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ALISS Making Self-Management Support more findable

Access to Local Information to Support Self-ManagementA collaboration between the Scottish Government, NHS Scotland, and the Long Term Conditions Alliance Scotland…and ever so many other organisations…and people…

[email protected]

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We’re often asked

“how will the data that you can get from ALISS be quality-assured?”

People can be quite anxious about this. We’ve designed things so the load can be shared across organisations, so that differing views can be accommodated, so that the way the ALISS community quality-assures material is ‘extensible’.

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ALISS engineALISS engineALISS engineALISS engine

In the ALISS engine, the 3 key information-service tasks are devolved

collect itcollect itcollect itcollect it sort itsort itsort itsort it publish publish itit

publish publish itit

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Once a resource is in the ALISS Engine, people with accounts can add keywords or more information, like sticking a post-it note on. We call that ‘curation’, meaning collecting information and labelling it in ways that make it more useful and easier to find.

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Location: indexed

Subsequent curation

Resource: original spotter


Free text description: indexed

‘flag’ – could be alert


Resource: original curation

Here is a curation in the Engine, ‘unpacked’

Click on the title to go to the original resource

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Asbestos GroupAsbestos Group




All curations are combined with original resources in the index. So if someone sees a resource as being useful for a different group, they can tag it and it will then show up in searches using that tag.

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SearchesAsbestos GroupAsbestos Group SearchSearchSearchSearch

glasgow, support groupglasgow, support group


Only ‘Links’ Practices Only ‘Links’ Practices collectionscollections


Only ‘Links’ Practices Only ‘Links’ Practices collectionscollectionsasbestosasbestos

Searches on the Engine will use the combined index entry to make the resource more findable, or a search can be limited to resources curated by a particular group or groups.

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A key concept here is the ‘ALISS account’, which identifies different collections of ALISS resources. These accounts can be linked together in a variety of ways, across organisations or parts of the same one.

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ALISS engineALISS engine…managed (curated) info flows out to intermediary information services

So a wide variety of info can be contributed to the Engine, and…

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For further infoKey Links:

• ALISS demo site – searches, curations etc.

• ALISS Project Blog:

• ALISS Engine explained:

Key Contacts:

[email protected] / [email protected]

• @alissproject on twitter

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