
Creative Methodologies In Catechetics In Catechetics Presenter: Wendy Scherbart October 21, Welcome Opening Prayer Introduction 2 3 Multidimensional Learning 4 Primary Learning Styles: How we take in, process information Imaginative Analytic Common Sense Dynamic 3 Learning Modalities: How we receive information Visual- 60% Auditory-30% Kinesthetic/tactile-10% What is your preferred learning style & modality? 4 Overview Fundamental Task of Catechesis Creating the Physical Environment Nurturing the Social Environment Principals of Fostering Creativity 8:30pm 6 Tasks of Catechesis + Creative Ideas Resources Closing Prayer - AGAPE 5 Fundamental Task of Catechesis ...helping others to know, to celebrate, and to contemplate the mystery of Christ (GDC, no. 85) Catechesis is one of the greatest treasures...Christ is at work here...about a relationship with him. (Pastoral Reflection: Encountering the Living Christ, U.S. Conference of Bishops, 2007) The catechist is a mediator. (GDC, no. 156) 6 Object of Catechesis: Communion with Jesus Christ Christ is at the center of catechesis, and intimacy with Christ is its goal. (NDC, no 19B) In your own life, who has helped you know Jesus? Through what experience did they help you to know his love for you? 7 Creating the Physical Space Adapt your space. Creating Physical Space Create sacred space Use symbols of faith and culture Use music where appropriate Adjust your space to meet session goals. 8 Nurturing the Social Environment Greet Learners. Use Names. Show your interest. Honor diversity. Use ritual and prayer. Build relationships. Focus the learners. Work in groups. Vary activities. Ask questions. Challenge learners. Discipline with respect. 9 Facilitating dialogue with adults Welcome others. Prepare questions in advance, reword when necessary. Allow silence. Affirm questions and concerns. Acknowledge differences. Vary the size of the groups. Use a variety of prayer forms. Listening is key! 10 11 Keys to Creative Catechesis Chinese Proverb Children Remember: 20% of what they HEAR 30% of what the SEE 50% of what they SEE AND HEAR 70% of what they SAY 90% of what they DO (Creative Catechist, Manternach & Pfeifer) 12 Being Creative in Catechetics Catechesis is not limited to one methodology... (GDC #148) (NDC Chapter 4 Divine and Human Methodology ) Gods Own Methodology engages persons and communities in light of their circumstances and their capacity to accept and interpret Revelation. Gods self-communication is realized gradually through his actions and his words. It is most fully achieved in the Word made flesh, Jesus Christ. NCD #28 Human Methodology A Variety of Methods (NDC # 29) Learning Through Human Experience Learning by Discipleship Learning Within the Christian Community Learning Within the Christian Family Learning Through the Witness of the Catechist Learning by Heart Learning by Apprenticeship 13 14 Call to Foster Creativity Article: The Politics of Creativity by Finley Eversole Age % of this population high creativity Age 7- 10% Adult 2% Creativity diminished due to criticism, innuendo, desire to conform. Creativity still present in all of us: latent, repressed, crippled-but still present! Rev 21:5~ We believe that we share the creative power of the Spirit of the risen Lord who is with us to make all things new 15 5 Principles to Foster Creativity 1) treat unusual questions with respect 2) treat unusual ideas with respect 3) show adults/youth/children that their ideas have value 4) 4) provide opportunities for self-initiated learning and give credit for it 5) 5) provide periods of non-evaluated practice or learning (Researcher: E. Paul Torrance) 16 Incorporate Creative Methods Storytelling Movement, Gesture Role-Playing Drama- The Laborers in the Vineyard Music, art, crafts, pictures Exploring Faith through Art- Exploring Faith through Art- Loyola PressWriting as a learning tool journaling, poetry, completing a story Media, film, video Cooperative projects Art in Prayer... Art as Spiritual Practice Experience: The Potter and the Clay Lectio DivinaThe Potter and the Clay 17 6 Tasks of Catechesis to accomplish this objective (GDC) Promoting knowledge of the faith Liturgical education Moral formation Teaching to Pray Education for Community Life Missionary Initiation: To Proclaim the Good News 18 Promoting the Knowledge of Faith CCC, Adult Catechism, Textbooks, source of content in conformity with Catechism of Catholic Church Curriculum: Scripture, doctrine, morality, sacraments, prayer, liturgy, social teaching "Preach the gospel always, If necessary use words." ~ St. Francis of Assisi Catechist = model 19 Creative Ideas to help support learning Gods Name- childrens picture book Trinity- Apple lesson Gods love Poetry Pictures of Jesus ~ contemporary and traditional 20 Creative ideas Liturgical Education Different cloths for liturgical year Tour church- follow-up: mural, map of church Plan and participate in prayer services and rituals ~ Ex: Baptism: role play; recommitment Agape ~ bake bread Lenten ideas(Creative ideas for adults, youth, children, family, intergenerational) 21 Creative Ideas Moral Formation WWJD ~ WWID Beatitudes/10 Commandments Group activity-contemporize Catholic Social Teaching- Mall Crawl Jesus pictures-what trait do you choose to emulate? Idea: Create Powerpoint Who do you say I am? 22 23 Teaching to Pray Regular and varied prayer experiences prayer table; sacred space Silence consciously making room for God Listen to what God is saying now Handout: An Invitation to Prayer Fr. Edward Hays Creating Prayer Space Method of Meditation 24 Prayer Experiences Guided Meditations ~ for all ages Examples Music/Movement 6 Gestures of Morning Prayer- J. Rupp Hand Prayerprayer-shared-online-resonates-with-various-faiths.html?pg=all 25 Education for Community Life Faith community within classroom Ice breakers; prayer partners (each season); class Scripture Booklets Sharing own faith life Families involved in parish life Opportunities for multicultural experiences Los dias de los muertos Utilize Prayers/Blessings from other Cultures 26 Prayer and Culture CCC #2663 Some Practices: Our Lady of Guadalupe( Mexico) Posadas (Latin America) Simbang Gabi (Philippines) Via Crucis (Latin America & Philippines) Cultures have ways of prayer which are both familiar and faith deepening... sharing 27 Creative ideas for Missionary Initiation Service projects provided at all learner levels (create cards to give to EMs to sick) All Called to Holiness and service ~ Vatican II Utilize Prayers/blessings from other cultures Adopt family Difference between charity & justice Heifer Project- Care for the Earth USCCB resourcesdignity/environment/ 28 Questions, resources, websites Questions Resources/Books Catechist magazineOriental Trading Co. Great web resources for family, intergenerational, adult, youth, children: Strong Catholic Family Faith catechetics/ catechetics/ 29 Next Weeks Assignments: Reflection Question for next Week: What insight did you gain about utilizing Creative Methodologies? Which one or two of the creative ideas or methods that you heard about tonight would you like to try out? Explain how you would integrate this into an upcoming session. For the Nov 18 th ILM Session on Prayer 1) Bring a symbol/picture that images God for you 2) Bring a copy of an effective prayer experience you have used with adults, youth, or children. Make 11 copies to share with class. 3) Requests? Focus? *****CLOSING PRAYER EXPERIENCE***** Agape

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