
2014-2015 Corporate Package

Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers

Georgia Institute of Technology

Dear Corporate Representative,

On behalf of the Georgia Institute of Technology chapter of the Society of Hispanic

Professional Engineers (GT‐SHPE), we would like to thank you for your interest in supporting GT‐

SHPE’s endeavors. This document outlines the plans of the Executive Board for the 2014-2015

academic year, and describes how your organization can invest in GT‐SHPE. Through this Corporate

Package we will introduce our organization and the different activities, initiatives, and events

planned for next year.

Currently, Hispanics are the largest minority group in the United States, representing 16.7

percent of the nation’s population. The Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers, Inc. (SHPE) is a

national non‐profit organization dedicated to increasing the participation of Hispanic college

students and professionals in the fields of science, technology, engineering and mathematics. As the

largest Hispanic academic organization in the country SHPE works both at the national and local

level to encourage its members to achieve academic excellence, professional development, and

career opportunities.

GT-SHPE provides academic and career guidance to our members, as well as professional

and technical development opportunities. Our mission is to develop our members into well‐

rounded scholars with highly developed leadership skills to best prepare them in their respective

fields. Through this process we change people’s lives by empowering the Hispanic community

members to realize their fullest potential and promote the advancement of education. As the largest

Hispanic organization on campus, GT-SHPE creates an internal academic and community support

system that acts as an umbrella for all other Hispanic organizations on campus. As part of our

mission we support the recruitment of top‐tier Hispanic students into companies across the nation.

Recently, Georgia Tech was ranked by Hispanic Business Magazine as one of the top producers of

Hispanic engineers. In fact, Georgia Tech has been ranked the number one graduate engineering

school for Hispanics in the country for four consecutive years, according to Hispanic Business

Magazine. Georgia Tech’s College of Engineering also ranks top five in both undergraduate and

graduate programs, according to U.S. News & World Report.

Furthermore, our dedication to our student members is matched by our dedication to both

the Hispanic community around the Atlanta area and the Georgia Tech community. We encourage

youth to engage in mathematics and science through our SHPE junior chapter program and actively

give back to our community through a variety of philanthropic events.

As a nonprofit organization, we rely on your generosity to obtain the needed resources to

achieve our goals. By becoming a corporate sponsor, you will help cultivate the members of the

largest Hispanic organization at one of the nation’s top engineering schools. You will tap into a

source of the highest caliber professional engineers in the industry. Lastly, corporate sponsors have

priority access to all recruiting initiatives, programs, events, and activities organized by our chapter,

thus increasing your exposure not only within GT-SHPE but also in Georgia Tech and throughout

the Atlanta community. We look forward to having you as a Corporate Sponsor in the 2014‐2015

academic year.


Maria D. Silva Willson


Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers

Georgia Tech Chapter

Sebastian Salazar

External Vice-President

Table of Contents

Executive Summary ................................................................................................................................................. 1

Demographics & Statistics .................................................................................................................................... 2

Corporate Investment ............................................................................................................................................. 4

Sponsorship Levels ............................................................................................................................................... 15

2014-2015 Academic Year Budget ................................................................................................................. 16

Executive Board Contact Information ........................................................................................................... 19

2014-2015 GT-SHPE Sponsorship Form .................................................................................................... 20

Executive Summary

The Georgia Tech chapter of the Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers (GT-SHPE) is

among the most prestigious organizations on the Georgia Tech campus. As one of the most

recognized and important SHPE chapters in the nation and one of the largest professional

organizations on campus we have close to 200 members, a number we expect to increase

significantly in the upcoming academic year. Additionally, GT-SHPE comprises a large portion of the

Georgia Tech Hispanic population. As such, we require your company’s financial and professional

support to continue expanding our outreach endeavor for current and future Hispanic students.

Our hope is to develop our members into young professionals so that they may become influential

industry leaders.

GT-SHPE organizes events specifically tailored to benefiting its members from the point of

their recruitment on to professional development and finally, to job placement. Events such as the

Georgia Tech Latino Welcome Weekend, the GT-SHPE Career Forum, as well as weekly meetings,

retreats, and engagement in the SHPE National Conference can only be possible through your

company’s sponsorship. The varying sponsorship levels outlined on page 13 offer select

opportunities for you to participate. The levels are Bronze, Silver, Gold, and Platinum, and have

been carefully chosen and revised throughout past years to offer corporate sponsors different

levels of exposure and interaction with GT-SHPE and its members. The organization’s estimated

annual budget is detailed on page 14 of this document to illustrate how the sponsorship funds will

be spent; illustrating the direct impact you will have as a sponsor.

If your company is interested in sponsoring our chapter, please fill out the GT-SHPE

Sponsorship form found on page 18 and email it to Sebastian Salazar at [email protected],

Miguel Oller at [email protected], or Denali Villanueva at [email protected]. Please specify

any particular interest you may have to sponsor any specific event(s).

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Demographics & Statistics

GT-SHPE has been recognized several times as one of the most prominent professional

societies on campus. This past year we received recognition for being the Best Organization at

Georgia Tech. Our diverse community excels in academic performance, leadership, and professional


Membership in our chapter has increased significantly over the recent years, proving our

success in promoting the outreach of our chapter and our dedication to further our involvement at

Georgia Tech. Last year we strived to achieve a membership of 200 individuals and we were able to

surpass our goal, making this an important milestone for us as an organization in the academic year.

The estimated forecasted class distribution for the upcoming year can be depicted in Figure 1.

Figure 1: Estimated class distribution for the 2014-2015 academic year








Freshmen Sophomores Juniors Seniors Graduates

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Our chapter shows great variety in the major distribution of our membership. We represent nearly

all engineering majors as well as non-engineering disciplines, including architecture, business

administration, and international affairs. Figure 2 shows the major distribution within GT-SHPE.

The most prevalent major in our chapter is Industrial and Systems Engineering, which has been

ranked first in the nation for the past 20 years, followed by Mechanical and Civil Engineering which

rank second and third, respectively.

We believe that the success of GT-SHPE is built on the success of our members. As an

organization, we are proud to have some of the most talented and highest achieving students in the

nation. This statement may be illustrated by the 3.57 out of 4.00 average G.P.A. of our chapter,

compared to an institute-wide average G.P.A. of 3.27.









4% 4% 3%

Industrial and Systems Engineering

Mechanical Engineering

Civil Engineering

Computer Engineering

Electrical Engineering

Chemical Engineering

Computer Science

Aerospace Engineering


Biomedical Engineering


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Figure 2: GT-SHPE major distribution

Corporate Investment

As a corporate sponsor, your company will benefit from high exposure and personal

interaction with GT-SHPE and its members. Additionally, all donations to GT-SHPE are tax-

deductible. If your organization is interested in financing one specific event, please make note of

this in order to effectively allocate funds to such event.

Opportunities for Sponsorship

FASET Orientation Sessions: July-August, 2014 (5 sessions)

FASET, which stands for Familiarization and Adaptation to the Surroundings and Environs of

Tech, introduces incoming freshmen into the Georgia Tech community. FASET sponsors the

Organizations and Activities Fair, wherein every important organization on campus seeks to enroll

incoming students. These fairs are our first opportunity to establish contact with our new potential

members and future leaders. We strive to portray GT-SHPE as a meaningful and important

organization socially, academically, and professionally. To promote GT-SHPE during these events,

we need banner stands, posters, T-shirts, and other giveaways that allow us to leave a long-lasting

impression on our future members. This year we plan to have a FASET 6 Lunch on the second day

of the students’ induction as our organization’s target audience will be attending this session

because it is reserved for international students. Corporate sponsors would be invited to this lunch

to get an early introduction to our newest members. We would appreciate your generosity in the

contribution of meals for this event.

Latino Welcome Weekend: September 2014

The Latino Welcome Weekend, organized by the Office of Hispanic Initiatives, introduces

new and returning students to the numerous opportunities that Latinos have within the institution.

The welcoming atmosphere always draws over 400 students to this event every year. The event

consists of cultural activities and information sessions about the various Hispanic organizations on

campus to unite Latino students to foster friendships and promote a stronger sense of community

while away from home. Your company can participate in this event and gain exposure within the

Hispanic community by providing for the food, live entertainment, T-shirts, raffle prizes, and other


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Membership Drive: September 2014

The Membership Drive is our main recruiting effort. Through this activity, GT-SHPE is

formally introduced to new students with a presentation that explains our vision, mission, and the

overall structure of the organization. Additionally, we present the main goals for that year and the

necessary collective steps to achieve them. We also take this opportunity to properly enroll the

new members on both the GT-SHPE and SHPE National websites. This year, we are taking on the

tremendous challenge of creating the first ever comprehensive GT-SHPE resume library; this will be

achieved by making the submission of an updated resume part of the enrollment requirements to

become an active member. With this updated database of resumes corporate sponsors will benefit

by having a collective representation of the individual profiles of all the talented members that

comprise GT-SHPE. For this crucial event, banners, posters, flyers, giveaways, and meals are

necessary to successfully recruit new members and have a successful meeting.

Career Forum: September 2014/February 2015

Each year GT-SHPE hosts two Career Forums, one in the fall and one in the spring semester.

Each Career Forum is strategically held on the Saturday prior to the Georgia Tech Career Fair. The

career forum is not limited to members of SHPE—we also invite and encourage members of the

Society of Women in Engineering (SWE) and the National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE),

prominent organizations recognizing the accomplishments of women and African American

engineers, respectively. The main objectives of this event are to provide attendees with the

necessary knowledge and preparation to succeed in the career fair, as well as to provide companies

with the opportunity to interact with top students in a relaxed and personal environment.

Instead of hosting a large and impersonal event we designed this forum to foster a close

interaction between corporate representatives and students through small, dedicated workshops.

In these personalized workshops, the attendees gain important insight into the recruiting process

and how they should prepare themselves for the career fair. Attendees are separated into groups of

10-15 students who rotate between the various workshops throughout the event. Corporate

representatives will get the privilege to present a workshop to each group for approximately forty-

five minutes. Examples of these workshops include professional branding, resume critique,

professional networking, mock interviews, and business etiquette. At the end of the career forums,

there will be mock interviews conducted by both upperclassmen and SHPE alumni, simulating and

preparing students for the typical challenges faced during the career fair.

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Professional Development Workshops: Throughout the Year

In addition to the bi-annual Career Forum, GT-SHPE hosts other events for members to gain

essential knowledge and skills that may prove invaluable for their careers. Once per semester,

lowerclassmen are invited to have their resumes critiqued by upperclassmen and graduate

students. Given that freshmen and sophomores typically have little to no exposure to the corporate

environment, this opportunity allows them to establish and develop their professional profiles.

Additionally, we host mock interviews in the spring semester, allowing the more experienced

members of GT-SHPE to share their knowledge and provide guidance to the younger and more

professionally-naive members. Each participant is asked to attend in business formal attire and

undergo an interview process designed to replicate a typical interview. Through this approach

members get valuable experience and receive feedback to prepare them for actual interviews,

increasing their potential of attaining competitive internships, co-ops and full-time positions. Your

company’s expertise and knowledge in these topics is very valuable to us and we invite you to take

part in this event by hosting one of the workshops.

Hispanic Heritage Month Kick-Off Celebration: September 2014

Hispanic Heritage Month is celebrated from September 15 to October 15. The kick-off is

organized by several Latino organizations, including: Lambda Upsilon Lambda Fraternity, Lambda

Theta Alpha Latin Sorority, the Hispanic Recruitment Team, GT-Salsa, and Hispanics at the College

of Computing (H@CC), among others. This event celebrates the rich cultures and backgrounds that

comprise the Hispanic student body at Georgia Tech. As the largest Hispanic student organization,

GT-SHPE plays a critical role in the event by providing the majority of the volunteers and a large

percentage of the funds needed for this event. The kick-off consists of an interactive afternoon that

takes place by the Student Center, one of the busiest areas on campus. Students, faculty, and staff

participate in the celebration and in order to guarantee a successful event we need the financial

support of our sponsors. The event consists of games, live entertainment, and of course, traditional

Hispanic dishes. Your company can participate in this event by providing any of these or any other

additional giveaways. Furthermore, all participants receive a free T-shirt with a unique student-

produced front design and the event corporate sponsors name on the back.

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Board of Directors (BOD) Leadership Rope Course/E-board Retreat: September 2014

The Board of Directors is the second level of leadership in GT-SHPE. Each member of the BOD

has a specific duty and reports to one of the members of the Executive Board. As an organization,

we place great emphasis on leadership development, knowing that the success of GT-SHPE depends

heavily on the critical actions of our internally developed decision makers. BOD members are taken

to the Georgia Tech Leadership Challenge Course to shape the new BOD into a cohesive and

effective team. Not only is this a fun bonding activity for the members of the BOD, but it also

requires teamwork, leadership, and perseverance to tackle the physical challenges of this obstacle

course. This year we wanted to add a retreat for the Executive Board members to create and

strengthen relationships providing the opportunity for the development of leadership skills and the

establishment of goals for our organization. Your company can sponsor this event by providing

food and refreshments or by conducting a workshop on leadership.

BOD Executive Dinner: September 2014

Following the Leadership Rope Course, we will organize and host the BOD Executive Dinner

to give highly motivated BOD members an opportunity to interact with the Executive Board and

become familiar with the GT-SHPE leadership structure. Furthermore, during the dinner each

member of the Executive Board will share his or her goals and projects for the year, therefore

centralizing the efforts and common goals for the entire organization. In turn, the members of the

BOD will have the opportunity to share their ideas with all of those gathered, prompting topics of

discussion for the future enhancement of our chapter. This dinner will serve as an excellent

networking and bonding experience to facilitate communication and collaboration between the

leaders of the organization. Corporate sponsors can participate either by either sponsoring the food

or by providing a guest speaker to come talk about leadership to our members.

Yogli Mogli Night: September 25, 2014

SHPE values giving and helping others whenever possible. As our involvement with

community service continues to grow we added a new philanthropic event this year where

members would be able to bond enjoying some delicious frozen yogurt while raising funds for an

organization of our choice. We believe that a little help no matter big or small can make a huge

difference and we want to do our part to help. This is excellent opportunity for recruiters or

members of your company to come join in the fun meeting students in an informal environment

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while enjoying a yummy treat.

Hispanic Engineer National Achievements and Awards Conference

(HENAAC): October 3-5, 2014

The mission of HENNAC is to recognize the contributions made by outstanding Hispanic

Americans in the fields of science, technology, engineering, and math. This conference provides a

premier pipeline for recruitment of Hispanic talent and cutting edge technology seminars and

workshops. During last year’s conference, we sent a group of twelve members to represent Georgia

Tech in Lake Buena Vista, Florida. This year we hope to surpass all past participation turnouts at

HENAAC, but to do this we require financial assistance to help alleviate high travel expenses.

SHPE National Conference: November 5-November 9, 2014

The SHPE National Conference, organized by the National Society of Hispanic Professional

Engineers, Inc., is the most anticipated event of the year. It is the largest technical and career

conference for Hispanics in the country. This conference brings together students and corporations

from across the nation to share talents, ideas, and opportunities. The conference offers a variety of

workshops and seminars led by industry renowned speakers and presenters to hone professional

skills. This year, the leaders of SHPE National predict the largest turnout ever, with over 3,000

attendees and 300 corporate sponsors. The event will be held in Indianapolis, Indiana.

We encourage all members to attend the conference, as it has provided job opportunities,

networking, and essential career development skills to past participants. Last year over 30 GT-

SHPE members attended the conference and took advantage of the plethora of opportunities there

offered. To make this conference affordable to our members, however, we will need to provide

subsidies for registration. Our hope is to have each attendee pay the cost of airfare and hotel, and

we will cover half of registration for general members and the full cost of registration for the

members of the BOD.

Homecoming Field Day: October 31, 2014

As we value our Georgia Tech traditions, this year we wanted to bring our alumni and

members together for a barbeque to get right in the spirit of celebration. At this event we would

play games including soccer and volleyball promoting team bonding among our members. This

would not only encourage relationships between our students and alumni but your company would

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have the opportunity to come interact and build relationships as well. Corporate sponsor

generosities would assist us with the funds of food and reservation of the recreation fields.

Taste of Latin America: April 2015

Taste of America is a celebration of our Hispanic heritage and an opportunity to showcase

our beautiful culture to the entire Georgia Tech community. The Taste of Latin America debut last

year was a resounding success with an attendance of more than 300 people from Georgia Tech and

the Atlanta community. The event will become an annual tradition and begins by inviting the

audience to try a variety of Latin American dishes. This serves as an introduction to Hispanic

cuisine for newcomers, and a welcome nostalgic taste experience for Hispanic students away from

home. The food tasting is followed by a show that engages the audience through acting, dancing,

and singing performances. These presentations are an extraordinary opportunity for our members

to proudly show their many talents and heritage. Corporate sponsors are invited to attend Taste of

Latin America and can help advertise the event in order to attract a larger audience.

Tutoring with SHPE: Last Week of Classes

The week before final exams during both the fall and spring semesters, graduate members

dedicate their time to help out the youth of our organization. Graduates tutor undergraduate

students in the fields of science, mathematics, and engineering on a voluntary basis to prepare them

for their final examinations. This event is tailored towards freshmen and sophomores to give them

the necessary help to overcome the academic rigors at Georgia Tech and achieve academic.

Annual Development Awards and Scholarships: End of the Academic Year

To recognize and celebrate the scholastic and leadership achievements of our members

throughout the academic year, we have introduced the Annual Development Awards and

Scholarships Program. Months prior to the end of the academic year, all SHPE members are

prompted to apply for the scholarship program. The program is divided into several categories

including Graduate and Undergraduate Academic Achievement, Most Involved Member, and

Financial Need—all of which are funded by a generous donation from the Xerox Foundation. This

year we witnessed a record number of highly achieving applicants. Last year, eleven exceedingly

deserving students were recognized at the end of year scholarship banquet. At the banquet we will

recognize members that have exceeded not only within our chapter but also members who have

performed outstandingly well academically. This year we are reaching out to our sponsors to offer

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more scholarships to our members and keep expanding the opportunities to our members.

General Meetings: Throughout the Year

During the entire academic year, GT‐SHPE holds bi‐weekly general meetings. In these

meetings, our president informs members about upcoming GT‐SHPE activities and opportunities

throughout our campus and community. Most importantly, during each meeting a corporate guest

is invited to talk and engage our members. This year, to increase the interaction between the

corporate guests and GT-SHPE members, we will introduce strategic initiatives to promote a more

conducive environment to foster the exchange of information and ideas. The hope is to enrich the

experience of attending the general meetings, both for the student members, and our corporate

guest. These information sessions offer an incredible opportunity for companies to personally

introduce themselves and present any professional opportunities available to our members. We

wish to get to know our corporate guests on a more personal level, and at the same time introduce

our members to their potential employers, and industry leaders.

GT-SHPE’s Member of the Week: Weekly

To encourage members to continue striving towards their and SHPE’s goals, the Executive

board will choose an individual that has demonstrated their hard work and perseverance

throughout the week to be recognized. Recognition will consist of being published on our Facebook

page, our weekly e-mails, and a $10.00 gift card of their choice. We want our members to know that

excellent work is seen and appreciated. Corporate sponsors could provide assistance with the funds

needed for these rewards.

Lunch with Members: Throughout the Year

To have a yet greater interaction and exposure with our members you can request a lunch,

dinner, or a coffee break with a small group of students who are especially interested in your

company. This is a new initiative that will allow your company to build more personal and long-

lasting relationships with our members. We recommend that you hold this event after presenting at

a general meeting so that students will have a more clear understanding of your company’s

corporate pursuits and of any especial opportunities available.

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SHPE Junior Chapter: Throughout the Year

The SHPE Jr. Chapter Program aims to augment the success of Hispanic high school students

by providing scholarships, mentorship, tutoring, and other resources to overcome persistent

educational barriers. It is important to show student positive and successful Hispanic role models

who they can relate to and strive to be like. One of our goals is to encourage students to pursue

careers in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). The program also encourages

and facilitates student attendance at academic summer camps, participation and competition in

programs such as the National Science Bowl, the Pre‐College Symposia, local science fairs, and other

STEM-related competitions. Overall, this program benefits the high school students by offering

personal guidance so that they may choose to pursue higher education, and perhaps enroll in STEM


This year we will continue to support the SHPE Jr. Chapter at Meadowcreek High School in

Norcross, GA. Additionally, with the help of the Alcoa Foundation and SHPE National, we have taken

the initiative to create a new SHPE Jr. Chapter in a new high school. To nurture and establish this

emerging program we need significant funds to bring the different chapters together. We will

conduct a day tour where the SHPE Jr. members will visit Georgia Tech. This endeavor will require

transportation, food, giveaways, and presenters.

Philanthropic Events: Throughout the Year

Every year, GT-SHPE participates in a variety of philanthropic events on campus to fundraise

money for several charity organizations. Two of the major events include the Date Auction and

Relay for Life. At the Date Auction GT-SHPE members are “auctioned” to members of the Georgia

Tech community for both recreational and philanthropic “dates.” We donate the money raised to

charities in South America. For instance, two years ago in a matter of hours we were able to raise

$1,000 towards Sana Mi Corazon, a Salvadoran organization that aids children from low-income

families who suffer from congenital heart disease. To encourage people to attend and participate in

the auction, we will need funds for the venue, auction supplies, and refreshments which your

company can provide. Another significant philanthropic event of the year is Relay for Life, a

nationwide event organized by the American Cancer Society. Each year Georgia Tech gathers

hundreds of student participants in the event, and GT-SHPE is recognized as a key participant with

significant involvement. We encourage you to participate in this event by encouraging your

employees to come join us or by providing food, t-shirts and refreshments.

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Community Service: Throughout the year

Community Service is among our fastest growing areas and there are a large variety of

projects that we engage in throughout the year. Many of our efforts are aimed towards increasing

the number of Hispanics who go to college and STEM (Science Technology Engineering and

Mathematics) awareness. For example, we will host an annual event called Noche de Ciencias, in

collaboration with NASA to promote knowledge and interest in science and engineering as well as

increase awareness of different scholarship and college education opportunities. GoSTEM is another

similar event where in a college fair fashion our members educate students, parents, and teachers

about the advantages of obtaining a college education and how to go about doing so. Our members

guide them through the application process and explain the opportunities available by pursuing a

college education. We also give presentations about STEM and allow students to participate in

interactive activities to stimulate their interest in STEM fields.

Additionally, our organization gives back to the less fortunate through multiple events,

including activities coordinated by Team Buzz, a Georgia Tech philanthropic organization whose

objective is to improve the communities of Atlanta. Every year Team Buzz assembles the whole

campus for one day to centralize the efforts for improved living quality in our community. Trees are

planted, students volunteer at homeless shelters, and more. As getting involved is not only

important for us in our campus community we strive to make an impact beyond Tech’s boundaries.

In an effort to continue the growth of community involvement, we plan to make PB&J sandwiches at

one of our general meetings. We will then deliver them to a homeless shelter in the city. As we will

need sufficient food supplies to ensure the success of this event, we would appreciate your help.

Corporate sponsors would be invited to get involved as well, getting to know students on a more

personal level while serving the community as a corporation

We have chosen to extend our outreach just a bit further this year as we have

chosen to partner with the Habitat for Humanity organization to go spend a day offering our help as

an organization to make a positive impact. We will bond as an organization while aiding in the

construction of houses for individuals in the Atlanta area. This offers a chance for your recruiters

and members to bond with our members and showcase your company to the community as well.

Each year we have numerous GT‐SHPE volunteers, and aim to continuously increase participation.

We hope to add on to our existing projects year by year to further enhance our community service

facet. Since it is our fastest growing area, sponsor involvement is very flexible but highly needed.

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Sponsors can choose to participate in the events that we have planned with our members, or they

can plan events and invite our organization. Company representatives have proven to be of vital

importance in our outreach activities, especially our STEM initiatives.

Company Tours: Throughout the Year

We place an enormous emphasis on training our members to be highly qualified when they

join the workforce. GT-SHPE has been able to give its members tremendous exposure to

engineering at work with the help of corporations that have offered our members tours of their

factories and headquarters. During these excursions, GT-SHPE members gain insight into the inner

workings of companies and may have the opportunity to see how the concepts learned in the

classroom are applied in the real-world.

Movie Nights: Throughout the year

To encourage team building and unity within our organization we have movie nights

throughout the year in which we just enjoy some time together off-campus providing a

good study break to relax and de-stress. On one particular movie night we reserve Under

the Couch, a nice spot to relax in our student center, where we project a movie and sell

snacks to raise money as an organization. Corporate sponsor assistance would be greatly

appreciated as we need funds to make snacks to sell as well as to reserve the location for

the event.

Resume CD: Throughout the Year

GT-SHPE provides its sponsors with a Resume CD, which will be updated three times a year,

or at the end of every academic term. Unlike previously, this year we will seek to create the most

comprehensive resume collection of GT-SHPE members to provide the best possible understanding

of the professional profiles of our individual members and their achievements. Companies will be

able to find the resumes of all members in this CD, wherein they will be classified under major,

academic standing, and current enrollment status.

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SHPE Intramurals Teams: Throughout the Year

GT‐SHPE has a long‐lasting tradition of athletic excellence at Georgia Tech. Historically;

our chapter has been a powerhouse for soccer, showcasing some of the best Hispanic talent on the

pitch that the institute has seen. Last year the men’s and co‐ed soccer teams made it all the way

to the finals of the school championship. The indoor soccer and dodge ball teams also had notable

performances during the regular season. Additionally, GT‐SHPE sponsored men’s basketball and

volleyball co-ed teams. We believe that the support of these teams has brought great unity to the

chapter, and has functioned as a great bonding and team‐building tool. Your corporate donation

will be used to purchase team uniforms and pay registration fees. The logo of your company could

be displayed on the team jerseys at your request.

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Sponsorship Levels

We believe that every sponsor is equally important, and we want all of our sponsors to gain

from their investment in our organization. Over the years and through feedback from past

sponsors we have meticulously crafted the sponsorship categories to offer a selection that best

suits the needs of all corporate sponsors. Below are the different sponsorship levels offered by GT-

SHPE for the 2014-2015 year.



Silver ($1,000-$2,499)

Gold ($2,500-$4,999)

Platinum ($5,000 +)

Email Announcements about On-Campus Interviews and Info Sessions General

Resume Book Job Postings and Announcements on

Website Linked company logo on GT-SHPE website

Career Forum Workshop Sponsorship Recognition During

Membership Drive Workshops

Attendance at the Annual BOD executive dinner

Breakfast/Brunch with executive board $500 Scholarship in Name of Company •

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2014-2015 Academic Year Budget

Please find the projected budget for the 2014-2015 academic year below. This budget is

based on the expenses of the 2013-2014 year. The total projected budget has been estimated at


Projected 2014-2015 Academic Year Events Cost ($) Number of


Conferences $10,000 50

SHPE National Conference $10,000 50

On Campus Activities $15,010 1,050

Career Forums $2,000 100 Fall Career Forum $1,000

Spring Career Forum $1,000 FASET 6 Lunch 30 Hispanic Heritage Month Kick-off $4,500 300

Food $1,500

Entertainment $200

T-Shirts $2,500

Prices $200

Marketing Paraphernalia $100

Homecoming Field Day 80

Latino Welcome Weekend $500 300 Food $350

Refreshments $150 Latin American Film Festival $440 100 General Meetings $5,200

Food $5,000 Facility $200

Intramural Sport Teams $370 75 Registration Fees $370

Taste of Latin America $2,000 350 Food $1,500

Facility $500 Movie Nights(about 3) 50

Food Facility

Yogli Mogli Night $0 40

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Philanthropy Events $2,600 110

Team Buzz $100 15 Date Auction $1,000 45 Relay for Life $1,500 50 PB&SHPE $50 30 Habitat for Humanity $0 30

SHPE Junior $2,040 290

Kick-Off Event $100 50 Georgia Tech Day Tour $1000 80

Transportation $600 Promotional and Informational Supplies $200

Food $400 Science Fair $140 60

Supplies $100 Awards $40

SAT Workshop $200 50 NASA Space Science Days $600 50

Projected 2014-2015 Academic Year Events (cont.)

Cost ($) (cont.)

Number of Participants


Chapter Development Activities $16,350 320

BOD-Leadership Rope Course $300 30 Registration $300

BOD Dinner $500 15 Food $500

E-Board Retreat $400 7 Membership Drive $2,000 120

T-shirts $1,500 Food $500

E-board and BOD Meetings $750 30 Food $600

Refreshments $150 Annual Developmental Awards and Scholarships $12,000 50

Scholarships $10,000 Banquet $2,000

Internal Bonding Activities $800 75

GRAND TOTAL $46,000 1,875

Corporate Package | Page 17

On behalf of GT-SHPE and its members, we thank you for the interest you have taken in

supporting our outreach efforts. Our combined leadership experience, knowledge, and unified drive

have never been better, allowing us to take on larger, more meaningful challenges for the collective

benefit of our chapter, its members, and the community we proudly represent.

We invite you to contribute your expertise and resources to promote the success of our

members, strengthen our endeavors as a chapter, and enhance our community overall.

Corporate Package | Page 18

Executive Board Contact Information

Maria D. Silva Willson President

[email protected] Phone: (404) 563-9984

Sebastian Salazar External Vice-President [email protected]

Phone: (512) 888-4473

Diego Bravo Internal Vice-President [email protected] Phone: 678-431-6692

Victoria Bertasoli Secretary

[email protected] Phone: 404-254-9859

Peter Alcock Treasurer

[email protected] Phone: 404-789-0750

Manuel Torres Public Relations

[email protected] Phone: 494-955-1302

Juan Tovar SHPE Jr. Chair

[email protected] Phone: 786-329-3098

Kevin Rodriguez Graduate Representative [email protected] Phone: (281) 734-7878

Alvaro Marenco

Advisor Georgia Institute of Technology

Senior Research Engineer [email protected]

Phone: (256) 716-2200

Corporate Package | Page 19

2014-2015 GT-SHPE Sponsorship Form Contact Information

Company Name: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Contact Name: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Email: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Phone: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Fax: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Address: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

State/Province: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Postal Code: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Country: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Sponsorship Level: Platinum ___ Gold ___ Silver___ Bronze___

Event Information Please specify which event(s) you would like to sponsor/participate in:





Signature: _____________________________________________

Please email this signed form to Sebastian Salazar at [email protected]., to Miguel Oller at

[email protected], or to Denali Villanueva at [email protected].

Corporate Package | Page 20

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