

Case Study

Negative Ions and Ovarian Cancer

Mira Bajirova1,2*1Associate Professor, Consultant Ob-Gyn, IVF, Paris, France2Healthcare Medical Center, Dubai, UAE

*Corresponding Author: Mira Bajirova, Associate Professor, Consultant Ob-Gyn, IVF, Paris, France and Healthcare Medical Center, Dubai, UAE.

Citation: Mira Bajirova. “Negative Ions and Ovarian Cancer”. EC Gynaecology SPI.1 (2017): P17-P22.

Received: October 07, 2017; Published: October 17, 2017


Ovarian Cancer is the 5th most common cause of cancer deaths in women. Unfortunately, diagnosed at advanced stage as at early stage there are no symptoms or very little like bowel symptoms. Conventional treatment includes surgery, chemotherapy; has done little to improve outcomes in people with Ovarian Cancer and also having serious side effects. Natural treatment by Negative Ions (Anion) from products and from the nature were used for Ovarian Cancer in 36 y-old woman after surgery successfully.

Keywords: Ovarian Cancer; Negative Ions


According to the American Cancer Society, it is the 8th most common cancer among women in the United States (excluding non-mela-noma skin cancers) [1]. However, it is the 5th most common cause of cancer deaths in women. Each year, more than 22,000 women in the U.S. are diagnosed with ovarian cancer and around 14,000 will die [1]. Ovarian cancer mostly diagnosed in advanced stages as in majority cases at early stage doesn’t present symptoms or little like bowel symptoms.

Traditional Treatment includes Surgery, Chemotherapy. Targeted Therapy with new medications (Avastin, Lynparza) having the ad-vantage over traditional chemotherapy with less damage to normal cells. The role of second-look surgery in the management of patients with ovarian cancer has come under question. Conventional cancer treatments have done little to improve outcomes in people with ovar-ian cancer and also having serious side effects.

The causes of Cancer are unknown.

Unhealthy, man-made, environment (radiation from electronic and electrical devises, lighting, signboard, WI-FI, Radars, video camera; air pollution; toxins like pesticides, chemical cleaners, building materials, air conditioning, unhealthy food; contributes to the excessive positive ions, increasing the acidity, inflammation in human body, the primary cause of the diseases . Negative ions are not present in normal numbers because the conditions that generate negative ions have been limited, overcome and/or removed as a result of human activity in the atmosphere.

Most Effective Natural Cancer Treatments Quran is a cure for everything

The Creator has clearly told us that the words of the Quran are a “shifa” (healing) for all and, therefore, when used with real belief in one’s heart, this form of treatment can bring miraculous cure to all forms of ailments.


Negative Ions and Ovarian Cancer

Citation: Mira Bajirova. “Negative Ions and Ovarian Cancer”. EC Gynaecology SPI.1 (2017): P17-P22.

Allah says in the Quran, Surah Al Israa 17-82:

“And We send down of the Qur’an that which is healing and mercy for the believers”.

Figure 1

In the Saheeh Hadith:

“For every disease there is a medicine, and if that medicine is applied to the disease, he will recover by Allah’s Leave”. “Allah has not sent down any disease but He has also sent down the cure; the one who knows it, knows it and the one who does not know it, does not know it”.

Quran is a Miracle of Miracles

Recently converted to Islam after being atheist I discovered the World, in which I have been living, completely different. There are some diseases caused by jinn possession, evil eye, black magic which can be treated only by Allah’s words, Quran. The pain can disap-pear just by reciting two phrases-dua. Incurable cancer, severe diseases can disappear by Ruqya by Allah’s will. Just read the story of Dr Laurence Brown, American Ophthalmologist who was also atheist and after Allah’s Miracle, saving his daughter, converted to Islam [2].

Negative Ions (Anion) abundant in the nature, the God blessing gift, put our body in alkaline and in alkaline, bacteria, virus, cancer cells can’t develop; can cure even incurable cancers, diseases. Negative Ions, “Nature’s Battery Chargers”, are a major natural element that provides energy to the human body.

Figure 2


Negative Ions and Ovarian Cancer

Citation: Mira Bajirova. “Negative Ions and Ovarian Cancer”. EC Gynaecology SPI.1 (2017): P17-P22.

Oxygen Therapy: All normal cells have an absolute requirement for oxygen, but cancer cells can live without oxygen - a rule without exception. Dr. Warburg made it clear that the cause of cancer is oxygen deficiency, which creates an acidic state in the human body. He also discovered that cancer cells do not breathe oxygen and cannot survive in the presence of high levels of oxygen, as found in an alkaline state.

~ Otto Warburg, MD (Nobel Prize in Physiology Winner, 1931)

The Gerson Therapy and Juicing, consisting of eating only organic fruits, vegetables and sprouted ancient grains-we turn again to the nature, the God blessing gift.

The Budwig Protocol using Flaxseed oil and Cottage Cheese; Baking Soda and Lemon.

Frankincense Essential Oil to balance disbalance between positive and negative ions; we turn to the nature again.

Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Turmeric and Curcumin, Ginger, Mushroom, Camel milk, exotic fruit and vegetables- present in the nature.

Autophagy [3]: Last Messenger of the God was fasting Monday and Thursdays and Full Moon days, around 15 days per month: anti-diseases, longevity effects.

All Natural treatments bringing us to the clean nature, out of air pollution, radiation, unhealthy man-made atmosphere, food.

Benefits of Negative Ions

I have been using Negative Ions products, mainly Anion Napkins and Energy Stone from Healthgate Company (initially Winalite) in Dubai since 2010 for all health conditions including infertility, premature menopause, infections, cervical dysplasia, pain, psoriasis, mi-graine, arthritis, constipation, stress, insomnia, depression with miraculous results.

Negative ions are as necessary as water and air [4].

Negative ions are actually oxygen atoms with extra-negatively-charged electrons. Negative ions are odorless, tasteless, and invisible molecules abundant in nature, especially around waterfalls, sea, green mountains and forests, after a storm.

They are created in nature as air molecules break apart due to sunlight, radiation, and moving air and water. The degree to which nega-tive ions contribute to overall well-being and health is scientifically proven [5-21] by keeping our body alkaline, reducing inflammation, reviving all functions:

• They neutralize free radicals, have anti-bacterial, anti-viral effects.

• They revitalize metabolism.

• They enhance immune function.

• They purify the blood, improve blood circulation, decrease blood sugar, cholesterol, increase calcium.

• Anti-Allergic, Asthma effects.

• They balance the autonomic nervous system, regulate the heart rate, digestion, respiratory rate, pupillary response, urination, and sexual function.

• Increasing Brain Serotonin, reducing anxiety, stress, fatigue, depression, migraine, better sleep, relaxation.

• Natural painkiller, anti-inflammatory effect.

• Improve skin conditions, against hair loss.

• Longevity, Anti-Aging, Rejuvenation.


Negative Ions and Ovarian Cancer

Citation: Mira Bajirova. “Negative Ions and Ovarian Cancer”. EC Gynaecology SPI.1 (2017): P17-P22.

Environment Anion (/cm3) RelationForests and waterfalls > 10000 Cure diseaseAlpines and sea sides 2000 - 10000 Against disease

Parks of cities 500 - 1000 Keep healthy needsHouses of cities 40 - 100 Cause some diseasesAir conditioning 0 - 25 Disease can flourish

The remarkable study of Dr Sang Lo Byung Sa “Science: Power of Negative Ions - Restorative Medicine of Nature” (5)

Case Study

An young lady of 36 years of old, Gravida 0, having regular menstrual cycles presented to gastroenterologist for the constipation. Abdominal Ultrasound showed Bilateral Ovarian Mass 60 x 90 mm. Her last gynecological visit was five years ago. MRI showing Bilateral Ovarian Neoplasia. She had laparotomy with Total Hysterectomy, Bilateral Adnexectomy, Omentectomy. Proliferative Growth was densely adherent to the rectum and pouch of Douglas, to pelvic walls, involving uterus, bladder, with subdiaphragmatic and sigmoid deposits. Histopathology showed Bilateral Serous Ovarian Carcinoma, Low Grade, invasion of serous surface of the uterus.

Post-surgery MRI showed heterogeneous mass 6 cm, probably what technically was not possible to remove. Patient refused 2nd opera-tion.

I didn’t recommend chemotherapy and recommended to move to the waterfalls with high concentration of Negative Ions. She moved to the North of Thailand with beautiful waterfalls, green mountains, natural exotic fruit and vegetables. The air around waterfalls can contain anywhere from 30,000 to 100,000 Negative Ion/cm3, can cure incurable cancer, diseases.

MRI repeated few months later showed the decrease of the mass from 6 to 2 cm under natural treatment and prayers. 17 months using Natural way she is happy, full of energy, laboratory tests are good and God found her job in Natural Cancer Treatment Center in Phuket.

My research found that the highest concentration of Negative Ions within different products is in Anion napkins.

Figure 3


Negative Ions and Ovarian Cancer

Citation: Mira Bajirova. “Negative Ions and Ovarian Cancer”. EC Gynaecology SPI.1 (2017): P17-P22.

Negative ions (6090 Anion/cm2) are on the green part of Anion pantilyner which should be in contact with the skin of genital area, on the plantar or bottom surface of the foot in man or inside of the bra or anywhere on the skin. To activate negative ions few drops of water should be on the green Anion part. It is better to change once or twice per day to have better result.


The future of natural cancer treatment is bright, it is around the Nature, God blessing gift with healing power and we should preserve the Nature intact for our future generation and for our health.

When there is a possibility, going to the natural sources of Negative Ions (sea, forest, waterfalls) will bring more energy, health. When there is no possibility then the Negative Ions (Anion) products will keep your healthy needs, but should be from proven company.

And the most important, having severe disease is a God blessing, God cure who He wills and it is one of the ways to go to Paradise after the death and even self Ruqya is an another way to Paradise.



2. How I came to Islam-Dr Laurence Brown | Interfaith Issues - Episode 3

3. Caitlin Sedwick. “Noboru Mizushima: All about Autophagy”. Journal of Cell Biology 190.6 (2010): 946-947.

4. “The ION Miracle -- The benefits of negative ions on physical and mental well-being” by Jean-Yves Cote. Quebec Network Ltd.

5. Howard PJ. “Owners Manual for the Brain: Everyday Applications from Mind Brain Research and director of research at the Center for Applied Cognitive Sciences in Charlotte” NC. (2006).

6. Sang Lo Byung Sa. “Science: Power of Negative Ions - Restorative Medicine of Nature”.

7. Flory R., et al. “A randomized, placebo-controlled trial of bright light and high-density negative air ions for treatment of Seasonal Af-fective Disorder”. Psychiatry Research 177.1-2 (2010): 101-108.


9. Sulman FG. “Migraine and headache due to weather and allied causes and its specific treatment”. Upsala Journal of Medical Sciences 31 (1980): 41-44.

10. Udermann H and Fischer G. “Studies on the influence of positive or negative small ions on the catechol amine content in the brain of the mouse following short time or prolonged exposure”. Zentralblatt Fur Bakteriologie, Mikrobiologie Und Hygiene. Serie B 176.1 (1982): 72-78.

11. Goldstein N and Arshavskaya TV. “Is atmospheric superoxide vitally necessary? Accelerated death of animals in a quasi-neutral elec-tric atmosphere”. Zeitschrift für Naturforschung C 52.5-6 (1997): 396-404.

12. Livanova LM., et al. “The protective action of negative air ions in acute stress in rats with different typological behavioral characteris-tics”. Zhurnal Vysshei Nervnoi Deiatelnosti Imeni I P Pavlova 48.3 (1998): 554-557.

13. Reilly T and Stevenson IC. “An investigation of the effects of negative air ions on responses to submaximal exercise at different times of day”. Journal of Human Ergology (Tokyo) 22.1 (1993): 1-9.

14. Kosenko EA., et al. “The stimulatory effect of negative air ions and hydrogen peroxide on the activity of superoxide dismutase”. FEBS Letters 410.2-3 (1997): 309-312.


Negative Ions and Ovarian Cancer

Citation: Mira Bajirova. “Negative Ions and Ovarian Cancer”. EC Gynaecology SPI.1 (2017): P17-P22.



17. Sang Y Whang. “Reverse Aging” (1990).

18. Bob McCauley. “The Miraculous Properties of Ionized Water - The Definitive Guide to the World’s Healthiest Substance Paperback (2006).

19. Dress for Health- Negative Ions.

20. Ionized Alkaline Water around the World: Japan.

21. Medical Case Studies Alkaline Water.

Volume SPI Issue 1 October 2017©All rights reserved by Mira Bajirova.

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