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University of Warsaw

Faculty of Political and Journalism Science

Rajendra Prasad Ojha

Student’s ID No.341224

Cultural Diplomacy of Nepal

(A thesis in entire accomplishment of the necessities for the

Undergraduate Degree)

Second Cycle degree thesis

Field of Study: International Relation

Specialty: Undergraduate B.A. Program in International Relations

This thesis is written under the supervision of

Asst. Prof. Jakub Zajączkowski

Institute of International Relations

August 2015


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Oświadczenie kierującego pracą

Oświadczam, że niniejsza praca została przygotowana pod moim kierunkiem i stwierdzam,

że spełniła ona warunki do przedstawienia jej w postępowaniu o nadanie tytułu zawodowego.

Data Podpis kierującego pracą

Statement of the Supervisor on Submission of the Thesis

I hereby certify that the thesis submitted has been prepared under my supervision and I declare

that it satisfies the requirements of submission in the proceedings for the award of a degree.

Date Signature of the Supervisor:

Oświadczenie autora (autorów) pracy

Świadom odpowiedzialności prawnej oświadczam, że niniejsza praca dyplomowa została

napisana przeze mnie samodzielnie i nie zawiera treści uzyskanych w sposób niezgodny

z obowiązującymi przepisami.

Oświadczam również, że przedstawiona praca nie była wcześniej przedmiotem procedur

związanych z uzyskaniem tytułu zawodowego w wyższej uczelni.Oświadczam ponadto, że

niniejsza wersja pracy jest identyczna z załączoną wersją elektroniczną.

Data Podpis autora (autorów) pracy


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Statement of the Author(s) on Submission of the Thesis

Aware of legal liability I certify that the thesis submitted has been prepared by myself and does

not include information gathered contrary to the law. I also declare that the thesis submitted has

not been the subject of proceedings resulting in the award of a university degree.

Furthermore I certify that the submitted version of the thesis is identical with its attached

electronic version.

Date Signature of the Author(s) of the thesis


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Nepal is geographically small nation with a huge cultural dimension. We cannot neglect the

importance of culture in the equipment social background Nepal. Nepal is one of those countries

where culture plays an important role in every area of development. This makes it as the most

important of cultural diplomacy in foreign policy. Next to him also act as an easy way for socio-

economic development. Currently, citizens of Nepal are as a more conscious about their own

culture and national culture. So there is a ray of hope for the development of cultural diplomacy

in the next generation of Nepal. However, due to the lack of modern technology and some socio-

cultural crime Nepal have not been able to develop their culture in a positive way. In fact, most

of the young generations Nepal's going to forget the true meaning of particular festival and

cultures, causing direct harm to the future of cultural diplomacy Nepal.

Nepal can do a lot, even with its cultures. If Nepal may itself strong enough and if the technology

is able to present itself attractive in the global market for cultural tourism few days near future,

Nepal could become a cultural center for all kinds of religions, nationalities and cultures.

Keywords: Nepal, culture, diplomacy, socio-cultural, ethnic, Technology, Tourism, Religion,

Festival, global market

The study area

14,600 International Union

Cultural Diplomacy of Nepal


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Nepal jest geograficznie mały naród o ogromnym wymiarze kultury. Nie możemy zaniedbywać

znaczenie kultury w wyposażeniu tła społecznego Nepalu. Nepal jest jednym z tych krajów,

gdzie kultura odgrywa istotną rolę w każdej dziedzinie rozwoju. To sprawia, że jako najbardziej

dyplomację kulturalną ważniejszych osób w polityce zagranicznej. Obok niego również działać

jako łatwy sposób rozwoju społeczno-gospodarczego. Obecnie obywatele Nepalu są jako

bardziej świadomi co do ich własnej kultury oraz kultury narodowej. Więc nie ma nadziei na

promień rozwoju dyplomacji kulturalnej w przyszłej generacji Nepalu. Jednak ze względu na

brak nowoczesnych technologii i niektórych przestępstw społeczno-kulturowych Nepal nie były

w stanie rozwijać swoją kulturę w pozytywny sposób. W rzeczywistości większość młodych

pokoleń Nepalu zamiar zapomnieć prawdziwego znaczenia szczególności festiwalu i kultur,

powodując bezpośrednie szkody dla przyszłości dyplomacji kulturalnej Nepalu.

Nepal może zrobić wiele, nawet z jej kultur. Jeśli Nepal może sam wystarczająco silna w

technologii i jeśli jest w stanie prezentować się atrakcyjnie w światowym rynku turystyki

kulturowej kilka dni najbliższej przyszłości, Nepal może stać się centrum kultury dla wszelkiego

rodzaju religii, narodowości i kultur.

Słowa kluczowe: Nepal, Kultura, dyplomacji, społeczno-kulturowe, etniczne, Technologia,

Turystyka, Religia, Festiwal, Globalny rynek

Obszar badań

14,600 Międzynarodowy Związek

Dyplomacja kulturalna w znaczeniu Narzędzia do Nepalu


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1. Cultural Diplomacy in IR Theory 11-22

1.1. The term of Cultural Diplomacy in IRT 11

1.2. Factor Shaping Cultural Diplomacy-Methodological dimension 13

1.2.1. Research Methodology 14

1.2.2. Purpose of Research 14

1.2.3. Sources of Information 15

1.2.4. Tools used in Research 16

1.3. Cultural Diplomacy and Foreign Policy - theoretical nexus 16

1.3.1. American Cultural Diplomacy 16

1.3.2. European Cultural Diplomacy 19

1.3.3. Arabian Cultural Diplomacy 21

2. Factors shaping Cultural Diplomacy in Nepal 23-42

2.1. Cultural Diplomacy in IRT of South Asia 23

2.2. Role of cultures in development of Nepalese foreign policy 25

2.3. Role of Tourism, Arts ,Literature and Education 27

2.4. Importance of Medias, Movies and Infrastructure 37

3. Role of Politics in Cultural Diplomacy 43-55

3.1. Importance of Political strategy in Cultural Diplomacy 43

3.2. Political strategy in Cultural Diplomacy before 1950 49

3.3. Political strategy in Cultural Diplomacy after 1950 52

3.4. Political strategy in Cultural Diplomacy from 2006. 53


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4. Conclusions: 56-65

4.1. Findings 56

4.2. References 59

4.3. Appendix 65


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Cultural Diplomacy of Nepal


Nepal is culturally diverse nation. Nepal is rich in its cultures and traditions. Since the time of its

unification, Nepal has been greatly influenced by dynamic culture of different races, ethnicity

and people. With no negative objections, Nepal has successfully established itself as the land

with multi-lingual and multi-cultural people. Usually different actors like: Free Individuals,

associations, NGO’s international actors and even some large as well as small private

organizations etc. posses the ability to execute any kind of soft power.

Especially nations with cultural and linguistic diversities are secured in the sector of soft power.

International societies and organizations are aware of the importance of soft power “Cultural

Diplomacy” in order to maintain mutual co-operations among each others. Modern society is

being more flexible towards soft powers then that of hard powers with the growth of

globalization. China is the best example of this change. Modern china is focusing more on its

soft power than that of hard powers. It has started flourishing its language and culture organizing

Chinese language learning program in different parts of world. India has also strengthened its

“Bollywood all over the world, for this credit goes to their effective policy and effective

diplomatic strategy. Peoples of different nations are ready to learn Hindi language only to see

and understand Bollywood movies. Similarly China is uplifting its cultural diplomacy by

opening and organizing Chinese language learning program in different parts of the world. These

positive changes have widened and strengthened the scope of development and have exposed

these nations in global society. Nepal is among one of these nations with strong and diverse

culture and Lingo.

Most of the nations like Nepal; mostly depends on its cultural influence in an international level

rather than that of any other hard powers. This kind of nations should focus more on soft power

or cultural diplomacy in order to strengthen their influence and strength in international level.

But due to political instability and weak infrastructures, Nepal has not been able to maintain its


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cultural influence all over the world. This has indirectly weakened financial background of

Nepal. Unlike most of the nation of world, Nepal is one of the nation having unique

geographical features from mountainous region to Plain regions.

This kind of unique geographical features of Nepal have been influential power in shaping its

culture. Besides having unique geographical features, Nepal has verity of ethnicity, religion,

language and customs. This has also been boon for Nepalese society to uplift their diplomatic

relationship as well as Tourism business with other nations. Ancient relation of Nepal and India

was more focused on culture and Natural resources than that of Science and technology or any

other hard powers. Still now cultural diplomacy plays important role to keep bond between these

two nations.

Nepal is culturally dominated by multi-ethics, multi-language and multi-culture. So what could

be best for Nepal more than that of uplifting its culture in international level? Nepal can do a lot

through the help of cultural diplomacy. If we study geographical structure, cultural diversity and

Herbal plants of Nepal, we can find its uniqueness and importance throughout world. Promoting

this kind of product and giving depth knowledge about geography and climate of Nepal is also

part of cultural diplomacy.

We can now clearly know the scope of “Cultural Diplomacy” in Nepal through the definition

given by Cumming. According to him promoting all the terms like: Literature, language, good

tradition, cultures, national customs etc. of that nation in an international market plays important

role in uplifting cultural diplomacy of that particular nation.

It is also two way procedure of exchanging and receiving ideas of both the host and guest

nations. Cultural diplomacy plays very important role for those nations having multi-culture,

where Nepal is one of them. There are different types of cultures in different places of Nepal that

are very unique throughout the world. But lack of advertisement and lack of manpower as well

as knowledge in these kind of field have made these cultures die not only in International level,

infect they are like endangered species of Nepal in the arena of cultures and traditions.

Moreover, lack of modern techniques and technologies have caused huge thread in development


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of Culture and traditions in Nepal. Different International, National and Regional Scholars of

Nepal and other nations have done lots of research in Nepalese culture and traditions.

Although these scholars have done lots of research in culture of Nepal, it is still insufficient to

explain whole culture of Nepal. Cultures of some places where there is no availability of

technology, transportation and educated populations are still in dark. It is because in some

culture it is huge sin to expose their reality and culture to those people who are not member of

that culture.

Mostly this type of feeling is found in treble groups like: Raute and some minor ethnicity.

Similarly there was culture of accepting King as “Incarnation of Lord Vishnu (God of Savior)”.

But this thought have been changed after “People’s Movement II” of Nepal which was held in

2006. Although there have not been more research on most of the treble groups and their cultures

found in Nepal, our ancient cultural history, old generation’s group and some cultural scholar are

sure of existing many tribal cultures inside boundary of Nepal. We still have lots of festivals than

any other nations of the world.

Nepal is among one of the nations having more festivals then days in a year. Although Nepal

has been secular nation officially from 2007, practically it is still a Hindu nation because more

than half of population adopts Hinduism. Nepal as a dominant nation of Hindu, adopts every

religious and cultural structures of Hinduism. In short some scholar states that every other day

brings some festive in Nepal and many structures constructed by ancestors of Nepalese are a

holy place. All the above given reasons played vital role in perusing me to write thesis in this



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Chapter 1

Cultural Diplomacy in IR Theory

1.1. The term of Cultural Diplomacy in IRT:

Every nation has implemented all most all kind of strategy and tools to bring mutual co-

operations and peace in the world. These kinds of tools are mainly categorized into two groups:

hard power 1 and Soft power2. After the end of World War II in 1945 3 native people of all most

all the nations experienced the need of diplomatic strategy that could settle dispute of thoughts,

culture and religion forever. This was impossible to obtain without knowing cultures of each

nation as one’s thoughts is totally based on those cultures that they were taught in their golden

part of life.

This gradually led to reinforce and build up the concept of Cultural Diplomacy4 in the field of

International Relations. So for the first time in 1965, E. Guillon coined this term focusing the

exchange of Ideas, social norms, values and cultures.5 Cultural Diplomacy is among one of the

major tool of every nation to uplift bilateral co-operations among others in order to settle

psychological dispute and conflicts among nations having different cultures. It is still the most

important tools for strengthening bilateral cooperation’s between multiple Nations.

1 Hard Power: A coercive approach to global political relations, epically the one that involves the use of military powers then that of any soft powers. (Site: )2 . Soft Powers: It is a power or an ability to shape the fondness of others. At the personal level it is the power of attraction through jester, Ideas, talents, creativity, Arts, Philosophies and so on. (Site: )3 . World History for all of us; Big Era Eight: A Half Centuries of Crisis “The Cause and Consequences of World

War II” (1939-1945) ;

4 Cultural Diplomacy: Also known as “Soft Power Diplomacy” is the processes of establishing diplomatic relations with other nations through advertisements, teaching, learning and explaining one’s national ethics , Literature, Tradition , Music, Customs and cultures with scientific evidence as far as possible. It is also bilateral or sometime multilateral co-operations between at least two different nations. According to Hwajung Kim (, , Cultural diplomacy is regarded as forming international bridges and interactions, identifying networks and power domains within cultures and transcending national and cultural boundaries5 . “Cultural Diplomacy as a Form of International Communication”; Ryniejska,, Marta ; University of Wroclow, Page 3 , Point No 2. “Public diplomacy and cultural diplomacy”, Para. 2 , Line no. 1


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According to idea of Marta Ryniejska in her paper “Cultural Diplomacy as form of International

Communication”6, she notes that Cultural Diplomacy is knotted with the perception of

“Branding”. In simple term she tresses cultural diplomacy as brand management of any culture.

Marta argues that intention of Cultural diplomacy is mainly an idea of branding any nations with

their tangible 7 and intangible.8 Cultures.

She is also positive towards the development and strengthening of economical and Political

background of any nations with the help of cultural diplomacy, as cultural diplomacy is best way

to express history of any nation’s in front of other nations. It also provides a platform for all the

nations to show who they are, creating an optimistic image with a hidden goal of achieving their

political propose.9 Everything have factors and situations that are responsible for strengthening

or degrading the area of that field, for this cultural diplomacy can’t remain out of the rule.

There are various factors affecting cultural diplomacy in the field of International Relations.

Some of these factors play major roles in uplifting cultural diplomacy of any nation. Similarly

analysts G.Szondi mentions that factors like: True political information, open cultural

information, tourism promotion, international cultural relation, and image management etc. plays

important role in spiraling effectiveness of cultural diplomacy in the field of International


Different nation have explained and perceived “Cultural Diplomacy” as narrow path or small

part of public diplomacy. Referencing to idea of R. Lawniczak regarding “Cultural Diplomacy of

Poland”, Mr. Lawniczak explains that, public diplomacy was understood in its narrow meaning

as cultural diplomacy in Poland until late 20th century.

6 . Ryniejeska , M. “Cultural Diplomacy as a Form of International Communication” , Kieldanowicz, Ph.D.;

University of Wroclaw

7 . Tangible Cultures: Cultural things that are possible to touch, listen, taste and move from one place to another. Example of Tangible Cultures are : Temples, Sculptures , Paintings, Literary Books, Verities of continental and National food Items. (Website: )8. Intangible Cultures: Cultural things that are impossible to see, touch, listen, test or move but can be taught and transferred. Examples are: Social norms, Cultural Ethics, Values, Ideas, and Way of Parenting etc. (Website: )9 . Ryniejeska, M. “Cultural Diplomacy as a form of International Communication”, Para. 2, Kieldanowicz, Ph.D.; University of Wroclaw (Website: content/uploads/Ryniejska_Kieldanowicz.pdf )10 . ibid: Ryniejeska, M. “Cultural Diplomacy as a Form of International Communication”, P. 6, Para. 3 , Kieldanowicz Ph.D., University of Wroclaw (Website: content/uploads/Ryniejska_Kieldanowicz.pdf )


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Likewise in the authentic report of the Advisory Committee on Cultural Diplomacy, cultural

diplomacy is defined Presently Scholars of public diplomacy have started to popularize the term

“The New Public Diplomacy”. This have gave public diplomacy a huge area of coverage than

that of ancient days.

A Canadian Ambassador to Washington defines ‘The New Public Diplomacy’ as the public

diplomacy that involves diverse expertise, ideas, and tactics to a large degree than that of

traditional public diplomacy.11 If we compare this definition of public diplomacy with the theory

of new public Diplomacy, we will find major changes in the practice of public diplomacy at

modern days.

There was once a civilization who accepted cultural diplomacy as the leftover part of foreign

policy12. Nobody had idea regarding the best possibilities that would come from adaptation of

public diplomacy as one of the mainstream area of diplomatic dialogue.

1.2. Factor Shaping Cultural Diplomacy- Methodological Dimension:

Cultural diplomacy is two way process of exchanging and advertizing culture of any nation in

positive way. In other word Cultural Diplomacy indirectly deals with Peace Negotiation13. It is

justice able to tress cultural diplomacy as a tool of effective peace negotiation.

If we go through different research papers, most of the scholar regards cultural diplomacy as

safest way to negotiate with other nation then that of other negotiation. Similarly some scholars

like Hoang Min regards cultural diplomacy as easy going strategy to bring peace between two

nation’s.14. Cultural diplomacy is one kind of diplomacy, so like other form of diplomacy it does

11 . Meissen, J. (Ed.) “The New Public Diplomacy: Soft Power in International Relations”; Ch.1, Defining the new public diplomacy, P.11, para.1, line no. 212 . Meissen, J. (Ed.) “The New Public Diplomacy: Soft Power in International Relations” ) 13 . Negotiation: An official conversation among community who are working to achieve an agreement. It is

also an act of settling conflict using mental power for good reason. “ Merriam Webster” : An Encyclopedia

Britannica Company ( )

14 . HOANG, MINH; “The Role and Power of Cultural Diplomacy in International Relations”; Para nos.1 & 2, 4 th

March 2012 ( Website:

cultural-diplomacy-in-international-relations/ )


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have negotiation as major factor of shaping its strategy. This factor is universal throughout all

nation and cultural diplomacy of those nations. Beside this cultural diplomacy have various

other factors that shape its policy effectively.

This kind of factors differs from cultural diplomacy of Nation to Nation where Nepal15 is not

separate ones. It is not the case of only multicultural nations; this is also the case of mono-

cultural nations. But it exists in less quantity and plays minor role in relation building in mono-

cultural nations.

1.2.1. Research Methodology:

This study requires brief description of “Cultural Diplomacy” and explanation of its importance

in diplomacy as this is new field of study in the history of International Relation or any field of

Political Science. Moreover, Countries like Nepal with lots of multicultural values and ethics

have to priories this field of study as one of the major tools to develop their nation’s economical,

socio-cultural and political relations with other nations. In order to make my thesis successful I

have made this thesis as a comparative study of cultural diplomacy of all the strong nations and


1.2.2. Purpose of Research:

This thesis is totally based on descriptive format (Analytical Description) analyzing cultural

diplomacy of some prominent nations in order to compare and analyze cultural diplomacy of

Nepal. It deals with importance of cultural diplomacy throughout world according to different

level of cultural diversity and cultural complexity of that nation. This thesis have tried to explain

and give concrete ideas of all most all kind of cultural diplomacy, especially Nepalese cultural

diplomacy. I have also tried to point out major weakness of Nepalese cultural diplomacy.

Any readers who read this thesis thoroughly can find out the problems that I have mainly focused

on. My thesis is also in one sense based on comparative study of three kind of cultural diplomacy

like: American, Arabic and European with Nepalese cultural diplomacy. In order to legalize my 15 . Nepal: A non-coastal nation in the size of Arkansas, situated between India and China. It is surrounded by India

from three side and China from one side. It is currently a republican nation adopting secular views of

society. “ info please”; World > Country > Nepal ; Geography, Para no. 1, line no. 1 (Website: )


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thesis and bring out maximum positive qualities in this thesis, I took help of definition and

theories made by different national and international scholars of this field or related fields.

My research is partly based upon data and definitions provided by scholars of political and social

science of Nepal as well as other nations like: Poland, America etc. However my thesis revolves

more around the following questions:

1.) How religions affect culture and how this culture affects cultural diplomacy of that

nation? – Arabian Cultural Diplomacy.

2.) Role of strong language and Technology in uplifting culture and cultural diplomacy-

American Cultural Diplomacy.

3.) Findings merits and demerits in development of Nepalese Cultural Diplomacy by

analyzing Nepalese soft power history and comparing them with above cultural


1.2.3. Sources of information:

I took help of historical aspects of different subjects like: literature and arts that are relevant to

the title of this thesis. In order to bring out successful conclusion for my thesis, I have used the

following method.

Methodology: Qualitative Research (Prime investigative research)16

Nature of Thesis: Descriptive Method with Historical Analysis.

1.2.4. Tools used in research:

16 . Qualitative Research: It is a prime investigative research that is used to acquire an understanding of original

(Fundamental) reasons. It also helps to create favorable ideas for possible quantitative research. Snap Survey:

Home/Blog/ “What is Difference between Quantitative and Qualitative Research? “, Para no. 2 nd , line nos.1-4

( Website:

research/ )


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Websites / Online Papers (Google, PDF Papers on Different Aspect of Cultural

Diplomacy and its Importance, Official website of different organization like: Institute of

Cultural Diplomacy, Institute for Public Relations etc.)


Ex- Diplomats of Nepal for the Arab republic of Egypt).

1.3. Cultural Diplomacy and Foreign Policy- Theoretical Hypothesis:

Diplomacy17 is not a new thing in present world. Many scholars like Donna Lee define

diplomacy as the process of conducting human affairs in calm and positive way mainly applying

different styles of negotiation.18 We need diplomacy in every steps of our life, especially when

we are engaged in works like negotiation and making foreign policy of nations. Different nation

have different kind of foreign policy throughout world for uplifting their cultural diplomacy. We

can take an example of “American Cultural Diplomacy” and “European Cultural Diplomacy”.

Both of them have distinct strategies to uplift their cultures and cultural diplomacy.

1.3.1. American Cultural Diplomacy:

An agreement between all politician and diplomatic worker of America has appeared on crisis of

American public diplomacy and its strategy. At least this is what the plentiful action accumulated

ever since 9/11 attacks to study the dilemma on improving US public negotiation.19American

Cultural diplomacy is mostly based on pop culture20 and western music.

17 . Diplomacy: According to Lan Hurd in his paper “Law and the Practice of Diplomacy” (Website: ), P. 2, Para. 2nd, Line no. 4; Hurd defines diplomacy as medium of exchange between agents and structures in international relations. In other word, Hurd defines it as a practice that includes the dynamic relations between “state officials” and “new actors”.18 . Lee, D.; Hocking B. (ed. 2011): “International Encyclopedia of Political Science”, Diplomacy, P.1, Para. 1st , Line no. 1 (Website: )19 . CULTURAL COMMUNICATES: US DIPLOMACY THAT WORKS; No. 94; P. 2, Para. 2, line no. 1. Schneider, Cynthia P. , September, 2004. (Websites: ).20 . Pop Cultures: Short form of Popular Cultures. It is the collected sum of thoughts, images, incident, philosophy, etc. that exists in the typical and special form of any kind of cultures. After the Industrial rebellion huge populace had better spare time. This guided to necessity of entertainment to pass out the time. This was also main cause of promoting the growth of mass media. With its growth, Mass Media wanted to increase and attract more and more Audience. This was only possible with the help of popular music, cultures and scenario of those days. This indirectly led to development of Pop culture. (Website: ) .


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After the attack of 9/11 21 America became more conscious about their public/ Cultural

diplomacy in order to understand thoughts and societies of Muslim worlds. However, this did

not turned out to be fruitful for both the nations. Due to ineffective negotiation early step turned

to suicide for America. Strong religious belief of Muslims community made America harder to

negotiate with these nations in the field of cultures.

According to my view it is easier for nation like America to explore and publicize their culture

more easily than that of developing nations like: Nepal because today’s world is mostly

dominated by English language, strong economical environment, as well as good and scientific


People are attracted to those cultures easily where they can sustain their life in more comfortable

way or if not possible, nation should be like some underdeveloped nations of Africa. At least

there is indirect help from media like CNN 22 and BBC in order to explore and publicize cultures

of these underdeveloped nations of Africa. In one sense technology plays very important role in

uplifting cultures of any nations.

a.) Cultural diplomacy during cold war:

After the death of Stalin in 1953, there was the birth of cultural cooperation and treaty between

American and Russian government. This treaty was signed in order to help artist, literary figures

and scholars of both the nations to share information, ideas and their creative works with each

other without any obstacles, fear or hesitation. This treaty slowly improved position of respects

to intellectual personality for legacy Russian population23.

21 . 9/11: The term 9/11 is so popular in the field of International Relation and Politics for 19 terrorist attack at once from Al-Qaeda groups. The major event that took place at 9/11 was : Hijacked of Four commercial plain that were guaranteed as most secured airbus of world. Similarly crashing two plains frequently in the World Trade Center (WTC) and many more ( source: FAQ about 9/11; “ What happened on 9/11” para 2, line no.1

22 . CNN: Cable News Network is a protectorate based channel of America founded in 1980 by Ted Warner. He was the owner of American media. (Source: ).23. SCHEINDER, CYNTHIA P. (Ed. 2004). “Cultural Communicates: US. Diplomacy that Works”; Diplomacy that Worked: Cultural Diplomacy During Cold War “ , P. 6, para.2 , line nos. 3-6 (Website:


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Late 60’s had been flexible time for America to popularize its cultural diplomacy. Popular rock

bands like Rock ‘n’Role 24 had been major tools for American government to popularize its

cultural between late 1960’s and early 1970’s. Culture and Soft powers like: music and rock

bands started to be as major tools for carrying massage of freedom and democracy throughout all

English speaking and English knowing nations. It also turned out to be first soft power in the

account of politics that was successful to bring down communist society and flourish democracy

all over the world.

Fig. 1: Coordination for U.S. culture:

U.S. was the only chief authority that was not participating in any kind of international cultural

exchanging and advertizing programs until 1938.

1.3.2. European Cultural Diplomacy:

24 . TAYLOR, WILLIAM J.; NEUKIRCH, E. “ROCK N’ ROLE”, Rock n’ Role lesson plan, Ch.2. “Tomáš Straussler, Tom Stoppard & Jan” , p. 3 , para.7, line nos. 1-5 ; Published by: Goodman Theatre’s Education and Community Programs ( source: )


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European Society has diverse kind of cultural societies due to its national multiplicity. Before

explaining cultural diplomacy and strategy of each European nation, it is necessary to know

about cultural acts of European Union25.

Member of European Union is moreover in increasing order and it consists of numerous nations

with diverse cultures. For this, present day’s European Union .European Union is made in order

to keep peace and stability all over Europe, especially in its member nations but in the beginning

it was harder for European Union to maintain stability due to cultural diversities. There was vast

gap of understanding between nations adopting cultures of catholic religion26 and protestant

religion27. Due to this religious and cultural diversity, European Union enables an irregular

atmosphere for the progress of cultural diplomacy. 28 According to idea of Marta Osojnik;

Cultural diplomacy have effective roles to uplift socio- economical as well as Political scenario

of any nation, serving as a tools for building national as well as international integrations.

Moreover it can also help in uplifting peace and progress of European Union by helping union to

bring public awareness towards relation between humanity and cultures. European Union was

also built aiming cultural unification of whole Europe that could help in ending cultural conflicts

and other wars caused due to misunderstanding of cultures. Most of the diplomatic strategy of

cultures in European Union or any members of European Union are based on the definition given

by Shizaru Saeki.

In her idea, Cultural Diplomacy is the process of exchanging values, ideology, information, arts

as well as cultures among nations and their people in order to promote mutual understandings. 29

She have gave example of “Foreign Language” teaching- learning system as good means and

25 . European Union (EU): A collection of European nations that actively participate in the world economy as one Economical Unit. In short, It is an economical and political unification of 28 member state situated in Europe. (Websites: ).26 . Catholic Religion: Sub- religion or Sub -cultures of Christian religion. According to data of 2012, almost 40 % of European populations are Catholic.27 Protestant Religion: Modernized and Liberal form of Christian Religion. (Source: )28 Cultural Diplomacy and the European Union, P.1, 2nd Para. , line no. 1, Osojnik, Marta29 . Kim, Hwajung ; “Cultural Diplomacy as the Means of soft power in an Information Age”, P. 5, 3rd Para , Line nos. 1-5, December 2011. (Websites: )


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strategy of cultural exchange, as language is regarded as most efficient tools for cultural

influence for any nations.

European Commission30, is promoting multilingualism in order to promote European

intercultural discussion in more comprehensive communities. European Union has created this

strategy in order to open unlimited opportunities for young scholars to study in European

Nations31. Generally saying most of the nations of European Union provides free education for

those foreign students who are studying in national language of any member nations. What could

be the best platform to upgrade and publicize one’s cultures rather than that of exchanging and

learning language of each others? It is language that helps us to know cultures of each other in

depth because about 50% of distance is reduces just with the help of language.

It is good sign that all most all the state of the world are focusing more towards cultural and

other kind of soft power diplomacy in order to maintain good relation among each other. All the

nation did not directly moved to excesses use of cultural diplomacy. If we go through history of

each European nation, we find huge bloody war as major root of its birth. It is because of its cost

effective practice and outcomes along with its huge international ties between two nations,

cultural diplomacy is being popular medium of diplomacy.32 Education is major tools of cultural

diplomacy for European Union. Coordination of culture and cultural influence upon foreigner or

among its member is done through harmonization of education with the help of ECTS package.33

30 . European Commission: Executive body of European Union that is responsible for implanting the decision, upholding the treaties of European Union and managing the regular business of European Union (EU). Source: Definition of European Union. (website : )

31 . “Children in Europe start learning foreign languages at an increasingly early age”; Multilingualism in the EU; 1st

Para., Point no. 3 (Website: )32 . Cultural Diplomacy as the Means of soft power in an Information Age, P. 1, 2nd Para., Line no. 3; Kim, Hwajung ;December 2011. (Websites: )33 . Jones W. (2009-10). “European Union Soft Power: Cultural Diplomacy & Higher Education in Southeast Asia”; Historical Evolution of EU Education Initiative Development, P.43, Para. 1, point no. 2 (Sites: )


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1.3.3. Arabian Cultural Diplomacy:

It is important to know about Arab world before knowing its cultural diplomacy. Arabian

cultural diplomacy and other kind of diplomacy of Arab world are totally guided by Muslim34


Almost all the Arabian nations follows Islamic Religion, so diplomatic relation among these

nations are mostly based on Islamic norms and values. But some Arabic nations or people also

follow other religion like: Christian, Jews36 and Hindu37 .The most common cultural diplomacy

among Arabic nation is language and religion. Most of the cultures that are being practice in

these nations are based on religion. If any people who speaks Arab language or who adopts this

language, are regarded as Arab and any contract or negotiation done supporting Islamic religion

and cultures are more successful than that of social negotiations.

In these kinds of nations, as well as in most of the Islamic nations or any kind of nations that is

operated by religious cultures, religion based cultural diplomacy plays important roles to keep

mutual relations rather than that of common cultural diplomacy. Similar to their social culture;

political culture of Arabian world is based on religion. The divisions of parliamentary

representatives are divided according to religious affiliation. In Lebanon, Muslims get majority

numbers of seats followed by Christians and Druze38 (It is one kind of monotheistic religion that

is mostly found in Lebanon, Israel, Jordan, Syria etc.

People following this religion call themselves as Ahl al-Tawhid39. Nation like Jordan/ Morocco40

regards monarchial authority as direct descent from Prophet Mohammed. Only the difference is 34 . Muslim: Cambridge dictionary defines “Muslim” as a collection of people who follows the religion of Islam. (Website: ).35 . TRADOC DCSINT HANDBOOK NO. 2; ARAB CULTURAL AWARENESS: 58 FACTSHEETS, OFFICE OF THE DEPUTY CHIEF OF STAFF FOR INTELLIGENCE ; US ARMY TRAINING AND DOCTRINE COMMAND FT. LEAVENWORTH, KANSAS ; P.1, 1st Para., line nos. 3-6 ; JANUARY, 2006 ( website: ).36 Jews : Someone who practice Judaism religion (Website . Hindu: The oldest religion of World. It is being practice and followed by over billions of People throughout the world. This religion has no main founder, Multi gods and goddess, lots of big and major religious texts. (Website: ).

38 . Druze: It is one kind of monotheistic religion that is mostly found in Lebanon, Israel, Jordan, Syria etc. People following this religion call themselves as Ahl al-Tawhid (One of the concept of monotheism in Islamic Religion. It is religion’s most fundamental concept of regarding god “Allah” is only one god and there is no god other than him). (Website: ).


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those monarchial authorities are not regarded as religious leaders. Rather they are kept above the

normal leaders and just one step below religious leaders41.

Saudi Arabia, one of the richest Muslim nations has popularized its arts and architecture all over

the world. In 2010 Saudi Arabia opened a national museum of Arab art which was named

Mathaf. Since then this association have organized abundant demonstration of Arabic arts culture

beyond borders of Gulf territory.42 Likewise, Qatar Museum Authority43 has an organization

known as ‘Office of Strategic Cultural Relations (OSCR)’ that manly works for advertising

different cultural diplomacy projects and bilateral cultural exchange programs. Latest exchange

program that was done by this organization was ‘Quatar- Brazil Cultural Exchange Program’,

which was successfully held in 2014.

Chapter 2

Factor Shaping Cultural Diplomacy of Nepal

39. .Ahl al-Tawhid: It is one of the concepts of monotheism in Islamic Religion. It is most fundamental concept of Muslim religion regarding god “Allah” is only one god and there is no god other than him.40 . Morocco: Official name “Kingdom of Morocco” is a North African nation situated in the Maghreb region. Geographically it is nation consisting huge part of desert land characterized by Rocky Mountains. ( Website: )41 . TRADOC DCSINT HANDBOOK NO. 2; ARAB CULTURAL AWARENESS: 58 FACTSHEETS”; US ARMY TRAINING AND DOCTRINE COMMAND FT. LEAVENWORTH, KANSAS, P. 5, 2nd Para. line nos. 3-8 , January 2006 (Website: )42 .Ghose, S. (2013); “Museum and Cultural Diplomacy Projects in Qatar and middle East”, Qatar Museum Authority, P.2, Para. 2, line nos. 1 & 2 (website: )43 . Ibid: Qatar museum Association: This association was founded in 2005 (see ref. 41 for more).


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2.1. Cultural Diplomacy in IRT of South Asia:

South Asia consists of nations having diverse kinds of cultures. Followers of all most all kind of

modern religion like: Hinduism, Buddhism, Christianity, Jainism, Muslims and newly emerged

religion Krishna Pranami 44 are present in South Asia. Beside Asia as a whole is considered as

multilingual, multicultural, multi ethical and multi religious continent. India is largest nation of

southern part of Asian continent having majority of population adopting Hinduism, for this

reason India is also called as “Hindustan”. It is also a major actor of “SAARC” organization.

But due to globalization India had been influenced by western cultures, indirectly leading all

South Asian nations to adopt Western Cultures. Back in 1970’s, Hollywood movies were

extremely popular in India creating positive impression and attraction towards America. It was

also indirect instrument of American nation to impose American strategies and culture

throughout India.45 Due to this kind of diversity in religion, South Asia46 has diverse kind of


Most of the cultures are result of successful practice of these religions by each societies believing

any of these religions. Because of these diverse religions, culture of each regions of South Asia

differs from nations to nations. Not only this, through the point of diplomatic relation, each of

nations should be more conscious towards major religion of every nations, as religions does 44. Krishna Pranami: The meaning of Pranami is religion that propagates monotheism. It is belief in one Supreme

Power. In Krishna Pranami “Lord Shree Krishna” is referred to that supreme power. It is one of the religions where

only Lord Krishna is regarded as head of Universe. Although Lord Krishna is regarded as one of the major god of

Hindu religion, People following Krishna Pranami regard him as separate deities and his philosophical book “Geeta”

as their only holy book of religion. “SHREE KRISHNA PRANAMI: BLOG; 1st Para.; Line no. 1 ”

(Website: )

45 . Chakravarti, S. “Soft Power: The Cultural Weapon in the Cold War and South Asia”; The Cultural Cold War in

South Asia, P.8, Para. 2nd , line nos. 1-2, Department of English, Calcutta University


Power-The-Culture-Weapon-in-The-Cold-War-and-South-Asia.pdf) 46 .South Asia: South Asia is situated on the southern side of the Asian continent. The term is usually referred to the

section of the nations like: Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, Nepal, Bhutan, Sri Lanka, The Maldives and Bangladesh.  

“Free World Maps” ; Where is South Asia Located on the World Map ?, 1 st Para., line no. 1 (Website: )


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some effect on culture of every nations. Culture does have some effect on diplomatic relation of

each nation in order to keep successful relations and most of the cultures are directly based on

religion. Beside it also helps every nation to negotiate successfully, especially with the nations

where religious culture plays important role than that of social culture in the policy making.

Afghanistan became its member in April 3, 2007 47 by joining a list of other South Asian nations

to jointly promote cultural, diplomatic and economic relations among each other to achieve a

well-developed region. Afghanistan’s admission into the SAARC: “South Asian Association for

Regional Cooperation” 48 was obviously a remarkable achievement for the newly formed

government of Hamid Karzai 49 since fit came after three long decades of war and instability to

recognize Afghanistan as a sovereign state, it was able to jointly and contribute to the promotion

of the South Asian region. Afghanistan, being one of the poor countries in the world and in the

South Asian region, has gone through more than three decades of invasion, civil war and other

conflicts.This has caused massive destruction to the nation’s economic, social and political


Afghanistan can be perfect example to show how internal conflict affects culture of any nations.

It has been almost thirteen year since the Afghan war began, but within this period more than

70% of the Kabul National Museum and 100% of the objects were stolen and looted. On the

basis of 1980 statistics, there were then more 2,800 archaeological sites and historical

monuments were destroyed or looted.51

47 O’Rourke, B. “Afghanistan Joins SAARC, World's Largest Regional Grouping”; 1st Para., Line no. 1; 3rd April,

2007 ( Website: ) 48 . SAARC: Origin, Growth, Potential and Achievements; P. 2, 1st Para., line nos. 3-5

49 . Hamid Karzai: Before becoming president of Afghanistan in 2004, Hamid Karzai worked to defeat the Taliban.

As a president he faced enormous political and economic challenges. After Soviet was driven out of Afghanistan in

1989, Hamid Karzai served as deputy foreign minister in the Mujahedeen transitional government.,when civil war

broke out between various Mujahedeen groups in 1994, (Hamid Karzai Biography; Introduction, 1st Para., line no. 2)

(Website: )

50 . Wilder, Andrew; 2013

51 . AIA, “The Impact of War upon Afghanistan’s Cultural Heritage”; 1 st Para., line nos. 27-33 & 2nd Para, line nos.

1 & 2 ( Website: )


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During Cold war also played an important role in strengthening cultural identification of every

South Asian nations, leaving its permanent marks on the culture of all most all the nations along

with Nepal and India. After the end of cold war, different conflict occurred relating the issues of

soft power lots of progressive revolution occurred in the field of cultural and cultural diplomacy.

2.2. Role of Culture in Development of Nepalese Foreign Policy:

Modern culture in Nepal was probably started in 1st century at ancient Kathmandu valley. But

cultural diplomacy only came into existence in Nepal after it opened itself liberally to the

external world. 52 In fact, Nepalese civilizations and cultures are much older than that of nation

itself. But due to various kinds of political disorders and lack of unification of Nepalese

geography and thoughts, numerous Nepalese cultures were lead to diminish in either way.

Moreover Nepalese culture and traditions got its real importance after unification of Nepal in

1740 by King Prithivi Narayana Shah. Before its unification, ancient rulers used to demise older

culture of that area after they annex that region and implement cultures of their own state in

order to strengthen their territory, thoughts and regime.

Before the unification of Nepal, Kathmandu (Capital city of unified Nepal) was culturally

influenced by Newars 53. Even Newars from Kathmandu were culturally different from one

place to another. So unification of Nepal itself was first step of cultural unification in Nepal.

In simple sense, unification of Nepal can be taken as unnoticed strategy to unify verity of culture

in Nepal, in order to keep mutual cultural relation among Nepalese people. Beside Newars, there

were so many diverse ethnicities in Nepal before its unification. So before building good

Nepalese foreign policy and good relations with other nations, it was necessary to unify Nepalese

culture and ethnicity.

52 Rai, Gyanin; 2009 ed., “Cultural Treasures of Nepal” P.4, para.1 (Websites: )

53 . Newar: It is one of the major typical ethnicity of central of Nepal. Population of Newar is mostly found in Kathmandu (Capital of Nepal). Some data also says that as the source of Newar language is Tibeto-Burman origin therefore the Newar must have come from the north. However, Newari mother tongue is also influenced by Sanskrit to large degree and the ancient script of north India rather then Tibetan script. ( Website:


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According to author Prem Raj Sharma in his article “Nepali Culture and Society: A Historical

Perspective”54, he argues that Nepal’s isolation protracted it from the aggressive changing of

history all-encompassing northern India occasionally. This filling helped Nepal to provoke a sole

value of preservation in its cultural heritage. This incident somehow weakened foreign relation

of India and Nepal, not in political level but in Social level.

All most all the religion and most of the major cultures of Nepal do match with India. It is

because our ancestral ethics, norms and values are same. No matter what kind of culture it is,

Political, Religious or social; Nepalese culture do match partially with Indian cultures. It is not

because India is huge in its geographical areas and not just because it is developed then that of

Nepal. But major reason for this goes to partial cultural diffusion and our Hindu religion.

More than this, India is successful to flourish and advertize most of its culture not only as major

culture of Hindu religion, but also major culture of India. This has or may cause most of the

Nepalese culture to get Indianized 55.

However it is not a huge problem to deal with, because cultural diplomacy has to focus more on

its nation’s point of view in diplomatic way than that of any other thing. Unlike most of the

nation of world, Nepal is one of the nation having unique geographical features. It consists of all

kind of geographical structure from mountainous to Plain areas. This kind of unique

geographical features of Nepal have been influential power in shaping its culture.

Besides having unique geographical features, Nepal has verity of ethnicity, religion, language

and customs. All of these factors have played very important role in developing and

strengthening cultural attraction of tourist in Nepal.

2.3. Role of Tourism, Arts ,Literature and Education:

5447. Sharma, P. “Nepali Culture and Society: A Historical Perspective” ,Dec 1982- June / 83, Vol. 10 (No. 1 & 2);

CNAS, Tribhuvan University (T.U.), Kathmandu , Nepal55 . Indianized is new and self created word for this sentence, (Origin of concept for this word “Globalized”). It is

Process of converting or creating Indian environment applying Indian perspective of Cultures and advertisements.


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Nepal is well known in the field of arts. Exclusive Nepalese style of Thangka 56 arts and

paintings are popular all over the world. There is an interesting story behind the relation of

Thanga paintings and cultural diplomacy.

Source: Nepal Art Shop

Fig. 2: Pure Handicraft of Buddhist Thangka Paintings of goddess Bajrayogini.

All most all the tangible culture of Nepal differs from place to place and for this difference credit

directly goes to diverse intangible cultures of Nepal and Nepalese people. There are certain

disputes as well as chances that are recognized in the field of Nepalese arts and cultures.57

But the fact is many youth of Nepal mostly from rural areas are deprived of exposing and

publicizing their culture due to lack of modern technologies, leaving Kathmandu58. There are

limited organizations that are truly working for uplifting creative thinking of Nepalese youth, but

56 . Thangka: It is a Silk painting with stitching, usually showing a Buddhist god, well-known scene, or a Mandela.

The Thangka is very unique from usual oil or acrylic painting. It is a piece of image which is painted or

embroidered, above which a fabric is attached which laid a cover, generally silk. Usually Thangkas last for a very

long term. It is delicate and hence, should be stored in dry places. Moisture is not at all good for it. Thangka is also

known as scroll- painting. (Website: We All Nepali ; Thangka Arts, “What is Thangka ?”; Para.1 , line nos. 1 and 3) )

57 . CKU International Development”, Nepal; 2nd para , line no. 1st ( website:

58 . Kathmandu: Capital city, Administrative Region and also the biggest municipality of Nepal. It is informally

called as “Tri-city” as it consists of three major three major places of Nepal ( Lalitpur , Bhaktapur and Kirtipur ).

This city is located at the height of 1355 m above sea level. ( )


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most of these organizations are urban centered. A portion of fault goes to lack of development in

modern transportation and communication systems.

If only Nepal had effective tools of communication and transportation system scenario would be

somehow different than that of present era. Similarly ideology deprived governmental agencies

and ineffective governmental plans have been crucial part of marginalizing this kind of cultural

and artistic training within territory of Kathmandu.

In close collaboration of CKU and the Danish Embassy in Kathmandu, Danish Government has

chosen to support the following key areas to lift Nepalese culture and cultural diplomacy: 59

Promoting Nepalese role models: In order for youth to see the chances within Nepal,

Television and radio programs have been given priority in most of the district, either as a

form of distance education or governmental training. As follow-up there are communal

discussions after the broadcasting of each educational and informative program.

Similarly, Street arts are projected to aim at identifying local heroes and role models in order to

inspire youth to contribute to the socio-economic development of their districts (ibid)60.

New perspectives on Nepalese identity: Through spoken word workshops and

performances women are encouraged to express themselves publicly. TV- and radio-

programmers made by young people portray the Nepalese youth. A digital photo archive

documents an inclusive history by generating knowledge and raising questions about

identity, memory and history. 61

Strengthening arts education and creative entrepreneurship:  This organization is

working to strengthen chances of getting jobs outside Kathmandu and other city areas.

For instance, TV personalities are educated to be local-based journalists. Similarly, it also

works for enhancing opportunities for providing jobs for youth.62

59 . CKU International Development, Para. 4 , Point nos. 1-5 (website : )

60 . Ibid: CKU International Development ( Website: )61 . Ibid: See footnote no. 5262 . Ibid: CKU International Development, Para. 4 , Point nos. 1-5 (website :


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Beside it is motivating youngsters to be more involved in Innovative, creative and

entrepreneur kind of works by organizing different kind of interdisciplinary artistic

workshops in schools and universities. The establishment of a professional education for

curators, art critics, and art managers creates new jobs within the field of: Arts, literature,

festivals, exhibitions and media.

Groups’ focused and targeted: These program assemblies for these kinds of

agendas are mainly youth.63

The geographical focus of the program is driven by the aim of widening access to art

and cultural activities in central Nepal.64

International Medias helping Nepal to uplift its Arts, Literature and Educations:

KARKHANA65:  A group of young programmers, engineers, comedian, Sculptors, actors

and artists enthusiastic to the assimilation of interdisciplinary teaching technique.

ARTLAB: Art groups who explores positive solutions to public challenges through

community -support art and cultural activities.

Photo. Circle: Platform for photography nurturing unique voices that document and

engage with social change in Nepal.

Word Warriors: Nepal’s first spoken-word group, “Word Warriors” organizes women

to lead local youth collectives across Nepal through intensive workshops, trainings and

regional affairs.

Siddhartha Arts Foundation: NGO upholding the contemporary art of Nepal and

engaging in the community through debate on social issues.

South Asia Communication (SAC): Media company working on leading youth

television shows, public outreach programs and training programs for youth.

Despite being rich in arts and crafts, Nepal was unable to popularize its artistic cultures until 7 th

century. But in 7th century, Lichhivi princess Bhrikuti 66 married to Tibetan emperor Srong Btsan

Gampo. This act of Bhrikuti created a flexible environment for Nepal to flourish its art and

63 . ibid: See footnote no. 55

64 . ibid: See footnote number 52 and 55

65 . KARKHANA: A commercial social company aiming to train the next generation of Arts influential and leaders in Nepal. (website: )


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cultures all over Tibet. Moreover she played an important role to flourish Buddhism 67 all over

Tibet. Likewise, majority of the Chinese and Tibetan records shows that Nepal and Tibet were

bounded culturally through royal marriage of Princess Bhrikuti and Prince Srong Btsan Gampo.

In short marriage also became one of the important strategies of soft power to flourish Nepalese

culture all over Tibet and China. 68

Besides flourishing Nepalese and Buddhist culture in Tibet, marriage of princess Bhrikuti and

Prince Srong Btsan Gampo widened mutual relation between Nepal and Tibet both culturally and


Role of Araniko in uplifting Cultural diplomacy of Nepal through Art:

Araniko was the first Artist and sculptors of Nepal to renowned Nepalese art throughout china.

He is also first Nepalese artist to popularize Nepalese art in Tibet. He helped in making relation

with Tibet by building a Nepalese style temple of 60 meters.69

Fig 3: Araniko, (Supreme Artistic of Nepal)

66 . Bhrikuti: Lichchavi client; Princess of Nepal and wife of emperor Srong Btsan Gampo (468-880). She popularized Buddhist Art into Tibet from Nepal in 7th century. 67 . Buddhism: Hinduism is foundation and main root of Buddhism as god Buddha himself was Hindu before being enlighten (point no. 1, 1st Para. Line no. 3; website: ). 68 . Dhungel, R.”NEPAL –TIBET CULTURAL RELATIONS AND THE ZHVA-DMAR-PA (SHYAMARPA) LAMAS OF TIBET “; vol. 26, no.2 (July 1999); History and Background of Cultural Relationship, p.1, Para. 1 , Line nos. 7 & 8 (website: ) 69 . Sharma, H.(2014) “The LEGENCY of ARANIKO”, Para. 5, line no.2


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Challenges for Nepalese art: If we look history of Nepalese paintings and try to

distinguish it with modern Nepalese paintings, we can find that Nepalese art is softly

influenced by western technique of arts and for this credit goes to Chandra Man Maskey.

Chandra Man Maskey was the painter who introduced western style of paintings for the first time

in Nepal after he joined “Calcutta Government School of Arts” in 1918. 70 Previously Nepalese

artist used to create paintings for local use, holy use and for different cultural functions.

However spiritual parts of paintings were given more priorities in Ancient paintings of Nepal as

Nepalese society was in the age of spirituality and religion. If we talk about Present context of

Nepal, Nepalese society has moved to the age of social science and physical science, so do the

taste of majority of artist have shifted to art showing social behavior and problems of society.

Role of Literature and Language:

There are two perspectives on how cultural diplomacy can be benefited from literature. These

perspectives can be classified into: Theoretical perspective and Practical perspective. According

to theoretical perspective, Literature allows readers to imagine and gain theoretical ideas on

foreign cultures. 71

We can even understand importance of any culture with the help of views given by protagonist

as well as antagonist of that literary writings, which is product of society and culture where that

writer was brought up. Nepal is regarded as great place for literary platform and literary figures

due to its attractive scenario of nature.

70 . Subedi, A.; “NEPALI ART: NEPALI UTHOPIA”, p.11, para. 3rd , line nos. 1-3 ; Publication: Central Department of English, Tribhuwan University , Nepal ( website: )71 . “Literature and Cultural Diplomacy: An Essay on Cultural Readings” ; Introduction, 2nd Para., line nos. 1-3


and-Cultural-Diplomacy-An-Essay-on-Cultural-Readings-Daniel-Sip.pdf )


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Besides being good place for cultivation of romantic literature, bad side of nature like: Natural

calamities and destruction have encouraged Nepalese people to develop deep sense of affection

towards relation of Nature and Human. Due to this kind of glorious climate and scenario of

Nepal, Nepal has progressed a lot in the field of literature. But before knowing the role of

Nepalese literature in Nepalese culture, it is necessary to know the origin of Nepalese language.

The branch of Nepalese language is Sanskrit, Infact it is root tongue of all most all the original

Indo-European family. 72 Literature is game of words and language. So the root of Nepalese

literature is Sanskrit literature. However, Nepalese literature and language had to go through

different phases of development. Sanskrit language didn’t directly evolve to Nepalese language.

It went through different phases of development.

When Sanskrit language evolved to Khas 73 Language, Nepalese language and literature started

to strengthen its platform. Slowly and gradually this language turned into modern Nepalese

language with the unification of Nepal in 1769 by king Prithivi Narayana Shah.74

Nepal consists of diverse languages. Different regions of Nepal have different languages. This

had aroused vast communication gap between two poles of Nepal. In ancient Nepal, languages

spoken in western part of Nepal was completely aliens to people of eastern part of Nepal. Due to

this reason, literature of Nepal varies from language to language and regions to regions.

Even literature was so pathetic to strengthen cultural relation within nation due to lack of

language unification. Poets like Bhanu Bhakta Acharya 75 made special effort to unify Nepalese

72 . Bandhu, M.”THE ROLE OF NEPALI LANGUAGE IN ESTABLISHING THE NATIONAL UNITY AND IDENTITY OF NEPAL”; P.2, Para. 3, line nos. 1 & 2; The Royal Nepal Academy, Kathmandu, Nepal (website: )73 . Khas: Traditionally, Nepalese (in English pronunciation) / Nepali (in Nepalese pronunciation) language was first

known as Khas language. When Gorkha (Nepali pronunciation) / Gurkha (English pronunciation), one of the state of

Nepal came into power this language was officially named as Gurkhali / Gorkhali language (Mother tongue of

Gorkha Empire before the unification of Nepal). Source: “Wikipedia: The free encyclopedia”; Nepali language, 2 nd

Para., line no. 1 74 . History of Nepal: “Unification Campaign of Prithivi Narayana Shah”; Point no.12, 3rd Para, Line no. 5, Sunday,

June 25, 2010 ( website: )75 . Bhanu Bhakta Acharya (1814-1868): He is regarded as second unifier of Nepal. He also flourishes and strengthens Nepalese Language for the first time throughout Nepal, just after the unification of Nepal (“THE CAREER OF BHANU BHAKTA AS A HISTORY OF NEPALI NATIONAL CULTURE 1940-1999” ; Bhanu Bhakta and Nepali National Culture; P.70, line nos. 9 & 10 ). So


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people and culture strengthening Nepalese language. He is credited for building special

emotional and cultural attachment among Nepalese people unifying them under same language. 76 In one sense he can be regarded as first cultural diplomats of Nepal who was successful to

bind different ethical races into one effective language.

Currently Nepalese literature had done great progress and is successful in flourishing and

strengthening Nepalese language and cultures of Nepal all over Nepalese Speaking Nations. Ever

since the birth of Nepal, Nepalese literature have played enormous role to flourish Nepalese

culture all over the world. But due to lack of proper technological facilities, Nepal has to move

backwards when it comes in the field of keeping International Relation with literary figure and

literature of other language, but scenario of Nepalese language and literature in present day is


After the visit of popular Nepalese litterateurs like: poets, essayist, Novelist and so on in 1961 at

India,77 Nepalese literature started to create its separate brand. Nepalese literature was

internationally accepted as separate world of literature then that of Sanskrit.

Before 1961, Nepalese literature was regarded as part of Sanskrit literature. Moreover, this visit

was very important also in diplomatic point because it helped in strengthening the influence of

Nepalese literature in India. Beside this, for the first time there was expose and increased charm

of foreigners towards Nepalese literature.

Similarly, for the first time in the history of Nepalese literature, this gathering of both Nepalese

and Hindi literary figures opened bilateral gateway for both nations to share and flourish their

literary ideas openly with each other. Moreover, Nepalese literary figures got golden opportunity

to publish their books openly from any Indian Publications. 78

he is in other sense regarded as first cultural diplomats of Nepal, who flourished and taught Nepalese language to all state that was newly conquered by King Prithivi Narayana Shah (First king of unified Nepal).76 . ONTA, P.(1999). “THE CAREER OF BHANU BHAKTA AS A HISTORY OF NEPALI NATIONAL CULTURE, 1940-1999”; Studies in Nepali History and Society 4(1): 65-136 ( Website: ) 77 Pradhan, B. (ed. 2014). “A SENSE OF NEPALESE DIPLOMACY”; Ch.6, Nepalese Literary Delegation, P.20 , para.1, line no. 1, publication: Naya Pragati Printers, Kathmandu, Nepal78.IBID: Pradhan, B. (ed. 2014). “A SENSE OF NEPALESE DIPLOMACY”; Ch.6, Nepalese Literary Delegation,

P.20, para.3, line no. 10).


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This was also favorable treaty in the history of Nepalese literature as Nepal was far behind in

technology then present at that period, but India had already developed many huge press and

publications due to British colonization. This also indirectly helped Nepalese literary figure to

advertize Nepalese culture and literature in India. Similarly India also got opportunity to

advertize its culture freely inside Nepal. Moreover common origin of language played most

important role in bonding friendliness between literary figures of two different languages and

nations. This act can be marked as first step of modern cultural diplomacy in the history of Nepal

and India.

Even though there were lots of geo-political treaty between Nepal and India in 1950’s, these

treaties were mostly based on common jobs and business, but not with cultures and other soft

powers. Precisely saying these treaties were based on peace and military negotiations. 79 All

those treaties and act before 1961 era were mostly based on hard power diplomacy of Nepal and

India rather than cultural diplomacy. This was because Nepal was on its way to unification and

India was under British colony.

It led Nepalese authority to focus more on their geographical territory rather than cultural

advertisement. After Nepal became fully secured and both from external and internal forces, it

started to focused more on its cultures, heritages and languages. For this Nepalese literature

(Here Nepalese literature means all the literature from every language spoken in Nepal) helped a

lot to uplift patriotic feelings towards Nepalese culture and civilization.

Slowly Nepalese literature was popularized in many parts of India like Sikkim, which was part of

Nepal before Sugauli Treaty80. “Blue Mimossa” one of the great tragic Nepalese literary novel

written by the novelist Parijat81, was the first novel to popularize Nepalese socio-cultural

behavior all over the world. This novel described Nepalese social culture and livelihood of the

79 . Patel, D. (2013). “Culture Mandela: The Bulletin of the Center for East –West Cultural and Economic Studies”;

The Entangled Triangle of Nepal, India, China, 2nd Para, line nos. 3 & 4, Published by: ePublications@bond,

University of Pune .

(website: )

80 . Sugauly Treaty: It is treaty between Nepal and East India Company regarding Nepal-India border which was

done in 1860 by then government of Nepal and East India Company.


Page 35: Cultural Diplomacy of Nepal  (PDF)

then Nepalese scenario in such an emotional and critical way that, Japanese film industry with no

time created movie based on this Novel in their own language which was released on late 2012

all over Japan.82

Fig. 4: English Translation of “Shrish ko Phool”

Literature deals with language and populations. If we have more number of population speking

any language, it will be easier for literature to flourish its culture more easily. Nepalese literature

has been one of the greatest tools for Nepal to popularize their core culture. Literature and

culture have mutual relations. Literature flourishes culture all over the world mostly in positive

way and culture sets background of any literature. But pathetic technology and minimum number

81 . Chauhan, J. (ed. 2008) “ BODHI: AN INTERDICIPILANARY JOURNAL” ; Understanding Parijat through the

Prism of Her Biography, P.1, Darjeeling Days: The Family, Para 1, line nos. 1-3 , Vol. 2, No.1 , Serial No. 2,

Department of Language and Mass Communication, KATHMANDU UNIVERSITY (Publisher), DHULIKHEL,

KAVRE ,NEPAL82 . “The Odyssey”; Blue Mimosa- The Great Nepali Tragedy: Review, 3 rd Para. , line no.1 If any of the readers

want to watch the authentic video of “The Blue Mimosa” or have some dought regarding the fact I mentioned above

in this portion thesis, you can just go to (Authentic Video). This

is also video reference for this part of thesis.


Page 36: Cultural Diplomacy of Nepal  (PDF)

of population speaking Nepalese language along with lack of advertisement of any Nepalese

literature and literary culture have made Nepalese literature as well as culture to hide their core

potentiality. This literary delegation has also built mutual relation between Nepal and some

Indian actors. Poet Harivanshrai Bachchan, father of Indian superstar Amitav Bachahchan

admired Nepalese literature warmly and became huge fan of Nepalese Literature after this


Fig 5: Group of Poets with Jawaharlal Neheru in Nepalese Literary Delegation – 1960 at India

2.4. Importance of Media, Movies and Infrastructures:

Media have a great role in modern society. From the time of establishment of media, each and

every nation has used Media as important tools to advertize and flourish their culture. But

flourishing culture and establishing inter-cultural harmony all over the world had not been that

easy in the past and even in the present.

83 . Pradhan, B. (ed. 2014). “A SENSE OF NEPALESE DIPLOMACY”; Ch.6, Nepalese Literary Delegation, P.21,

para.3, line no. 11


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Every kind of media, particularly news media have to increase their intercultural awareness and

mutual feelings among all culture and ethnics. Mutual feelings and depth awareness upon other’s

cultures and cultural ideology is only possible through different international exchange program

which mostly focuses on skill-exchanging and publicizing media culture of one nation with

journalists of other nations.84

All kind of Media and Movies are regarded as source of information’s and sharing information is

first stage of cultural civilization. It is then promising to flourish other kind of culture all over

the world with the help of Medias. Amir Hooshang Afsharpur in his article “The Psychological

and Diplomatic Role of Mass Media” has explained the role and importance of Media

Diplomacy. According to him, Media is used since its birth time for the uprising of foreign


Similarly American scholar Ram Prasad clarifies media diplomacy as the function of cultural and

media organizations in global diplomatic relations.86 There is no specific term for all kind of

Media diplomacy.

The term “Media Diplomacy” is sometime referred by different terms like: satellite -antenna

diplomacy, newspaper diplomacy and currently internet diplomacy.87 The system of putting

censorship of news that have come out from foreign ministry or any foreign policy department of

government plays vital role in stabilizing diplomatic relations among government of all the

84 . Howard R. “Research Base for the High-level Group Report Analysis on Media”; P.16, Reduce Cross cultural

Isolation and Develop a Global Consciousness Among Media Professionals, para.1, point no.44, line nos. 1-3,

Alliance of Civilizations Secretariats, United Nations, New York .

(websites: )85 . Afsharpur, A. (ed. 2013) “The Psychological and Diplomatic Role of Mass Media”; Media Diplomacy, P. 448, Para. 1, line nos. 1-3, Vol. 4 (2) (Website: )

86 . ibid: Afsharpur, A. (ed. 2013) “The Psychological and Diplomatic Role of Mass Media”; Media Diplomacy, P. 448, Para. 1, line nos. 1-3, Vol. 4 (2) (Website: )87 . ibid: Afsharpur, A. (ed. 2013) “The Psychological and Diplomatic Role of Mass Media”; Media Diplomacy, P. 448, Para. 1, line nos. 1-3, Vol. 4 (2) (Website: )


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nations. In order to stabilize diplomatic relation with all the European Nations in 1914 just at the

time of I World War, American President Wilson88 created a board naming Creel.

The main mission of this board was to create acceptable linkage among the department of

Defense and Foreign affairs and American mass media.89 Hence, this step is regarded as birth of

first media diplomacy in the history of cultural diplomacy.

Modern age is known as era of internet and digitalization. We cannot imagine anything in

modern days in absence of internet in developed countries. However it is still too early to

recognize the role of internet to built relation by international communities. There are still cluster

of developing nations in international communities.

Thomas Friedman in one point agrees with idea of term media diplomacy. He claims that the

internet is successful enough to make itself as vital player across the globe by helping everyone

to have access to same information, contact everybody in a minute anywhere and do business

direct with each other.90 But Friedman also disagrees with the idea of media diplomacy.

According to his idea, internet which is one of the strongest tools of media diplomacy has helped

many anti-social works like terrorism and pornography to flourish throughout the world.

Likewise Friedman also tress culture of digital publications and internet as one of the easiest

means for spreading terror by different terrorist group throughout the world in fraction of nano-

second. 91

Nepal is popularly known as nation having diverse culture, which means Nepal itself is a

universe having lots of galaxies of cultures. In context of Nepalese foreign diplomacy, all kind of

media are unable to play effective role in advertisement of culture in International level due to

poor economy and infrastructures. However tourism has been an easy way to advertize Nepalese

88 . Wilson: Wilson was the 28th president of United State (1913-1921). He was also a leader of “Progressive Movement”. After a policy of impartiality at the occurrence of World War I, Wilson led America to battle in order to create safe world for democracy and democratic society and supporter. (“THE WHITE HOUSE”; HOME / 1600 PENN /PRESIDENT/ Woodrow Wilson, Para. 1 line nos. 1-5 , ) 89 . Afsharpur, A. (ed. 2013.) “The Psychological and Diplomatic Role of Mass Media”; P. 448, Media Policy, Para. 2, line nos. 5-6 , Vol.4 (2) 90 . Westcott, N. (2008.) “Digital Diplomacy: The Impact of the Internet on International Relations”; P.3, the Internet Revolution, Para. 3, line nos. 1& 2 , Oxford Internet Institute, Research Report 91 . Ibid: Westcott N. (2008.) “Digital Diplomacy: The Impact of Internet on International Relations”; P3, the Internet Revolution, Para. 3 , line no. 7& 8


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cultures out of Nepal. Tourist visits other nations not only because they want environmental

changes but they also visit other nations to know and understand cultures and life style of other

nations. This is truer in nations like Nepal. So Nepal have separate field of tourism known as

cultural tourism for these kind of tourist.

Similarly there are many traders in Himalaya part of Nepal commonly known as cultural traders. 92 The people living in this part of nation are engaged in trade activities with Tibet. This kind of

treading relation has been accepted by Himalayan peoples since their ancient civilizations. Infact

this kind of economical relation is mostly created due to cultural attraction of Himalayan people.

Due to incapability in educating the importance of cultural tradition along with lack of

advertisement and modern communication , most of the culture of Nepal are about to vanish.

However some of the cultures are still strong enough to sustain due to folklore system. Oral

histories like Chinese whisper93 have been vaguer with each transitory age group 94 to help keep

this culture alive. We cannot find any official document and literature of this culture.

92 . Pandey, R.; Chhetri, P.; Kunwar, R. ; Ghimire G. (1995.) “CASE STUDY ON THE EFFECTS OF TOURISM ON CULTURE AND THE ENVIRONMENT”; P.11, Cultural tourism, attractions and activities, Para. 2, line nos. 3-5 (website: )93 . Chinese Whisper: It is imprecisely transmitted chat. This phase is originally used in China. However in present

context of world, this phase is widely used in UK and other part of English speaking nations. In simple word, the

term “Chinese Whisper” refers to a series of re-narration of same story from generation to generations. But this

stories don’t have any written format ( “Chinese Wispier”, Meaning, 94 . Pradhan, S. , Neve, E. , Pradhananga S. (2015.); ”The Lost Jewels of Handigaun”, ECSNEPAL (website: )


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Fig. 6: The Lost Jewels of Handigaun.

Role of Nepalese (Nepali) Movie:

It has not been that long for Nepalese movie to act as means of Nepalese cultural diplomacy. The

period of 1966’s opened a new path for Nepal in the field of cultural diplomacy. “Maitighar”

(Maternal Home) became first movie to built deep relation of Nepalese Film Industries (Some

time called as “Kollywood” 95 ) with Indian Film Industry- Bolleywood. This was also first full

guaranteed Nepalese film where Indian actor performed a vital act.96 As major actor of this film

was famous Indian actor of that time, this film became very popular throughout India. In this

way Nepalese Film Industries started to create diplomatic relation with Indian film industry.

This also helped in flow and advertisement of Nepalese culture across India creating favorable

environment for Nepalese as well as Indian singer and film artist to exchange their talents freely. 95 . Kolleywood: Kolleywood also known as Kalleywood (Kathmandu + [Holly] wood = Kalleywood) is a Nepalese

(Nepali) Cinema that is in its developing phase. It is not totally established as “Hollywood” or “Bolleywood”. But

due to cultural similarities and similar type of language (see ref. no. 96), Nepalese film is often influenced by

bolleywood. This has made Nepalese film industry popularly known as “Kolleywood”, naming just after capital city

and centre of Nepalese film industries – Kathmandu. [ Kardecki, A. (2013.) “Kolleywood: The film of Nepal”,

Para. 1, Line nos. 1-4, website: ]

96 . “History of Cinema in Nepal”; Para.2, line nos. 1-3, Film Development Board , Member of Asian Film

Commission Network “AFCNet “, Government of Nepal (website:

option=com_content&view=article&id=52:history-of-cinema-in-nepal&catid=37:about-us&Itemid=58 )


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Common Devanagari97 script and similar kind of religious culture was major reason for creating

favorable environment for this kind of exchange program.

Fig 7: First Nepalese movie to flourish and explore Nepalese culture all over India. The term

“Maitighar” means “Girls birth home”. This was the third Nepalese film in the film history of

Nepal and was first film made by private film productions.98 This film was able to set musical

and emotional bond between Indian singers and Nepalese citizens.

This movie (Film) also featured sound of different popular singer of India like: Lata

Mangeskhar, Asha Bhosle, Geeta Dutta and so on99. Beside this film helped Nepal a lot to

flourish and popularize Nepalese Language.

97 . Devanagari: Devanagari script is developed from the Brahmi script in about 11 th century AD. Nepalese

Devanagari script is similar to Hindi Devanagari script. Nepalese language is Indo-Aryan language of about 17

million native speakers. Apart from Nepal, this language is mostly spoken in nation like: Burma. India, Bhutan etc.

Nepal started to use Nepalese devanagari script officially from 12th century AD. ( “Omnigolt : The online

encyclopedia of writing system & Languages” , Para. 2, line nos. 1 & 2 website: )98 . Film Rooters (2015), “Old Nepali Movie Song- Maitighar”, Para. 1, Line nos. 1-3

(website: ) 99 . Ibid: Film Rooters (2015), “Old Nepali Movie Song- Maitighar”, Para. 3, line no. 2


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Different Indian artist, actors and singers were able to learn and speak Nepalese language

(although not in fluent way) due to this film. Likewise, this movie made Nepalese concept of

“Maitighar – Girls birth home” extremely popular in India and other Nepalese speaking Nations.

Chapter 3

Role of Politics in Cultural Diplomacy

3.1. Importance of Political Strategy in Cultural diplomacy:

Cultural diplomacy is one of the most considered and cost-effective way of political authority

that is accessible to makers of state and global defense strategy of all most all the nations.

Because of ignorance and misinterpretation, cultural diplomacy has been immensely

underutilized. This ignorance has leaded all most all nations to lose numerous opportunities of

negotiations and dealings in International field.100

David Caute a British scholar explains the uses of cultural tools as equipment of conflict. The

Cold War was actually was not a customary political armed clash; however it is a “philosophical

and cultural competition on an international level with no chronological precedent”. 101 Similarly

according to him the main reason for collapse of Soviet Union is economic aggression and

ineffective understanding of foreign social and military cultures. This also led their military and

political strategy to ‘the mortal disability’.

100 . Lenczoski, J. (ed.2008.); “Strategic Influence: Public Diplomacy, Counterpropaganda and Political Warfare”,

C.4, Cultural Diplomacy, Political Influence and Integrated Strategy, P.74, Para. 1, Line nos. 1-5, editor: Waller, J.,

Institute of World Politics Press (website: )101 .ibid: Lenczoski J. (ed. 2008.); “Strategic Influence: Public Diplomacy, Counterpropaganda and Political Warfare”,

P.76, Para. 3, Line nos. 1-12 (website: see footnote no. 99 )


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Although Cultural diplomacy of most of the nation depends on exchange of information’s,

ethics, values and cultures, Cultural diplomacy of China differs from cultural diplomacy of those

nations as it deals with Social Capital. This term was first created in 1960’s, which later on

became extremely popular in Chinese politics. 102( Ling xu, in his article “Cultural Diplomacy

and Social Capital in China”, he mentions that the diplomatic development policy of China

wanted Chinese government to incorporate Chinese hard power and soft power together in order

to uplift global craze and attention of foreigners towards cultural diplomacy of china.) 103 Their

main motive for this was to increase craze of great number of tourist towards China and flourish

Chinese business throughout world. They also made cultural diplomacy as one of the easy means

of global marketing.

Relation between Social Capital and Cultural Diplomacy:

(Cultural diplomacy is backbone of soft power negotiation, where we can regard social capital as

an important actor of soft power negotiation. We cannot ignore deep connective influence factors

between social capital and cultural diplomacy).104 According to this theory, relation between

capital and cultural diplomacy is directly proportional to each other. Nation with strong financial

backbone can effectively strengthen and support the progress of cultural diplomacy.

However nation with poor financial backbone is strong enough to damage the positive image of

foreigners regarding culture of that nation.105 This theory indirectly deals with the philosophy of

impression that is commonly known as “First impression is last impression”.

102 . Xu, L. (2014.) “Cultural Diplomacy and Social Capital in China”; P.4, Point no. 4, Social Capital, line no. 1


Cultural_Diplomacy_And_Social_Capital_In_China_Liang_Xu.pdf ) 103 . ibid: see footnote no. 101

104 . Xu, L. (2014) “Cultural Diplomacy and Social Capital in China”; P.4, Point no, 5, Relations of Cultural

Diplomacy and Social Capital, line nos. 1-3 (website:

Cultural_Diplomacy_And_Social_Capital_In_China_Liang_Xu.pdf )105 . ibid: Xu, L. (2014) “Cultural Diplomacy and Social Capital in China”; P.4, Point no, 5, Relations of Cultural

Diplomacy and Social Capital, line nos. 1-3 (website:



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Fig. 8: Future of Cultural Diplomacy (Political Analysis ):

Diplomacy is totally based on political condition of any nations. Infact it is two way process of

political, cultural, economical and religious cooperation’s. Although advertisement and exchange

of information plays vital role in strengthening field of cultural diplomacy, we must not forget

that future of cultural diplomacy totally depends on two aspects.

They are:

Enthusiasm of politician to make cultural diplomacy as an important part of diplomacy of

that nation.

The capability of public diplomacy experts to enhance the style of doing their work in

effective and creative way also plays vital role in uplifting and enhancing cultural

(Public) diplomacy of that nation. 106

106. Seib, P. (ed. 2012.) “The Future of Public Diplomacy”; PD Snapshot: Looking Towards the Future, Para. 1,

line nos. 2 & 3, USC Center on Public Diplomacy, Vol.3 (2) (website: )


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Art exhibition is one of the most popular and interesting instrument in the field of Cultural

Diplomacy, so art have become extremely important in the ground of International Relations.

However it has not been long time for diplomacy to treat art and its exhibition as form of cultural


At the moment of complexity in politics, every kind of arts and cultures plays a vital role to keep

the entrance of negotiation unlock. Art exhibition, one of the tools of cultural diplomacy can

contribute to inter-cultural discourse between two or more nations. The project of “Picasso in

Palestine” which was held in June 2011 was indirect political suggestion for the political

activities of Netherlands.107 Likewise, cultural songs that deal with political condition of any

nations can play important role in unifying different political parties in one circle. Arts that show

destruction of humanity and world peace due to wars and international political conflicts may

result to easy peace negotiation among multiple nations.

Role of Politics in Nepalese Cultural Diplomacy:

Since the time of unification of Nepal, politics have played an important role in shaping and

mobilizing Nepalese cultural diplomacy. Nepal is successful enough to keep cultural diplomacy

with its neighboring nations like: India and Tibet. (The main reason for having successful

cultural diplomacy with India links to common religion. It acts as principal and most vital role in

influencing the cultural diplomacy of these two countries.) 108 However, cultural diplomacy of

Nepal and India has been established as one side negotiation then that of bilateral negotiation due

to certain political reasons. According to the census of 2011, the population of Hindu in Nepal is

about 81.3 %;109 likewise about 80.5 % of Indians are Hindu.110

107 . :Alexopoulou, A. “Art diplomacy and cross-continental political exchange: The case of the exhibition”, the art of

Enlightenment, .Para. 1, Line no.3 (Website:

Arts_Diplomacy_And_Cross-Continental_Political_Exchange_Angeliki_Alexopoulou.pdf )108 “Nepal-India Relations (ed.2015)”; Socio-Cultural, Para. 3, Line nos. 2 & 3,Embassey of Nepal, New Delhi,

India (Website: )

109 . Nepal Demographic Profile (2014); Point no. 24, Religion, line no. 1

(Website: )110 . World Population Review (ed.2015) ;“ India Population” ,Religion in India, Para.1 line no.2 (website: )


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This automatically created religious and cultural bonds between these two nations leading to

easy cultural negotiation among these nations. Nepal and India cannot go together in absence of

cultural diplomacy. As majority of population both in Nepal and India are Hindu, weak cultural

diplomacy along with pathetic cultural negotiation may arise huge political problem among these

two nations. Beside religious diplomacy, other sides of India-Nepal cultural diplomacy like

Indian songs and bolleywood movies along with Nepalese songs and Nepalese movies have been

easy medium for both the nations to publicize their culture.

Bolleywood cinemas and songs are extremely admired by Nepalese society.111 On the other

hand, Nepalese (Kalleywood/ Kolleywood) cinemas and music are popular in Indian society,

particularly in the state with populations of the people of Nepalese foundation. In simple sense,

Nepalese cinema and songs are mostly popular in the North-eastern and Northern regions of

India. 112Most important chief element of India-Nepal cultural affinity is language. Citizens of

both the nations have many common languages like: Nepalese (Nepali), Bhojpuri, Maitheli ,

Awadi 113, Hindi etc.

The mother language of all most all these languages is Sanskrit, which is considered as the

tongue of the sages and deities. Although some of the languages spoken in Nepal and India

differ, they both use Devnagari scripts in their writings in every major language of each nation.114

On the other hand cultural relation of Nepal and Tibet differs from that of Nepal and India. Most

of the scholars regard closed border system of Nepal and Tibet as major thread of cultural gap

between these two nations.

111 . “Nepal- India Relations (ed.2015)”; Socio-Cultural, Para. 4, Line nos. 1-5, Embassy of Nepal, New Delhi, India

(website: )

112 . Ibid: “Nepal- India Relations (2015)”; Socio-Cultural, Para. 4, Line nos. 1-5, Embassy of Nepal, New Delhi, India

(website: )

113 . Awadi: It is an Indo-Aryan tongue that is spoken by around 38 million populace. This language is mostly spoken

in regions like: Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh etc. of India. Similarly this language is also spoken in nations

like: Nepal, Mauritius etc. (“Omniglot: The online Encyclopedia of writing system and languages”; Para. 1, Line

nos. 1-3, website: )

114 . “Nepal-India Relations (ed.2015)”; Socio-Cultural, Para.5, Line no. 5, Embassy of Nepal, New Delhi, India

(website: )


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The cultural relation of Nepal and Tibet dates back to mid-seventh century A.D. The first step for

this relation deals with flourishing of Buddhism all over the Tibet.115 Like of relation with India,

religion plays an important role for establishment of mutual cooperation’s among citizens of

Nepal and Tibet. Although religion and Buddhist arts helped a lot for Nepal to flourish itself

throughout Tibet, it is not major factor to uplift cultural diplomacy of Nepal. Culture have purely

been effective tools for Nepal to keep itself politically strong and secured at the period of

Licchivi dynasty. According to historical records of Tibet, the relationship of Nepal and Tibet

was culturally bonded through royal marriage of Bhrikuti and Srong Btsan Gampo 116 This act

can be mentioned as first step of cultural diplomacy by Nepal with other nation that have totally

different language and ethnicity then that of Nepalese society. Similarly this act also set the joint

operation of exchanging great scholars both from Nepal and Tibet.

From the era of ninth century, this socio- cultural relation slowly turned into business relation

creating a mutual and flexible marketing culture for these two nations among each other.

However, strong business and socio-cultural relation between these two nations remained only

till 20th century, until China took over Tibet territory. But Nepal and Tibet still have legend of

cultural bond along with mutual feelings towards each other even in the period of 21 st century.

They took over of Tibet by China have caused no serious harm in Nepal-Tibet relationship.

3.2. Political strategy in Cultural Diplomacy before 1950

The Chinese annexation of Tibet changed the strategic significance of Nepal. India decided to

strengthen its northern frontier by taking Nepal into confidence. Stating concern of India

115 . Dhungel, R. (ed. 1999). “ Nepal-Tibet Cultural Relations and the Zhva-Dmar-Pa (Shyamarpa) Lamas of

Tibet” ; History and Background of Cultural Relationship, P.184,Para.1, Line no. 2, CNAS, Tribhuvan University,

Kathmandu, Nepal (Website:

CNAS_26_02_01.pdf )116 . Ibid: Dhungel R. (ed. 1999) “Nepal- Tibet Cultural Relations and the Zhva-Dmar-Pa (Shyamarpa) Lamas of

Tibet”; History and Background of Cultural Relationship, P.184, Para. 1, Line no. 8 (Website: )


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towards Nepal , the then Prime Minister Jawahar Lal Nehru mentioned that, India cannot allow

anything to go incorrect in Nepal or allow any kind of obstacle to be crossed or destabilized

because that would also be a risk to over security”.117

Nepal, which was striving for recognition in the community of nations and was facing domestic

upheaval due to protests against Rana rulers, was surprised by the Chinese claim on Tibet. The

then external environment, particularly the developments in China and Tibet and the Chinese

attitude of acquiescence towards the Nepal-India ties also developed a great agreement in the

progress and maintenance of unique relationships between the two nations.

The Rana’s were also gazing for a chance to enter into some sort of consideration with India to

calm the independent movements in Nepal which had its base in India. From the era of 1947-

1950, tactics of Rana’s towards India were directed by charming of India’s understanding to

avoid it from supporting the democratic movements in Nepal which had its foundation in India.

Nepal was unified in 1743, so it was in its infant stage at this time. However due to cultural

diversity and beauties, Nepal was capable to attract numerous tourist and flourish it’s cultural

resources out of Nepal in very less time.

117 . Manas N. , Sharma M.(ed. 2014) ”The 1950 Treaty of Peace & Friendship: An Issue of Contention between

India and Nepal” ; Introduction, Para. 1, Line no .5 (Website:

p3547.pdf )


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Fig 9: Gurkha (Gorkha) soldiers in World War I 118

Gorkha soldiers were successful enough to win World War I and help British win the war. They

were also successful enough to maintain relation with Britain through the exchange of military

force. However this is very little thing that we know about them and all these fact what we know

are based on hard powers rather than that of soft power. After the end of First World War

England and Nepal signed “Military Employment and Training Treaty”. According to the treaty,

about 3500 population of Gorkha get chance to admit themselves in one year and serve as British


118 . “ The Gurkha Grave of Berlin”, The Middle East (website:

graves-of-berlin-middle-east.html )119 .Sims, J. (ed.2008) “Soldiers, Migrants and Citizens: The Nepalese in Britain”; P.12, Employment and Training,

Para. 1, line no. 1, The Runnymed Trust, London, England (website: )


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Presently, there is separate colony for all Nepalese people in England. We can enjoy all kind of

Nepalese cultures there. In other words, we can name that colony as “Mini-Nepal”120. Although

we can experience Nepalese culture only in those certain areas, we will feel as if we are in Nepal

until we live within the territory of those colony. This has also helped in flourishing Nepalese

cultures and customs all over England. Any British, who want to experience and know more

about Nepalese cultures can visit those colonies and experience Nepalese culture live without

visiting Nepal. In 1960, “Britian- Nepal Society”121 was formed to establish good relations

among citizens of Nepal and United Kingdom.122 This society also helped in promoting Nepalese

culture in England.123 Similarly it also helped England to flourish its language and traditions in


Despite military relation, Nepal and Britain do have relation of Arts and craft. One of the

Surgeon from Britain to British Residency of Nepal, created more than 20000 sketches and

canvas pictures during his fourteen years (1850-64) trip to Nepal from 124

120 . Mini-Nepal: It is form of societies or colonies, where we can find all kind of Nepalese cultures and traditions

that we can experience inside territory of Nepal. This kind of Mini-Nepal can be formed or established anywhere out

of Nepal according to the need of Nepalese people residing in certain nations for a long time. They can take help of

government or legal authority of that certain nation to establish this kind of territory or colony. Nepalese colony of

England (Britain) is best example of this kind of society.121 . Britain Nepal Society: This most important part of this society is there is no age limit to be member of this

society. People of every background, casts, religions and all ages (from newly born Nepalese infant in England to

old aged group residing there) create peaceful mixed environment. [“Britain-Nepal Society Journal” (ed.2015),

Para.1, line no.3, University of Cambridge. website: ]

122 . “The Britain-Nepal Society”; History and Background of the Britain-Nepal Society, Para 1, line no. 1, Colonial

Rupert Litherland (website: )

123 . ibid: “The Britain-Nepal Society”; History and Background of the Britain-Nepal Society, Para 2, line no. 4,

Colonial Rupert Litherland (website: )

124 . Wooldrige D. (ed. 2014) “Painting Nepal: Dr. Henery Ambrose Oldfield and Raj Man Singh”; P. 17, Para.1, Line nos. 1-4 (website: )


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3.3. Political strategy in Cultural Diplomacy after 1950

Fig 10: (The then Nepalese King, Mahendra Bir Bikram Shah Dev, was in his official trip to the

Plastics Research Lab at Weizman Institute of Science, Israel in 1958. Starting from left to right,

Person who is in left was the then Israel's foreign minister Abba Eban, then king of Nepal

Mahindra. Shaul Gassner, Prof. David Vofsi.) 125

There is huge record of mountaineers coming from Japan to climb different mountains of Nepal

especially Mount Everest. Since the ascent of Mount Manaslu126 in 1956 by a Japanese team,

many mountaineers from Japan came Nepal to climb the high peak of the Himalayas, along with

the Mt. Everest (Sagarmatha). 127

125. Deminisms (2007.) “File:King of Nepal 1958.jpg”, Descriptions, Line nos. 1-5, (website: )

126 . Mount Manaslu: This Mountain is about 8,156 meters, which is nearly 26,760 feet tall. ( “Mail online” , News,


swept-cliff-tent.html )127 Khanal, R. “Nepal’s Relation with Japan: Unique friendship between two Unequal”; P.5, Cultural Linkage

between Nepal and Japan, Para. 2, Line nos. 2 & 3


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During the period of 1960’s Nepal focused its soft power strategy mainly towards China. Nepal

started to send Nepalese specialist of different field like: Journalism, Education, Literature, Arts

and so on to China to work as translator.128 Not only this, Nepal also broadcasted different

Nepalese language programs at Radio Ping.

Religious relations between Nepalese lamas and Chinese lamas also helped Nepal to strengthen

its cultural diplomacy with China. However, contrary to Nepal and India, religion don’t play

major role in uplifting cultural relation of Nepal and China then that of social and Artistic

cultural relations.

Nepalese community has a positive feeling of Chinese citizens from the ending of the Cultural

insurgency. According to response of Ashok Gurung, for news article “Is China Building up Soft

Power by Aiding Nepal: A Chinese file Conversation”, he mentions that in the period of Cultural

Revolution in Nepal, Chinese government aided to construct modern highways.129 All Nepalese

remember Chinese workforce as hardworking, truthful, simple-living citizens. In recent years,

most of the scholars and project managers of Nepal have become aware about increased Chinese

participation in Hydropower sector of Nepal.130 Some scholars, researcher and international

political reporters still have dought on relation of Nepal and China and are asking

thoughtful question like, Whether Nepal is Soft Power conquest for China or not.

3.4 Political Strategy in Cultural Diplomacy from 2006:

This period is considered as one of the vital period of Nepal in every aspects of development.

After Nepal transited to secular state from Hindu state in 18 th of May 2006,131 diplomatic

activities of Nepal was also affected a lot especially in the sector of cultural diplomacy. After

128 “Sino Nepal Relation from 1950 t0 1990”; P.79, Diplomatic Ties, Para 1, Line nos. 11 & 12 (website: )129 Gurung, A. (2015) “Is China Building Up Soft Power by Aiding Nepal: A China File Conversation”, Responses

Para. 7, Line no. 1, Vol. 8 (21) ,(website:

aiding-nepal )130 . Ibid: Gurung A. (2015) “Is China Building Up Soft Power by Aiding Nepal: A China File Conversation”,

Responses, Para. 7, Line nos. 7 & 8 , Vol. 8 (21)131 . Letizia, C. (2012), “Shaping Secularism in Nepal”, Introduction,Para.1, Line no.1, European Bulletin of Himalayan Research (website:


Page 53: Cultural Diplomacy of Nepal  (PDF)

transformation of Nepal to secular state, there came increased consciousness towards one’s

regional and national culture.

Nepalese citizen also felt the need of cultural and language advertisement, but nation was unable

to establish this kind of cultural festival across the world due to financial, technical and moreover

political problems. Until this period, there had already been huge awareness regarding

importance of cultural advertisement within and out of Nepal’s territory for Nepalese people.

Due to pathetic political scenario of politics in Nepal, cultural diplomacy has not been used in

effective way in political level. But Nepalese artists and celebrities are able to started flourish

Nepalese Costumes, Movies and Songs on their own through concerts and advertisements at

overseas nations. No matter, even these singers and Actors are publishing their own movies and

songs; at least they have acted as cultural diplomats in indirect way and have tried to flourish

Nepalese language and cultures all over foreign land as far as it’s possible. Not only singers of

nepal are trying to florish Nepalese flock music all over the world, but also different flock band

like Nepathya132 have tried to flourish Nepalese flock music all over the world especially in

strong nations like: United State, United Kingdom and so on.

132 . Napathya: It is a Nepalese Flock rock band that was formed in 1990 by Amrit Gurung, Bhim Pun and Deepak Rana. This band has gained international popularity. (“Napathya”, About , Para. 2, line no. 1 website: )


Page 54: Cultural Diplomacy of Nepal  (PDF)

Fig. 11: Folk- Rock stars of Nepal performing their best in the stage of Wembley, London

during August, the month of 2013

The above image shows Nepathya (an International Nepalese folk -rock band), playing music as

a major star in a musical show at Wembley Arena, one of the largest venues of U.K. situated at

London.133 This concert was part of the band’s peace tour that was started from 1996-2006

during Nepalese Civil War. 134 More than 15,000 people (along with some tourist) died in this

conflict. This band also organized concert all over 14 zones (starting from Mechi in the east to

Mahakali in the west) of Nepal to rise consciousness towards self-development, peace, unity

along with Nation’s development and progress

133 .Amos, O. (2013) “Nepalese folk-rock band Nepathya to headline Wembely Arena, line nos. 1 & 2 ,BBC News,

Asia (website: )

134 . ibid: Amos, O. (2013) “Nepalese folk-rock band Nepathya to headline Wembely Arena, line no. 6 ,BBC News,

Asia (website: )


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Chapter 4



Nepal is a multi-ethical, multi-lingual, multi-religious nation. In brief it is a multi-cultural nation

having lots of cultural diversities then that of any other nations. Unlike western soft powers like

America and Europe, Nepal doesn’t have strong technology and advertisement tools. Similarly,

people understanding Nepalese languages are low in number then that of people speaking

English language.

If we do comparative study of American and European cultural dimension with the cultural

dimension of Nepal, we can find Nepal at top list. However due to pathetic tech-culture along

with instable politics, Nepal is not getting effective result which it should get from its cultural

diplomacy. Rather than being a cultural hub and create flexible rules and environment on the

field of cultural diplomacy, Nepal is not achieving the goals whatever it could do.

Literatures, Movies and folk-songs etc are known as resources of cultural diplomacy. Similarly

advertisement is considered as backbone of cultural diplomacy. But ineffective advertisement of

these resources in world market of culture due to lack of technology, translation, national

sponsorship and moreover low number of enterpriser in the field of culture and cultural

diplomacy along with lack of consciousness towards advertisement of national culture, have

created pathetic environment for cultural diplomacy to flourish and increase craze of foreigners

towards Nepal and Nepalese cultures.

Not only lack of advertisement and education on importance of culture has become thread to

diplomacy of Nepal, but it has also great effect in abolishing many culture of Nepal. One of the

culture of Hadigau called “The lost Jewels of Hadigaun” (Please see ch. 2, P.34, para.2 of this

thesis for more information about this culture) is about to be extinct due to ineffective

advertisement and literature. Not only this due to absence of scientific research on any cultures,

most of the cultures are about to lose their values.


Page 56: Cultural Diplomacy of Nepal  (PDF)

Let us take the culture of making separate clothes for kitchen work in Hindu and many other

religions present in Nepal. It has scientific meaning. It is scientific in a way that, people of Nepal

especially living in ruler areas still have to work a lot in field. They even don’t have time to wash

their clothes time to time as lots of people of Nepal are poor and can’t effort any washing

machine. Infact our ancestors were so busy in their work that they do have no time to explain

detail about this activity. So they set this as compulsory rules of Hindu culture that should be

followed by every people following this particular culture. Scientifically saying, this culture was

made to remain clean at the time of eating.

As mentioned above we are far behind o technology then that of developed nations. Similarly we

do not have scientific research team and advertiser in the field of culture. When I was preparing

for this thesis, I did not find enough scientific and educational articles regarding my thesis

matter, especially in this issue. While in other hand there were lots of scientific and educational

articles regarding culture of other nations. Especially, scholars of America and Europe have done

lots of research on their culture. This indirectly have changed and described each and every

culture of their civilizations as scientific ones throughout the world. These kind of educational

articles have helped them to make other understand their culture in scientific way.

But speaking about culture and cultural diplomacy of Nepal, there is no enough educational

research and studies done in this field. Nepal is regarded as multicultural nation. As it is

multicultural nation, it should have done more scientific study in this field and establish itself as

cultural hub of world.

In context of Asian cultures, we should not forget that Nepal is good neighbor of two emerging

nations of 21st century, China and India. She is successful to keep mutual relation with both

nations having entirely different cultural background. Nepal has kept relation with these two

nations with completely different cultural strategy. The cultural relation of India and Nepal is

more common and flexible than that of China and Nepal. More than half of its credit goes to

common religious and language background. More than 80 % of people from both the nations

are Hindu and background of their language is Sanskrit. This has made easy exchange of

information among Nepalese and Indians. In other angle, this has also become huge thread in the

field of Nepalese cultural diplomacy. India is successful enough to flourish its culture all over the

world, but Nepal is still in its way to establish its culture in international level. Most of the


Page 57: Cultural Diplomacy of Nepal  (PDF)

cultures, particularly religious culture as well as some of the Indo-Aryan cultures that both the

countries adopt have been flourished all over world as Indian cultures. (Please see C. 2, P.21, and

Para.1 for more information regarding this issue). This has started to weaken cultural prosperity

of Nepal. Not only it has weakened cultural prosperity of Nepal, it has also questioned on

existence of nations itself. For this all the credit goes to our week policy of diplomacy.

Beside insufficient amount of budget along with destructions of cultural heritage in different

national conflicts and sometime through natural disasters have also played crucial role in not

uplifting cultural diplomacy of Nepal in proper way.

While the cultural relation of China and Nepal totally depends on exchange of arts and sculptures

rather than religion. Uncommon language and lifestyle have also made the cultural diplomacy of

Nepal different than that of Chinese cultural diplomacy. Similarly, Nepal can use natural

resources to help itself popularize its culture all over the world. Use of cultural tourism is far

more worthy and cost effective than that of advertizing culture in international media for

developing nations like ours. Activities of Japanese team like climb the high peak of the

Himalayas along with the Mt. Everest in the year 1956 was huge success for Nepalese people to

advertize and exchange cultural ideas of each nation among each others.


- Scientific Studies: Cultural diplomacy is vital part of Nepalese diplomacy. But still there

are very less scientific research done in the field of cultural diplomacy and its importance

in Nepal. There should be lots of Scientific Research on each and every kind of Nepalese

Cultures by Nepalese scholars before pointing it as irrational and unsocial culture.

- Skill Development: Nepal has lots of cultures. So it is better to create skilled human

manpower, Socio-Cultural scientist and scholars in the field of social science who can

give scientific conclusion of every culture that Nepal have with scientific proof. So for

this we should try to create skilled cultural entrepratures or develop entrepraturing skills

in the field of Cultures. This indirectly helps in developing and strengthening cultural

diplomacy of Nepal.


Page 58: Cultural Diplomacy of Nepal  (PDF)

- Translation: There are lots of good literary books that give rational ideas regarding our

Nepalese culture. But we lack to translate and publicized that book in world market.


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Figure 1: Coordination for US. Cultural diplomacy

Figure 2: Nepal Art Shop


Page 64: Cultural Diplomacy of Nepal  (PDF)

Figure 3: Araniko, Superime Artist of Nepal

Figure 4: English Translation of Nepalese Novel “Serish Ko Phool”

Figure 5: Group of Poets with Jawaharlal Neheru in Nepalese Literary Delegation – 1960 at


Figure 6: The lost jewelers of Handigau

Figure 7: Old Nepali Movie Song- Maitighar

Figure 8: Comparing Public Diplomacy News Trends

Figure 9: Gorkha Soldiers in World War I

Figure 10: Visit of former King Mahendra to Israel

Figure 11: Nepalese folk-rock band Nepathya to headline Wembely Arena


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