-� •••••nh (m11tf, t�MA


LJaltt rain., numea

No reclvc::tlon Her.y rain. anow

1/lMA 81bzard 1141MA

Mllltech "Ghoobult" ...... -41·2, ·1 / Romanova Cytoeriegs -·--·····-· +1 MEDTECH

Oll:tnn -sneak Sutt• .............. -4, "Fartn.ata' or "VenH.leo' Toot Kit ... +1 Al'c::baeathetfc ................ 0.-.................. .. +1 Mllltech *Mir•e• Oeao'" ••• ·21·1, ·ti10,mi 'Fnoncesca' Techscanner --·-·-·· +1 Cam-0-llkln Buchoterltud• Tool Kit-·-·-··- +1 Taraet a normal slled Remote -·- Very Dood Quality Clo-• ·--·-·· +1 Tare•t a amall alz.M Remote........... Oulg.,.,. Qu.aOty Clothes ----· ·--·· +2 Spotter In verolcle ···-···-····-···-·· ·5 Supercblc Quality Cl- ·-···-·· +3 Spotter In A'FV (total·10) -··--·-··· ·5 BODY Spotter 4olng something elae ......... -10 Pacesetter Heart ............. -......... -... ·-·· +1 Computer-aaatated Opt lea .................. Pacesetter 2000 H•art -······-u••••• +2 Cyberllnkecllnlo veltlde ·-············ Adrenal/Endorphin Surg•(3124br) ••• +1 Darkneos �·············-·········-·······-·· ENDURAHCE Uolng Ill, to find IR·IUoffled EnduroDrink (2 be>..,..) .................. +1 Image Varlabi•Chambered Heart .u .. ••·- +1 Klroahl MonoVIalon ....................... •Freezeban• Blocoft.ltruct ................ +1 Revelation Cyberoptlc ..................... Hemotoglcal Replacement ................ +1 Echolocation (total derkn•os) ••••••• ·1 RESIST DRUOIPDISDM Manooptlcal Upgrad•(nlght vtslon)+2 Hemc>lc>glc..l Replacement ···-·-·-· ·1 Tactile Booot (touch) ••·················· T-Maxx Cyberllvar (Ingested) ••••••• +4 Olfactory Booot (omell) ••••••.••••••••• +2 Maul Fllter11 (Inhaled) •••••••••••••••••• +4 Ampllfled He•rlrtg .......... . oa .............. . +1 Toxin Binders ...................................... .. Sound Eclltlng(opeclflc convers.) •• BoozeMaoter (alcohol) •••••••••••••••••• Me4 Armor(on the sDOotl·•� SHADOW TRACK Ollactory Booot (scent) ·--·---· +2 WILDERNESS SURVIVM. MeoAppendlx ····-····-···················· +2 "Freeuban• ..... -. .... +1

REF Adrenal Boooter (1dlJ+2 turno)--·· +1 Booatmaeter (need booaterware) .... +1 lklp..Sized Arm (with that erm) •••• Enable Cyberllmb (with that limb) •• ·1 A111LETICS Gyr...StabiiiiZ4r ............................. +1

0.0 MANEUVER Gyr...St•bllllnr •••••••••••••••••••••••••.••• +1 CLIMB Grip Foot ....................................... +2 STEALTH Catapaw Stealth Foot .................... +1 Total Body Pl;atlng ................... ....... ·1

HIT NUMBERS Point Blank ...................... 10 Close •••••••••· ••••••••••• ••••• .••• •• 1 S Medium ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 20 long . . . . . . . . . . ..•..............•.... 25 E.xtr«me •••••••••.••..•.•.•..••••.• )0

AnACK MODIFIERS WEAPON RANGES Handgwu ·--·--···-····· . . ...... .......... $Om SUbmachlnegvns ·---····-······•·······150m Shotguns •• -•. -.... -.......................... 50m Rifles ··-·-·-·--·-·-·-·-· -.. ·-···AOO m

Throwing (·10mlllg>1) _ .... 10m 1L BOOY Spears, etc ------·-· 3m " BODY

RANGED COM.BAT To-HIT MODIFIEIII Extra actJona ····---.. -···· -3/e•tra action Using off hand . .. - ..................... _ ........ ·3 Using two w•apona . .. .. . .......... -3 on both Firing whll• rWlnlng ...... , ....................... ·3 Firing a sho"'d•r arm from h.lp._ ............... · 2 Fast cltawtSnapahot -·-····-·-·---••·•·····-· 3 Amb&lah/Surprtae attack ...... ...... . .. u..-••• + 5 SllencerfSu:ppreaaor -···························· ·1 Blpod (otatlonary & brac•d} ......... +1 to 2 Power Exo·Mount ........................... ............ 1 Turning to face target ......................... ... -2 Ricochet or Indirect ,,,.. ···-··•oooooHu ....... . -5 Loser of facedown ................................. ·3 Targ•t Immobile .. ..... .......... ................... +4 Moving target REF>10 ............. ...... ........ -3 Moving tara•t REF>12 ............. .............. -4 Moving tara•t REF>14 ........................... ·5

Tiny tarv•t (bull .. y•, eye, vital aru) ... -6 SmaU targ•t (body location, <1m) . ....... -4 Large target (car, large anfm•t) ........... +2 V•ry large targ•t (truck, wall) .. ... ........ +4 Aiming (max +3) .... ..... ......... ....... .. + 1/turn Laser sight .. ..... .... .... ........................ ..... +1 Tel .. coplc alght •• .,. ..... -..... +2 Ext, +1 Med Targetltlg scope -··--·-·-· ... -.................. +1 Scopeslght ··--·-- +2 Long!EJct, +1 M•d Computer Sights ..... +3 Long!EJct, +Z M•d

Smar1gun . ...... . .. .... .... _._ ................. . ... +2 Srnar1gosgl•a . ... _ .. ....... - ......... -. .. -.. +2 nu.. round bunt (CioMIMedlum) -·- +3 FuO auto, CJoM ........... _, ... _ ... ,+1110 rncfa FuO auto, all o..,_,. ·--···--·--.... -1110 rn4a Au..toahotgun ... .. --.... - -2/adcUtlonal ahot UNE OF SIGHT AND COVEll MODIFIEII$ T-t sllhou•tted ·-·--·-- ................ +2 T-t !Orouchedlkne•llng _ .................. ·1 T-t pr- . ..... .. -............... -............. ·:t HaH body visible ..... ............................... · 2 Head and ahoutdera only vlalble ........... ..3 Blinded by light or dust ......................... · 3 Head only ......................................... ...... -4 Behl.nd somoone else .u ........................... .,. UNDERWATER MODIFIERS Ta11Jet <1m below surface ............ ........ +2 Ta11Jet 1·3m below aurface .................... ... 3 Target >3m below aurface ........... Sc:atter Shooter <3m below aurface ................ .. .. z Shooter >3m below aurf•c• ......... Sc•tt•r Submerged & Firing at :t+ targets ..... ... . ·3 Recoil • Semi·Auto ................ J .. ..... . ·1 /ohot

Recoil· Fuii·Auto ..................... · 1 /10 ohots






Light (1) . ... ... ... ....... 0 S.rlouo (5) ............. -1 Critical (9) ... ..... ...... ·2 Mortal (1:1) .............. · 3 Mortal1 (17) ......... . -4 112 REF, INT, COOL

MORTAL Mortal 2 (21) .......... · 5 Mortal 3 (25) .. _ ... .. -6 113 REF, INT, COOL

Mortal 4 (2g) .. _ ..... -7 Mortal 5 (33) .. _ .... . -6 Mortal II (37) ......... . · 9


H.andslun:s .._ ............... -.. ..... -........ _, __ ..... �., .. SOm Su.bmacl\liMguna ......... -·--·--150m Shotgun.a ·-·-- ·-·---····· -·--- 50m

Jltft•• ···--·--·-··-·-- - · .. · -·--·· AOOm

Throwing (·10mlkg>1) - · -·- - 10m 11BODV Spear&, etc .. ...... ·-·---·-- 3m ll BODY

DRUGS Be POISON Typ� Hallucinogen Nausea Ttoargas Sleep Drugs 610toxm 1 Biototo><in II Nerve Gas

Effect Damage Confusion -4 INT Illness -4 REF Tearing -2 REF Sleep't None Death 406 Death 806 0Path 8010


3 4



CybNnpttu �kQrt tor 106 \Ufn\ Nt"or.-1 pulst"! U ch.lro)(.\r't h•s lnt.t:tfocC" piUC)\, tf' ti('Jii hQO\t'l or oth�r h.udw•nng. REF t.t .. t ff'(h..1<4'd by 106/.2 until f'('J),tltc-d Cybc-r•udto \horh tor 1 06 turn., Cybt-rl1mh m.,nunct•on LO\.f!' ,all U\4-' of cyhC"rhmb f,,. 1010 turrh Rail 106 for lomt.,. tcroltu•,q 1f no hmb pr�enl

1•2 .,fi:HJhl ArM 3 . .. b·h Lco..J 4 •• •• Rn-Jht leo� .S·6 Hlt"hArm

Toul N�ural bt-takdown' 4Kl�t' rlt'duc�d to �-•tch•�. rpd.-.p­h< l1l tOf' 106/1 tum\ No("Kt.


7 8 9

5 Tar .. t 6

2 3 4



Concreto Block Wall Reinforc:ed Wall Brick Wall


Roinforced Wall External Wall Floor I Ceiling

Heavily Reinforced Floor Office/Wood Door

Heavy Wood Door

Concealed Security Door

St .. USec:urity Door

Reinforced st .. l Door

Ploxivlas Windows

Bulletproof Glau

External Wlndowo Car Body, Door

Data Term Mall boll Curto

Armored Fridvo

Weapon Emplacement

Tree, Phone Pole

Concreto Utility Pole

Engine Block


Armored Car Body

AV-4Body Jersey Barrier


Gu8J'd Tower

40120 40120


!10 1!10

Militech Tower 50/ 2!1150/floor

Arasaka Towor 401 20 1:t0/floor

Corp Researc:h Park 30/15 400·1500

Covert Research Baoe 100115 400.1!100

Covert Corp Bunker 75130 750.2000

Corp Tower Bunker 75130 200/floor

Corp Mili..,.ry Baoo 30-80/15 1000-4000 Undervround Ba.. 200 5000

Floatinv City 20+/10+ 500·2000

UnderseaDomo 35115 7511.,.1

Old Undereea Dome 25/S 50/level Un ... raoa Minlnv Op 25/!10 1000-8000

Sea Farm - Luxury

Submarino Pan

Military Sub Pan

20110 400

20110 aoo 20/101000

35115 2000/aub

M olo1uvi. 2m J�''" Flamethrower........ • ....................... 2m Cyberltmb flamethrower ••••••••••••• Mme Cl•ymore C·6

.. 6m '''"" '""'' •t··•.-•ot .. � j\11 , , " • · • •· "' � u• Sm 1,,)

RPC. Mis�tle • Shotglm (Cio<r) .. Shotgu" (M�I). St>otgvn (ln9 E�t) . MlcromtssUe

.-'1m 6m

. . ................... I m ....... 1m

.. lm

MULTIPLE ACTIONS A ) Divide )'OUr c:ombat skill In HALF and round DDWH· (Handgun, Submac:hlne gun, Rifle_,. Heavy Weapon.., Martlal Arts, Nel .. , knclng, and Brawl). The numHr you come up wtth tfte nu.mMr of actions you can make In one round with that akDL Thla ruJe does not apply to fuJt auto or thne round burs-ts. After your cUtaeter bas flrM the maximum amo'"'' of ti"'*S wlttl that aldU the normal penaltiH aJtply. (So If your c:banocter hu a It-gun akUI of 6 he c:an tire ltla weapon 3 tim" 1ft a round wi-t


8) TH player muat Bpeclfy the number of shots to be fired Hfore the flrat dice (aft.,. Initiative) Is rolled.

C) If attacking at over half your rate of fl,., you cannot make a c-alled shot, EXCEPT FOR THE FIRST ATTACK.

D) If attackl rtt more than one target- with the same weapon, there 18 a · 3 pen.alty. Thla fs cumulative tf the character decides to attack more than one person.

E) Aftet' you have attackH at yo u..r maldmum ROF all normal penalties apJ;Jiy. (Conault the rules In Friday Nltlbt Firelight)

F) U tbe w .. pona BOD minimum Ia hi&Mr tban the charac:tera BODY, normal penal and rules •11pty.

G) For the purpose• of thla rWe, all stil\kwto band1una will ha-ve thelr base ROF reduced to one. For charact.r"& with a aJc:UI below • 3-oround lburat weapons may only be fired once. and tf the aklll Ia higher than 4 the w.apon may be fired twice. (The arc-h•ry and heavy weapons skills do not normally apply aa they are usually elthM' single shot or tully automatic weapons.)

H) If th• character hae the martial art Oun·fu then the rvlea for the martial art are applted after the maximum amount of ac-tlona w/o penalty .,.. made and then ttt. normal rule a follow after that. (For more about the rulea aaaoclated wtth Gu•tu consult the laook Uaten Up You Prlmltlve Screwheada or check out my addendum to my MARTIAL ARTS MASTER UST.)

I} ThJa ru .. also applies to m:artlal arts and mel .. attacks but only wtthln normal atdldng range.

(OM'S when applyt"' thla t'\IJe be aure to exen:lM ttlacretJon. common M-ftM will tell )'OU U wllat a c:llarac- Ia attem11tlng Ia feaslble.t

CRITICAL WOUNDS 12. point. In •n eM\ .., ... mtans It cMnot k used until mectfcal ett•ntlon It •oueht.

Single ......,.._ uu....._ 10 .,.11 pol.nt.t. of to otM ., .. CM�:Se crUieal •tr.cts " foUow• IMiow ......

10 Jl(Nnt• In the heed r•qulf'ftS an lnltant Mortal• save and In an� case ,.nde,.. the vlcdm Into a coma •••tt� 2.010 oy s.. A MOrtal.3 death taw mv.t IHt pattod OW'f'Y day for U.o f'lnt half of thlt ume. There lli a 50% chanco of br.a.n dama ... Thh� I• ,.,manent and roduc" INT ._, 04.

10 ,.teu In tho to,... , tnOi•t..,•ltzed beWt tN• _. wtt to t2), '""'',.• • •Inti• ..,._11, (death and ebM) and need• a aave � mhurto .nor� wouAd at one

...wtallewl 1,...'-", (1 ... 2 the.� S tfteft 4 tbe.e 5 etc-). 'T'1IIM contiAuo• W U.. ,..ueat .. S-talllltucl, h .. t.4 ef' ell...._

10 �to any arm.,. 1 ... will a..alll tt.., tt\hl tt M M: � lllle •N Ul'l'l.lllt hu ._ ......._ (U.. "'"'""' tt c:atlftOt M VM4 for t.D10 ..,..g,..... ..,.._., It .. Mt)�

...,..... co.-.... 12. •....,.. polftts of ...,.... wlll c-•t.tM • MOrtol ottKt •• .,.crt.bH

t2 ,,...,. te the hoad, (ettot doubllnt). will kilt the cber•ctor outrteht. Thoy aut.,..tlcally .. trth atat• 10 •• the41t lwla4 .. UteraUy blown offlttl

t2. polalt to the tor .. , (14 * 4aoeeftttalln4 heart), will automatlcall� !lh'l UMt victim at death 1 rotardt"' of woundt., thlt lftcteaa .. as ,., normal. Thl• Npf'otanta m-.}ot lnte-tnal clamago.

12 ,....._. to any arm or lot will either M8ftllelt or MWI' K. �to4� Thlt ,.,..,... tho vktlM make a morUII 0 stun .,.. death ••w. w ttll 8ftOther ....,.. oeo a.v.t __.. ..ct. """ " '

The limb

,., ..,..., ...... ,_, ,. 0... 1 ••· oM f to ,._ Attodr Tobll.

Ar Mflllu., a... •INI bb r ...... ,. ,_ ._,. to ro1m* ,_, •.,... ....._. '--tr .atl &II 7 I A .... n•c tr f a.- ,_ Aa.dl T.rfll.

An unakllfed attempt ,..suits In failure becom••. fumble;. further ron of S.10 means the ei!Cploslve 1�• off ""In your face• (a further Fumble roU of" 8-10 means tbe a.ame thtna for a charaeter with O.moJitlons). A roll of 1 means tt eoes off a utom.aticaD� UH 1renade to dama .. --· 20 Use explosive •• thrown bomb ·--·- 15 TampJna an ewptoslve (5 min+) - -··-·· 15 Mlftlmlze �· shoe- (33'%) ·--· 20 Enhanc:e �· ahoc:kwa.,. (+100%) ..... 20 EVALUATE STRUCTURE FOR WEAKNESS x2 damage ............................................. 20 x3 damage ............................. a.. ••••• -........... 30 x1 .................................................... Failure x113 ................................................ Fumble

MAKINO EXPLOSIVES Nltroglyc:erlne (lab, 24eb/kg) ................. 15 Ounc:otton (lab,10eblkg) ............... -..... 15 TNT (full lab, 20.blkg) ···-·-·-·-·--·-· 20 Plutlque (lull-lab, 50e-g) ----- 25 C& (lul�lab, 7S.bllct) ----·--··-- 35 Chemlc:al delay Ius" (25eb-75eb) _ 20

Ker•nzlkov Booaterwar• -·-··· +1 to +2

Sp••dwar• (fo r S turns) • +3

Ut..rm•nsch Speadwara (for 5 turns) •• +2

Faatdraw (·3 to hit) .............................. +3

Spaadholster (plua Fastdraw) ••••••••••••• +1

Qu lc:kdraw holster (l'lua fastdraw) ••••• +2 Fir• corridor (no +5 for Ambush) ••••••• +1 0 Undarwat•r Combat ••••••••••••••••••••• .(I to ·3

Pressurized environment In water ........ +3 Tallor•d Pharo·Confualon (1m range) ••• ·1


2 (Very Weak) .......................................... .0 3-4 (Weak) ················-· ···· ..... ·-·-······ ·1

5-7 (Average) .................... -·-·--·-· ,·· ·2

8-9 (Strong) ................................... ·3 1 0 (Very Strong) ... ............... ......... -4 11 + ( S uperhuman ) .......................... -5


2 ·2 -1

3-4 ·1 ·1

5-7 +0 +0

8-9 +1 +1

10 +2 +1

11-12 +4 +2

13-14 +6 +3

1 5 + +8 +4

K ey Attack +MArta +MArta



Alm•d strike at vitals .................. ·3

nny target (bullseye, 1-3j .......... ·3 Small target (1ft or smaller) ........ ·2

Improvised weapon ...................... ·2


REF+Skiii+Bonuaea/PenaltJes+1 D1 0



REF+Skiii+Bonuaea/Penaltles+1 D1 0

If there's a tie the def•nder wins.





.s .0 ·5


STRIKI!ICAST: Attack with a melee weapon

PUNCH: Attack with fl•t• or elbo­(Al•o headbutta)

DISARM: Remove weapon

SWEEP: Trip or IU'Iock I oJ�JKintont to ground

BLOCK/PARRY: Un body or weapon to intercept opponent. attack

DODGI!: Evade opponents attack

GRAPPLE: Sleze opponent to Initiate a hold, throw, or choke

THROW: Hurl or toss t�rappled opponent

HOLDIBR EAK! ll'lll'ftOo blllze or do damage

grappled opponent

ICtlfOKI!ICFtU!IH: Dam· or Incapacitate

la,ral�lllled opponent

I!SCAPI!: Free your• self from a grapple, hold, or choke

RAM: Slamming or hurting one.elf Into


Hitting C..t, Ram

Polear• Strike Nor,... Wupon Strllca

PuncJ'I, IUdt OIUII'm, Ram, s-.., Block,

.,.,.... .) Grapple -S Cut

Grabbing .0 Olearm, Grapple, Throw, Hold, Choke, Escape Punc", lUck, sweep,


0oc1se .s Normal sullca REQUIR£MENTS FOR RANGE CHAHGE C:UtJng to Hlttl"F tf you ... _ the area t.,. MA you -1 be able to enter Hitting range. Hitting to Grabbing: Mab Grapple roll. Grabttlng to Hitting: Maka Parry or

0oc1se roll. Hitting to Caltl"F If you ha- the treat.,. MA you may be able to enter Catting range.

JMR{.. 2 3,. 5 6-'7 ltG 10

'Q=aww 10..2. 106-1

IDII ::me

�' 206+2 31»+4 3CI•8 :see.. a

A character can safely negotiate RI!FI1.!1 I( r-ound down) meters without taking l da n1a11 e. fall& cauae 1D6-1 damage per

fallen, and Ia applied to the whole I b•odJf, modified by BTM and armor. Soft

aroma.r (lncludlng akln-ave and aubden'l'lalat·m•IH') provides 1SP va fall damaoge p•r !IOSP, Hard armor provide a

1Sf' v• fall damage per 25SP. [CtaromttiHI•ok 3, pg.2"J

ChiW1M:t;f:; c-.. c.U.J'ftb a nu .. ...., met.,. to Alt Anrasre Alt.letles check •"-ld lte ....... for w.y tura ., ... t

cllrnbl ... , .. lure indicate• • IIOOalbl• IIIII. "" a,...... aODIStr<tnflh check shokltf bo m.ado for the ch....ct•r to hang Ol\l c.limblnt can

,...,..,,. next rotmel. The ........ ,..,t m• wh.., Clllftlllnt wlthoYt tae "'d

a rope Ia MAI2 Meters. The R.f MoWd •••Jan a 41Mc.ulty nu:mber for or St....l'lll Peat checks accor•t"t to tfwt a.heernns and -••

tae awface dlmiHod.

Ammo Type Dmg Cost Notes Smm 1d6 5eb


5d6 55eb


I XI 1 2 X 1.5 1

J x2 2

5 x2 5 2

8 xJ J

10 xJ.5 3

12 x4 4

17 x45 4

21 xS 5

27 x5.5 5

33 x6 6 37 x65 6

41 x7 7

1 Damage Mulbpltef iS the moJUpller IOf 1he base damage oone by orle unrt ol , explost.le So. for instance, 10 kg ot C6 does 8010 x 3 5 damage: potn!S

Radius Bands iS the number ot times lhe explostve radius is rOOIJplled Each basic

r&dous away lrom lhe explosion does half damage. The example 1 0 kg block. of C6 would a'fect ItemS up to 15 metetS away from the e><I)IOslon Wllt\10 5m takes 4010 x3.5damage �Anything Within 6-10 metetS lakes 2010 x 3.5 damage points. Anything Wl1hin 11·15 metetS lakes 1010 x 35 damage porniS. Anyth1ng be)-ond that radius only takes shrapnel damage.


� 1 ;M � ltZ 1:.2 lll-..11 12 ·� ·�· t106/3) 0 0 I I I 2 3 • (106/}) I I 2 2 3 4 5 tt06) I I 1 J • 6 6 7 1206} 2 3 4 s 6 7• &· <)' Oil<>> J •• s· 6' ,. ,- o· to·· <40<>1 .. s· {>' r a- !r ... NA ISD<>I s· 6' ,. ... 9" 10" ... ... (6061 6' .,.. a· 9'" Ill'" ,, .. ... NA UOU» •• s· 6" .,... tr ff" ... NA W.OICt 6" .,.. &· o- ur 11'" NA ... ISO lOt ,.. a· 9" 1()'" 11" 12" NA NA �101 a· !r ro- n- ,,_ IJ"' NA ... C7DICI 9" 16" 11" 12'" 1)" , .... NA NA 180101 11" 12" ··- .. - , ... 20" NA ... 0010t , .. 16" 16" :10" 24" 28" NA NA ........ 16" 18" 20" 24" 26" Jl'" NA ""' � • 'k« dimlgt lhan SIC tO "Ca.66 I po.!t d tbC � OW'04Ij1 � .-mar-�� 10 pendrft -c.eutes I OOtC � t*#'C �� "-d.lm'(lr f:'O'('n 1- � to pcnt"ft.U

On a natural roll of 1, re-roll the d ic e, if you roll under your skill you have fumbled, refer to charts



REFLEX (Combat)

REFLEX I Athletics\

TECH (llttpalr or create)

EMP (Convince. Fan tallt, S.duce)

INT (Figu,. out. Notlctt, catch • clue)

1-4 No fumble. You }ust scr•w u:p ..

S You. drop )"CHar weapon.

8 Weapon dJsdtarges or ablkes

&Omethlnlf! harmless..

7 Weapon jams or Imbeds Itself In the

tiJtOUml for one tum. 8 You manag•--lo wound youraet f.

9 .. 10 You wound a member of

1-4 5-7 Fail miserabl y.. 1 point of damage

(sprain, fa'll), Make a Stun Save.

S.10 Fall abysmally. If a physical action,

take 106 damage, make St u: n Save .. <j 1-4 No rumble. You can't get it tot�eth

5-7 You make tt worse, +5 Difficulty

for next attempt.

S.10 You damaged the cJevlce or

creation beyond repair.

1-4 No fumble. They jullrt won•t tRay iL

5-o8 You not only don't convince them, you leave them totally cold (-4 to next roll).

7•10 They are violently opposed to

anything you want. Ron 1010_. on a

1-4 tbeyattemp t to do you phyalcaJ


1-4 No fu:m.ble. Don't know how to do It, or what's going on.

5 .. 7 You don't bow anything' about

what._ going on. Fast T•lk ·2 to see

if anyon& else notices how dwn.b you

�10 You not only don't know what"• gol:ng on or anything a.bout ttte...-ubje.c

bvt ever·yone knows how ig:nor.ant you •



" -

tt too

o- ..... 001(2._ .. .... v.m� .. --... -- � ,..... �-.. .._ __ .... ... .... ._...., __ Do612-........ ,.. ....... fOI. .__a..- - - .. -- ... ... -.. --... . --..... --.. ....... -... .. ...... .. - ...... ... -� ....... 010 ... � .... --..... .. ............ -o-w..---.- ... .. -....... t q----- ..... .... ... .. .... _,._ ... 011 _ ----- ................. -.... _____ .. .... M41ot:IOIO-"--'-........._ __ _.,. ............. ,........... � _ .... _ ... .,..... -·-- . .. _.. ... ...... 0;1$1A ••tM1AM ¢ .., ... •Sto nutlltML ()pponiW'I I .. Item nd='*f 1COftt. �S.C._. ,... liUCil. .. ........ ...... ..... ,.. """""..., ..... .. ,. __ ___

- ..... ctiAIIf - ... ...,,.,00....,..._. (II- ---.....oo) ..,....,..._ c:..._ ... _ .. ___ \11_., __ _ ----)

........._ .. ....... ., ....... ffttd' ..... ..,.....,... ....... ,.,. • ..,� -•-'-__ ,......,.....,.., ... .,.,oo,...,,.:IG....,.,..., .. ,_ .. ...,. .. ____ _ - - .. ... - ... .. ..... ,_. ........ __ .,._ .__a....... -- .. --... ��� -.. -�-. ·-· leW ... ,...,. M .......,. �f'OII•Molf'ld .. _, � blt'lll. INCIMIW'\

W.NoDIO ... """'tNo--II<M ....... ...__,_ .,...._ ....... -... ... ..-- ................ � ..._, _,_ .. loiOIOO, 1·1�- ooll: l�lO--ZI·:IS­� H-100 Kal't.,. ... o.JI . ... ,�. --· .. ---· __ ... __ _ _ ... -·----� -. ... - .,. .......... ...._ .. .,..,_ "'CIOoi>My. ,...,.,.... .._._..., ....................... .,....-......... 01 .. --. ·� .. .................. ...,.... .................................. � ........ ......

� ... CM .. ,_,.,. .,..... ... ,, . ._. .... ...,... •• ,. ._...-"' u..J�t._.,._. ..., ....... ... -..... .. ..,.. ... ......,....,..� .... ...,. ... o.-....... -..w .... ...,...,_,,.....,.,.....,...,,.,.......,. .. , .. .-..: �..-.-........................................................... .. .......... ,.,..OMtiiiW� ........ eft� I-M.'INrJ ............ ... . .......... , ... � ................... -t .... � --.....

......................... .,. .. '""'.....,.� ........ -, ............. ......... ..... ...... ..... .

law.s on Rc•n•�•le ·�·········· 3 or tower

Standa.-d .. ..... ...................... 5 or lower Unreflabl.e -......... ..... ......... ... 8 or to-wer

On a natural roll of 10, ,..roll and add the n umber to your to-hit total, then re-roll the die one more time, if you roll a 9 or 10 you have crltlcally succeeded. refer to chart:

VEHICLE FAILURE TABLE 1-4 V•htcl• stews brfefly out of control. Weapons fire

at ·5 this turn. May crash If within 2m of an obstacle or vehlde; Dtff 15+ skltl roll or sustain a- sldeswfpct.

S-6 Lose control. Weapons fire at ·10 this turn & next .. Dtff 20+ roll to regain control next turn, failure foreu

another 106 roll on the Fallur• T-a.ble .. Ground vehldu skid 1D10x3m sideways In direction of travel. Air veltlcles stall out. losing 1D10x15m altitude. If vehicle Jnterc•pta an obstacle within thla dJs-tance tt crashes.

7+ Ground vehicles ro11 1D10x3m In direction of tra,.l and take 106 Penetration to their thlnnMt armor each turn for (motors por tum In sp .. d/20) turns. Roll1D10 to determine whlc.h side Is up (1 .. 2 Top, 3..$ Left, 5-6 Right, 7·10 Bottom). Air volllclas go Into a tall spin, losing 1D10x30m per turn until contro11a regained (Diff 25+) or afreraft crashes. No we.apons fire.


1. Weapon doea Doubt• Damage 2.. Weapon doea maximum damage a.s If from a point blank shot 3. You may choose hit location Instead of rolling (head, arm, etc.), In case of

a called shot. you may dloosa a specific location (a1'm, flnger, groin, etc� .. ) 4. The weapon hits: a weak spot In opponents armor (eye ants, Joints.,

b•tween seam&) which Is really only useful when flg·twt:Jng vehicles or powered armor or somesuch, armor Is treated as being .at 1J4th

5. Weapon hits two targets via ricochet or over penetration, ucond target takes haJI damage

6. Weapon hJts something explosiv-e (grenade_, c4, gas tank, ammo, whatev.r) or similar (gas container, acid vial, liquid drug stash, •tc .... ) o.n opponent or target,-only applies- If there Is something of this natur• to actually hit

7. Impact from your weapon automatically results In opponent being dJsarmad 8. BJood, shrapnot, or other substance released from yo11r w.apons damage

flies Into targets eyes, blinding him (klnda Iffy about this one, since logically It could only apply If the lllt was to the front of tlla character)

9. Weapon s-hocks th• enemy mo,. than normal, stun and death saves a t ·2 10.Waapon knocks target oH his foal.

Sf'S Of 1'1111"1 OF fOMMIIN \'IJJII'UI YAUR ftliUIO)II VDIICJJ:S wr-62� ., ... twr�- OOSDP W ftoo"'O O.O,� JOIP IW ...... Oopoy """""' 200--· . ... ; .. e.-e.•; II IOSDP ....._� eo tiP - IOSDP � ... WA0!4d) IS tiP lllal:loMAY"l"""""- =-�AV .. T ....... .._ tOll' t..�AV4� IOIP

�AV4,_... MSDP �AV·7-Ufwwnii!S N ?1 ,__, _ I fc


' Lf11t1' t R.fM' 3 Pi\)1 • o.»t I 'llodr • lllodr 7 Body • Body • llodr 10 w�

Do4u�Av.7-IOIP Uweottd a : 1011' ... �"' It c r IOSI' ,� ..



Al;C50-/Il;C 10-/ll;Cl�­/ll;C20YM lll;CJO�


LFen' Rf�· J..fen•

Pee Rl'an' o.»t Rf..,• Pabl �

Body No!

8ody Body

8ody ·Body

w� Body w._ Body


F.Tn FT•• RTft


E"V'N on-





""" .,;;..., .,.,.,.,... lix.o!.un

IIOU. -- .AniCIIAn 1..1 -- - - -•• .... lilo:.l -.. -----.....

-r. -- -


Ground V-"lc .. lF.T,..

RFrn UlTn

AR.lh �






IIA!'IIJTQ :110a TUut SPt:t:• TABU: •M4 .. DC!"""-Ao8CI"-a --- .,

101!1)h 15m 70fr1lh G--• .,., 4 20rll>h 30m 80qlh lOt •• ----..CI'Jdt •I 30n1lh

t 45m �

401f1lh 60m 1001!1)h Cor S': til - -

.....,log_.. o) � 7Sm -� o) - .a...- .. , 10 ·" 60rroh 90m

�A$ - --.

.. ..


_____ ,;..:�==:..:.1-__ �-===-t---�= r�·-=';;"=-:.1�·---..;.!=�---::��:; : : : � : ,, : ;: 0..,1 .-. •o M JO ,, to n ......,... t2 10 10 II It II U

� t.Z:I tO tO H "tte 1)



•• .. ••




•• ,.

I) •• •• •• ,.


"' ..













- t: '"t" � I'O t.""t"" � ....,.._..., .... c-.:....,..,. ..... ""� . ...... """ ., ........ ... _, .....,. ___ .. � . ... ... ... ......_ . ..., ....,_ � ........... ...

O.rt HeliCOpter AIIOQYIO Boll

L(togN � El9re EnpW>e Ru.;n. E� Et9N PkC � Pll:lf &oN 8odt RE� Aceat PM>! 8ocly

f'jgf Aceat Pibc 8ocly LW"'Q Body Pilei 8ocly RW""G 8odt Roalr Oodr

� llodr Roalr Body

Body 8odr llodr 8ody

Oodr o.»t Body







• ,, ..

11 12

• as .. ..

.. ,.

• ...

.. ...

.. ....

Zl ...

.., ....

.. ..

Tablo 1 Symptoms & Effect• of Hypothermle

s� Sympta> I Numb,_ olnlr<'tNticS (finsen toes). ru:F-1 2 Sttttna. ol joints. limbo. REF-I

3 Slllv<'flttc .,� BODY-I 4 'Tho<.sJ\,. � clisjolnttd. N..Yigotion impouib ... �:�.-r�nt 5 &l.>nc<� goo. wallJng bc<omc-s dllflcuiL 6 Ch4tlk"1<t muot oloep. .. ('l-"11'•'•,..,. Will d1""

CYBERWARE VS COLD WEATHER Cybeme-Uc JWW t• m-ay lie aHocted lly the coJil, especially If no pt"ec::auUonl •r• taken to protect the exposed ecru.lpment. For uampla, c�otttlc• can be protected tty eonle• -.., their •mllleftt teM,.,atuN Mow l'are..

All ft" ...... UMit ....,..,. . ........ the h,..,_Uc ftulri ..._... to fteeu. ,..udne theo ltr•ntth anti Reftew for a..- affeete4 ...a t.y 1 ,... h•u r •• _,..-, 8841 ....._ 10% tea the �· caa.ceof tlewll J' a lllylf'Olh....,. ( ... N� P ....... .... 57). C .......... ., hM'll"t the UMIII ,..lCN"H tile� fu&C1*' flf u.. uft'l-. v.......,_,, ex�ftl the� 8lloWs .....,.. �� fN .. ..... fhoe .......... 'T'benlut •can..nen (IR.,. ,.,.,,.....,.,..., .,. .... efte.cttoM dUe to intanse c.oW.. They ... .,... to .. �M4H8 -..J-"1 Cy\Mrted\.

A.n) chromed, m .. aJIIc, or noncoat.- reptacemeftb aclhM-o to _,. warm o.-poaod akin. If fttllf!M4 .....,n, an amount o f skin equal t o tho cont•c;t .,._. I a removed. Although thla 1\ut'*t clatnato •• only temporary, 1 .. une until ftnt .a•d Ia apptiH. In comb•t •llow tdl ut,.. ctem.ap Oftly If expo..., skin Is atruck. (Northw .. t Pau•••· pe.S&J


RE.ftHC MAlftl I'OOY� t ,t; • --:h t t)Ut to •\'Old dc:tth



1.S GIJI'O! , '"" ..... .....,.,.,_�-Jd6 nu... '"""'""""""' •• INGM ..... -. ftl-b< -.-a,..,..., INJ--fi/IN<Imu Ho-"""'-"••-

... -MAII\IICIION: Tlw4mu -..f E · - -$011 </dlc- Tlw '""""'-""""' �v�nru...,.-..... ..... . llv CAI'J .,_ AI"' ...,.,. ... ..... ,.. -,_,_....,..ay ........ v---..... ,.,..,. obk I ""'" Ill. U



tuintemncc (up 19 a trW< of bas( MR) •l

Per Malfunction .Qnoe nuimtm:nt� ·1 Ptr4 point> o( clallllgt 10d..,;cec ·I Pa "'"kwh'-' besiC maint<Nn« ·I Wtt Coodilloni: (&poso;ho waltf,

swlmmiJ:Wtlownp¢ur) ·2 e.....,.cold(·lre•ndbdewl ·2 N .. r hl&h·oobage � scurttltlghlning ·l Ma)O< jos�mg CV.rochutiog, I:.Uing mort dun }Jn) Hot 6r Humid condllions (iO"+)

n.. dcvl« W1U""' Clfmllt No rrpGin""' b< ....X, 11 mWU .. """"'t

.SOl, J n..�Mu ................ No..,.... ... ,......,, ...... mY COMPI.IX D.£CTJ.OHICS .. . ,_

Poor Sbndard Siort·!lou£111 Good It("' Quollty &allm1 CUilomhfd

W'"'nn$ coo\anuult ....... . • . Onnking double norm,! requirement

w ... ring hght clOtluug........ . . . ..... ...... u ''ill Ptt 4 hour< ••poocd to temp. 30.35C ... -1 H.ead expo.ed (I.e,: no''"'"·· . ..... :"

... �1 W I"' ring heavy clOthing .... -............ , .. -:;! Ptt 4 houra expo><d 10 temp. 36-<tOC � .. -l Pu4 hourstx�scd lo


tomp 'fl-�SC'' .. . -3.



... ActMtY� •ODY a.JO _._.. MMMAI �tMty � ....,.MMIIIIII 800Y • 20

H..,_ Ac1Mty w S,tint.IIIOOY a10 ..e:Oftllllls ,.,..., the ... .,., ,.,... ovt of elr . ..,. ....... 1 ..... • s-•

\IW 811oM -.ty 10 ... ..,.., ot faii WICOI\scJ.-_,., drowft.. IIWtty JO ......... Ute playw _.. Ul'•Vltt he •wtt.n 1 point ef permanen1 ln1-.11tr-� lo • ._ Onoe 4 fllllftvt- ha-ve- paned

w�• ttt• ,..,._, '"' wnoon..o&G�-.t!l• M�tat ·- .... ,1 SO MMII .. IIVft}* ll .... ....

to me!.e • It"'" or O.. th s.,. roM, til• llloes • •• .. c .... .. • •ttftcultr Of .1 . The II•• ..,. __. ..

ca• M e�IIII!M t.r )0 NO-· . tt. pt.,_.-

1.,) GIJI'O!, n..-"""1-J>t 1461\ns. "",.,._ •• ��t.a.· . .... -.........w.-._.,......,.. .. ,.__ <f iN ._. Afou "P"D <n .... llv ..,_ �_.,-•OOIIJ-.... -- ,.,., • • l Aow>. Ill. 20

... •1 �trw»_, ___ _

lo.c-... � .._�....,-- ,, -'"""'' .... --�-·2

0...-� ··--

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