Page 1: Contents page layout

For my contents page masthead, I decided to use the same font that I had used for my front cover masthead. The font was called ‘Love Song’, which I took from the website, ‘’. However, I decided to use the colour red more, for my contents page masthead and the dark purple colour less. This is because I wanted to keep my magazine looking consistent throughout, but also wanted a bit of change in my masthead. My front cover masthead consisted of the colour purple being used for all of the letters, apart from the heart, which was the colour red. For my contents page masthead, on the other hand, I did the opposite and made the letters red, and the heart purple. I also added the same effects which I had used for my front cover masthead, on my contents page masthead. These were ‘Bevel and Emboss’, ‘Inner Glow’ and ‘Outer Glow’. This resulted in my masthead popping out and looking the same as my front cover masthead.

Page 2: Contents page layout

I also decided to include 4-6 images of different models, to show to the reader what else is featured in the magazine. Here, I have only included two, to see how I should place the images, and get an idea of whether or not I may need more than 5 images. The first image I have placed in the corner of my contents page is of a model, posing as a pop artist. I chose this image because I thought it would be a good way to show my reader that there is something for everyone to read about. The second image I have used is of a model holding a board which reads, ‘Make it pop’. I thought that using this image in my contents page would be effective because it links in with the genre of my magazine, as well as making the magazine appear fun. Along with these images, I will also be adding more images, as due to the research I carried out, I found that pop magazines use a range of images for both their front cover and their contents page.

Next to where I have placed my images, I also decided to include a rectangle, in which I would write my editors note. I had not initially decided to include this, however, later, I thought that if I wanted to follow conventions, I should follow them closely. The font I will be using for this is ‘Arial Bold’, as this was the font I used for my coverlines, on my front cover. The colour of the text I am thinking to use is black, because I feel that it will stand out, and would also not distract the reader from the rest of the features on my contents page. Another reason is because real pop magazines like, ‘We Love Pop’ also use the colour black for their editors note, as it is a standard colour.

Page 3: Contents page layout

At the bottom of my contents page, I included another rectangle box, in which I wrote the features that would be included in the magazine. At the top of the box, I included a text saying, ‘This week...’. I decided to do this because while I was conducting my research, I saw that many of the pop magazines included a similar text, reading ‘Inside this month...’ Therefore, keeping this is mind, I chose to include the text that I did, and follow conventions. I also decided to use big numbers, as I wanted them to stand out the most, from the rectangle box. The font I used for the numbers was ‘Forte Regular’. I also added some effects to all the numbers, in order to make them look more eye-catching. These effects were, ‘Bevel and Emboss’, ‘Inner Shadow’, ‘Inner Glow’, ‘Outer Glow’ and ‘Drop Shadow’. I also did a similar thing to the numbers I have included on my images, however, I used the colour purple for these. This is because I did not want the colour red and black overpowering the whole contents page. I also added the same heart that I had used for my coverlines on my front cover, behind the numbers, to keep my magazine looking consistent. I chose to infuse a colour scheme of black and red for the numbers, as well as the text I used for features. This is because I wanted to follow conventions and make my magazine look professional.

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