Page 1: Creating a New Seminary


Creating a New Seminary


Page 2: Creating a New Seminary


센트럴 신학대학원의 신실한 친구들에게,지난 몇 달간은 캠퍼스 증축 공사가 활발하게 진행되었습니다. 공간을 확장하고 강의실을 리모델링하면서 센트럴이 보다 글로벌하게 연결된 배움의 장소가 되는 비전을 꿈꾸게 되었습니다. 학생들은 이 곳 샤니 캠퍼스에서 수업에 직접 참여할 수 있을 뿐 아니라, 전세계 어디서나 수업이나 도서관 서비스에 접근할 수 있게 될 것입니다.

지난 해 우리는 “마음을 일구고, 지성을 인도하며, 성령의 감동을 통한 창조적 리더십을 개발한다”는 비전을 위해 집중적으로 노력해 왔습니다. 우리는 사역 현장의 리더들은 긍휼히 여기며 공감할 줄 아는 마음이 필요하다는 것을 알고 있습니다. 그들은 사역수행능력으로 전환될 수 있는 지적으로도 충분한 지성 또한 필요합니다. 그리고 그들은 하나님의 통치 안에서 섬기기 위해 지속적으로 성령을 감동시킬 수 있는 영적인 토대도 필요로 하고 있습니다.

이번 달 Voice는 연간 보고서를 담고 있습니다. 정례대로 우리는 감사와 기념물 (tributes and memorials)을 포함한 헌신된 기부자들의 명단 등을 싣게 됩니다. 또한 우리는 지난 한 해를 도표를 통해 살펴보게 될 것인데, 여기에는 우리가 한 해 동안 신대원의 사명을 위해 힘을 쏟았던 부분들과 기억할만한 이벤트들도 포함되어 있습니다. 여러분은 여러 가지 영역들을 통해서 센트럴이 지금 “새로운 신학대학원을 세우고” (Creating a New Seminary) 있다는 것을 보시게 될 것입니다.

하나님은 기독교 사역을 새롭게 표현할 수 있도록 배우고 익히는 이들을 준비시키는 리더로서 센트럴 신학대학원을 부르고 계십니다. 여기서 공부한 많은 이들 중 어떤 이들은 신학적인 이해와 함께 그들의 현재 직업들을 섬김을 위한 통로로서 활용하게 될 것이고, 어떤 이들은 하나님의 임재를 그들의 공동체들 속에서 실현함으로 그리스도의 손과 발이 되어 섬기는 교회의 선교적 표현을 (missional expressions) 향해 회중을 이끌게 될 것입니다. 그리고 어떤 이들은 혜택받지 못하는 사람들 속에서 그들의 신앙을 혁신적으로 살아냄으로써 새로운 형태의 참여를 일구어 갈 것입니다. 교회가 문화적으로 더 소외되는 이 때에 성령은 새로운 형태로 하나님을 예배하는 공동체들을 부르고 계십니다.

여러분은 이러한 창조적인 사역의 핵심입니다. 여러분의 기도와 물질적 후원이 없이는 센트럴의 교수진과 학생들은 이러한 하나님의 긴급한 부르심에 응답하기 어려울 것입니다. 센트럴 신학대학원을 통해서 행해지는 거룩한 사역에 대한 여러분의 관심에 감사 드립니다.

신실하신 그리스도 안에서,

Molly T. Marshall

총장 겸 신학 & 영성 개발 교수

Dear Faithful Friend of Central,These past few months have witnessed a flurry of construction on the campus. As we have been adding space and updating classrooms, we have envisioned becoming a more globally connected place of learning. In addition to serving those who attend class here in Shawnee, students will be able to access instruction and library services from around the world.

Over the past year this theme has focused our work: Developing Creative Leadership through Forming the Heart, Guiding the Mind, and Inspiring the Spirit. We know that leaders in ministry need compassionate and empathetic hearts; they also need minds full of knowledge that they can translate to ministry competencies; and they need the kind of spiritual grounding that keeps inspiring the spirit for service in God’s Reign.

This issue of the Voice will take the form of an annual report. As usual, we will list our faithful donors and their levels of giving, including tributes and memorials. In addition, we will offer a pictorial review of the year with highlights of the elements of our mission to which we have given energy over the year and the many memorable events in the ongoing narrative of the seminary. What you will see is the many ways in which we are in the midst of Creating a New Seminary.

God is calling our school to be a leader in preparing learners for new expressions of Christian ministry. Many who study here will make their existing professions a channel for theologically informed service; others will lead congregations toward missional expressions of serving as the hands and feet of Christ, embodying his presence in their communities. And still others will create new forms of engagement with underserved populations, living out their faith innovatively. In a time when the church is more marginalized culturally, the Spirit is calling for new shapes of worshipping communities.

You are a central part of this creative work. Without your support in prayer and resources, faculty and students could not respond to this urgent call from God. I am ever grateful for your care for the holy work being done through Central Seminary.

Faithfully yours,

Molly T. Marshall President and Professor of Theology and Spiritual Formation

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EDItor: robin Sandbothe Director of Seminary Relations

Central Baptist Theological Seminary6601 Monticello RoadShawnee, KS 66226-3513p) 913.667.5700 or 1.800.677.2287f )


This 2015-2016 Annual Report edition of The Voice is formatted completely differently than any annual report we have designed in recent years. The design reflects the nature of theological education today, especially with regard to the use of technology. You will notice there are several QR codes on the pages ahead which will take you to fuller articles on our website. With your smart phone and a QR code scanner app, you can scan the codes to go directly to the articles about each of our three highlighted students in the picture above, as well as about one of the students in our Korean programs. You can also scan codes to read articles regarding the major work that has gone into revising the curriculum for Central’s degree programs. The issue and articles are also available by going directly to where you will find a slide labeled Creating a New Seminary: 2015-2016 Annual Report to which they are linked. We hope you enjoy the pictures featured throughout the issue and that you find the charts with information about our programs and financial resources of interest. We especially want to highlight all of those who have given to help create a new seminary – one that will continue to be a resource for our churches and will be an agent of transformation in our evolving world.

The Nature of Theological Education Today

Nathan Marsh, Andy Oh, and Jordan Milan demonstrate how students interact with the Zoom technology used in classes. See more about these three students in the pages ahead.

Page 4: Creating a New Seminary


Forming the Heart

“I am a part of the Women's Leadership Initiative and became

so through much doubt, uncertainty, and determination. Being

a part of this process has taught me that I have to trust that

God will be in charge of the details and reveal them to me

when I need to know them. I don't know what will come of it,

but I know that it will be enriching, challenging and will help

me grow – everything that I prayed to God that I wanted.”

—Jordan Milan, MDiv student in the Women’s Leadership Initiative at CENTRAL Tennessee

Scan here for more of Jordan Milan’s story

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Forming the Heart Jordan, who spent many hours of her growing up as a child who benefitted from the services of Bethel Neighborhood Center and later volunteered as a youth, now works as Program Coordinator there. Here she works with children who come to the Center after school just as she had herself.

Page 6: Creating a New Seminary


“Central says ‘come let us reason together’ and is a place where

people are not afraid of questions, of open discussion, and of

scholarly pursuit. As people of faith, it is our call too, and we

feel honored and privileged to join in this creative unique work

to which Central is committed. With the influence of Central

graduates and faculty around the world, maybe someday that

kind of creative, inclusive work won’t be so unique.” —Jackie Moore Baugh, Eula Mae and John Baugh Foundation

The Central Seminary Community invites you to join us as we celebrate Central’s Cloud of Witnesses, Thursday, November 10, 2016 — 7:00 - 8:15 p.m. with a reception following. We will gather in the Baugh-Marshall Chapel, then move around the campus as we dedicate our newly constructed and remodeled spaces and celebrate those who honor and support our mission of preparing women and men for seeking God, shaping church, and serving humanity.

Forming the Heart

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These names are the cloud of witnesses we will celebrate on November 10. The people they represent have honored Central by adding their names to the new and remodeled spaces on the Central campus in Shawnee, Kansas.

Forming the Heart

Page 8: Creating a New Seminary

8Bo Lay, one of the Burmese students in the FOUNDATIONS Judson Communities class in Oakland, California.

“The Doctor of Ministry program through Central Baptist Theological Seminary has made a significant impact in my ministry. I started the program as a local church pastor and will end as an Associate Executive Minister. At both stages in ministry, the D.Min has given me improved tools and resources, increased learning experiences, and a tremendous support network I would not have otherwise. When other seminaries are struggling to survive, Central continues to thrive by making the necessary adjustments to assist, resource and equip students to engage a new paradigm in ministry.”

—Nathan Marsh, DMin student and Associate Executive Minister of American Baptist Churches Central Region

Scan here for an article Nathan wrote based on his DMin research - How to Support Your Pastor During Times of Personal Crisis

See the back cover for more about Central’s Doctor of Ministry in Creative Leadership

Guiding the Mind

Page 9: Creating a New Seminary


Rev. Nathan Marsh visits with Rev. Richard Copeland, Central alum and Pastor of DeSoto Baptist Church, DeSoto, Kansas

Guiding the Mind

Page 10: Creating a New Seminary


Bo Lay participates in worship with other students participating in the Oakland, California, FOUNDATIONS Judson Communities classes.

“I like to consider Central Seminary’s revised Master of Divinity

curriculum with an image drawn from the arts. The

curriculum provides a palette of new and innovative courses

that students use as they creatively paint upon the canvas

of their vocations.”

—David May, Professor of New Testament , Director of Online Curriculum Design, & Director of MA (Theological Studies)

Scan here to read more about the new curriculum and delivery system

Guiding the Mind

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Central faculty gathered for retreat this fall to prepare for the year ahead. They continue the curriculum discussions which have permeated their work over the last year.

Guiding the Mind

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“As I look back on my journey, I can see that God has been

leading me the whole time. When my plans failed, God led

me closer to Him. Finally, God has led me to Central. It gives

me comfort to realize that God is in charge, and I am enjoying

the journey.”

—Andy Oh, Diploma student living in Chicago

Scan here for more of Andy’s story

Inspiring the Spirit

Page 13: Creating a New Seminary


Andy Oh serves as an associate pastor in a church plant, House of Grace Church, in the suburbs of Chicago, where his mother-in-law, Rev. Youngja Lee, is the pastor, pictured here along with his parents, Elder Eulki Oh and Deaconess Yoonhee Oh.

Inspiring the Spirit

Page 14: Creating a New Seminary


"Through my ministry with the homeless I realized what God

truly wants from our worship. I believe that the genuine

revival of worship will begin when we serve and love the

marginalized and poor as Jesus did."

"나는 이번 홈리스 사역을 통해 하나님께서 원하시는 예배가 무엇인지 확실히

알게 되었다.... 진정한 예배 회복은 소외되고 가난한 자들을 예수님처럼 섬기고

사랑하는데에서부터 시작된다고 믿는다"

—Eunho Lee, MDiv student in the Korean Program

Scan here for more of Eunho Lee’s story

Inspiring the Spirit

Page 15: Creating a New Seminary


Eunho Lee and one of the residents of “Tent City” under an expressway in downtown Dallas, Texas, lead worship for this homeless community with whom he and his wife Eunhee have developed a relationship and do ministry.

Inspiring the Spirit

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Creating a New Seminary Funding a New Seminary

Our students represent a diverse community of women and men, learning in locations all over the US.

We educate almost an equal number of women and men in five different programs. These students represent a wonderful diversity of racial/ethnic communities.

Our Korean Program educates students in additional locations.

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Creating a New Seminary Funding a New Seminary

For a $3+ million budget, revenue comes from a variety of sources.

This chart represents the overall sources of funding for Central’s mission

Gifts come from individuals, foundations, churches, and tuition.

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Central Seminary wishes to thank all of those who have given and continue to give to sustain our commitment to prepare women and men for seeking God, shaping church and serving humanity. The following Tribute/Scholarship Gifts were given to Central between August 1, 2015, and July 31, 2016.

In Honor of Mrs. Elizabeth H. Haney

Cooperative Baptist Fellowship of the Heartland

In Honor of Drs. Gordon M. and Karen J. Hatcher

First Baptist Church of Bluejacket

In Honor of Dr. Molly t. Marshall

Rev. Dolph H. Grolock, Jr.

Dr. Judy I. Orosz

In Memory of Ms. Louise A. Bode

Mrs. Nancy B. Dunbar

In Memory of Mr. Jerome C “Moe” Graham

Rev. M. Barbara Graham

In Memory of Mrs. Betty Hobbs

Dr. Dan S. Hobbs

In Memory of Mr. Edward C. Moody

Mrs. Elizabeth E. Barrett

Mrs. Vicki James

Rev. Bruce W. and Mrs. Nancy S. Morgan

In Memory of rev. Charles E. Smith, Jr.

Mrs. Carol P. Smith

In Memory of Dr. Fred E. Young

Mr. Anthony and Mrs. Pat Zahn

rev. Max and rev. Leland Angell Scholarship

Mrs. Shirley Angell

The Alice Fleetwood Bartee Scholarship

Dr. Wayne C. Bartee

Cloud Scholarship

Mr. Robert and Ms. Julie Cloud

Erasmus Fund Book Scholarship

Mrs. Jenny Hatfield-Callen

Paul t & ruth V Losh Scholarship

Mr. Clarence J. and Mrs. Katherine D. Nutter

Steward M. McDaniel Scholarship

Mr. Michael and Mrs. Carol Dietrich

Mrs. Marjorie M. McDaniel

Mr. Stuart McDaniel

richard P. olson Scholarship

Rev. Donald F. and Mrs. Jane Allen

Dr. Kenneth T. and Mrs. Patricia A. Boyd

Rev. Jonathan Clark

Mrs. Almira S. Collier

Mr. Ross K. and Mrs. Maxine M. Cook

Mr. Michael and Mrs. Carol Dietrich

Rev. Nicole Finkelstein-Blair and Lt. J. Scott Blair

Rev. Joy and Mr. Collin Freeman

Ms. Moe Gay

Rev. Dr. Ircel C. and Mrs. Rita F. Harrison

Mrs. Jenny Hatfield-Callen

Ms. Therese M. Horvat

Mr. Hto Hto

Mr. R. Milton and Mrs. Neva Huffaker

Mr. William B. and Mrs. Ann H. Hunt

Mr. Tracy and Mrs. Mary Icenogle

Mr. Sarju V.S. Jackson

Ms. Mar Jury

Mr. G. Alan and Mrs. Marjorie Killingsworth

Mr. William A. and Rev. Jane E. Lang

Dr. William G. and Rev. Mary Beth Mankin

Mr. Mike T Mayo

Mrs. Marjorie M. McDaniel

Rev. Bruce W. and Mrs. Nancy S. Morgan

Mr. James E. and Ms. Donna L. Muiller

Ms. Kyaw Nyount

Rev. Lee L. Rader

Ms. Janice Rider

Mr. Carl and Ms. Mary Ann Riggs

Dr. Tarris D. Rosell and Dr. Ruth Lofgren Rosell

Rev. Ross E. and Mrs. Jeanne Sackman

Dr. Robert E. and Mrs. Marilyn Shaw

Mrs. Carol P. Smith

Dr. Robert A. Southard and Ms. Dianne C. Shumaker

Mr. Peter M. Sprenkle

Dr. Sheryl L. Stewart

Rev. Linda and Mr. Douglas Sutton

Rev. Tezenlo Thong

Mrs. Beth Usrey

Dr. David Van Veldhuizen

Mr. Don and Mrs. Ruth Van Veldhuizen

Mr. Rick R. and Ms. Anne R. Vaughn

Mrs. Martha J. Webster

Mr. Daniel Willems Van Dijk

Mr. Martin and Mrs. Carol Wollenberg

Mr. James W. Wood

Mr. Kenton A. and Mrs. Janice A. Workman

Ms. Mu Po Yo

tennessee Scholarships

Cooperative Baptist Fellowship of Tennessee

Dr. Ircel C. and Mrs. Rita F. Harrison

Alfred Q. and ruth Hulme Van Benschoten Sch.

Judson Press

President Molly T. Marshall and Faculty Marshal David May assemble the faculty before the Fall Convocation service in August 2015.

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Please let us know if you do not see your name or your category seems to be incorrect. We want to be sure our records are correct, and want you to know how grateful we are for your

commitment to Central.

Providential Partners / $75,000 and up

American Baptist Churches of the Central Region


Ms. Babs Baugh and Mr. John Jarrett

Eula Mae and John Baugh Foundation

Arcus Foundation

Greater Kansas City Community Foundation

The Henry Luce Foundation

Mr. R. Milton and Mrs. Neva Huffaker

Rev. Dr. Thawesak Mahachavaroj

Dr. Robert A. Southard and Ms. Dianne C. Shumaker

Presidential Partners / $20,000 - 74,999

Mr. Robert and Ms. Patricia Shield Ayres

Mr. Charles H. and Mrs. Nilda Blake

C.I.O.S. (Christ is Our Salvation)

Mr. Roger M. and Mrs. Anna M. K. Driskill

James and Med Hale Estate

Mr. Philip R. and Mrs. Patricia B. Love

Dr. William G. and Rev. Mary Beth Mankin

Ms. Beverly S. Odell

The Pillsbury Foundation

Mr. Howard and Mrs. Linda J. Roos

Thiel Charitable Trust

Mrs. Mary Duvall Thomas

Rev. Lester B. and Mrs. Louise Vier

Decanal Partners / $10,000 - 19,999

American Baptist Churches of the Great Rivers Region

American Baptist Churches of Wisconsin

Go, Inc.

Kansas Baptist Convention Foundation

Rev. Angela LowePresident Molly T. Marshall and Faculty Marshal David May assemble the faculty before the Fall Convocation service in August 2015.

Doctor of Ministry students from Myanmar arrived in September 2015 for classes and cultural experiences. They are pictured here on the lawn of the Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art in Kansas City.

The Economics of Ministry Conference in

October 2015 drew a crowd to the campus in

Shawnee, Kansas.

Page 20: Creating a New Seminary



Dr. Molly T. Marshall

Mr. Norman K. and Mrs. Lorraine Martin

Mr. Richard R. McCall

Ms. F. Mauriece Smith

Dr. Andrew Yang Fan Shing

Visionary Partners / $5,000 - 9,999

American Baptist Churches International Ministries

Cooperative Baptist Fellowship of the Heartland

Rev. Dr. John W. Gravley

Dr. Carol Ann Holcomb

North Shore Baptist Church

Rev. Norman J. and Mrs. Joyce L. Orr

Ms. Lois Redman

Mr. Merle C. and Mrs. Dolores Schmidt

Schwab Charitable Fund

Florence M. Stout Estate

Mr. George N. and Mrs. Karen L. Townsend

Mrs. Margaret B. Wheat

Leadership Partners / $2,500 - 4,999

American Baptist Churches of Nebraska

American Baptist Foundation

American Baptist Home Mission Society

First Baptist Church of Ann Arbor

Dr. Wayne C. Bartee

First Baptist Church of Bluejacket

Cooperative Baptist Fellowship of Tennessee


Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund

Rev. Lawrence E. and Mrs. Katherine M. Graves

Rev. Dr. Ircel C. and Mrs. Rita F. Harrison

Mr. H. E. Hathaway

Holmeswood Baptist Church

First Baptist Church of Lawrence

Ms. Gyounghee Lee

Rev. Bruce W. and Mrs. Nancy S. Morgan

Northminster Baptist Church of Jackson, Miss. Inc.

First Baptist Church of Olathe

Mr. Robert A. and Mrs. Margene R. Phares

Sowers / $1,000 - 2,499

American Baptist Churches of the Dakotas

Mr. Kenneth Aber

Mrs. Shirley Angell


Arkansas Baptist Foundation

Rev. Dr. Timothy and Rev. Maxine Ashley

Mr. Duane and Mrs. Marcia Binkley

First Baptist Church of Bismarck

Mrs. Caroline A. Bower

Rev. Dr. Eileen Campbell-Reed

Mr. C. C. and Mrs. Sachiko M. Cantrell

Rev. Dr. Lee W. and Mrs. Carolyn J. Carlson

Chiles Elm Grove Baptist Church

Mr. Robert and Ms. Julie Cloud

Mrs. Almira S. Collier

First Baptist Church of Columbia

Commonwealth Charitable Fund

Community Foundation of the Ozarks

Cooperative Baptist Fellowship of Arkansas

Covenant Association of the United Church of Christ

DeSoto Baptist Church

Rev. Hal H. and Mrs. Marjorie Eaton

Mr. Arthur and Dr. Marlene Francis

Mr. Carl J. and Mrs. D. Louise Gangwish, Jr.

Dr. Patricia I. Gillis

Grace Baptist Church of Kansas City

Learners in the first cohort of the Women’s Leadership initiative made a pilgrimage to Thailand in March 2016 .

The seminary community celebrated Rev. Dr. Molly T. Marshall’s 10 year anniversary as President in November 2015.

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Drs. Amy and Wallace Hartsfield, II

Rev. Lamar and Mrs. Sylvia Helms

Dr. Dan S. Hobbs

Rev. Donald G. and Mrs. Delores Hollenbeck

Mr. Robert M. Honeyfield

Rev. Dr. Gregory and Mrs. Priscilla Hunt

Revs. Roger and Angela Jackson

Ms. Kelly Moreland Jones

First Baptist Church of Kansas City, Missouri

Dr. Harold E. and Mrs. Esther A. Klaassen

Second Baptist Church of Liberty

First Baptist Church of Louisburg

Mr. James R. and Mrs. Bette G. Love

First Baptist Church of Mattoon

Rev. James W. and Mrs. Dorothy McCrossen

Mrs. Marjorie M. McDaniel

Mr. Stuart McDaniel

First Baptist Church of McPherson

Mid-American Baptist Churches

First Baptist Church of Minneapolis

Missions Ministry and Media Foundation

Missouri Baptist Foundation

First Baptist Church of North Platte

Mr. James J. and Mrs. Jeanne O'Dell

Rev. Dr. Richard P. and Ms. Mary Ann Olson

Dr. Gwendolyn S. O'Neal

First Baptist Church of Ottawa

First Baptist Church of Ottawa, Illinois

Rev. Dr. Wayne and Mrs. Julia Paulsen

Pella Baptist Church Mission Fund

Pine Street Church

Prairie Baptist Church

Dr. Margaret L. Prine

Mr. Nelson T. Roos

Dr. Tarris D. Rosell and Dr. Ruth Lofgren Rosell

Mr. Harris F. and Mrs. Kathryn J. Seidel

Mr. Ralph M. Sloman

Rev. R. Dean and Mrs. Gail Stewart

Rev. Linda and Mr. Douglas Sutton

University Heights Baptist Church

Mr. Cecil P. and Mrs. Katy Vandygriff, Jr.

Mr. Gary L. and Mrs. Shirley A. Wall

Dr. Terry J. Wall

Ms. Laura Willis

Mr. J. David and Mrs. Ann Wilson

Dr. Donald J. and Dr. Janice F. Wissman

Mr. James A. York

Sustainers / $500 - 999

American Baptist Churches of the USA

First Baptist Church of Alliance

First Baptist Church of Atlantic

Rev. Dr. Robert C. Ballance

Ms. Sarah Benton

Ms. Kerry J. Campbell

Ms. Mary Lynn Cate

Mr. William E. Claflin

Mr. Ross K. and Mrs. Maxine M. Cook

Rev. Dr. David F. D'Amico

The Darla Dee Turlingon Charitable Foundation

Englewood Baptist Church

Rev. Dr. Heather Entrekin and Mr. Peter M. Stover

Rev. Dr. F. Sue Fitzgerald

First Baptist Church of Fremont

Mrs. Vernette F. Fulop

Grandview Baptist Church of Kansas City

Rev. Cheri B. Grizzard

First Baptist Church of Highland

In April Patricia Hernandez, Central DMin graduate and National Director of American Baptist Women in Ministry; and Eileen Campbell-Reed, Coordinator for Coaching, Mentoring & Internship and Associate Professor of Practical Theology, CENTRAL Tennessee, were guest presenters for a Central Leadership Series event: The Creative Promise of Women in Leadership.

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Highland Park Baptist Church

Ms. Therese M. Horvat

Rev. Walter L. Howard

Dr. Robert E. and Dr. Rebecca Johnson

Keller & Owens, LLC

Rev. Dr. Stephen H. and Ms. Klem K. Kio

Kirkwood Baptist Church

Second Baptist Church of Lincoln

Mr. David Mankin

Ms. Edwina W. Mann

Meacham Endowment

Mid-American Baptist Foundation

Minot Immanuel Baptist Church

Network for Good

Dr. Judy I. Orosz

Rev. Timothy R. and Mrs. Rebecca J. Ricketts

Third Baptist Church of St. Louis

Rev. Robin R. Sandbothe

Schwass-Shellenbarger Trust

Selma Baptist Church

Rev. Dr. Wayne and Mrs. Irene Shireman

Rev. Donald D. and Mrs. JoAnne Shoemaker

Mr. Rick and Ms. Deborah Skeel

Sprint Foundation

Mr. David D. and Mrs. Beth B. Sullivan

Dr. Robert L. and Mrs. Barbara J. Sweat

Mrs. Irene Thomas

Mr. Vance M. and Rev. Jennifer J. Thomas

Mr. Richard K. and Mrs. Jane H. Tuten

Ms. Barbara Westberg

Mr. E. Marcus and Mrs. Rebecca L. Wiggs, III

Mr. Jay P. Young

Sponsors / $250 - 499

Mr. William J. and Mrs. Helen J. Ambrose, Jr.

First Baptist Church of Ames

Bailey Fund

Rev. Sharon S. and Mr. Darrell Cantrell

Mr. Kenneth and Ms. Donna Carrier

Rev. Matthew Coleman

Rev. Richard G. and Mrs. Mary E. Copeland

Rev. Roger C. and Mrs. Kathryn P. Dahlen

Rev. Jaime E. and Mrs. Ann Davila

Dr. Stanley L. and Mrs. Alice Jo DeFries

Dr. Jerry and Mrs. Deniese M. Dillon

Rev. Dr. Pam Durso

Dr. Robert W. and Mrs. Loretta L. Fairchild

Ms. Jane T. Fickle

GE Foundation

Drs. Neita and Charles Geilker

Dr. Susan E. Gillies

Dr. Vera F. Goodman

Rev. Dr. Ivan and Mrs. Rexanne Greuter

Mr. David Handkins and Rev. Debra Witherspoon Handkins

Mrs. Elizabeth H. Haney

Immanuel Baptist Church

Mr. Loren and Mrs. Sidney Janzen

Ms. Mar Jury

First Baptist Church of Kearney

Mr. Francisco and Mrs. Tania Litardo

Mrs. Ruth V. Losh

Mr. Mike T. Mayo

Ms. Bokyoung McGlocklin

Mr. James E. and Ms. Donna L. Muiller

Rev. Robert T. Pattie

First Baptist Church of Peoria

Rev. Harriett Platts and Dr. Frederick Davis

Mrs. Emma J. Posey

Mr. Jack A. and Mrs. Elaine E. Pugsley

Mr. Robert F. Quisenberry

Rev. Dr. Arlo R. Reichter

Pastor Michael and Mrs. Margie Sayler

Rev. Larry D. and Mrs. Nancy Sayre

Mr. James F. and Mrs. Martha A. Schaer

Mr. Eddie C. and Rev. Debra D. Sermons

Mr. Donald A. and Mrs. Carol Shapley

Dr. Robert E. and Mrs. Marilyn Shaw

During an Evening of Gratitude in May 2016, the portrait of Ms. Babs Baugh, with her parents over her shoulder, was unveiled. It is now hanging in the narthex of the Baugh-Marshall Chapel. President Marshall stands with Jackie Baugh Moore, and Babs Baugh and her husband John Jarrett after the unveiling.

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Rev. George J. and Mrs. Ruth L. Spencer

Mrs. Beth Usrey

Mr. Don and Mrs. Ruth Van Veldhuizen

First Baptist Church of Virden

First Baptist Church of Waterloo

Mrs. Martha J. Webster

West Side Baptist Church

First Baptist Church of White Hall

Rev. Dr. John and Rev. Connie Williams

Supporters / Up to $249

Rev. Donald F. and Mrs. Jane Allen

Allene Preston Jones Endowment Fund

Rev. David A. and Mrs. Myrtle J. Anders

Dr. John F. and Mrs. Barbara A. Anderson


First Baptist Church of Ansley

Ms. Gail Ashby

Ms. Linda Baer

Mr. Ronald and Mrs. Donna Barlow

Mrs. Elizabeth E. Barrett

Mr. Neale K. and Mrs. Elaine Bartee

Dr. Heidi L. and Rev. Loren J. Baxter

Rev. Janell Bloem

Rev. Randy S. Bobzien

Rev. Melissa A. Bowers

Dr. Robert A. and Mrs. Linda L. Box

Dr. Kenneth T. and Mrs. Patricia A. Boyd

Rev. Dr. Robert F. and Mrs. Jackie Browning

Dr. Wayne E. and Mrs. Joan M. Caldwell

Mr. Teddy J. and Mrs. Kim R. Campbell

Mr. Day Chit

Following the portrait unveiling at An Evening of Gratitude, guests moved to a naming ceremony for the Shumaker Library, named for Ms. Dianne Shumaker, standing here with her husband Dr. Robert Southard and members of her family, as well as President Marshall, as Dr. John Gravley hangs her portrait.

The Central Seminary Alumni/ae Association honored three Alums of the Year at their annual gathering the evening before Commencement. Rev. Dr. Wayne Paulsen (left), who was introduced by his former classmate and 50-year Alum Rev. Llewellyn Walker (far right); Rev. Justin Anderson (standing next to Rev. Dr. Paulsen), who was introduced by Dr. Terrell Carter (standing next to Rev. Walker), DMin graduate and newest faculty member at Central; and Rev. Cheryl Harader, who was unable to attend but was introduced by her daughter Rev. Joanna Harader (standing in the middle) who is also a Central alum.

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Dr. Joyce Parr Christison

Rev. Jonathan Clark

Rev. Dr. John E. and Dr. Ruth H. Clark

Ms. Sheree Geneva Clark

Rev. Charles E. and Mrs. Myrtle M. Clinkenbeard, Jr.

First Baptist Church of Colby

Mr. Darrel W. and Mrs. Kay Coleman

Ms. Carole Collins

First Baptist Church of Colorado Springs

Rev. Carrol L. and Mrs. Dianna Cook

Mr. David L. and Mrs. Ingrid M. Cook

Rev. Richard and Mary Etta Copeland

Dr. Gordon L. and Mrs. Harriet Coppoc

Rev. Bill and Mrs. Carole Cowell

Mr. James J. and Mrs. Susan N. Crumpler, Jr.

Rev. George E. and Mrs. Elizabeth Daniels

Dr. Glen E. and Bonnie Dappen

Dr. Richard L. and Mrs. Janet Dayringer

Ms. Amy Baer Demarest

Mr. Michael and Mrs. Carol Dietrich

Mrs. Winifred V. Dowding

Mr. Leonard A. and Mrs. Edith M. Dunaway

Mrs. Nancy B. Dunbar

Rev. Dr. Paul and Mrs. Sybil C. Eppinger

Dr. Priscilla Eppinger

Ms. Judith B. Ewalt

Dr. Frank E. and Mrs. Connita E. Fain

First Baptist Church of Fairfield

Mr. Woody and Ms. Barb Falkena

Mr. Webster R. and Mrs. Gloria R. Fiedler

Rev. Nicole Finkelstein-Blair and Lt. J. Scott Blair

Mr. John D. and Mrs. Margie Flanagin

Mrs. Mary Foley †

Dr. Brian W. and Mrs. Holly B. Ford

First Baptist Church of Fort Morgan

Rev. James L. and Mrs. Sandra S. Foster

AmazonSmile Foundation

Ms. Jacquelyn Franklin

Rev. Randall S. and Mrs. Elaine Fredrikson

Dr. Roger L. Fredrikson †

Rev. Joy and Mr. Collin Freeman

First Baptist Church of Fremont

Mr. Jeffrey O. and Mrs. Judy C. Fryer

First Baptist Church of Galesburg

Mr. Htee Gay

Ms. Moe Gay

First Baptist Church of Glenburn

Rev. Dr. David Goatley

Rev. M. Barbara Graham

Ms. Janine I. Gravley

2016 women graduates gathered with Central alumnae, staff, and faculty the day before Commencement for the annual Graduating Sisters’ Blessing, during which they received ribbons of liturgical colors and words of wisdom from those gathered.

Page 25: Creating a New Seminary



Rev. Christopher and Ms. Betsy T. Homiak

Greater Horizons

Hot Springs United Churches

Mr. Hto Hto

Mr. Kee Doh Htoo

Mr. William M. and Mrs. Marguerite A. Humenczuk, II

Mr. William B. and Mrs. Ann H. Hunt

Mr. Tracy and Mrs. Mary Icenogle

First Baptist Church of Indianola

Mr. Sarju V.S. Jackson

Rev. Dr. Patricia Stuart Jacobs

Ms. Vicki James

First Baptist Church of Jefferson City

Rev. Mark and Mrs. Shirley Jervis

Mrs. Barbara J. Joiner

Ms. Daisy Josiah

Judson Press

Juniata Community Church

Dr. Richard D. Kahoe

Rev. Karlous U. and Mrs. Mindy E. Kalu

Mr. Steve and Mrs. Lynise Keller

First Baptist Church of Kenosha

Mr. Moe Khu

Mr. G. Alan and Mrs. Marjorie Killingsworth

Rev. Dr. Julie J. Kilmer

Mr. Kay Kney

First Baptist Church of Knoxville

Mr. Ja Myung Koo

Mr. David A. and Mrs. Mavis Kruger

First Baptist Church of La Crosse

Mr. William A. and Rev. Jane E. Lang

Mr. Jeff and Mrs. Sara Langford

Lao American Baptist Church

Ms. Moo Lar

2016 Graduates during the Commencement ceremony held at Prairie Baptist Church, Prairie Village, Kansas.

Dr. John W. and Mrs. Sylvia L. Grisham

Rev. Dr. Gary L. and Mrs. Janice L. Grogan

Rev. Dolph H. Grolock, Jr.

Rev. John E. and Mrs. Dee Anne Grummon

First Baptist Church of Guide Rock

GW Graham Trust Fund

Dr. Earl and Mrs. Shirley Hackett

Rev. Cheryl G. Harader

Mrs. Jenny Hatfield-Callen

Rev. Henry P. and Mrs. Betty S. Haynes, III

Rev. Sandra W. and Mr. Robert Heacock

Rev. William A. Hedge

Rev. Darrell E. Heidner

Mrs. Stephanie Herrada

Rev. James L. and Mrs. Bettie Jo Hill

Ms. Della M. R. Hockett

Dr. Sally Holt

Mr. David A. and Mrs. Janice E. Lee

Rev. William and Mrs. Inez LeRoy

Rev. Victor Lai Lian

Rev. Ronald P. and Mrs. Eunice D. Liesmann

Rev. Leslie Limbaugh

Mr. Richard L. and Mrs. Nanetta N. Litle

Chap. Col. William L. and Mrs. Mona L. Luce

Mr. Eric J. Lundquist

Mr. George S. Luter

First Baptist Church of Manilus

Ms. Carolyn G. Maples

Ms. Ann Martin

Rev. Lynda D. McClelland

Ms. Judith Ann McCue

Mr. Roger and Mrs. Sandi McKee

Mrs. Harma McKenzie

Rev. Harold S. McMullen

Dr. John H. and Mrs. Laura McNassor

Rev. Dr. A. Roy and Rev. Patricia S. Medley

Rev. Kenneth Meyers

Rev. Robert C. and Mrs. Marcie Molby

Dr. Dwight A. Moody

Mrs. L. Rogene Moody

Rev. Charles R. and Mrs. Alice E. Moore

Mrs. Carolyn B. Muncy

Rev. Jerry F. and Mrs. Mary Muncy

Ms. Tisha Mundy

Rev. William J. and Mrs. Sandra Myers

Rev. Dr. Steven R. and Mrs. Laurie Neal

Rev. Rupert and Mrs. Dolores Nelson

Mr. Wesley and Mrs. Lena M. Nelson

New Providence Baptist Church

Rev. Ronald W. and Mrs. Marilyn Newsom

Rev. V. Clay and Mrs. Peggy J. Noah, Jr.

Page 26: Creating a New Seminary



Mr. Clarence J. and Mrs. Katherine D. Nutter

Ms. Kyaw Nyount

Rev. Ed and Sandy O'Rear

Dr. Samuel Park and Mrs. Seewha Lee

Mr. R. C. and Mrs. Faye Parrish

Ms. Eh Htoo Say Paw

Rev. Richard A. and Mrs. Janis M. Peterson

Mr. A. D. and Rev. Dixie Lea Petrey

Mr. Ed and Mrs. Trudy Pettibone

Dr. Robert M. and Mrs. Opal K. Phillips

Rev. Dr. Katherine R. Pickett

Mr. James K. and Mrs. Marcia J. Pierce

Dr. Thomas W. and Rev. LeDayne M. Polaski

Central Baptist Church of Quincy

Rev. Lee L. Rader

Dr. Paul and Mrs. Susan Richardson

Ms. Janice Rider

Mr. Carl and Ms. Mary Ann Riggs

Rev. Dr. Harry and Mrs. Deidra Riggs

Ms. Ashley Robinson

Rev. Ross E. and Mrs. Jeanne Sackman

Rev. Cynthia Ann Saddler

Dr. Doyle and Mrs. Janet Sager

Saint Edward Palestine Baptist Church

Mrs. Donna D. Schirer

Rev. Timothy J. Schwartz

Mrs. Debbie Setlock

Dr. Gam S. Shae

Mr. Shee Sho

Mr. Gary N. and Mrs. Sandra J. Shofner

Mrs. Carol P. Smith

Mrs. D. Eileen Smith

Rev. Charles W. and Mrs. Peggy L. Spong

Mr. Peter M. Sprenkle

Dr. Jerry D. and Mrs. Therese K. Springston

Rev. George W "Dub" and Mrs. Joy Steincross

Dr. Sheryl L. Stewart

Ms. Maxine Margaret Stone

Rev. Cornell C. and Mrs. Susan A. Sudduth, Sr.

Mr. Lu Suiwy

Mr. Kenneth and Mrs. Diana Sumrall

Rev. P. Tyler and Mrs. Jessica Tankersley

Dr. J. E. and Mrs. Carole Tanner

Mr. George L. and Mrs. Elva V. Templeton

Rev. Tezenlo Thong

Rev. Richmond F. Thweatt, III

Rev. Sachiko Toda

Ms. Nancy S. Tracy

Dr. Alan Keith and Mrs. Patricia Trautwein

Rev. Sonja G. Van Dusseldorp

Mr. Rick R. and Ms. Anne R. Vaughn

Dr. David Van Veldhuizen

Rev. Seth Michael and Mrs. Beth Vopat

Dr. Ruth M. W. and Mr. Richard D. Warren

Rev. Glenda R. Watts

Mr. Bill Webb

Mr. Joe L. Webster

Ms. Ashton M. Wells

Dr. David L. and Mrs. Carol Wheeler

Wicksville Community Church

Mr. Jim Wiegner

Rev. Alexander I. and Mrs. Penelope A. Wilkie, Jr.

Mr. Daniel Willems Van Dijk

Mrs. Mary P. Wilson

Mr. William F. and Mrs. Norma F. Wilson

Dr. W. Jackson and Mrs. Bettie M. Wilson

Ms. Mary Win

First Baptist Church of Winchester

Mr. Larry and Mrs. Helen Winter

Mr. Martin and Mrs. Carol Wollenberg

Mr. James W. Wood

Woodbury Baptist Church

Dr. R. Bruce and Mrs. Janice E. Woods

Mr. Bill and Mrs. Susan Wooten

Mr. Kenton A. and Mrs. Janice A. Workman

Rev. Richard D. and Mrs. Charlotte Worley, Jr.

Ms. Mu Po Yo

Mr. Han Sung Yoo

Mr. Anthony and Mrs. Pat Zahn

Mr. Larry L. and Mrs. Carole E. Zahnd

For more information on giving visit or contact Dr. John Gravley, VP for Institutional Advancement.

President Marshall congratulates 2016 graduate Mi Ho Hur as she receives her diploma.

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An overflow crowd gathered at Prairie Baptist Church in Prairie Village, Kansas, for the 2016 Commencement Ceremony with the largest graduating class in Central’s history.

Page 28: Creating a New Seminary

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Doctor of Ministry in Creative LeadershipThe Doctor of Ministry in Creative Leadership seeks to develop leaders for


ThenewcurriculumlaunchesinJanuary 2017

What you need to know:• TheD.Min.inCreativeLeadershiprequires 30credithoursofcoursework

• StudentscancompletetheD.Min.degreeinthreeyears

• TheprogramusesacohortapproachsonewstudentswillenterinJanuaryeachyear

Designed for full-time professionals, the D.Min. offers three one-week, intensive classroom experiences each year for the first two years, supplemented by technologically enhanced learning and self-directed study before and after class sessions.

Students complete the dissertation project during the third year with assistance of field and faculty advisors.

For more information, please contact

Nathan Huguley at [email protected] or

Ircel Harrison at [email protected].

Pictured with DMin student Rev. Nate Marsh is Central alum Rev. Richard Copeland.  Richard is celebrating fifty years of pastoral ministry at the De Soto Baptist Church in De Soto, Kansas.  Rev. Marsh is meeting with him in his capacity as the Associate Executive Minister of the American Baptist Churches Central Region, of which the De Soto Baptist Church is a member.


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