Page 1: cover - KORA Spiegel has finally brought stability to her life 8 stellar bed; we read three books, do a meditation
Page 2: cover - KORA Spiegel has finally brought stability to her life 8 stellar bed; we read three books, do a meditation


Earlier this morning we dropped by your son Flynn’s school on the way here, your house in Malibu, for your cover shoot and interview with Stellar. What does an average day look like for Miranda Kerr? An average day for me lately is waking up – Evan wakes up at 5.30am, and then I’ll meditate from 5.30 ’til 6, while he has his shower. And then I get Flynn ready for school, we have

breakfast, I drop him to school and go to the office. I have meetings, phone calls… you know, I pretty much book myself for the whole time he’s at school. Then I’ll pick him up and we’ll go home, and then maybe he has a play date or he wants to do something fun together. We’ll have an early dinner – I love to eat early. And then get him all ready for


“You can’t expect incredible things to happen unless

you push yourself”

As she prepares to welcome her second baby this month, Miranda Kerr opens the doors to her Malibu home for

a photo shoot and interview with Stellar to talk about raising mindful children, why she doesn’t miss those

heady years of modelling and how second husband Evan Spiegel has finally brought stability to her life

8 stellar

bed; we read three books, do a meditation and put him to bed. He’s generally asleep by like 7 or so, and then Evan gets home and I’ll sit and have something to eat again with him [laughs]. Then it’ll be time for me to take a bath or get ready for bed and read a book or whatever, go to bed and do it all again the next day.Having a supermodel as a fellow mum at the school gate would be pretty intimidating for a lot of women. Well, I’m friends with lots of them [laughs]! That thought never even crossed my mind. I’m always like, “Hey, how you doin’?” We’re always in the same boat – like, “What’s going on with your child?”You’re expecting a baby later this month – how are you finding pregnancy the second time around? It’s interesting because I’m working just as much, but I’m working differently. Before, when I was pregnant with Flynn, I was doing a lot of photo shoots and travel

MIRANDA WEARS Givenchy dress,


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Y: N
















Y: S










R, T



A. C













A. M











P. M










– but obviously I didn’t have Flynn to look after. So I had more time to do, say, yoga. And I was telling Evan, “Aw man, I haven’t had time to do this pre-natal DVD” and then was like, “I wonder why?” And I thought about my day and was like, “Oh OK, that makes sense.” And then on the weekends we just really try to spend family time together. Flynn turned seven in January. How is he feeling about having a younger sibling? Oh, he’s so excited. He was asking us for years: “When are we going to have a little baby brother or sister?” and I said, “Honey, we’ve got to get married first.” And then after our wedding, the next day he comes into the room and he’s like: “Is there a baby in there, Mum?” [Laughs.] And I was like, “Honey, no not yet. We have to wait and see.” So I was really excited, when we were in the clear, to tell him. There’s been a lot speculation as to whether you’re having a boy or a girl, with many reports claiming you are expecting a daughter. It’s funny, isn’t it?Can you confirm or deny? No. I mean, my husband’s a very private guy, so it’s best to keep it a surprise.This will be Evan’s [husband Evan Spiegel, co-founder and CEO of Snapchat] first child. How is he feeling about impending fatherhood? He’s very excited. I mean, the way he is with Flynn is just incredible; they connect really well and love to do little science projects or art things together. And Evan’s very good at getting him involved in charity work; you can tell he has so much respect for Evan. That’s really comforting for me to see. I feel like Evan’s definitely ready. He was very clear about it – “OK, let’s make a baby!” [Laughs.] You seem to handle co-parenting with Flynn’s dad [Kerr’s ex-husband, Orlando Bloom] in a mature and positive manner. Always. We all have Christmas [and] Thanksgiving together. We celebrate everything together. And if Orlando’s not away, working or shooting a movie or whatnot, we spend a lot of time together. It’s important to be harmonious and peaceful. And we really are – we genuinely care about and want the best for each other.It will be yours and Evan’s first wedding anniversary later this month. How is married life treating you? It’s amazing. I feel like we get closer every day, our bonds develop and we really complement each other. Our strengths and weaknesses balance each other out, and I just feel like we learn a lot from each other. You know, we’re a really good team. We have each other’s back.

Obviously you are both very successful and your children are and will be the respective offspring of a famous model, a movie star, and a billionaire. So how do you keep them grounded? Flynn, for example, knows that the most important thing is being kind, polite, thoughtful of others,

appreciative and grateful for all the little things. It’s so good to hear feedback, from other parents and the school – it’s reassuring to hear: “Flynn has such good manners,

he’s so polite, he’s so thoughtful of other children.” I feel proud of that because we’ve tried so hard to teach him by example. And you can only lead by example – try and be the best person you can be and then, hopefully, they’ll be the best version of themselves. And follow in their own little footsteps, but in a way that is kind and thoughtful, and appreciative and courteous of everyone around them.

How important is it for you that your children see their mother working throughout and beyond pregnancy, and maintaining her own identity? It’s a fine balance. I want Flynn to understand that nothing comes for free – you have to earn it. My mum was working my whole childhood; she wasn’t fortunate enough that she could pick me up from school or even drop me to school. Usually she was at work earlier and then my dad would take me and my grandma would pick me up, or I’d walk. It made me have the strong work ethic that I have now – I really learnt that from my mum. I feel like Flynn understands. He has said to me, “Oh Mum, why do you have to work?” and I’ve said to him: “Honey, because it’s important. We need to put food on the table.” Late last year you shared some marriage advice given to you by your grandmother, wherein you said: “So when [Evan] comes home, I make sure to have a nice dress on and the candles lit. We make time to have a nice dinner together.” Your comments prompted a huge reaction – much of it negative. Are you a “traditional” wife? [All I was saying] was that it’s important that you make an effort for each other. My husband makes an effort for me and I make an effort for him. Relationships do require effort and it’s worth it when you put the effort in. That’s all.When it comes to your career, it seems that increasingly more of your focus is on KORA Organics [the skincare company founded by Kerr that launched in 2009]. By the end of the year we will be in 25 different countries and 2500 actual stores, so I’m really excited that the products will be out there worldwide. It’s been a long journey and one I’ve been very thoughtful about. Because it’s daunting having your own company and investing all your own money! I missed out on so many friends’ weddings and special holidays… everyone would go on holidays and I’d be working, and I was doing that because in my mind I saw modelling as a short-lived job. I remember talking to


MIRANDA WEARS Dolce & Gabbana dress, mytheresa.

com; her own rings (worn throughout)

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“I’m working just as much with

this pregnancy – but I’m working


“Orlando and I spend a lot of time

together – it’s important to be

harmonious and peaceful”

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Evan and he said, “Why are you running around working so hard for everyone else when you’ve got your own company and you’re not giving it the attention that it needs?” He’s got his own company and he’s at work at 6am or 6.30am so he’s really putting in the hours, and he works a lot of weekends as well. He explained to me how he started his own company and put everything that he had into it. And it is all about taking risks when you really believe in something. You do kind of have to take that leap and that is a little uncomfortable, but that’s when you grow. You can’t expect incredible things to happen unless you do take that leap – and push yourself.

Is it true you get alerts on your phone every time there is a sale for KORA? Oh, I follow everything. So depending on whether I’m logged into the Australian or the American website, I get all the alerts

and see where the orders are going and who’s ordered what. That’s fascinating for me to see: “Oh, there’s an order going off to Singapore!” What would you say to someone reading this who is cynical about organic products and thinks it is a bunch of mumbo jumbo? There are so many scientific results: for instance, the amount of nutrients that it’s scientifically proven are in an organic tomato versus a non-organic tomato. So you can’t really debate that so much, because when something is non-organic, the soil that it is grown on is generally much more depleted. It’s just about being aware – because when you’re aware you can make a conscious choice. I’m not saying people should be 100 per cent natural and organic. What I am saying is that if you’re educated, then you can make that choice to use products that are healthy. I try to be 80 per cent healthy and 20 per cent indulgent – I feel like that balance works for me.Do you foresee a day in the not too distant future where you are not modelling at all anymore? It’s funny, the modelling thing – it’s been 20 years now, and I never thought it would last this long. It’s something that is kind of easy for me to do, so if it works in with my schedule and

my family and everything then I’m open to figuring it out. But I am focused first and foremost on my family, and then on KORA, and then after that on other opportunities. But growing KORA is my passion. You turned 35 last month – how are you finding your 30s? I love it. When I was younger I felt like it was harder to say no to people, even to friends and family, because I wanted to keep everyone happy. But now I don’t find it hard to say no at all and that’s a really great thing.

I feel like that’s a common thread with a lot of my friends my age who have gotten to this point, too. One of the things that first made you a household name in Australia was when you became one of the Angels for Victoria’s Secret. Could you imagine doing something like that again? Um… [laughs]. I mean it was so fun at that point in my life and I’m just so happy and grateful for that experience. And I’m so happy and grateful that I’m actually not doing that right now [laughs]! I still have friends from Victoria’s Secret that I talk to and hang out with, and we had some

incredible memories together that I’ll never forget, and some of the most fun trips of my life. Now I couldn’t imagine travelling like that. Once I had Flynn, that all changed for me. This year has been seen as a watershed year for women in the wake of the #MeToo and #TimesUp movements. What do you make of it? Serious issues are being raised and it has sparked discussion, which

is a good thing. Everyone should feel safe and everyone should have equal opportunity regardless of their gender. As a society, we have to come together to support each other and lift each other up. I’ve always been for empowering women – and empowering the individual. We have seen a lot of women in the entertainment and also the fashion industry speak up and share their #MeToo stories for the first time. Have you had any experiences of your own you wish to share? [Pauses.] I’ve been pretty lucky, thank goodness. Given you are very settled into life in LA, how often do you get to come home to see your family? We are planning to come to Australia this year to see my grandparents. My parents come over a lot, so I’m lucky. I’m hoping my parents will spend even more time here. My brother [Matty] comes over a lot with his partner Jimmy and my cousins and my

MIRANDA WEARS Ralph & Russo dress,

coverPARENTAL GUIDANCE (clockwise from below left) Miranda Kerr and her seven- year-old son Flynn took some time out to visit Disneyland in January; Kerr (here in 2012) spent eight years modelling for Victoria’s Secret before stepping away from the role in 2013; Kerr and Snapchat co-founder Evan Spiegel were married in May last year.

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“I’m happy and grateful for the

Victoria’s Secret experience – and so happy

and grateful I’m not doing that

right now!”

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best friend since I was six, Lauren. She comes over a lot. So I have a lot of people coming to visit [laughs]. I travelled to Australia so much before I had Flynn but it’s a little trickier now. It’s hard for him to understand the jet lag and now with another little one, and Evan’s schedule and Orlando’s schedule, I have to make sure it works with everyone.

The last time you and I sat down for an interview was in New York in 2014. You were newly divorced at the time and there was a lot of speculation about your personal life. Four years on and it seems much has changed in your life since then – settled down and with another baby on the way… You know, I’m such a homebody. I love to be at home

and with my family, and I feel lucky that I met Evan because he has those same values. So that was such a blessing, to meet someone who is all about family and likes to go to bed early and wake up early and focus on work. This is probably the most routine I’ve ever had in my adult life and it feels really comforting. Evan’s a big routine guy – and he kind of taught me that, because for 20 years I didn’t really have a routine. I was modelling and every day was different. Now there is a definite feeling of safety and happiness, which I never really realised until now because I didn’t know any different. Just finally, next Sunday is Mother’s Day. Any special plans this year? Well, hopefully Flynn will maybe make me some toast [laughs]. He’s good at making toast… toast with Vegemite, that goes a long way with me!



14 stellar

“Evan has taught me routine – for 20 years,

I didn’t really have that. Now there’s

safety and happiness”

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