
Copyright © 1997 – 2014 Curt Hill

Concurrent Execution of Programs

An Overview

Copyright © 1997 – 2014 Curt Hill


• Multitasking is the apparent execution of programs in parallel

• This supports parallel execution usually under one of these names– Tasks– Processes– Threads

• This can be accomplished with a single processor or with several processors

Copyright © 1997 – 2014 Curt Hill

Definitions• Process

– An executable program to the OS– Sole possession of code and variable

memory– Must communicate through the OS

• Thread– Independent execution within a

process– Share code and variables within a

process• These work in Win32 and UNIX• Tasks can be either

Copyright © 1997 – 2014 Curt Hill


• Single CPU, but apparent multiple tasks

• Permissive– Any system call allows the current

task to be suspended and another started

• Preemptive– A task is suspended when it makes a

system call that could require waiting– A time slice occurs

Copyright © 1997 – 2014 Curt Hill

Multiple Processors MultiProcessing

• Real multiprocessing involves multiple CPUs

• Multiple CPUs can be executing different jobs

• They may also be in the same job, if the OS allows

Copyright © 1997 – 2014 Curt Hill

Half Way: HyperThreading• The Hyper Threading CPUs are a

transitional form• There is one CPU with two register

sets• The CPU alternates between

registers in execution thus giving better concurrency than a uniprocessor

• Windows XP considers it two CPUs

Copyright © 1997 – 2014 Curt Hill

Why is this important?• The multi-core CPUs are here• The heat problem:

– Smaller means Faster means Hotter– Heat kills semiconductors

• More speed may be obtained with multiple cores

• Four slower CPUs on a chip will be faster and cooler than one– The multiple cores share memory

Copyright © 1997 – 2014 Curt Hill

Manufacturer’s Offerings• AMD and Intel both offered in 2005

– Initially targeted server and work stations

– Client machines are now out– The Pentium Processor Extreme Edition– AMD Opteron

• Sun, IBM and others expected momentarily

• Microsoft changed its license to be per chip, so that a multi-core chip is considered one processor

Copyright © 1997 – 2014 Curt Hill

Off to the Races

• Most programming languages are Sequential

• There are a number of kinds of errors that can occur when there are two simultaneously executing tasks that share anything

• When different results may be obtained by the same code and data because of time dependencies, this is called a race

Copyright © 1997 – 2014 Curt Hill

Instruction Granularity

• With UniProcessing (and HyperThreading) most instructions are indivisible– The instruction that is started is

finished before the time slice is allowed to interrupt the current task

– Certain long instructions such as string operations may be interrupted and resumed without problem

Copyright © 1997 – 2014 Curt Hill

Instruction Granularity• With MultiProcessing even

instructions are not indivisible– The memory could have been

changed by the other CPU between the time the instruction started and the instruction ended

• A statement in a high level language is usually multiple machine language instructions

Copyright © 1997 – 2014 Curt Hill

Race Example • Consider two tasks that share an

integer variable share• Task A has

– share = share + 2;

• Task B has– share = share + 5;

Copyright © 1997 – 2014 Curt Hill

Racing Form

• ;share += 2• mov ax,share• add ax,2• mov share,ax

• ;share += 5• mov ax,share• add ax,5• mov share,ax

There are three possible outcomes

Copyright © 1997 – 2014 Curt Hill

Race Results

• If one task completes before the other starts share will have 7 added to it

• If A starts and is interrupted, then the add of two is kept and the add of five is lost

• If B starts first and is interrupted, then the add of five is kept and the add of two is lost

Copyright © 1997 – 2014 Curt Hill

Classical Problems• There are a number of problems

that illustrate race errors• The first is the producer and

consumer problem• One task fills a buffer and another

empties it• This problem is inside every file

copy• Consider the Producer and

Consumer problem:

Copyright © 1997 – 2014 Curt Hill

Producer and Consumer Problem

Add pointRemove point


Copyright © 1997 – 2014 Curt Hill

• A buffer existschar buf[80]; int len,strt,end;

• A process adds a char:if(len<80){ end=(end+1)%80; buf[end] = inchar; len=len+1; }

• A process empties:if(len>0) { strt = (strt+1)%80; outchar = buf[strt]; len=len-1; }

Copyright © 1997 – 2014 Curt Hill

Producers and Consumers• The critical thing here is the len

variable• What happens if they both try to store

to that variable at the same time?• The assignment statement is not a

single machine language statement in all cases

• Caching only complicates things in a multi CPU system

Copyright © 1997 – 2014 Curt Hill

The Experiment• Two threads do this:

– Increment count1– Two assignments– Increment count2

• Three threads compare count1 and count2 and stop if they are not equal

• Each thread sleeps for a short time• Measurement is how many

comparisons occur before a difference in the comparison is found

Copyright © 1997 – 2014 Curt Hill

The participants• Three machines:

– A single Pentium– A hyper-threading Pentium– Dual Pentium

• The three different machines had three different operating systems and three different clock speeds

• While the program is running it appears to fully consume the CPU in all cases

Copyright © 1997 – 2014 Curt Hill

The resultsUniProc Hyper




145.4 45.3 29.8 170.3


72 4 19.5 13


688 1135 329 5800

N 52 52 84 57

Copyright © 1997 – 2014 Curt Hill

Solutions• In the producer and consumer problem

what is needed is a serialization• A Critical Section is a piece of code

that has limitation as to how many processes can be in it

• A critical section is usually guarded by a Semaphore

• Consider the increment/decrement of len a critical section

Copyright © 1997 – 2014 Curt Hill


• Named after communication flag• It usually is a count of processes in

the critical section• When a task enters the section it

increments the count and decrements it upon exit

• A task wanting to enter a critical section is either given access to the section or made to wait

Copyright © 1997 – 2014 Curt Hill


• If a semaphore prohibits entry the task must wait

• Two kinds of wait:– Busy wait - spin in a loop– Idle wait - suspended until later

• This wait time keeps a multi CPU system from reaching its true potential, especially while in the dispatcher

Copyright © 1997 – 2014 Curt Hill

Wait Problems• A critical section guarded by a

semaphore is a special case of resource allocation

• In order for a task to complete it has to ask for and receive a resource– If it cannot, it is forced to wait

• This however allows for other problems

Copyright © 1997 – 2014 Curt Hill

Deadlock• Situation where tasks cannot get

the resources they need• Task A has resource 1 and is

waiting for resource 2• Task B has resource 2 and is

waiting for resource 1• Both are waiting for a situation

that cannot be resolved

Copyright © 1997 – 2014 Curt Hill

The Dining Philosophers Problem


Copyright © 1997 – 2014 Curt Hill

The Dining Philosophers Problem

• There is a round table with five philosophers, five plates of spaghetti and five forks

• A philosopher must have two forks to eat

• If at the same time they each reach out and take the fork nearest their right hand there is deadlock

Copyright © 1997 – 2014 Curt Hill

Traffic Deadlock

Copyright © 1997 – 2014 Curt Hill

Deadlock• Is it a programmer problem or a

operating system problem?• Both.

Copyright © 1997 – 2014 Curt Hill

Operating System Response

• Operating system should be able to detect a deadlock

• Usual solution is to cancel jobs until something can proceed

• Ability to reclaim a resource also required

Copyright © 1997 – 2014 Curt Hill

Programmer Planning• Programmer should avoid

situations that might lead to it:• Do not wait for a resource while

holding a resource

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