Page 1: currentstateofaairsincybersecurity&cryptology(NWCSC) · 2019-08-17 · Vineet Kr. Rakesh, VECC Kolkata Anand Pandey, VVM Kolkata Purabi Mukherji, VVM Kolkata Invited Speakers : Gulshan




current�state�of�a�airs�in�cyber�security�&�cryptology�(NWCSC)Jointly Organized by :NIT Durgapur & Vivekananda Vijnana Mission, West Bengal

Jointly Sponsored by :

13-14 September 2019, National Institute of Technology (NIT) Durgapur, West Bengal

Cryptology is the study of information hiding and verification and it is also as specific as modern encryption algorithms

used to secure transactions made across digital networks. Cryptology is a technology that can play important roles in

addressing certain types of information vulnerability, although it is not sufficient to deal with all threats to information

security. In our always online world, cryptography is even more important. Today's applications run in a very different

environment than 10-20 years ago. It is developing rapidly and is popularly increasing day-by- day in information science,

particularly in network, banking, email, information security related activities and applications running on smart phones,

virtual machines, scripts running on browsers and IOT devices linking to the cloud. Every organization that handles private

information should use up-to- date cryptography techniques to prevent from vulnerabilities and its safeguard.In

Cryptology two aspects are more important : (1) First is Engineering aspects : Cryptography is one of the essential

technologies used in building a secure VPN. Overall information security is dependent on many factors, including various

technical safeguards, trustworthy and capable personnel, high degrees of physical security, competent administrative

oversight, and good operational procedures. Computer system security, and its (2) Second is Computer Science aspects :

extension Network security & is intended to achieve many purposes. Among them are safeguarding physical assets from

damage or destruction and ensuring that resources such as computer time, network connections.

Who can apply ?Young Under Graduate's Computer Science, Electronics & Communications Engineering & Science Postgraduate Can Participate.

Applications should be send to :Sandip Karmakar (Co-convener NWCSC-2019) NIT Durgapur, West Bengal-713 209e-mail : [email protected]

Application should include the following particulars :(I) (ii) (iii) Name Present A�liation Brief ResumeApplication from participants should be forwarded by the Faculty / Head of the department concerned institution.

Full travel support by train & local hospitality will be provided to the selected participants (Sleeper class for train & bus fare for local participants)and accommodation will be provided to all the students in campus.NIT Durgapur

Registration Fee for students is Only. Rs. 200/-Fee for young faculty members / professionals in cyber security / for IT �eld will be OnlyRs. 1,000/- and accommodation charge extra.

The last date for the submission of application : th August 30 ,2019stList of participants after screening will be displayed by August 31 ,2019

on NIT Durgapur website :

Chief Patron :

V. K. Saraswat

Member, NITI Aayog

Patron :

Anupam Basu

Director, NIT Durgapur

Chairman :

Bimal Roy


National Statistical Commission, GOI

National Advisory Committee :

V. K. Saraswat, NITI Aayog

Anupam Basu, NIT Durgapur

Bimal Roy, ISI Kolkata

Manoj Gaur, IIT Jammu

Devesh C. Jinawala, IIT Jammu

Gulsan Rai, Delhi NSA

Arbind Gupta, Former Dy. NSA

Asok Nanda, IISER Kolkata

Nakul Parashar, Vigyan Prasar

Jayant Sahasrabudhe, VIBHA

Convener :

Ajay Kumar Himanshu, VIBHA

Co-Conveners :

Jaydeep Howlader, NIT Durgapur

Sandip Karmakar, NIT Durgapur

Organizing Secretary :

Tandra Paul, NIT Durgapur

Joint Organizing Secretaries :

Ratnesh Pandey, VIBHA

M. K. Sreeprasad, VIBHA

Organising Committee :

Surojit Das, NIT Durgapur

Sandip Karmakar, NIT Durgapur

Tandra Paul, NIT Durgapur

Suvamoy Changder, NIT Durgapur

Kamal Bhattacharya, NIT Durgapur

Aniruddha Mondal, NIT Durgapur

Parimal Acharjee, NIT Durgapur

Vijay Dwivedi, NIT Durgapur

Soumik Das, NIT Durgapur

Rintu Nath, Vigyan Prasar Delhi

Jishnu Basu, SINP Kolkata

Hemendra Kr. Pandey, VECC Kolkata

Pradip Tarafdar, IISER Kolkata

Susanta Pal, VECC Kolkata

Vineet Kr. Rakesh, VECC Kolkata

Anand Pandey, VVM Kolkata

Purabi Mukherji, VVM Kolkata

Invited Speakers :

Gulshan Rai, Delhi

Manoj Gaur, IIT Jammu

Commodore Anand, NTRO

Debdeep Mukhopadhyay, IIT Kharagpur

Diren Patel, VJIT Mumbai

Abhijit Das, IIT Kharagpur

Indiwar Gupta, DRDO Delhi

Avishek Adhikari, Presidency University

Kannan Sreenathan, IIT Hyderabad

Rajat Moona, IIT Bhilai

K. C. Gupta, ISI Kolkata

Introduction to classical CryptographyProbable securitySecurity reductionsApplied CryptographyNetwork security and blockchain technologyMathematical problem & their application in CryptologyPublic key CryptographyHardware Cryptography

The topics covered during the workshop will be focused on

Page 2: currentstateofaairsincybersecurity&cryptology(NWCSC) · 2019-08-17 · Vineet Kr. Rakesh, VECC Kolkata Anand Pandey, VVM Kolkata Purabi Mukherji, VVM Kolkata Invited Speakers : Gulshan

on13-14 September, 2019

13-14 September, 2019, NIT Durgapur, West Bengal

atNational Institute of Technology (NIT)

Durgapur, West Bengal





Jointly Organized by :

NIT Durgapur & Vivekananda Vijnana Mission,West Bengal, India

Jointly Organized by :NIT Durgapur & Vivekananda Vijnana Mission, West Bengal

Young Under Graduate�s Computer Science, Electronic & Communications engineering & Science Postgraduate participants send their application to Sandip Karmakar (Co-convener, NWCSC-2 0 1 9 ) N I T D u rg a p u r, We s t B e n g a l - 7 1 3 2 0 9 . E - m a i l : [email protected]

NOMINATION FORM(To be submi�ed)

Name of the Par�cipant .................................................................

Name of the Department / Ins�tute ..............................................

Designa�on / Grade ......................................................................

Date of Birth ...................................................................................

Sex : Male / Female

Area ................................................................................................

Ins�tute / Organiza�on ..................................................................

Permanent Address ........................................................................


Contact .......................................E-mail .........................................

Signature of Par�cipant ..................................................................

Signature of HOD. With Official Seal ...............................................

Chief PatronV. K. Saraswat

Member, NITI Aayog

PatronAnupam BasuDirector, NIT Durgapur

ChairmanBimal Roy

Chairman, National StatisticalCommission, GOI

National Advisory Committee :

NITI AayogV. K. Saraswat,

NIT DurgapurAnupam Basu,

ISI KolkataBimal Roy,

IIT JammuManoj Gaur,

IIT JammuDevesh C. Jinawala,

Delhi NSAGulsan Rai,

Former Dy. NSAArbind Gupta,

IISER KolkataAsok Nanda,

Vigyan PrasarNakul Parashar,

VIBHAJayant Sahasrabudhe,

Convener :

VIBHAAjay Kumar Himanshu,

Co-Conveners :

NIT DurgapurJaydeep Howlader,

NIT DurgapurSandip Karmakar,

Organizing Secretary :

NIT DurgapurTandra Paul,

Joint Organizing Secretaries :

VIBHARatnesh Pandey,

VIBHAM. K. Sreeprasad,

Organising Committee :

NIT DurgapurSurojit Das,

NIT DurgapurSandip Karmakar,

NIT DurgapurTandra Paul,

NIT DurgapurSuvamoy Changder,

NIT DurgapurKamal Bhattacharya,

NIT DurgapurAniruddha Mondal,

NIT DurgapurParimal Acharjee,

NIT DurgapurVijay Dwivedi,

NIT DurgapurSoumik Das,

Vigyan Prasar DelhiRintu Nath,

SINP KolkataJishnu Basu,

VECC KolkataHemendra Kr. Pandey,

IISER KolkataPradip Tarafdar,

VECC KolkataSusanta Pal,

VECC KolkataVineet Kr. Rakesh,

VVM KolkataAnand Pandey,

VVM KolkataPurabi Mukherji,

Jointly Sponsored by :

Page 3: currentstateofaairsincybersecurity&cryptology(NWCSC) · 2019-08-17 · Vineet Kr. Rakesh, VECC Kolkata Anand Pandey, VVM Kolkata Purabi Mukherji, VVM Kolkata Invited Speakers : Gulshan

Vivekananda Vijnan Mission (VVM) is one of the largest

Science Movements in West Bengal dedicated to Science

Populariza�on for the Na�onal development. VVM

networks with various science organiza�ons and

conducts programs for the integrated development of

the Students, Women and General Public, Millions of the

people benefited over the decades through our

ac�vi�es. Lead by the top Scien�sts and academicians of

the Country, VVM is having its strong presence in all over

the State.

Young Under Graduate's Computer Science, Electronics

& Communica�ons Engineering & Science Postgraduate

Par�cipants send their applica�on to the Co-convener of

the workshop The e-mail : [email protected].

applica�on should include the following par�culars (i)

Name (ii) Present Affilia�on (iii) Brief Resume.

Applica�on from par�cipants should be forwarded by the

Faculty / Head of the department concerned ins�tu�on.

Full travel support by train & local hospitality will be

provided to the selected par�cipants (Sleeper class for

t ra i n & b u s fa re fo r l o ca l p a r � c i p a nt s ) a n d

accommoda�on will be provided to all the students in

NIT Durgapur campus.The Na�onal Ins�tute of Technology Durgapur is a public

engineering ins�tu�on located in Durgapur, West Bengal,

India. Formerly known as the Regional Engineering

College, Durgapur (REC Durgapur), it is among the first 8

Regional Engineering Colleges established in India and

was founded in 1960 by the then Chief Minister of West st

Bengal, Bidhan Chandra Roy. Today it is one of the 31

Na�onal Ins�tutes of Technology in India and has been

recognized as an Ins�tute of Na�onal Importance by the

Government of India under the Na�onal Ins�tutes of

Technology Act, 2007.

In this proposed workshop near about 100 - 125 under

graduate B.Tech and Science graduate / post graduate

students across the country are expected to par�cipate.

Experts in the field will be invited to deliver lectures

star�ng from basic ideas related to cyber security &

cryptology to state of art of vulnerabili�es and

safeguards. Aim of this workshop is to bring together the

experts in the subject to provide the young

undergraduate par�cipants with exposure to latest

research developments in Cryptology and Network

Security. Resources persons from NSA, IITs, NITs, ISI,

DRDO and other reputed Ins�tutes' will be delivering

lectures. The lists of confirmed speakers are

About NIT Durgapur, West Bengal

Introduc�on to classical Cryptography

Probable security

Security reduc�ons

Applied Cryptography

Network security and blockchain technology

Mathema�cal problem & their applica�on in Cryptology

Public key Cryptography

Hardware Cryptography

The topics covered during the workshop will be focused on Important Dates

The last date for the submission of applica�onth

August 30 ,2019

List of par�cipants a�er screening will be displayed by

stAugust 31 ,2019

on NIT Durgapur website :

Support for travel and accommoda�on will be provided

to undergraduate / Post graduate par�cipants in NIT

Durgapur campus only.

Registra�on fee for Students is Rs. 200/- only. Fee for

young faculty members / professionals in cyber security /

for IT field will be Rs. 1,000/- Only and accommoda�on

charge extra.

Travel and accommodation

Invited Speakers :

Gulshan Rai, Delhi

Manoj Gaur, IIT Jammu

Commodore Anand, NTRO

Debdeep Mukhopadhyay, IIT Kharagpur

Diren Patel, VJIT Mumbai

Abhijit Das, IIT Kharagpur

Indiwar Gupta, DRDO Delhi

Avishek Adhikari, Presidency University

Kannan Sreenathan, IIT Hyderabad

Rajat Moona, IIT Bhilai

K. C. Gupta, ISI Kolkata

About Vivekananda Vijnan Mission, West Bengal Registration Fee Objective of the workshop

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