  • Slide 1

Slide 2 Construction Diploma with Functional Skills Maths Level 1/2 Formative Assessment Task (START) Slide 3 Instructions You will complete 2 tasks. Each task will take about 45 minutes each. Each task is split up into different questions You will be using Maths in this resource. The tasks are based on the Construction Diploma. You can use a calculator. You can use pen and paper. Once you have completed each question, click the blue button below. Next slide Slide 4 Background You are working for a building contractor. You are asked to provide a few quotes for some jobs on a residential property. One job is to fit new fascia boards around the house. The second job is to fix an outside tap on the side of the garage wall. (Instructions) Next slide Slide 5 Sun lounge Main roomsGarage 2cm 3cm 4.5cm 5.5cm Scale = 2cm:3m Next Background 3.5cm Before starting the task, study the illustrations below and then click Next. Slide 6 Task 1A The whole perimeter of the house requires UPVC fascia boards (marked as a red-dashed line in the image on the previous slide). In metres, how much fascia board is required to cover the whole house? Click the correct answer (A, B or C) A. 35.5m B. 53.25m C. 106.5m A B C (Back to images) Next task Slide 7 Task 1A - SORRY! TRY AGAIN 35.5m is incorrect 35.5 is the correct perimeter in centimetres. To convert to metres, take the scale into account (2cm=3m). This is equivalent to 1cm=1.5m If you multiply 35.5 X 1.5 = 53.25m (Question)Next task Slide 8 Task 1A - CORRECT! WELL DONE The correct answer is 53.25m. Perimeter = 35.5cm (2cm+3cm+4.5cm+5.5cm+5.5cm+6.5cm+8.5cm) Scale = 2cm:3m or equivalent is 1cm:1.5m Multiply 35.5 X 1.5 = 53.25m (Question)Next task Slide 9 Task 1A - SORRY! TRY AGAIN Correct perimeter is 53.25m or 35.5cm Scale is 2cm:3m or 1cm:1.5m 53.25X2 = 106.5m which incorrect 35.5X1.5 = 53.25m which is correct (Question)Next task Slide 10 Task 1B The fascia boards are available in strips of 4.5m lengths. How many fascia boards will he need to cover the required perimeter of the house? Click the correct answer (A, B or C) 11.83 11 12 A B C (Task 1A) Next task Slide 11 Task 1B - SORRY! TRY AGAIN 11.83 is the precise answer to 53.25/4.5 (perimeter/fascia Length. In reality, you will 12 lengths you cannot buy 0.83 of a fascia board. (Back to Task 1B)Next task Slide 12 Task 1B - SORRY! TRY AGAIN 11 lengths is an incorrect rounding of 11.83 should be 12. Also, 11 lengths will not be enough to cover the perimeter you will be short by 0.83m. (Back to Task 1B)Next task Slide 13 Task 1B - CORRECT! WELL DONE 12 is the correct answer. The perimeter is 53.25m. Each fascia length is 4.5m. Total no. of fascia lengths = Perimeter/Fascia length. 53.25/4.5 = 11.833. Need 12 lengths in total. (Back to Task 1B)Next task Slide 14 Task 1C Each fascia board costs 10.50 each. Additional costs are below to fit one fascia board: 10 Board clips0.50 per clip Board glue (1 tube) 1.00 per metre Labour costs5.00 per board Add 20% VAT on all materials. What is the total cost of the job (whole perimeter needing 12 boards) including VAT? 180.00 204.00 144.00 A B C Click the correct answer (A, B or C) (Task 1B) Next task Slide 15 Task 1C SORRY! TRY AGAIN 180.00 is an incorrect answer. You have not added a total VAT of 24.00 (12 for board clips; 12 for glue) (Question)Next task Slide 16 Task 1C CORRECT! WELL DONE The correct answer is 204 12 boards are needed to cover perimeter of 53.25m. Each board requires 5.00 worth of board clips (10 clips X 0.50) For 12 boards, you will need 60.00 (12X0.5)worth of clips, plus 20% VAT is 72.00. Each board requires 5.00 worth of glue tubes (5 tubes to cover 4.5 metres). For 12 boards, you will need 60.00 worth of glue tubes, plus 20% VAT is 72.00. Labour costs - 5.00 X 12 boards = 60.00 Total cost of covering the perimeter with fascia boards = 72+72+60 = 204 (Question)Next task Slide 17 Task 1C - SORRY! TRY AGAIN 144 is an incorrect answer. You have correctly calculated the VAT for the materials. You have not included the labour costs of 60 into the total job. (Question)Next task Slide 18 Task 1D You are paid 8.00 per hour. You can fit up to 5 fascia boards per hour. You need to fit 12 fascia boards to complete the job/perimeter. Calculate the difference in labour costs between an hourly rate job and a fixed priced job of 60? Click the correct answer (A, B or C) 24 36 44 A B C (Task 1C) Next task Slide 19 Task 1D - SORRY! TRY AGAIN 24 is not the correct answer. You have not completed the calculation fully. 24 is the correct hourly rate pay for fixing 12 boards. This needs to be subtracted from the fixed price of 60 to give you a final answer of 36. (Question)Next task Slide 20 Task 1D - CORRECT! WELL DONE The correct answer is 36.00 The hourly rate costs would be 24.00 (8.00 X 3 hours). 3 hours = 5 boards per hour, 12 boards will take exactly 2 hours and 12 minutes, rounded up to 3 hours to reflect pay conditions. Fixed cost = 12 boards @ 5.00 per board is 60. Difference in hourly and fixed price job = 60-24 = 36 Therefore, job will be cheaper on an hourly basis. (Question)Next task Slide 21 Task 1D - SORRY! TRY AGAIN 44 is not the correct answer. Here, you have calculated the hourly labour costs as 16 (8.00 X 2 hours). 2hours and 12 minutes (time it takes to fit 12 boards) has been rounded down to 2 hours. 60 - 16 = 44 (Question)Next task Slide 22 Task 1E A rival building contractor has offered a quote which is 7.5% below your price of 204. What would be the price difference between your quote and the contractors quote? Click the correct answer (A, B or C) 15.30 188.70 219.30 A B C (Task 1D) Next task Slide 23 Task 1E - CORRECT! WELL DONE 15.30 is the correct answer. 7.5% of 204.00 is 15.30. 204.00-15.30 is 188.70 which is your competitors quote. Reverse check: 204.00-188.70 = 15.30 (difference between both quotes) (Task 1E)Next task Slide 24 Task 1E - SORRY! TRY AGAIN 188.70 is not the correct answer. This is not a full calculation. 188.70 is the competitors quote (7.5% of 204.00 subtracted by 204.00). You need to subtract 188.70 by 204.00 to have an answer of 15.30. (Task 1E)Next task Slide 25 Task 1E - SORRY! TRY AGAIN 219.30 is not the correct answer. You have added 7.5% of 204.00 (15.30) to your quote of 204.00. This gives you an answer of 219.30. (Task 1E)Next task Slide 26 Task 1F Below are three checks on one of the answers. Decide which one is a correct check of the answer for Task 1E (15.30). 204+188.70 = 15.30 188.70-204.00 = 15.30 204.00-188.70 = 15.30 A B C (Task 1E) Next task Slide 27 Task 1F - SORRY! TRY AGAIN A is not a correct check. You have chosen 204.00+188.70=15.30. This will actually give an answer of 392.70 (Task 1F)Next task Slide 28 Task 1F - SORRY! TRY AGAIN B is not a correct check. You have chosen 188.70-204.00=15.30. This will actually give an answer of -15.30 which is incorrect. (Task 1F)Next task Slide 29 Task 1F - CORRECT! TRY AGAIN C is the correct check. Well done. 204.00 (your quote) - 188.70 (competitors quote) = 15.30 (Task 1F)Next task Slide 30 Task 2 On the same property, you have been asked to provide a quote for fitting an outside tap next to the garage wall. Back to instructions Next Task Scale: 2cm=3m 3cm 6cm Slide 31 Task 2A On the side elevation below, the correct position for the tap which should be a quarter (1/4) of the length from the garage door and two thirds (2/3) down from the roof. Click the correct position for the outside tap A, B or C A B C Side elevation of garage Roof Garage door 3cm (X) 6cm (Y) B A C Scale=2cm:3m Images Next Task Slide 32 Task 2A - SORRY! TRY AGAIN A is not the correct answer. The position of the tap is 2/3 down from the roof but away from the back of the garage. (Task 2A)Next task Slide 33 Task 2A - CORRECT! WELL DONE B is the correct answer. The outside tap is positioned length for the garage door and 2/3 down from the roof. (Task 2A)Next task Slide 34 Task 2A - SORRY! TRY AGAIN C is not a correct answer. The tap is positioned 2/3 up from the floor and length from the back of the garage. (Previous slide)Next task Slide 35 Task 2B Based on the scale diagram, in metres, what would be the measurements to mark the position of the outside tap? Click the correct answer (A, B or C) Height (X) = 2.25cm Length (Y)= 2m Height (X) = 2m Length (Y)=1.5m Height (X) = 2.25m Length (Y) = 2m A B C (Task 2A) Next Task Slide 36 Task 2B - SORRY! TRY AGAIN A is not the correct answer. Despite correct conversions for the height and length of the tap, the figures have been incorrectly labelled in cm. (Task 2B)Next task Slide 37 Task 2B - SORRY! TRY AGAIN B is not the correct answer. Partial answers the figures need to be converted to metres using the scale provided. (Task 2B)Next task Slide 38 Task 2B - CORRECT! WELL DONE C is the correct answer. of 6cm is 1.5cm. 2/3 of 3cm is 2cm. Conversions: 1.5cm is 2.25m and 2cm is 2m. Height = 2.25m Length = 2m (Task 2B)Next task Slide 39 Task 2C ItemsCost per item (ex VAT)No. required Bends2.504 Joints4.996 Clips0.7515 Taps7.001 Pipe insulation2.994 Connectors for kitchen taps 2.996 The table below shows how much each of the items cost. Which is the correct total cost of materials required including a VAT of 20%? 21.22 88.09 105.70 A B C (Task 2B) Next Task Slide 40 Task 2C - SORRY! TRY AGAIN 21.22 is not the correct answer. 21.22 is the correct total cost of all of individual items. However, each individual item needs to be multiplied by the no. required. The total then needs to include 20% VAT. ( Task 2C)Next task Slide 41 Task 2C - SORRY! TRY AGAIN 88.09 is not the correct answer. 88.09 is the correct total of all individual items multiplied by the no. required. A VAT of 20% needs to be added to this total. (Task 2C)Next task Slide 42 Task 2C - CORRECT! WELL DONE 105.70 is the correct answer. You obtained a total of 88.09 by adding up the required no. of materials which were multiplied by their unit prices. You then added 20% VAT, resulting in a final total of 105.70. (Task 2C)Next task Slide 43 Task 2D The total hours required to complete the job is 8 hours. The hourly rate is 8. A competitor is offering a fixed price of 152.73 which is 10% lower than the hourly rate job. What is price of hourly rate job which including the cost of materials with 20% VAT? Click the correct answer (A, B or C) 16.97 169.70 186.07 A B C (Task 2c) Next task Slide 44 Task 2D - SORRY! TRY AGAIN 16.97 is not the correct answer. This represents 10% of the total price of the hourly rate job which the cost of materials plus 20% VAT. (Task 2D)Next task Slide 45 Task 2D - CORRECT! WELL DONE 169.70 is the correct answer. Labour costs = 8.00 rate X 8 hours = 64.00 Total cost of materials = 105.70 Total cost = 64.00 + 105.70 = 169.70 (Task 2D)Next task Slide 46 Task 2D - SORRY! TRY AGAIN! 186.07 is not the correct answer. You have added 10% of the hourly rate job (16.70) to the hourly rate job (169.70). (Task 2D)Next task Slide 47 Task 2E Look at the plan below of the required pipework that needs to be connected to the outside tap. (Task 2D) Next Key Pipework Tap Scale : 2cm:3m 3cm 4cm 3.5cm Slide 48 Task 2E (continued) In metres, how much copper pipe is needed to complete the job? Click the correct answer (A, B or C) 10.5m 10.5cm 11.25m A B C (Image) Next Task Slide 49 Task 2E - CORRECT! 10.5m is the correct answer. Width = 3cm is equivalent t0 4.5m Length = 4cm is equivalent to 6m Total length of pipework = 4.5+6 = 10.5m (Task 2E)Next task Slide 50 Task 2E - SORRY! TRY AGAIN 10.5cm is not the correct answer. Even though you have calculated the correct length of pipework required, you have chosen centimetres for the final answer. The question asked for the answer in metres. (Task 2E)Next task Slide 51 Task 2E - SORRY! TRY AGAIN 11.25m is not the correct answer. The length has been calculated correctly as 6.0m A garage width of 5.25m is longer than the required width of the pipework which is 4.5m. This is why the answer has resulted in 11.25m. (Task 2E)Next task Slide 52 Task 2F The copper is available in 1.75m pipes. At a cost of 2.25 per pipe (ex. VAT 20%), how many pipes will be needed and at what total cost? Click the correct answer (A, B or C) 13.50 16.20 18.90 A B C (Task 2E)Next task Slide 53 Task 2F - SORRY! TRY AGAIN 13.50 is not the correct answer. 13.50 is the correct cost for 6 lengths of copper pipe X 2.25. You need to add 20% VAT to obtain the correct answer. (Task 2F)Next task Slide 54 Task 2F - CORRECT! WELL DONE 16.20 is the correct answer. The total length of pipework is 10.5m. You will need exactly 6 lengths of copper pipe to cover 10.5m. 6 lengths X 2.25 = 13.50 Plus 20% VAT = 16.20 (Task 2F)Next task Slide 55 Task 2F - SORRY! TRY AGAIN 18.90 is not the correct answer. Here, you have calculated 7 lengths of copper pipe X 2.25 which is 12.25m. 6 lengths will give you exactly 10.5m Therefore, 7 X 2.25 = 15.75 Plus 20% VAT = 18.90 (Task 2F)Next task Slide 56 Task 2G With all costs taken into account (16.20 for copper pipes, 105.20 for all materials, 64.00 for labour costs) what would be your final price after adding 12% price increase to all materials? 185.40 198.36 207.65 Click the correct answer (A, B or C) A B C (Task 2F)Next task Slide 57 Task 2G - SORRY! TRY AGAIN 185.40 is not the correct answer. 185.40 is the correct total cost of materials, labour and pipework without the 12% increase in materials. Task 2G)Next task Slide 58 Task 2G - CORRECT! WELL DONE 198.36 is the correct answer. The cost materials have been correctly calculated as 118.16 (105.20 plus 12% increase). 118.16 + 16.20+64.00 = 198.36 (Task 2G)Next task Slide 59 Task 2G - SORRY! TRY AGAIN 207.65 is not the correct answer. You have applied the 12% increase to all items piping, materials and labour. The question asked for a 12% increase in materials only. (Task 2G)Next task Slide 60 Task 2H With your total costs in mind (198.36), what adjustments would you make to earn at least 33% profit on the total job? Click the correct answer (A, B or C) 65.45 132.91 263.82 A B C (Task 2G) Next task Slide 61 Task 2H - SORRY! TRY AGAIN 65.45 is not the correct answer. 65.45 is the correct profit (33% of 198.36). The question required a total figure with the profit included. (Task 2H)Next task Slide 62 Task 2H - SORRY! TRY AGAIN 132.91 is not the correct answer. A profit of 65.45 has been incorrectly subtracted from the total cost of 198.36. The profit needs to be added rather than subtracted to obtain the correct answer. (Task 2H)Next task Slide 63 Task 2H - CORRECT! WELL DONE 263.82 is the correct answer. Here, you have calculated the profit of 33% as 65.45 and added this correctly to the total of 198.36. New price = 65.45+198.36 = 236.82 (Task 2H) Next task Slide 64 Task 2i Below are three checks on one of the answers. Decide which one is a correct check of one of these answers (A, B or C). 198.36 + 65.45 = 236.82 198.36 - 65.45 = 236.82 65.45 - 198.36 = 236.82 A B C (Task 2H) Finish Slide 65 Task 2i - CORRECT! WELL DONE A is the correct answer. (Task 2I) Finish Slide 66 Task 2i- SORRY! TRY AGAIN B is not a correct check for 233.82. (Task 2I) Finish Slide 67 Task 2i - SORRY! TRY AGAIN B is not a correct check for 233.82. (Task 2I) Finish Slide 68

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