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This is a time where people are really talking about New Year’s resolutions, new starts. It’s a brand new year, brand new day and they’d really love to break free of some of the old stuff--go into some beautiful new green pastures in their life.

I was at the gym the other morning and of course, the gym this week is busier than it’s been all year. But give it a couple of weeks and it’s probably going to be back to normal again. One of the personal trainers came up to me, and thought he was making kind of cordial talk and he said, ‘Hey, it’s a new year. Do you even remember any of your resolutions?” I said “Well, absolutely, I do” and he said “Well, how many have you all of them yet or forgotten them yet?” and I ‘m like “No, I really haven’t.” But you know that’s kind of the current state of affairs.

What a lot of us do, we set those New Year’s resolutions and then, if we’re not careful we don’t check in to see how we’re doing until New Year’s next year. And so, what I really encourage people to do is find a point of inspiration. You know, we tend to overestimate what we can do in a year and underestimate what we can do in a decade.

You know, so many of us want to turn around, you know states of affairs

that we’ve created over years and years of habits in a nanosecond and it probably isn’t going to work. You don’t turn a battleship around on a dime. You know, you turn it around over time staying the course and holding steady. So what I would encourage everyone to do is find a program like Science of Success.

This program, as much, if not more, of anything I’ve ever been exposed to will get you clear, not only of what you’re capable of creating, but exactly how to do that. So when you sit down, which I ask you to do in the program and define your vision for your life, come up with something that really inspires you. You know, something that, that makes you enthusiastic because if you, you know, set some kind of goal or vision for your life that is someone else’s. It’s not going to inspire you, and you’re probably going to burn out.

And that’s where I find a lot of people who are depressed. You know a lot of people who are overwhelmed or are not excited about their life. When I begin to talk to them, they’re living someone else’s life. It’s more noble to imperfectly pursue your own passions than to perfectly pursue someone else’s.


by Scott Martineau

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December 2008 / Issue 28

PUBLISHERAndrés Rodríguez


GRAPHIC DESIGNERCamilo Londoño-Sterling


Scott MartineauOscar Enriquez

Joy JerniganLesley Lyon

Laura MedinaDave Poon

Nelson MelgarMary Ann Avey

SOURCES PR Ministry of Tourism



Culturas Magazine

London, Ontario


519 639 2958 ó 519 936 [email protected]

Culturas Magazine is a publication with an educational and informative base, the one that must be carried to the Hispanic community and Canadian field of educa-tional and general inte rest. By these reasons, Culturas Magazine does not hold responsible itself by the dam-

ages or wrong interpretations that can generate some of the announcements or the articles written here. All the copyrights and its partial or total publication is prohib-

ited. The designs are exclusive of Culturas Magazine and they cannot be used in other publications without writ-ten authorization. The articles or announcements that

are designed by the magazine for them to be published do not represent necessarily the thought or ideology nor

the interests of Culturas Magazine.

5 ProfileIrene Mathyssen, our member in the Parliament

6 Segura Un Vistazo a los TFSA

7 Our recipe Salvadorian Roasted Turkey

8 TodayWhen you don’t want to be Facebook friends

10 HealthMedicinal Values of Green Tea

12 LondonBarry Mcdowell y su equipo triunfador

13 EventsThe First Christmas Fest

14 Home Is Your Home Ready for Christmas?

16 BeautyWhy use Organic skin Care Products?

18 Tourism Dominican Republic

20 EducaciónLa Educación Internacional

21 ParentsWays to Avoid Holiday Meltdowns and Blow Ups

22 Horoscope

PLUS! Commercial Map of London

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Born and raised in London’s east end, daughter of Vince and Betty Williams, Irene Mathyssen is a Member of Parliament who is rooted in the community she represents. Mathyssen learned early on how working families struggle to make ends meet. In a time before Medicare, Mathyssen’s younger brother was born with significant health problems. Her parents struggled to pay the medical bills while keeping food on the table.

It was her family’s struggle with healthcare costs that first sparked Mathyssen’s interest in politics.

“I can remember sitting with my grandmother, who was a very political active woman in her own way, watching Tommy Douglas at the founding convention of the NDP on a small black and white TV. Tommy spoke with such passion about access to healthcare for all, not just for those who could afford it, and even as a child that appealed to me because I understood how that would make things better for my family,” said Mathyssen.

Always a good student, Mathyssen saw a good education as her best opportunity to improve her life. Graduating from Clarke Rd. Secondary School, she then went on to study at the University of Western Ontario. Working her way through school, including a stint as a Bell Canada operator, Mathyssen set her sights on teaching as a way to help other young people improve their opportunities in life.

She also fell in love with Keith Mathyssen, an immigrant to Canada from the Netherlands. They were happily married and will celebrate their 35th anniversary in 2009.

The arrival of a daughter, Lindsay, completed the happy family and Mathyssen established a stable career for herself in teaching with the Thames Valley School Board in London. Teaching also provided an opportunity for Mathyssen to engage in “grassroots” politics, as she became involved with her union the OSSTF, the Ontario Health Coalition, and the London District Labour Council. As a teacher, Mathyssen also encouraged her students to think about social issues, helping students organize clubs to promote multi-culturalism, fight racism, and promote equality issues.

In the late 1980’s Mathyssen was approached by Pat Chefurka to consider running for the NDP. Chefurka was the first woman to run for federal office in south western Ontario, and she was equally persistent about encouraging other women to seek office as well. So in 1990, Mathyssen found her name on an election ballot for the first time, and in the surprise surge that elected Ontario’s first NDP government, she found herself elected as the MPP for London-Middlesex.

Mathyssen’s first experience in political office was certainly challenging. The province was struggling in the midst of a global recession, and the federal government

was slashing transfer payments to the provinces, budgets strapped and struggling to even pay for existing services. Although her government was faced significant challenges, Mathyssen earned praise from both her constituents and her legislative colleagues for her honesty and hard work. She served as parliamentary secretary to the Minister of the Environment and in 1994-1995 was the Minister of Tourism, Culture, and Recreation.

When the NDP government was defeated in 1995, Mathyssen returned to teaching and community activism. She remained an outspoken advocate for affordable housing and fair workplace practices, among other causes.

In 2003 the NDP elected a new federal leader, Jack Layton, who also approached politics from his “grassroots” experience. After coming a close second in the provincial election in 2003, Mathyssen’s supporters encouraged her to make the leap to federal politics. After discussing it with her family, she re-launched her political career.

When the Liberal Sponsorship Scandal brought down the minority government in November of 2005, Mathyssen was successfully elected to parliament in January 2006, becoming the first New Democrat ever elected to the Parliament of Canada from the London region.

Her hard work was recognized by her constituents in October 2008, when they re-elected her by a huge margin. She defeated the Conservative candidate by nearly 5000 votes and had a 10,000 vote margin over the Liberal candidate. But Mathyssen isn’t taking that support for granted.

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Las TFSA (Tax-Free Savings Account) o Cuentas de Ahorro Libres de Impuesto fueron presentadas a consideración del parlamento canadiense en el 2008 y recibieron la aprobación para comenzar el 1 de Enero del 2009.

Este nuevo tipo de cuenta permite ahorrar dinero para cualquier propósito, con la ventaja de que los intereses o ganancia generados son libres de impuesto. También pueden ser una gran adición a los ahorros de RRSP. Por ejemplo, si el límite para estos ha sido copado o si la persona esta retirada.

Lo más importante de los TFSA es que son una buena manera de obtener descuento de impuestos y a la vez tener inversiones de corto o largo plazo.

Beneficios de los TFSA

• Se puede contribuir hasta $5,000 por año, libres de impuesto. Este limite podrá ser incrementado en el futuro por el gobierno federal

• Las contribuciones no dependen de los niveles del ingreso. Es decir, que no se debe justificar un ingreso para poder ahorrar en TFSA, como si se debe hacer con los RRSP

• Se puede retirar el dinero en cualquier momento, sin pagar impuesto o penalización por los intereses ganados.

• No se pierde el límite de contribución. Si usted no contribuye en un año determinado, el limite se amplia en el mismo monto para el año siguiente. Por ejemplo, si usted contribuye $2,000 en el 2009, el limite de su contribución para el 2010 será de $8,000 ($3,000 del 2009 mas

$5,000 del 2010)

• El dinero que se retire puede ser depositado de nuevo al año siguiente

o en un año posterior, en adición al limite de contribución

• Usted puede proveer dinero a su pareja o a sus hijos mayores de 18

para que ellos puedan ahorrar en TFSA, sin que eso afecte sus propios

impuestos. Los intereses ganados van a nombre de quien figure como

dueño de la cuenta. Nota: Los fondos deben provenir directamente

del dueño de la cuenta y no de un tercero, aunque el dinero sea dado

por los padres o esposo/a.

• No hay un monto máximo de contribución a lo largo de la vida. El

limite crece en $5,000 cada año y no depende del ingreso

• Los activos dentro de los TFSA pueden ser usados como respaldo

para préstamos, pero no hay deducción de impuestos si toma dinero

prestado para invertirlo en TFSA

Este novedoso producto surgió como un estimulo para el ahorro

y como una herramienta mas dentro del portafolio de inversiones.

Como todos los productos financieros, su aplicabilidad depende de

sus objetivos y su capacidad de inversión. Comuníquese con su asesor

financiero de SunLife y juntos podrán determinar si esta nueva opción

de ahorro se ajusta a sus necesidades.


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Our Recipe

Ingredients• 10 large Roma (plum) tomatoes, halved and


• 1 large green bell pepper, halved and seeded

• 2 tablespoons vegetable oil

• 1 (10 pound) whole turkey, neck and giblets


• 1 Granny Smith apple - peeled, quartered,

and cored

• 1 (5 ounce) jar pitted green olives, drained

• 2 dried chiles, stemmed and seeded

• 1/2 cup raw pumpkin seeds

• 2 bay leaves

• 1 onion, cut into chunks

• Salt and pepper to taste

Directions 1. Place an oven rack in the topmost position and preheat oven on the broil setting. Line a baking sheet with aluminum foil.

2. Place tomatoes and bell pepper onto the baking sheet, cut-side down. Broil on top rack of preheated oven until the skins begin to blacken, about 5 minutes. Place charred vegetables into a bowl and seal with plastic wrap to steam until their skins loosen. Lower oven rack to accommodate a roasting pan, and turn oven to 325 degrees F (165 degrees C).

3. Meanwhile, pour vegetable oil into a roasting pan (or skillet large enough to fit the turkey), and place over medium-high heat. When hot, add the turkey and sear on all sides until browned, about 10 minutes. Once the turkey has been browned, place breast side up into the roasting pan, and stuff with quartered apples and olives. Set aside.

4. Heat a skillet over medium-high heat. Add the chiles, pumpkin seeds, and bay leaves. Cook and stir until the pumpkin seeds begin to smell toasted, about 5 minutes, and then pour the mixture into a blender.

5. Once the tomatoes and peppers have steamed enough that the skins have loosened, remove and discard the skins. Place tomatoes, green peppers, and onion into the blender with the pumpkin seeds. Blend until you have a thick, smooth sauce. Season with salt and pepper to taste, adding a little liquid from the olives if desired.

6. Brush the sauce onto the turkey, and place into preheated oven. Cook until a meat thermometer inserted in

the meaty part of the thigh reads 180 degrees F (80 degrees C), about 3 hours, basting occasionally.

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Connecting with your past can bring up those old, uncomfortable feelings.

ndrea Smith recently received a Facebook friend invitation from someone she went to junior high school with — 23 years ago.

“I found it kind of baffling,” said Smith, 38, of Ypsilanti, Mich. “I knew who she was, but I don’t recall that we were ever friends. I don’t recall that we ever had a conversation.”

Social networking sites such as Facebook have experienced phenomenal growth in the past year, according to market researcher comScore. Facebook is now the No. 1 social networking site, with more than 120 million active users, and its fastest growing demographic is those 25 and older.


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But with so many opportunities these days to connect with people online, some are confronting a question they thought they had left behind during their awkward adolescent years: What if I don’t want to be your friend?

“It’s really odd when suddenly your past comes out and finds you,” said Troy Sandal, 38, of San Francisco, who says he’s been contacted recently by former high school classmates. His 20-year high school reunion was held over the summer, although he did not attend. “To be honest, I had two friends in high school and I kept in touch with one.”

Sandal, who’s been on Facebook for about two years, says he’s not interested in collecting a large number of online friends. “You don’t want to add them as friends, you want to add them as ‘Hey, I knew yous,’ ” he said.


It’s perfectly OK to ignore an invitation, especially one the sender has made no effort to tailor specifically to you, said Jason Alba, CEO of and co-author of “I’m on Facebook — Now What???”

“You don’t have to respond to every single thing that comes at you,” he writes.

Some users of social networking sites prefer to “friend” people who are colleagues or friends in real life. Some send invitations to friends of friends in an effort to expand their network, while others attempt to friend someone who has an interesting profile. Those new to Facebook are prompted to send a friend request to everyone in their address book (although they have the option to skip this step).

That’s what happened to Laura Hesse, 36, of Orange, Calif. When she signed up for Facebook in August, she had a friend talk her through the initial setup. In the process, she sent a mass invitation of friendship to

everyone in her address book — including a family member she had cut all ties with.

“I had no idea what I was doing!” Hesse said. “I was like, ‘Oh my God, no, she’s going to get it!’ ”

Sure enough, the woman accepted Hesse’s unintended invitation of friendship.

“She was able to catch up on the past three or four months of my life,” said Hesse, including photos of her kids and a recent kitchen remodel. “I kind

of felt like she got a whole glimpse of it within a few hours. There’s a reason they’re not in my life, and there’s a reason I didn’t want them to see this stuff.”

As soon as Hesse realized she could “unfriend” her family member — by clicking on the X to the right of her name — she did. Hesse then disappeared from her relative’s Facebook page, although she later heard the woman was devastated when she found out.


Such examples of social networking faux pas are nothing new to teenagers, who were first forced to figure out the boundaries of acceptable social behavior on MySpace a couple of years ago, said Danah Boyd, a fellow at the Harvard Berkman Center for Internet and Society.

“You go through a period of absolute social awkwardness,” she said, as every new wave of people to get connected works out social norms within the technology.

It’s all about dealing with expectations, said Ariel Waldman, community manager for Pownce, a social networking and microblogging site. “In Web 2.0, people have developed expectations of what friending or not friending means. They get put off if their expectations are not met.”

One person might want to follow only 200 people on Twitter, for example. Another might prefer to friend only those in the same geographic location.

“Everyone has different communication protocols,” Waldman said. “The important thing is defining what your own protocols are.”

Then there’s the issue of real friends versus online friends. Take Hal Niedzviecki of Toronto, who wrote about his experience throwing a “Facebook party” for the New York Times Sunday Magazine. He invited his nearly 700 online friends to meet him at the neighborhood bar. One showed up.

However, there are benefits to maintaining a large network of friends, said Nicole Ellison, an assistant professor in the Department of Telecommunication, Information Studies and Media at Michigan State University.

It’s perfectly OK to ignore an

invitation, especially one the

sender has made no effort to

tailor specifically to you


EXTENDEDSHOPPINGHOURSMonday to Saturday9:30 am to 9:30 pm

Sunday 10:00 am to 6:00 pm

On Wellington Road, just north on HWY 401 www.WhiteOaks

HOLIDAY HOURSHOLIDAY HOURSChristmas Eve ~ December 24th

9:30 AM to 5:00 PMChristmas Day ~December 25th

White Oaks Mall will be closedBoxing Day ~ December 26th

9:00 AM to 6:00 pmNew Years Eve ~ December 31

9:30 am to 5:00 pmNew Year’s Day ~ January 1st

White Oaks Mall will be closed

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Green tea is believed to be in use as a medicine for at least 4000 years in china. It is also believed that green tea lowers the cholesterol levels by increasing the good cholesterol and decreasing the bad cholesterol.

Even though the French people consume diet rich

in fat, they are less prone to heart attack than the

Americans. Similarly, even though 75 percent of the

Japanese are smokers, they are less affected. This is

because EGCG is more in green tea used by them. It

acts as a protective agent against premature death

from heart attack and cancer.

by Lesley Lyon

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Green tea also destroys bacteria thus preventing tooth

decay. Researchers have also found that green tea even

helps dieters. The leaves of green tea can also be used for

cooking. The leftover leaves can be used as manure for

garden plants to grow better. The ingredient present in

green tea is polyphenol. It is the most effective antioxidant.

It is present in higher amount in green tea than in black


The basic difference between green

tea and other teas like oolong and

black tea is that while the latter

come from the leaves of camellia

simens plant, green tea is processed

in a different way. Green tea leaves

are steamed which prevents the

EGCG, a power antioxidant, from

being oxidized. In contrast, black

and oolong leaves are made from

fermented leaves and so EGCG is

converted into other compounds,

which are effective in preventing and

fighting various diseases.

Clinical trials indicate that green tea raises metabolic

rates and speeds up fat oxidation. Green tea also raises

thermo genesis (the rate at which calories are burnt)

and hence increases energy expenditure. Green tea also

increases endurance in exercise.

Drinking green tea has a whole lot of benefits like fighting

against cancer, stabilizing diabetes, helping in weight

loss, slowing the ageing process and helping digestion.

Green tea also enhances immunity in our body. About

four cups of green tea each day provides 300 to 400

mg of polyphenols, which help in antioxidant activity.

These antioxidants help in slowing diseases. A research

Institute in Tokyo found that drinking green tea is the

best method to prevent cancer at present. All types of

cancer like stomach, lungs, breast, liver, colon and rectal

can be prevented by green tea.

Green tea prevents cholesterol from

being absorbed by the digestive tract.

This in effect means that even if the

fat is taken, the body does not absorb

it. Green tea also helps in preventing

unhealthy clotting. Rinsing the

mouth with green tea after meals

helps in fighting bacteria and thus

prevents cavities. One cup of tea

with each meal acts as a metabolic

stimulant. This helps in weight loss.

The caffeine in the tea burns extra

calories in the body and fat is digested by polyphenols. A

recent study stated that EGCG found in green tea could

help to boost one’s immune system thereby helping to

prevent HIV.

And to top it all, green tea probably is the only substance

in the world with so many medicinal values and without

a single side effect!

Drinking green tea has a

whole lot of benefits like

fighting against cancer,

stabilizing diabetes, helping

in weight loss, slowing the

ageing process and helping

digestion. Green tea also

enhances immunity in our


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regunte a sus clientes y ellos les dirán que cuando tratan con Barry McDowell y su

equipo en State Farm, ellos se sienten tratados como si fueran alguien de la familia.

Hace más de treinta años, Barry empezó con State Farm

después de haber trabajado como gerente en Eaton

Financial en London. Barry decidió convertirse en un

agente de State Farm cuando tuvo la oportunidad de abrir

su propio negocio.

Su negocio ha ido creciendo al pasar de los años,

especialmente con el programa de referidos que su oficina

maneja. “Es un privilegio que nuestra clientela confíe en

nuestros servicios y que nos permitan poder manejar sus

necesidades de seguros. También nos sentimos honrados

cuando ellos sienten la confianza de referir a su familia y

amigos a nuestra oficina.”

Además de vender una completa gama de

productos de seguros, State Farm tambien

ofrece servicios financieros y financiamiento

de vehículos por medio de State Farm

Finance Corporation.

Su agradable e informado equipo comparte

la misma dedicación de proporcionar un

excelente servicio al cliente.

Barry cuenta con dos miembros licenciados de habla

hispana en su equipo los cuales trabajan muy de cerca con

la comunidad Latina que crece cada vez más en esta área.

“Nosotros estamos realmente tratando de expandir nuestra

agencia al mercado Latino y queremos invitar a la toda la

comunidad a conocer nuestra agencia de seguros State


Laura Medina y Mario Rivas son personas muy activas

en su comunidad y ha sido muy gratificante para ellos el

poder ayudar a los clientes de habla Hispana a tener un

mejor conocimiento y entendimiento de sus diferentes

necesidades de seguros.

“Nos interesamos en nuestros clientes y queremos tener

una exitosa y larga relación con ellos. Cuando decimos

que somos como un Buen Vecino, no es solo porque es

un eslogan, sino porque es la manera en que nosotros

hacemos negocios”


“Nos interesamos en nuestros clientes y

queremos tener una exitosa y larga relación con ellos.

Cuando decimos que somos como un Buen Vecino, no es

solo porque es un eslogan, sino porque es la manera en que nosotros hacemos


by Laura Medina

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he first Christmas Fest will be taking place on Friday December the 12th in London, Ontario. Javier Franco, William Gutierrez, and Luis Alberto Sanchez will be hosting the event. These people thought about the idea of a fest in order to raise clothes and accessories to a charity that “take care” of the humble in the city.

Within this festivity we will be having different fun activities for our children such as the following:

- A choir that will be singing Christmas carols

- The presence of Ricky Magic

- And the most important Santa Claus!

As you can see this will be an unforgettable night, not just for children, but also for parents, you cannot miss, as it will be a great festivity.

We hope to see each and every one of you there: December 12th at 332 Wellington Road at Staples Plaza from 5:00 PM to 9:00 PM.

If you require any other information please call 519-936-0366 or 519-936-3121


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uring this holiday season, most people are busy decorating their houses. By the month of November, many individuals go at any department

stores to avoid Christmas hassles. Decorating homes is also a fun family activity. It is during this time that family put up Christmas trees all together. Other parents prefer creating their own decorations of Christmas ornaments to minimize the cost and at the same time have a fun filled memory with their children.

Dby Dave Poon

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Christmas decorations don’t need at all to be expensive. All you have to do is maximize your resources and activate your creative minds. Surely, you’ll be enjoying the spirit of Christmas without spending too much money.


1. Let’s start by designing the front door.

Decorating front doors is important because it is where visitors enter. This is the first thing they’ll see and first impressions last. Putting a Christmas wreath on the upper center of the door would do the trick.

And to enhance the beauty, it would be nice to put a big red ribbon on it. You may somehow think that a Christmas wreath could somehow cost something. But you no need to buy, let your imagination come alive and create your own.

2. When designing hallways, you could always make a colourful banner that says “Merry Christmas”.

Place a table with a colored red and green table cloth and place four candles with varying designs on top. The four candles symbolizes the four weeks of advent. This would really uplift the spirit of Christmas in your home.

3. Living rooms are always the favourite section of the house to decorate.

Hanging up Christmas socks on chimney walls has always been the tradition. Creating some ornamental flowers to put on top of the chimney would accessorize it more and would accent the wall. Living rooms are also the right place where to set up Christmas trees.

Accessorizing your trees with cards, snow, Christmas lights and hand made angels would create a fascinating look on your Christmas tree. You may also put your gifts for your family to open on Christmas Eve under the Christmas tree to serve as additional decorations before the big day.

4. Bedrooms are also part of Christmas decorating activity.

You may change the color of your bed sheet and replace them with a bed sheet which has a combination of red and green. Putting a figurine of Santa Clause on bedroom tables would also do the trick. Hanging up Christmas posters on doors would also accessorize the room.

5. Is there such thing as Christmas bathrooms? Yes, there is!

In fact, others consider decorating bathrooms a must. This is because it is also one place where guest go when they want to pee. Therefore, you have to be creative. Shower curtains with Christmas designs such as pine tree illustrations would do. Just keep everything color coordinated and presto! your bathroom is one of a kind.

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by Allison Perez

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When we say organic skin care products, it is bio-compatible and bio-available, helping create an all natural face with all natural beauty. Nowadays it has been said that the organic skin care is one of the fastest growing areas of the beauty industry. Can you imagine that by using a range of body and skin care products, woman applies more than 200 chemicals to her skin a day? Recent research has shown that 60 per cent of these chemicals are absorbed into the bloodstream. It has also been found that the number of people with eczema, allergies and skin complaints is on the rise - their conditions aggravated by the chemicals in our skincare and body care products.

There are so many skin care products contain known or suspected carcinogens, neurotoxins and hormone disruptors. They are synthetic as well as natural fragrances are frequently allergenic. Ingredients like lanolin, which comes from sheep’s wool, can be contaminated with pesticides. Also think that other chemicals may interact with nitrites to form carcinogens called nitrosamines.

So how can we avoid these synthetic chemicals? The best way to avoid them from entering our body is to only use body care products that are organic, fresh, and synthetic chemical-free. Then, what’re organic skin care products? Organic produce has been grown without the use of artificial fertilizers and pesticides. Know that if a product claims it’s organic, it must contain at least 95 per cent of organically grown produce. For a product to claim that it

has been ‘made with organic ingredients’, it must contain over 70 per cent of organically grown produce.

Most cosmetic products require preservatives or bactericides to prevent them from being contaminated. Some of the most allergenic and irritating preservatives release small amounts of formaldehyde, which are an irritant as well as a carcinogen and neurotoxin.

We all know that our skin is responsible for maintaining the correct body temperature and it regulates our body’s fluid balance. Each day through many hundreds of thousands of skin pores, the average human secretes over 850ml of fluid. The skin functions as a nutritional factory, producing vitamin D, necessary in the formation of bone, and participates in the metabolism of carbohydrates and amino acids. It is important to remember, that the skin is a living part of your body – often referred to as the ‘third kidney’ - with several well-developed and interrelated

circulation systems; blood, sweat, sebum, nerve and lymph, any of which can be damaged by absorption of chemicals or enhanced by a good skin care system.

I guess what we really need to learn are the effects of chemicals to our skin. Our skin is something that we need to take care of. Imagine what our skin will look like if damaged by those chemicals. Let us just be kind to our body, it is just right for us to give them the care that they want and that is caring them naturally.

Know that if a product

claims it’s organic, it

must contain at least 95

per cent of organically

grown produce

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With a glance at the Dominican calendar, one sees month after month awash with holidays patriotic in nature. While

some believe this stems from the Dominican people’s love of a good fiesta, it’s actually the country’s long and storied history that is responsible. Holidays such as Juan Pablo Duarte’s birthday and Restoration Day all point to the turbulent past of this now tranquil tropical getaway. The Dominican Republic was discovered on December 5, 1492, by Christopher Columbus during his first voyage to the New World. At that time the island of Hispaniola (as Columbus

named it) was called “Quisqueya” by the Taino Indians who occupied the land.



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Dominicans enjoy an array of foods as colourful as the landscape, but simple in taste. Women especially take pride in preparing enticing traditional dishes, layered with ingredients of the land. Inspiration for Dominican cuisine stems from native Antillean and hearty Creole recipes and is prepared similar to the dishes of Central and South America with rice, fish and other seafood, meats or vegetables. Light spices or coconut add depth and warm the soul. Culinary specialties of the country vary from region to region, although residents of the Dominican Republic share a common hunger for its staple meals.


The Dominican Republic’s beaches are widely celebrated as being among the world’s best, and for good reason. Here, more than 1,000 miles of sugar-colored sand is gently lapped by warm waters so clear and blue one has to see to believe. Depending on location, the beaches offer a gentle lullaby for an Oceanside nap or enough wind to keep a Technicolor kite board adrift.

Super fine white sand sprinkled with coconut palm trees line the east coast while golden sand defines the beaches of the north coast. Adding a third color to the palette are the grey sand playas of Barahona in the west. Some of these areas are populated with

resorts featuring a full array of water sports, food vendors, people watching and other activities. While others take visitors to another world of pristine tranquility with peaceful, uninhabited beaches. Here, the only intrusions are a towering coconut palm and the swaying breeze.


After a full day of sun, sand and surf, visitors to the Dominican Republic can spend the evening hours trying their luck at any of the island’s casinos. Colourful flashing lights, friendly card dealers and the sounds of winning cheers and falling coins are sure to draw even the novice gambler to a blackjack table or slot machine.

Most casinos are conveniently located within major resort complexes and are open until dawn, if not 24 hours. Dominican casinos use

Las Vegas odds, so the casino’s profits and player winnings are relatively the same and considered fair. To provide easy access to gambling funds, many of the casinos offer ATMs, cash traveler’s cheques and will charge playing chips to a credit card. With a major stroke of luck, one may even be able to pay off their vacation.

Source: Ministry of Tourism

Page 24: Culturas Magazine Issue 28


La Educación Internacional, también conocida como la Internacionalización de la educación, es un fenómeno que esta motivando a los nuevos profesionales en países Latinoamericanos a mejorar su perfil profesional en el mercado local o global, desde el aprendizaje del idioma Inglés, carreras y especialización. Algunas personas se preguntan cual es el proceso de matricula y documentos migratorios para estos estudios ?

A continuación esta el proceso a seguir paso a paso:

1. Enviar la solicitud completa y pagar el depósito de Admisión de $ 100.00 dólares Canadienses a Fanshawe College Internacional. El pago se puede hacer con Tarjeta de Crédito o Transferencia bancaria si se hace desde el exterior, pero si un pariente puede venir personalmente a pagar se aceptan todas las formas de pago; visitar la oficina Internacional en E2025 antes de efectuar el pago. La solicitud la puede encontrar en este enlace, puede imprimirla y enviarla por fax, personalmente o por Internet.

Web: luego ir a New Applicants de ahí ir a on-line application. Se sugiere que se envíe la solicitud de ingreso con 3 meses mínimo, para cursos de Ingles y de 6 meses para carreras y Post grados.

2. Fanshawe Callege Internacional envía la carta de matricula (por e-mail y por correo privado) a el estudiante con la fecha de comienzo y finalización del curso, para ser enviada junto con la solicitud de Visa.

3. La persona interesada lleva esta carta junto con su pasaporte y solicita la Visa de estudios a la embajada Canadiense en el país de origen (Preguntar por los demás requisitos en la Embajada de su país).

4. Recibe la Visa de estudio/turista por el periodo solicitado y enviar

copia a Fanshawe College (Fax: 519-659-9393 o copia escaneada a [email protected])

5. Se paga el resto del curso dependiendo del período de estudio (Tarjeta de Crédito o Transferencia Bancaria) o igual como en el paso #1 (No olvide de incluir el nombre o # de estudiante con el pago).

6. Hacer arreglos para el alojamiento (puede preguntar en oficina de Fanshawe College Internacional, en Español al (519) 452 4430 Ext. 4072 o en Inglés al (519) 452 4150 Email: [email protected] (Susan

coordinadora de Alojamiento) Si tiene planes de vivir con un pariente, amigo o por su cuenta no olvide enviar la dirección y teléfono de su lugar de alojamiento.

7. Se avisa a Fanshawe College la fecha de viaje 519-452-4430 Ext. 4072 (Línea en Español) o 519-452-4150 (Línea en Inglés) o por correo electrónico a: [email protected]) Si necesita ser recogido/a del Aeropuerto de London, Estación de Buses o Trenes proveer los detalles de la hora de llegada. Esto puede tener cargo adicional.

8. La persona se presenta el primer día de clases a la Oficina Fanshawe Internacional E2025 traer papel y lápiz, luego se le mostrará su salón de clases.

9. Traer ropa adecuada de acuerdo a la estación (invierno, primavera, verano, otoño). Si necesita información puede preguntar al departamento internacional por sugerencias.

Si necesita más información puede obtenerla visitando las oficinas de Fanshawe College International en Oxford Street Este en la oficina E 2025, por teléfono al (519) 452 4430 Ext. 4072 o por Correo Electrónico: [email protected] / [email protected]

por Nelson MelgarPromotor de Estudiantes Internacionales para Latinoamérica

Fanshawe College Internacional, London Canadá


Page 25: Culturas Magazine Issue 28



1) Don’t Over Schedule – Long before the holidays have all family members pick their most favourite activities, negotiate and schedule them onto the calendar.

2) Let Children Help – Even though it may not be easier, children want to be part of the holidays. Let them decorate cookies, put bows on gifts or shine the menorah so when they get older they’re more likely to say “yes” to holiday traditions because they have always taken part in it.

3) Stick to Routines (the best you can)

- Keeping regular bedtimes with the holiday parties and visiting can be quite challenging, but so are cranky kids! Schedule high energy activities earlier in the day followed by quiet ones. If they are still “spinning” at bedtime, help them settle with a story, talk about their favourite topic or watch a quiet movie together.

4) Set Children up for Success by Setting Reasonable Expectations – How long they can be comfortable and calm in hot and busy malls? Bring a favourite snack & book for long waits in line. Let older kids know what’s been

planned & what your expectations of them are. Pack a bag with familiar things when visiting away from home.

5) Be Consistent (all year round) – if kids discover that rules can be broken during special times, they’ll push limits and you’ll need to remind them of family guidelines.

6) Creating Family Traditions – Relax about “how” perfect the decorations and events are, instead focus on being together and having fun.

our community

by Mary Ann Avey Parent Educator

Page 26: Culturas Magazine Issue 28



Your great energy helps you lay it all out and figure

out what you want to do with the next year or more. Your ambitions aren’t unrealistic, or if they are, you’ll figure that out very quickly!


You’re thinking about old times, but it’s not

entirely pleasant nostalgia. You may be obsessing about past mistakes or pining for an ex, but you can pull up out of it and return to the present soon.


You’re in a good position to make important decisions,

especially if you are finalizing them today! If you can sign before midnight, things should go quite well for you, so get out the pen.


Nothing goes exactly as you’d expect it to today, for

reasons that defy logic. Don’t spend too much time worrying about it, though, you need to just relax and deal with things as they arise.


You’ve got to step in and assume command -- or

something very much like it -- today, when things start to get pretty weird around the office or the home. You can do it, but you’re eager to let go when it’s over.


You need to take it easy today, no matter how

pressing your business may be. It’s a good time to slow down with any work projects that are on your mind, even if they’re incredibly stressful.


You feel a sense of accomplishment over

something that you finish up today, and rightfully so! Your great energy helps you put exactly the right flourishes on it to feel good about it.


Try not to take things too seriously today, though

that may be difficult, especially at work. Don’t struggle too hard or you may draw unwelcome attention your way. Things are set to change soon!


Whether you’re at work or with friends, make sure you

watch what you say. Double-entendres and slips of the tongue are all too easy to let loose today and you might need to back-pedal quickly!


You get more out of today through selfless assistance

and activism than through working on your own issues. It’s a great time for you to show someone you care with a small act of kindness.


You may encounter someone unlike the other

people in your life today, and they can make a big difference in if you open up to them! It could guide the direction of the next few years.


Don’t try too hard to make sense of today’s big

business , it’s all veiled in obscurity, but that can’t last forever. If you can tolerate the ambiguity around the workplace, then you should be fine.

Page 27: Culturas Magazine Issue 28

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Page 28: Culturas Magazine Issue 28

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