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Crafts comprise a whole host of activities and hobbies that are related to

making things with one's own hands and skill. These can be sub-divided into

handicrafts or "traditional crafts" (doing things the old way) and "the rest".

Some crafts have been practised for centuries while others are modern

inventions or popularisations of crafts which were originally practised in a

very small geographic area.


•  The main purpose of this village shall be to give a platform to the

craftsmens to e#hibit their talent and also revive the traditional

craftsmaking techni$ues from e#tinction

• %ere the craftsmen shall be allowed to stay for a period of time in

which they can make their way to glory

•  The village serves as a cultural focal point of the region. The

village design connects it to surrounding structures yet

maintains a captivating presence through its sitting massing

materials and internal organi&ation.

•  The village should aim at attracting craftsmen to participate in order to

make an impact on the society the tourists with their . !s such it

should have social facilities and its deseign should attract members of 

the community to participate in the building. 

 Types of crafts

anner making calligraphy canvas work cross stich emmbroidaryknitting macrammillineryspinning

sewingshoemakingt shirt art

• *etal work

• pottery

• sculpture

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• wood work

• bookbinding card making collage marbling scrapbooking stamping

• asket weaving

• eadwork

• +oll making

• ,tching

• lassblowing

• *osaics

• ioneering

• Stained glass

•  Toy making

• olymer clay

• /loral +esign

• ressed 0ower craft

• Straw *ar$uetry

 ro1ect 2ocation

! site e#tent of about 344 acres located near north guwahati industrial area

in the city of guwahati has been identi5ed for this purpose.


 The main ob1ective of this village shall be to revive the tourism n culture of

the place

lus it shall be a place to e#hibit the talent of the people who are interested

in the 5eld of crafts

 This can also serve as a mode of livelihood for the poor craftmens

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a) Selection of suitable site

b) reparation of overall layout

c) +esign of buildings for -

• !dministration

• 2ibrary

• ,mployment training facilities

• *edical centre

• %ostel facilities for the craftsmens

• Sta8 $uarters

• ,ntertainment facilities

• uest cottages

• Shopping centre

• 9anteen facilities

• anking postal and communication facilities

d) +esign of craftmens work area

e) +esign of e#hibition area

f) +esign of service facilities such as water drainage and electricity

g) +esign of a8ective road network

9ase study

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Swaibhumi :olkata

+illi haat new delhi

Shilpgram ;daipur

+ie&ephe craft village dimapur

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