  • 8/14/2019 CREATION(First Revision)



    Written By

    E. Allen Ko.


  • 8/14/2019 CREATION(First Revision)


    Section One



  • 8/14/2019 CREATION(First Revision)


    Chapter 1

    My name is Mojave Sands. Not a given name but one that I chose.Most people are given a name by their parents. Not knowing mine I chose my name from

    where I was found. Wandering the desert with no memory of whom I was or where Id

    been. They tell me its a good, strong name. I just wish that they would stop calling me Mo.

    After they found me, half dead and incoherent, they admitted me into the psychiatric ward

    in Barstow Hospital. They have had six months to investigate. Neither the State of

    California nor the Federal data bases turned up anything.Nada

    Six months of therapy didnt bring back any of my memories either. Just reinforced what I

    knew after the first week. I wanted out. But, with no other option, I had too wait. First they

    had to investigate to figure out who I am. When that failed, they had to make sure that if

    released, Id be no threat too the general public. Then I had to have the State court system

    approve the name I had chosen for myself.

    The State required a six month investigation. Then I was to be released with $1800 andthree changes of clothes. Which they say is more than they give a convict when released.

    Ill just have too take their word on that. The only thing I can relate with the convict is the

    feelings he or she must have on the day of their release. For me that day was today.

    So there I sat on the edge of my hospital bed waiting.

    A dark blue backpack containing two changes of clothes resting by the door. A new wallet

    with $1800 in cash and an Identification card bearing my new name was resting in my back

    pants pocket. I was wearing a light cotton black T-shirt with blue jeans and brown hiking

    boots, boots that I had chosen for a reason. My name wasnt the only thing I had chosen. I

    had also chosen a destination. I had decided that if they couldnt tell me who I was then I

    would find out for myself.

    Somewhere, out in the desert were answers to the question that I and others had been

    asking. Who was I?I stood up and stepped towards the mirror mounted on the outside of the bathroom door

    looking at myself looking back. A man a little over six foot tall with brown hair and blue

    eyes stared back at me. Six months and I still have problems recognizing my own reflection.

    They say that I could be 30 years old maybe younger. Now, looking at myself in the mirror I

    couldnt tell either.

    Walking to the open door I stuck my head out into the hallway, looking left and down the

    hall towards the nurses station. I was trying to catch a glimpse of the nurse coming with my

    release papers. Seeing no one I sighed.

    What was taking so long? Glancing at the clock above the door it read 10:32AM. I had

    been told by the staff that 10:00am was the typical release time. I didnt want to spend

    another minute in this place. I tried for a few minutes to take slow breaths and calm my

    nerves but wasnt getting anywhere. Feeling the tension tightening the muscles in my chest Icouldnt resist a sideways glance at the clock. 10:38. Damn!

    As I felt the tension move from my chest to too the back of my neck a figure appeared in

    the doorway. A woman in her fifties stood there. Grey hair up in a bun wearing a pink

    smock holding a clipboard was looking at me head tilted down looking at me over the top of

    her glasses.

    Mr. Sands? She asked.

    Out? I asked

    Smiling out the corner of her mouth she said Yes, Mr. Sands, out.


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    Billy Keene was waiting for me out front of the hospital in a beat up Honda Passport. After

    six months in close quarters with the hospital staff, all nice people Im sure, if I had taken

    the time to get to know them, he was the only one that Id become close too.He was the night shift security guard for the ward where I was interred. A tall and gangly

    twenty three year old with dark green eyes and an unruly head of blonde hair and a boyish

    way of looking at life. Most people would underestimate his intelligence and his physical

    prowess, I would do neither. After all of our late night conversations I would never doubt his

    intelligence. And after watching him take down a three hundred pound drug addict, who

    had decided he didnt like nor want the accommodations of our ward, in less than fifteen

    seconds didnt leave his prowess much in doubt either.

    Respect him, yes. Underestimate him? Not if you knew him.

    Well, I see that the Hospital is as punctual as usual. He said as I climbed into the

    passenger seat.

    Sorry. I said as I threw my backpack over and into the back seat. The Doc took his

    time signing off. Doctor Hathaway had been my psychologist for the past six months.Did the Doc try to talk you into being in his amnesia case study group again?

    Yes. I said with a grin, remembering my response.

    And what did you say?

    I told him that my name was Mojave Sands. And since I already knew who I was I

    didnt think it would be appropriate for me to participate in his study group.

    Laughing as he put the car in gear and slid away from the curb he asked.

    And what was the Docs reaction?

    He looked at me like he had made a mistake in signing my release papers. I said with a


    I bet he did. He said between laughing and gasping for breath.

    After a few minutes he finally stopped laughing. As he continued driving through to town

    I had a few minutes to collect my thoughts.Billy and I had talked many nights about what I wanted to do. And, though he didnt

    think it was a good idea to go back to where I was found, He insisted that he go with me and

    had volunteered to be my advocate upon my release. Even taking his vacation and

    accumulative sick time to take me where I wanted to go. So, as of then, we had five weeks

    and six days to accomplish what the authorities couldnt in six months. Whether or not I

    found the answers I sought it was all the time I had to look full time. After that Billy made

    me agree to get on with my life as Mojave Sands and to start looking towards the future.

    Where to now Billy? I asked as we drove by a Seven Eleven.

    Well, the way I figure it, we need camp supplies and a few other items if were going to

    be wandering the desert looking for that long lost memory of yours. So its time to do a little


    It was the that I noticed that he was pulling in to the parking lot of a run down strip mallwith a wooden Indian out front. A faded sign out front read:


    Desert Outfitting

    As we pulled into a parking spot, came to a stop and he put the car in park Billy turned to

    me and said.

    Old Johns a friend of mine. He should have all that we need for our little adventure.


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    Not commenting on the dilapidated look of the building I got out of the vehicle and

    followed him into the store.

    Just inside the door I noticed that the store inside was stocked floor to ceiling with all

    sorts of equipment. Canteens, denim jeans, knives, shovels and packs and some things that I

    didnt know what they were. And, on the far back wall behind a glass counter containing

    various hand gun models, were racks and racks of rifles.

    Stepping up to the counter Billy reached his hand out and rang a bell sitting on thecounter.

    Hello? he said.

    From out of an open doorway behind the counter a voice rang out, Irritation clearly

    sounding in the underlying tone.

    Give me a minute!

    While we waited the asked for minute, I took the chance to look in the glass case in front

    of me. Lined up in neat rows were handguns. New or old all seemed to be it good condition.

    One on the top row caught my eye. And for some reason I could not take my eye from it. For

    some reason the thought mine kept going through my head. I stood there as if in a trance.

    A figure appeared in the doorway.

    Tearing my eyes away from the gun case a feeling of despair washed over me. A thought

    crossed my mind. If something like this pistol brought this kind of feeling was it connectedto my past? And, if it was, what did that say about me? To what kind of person I was/am?

    Did I want too know? I did know that my hand wanted to hold that gun in the worst way.

    Down at my side, my right hand clenched as if it were already holding it. I could almost feel

    the cold steel in the palm of my hand. Trying to get my feelings in check I forced my hand

    too relax and took two slow breaths.

    The figure emerging through the doorway turned out to be a man long past retiring age.

    Just how far past you just could not tell. He had shoulder length grey hair and a face that

    looked like old parchment. But the way he moved belayed a military bearing with a cat like

    grace. The same grace that Billy carried himself with.

    Hello, John. Billy said as they shook hands across the counter.

    Sorry, I was in back watching the news. It seems. China and Russia are up in arms over

    something and they think that, whatever it is, its our fault again.I brought someone for you to meet. Billie said as he released Johns hand.

    Is this him? John asked, nodding in my direction.

    Thats him. Billy said.

    Stepping sideways behind the counter too stand directly in front of me. He must have

    stood there looking at my face for a good ten seconds. He seemed to be looking for

    something there.

    Then the old man held out his hand across the counter. Taking his hand he proceeded to

    shake it vigorously. His old face abeam with the biggest smile I thought I had ever seen. It

    seemed to me that if he smiled much bigger his ears would soon have to move to the back of

    his head, just to make room. Billie was right. I took an instant liking to the old man.

    The name is John Walker. He said, looking at me though eyes so grey that they

    resembled old and weathered steel.Mines Mojave. I said returning the shake and the smile.

    Im glad too know you came out okay. You look a lot healthier since the last time I seen

    you. he said.

    Detecting the genuine sincerity in is voice I turned to Billy and asked:

    Okay, what gives?

    John turned his head and looked at Billy. Billy nodded his head.

    You didnt tell him?

    Tell me what? I asked


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    Well, son, he said, looking at me through those grey eyes. This isnt the first time weve


    It was then that I understood what he had been looking for in my face.

    It was recognition.

    Chapter 2

    Bewildered, I just stood and stared back at the old man.

    Releasing the handshake the old man stepped back from the counter and sat on an

    weathered barstool. He took a deep breath, squared his shoulder and looked up at me from

    the stool.

    I am the one who found you wandering half dead in the desert.

    I turned to look at Billy and he returned my gaze with a shrug.

    You knew.

    Another shrug

    Of course he knew the old man said. Hes the one I called when I found you.

    Chuckling, the old man continued.

    Hes also the one who delivered you too the hospital.

    Why didnt you tell me Billy? I asked, giving Billy a look that could freeze water

    Looking a little uncomfortable under my gaze he said.

    I couldnt.

    Why the hell not? what was going on here?

    Neither one of us could. The old man interjected

    Between them both I got the whole story about how they were trespassing on military

    property searching for a lost treasure from the 1800s. Something that could have gotten

    them either imprisoned or shot.

    Billy and John had gone onto Fort Irwin Military Reservation looking for treasure. Billy

    had gone back too town to get some water and other supplies and left John at the dig site.

    John had been elbow deep in the hole when he heard a noise. Looking up and out of the hole

    he saw a figure standing on the pile of earth that had been removed from the dig. Standing

    there was a fully naked man who was sun burnt, covered with blisters and swaying back

    and forth in the sun.

    Holy shit son! Youre a mess. he had said. And, with that statement I had promptly

    collapsed into the hole, and on top of John.

    After extricating himself from under me and out of the hole, John had then placed a call

    from his cell phone to Billy having him return to the dig site. When Billy arrived he and

    John decided that Billy would take me to the hospital and keep Johns name out of it. He had

    already been caught once before, digging in places not open to anyone but military

    personnel, and had paid a hefty fine. If caught one more time he would be imprisoned and

    the state would close his business down.

    So, Billy took me too the hospital with the story that he himself had found me 20 miles

    from where I had actually stumbled across John.

    After listening to the story from both men I turned back too face John.

    You have been keeping this from me all along!


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    Im sorry Mo; I had wanted to tell you. Billy said. Regret clearly written across his face

    And why are you two telling me this now? I asked

    We couldnt really help you unless you knew the whole story. John interjected

    And we could not let you start your search until you knew exactly where this all started.

    Feeling betrayed by the only friend I had. I took a few moments to collect my thoughts

    and get my emotions in check. Neither of the other men was talking, just looking at me

    expectantly.Is there anything else that the two of you have kept from me?

    Johns smile disappeared and he glanced at Billy.

    Tell him he said.

    You did have one thing with you in the desert. John said as he looked away from Billy

    and down into the gun case in front of us.

    It took both Billy and I to pry that pistol from your hand.

    Looking back into the case I immediately new the pistol he looked at for it was the same

    one that I had wanted to hold so badly. The one that I knew and felt was mine. Somethingelse that I hadnt noticed before, not only did it look to be the most dangerous gun in the

    case. It was also the only gun in the case without a price tag attached to it.

    You werent trying to sell it. It wasnt a question

    No son, John said

    Could this help me figure out who I am?

    In a normal situation, yes it would


    But this gun isnt like all the others you see

    And why not? I asked

    This gun was made without a serial number. He said, as he slid open the door on the

    back side of the case retrieving the pistol from within and bringing it up to place it on the

    counter in front of me.It wasnt ground off. Nor was it removed with acid. It was just never put there. he said

    with a look of bewilderment on his face.

    Just like you son, no one knows where it came from.

    Looking down at the pistol sitting on the counter, the same feelings that came over me

    earlier started to fill me. Suddenly there was a sound like someone popping a small balloon

    and the weight of the gun appeared in my hand. The gun was no longer on the counter, but

    in my right hand that was still by my side. Raising my hand too stare with disbelief at the

    weapon I got the sudden urge to throw the thing away from me. But I found myself unable

    to move. The popping noise must have been from the air rushing back in to fill the void the

    gun had left.

    I had not picked it up. I hadnt even moved. But there it was, in my hand, looking as if it

    belonged there.Holy shit! John said.

    Looking up, both men were looking at me with stunned expressions on their faces.

    Did you see that? John asked Billy.

    Who are you Mo? Billy asked me

    Trying to keep the fear out of my voice I responded

    I dont know Billy, I just dont know.

    How did you do that? John asked, leaving no doubt that they had witnessed the gun

    materialize into my hand.


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    Not answering, I tried to focus on the pistol in my right hand. What and who am I? How

    did I make the gun appear into my hand? Just two more questions that I had to find the

    answers for. One question though had been answered. Like it or not, no matter what the

    meaning was, this gun was mine. And just because it was mine it didnt mean that I had to

    use it.

    I could feel myself start to relax. The weapon in my hand no longer seemed so

    frightening. I could feel the tension in my chest start to loosen. The desire to hold theweapon also started to wane but I couldnt bring myself too place it on the counter so I

    settled on lowering the hand holding the gun slowly too my side.

    And for the second time that day I got another shock.

    As I was lowering my hand and it reached just about my belt line, with a pop it just

    disappeared, the weight of it gone along with rest of my desire to hold it.

    Again, John and Billy were looking at me, both men not even trying to keep the look of

    fear from their faces.

    Ignoring their stares I turned my gaze back onto the glass countertop of the gun case. For

    some reason I was not surprised that the gun had not returned to its previous position. Nor

    had it returned to the case for it previous spot there was also empty. Both mens eyes had

    followed my own.

    Gone! Billy said in a voice three octaves higher then his usual voice.Gone where? John asked as he continued staring into the gun case. Neither man

    moving from their positions to search for the weapon. Both men seemed to be sure that it

    wouldnt be found anywhere in the shop.

    As long as Mos not holding it anymore, Billy said a look of relief settling across his

    face. Gone is a good place for it to be.

    Thats for sure. Said John

    Mojave, theres something else you should know about that weapon. He continued. It

    may have looked like any other pistol in this case but the resemblance stopped there.

    What do you mean? I asked. Not really curious, just trying to ease the tension that had

    come over the other two men in the last few minutes.

    Not only did it have no serial number I also couldnt figure out the make or the model.

    And when I looked harder at it I discovered that it may look like a semi auto it didnt evenhave a clip to hold any ammo. Hell, I cant even tell you what the damn thing was made of

    or what it fired. He paused, taking a deep breath.

    What I do know about it is this. One day I took it to the gun range and fired it off. It

    blew a hole clean threw the concrete wall behind the target! It is a weapon. And it may

    look like all of the others but the resemblance stops there. Most of these guns were made for

    protection. That one of yours was made for killing!

    A weight appeared on my shoulder. Turning my head, Billy had stepped up to my side and

    his hand now rested on my shoulder. I turned to face him.

    A look of wonder upon his face as he looked into mine, he asked.

    What does this all mean Mo?

    I couldnt tell you, but I think its time we go back to where it really started and try to

    figure it all out. I let the determination that I felt show in my voice.You two arent going without me! John blurted out. We both turned to face him.

    John stared at the both of us, a look of consternation on his face.

    Why? Billy asked

    I cant say why, I just have this feeling that you two are going to need me. He said. The

    look on his face said that he couldnt believe what he was hearing himself say.

    I think he should come too. I said


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    Billy was looking at the both of us like we had the same communicable disease and that, if

    he got too close to either of us, he was sure to catch it. Dropping his hand from my shoulder

    he said.

    After what the three of us just witnessed, you two just figure we go traipsing around in

    the desert after answers that just might be found out there?

    John, if you want to come, I have no objections I said, trying to ignore, but still amused

    by the reaction that Billy was having.Guess Im in. he said with a shrug.

    You two are crazy!

    Billy, I said. If you choose not to come, I wont hold it against you.

    He seamed to suddenly realize that, with or without him, we were going to continue

    searching for the answers to questions that kept mounting up. He had made me a promise to

    help me find the answers and I knew that, in the end, Billy would keep his promise.

    No, I was there when this all started. And I will see you through to the end. I will help

    you find your answers. He said, as he seamed to relax.

    Looking from my face to Johns, a slight smile appearing across his face he said.

    I swear, the minute I see something else just appear or disappear, one of you nuts is

    going to be cleaning up what materializes in my shorts!

    Chapter 3

    After loading enough camping supplies for the three of us into Billys Honda, and Johnlocked up his shop, we hopped in and continued driving east on Highway 15 and out of


    After about twenty miles we took a left onto a dirt road. A small sign read:

    Coyote Lake

    1 mile

    The road went up the right side of the lake and dead ended at a ten foot high fence that

    had seen better days. Not only was the fence highly oxidized from the dry desert air but

    there were also entire sections between posts that were completely missing. The space

    between was more than large enough for a car to drive trough. Instead of driving on we

    pulled up to the left side of a large boulder on this side of the fence and Billy parked our


    Getting out of the Honda I walked around to the opposite side of the boulder to stand and

    relieve myself on the ground. There, on the ground, was another sign that informed me in

    no uncertain terms that Trespassers would be shot. Apparently the sign had once beenattached to the fence.

    For the first time I began to think that have doubts. Was this all going to be worth the

    knowledge that I sought? Was I putting my life and the lives of my companions in danger in

    a vain attempt to find answers to questions that, in the end, I might not want answered?

    Finished relieving myself I stepped back around the boulder. Billy and John were already

    unloading our gear and setting up camp. Neither spoke, working silently. Watching them

    work it was apparent that they had done this countless times before. But this time it wasnt


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    treasure that brought them too this spot. It was a man with no past. And a connection, even

    if someone were to ask, the three of us seamed to feel but couldnt explain.

    Walking up to where Billy was already setting up our three man tent I asked

    Are we going on the other side of the fence?

    Pausing in his task to look at me he said

    No hurry now, Mo. Where we need to go is about a mile on the other side of that fence.

    So were going to stay here tonight. It wasnt a question.Itll be dark in a couple of hours and my guess is that we will need our rest for

    tomorrow. he said, returning to his task.

    I turned and started to walk to the Honda to help John finish unloading the rest of our


    In about thirty minutes we had our camp all set up. And John was heating some water

    from a five gallon container in a pot on a Coleman stove. Setting on a small boulder Billy

    tossed me a small green package.

    Heres your dinner Mo.

    Whats this?

    Something worse than the hospital food youre used to eating. John said with a grin

    With the memory of the stuff that the hospital tried to pass off as food still fresh in my

    mind I held the package away from me. A look of discussed written clearly across my facefor both men to see.

    And you two expect me to eat it?

    Those areMREs. The Armys idea of fast food, just add hot water and you have

    everything a growing boy needs! Billy said with a chuckle.

    If you havent noticed, you have Chicken Stew. Said John

    If you two havent noticed. I think that I finished growing a long time ago. I said, still

    holding the package away from me, eying it now with distrust.

    Come on Mo the stuff wont kill you. Besides, its all that we brought. John continued.

    We brought enough to last the three of us two weeks. So you might as well get used to


    Not relishing the idea of going to bed hungry I gave in.

    Twenty minutes later both men sat there staring at me as I finish the last of three ready toeat meals.

    Have you ever seen such a thing? John asked.

    Thats even weirder then the gun thing. Billy replied. A lot scarier too.

    Do you still think your friends still human? asked John playfully

    Nope, Grinning Billy continued Definitely alien. A human would have died from the


    While the two men were laughing at their joke I sat in the fading light of day. The sun had

    set fifteen minutes before and all that was left of the day was a faint pink line stretching far

    across the distant horizon. Soon even that would be gone, leaving all three of us in the

    deserts perpetual darkness.

    Tomorrow would be a day of discovery. I just got the feeling that this would be the last

    time both men would laugh so genuinely and freely in the days ahead of us. I just hoped thatafter the trials waiting ahead, all three of us would live to laugh again.

    Far in the distance a lone coyote yelped in the night as the moon started to clear the


    Chapter 4


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    After an uncomfortable and restless nights sleep we rolled out of bed at dawn. It had been

    cold that night in the desert and everything in camp had a thin layer of frost covering its

    surface. People who assume the desert is always hot and dry have never stepped foot in the

    Mojave in February. Hot it was during the day. But the temperature can drop to just above

    freezing in less then an hour after sunset. And during the winter months rain storms canappear without warning. Saturating the ground and turning it to mud in moments. In the

    desert it isnt wise to take the weather for granted.

    Before we put our shoes on we turned them upside down and shook them out. John had

    told me that all sorts of nasty creatures had a habit of crawling in shoes to escape the night

    time chill of the desert. Of which, scorpions and rattle snakes were just two. During my stay

    at the hospital I had a voracious appetite for reading. Both I had read about when I was

    allowed to visit the county library adjacent to the hospital. Neither would I want in my

    shoes when I stuck my feet in them.

    After a quick cup of black coffee which Billy had brewed on the Coleman in a tin pot, we

    began to prepare ourselves for out hike to the dig site.

    I filled my canteen with the water from water jug and I slung it around my neck putting

    my arm threw the strap to let it hang down at my side. I turned to walk to where I had put

    my pack the night before. Rummaging through it for a moment I found the belt pouch that

    contained a folding knife with a four inch blade that John had insisted that I take with us.

    Clipping it to my belt as I straightened I turned to wait for the other two men to finish

    getting ready.

    To my surprise, both Billy and John now wore side arms. Johns was in an old holster

    which had been tied down low on his leg like a gunfighter from an old western. Billie had

    his in a shoulder holster, the black grip facing out from under his left arm.

    Wheres mine. I asked the both of them. Not really wanting a weapon just to start a


    Wheres youre what? Billy asked as he looked up from the day pack he had been busy

    filling. Noticing my eyes resting on the weapon strapped to his chest he replied. John gave

    you yours yesterday, remember? he said. He had a serious look on his face, the first that I

    could ever remember seeing there.

    You know, John piped in the one that you made disappear.

    Seriously, Mo, Billy continued if we gave you a gun, would you know how to use it?

    I dont know.

    Then you dont get one.

    Thats alright with me Billy. After yesterday I dont really think I want one.

    After a few more minutes we were ready to go. The three of us walked away from camp

    single file. John in the lead and Billy bringing up the rear with me in the middle I felt as if

    they both were both trying to protect me. I guess that in a way they were trying to protect

    me, from myself.

    We walked in silence for what seemed like an hour, when John came to a stop at a small

    rise in the trail he had been leading us down. Billy and I took up positions on either side of

    him. The trail seemed to continue another fifteen feet then to dead end at a hole that had

    been dug into the desert floor. From where we stood it didnt look as if the hole was much

    more then four feet deep and maybe twice that across. On the far side of there was a pile of

    loose dirt apparently removed from the hole by the two men. It was also where I had been

    standing when John said that I had collapsed onto him.

    As one we walked the remaining few feet to the edge of the hole.

    My eyes focusing on the mound of dirt I walked around the right side of the hole to stand

    atop of it. Standing with my back to my companions and facing north, my eyes were drawn


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    to a large outcropping of rock standing in the middle of the desert four hundred yards

    away. From behind me I heard Billy ask:

    Anything look familiar Mo?

    Not bothering to respond, I started to walk north, making my way towards that distant

    outcrop of rock. Something was drawing me toward those rocks. Somehow they looked

    familiar and somewhat comforting. I didnt look behind me but I could tell from the sound

    of their footsteps that both men had fallen in and were now following close behind me.As we came upon the outcropping a feeling of excitement filled my chest. The feeling you

    get when youve been away from home after a long absence. Why I was having those

    feelings for a pile of rocks I had no idea it was just another question to be answered.

    The formation consisted of four giant rocks, each forty feet at their base and twenty five

    too thirty feet tall. Tapering in towards the top all four sides leaning in against each other

    seemed to give it the appearance of a crude pyramid.

    As I started to walk around the structure I could here the two men talk to one another as

    they followed.

    What do you mean this wasnt here before. I heard Billy ask

    Im telling you, I have been here digging off and on for twenty years and as of six months

    ago this place didnt exist! was Johns adamant response.

    No longer paying attention to their conversation I continued around to the north side ofthe monolith. There at its base I discovered a small opening, just large enough for a man to

    crawl into, with little room too spare.

    Without hesitation I dropped to all fours and entered the opening. Ten feet in I could hear

    John and Billy enter behind me. This far in, all the light from the opening was gone and I

    was moving in total darkness. Slowly I worked my way forward, the darkness felt like a

    tangible thing pressing in against me from all sides, threatening to close in and trap the

    breath in my chest. Still, I continued forward for what seemed like hundreds of feet, and yet

    knowing that it couldnt possibly be anywhere near that distance.

    Suddenly I couldnt feel the walls around me. Just open space. I had come out into a large

    open space in the middle of the monolith. Still in darkness, I took my right hand and

    reached out and back. Feeling the cold stone of the rock under my hand, I slowly stood up,

    using the hand on the wall steady myself in the darkness. Not knowing what the darknessheld, I thought it best that I wait for the other two men to catch up. They werent far; I

    could hear their breath in the darkness. Something brushed lightly against the outside of my

    left leg.

    Lowering my left hand slowly, it came to rest on someones back. That someone stiffened

    under my hand. A voice broke out of the darkness.

    Mo? Billy asked That you?

    Its me. I said as I tried to get a hand around his arm in the darkness to help him stand

    up. Do you have a flashlight? I ask.

    In response I could here a rustling sound in the dark. A moment later a bright light

    appeared in front of my face.

    Hey! I cried out, turning my face away.

    Sorry.Trying to clear the spots in my vision, I closed my eyes for a five count and reopened them.

    Seeing a little better I took the time to survey the room.

    Fifteen feet square with walls that reached up at least that far, all four smooth stone walls

    coming together at the top to form the ceiling. The floor of the room in front of us dropped

    down six inches to form a circular pit ten feet across.

    As Billy and I stood there not believing what we were seeing, John appeared out of the

    crawl space, standing up between us. Glancing quickly around while trying to brush the dirt

    from his knees, he said sarcastically


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    This just keeps getting better and better

    What the hell is that? I heard Billy asked

    John and I turned our eyes to where Billy had centered his flashlight on the floor. There on

    the ground lay a heap of what appeared to be clothing. All three of us stepped forward and

    down into the pit, trying to get a closer look. The clothing looked to be black and made of

    padded material. There was something familiar about it that tickled the back of my mind.

    Suddenly I knew. A familiar feeling spread through my chest.Something about the way I looked must have stunned my companions. For both had

    frozen in place and were looking at me mouths agape. Ignoring them both I stepped

    forward, saying one word.


    The clothing on the floor was no longer black. But consisted of the clothing I had been

    wearing moments before. Now I was standing dead center of the pit naked. My skin tingling

    from the static electricity that coalesced over it, the blue sparks making my skin appear as if

    it wore a suit made of blue flame. In a span of breaths, the sparks slowed and seamed to

    solidify becoming darker slowly coming to a stop.

    There I stood, dressed from the neck down in the black padded material. Now on, the

    clothing resembled a skin tight suit of body armor. It was padded more in the center chest

    area, then anywhere else, as if to protect vital organs. And though it looked heavy I couldnot feel the fabric against my skin and had to keep looking down at my body to reassure

    myself that I wasnt still standing there in front of my friends stark naked. Looking to the

    floor I noticed my clothing that had been on the floor had disappeared.

    Billy broke the stunned silence.

    Okay, I warned you both, one of you two had better be prepared too wipe my ass!

    A quick retort from John was broke off when the walls started to coalesce with the same

    static electricity that had covered me only moments before. Small at first the sparks became

    larger and began jumping from wall to wall, barely missing our heads. A high pitched

    whine, like escaping air, now filled the chamber. Somehow it seamed familiar also. Another

    feeling filled my chest. This time it was fear. Fear for my companions. I felt the ground jump

    beneath my feet as if in earthquake. The walls of the chamber swayed and dust began to fall

    on us.Reaching across to both men, I grabbed a hold of both men by their shirts and yanked,

    pulling both men too me.

    Hold on to each other! I yelled out above the every increasing whine.

    Whats happening? John asked as the three of us locked our arms together and dropped

    to our knees in the middle of the pit.

    I just have this feeling!

    Great!, Now whats going to disappear?! Billy said in a panicked yell

    As if on cue, with a bright flash and a popping noise, it was our world that disappeared

    Chapter 5

    I awoke on my back with a throbbing headache. I could hear the other two men breathing

    shallowly close by and knew that I should try to get up and assess whether or not they were

    hurt. But I ached from head to toe and didnt even know if I had the strength to even open

    my eyes.

    So I just lay there and concentrated on getting my eyes open. After a few minutes I slowly

    opened one eye at a time to find that we were once again in total darkness.

    Not wanting to move afraid to stumble or step on one of my companions, I said


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    I heard movement in the darkness.

    Billy, are you okay? I said a little louder

    God Im sore he grunted

    Do you still have your flashlight?

    Hold on. More movement

    Billy must have learned his lesson the last time for he saidShut your eyes Mo.

    Shutting my eyes I heard a click. I could tell Billy had turned the flashlight on because my

    eyes registered the pink light through my closed eyelids.

    Hearing a quick intake of breath I quickly opened my eyes and sat up in a hurry.

    Sitting up on the stone floor directly across from me Billy was playing the flashlight beam

    around the chamber. From left to right finally settling onto the wall behind me there seamed

    to be something odd about what I could see of the chamber. But I couldnt put my finger on


    Moving the light to one side to keep the beam out of my eyes Billy said

    Mo, were not in the same place.

    What? I asked. Disbelieving

    This chamber is at least twice the size of the one we were in.Glancing quickly at the wall to my right, then to the one on my left I concluded that Billy

    was right. The chamber we were in was about thirty feet across. It resembled the previous

    room but was definitely not the same one. On the wall directly behind Billy there seemed to

    be three alcoves carved into the rock, the openings looking dark and ominous, in the dim


    This is weird. I said, not want to think about the implications.

    And Mo,


    Youre back in your own clothes. He said, voice almost in a whisper

    Bloody hell! I said tearing my gaze away from wall. I looked down at my legs that still

    stretched out away from me across the floor. Billy was right, the dark clothing seemed too

    had vanished like the hand gun in Johns shop. There I sat wearing my own clothes onceagain.

    You need to wake John up. I said, having the sudden urge to leave this place. If there

    were a way out that is. From what I had seen of our new chamber there was no entrance.

    The three other walls were smooth and devoid of any doorways or ornamentation. That only

    left the three alcoves. One of them had better be a way out or we were screwed.

    I stood up while Billy tried to revive John who was still passed out on the chamber floor.

    And in the dim light I stepped up and out of the pit to survey the alcoves. From right to left

    I checked all three. All appeared to be seven feet in tall, four feet across and recessed into

    the stone wall a little over two feet deep. Just deep enough for a man to stand in with inches

    to spare on either side.

    As I checked the last alcove I noticed that at its back was a scene carved into the stone.

    The scene seemed to depict the three alcoves but, standing one in each, were three menfacing outwards. What was most unsettling was that all three seemed to be wearing the

    same clothing that had appeared on me in the previous chamber.

    Then, as if to reassure myself that the carving was real I reached into the alcove run my

    hand over the depiction. As my hand touched the stone I felt a slight pull on my arm,

    startling me. Quickly pulling my hand back out I stood there a moment and stared at my

    right hand in shock. On the back of my hand a smaller version of the carving had appeared

    and the raised skin seamed to be glowing in the dim light. Looking back into the alcove I

    discovered that the carving was no longer there, just smooth stone.


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    Hearing voices behind me I turned away from the alcove and returned to the pit. There

    Billy was knelt down and had John propped against one knee, giving him a drink from his


    Is he alright? I asked with concern, John looked pail and shaky.

    I think he took it even harder then we did. Hes not as young as we are

    I may be old, John said as he wiped his mouth with the back of his hand but I can still

    whip your ass Billy.Helping him up from the floor Billy replied

    I just bet you could.

    And I know that I can still out shoot you. John said with a grin as he steadied himself on

    his feet.

    Looking at me, rolling his eyes Billy let go of Johns arm and asked while he started

    running his hands over Johns head.

    Are you sure you didnt hit your head or something? Because you sure are talking like

    you have brain damage.

    John stepped back and away from Billys searching hands.

    You asshole, stop touching me like one of your girlfriends, youre making me nervous!

    Turning to me chuckling out loud, Billy asked

    Did you find us a way out of this place?No, but something did happen when I put my arm into one of those recesses.

    I showed them the back of my hand and related the story of how it had come there. As I

    finished I discovered both men were looking at me as if they needed to tell me something.

    What? Is there something about what I said?

    Looking at one another both men shrugged and turned away from me raising their shirts

    to reveal their lower backs. Just above their beltlines the same depiction that was on my

    hand stood out in bold relief softly glowing in the light just like mine.

    Okay, spill it you two. When did you guys get those?

    Pulling down their shirt both men turned to face me. Billy spoke first.

    We have always had these

    What do you mean by always?

    Well son, John said Billy and I were found abandoned as children. Both of us wereadopted by families here locally. Both of us had these things on us when we were found.

    Taking a breath he continued. I was found as a baby out in the desert close to where we

    found you over sixty years ago. Billy was found when he was four years old at a rest area

    just outside of town. It wasnt until last year, when Billy was at my shop helping me move

    some stuff and bent down to pick up a box and I noticed part of it showing from out from

    under his shirt.

    We always wondered what it meant but nobody could tell us. Billy interjected. They

    said it was some kind of birth mark or birth defect.

    We never mentioned it to you because there was no reason.

    Understanding now raced through my mind. Turning to Billy I said

    Thats why you both took an interest in me, wanted to help me. You both were looking

    for the same answers before I came along!Thats right Mo. Billy affirmed. We were all found around the same place. When we

    found you we thought to check you first for the mark but couldnt find one. So we thought it

    was just a coincidence that you had showed up in the same place.

    For some reason I dont think that this is just a coincidence. I said

    Well, like it or not, we are all connected. And if we are going to get back to where we

    were we had better put our heads together and figure out what were doing here. John said

    Forcing my mind to let go of yet another mystery, I took a slow breath and spoke to the

    other two.


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    I already know why we are here. We are supposed to stand in the alcoves.

    How did you figure that one out? Did you se a sign that read please stand here? John

    asked sarcastically

    Looking down at the back of my hand I answered More or less.

    What now? Billy asked. The expression on his face said that he knew already knew

    what I was going to say. But that he didnt feel very good about the idea.

    We take our places in the alcoves just like the picture shows.What if we just disappear like everything else around here?

    Well, if you two havent noticed, this room has no doorway, no openings at all. And, if we

    dont figure this thing out, we are probably going to be out of oxygen soon. Turning to look

    at the alcoves remembering the slight pull on my arm I continued. You two can stay here if

    you want but I want out. I stepped towards the last alcove that I had checked and came to

    a stop in front of it.

    The other men must have come to the some silent agreement between themselves. For a

    moment later each had assumed positions to my right, Billy next to me in front of the alcove

    in the middle and John in front of the one right.

    We need to turn around. I said as I turned to face pit in the center of the room.

    Silently the other two me did the same.

    Now, step back into the alcovesAs one, we took one step backwards. As my foot entered the alcove I felt the now familiar

    pull. Suddenly I felt something invisible wrap around me and pull me back against the back

    of the alcove. It was holding me in place. I tried to call out to my companions but I found

    myself unable to talk.

    Looking from inside the alcove into the center of the room a small glow appeared in the

    center of the pit about four feet from the ground. Growing from a small spark the light grew

    and grew. Soon it became a ball of blue plasma, hovering just above the floor.

    A thought appeared in my mind. Shocked I stopped struggling with my invisible bonds.

    Words that came into my mind said, in a distinct female voice.

    The time has come.

    Chapter 6

    Time for what, I wondered in silence.

    It is time for you three to do what you were created for. The voice said in my head.

    Created! What was that blasted voice talking about?

    Yes. The three of you were created by me in this very chamber. Youre not of this world.

    Not of this time.

    What? I said to the voice in my head

    I created you all from the bodies of men that had died in the desert close to this place.

    From theirDNA I grew the life that would become you. If you seek your past you have

    found it. In this very chamber I brought you three to life. If you were to have a mother it

    would be me. And the family you search for would be your companions. For, in a way, they

    are your brothers.

    How do you know my name? I thought.


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    I know all that you three know. I took the memories from you and you companions as I

    have countless others over the millennia.

    Others, Millennia, what are you talking about? I asked

    For thousands of years, since the end of my world, I have had others that had stumbled

    upon the entrance. From their minds I took memories of the world outside. I have waited

    for your civilization to advance. I had hoped that it would not make the same mistake that

    mine did, but to no avail. When your country started to test nuclear weapons I began toprepare. The first of you I sent into the world to wait and watch, to gather information.


    Yes. The voice continued. The next one I sent out was to wait. Wait for the time that

    your civilization would repeat history and I would have to send you. He was supposed to be

    your protector.


    They were imprinted with this location and would never stray far from here. They were

    supposed to find you and you were to return here. But something happened. A malfunction

    occurred; your mind and body were injured when I sent you from this place to gather your

    companions. But time has passed and now I cant stop what has happened. Only try to fix


    So you created us?Yes.

    So the three of us have no parents, families or past?

    You have searched for a past that none of you have. You are who you are. You are the

    sum of all of your experiences. You are whom you chose to be, Mojave Sands.

    To what purpose do you plan on using us for?

    The world outside, as you know it, is gone. I brought you here to protect you three from

    the Change. You three have to protect the world from that which has destroyed the

    civilization that made me. You three have to close the Doorway and kill the entity that even

    now ravishes your world.

    What Entity?

    A creature that has already taken over its own world and reduced its inhabitance to

    drones under its control, from the smallest creature too the largest, all serve it. All of theones that it could not change it killed. And now its on your world. When your government

    turned on the machine that opened the doorway into its world it came here. And with it

    came other life incompatible with your own. Invasive species, each harmful to your own, are

    taking root and will soon transform your world into a mirror image of the other.

    And we must stop this from happening?

    Yes. Because if you dont it will bring death and destruction upon this entire world. And

    finish what the military not long ago started. What happened in the other chamber was not

    of my doing, when your military turned on the machine it caused massive earthquakes

    world wide. They thought that they could control the vast amount of power that the

    machine produced. They were wrong. It opened the doorway and now the two worlds will

    remain connected until someone can turn the machine off and destroy it so that it may never

    be used again.How do you know all of this?

    I have been monitoring your radio and television transmissions for the last hundred

    years. Including the military channels. Even now I am monitoring current events and know

    what is happening around the world. Be glad Mojave. I have spared you from the worst.

    And will keep you safe, for now.

    Are you another entity like the one you say destroys our world?

    No, Mojave. I am all that remains of a civilization that once covered your world. We, like

    you, advanced scientifically. Though, ours was much more advanced. We had opened the


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    same doorway and in trying to close it we destroyed ourselves. I am a construct built by the

    last survivor, built to make sure that it didnt happen again. I have all of my makers

    memories of her world. And I used to have great power. But, over time, my energy stores

    have been depleted. I have been reduced to what you now see before you.

    So you cant stop this?

    No. But you and your friends might.

    And how do you propose that we do this?With the little remaining power that I have I created the three of you, the suits and the

    weapons you now have. With them and the device that will be waiting for you in the other

    chamber you have a chance to close the doorway and kill the entity that now controls you


    But my suit and weapon disappeared, and the others have neither one

    You have your suit with you Mojave. All you have to do it want it.

    How is that possible?

    The suit is where it has always been, in your mind. Just look for it there.

    How do you store something in your mind? If this thing was a machine then it has a

    serious glitch. Taking what it said at face value I still came no closer to understanding what

    was going on. Still needing clarification I asked

    How about Billie and John, where are their suits?They also have theirs. But were unable to call them because they didnt know they were

    there. As we have been talking I have been showing them where to look.

    You have been talking to them also?


    But John is old. And Billys just a kid. How do you expect us three to accomplish all of


    I have also thought of this and am rectifying the problem.

    Alarmed I asked What are you doing to them?

    I am doing to them the same thing that I am now doing to you. I am finishing the work

    that I left unfinished. Modifying your DNA to make it easier for you to survive what comes.

    You will be still be human but much more. You will heal faster and live much longer then

    anyone else of your species. And be able to utilize more of your higher brain functions.And that will help us?

    In the end, perhaps it will.

    And what is that supposed to mean?

    Not answering my question she continued

    When you awake all will be clear.

    Suddenly I felt very tired and as much as I wanted to ask more questions I couldnt seam

    to hold onto the thoughts for more then a fleeting second. I felt my eyelids getting heavy and

    start to close. As sleep started closing in I heard a quiet voice in my head.

    Sleep Mojave, sleep until you are needed

    Chapter 7

    When I awoke I found myself still upright in the alcove. I opened my eyes to look around.

    The force that had held me seemed to have lessened and I found myself able to move my

    head from side to side. Hopeful, I tried to move one foot out of the alcove and felt little


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    resistance. One foot out I drew the rest of my body out behind it and was standing there

    looking around the room.

    Two men were standing in the middle of the pit lost in conversation and had not noticed

    me exit from the alcove. I recognized neither one. Beginning to worry about my friends I

    turned my head to look into the other recesses. Empty!

    What the hell! I blurted out. Startled to find my companions gone

    Well hes awake now. Billys voice said behind me.My head snapped back too the pit and the two men standing there. It was then that I

    noticed that both wore Black suits identical to the one I had previously worn. There was

    something familiar about one of the men. Though he seemed older and much more thickly

    built the face under the blonde hair was definitely Billy Keene. There was nothing familiar

    about the other guy. He appeared to be around thirty years old, five foot ten with shoulder

    length black hair. Walking to the center of the pit up to the men standing there I looked into

    the face of the blonde man and asked. Billy?

    Yeah, do you think that I look different? he said as he held both arms wide, turning

    around so I could take a good look at him.

    Not bothering to reply I turned to the other man.


    Its me, thirty plus years younger, but still Me. he said. His voice no longer having theroughness that old age brings. He also looked much more muscular. His grey eyes, youthful

    and clear shone brightly in his now unwrinkled face. He seemed a man in his prime.

    Do I look as differently as you two?

    Naw, Billy said eying me up and down maybe a little heavier is all, more solid.

    How did you guys get your suits on? Im still in my regular clothes.

    She said all we had to do was look in our heads and we would find them there. John

    said, looking at me expectantly.

    John and I tried that a little while ago and poof here we are dressed to kill. We were

    just talking about it when you decided to wake up.

    You give it a try Mo. She told us to have you do it when you woke up, said that we all had

    to practice.

    Ill try. I said still not convinced.Closing my eyes, trying to will myself to be calm, I searched my mind. Trying to visualize

    my suit and picturing it on me. Not feeling that anything was happening I reopened my eyes

    after a few moments. John and Billy were grinning at me.


    Look down. Billy said.

    Looking down I was surprised to find myself in my own suit. And the clothes I had been

    wearing, gone.

    But where are our other clothes? I asked already knowing the answer.

    Why, in our heads, of course. John said still grinning

    Feeling a little irritated I raised my hand to point at the both of them to tell them that the

    situation we were in wasnt humorous in the least. Suddenly the familiar weight appeared in

    my hand. Pointed at Johns head was my pistol, the shock in his eyes mirroring my own.Startled I went to throw the gun onto the floor but, just as it left my hand, it disappeared.

    Looking at the stunned faces of my companions, I stood there unable to speak. I could

    have killed John, and it scared me.

    She told us to practice that too. Billy said in a shaky voice. But we both were too

    scared to try it so we waited for you to wake up.

    Looking at John I said Im so sorry. I could have killed you.

    Okay. Just remind me to show you how to use that thing before you end up killing one of

    us or yourself.


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    Consider yourself reminded. I said dryly

    So Mo, Billy said a concerned look on his face how do you feel?

    I took a moment to answer while I did a self assessment. I did feel good. I felt stronger and

    more alert then at any time in my short life. Lifting my hands up to look at them I wasnt

    surprised to discover that they seamed to be much bigger then they were before. I opened

    and closed them a couple of times feeling the strength in them. Strong, my whole body felt

    the same way. The clothing I wore, bought an extra size bigger for comfort, now wasstretched uncomfortably across my much wider frame.

    I feelgood. I said, taking my eyes from my hands to settle them on Billys now broad

    and sculptured face.


    Well you were in that alcove much longer then we were. And, when we asked that thing

    why, she said that she was making special changes to you.

    And, that when we left here, that the both of us had to make sure nothing would happen

    too you. John said, finishing Billys sentence.

    I wonder what changes she made to me. I said, more to myself then my two companions.

    Lots of changes Mojave the familiar voice said in my head. I took a wild step backward

    and looked around the chamber expecting to see the floating ball of plasma appear. Both of

    my companions were now looking at me as if I had suddenly lost my mind.Whats wrong Mo? Billy asked

    Shes talking to me again. Dont you two hear her?

    Both men shook their heads and continued to stare at me.

    The others can no longer hear me.

    Why? I responded out loud

    Because, now, I reside in you

    Why inside of me?

    It is the only way for me to leave this place. There is no time for me to train you three

    here in the use of you weapons and suits. Time is short and we all must return to close the

    doorway as soon as possible or your world doomed. I made me a place in your mind just

    like I did for your other equipment. I will help you in your training along the way.

    A sudden thought came to mind so I asked.What else can we store in our minds?

    The room in your minds is limited. The information about each item takes up vast

    amount of the overall capacity of your brains, even with the changes I have made. Your

    companions have more room to store the equipment and supplies you will need. But you

    have no more room because of the space required to hold me in your mind.

    So I can make you appear any time?

    No. You can talk to me and I can help you out in that manner only. If you make me

    appear I will be unable to return to your mind. And the limited amount of energy that I

    have left will dissipate quickly outside of this chamber. I will cease to be Mojave.

    If I am stuck with you in my mind I think it will make me feel more at ease if I knew

    your name.

    For the first time the voice in my head paused, as if taking a moment to think.I have no name Mojave. But if it will make you feel better you may call me by the name

    of my maker.

    Which is?

    Her name was Torinasha Shoenari Ariana.

    Well how about I just call you Tori for short?

    That would be wonderful. The voice said sounding pleased. That unsettled me, because

    I thought the thing was suppose supposed to be some kind of advanced machine, what kind

    of machine expresses emotion?


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    You must return to other chamber quickly. Tori said urgently the power in this

    chamber is almost depleted and soon it will not have enough energy to send you back!

    Alarmed I asked out loud How?

    Listening to Tori in my head for a moment I looked at my companions. Billy must have

    seen the alarm on my face for his had a look of panic starting show on it.

    He asked Whats wrong now Mo?

    We need to get the hell out of here. Go grab your pack and get your ass back to thecenter of the pit!

    Saying nothing he sprinted by me to the run to where he had set his pack next to the

    alcove he had stood in. By the time he returned with the pack slung across his shoulders the

    walls of the chamber had already started to glow and crackle with sparks. The high pitched

    whine filling the room, becoming louder, we three stood in the center of the pit as we did


    Now hold on! I said. Again we interlocked our arms. Big sparks of electricity jumping

    from wall too wall just above our heads.

    Every thing went black and I felt the floor disappear beneath my feet. Seconds later it was

    back and the flashlight in Billys hand illuminated the three of us. The beam pointed

    downward at our feet, unlocking our arms Billy played the light around the room.

    Well, the good news is were back in the first chamber. Billy said.And the bad news is? John asked

    Now we get to go outside and see just what has happened since weve been gone. I said.

    Feelings of apprehension filling my chest, making my heart skip a couple of beats.

    Sure we want to do that? John asked as I turned and started to kneel in front of the

    entrance to the chamber. Preparing to enter the tunnel I turned my head too look over my

    shoulder. Noticing Billy pick up an object from the floor and place it in his pack.

    What choice do we have? I said. With that statement I faced forward and began to


    Chapter 8

    When we returned to our campsite we were surprised to find our tent had collapsed and

    everything, including the Honda, had a thick layer of dust covering it surface. As if a lot of

    time had passed. While John and Billy worked to get the tent erect again I turned my

    thoughts inward and asked.

    How long has it been?

    Two months has passed since you were last here Mojave. Tori responded

    Two months! I said with wonder

    I took time to make the three of you into what you are now. And I had to keep you safe

    from the fallout. So I kept the three of you in stasis.

    What is Fallout?

    When the change started your civilizations governments blamed each other for what was

    happening. First one country fired it nuclear arsenal, then the rest. It took this long for the

    radioactive particles to settle to the ground and the background radiation to drop enough

    for me to allow you three to return.

    After she took a few minutes to explain to me about nuclear weapons and radiation I

    asked And is this radiation harming me and my friends?


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    No. I modified your bodies to withstand much more radiation then the rest of your

    species. And with the suits you can withstand much more. You must not go into a blast zone

    without your suits on. Even with my modification you three would perish.

    I think well just stay away from these blast zones.

    You may not have that choice Mojave. Her voice seemed to relay impatience.


    Youre cities lay in ruins and the first place you will need to go sustained almost a directhit. There is no other way Mojave. You must enter the blast zone and close the doorway.

    When are we supposed to leave here?

    You will leave when your training is complete here.

    We only have enough food to last a couple of weeks.

    Then you have two weeks. Two weeks to prepare for what is to come.

    You expect us to train ourselves here?

    Yes Mojave. Train like your lives depended on it.

    And train we did.

    Over the next two weeks John trained me to handle the weapon that Tori had provided. It

    seemed to fire nothing at all. But when you pointed it at something and pulled the trigger

    whatever you shot at reacted as if struck. Either flying apart or a hole appearing in it,

    depending on what you shot at. The first time I aimed it at a fist sized rock it blew apart.The noise the weapon made was like a sharp crack of electricity.

    Well, John had said now we know these guns can kill.

    To Johns surprise I became a dead shot in three days, able to hit a can sitting on a rock at

    fifty yards, even if I was on the move.

    I learned from Tori that the weapons had the capacity to shoot forty times and then it

    would take it an hour, to build up a charge of what ever kind of energy it used, before we

    would be able to fire it again. And John suggested that, when our training was done, we stop

    by his shop and pick up more weapons to augment the ones that Tori had given us. He and

    Billy had already taken to wearing the normal side arms, only calling up the others when

    they needed them.

    We became familiar with our suits also. The suits not only protected us but were able

    cover our entire bodies when exposed to high radiation. Forming a black mask that coveredthe entire head, the mask had some type of goggles built in, from which we could see

    through, but were mirrored on the outside. On our hands the fabric of the cuff would

    extend out to from the wrists to cover our hands, forming skin tight gloves.

    We also trained our bodies. Billy giving John and I a crash course in self defense. We

    learned pressure points that would bring down a man twice our size screaming to his knees.

    And with our supped up reflexes we quickly became proficient in striking and blocking. The

    strength in our bodies was enormous. As I found out when Billy threw me with a hip lock

    and I had to pick myself up off the ground twenty feet away from him.

    And the more we used them the stronger we became. Billy and my favorite game was to

    strip down and jump from the top of the large boulder in camp over the Honda and into the

    lake thirty feet beyond. We were like children who were just beginning to learn their

    limitations. Which, in our minds at the time, were few.John and Billy also practiced storing some of the items around camp in there minds.

    Learning what they could store and how much. They found that eight items were about the

    average. Less if an item were large. More if the items were small. It seemed that the over all

    mass of all items couldnt exceed a certain limit. So both men agreed to use the space in

    their minds wisely. Only storing what we couldnt live without. Everything else would have

    to be carried on our person or put into in the Honda.

    On our last night in camp while John and Billy slept Tori and I conversed.

    Tomorrow you leave this place.


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    What will we find out there?

    You will find the world you left in ruins. The survivors are desperate and will try to take

    from you, not only your possessions, but your lives.

    Cant we help them?

    Some you can. Most of others belong to the entity now and do its bidding. They will also

    try to stop you from closing the doorway

    Can we save those the entity has control of?Only the death of the Entity can save those that are left in your world. And you may have

    to kill those that try to stop you.

    What if I cant bring myself to kill another person?

    When the time comes, Mojave, you will kill.

    How do you know?

    It is what you were made for.

    Chapter 9

    Billy had had a kill switch installed in his Honda. It disconnected the power supply to the

    engines electronic parts. Just in case someone tried to steal the vehicle. And, in turn, it

    prevented theEMPfrom the nuclear blast from frying the electronics. So the Honda started

    right up and saved us a long walk back into Barstow. Most of the vehicles we would come

    across would probably not run so we had to hope the Honda held up.

    The drive back into town was uneventful save for one thing.

    As we got closer to the town we came upon a wrecked tanker diesel rig flipped over onto

    its side in the middle of the highway. Its contents had long ago caught fire and burnt the rig

    and the surrounding roadway to slag. When Billy went onto the shoulder to go around the

    charred remains we found that we could go no further.

    For, behind the wreckage, we found abandoned vehicles lined up taking up both lanes of

    highway for as far as eyes could see into the distance. It looked as if all had been stopped in

    the process of trying to escape whatever was happening behind them. Most of the vehicles

    drivers side doors were open, apparently abandoned by their occupants so that they could

    flee on foot.

    Well have to go off road to go around this mess. Billy said. Not taking his eyes from the

    scene in front of us. His hands were clutching the steering wheel so hard that the knuckles

    turned white.

    I just hope my shop is still standing. John said from the back seat as Billy turned the

    Honda away from the highway and into the desert, still going in the general direction of


    After twenty minutes of bouncing around it the inside of the car Billy found a dirt road

    that looked as if it went the right direction so he turned onto it and headed west. Finally we

    crested a hill and could see the town of Barstow below us. Or what was left of Barstow.

    Billy had slowed down so we could take it all in.

    Below us most of the town lay in ruin. From what we could see of the commercial part of

    town it looked like fires had broke out and destroyed the mall and all of the shopping

    centers there. Other fires had broken out all over town. From our vantage point we could

    see black spots all over the city where fires had been left unchecked and seemed to have

    burnt whole neighborhoods to the ground.

    We kept going into town. After a quarter of a mile the dirt road gave way to pavement.


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    Looking out of the passenger side window as Billy drove to Johns shop I kept looking out

    at the devastation. The burnt out husks of buildings and houses alike seemed to return my

    gaze. Their windows looking like eyes, looking back at me accusingly. Tori was right I was

    glad she had kept us safe. But what other horrors would our eyes see on our journey?

    There is no radiation here? I asked Tori. Wondering if were should put our suits on.

    No. The bombs fell on more populous areas and high priority military targets. This

    destruction was caused by desperate people long after the bombs fell.Are those people still here?

    Some surely are so you and your companions must be careful. As she spoke the back

    window exploded, showering John in the back seat with broken glass. The sound of a gun

    shot quickly followed. Billy pushed the accelerator to the floor pushing us back into our

    seats. Speeding away we heard more gun shots. Looking back over my seat I couldnt see

    where the shots were coming from.

    Why in the hell are they shooting at us? John asked as he picked broken glass out of his

    hair and clothing.

    Billy slowed down the vehicle to go around the burnt out shell of a ford truck. Trying to

    put it between us and whoever was shooting at us. After a couple of blocks he resumed

    heading towards Johns shop. His voice shaky he responded to John.

    I dont know why. But we had better get to your shop soon and pick up something otherthen pistols to fire back with. Who ever were shooting didnt like us trespassing in their


    We were both raised here. Its our town to!

    Turning to john in the back seat I said. It isnt your town anymore John. It belongs to the

    survivors. They are just trying to protect what they have left from whomever and whatever

    wants to take it from them. To them we are trespassers.

    John fell silent crossing his arms in frustration.

    Were here. Billys voice rang out.

    I looked from John to stare out the window.

    We had come out on a road directly facing Johns shop. It lay collapsed on itself. Charred

    remains of the fallen roof could be seen through the font windows. As Billy crossed the road

    and entered the parking lot he said Its all gone.Drive around to the back of the building Billy. Billy complied in silence.

    We came around to the back of Johns shop and John had Billy park the Honda. We

    exited and Billy and I stood there staring at John.

    Why are we standing here? The building is totally gutted John. I said, anxious to be on

    the move and away from this place.

    Its not what was in the shop that were after. With that statement John turned to the

    businesses trash receptacle and began to wheel it to one side.

    There, under the receptacle, were two large steel doors held closed by a chain and

    padlock. John produced a key chain from his pocket and unlocked the padlock. Billy and I

    opened the doors until they were resting on their hinges. John had already disappeared

    inside and down the stairs. As we followed I noticed that the stairway lead away from the

    building and out under the back packing lot. We descended to the bottom and we cameupon the concrete floor of a tunnel that led farther back away from the shop. The light from

    the entrance faded about ten feet in so Billy and I used the brick walls of the tunnel to feel

    out way into the darkness.

    In front of us a light appeared and Johns voice rang out.

    Are you two going to take all day?

    Billy and I came out into a room stacked with boxes. The light in the room was coming

    from a Coleman lantern that John had lit and was setting on the top of one of the boxes. As

    John was busy opening boxes and going through there contents I asked.


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    What is this place?

    My shop used to be a Speak Easy during prohibition. This room is where they would

    store their illegal alcohol. Now I use it for storing my, shall we say Illegal Acquisitions.

    Billy was now helping John sift through the boxes. Setting things into a pile on the floor

    that John had already started. Soon they had more on the floor then we could possibly

    carry. And yet they continued to add to the ever growing pile. Hand guns, Rifles, Ammo,

    MREs. All went into the pile. When they were done Billy and I stood there looking at all thesupplies while John disappeared into the back of the room. He returned with a small lock

    box and a grin.

    Whats in the box old man? Billy asked

    There Geiger counters, ones that fit on you wrist.

    And why do you have them down here? They arent illegal to have.

    As Billy spoke John had opened the box and handed me what looked like a digital wrist

    watch. I put it around my left wrist and tightened the strap.

    These are not your over the counter Geiger Counters. They are Military issue proto

    types. Not only do they tell you radiation levels they also double as locators. They can help

    us find each other if we become separated. They are accurate up to a mile.

    And how did you get a hold of military proto types? I asked

    A designer who worked for a lab that they had closed came in with a few guns to sell. Hewas trying to move his family back to Kansas and needed to come up with some money to

    get there. The guns he was trying to sell me didnt amount too much so I asked him if he

    had anything else to sell me. He said he didnt and left. But the next day he was at the shop

    waiting for me to open up. Thats when he showed me these. I paid him $1000 dollars for all

    four and he made me promise never to tell anyone where I had got them. He said that they

    had told him to destroy them but he couldnt bring himself to after spending three years

    designing them.

    How are they powered? Billy asked

    He said that they ran on the temperature fluctuations of the skin. As long as we wear

    them they wont ever go dead.

    Unless we do. I thought to myself.

    After John and Billy put there mini Geigers on and John had set the counters to receivefrom each other both men started to store the equipment. Item after item disappeared from

    the pile until all that was left was a sawed off pump action shotgun and two boxes of shells.

    Are we going to leave those behind? I asked

    No Mojave, John said as he turned to leave the room. Those are yours to carry.

    Come on. As he turned to follow John We have been here to long and we need to leave

    town before the people who took those pot shots at us get curious about what were doing

    here. And come to take a look.

    Thinking that he was probably right I bent dont to retrieve the shotgun and shells.

    Slinging the shot gun over my shoulder by its strap I emptied one box of shells into my front

    pockets. The other box I had to hold in my hand, figuring to put it under my seat when I

    reached the Honda.

    As I walked back up the hallway to the stairs I noticed that John and Billy had alreadyexited. In front of me were the stairway and the sunshine. Thats when I heard the voices

    coming from above.

    They were not the voices of my companions.

    Chapter 10


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    As I reached the bottom of the stairs I heard a strangers voice from above say I told you.

    We are taking your car and if you dont hand me those key well kill you for them! the

    voice sounded like it meant business. So I slowly eased up the steps until I could see out of

    the stairway.

    There, standing in front of the Honda, were my friends standing with their hands in theair surrounded by a group of seven men. The group of the men looked rough. Their clothing

    was ripped in places and none looked as if they had seen a shower in months. They held

    either pistols or rifles. All pointed at John and Billy. The man in front of them was huge. As

    tall and wide as Billy was after Toris transformation this man dwarfed him. He wore a

    tattered and stained tee shirt with the sleeves cut off. The dark stains on his jeans looked to

    be dried blood. He had a gargantuan bald head with a face that looked like it had been

    through a meat grinder. As I looked closer at his face something caught my attention.

    Along the right side of his face I thought I had seen a burn scar that stretched from behind

    his ear, down the side of his neck to disappear beneath his shirt. But as I looked harder I

    could have sworn that I watched the scar tissue move and pulsate. I felt a chill creep into my

    bones as I watched the man open his mouth and speak.

    Now, The giant man said taking a step towards Billy Are you going to give me those

    keys or are we going to have to take them?

    It was then that I noticed the two men standing behind Billy and John start to inch slowly

    forward. I had to stop them. Dropping the shotgun shells to free my hands I launched

    myself forward and out of the stairway my black suit materializing on my body as I flew

    forward. In mid air I heard Billy say in a soft voice.

    Take them.

    If you can. John finished equally as quiet.

    Then the man that had done the talking noticed me flying through the air and his eyes

    opened wide, his mouth agape. Billy and John started to move and I landed in the middle of

    a free for all.

    As I landed I reached out and grabbed one of the men who had started to move in on my

    friends by the neck with my left hand. I felt my fingers sink into the flesh of his neck

    crushing his spine. His left eye popped out from the pressure and came to rest on the back

    of my hand hanging there by the optic nerve.

    Turning my face away from the blood spray coming from the eye socket I saw the other

    man start to raise his pistol looking at me with blood lust in his eyes. My reflexes were

    faster. Before he could get his gun up my weapon was already in my hand and leveled at his

    head. He was still bringing his gun up when I pulled the trigger.

    His head vaporized. A fine mist of atomized blood spray, tissue and bone came to rest on

    the pavement behind. The only part of his head that was left were his ears which, for a split

    second, just hung there as if still attached to the mans now non existent face. Then they fell

    to the ground his body closely following.

    When I looked to see if John or Billy needed help John was just letting one mans limp

    body fall to the ground. His face looked to be caved in, his forehead and chin seemed to be

    almost touching.

    As I watched Billy hit another man so hard his head almost come free from his shoulders

    something hit my suit from behind. Letting the body that I still held in my left hand drop to

    the ground I spun around to face this new threat. Standing there holding a rifle buy its

    barrel was a kid not much over eighteen. The rifle had apparently jammed and the kid had

    used the rifle as a club.

    I stood there looking down at him a stain began to appear in the front of his pants.

    Looking from his reddening face to the urine stain then back to his face he suddenly


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    dropped the rifle and ran away, disappearing around the corner of the shop. I turned back

    towards my companions.

    The remaining men had already been dispatched by my companions and they now stood

    over the body of the giant. Billy must have broke his neck because, as I reached them, I

    noticed that the bald mans head was lying there turned completely face down while his body

    lay upwards. John was poking at the scar with the tip of the knife.

    The scar seemed to move away from the knife. As I looked closer I discovered what Johnand Billy had already come to realize. This wasnt a scar but something alive that had

    attached itself to the man.

    What the hell is that thing? I asked no one in particular. John and Billy remained silent.

    In my head Tori made herself heard.

    Its a part of the entity. The other men are infected too.

    Shouldnt we burn them or something?

    That would do no good. We would just be destroying a small piece of it. But the whole of

    the entity would be unaffected by such a small loss. Soon it will die because its host now lays


    Can it infect us? the thought alone sent a chill up my spine.

    As long as your minds stay free, you will remain free. But the moment you lose hope and

    give up your free will you will be infected like most of the people in your world are now. Youmust never give in to doubt. Believe in your selves and all will be well Mojave.

    A thought came to mind so I asked. If this is a part of the entity then does it now know

    what has happened here?

    Yes. It sensed me in you just like I sensed the infection in the others. It has lost to me

    once before so now it will come after you. It will only get harder from here on out.

    How much time do we have?

    A few hours or a few days, I can not say. But, believe me Mojave, it will send others who

    are infected and they will try to stop us from destroying the doorway.

    Looking around at the six dead me I shuddered. Any doubt that Id had in myself and in

    my ability kill was now gone. We had just killed six men in less then fifteen seconds. The

    fact that we were outnumbered didnt matter. These men never stood a chance, and that

    bothered me. How many others would lose their lives at our hands never really knowingwhat kind of men they faced?

    Ill have to kill more people wont I?

    Yes Mojave. Maybe many more before we are through. There is no other way. If you

    destroy the doorway and kill the entity your race will survive. All those infected will be free

    because when the entity dies the infection dies with it.

    I know that I dont have a choice. But I dont have to like it.

    But, you must admit, you and your companions are good at it.

    After taking a few minutes to convince my friends that they didnt have to burn the bodies

    John disappeared back down the stairs. Half a minute later he emerged from the stairway

    at a dead run. As he reached us I felt the ground jump beneath my feet and a plume of

    smoke mixed with flames shot up from the stairway to reach skyward.

    You blew it up didnt you? Billy asked, looking at John with mock disappointment onhis face.

    After he tossed me my discarded shells he turned to Billy and said You didnt expect me

    to leave it here for our local buddies did you.

    So what did you set off this time?

    I dropped an antique grenade into a box of reloading powder and ran like hell! I didnt

    even know if it would go off.

    It would seem that it did. I said as I watched the smoke rise into the air.


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    We relieved the dead men of their weapons and ammo leaving the bodies where they lay.

    We put the weapons in the back of the Honda and the three of us piled back into the car. As

    we reached the parking lot entrance Billy stopped the car and asked me Which direction?

    Taking a moment to consult with Tori I looked at Billy and said East.

    Whats east Mo?

    Area 51

    Billy didnt say a word. He just crossed the highway and headed back the way we came.From the back seat Johns voice rang out.

    It figures!

    Chapter 11

    Retracing our route back to where we had left the

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