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Walkathon...update... Monday 2 April

We have some great prizes for the students who raise the most money...

1st Prize - Apple iPad2nd Prize - iPod + Dock + $20 iTunes

Lots of ...Lucky dip draw prizes for all other students

who raise money.

P&C are cooking a BBQ for everyone and we have the coffee van coming... so all parents and grandparents are very welcome to come along and enjoy the afternoon and sausage sizzle with their children. We have a preorder form attached to this newsletter but you can still buy from the BBQ on the day. The Walkathon will commence at 1:30 pm and finish at 3pm. All money needs to be collected and bought back to school by the morning of Thursday 5th April, the winners will be announced and the lucky dip draw will happen at the Easter Hat Parade. must have all the money in by Thursday 5th April to be in the running for these great prizes.

Road Dangers...* It has been reported that some

students are under the impression that the schicanes on Rothery Road are a crossing and that cars should stop. This is not a crossing and cars are not expecting to stop! Could all parents please remind their children that they need to go up to the light at the top of Rothery to cross safely if they are unattended by a parent.

* We had a very distressed motorist ring us yesterday to let us know that some students riding bikes and scooters were riding all over the road without helmets. Could I remind parents again that it is an offence and students / parents can be fined for not wearing a helmet.

Good Guys...We have registered the school in the Good Guys promotion again this year. Last year we had enough points to buy an iPod touch, docking and an iTunes Voucher which we are using as one of our Walkathon prizes.

How can you help????For every $25 dollars spent at The Good Guys Warrawong by parents and families, staff or associates of the registered school a $1 Reward

Voucher will be donated to the school to purchase products. So if you or someone you know need white goods go to Good Guys Warrawong and mention our school. Every little bit counts, Nan’s Pop’s, Aunts and Uncles can all mention Corrimal PS.

IPad APP’s...A couple of iPad Apps which can be downloaded onto iPads, iPod touch and iPhones...1.EDMODO.. . Free . . . Vir tua l

classrooms, students can submit homework and take part in discussions with their teachers.

2.ABC iView... Free Access TV shows, documentaries and news.

3.rED Writing... $1.99 Students learn handwriting to the classroom standard.

4.MathsBoard... $5.49 Great for primary school kids, the level of problems can be adjusted.

Assemblies...Due to Cross Country and Easter Hat Parade there will be no more weekly assemblies for the rest of this term.See you around the playground.

Pam GrossePrincipal

• 28/3/2012 Year 6 Parent Induction • 29/3/2012 Combined Cross Country / NO Assembly!• 2/4/2012 School Walkathon & Sausage Sizzle / No Assembly!• 4/4/2012 Combined Scripture Assembly, 10.20-11.00am• 5/4/2012 Easter Hat Parade - Mufit Day!• 6/4/2012 Good Friday & First day of the holidays• 23/4/2012 School Development Day Term 2 (Staff Only)• 24/4/2012 Students return Term 2 & Anzac Day Service• 25/4/2012 ANZAC DAY HOLIDAY

WEEK 10 TERM 1 2012 NEWSLETTER PH: 4284 4231 FAX: 42841392

The Corrimal Connection

Working Together


Email: [email protected]


For your Calendar...

Flossy Fairy was a real hit in the playground last Friday. Even the canteen

crew got in on the act. Well Done everyone, we raised $165.70 for the

‘Make a Wish Foundation’

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Bike LicenceThe updates school Bike Policy and licence application forms are now available from Mr Dewar. All Corrimal Primary School students who plan to ride a skateboard, scooter or bike to school are required to apply for their licence. NSW road laws state that an adult MUST supervise any child under the age of 10 as they ride to and/ or from school.

Woolworths PromotionWe recently received our shipment of class resources from our 10,000 Woolies vouchers that were collected in 2011. They have been dispersed to the classrooms and the children have enjoyed the use of new equipment. We have Kindergarten alphabet puzzles, musical instruments, boxes of crayons, mathematical dice, and lots of crafty pieces including stencils and special paper.

Mr DewarSports Coordinator

Corrimal Primary School Band AauditionsBand Is Back!!!

The Corrimal Pulbic School Band will be starting again in Term 2. This years band will be rocking out on Thursday lunchtimes and will initially begin with students who play keyboard, guitar, cello, mandolin and ukulele.Auditions will be will be held for:! Keyboard on Wednesday 28th

March – 1 place available.! Guitar on Wednesday 28th

March – 2 places available.It is not possible to teach students how to play their instrument during band and students auditioning will need to demonstrate basic skills outlined below.

• Keyboardists: Reading sheet music, no chopsticks please.

• Guitarists: Playing chords, reading a chord chart, sheet music or tablature.

• Most importantly: timing!!!

Guitarists will need to bring their own guitar and perform something other than ‘Smoke on the Water’ and ‘Stairway to Heaven’.

Auditions for Drums/Percussion will be held late in Term 2. Stay tuned.

Kind Regards,Miss M Bourne

Band Coordinator

Omaroo Maths HelpersThank you to all the parents who volunteered to help out in our classroom this year for maths groups.Maths groups run on Mondays - Thursdays at 11.45am - 12.45pm.If you are one of the wonderful people who have so generously volunteered your time, please come along.Or if you would like to help out, please see Mrs Everson or Mrs Strauss. It is most helpful if you are able to come on the same day each week.

Thank you very much!Mrs Everson and Mrs Strauss

Mother’s Day StallMother’s Day is just after the start of Term 2 and we will be holding a Mother’s Day stall on Friday 11th May. We would like to provide the students with the opportunity to purchase a gift for someone special in their life – Mum, Nanna, Aunty...To do this we need donations of gifts to sell e.g. coffee mugs, homemade jewellery, candles etc. The items are to be handed to your childs teacher and if you wish to purchase more than one gift please send in extras. All donations are required by Friday 4th May.

Thank you for your supportMichelle, Danial & Christine


8 years Boys 2km 10.00am

8 years Girls 2km 10.15am

9 years Boys 2km 10.30am

9 years Girls 2km 10.45am

10 years Boys 2km 11.00am

10 years Girls 2km 11.15am

11 years Boys 3km 11.30am

11 years Girls 3km 11.50am

12 years Boys 3km 12.10pm

12 years Girls 3km 12.30pm

Cross CountryOur combined Bellambi & Corrimal School Cross Country is on this Thursday at Corrimal High.Any students meeting us at Corrimal High School must provide a note to the school and will need to have their name marked off at venue by 9:30am. Below is an approximate timetable of the days running. First race to begin by 10am. We hope to return to school by recess in time for the Infants Cross Country at 2pm.Parents are welcome to come along to watch the races. If you can help with track supervision or recording please contact the school. All helpers must have completed the Induction with Mrs Grosse (5mins of your time). Please see next page for more detailed information.

Mr DewarSports Coordinator

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Canteen RosterWed 28/3/12 Kylie


Thurs 29/3/12 Canteen Closed due to Cross Country

Frid 30/3/12 ReneeSharon

Mon 2/4/12 JodieLisa

Tues 3/4/12 Canteen Closed

Wed 4/4/12 WandaShereeDanielle

Thurs 5/4/12 RebeccaDanielleDonna

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Merit Awards

for Week 9

***Canteen Important ***Thursday 29th March

CANTEEN CLOSED due to Cross Country.

Easter Hat ParadeThursday 5th April

Mufti Day!!!No Chocolate eggs are to be

brought to school or any sharing of

easter eggs!Thank you

Parent Induction SessionsReminder; For the Year 6 parents that want to assist in anyway with Year 6 Fundraising and/or Farewell organisations, need to have completed a Parent / Volunteer Induc t ion sess ion wi th the Principal. Last opportunity to attend one of these sessions is Wednesday 28th March, 9.00am or 3.00pm in the Administration Office.If you could bring along 100 points of identification to help complete the process.

Mrs GrossePrincipal

Community News

Corrimal Junior Surf Life Saving Club

AGM & Presentation 31/03/2012Woonona-Bulli RSL Auditorium

AGM 1.30pm

Uniform SurveyDear Parents,At Corrimal we are very proud of our school un i form and we appreciate the support we receive from our parents in ensuring our students wear the correct school uniform. We would appreciate your input regarding any changes to the uniform you think would be an improvement. Attached on page 7, is the current uniform policy. On the right is space for you to give us any suggestions for changes. Some suggested changes have been to include; • Black tights for girls under their

sports shorts, • Red hoodies as well as jumpers /

jackets, and • For boys to be able to wear white

socks rather than grey. Please let us know in the ‘suggested changes’ column what you think of these suggestions made. We would appreciate if you could return this ques t ionna i r e to the schoo l Administration Office before the end of this term.

Kind Regards,Kylie and Carol

Uniform Shop Coordinators

Combined Scripture Easter Assembly

Wed 4th April 10.20 - 11 am in the Hall

All WelcomeThank You

Canteen News There will be a canteen meeting held next Tuesday 3rd April in the canteen at 10am. All members and non-members are welcome to attend. If you can't make it but would like to make a suggestion or comment please feel free to use the suggestion box located in the canteen.

Thank you Canteen Commitee

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Cost: $50 ($45 for Red V members)

Family Discount 2nd Sibling $45 ($40 Red V members) 3rd Sibling $40 ($35 Red V members)

Dragons Cap, ARLD Footy, ARLD Bootbag, ARLD water bottle and Lunch included ((((

Wollongong city Council Lifeguards have a

new recruit.He needs a name!

Wollongong city Council Lifeguards have a

new recruit. He needs a name!



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The person that picks my new name will win one term of swimming lessons at Beaton Park pool!

Forward your name, age, phone number and your Lifeguard Name Suggestion (must begin with L) to:

Wollongong City Council LifeguardsE: [email protected]

M: Locked Bag 8821, Wollongong DC NSW 2500

Always swim between the red and yellow �ags

Read the safety signs

Ask a lifeguard or Lifesaver for safety advice

Swim with a friend

If you need help, stay calm and attract attention

Make sure you follow these rules at the beach :

My new name needs to start with the letter

“ L”!

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Princes Highway, CORRIMAL NSW 2518

Phone: 4284 4231 Fax: 4284 1392

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