
The BulletinLast Update November 24 2020

Cupe Local 474

10989-124 st

Edmonton, Alberta

T5M 0H9


[email protected]

©Published by the Workers of CUPE 474

December 8 - Executive Meeting 5:00 pm

December 12 - General Membership Meeting via Zoom

Salvation Army GVP Election

9:00 a.m.

Contact the hall for login information

Dec 24 - Christmas Eve - ½ Day holiday EPSB

Dec 25 - Christmas Day - Holiday

Dec 28 - Day in Lieu for Boxing Day - Holiday EPSB

Dec 31 - New Years Eve - ½ Day Holiday EPSB

January 1 - New Years Day - Holiday

November 24, 2020


RE: White Ribbon Campaign 2020

Every year since 1994, Local 474 has distributed White Ribbons to its members and to the staff of Edmonton Public Schools to wear. This year is unlike no other in our lifetimes. Instead of distributing 10,000 white ribbons to all our sites, we are making a sizable donation on behalf of Edmonton Public School Custodial Workers to various organizations that support this work and asking that our colleagues in the Division support the White Ribbon Campaign virtually and in our worksites.

The White Ribbon campaign will run from November 23rd to December 6th. It is our attempt to make the public aware that violence against women happens at home, on the street, and in the workplace, and that it is unacceptable.

Statistically, one woman in Canada is killed by their partner every six days. Canadians spend in excess of 7 billion dollars a year to address the aftermath of spousal violence even though as much as 70% of incidents are not reported. Domestic violence also tends to increase when an economy is in a downturn.

CUPE 474 is asking all Edmonton Public staff to take the small step of recognizing this issue with the hope it will make a positive impression and help make violence against women and violence in the workplace less acceptable or tolerated.

Thank you for your support.

November 16 2020

Incident Reporting

(Oxiver TB)

There is an ongoing concern regarding Oxiver TB, especially when used in the Victory Sprayers. Even though proper PPE must be worn when using this product, some custodians are reporting issues with respiratory, eye and skin irritation.

If you are experiencing concerns regarding the use of Oxiver, any and all incidents MUST be reported using the employers Incident Report Form (click to download)

According to the Occupational Health and Safety Act, each and every employee has the following three fundamental rights:

· the right to know about the hazards they are being exposed to

· the right to participate in identifying, assessing, and controlling workplace health and safety hazards

· the right and obligation to refuse unsafe work

Proper channels must be used when addressing workplace hazards. Without documented incident reports, the employer will consider this a non-issue.

If you require further explanation, please call the Union Office

November 13 2020

1 - For your information, there was a Letter of Understanding signed by the Local that created a new classification.

The Employer wanted to increase the responsibilities and pay for “Lead Cooks” as well as create a new classification called “Cook”. Cook has the same rate of pay as the previous Lead Cook position.

2 - With the departure of Denard Miller, Salvation Army requires a General Vice President. A GVP Election is scheduled for the December the 12, 2020 General membership Meeting. As was the case this summer, all nominations need to be emailed to the office. The deadline for nominations is December 7

Any questions call the office

November 5 2020

2020 Christmas Party Cancelled Due to Covid 19 Sisters, Brothers and Friends. Your Local Executive has made the difficult decision to cancel this year’s annual Christmas Parties at West Edmonton Mall. It is with regret that we have decided to postpone this year’s party but until we can gather safely, it would be foolish to risk the safety of our members and our members' children by gathering so many people in one space. We understand the desire to celebrate the season with each other, but our duties as citizens under pandemic protocols cannot be ignored, if even for a few hours. This is bigger than our individual selves, wants or desires. At this moment in time, we firmly believe the focus should be on getting through the pandemic safely. As frontline workers, we have endured layoffs, increased workloads and increased anxiety because of this menace. Once we are on the other side of this health emergency, Local 474 will commit to holding a celebration that will make up for this year's lost opportunities to celebrate together. The size and scope of this event will be symbolic what our members, the unsung heroes, deserve. What it will require Brothers, Sisters and Friends, is patience, resilience and understanding.We will continue to stand strong and proud and go about our business of keeping ourselves and the public safe, first and foremost.

November 5 2020

Good and Welfare

Your Local sent out 10 gift cards to members who had taken ill or suffered the loss of a family member in the month of October.

If you were off sick for 5 days or more, or have suffered a loss of a family member, please contact the Union Office

Over the past two months, your Local has sent out over 1000 Cupe474 masks to our members.

Mental Health

Self Help Guide - Alberta Health

Some Self Help tips from Alberta Blue Cross

Homewood Health

November 5 2020

There is no doubt about it, the UCP have set their sights on Unions. We know this by the Legislation they have passed, and are planning to pass soon. Their philosophy actually looks at Unions as “evil”, something that gets in the way of profit.

Bill 32, called “Restoring Balance in Alberta’s Workplaces” , in no way is designed to provide anything close to balance. The fact is, the balance was already heavily in favour of Employers. The Bill is designed to effectively tie Unions up in red tape to make doing business extremely difficult, if not impossible and to remove our voice and ability to advocate for decent wages, working conditions and improved Social Justice issues for our members.

Bill 15, called “Protecting Choice in Education”, again in no way addresses what the title says it is. The Bill strengthens Private Schools while creating a shortfall of funding for Publicly funded schools. By creating these budgetary shortfalls, pressure is put on the various employment groups in regards to staffing. These groups just happen to be Union workers like CUPE 474 members.

Bill 1 is laughably labelled as the “Protecting Critical Infrastructure” Act. This Bill funnels public anger into a labyrinth of rules and regulations . Concerned citizens are limited to where, how and when they can protest. Unions have restrictions placed on picket lines. This Bill is in complete violation of the Charter of Rights, and they know it. The problem is that it takes years to get cases before the Supreme Court. They’re counting on Unions being a memory by the time the cases are heard. There were already laws in the criminal code that protected public infrastructure. This law is oppressive and authoritarian as it stifles dissent and opposition.

As a Local, we had several members on the picket line on October 26, supporting Health Care Workers. It was an eye opener in the fact that almost all the traffic driving past the Royal Alexandra Hospital, were honking their horns in support. We already know that most Unionized workers support the cause, but it is energizing to realize a good number of Albertans who are not involved in a Union, also take issue with what this government is doing. We need them to effect change.

Which brings us to the question, dear members, what can you do? We realize that everyone has a different level of comfort in regards to engaging in political action. We don’t expect all of our members to grab a sign and join a protest, (would that be amazing? Absolutely) but you can do…. something. If you are reading this off the internet, you have access to the means of protest. You can follow our Social Media pages and those of our allies, to keep informed about protests, picket lines and just general information. By liking, sharing and commenting on those links, you are amplifying the message. You are actually joining in dissent and you don’t even have to leave the comfort of your couch. In this digital age, governments have been held to account by movements starting on Social Media. As a member of a targeted group, you owe it to yourself to at least make a minimal effort to protect your interests. You can’t expect “someone else” to do it for you this time. This time, “someone else” is you.

We are always available at the hall if you want more information.

AFL President Gil McGowan speaking at The Royal Alexandra walkout Oct 26

Some Useful links

New and Proposed Legislation

Legislative Assembly of Alberta

November 3 2020

Meeting Notice:OFSS Only

Proposal Presentation Prior to the Commencement of Bargaining for a new Collective Agreement

The CUPE Local 474 Negotiating Committee has prepared proposals for changes to our current Collective Agreement based on the bargaining surveys that we received from the Membership. The Negotiating Committee will present these proposals on this date and seek the approval of the membership to take them to negotiations with our employer.

Tuesday November 17, 2020

From 7:00 a.m to 7:00 p.m

@CUPE Local 474 Hall

There will be no time off from work for these discussions. The office will be open for a 12 hour period for you to come in at your own availability

Covid 19 protocols will be in effect. Masks and Social distancing are required

November 5 2020

We wish Denard Miller success as he moves on to some other challenges.

There will be an election at the December General Membership Meeting to fill the position of General Vice President Salvation Army Centre of Hope.

November 5 2020

Please email us your updated contact information!!

Having a non-work email address on file will help us get important information to you quickly. It is also essential for Zoom logins

Barry - [email protected]

Gord - gord,[email protected]

Gary - [email protected]

If you have any suggestions for future publications of the CUPE 474 Bulletin, please email the office or the Executives above

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