  • 8/17/2019 Considering the Fact That Sade


    Considering the fact that Sade Sati has different effects for different natives depending on

    the lord of the Moon sign (friendly to Saturn or not & whether it is a yogkaarak for the

    native's Lagna). I am not going into the astrological factors likely to affect the native. For

    that, Krishna Kumar Bagri Ji is the expert. I am talking of the karmic aspect which has to

    be taken into account. The first remedial measure is the body.The food you take shouldbe light & healthy. It should also be vegetarian, free of alcohol. Why? Saturn gets malefic

    when these are consumed. This is because Saturn is opposed to Mars which is the agni

    that causes digestion. Mars & Saturn being enemies, the consumption of meat, eggs as

    well as alcohol imbalances the fire element. This causes either too much hunger or little

    hunger & hunger is an expression of Agni which needs food to balance itself. The

    consumption of such foods also is not properly digested by the human system so that the

    excretion of wastes is also not good causing bad odour. This bad odour weakens the

    Mooladhar (remember the sense of smell is connected to this chakra) and the native

    going through Sadesati is closest to his/her body. Yoga is additionally an important

    routine that needs to be put in practice since it balances our 5 pranas. Prayer has to beinculcated at specifically the Brahm Muhurat (early morning 90 minutes before Sunrise)

    as well as the evening sandhya. These timings are crucial. The body, mind & spirit should

    be in a state of complete efficiency. This keeps the pranic or energy levels high. It is best

    that during this time we learn to listen & learn from nature rather than fighting it. This

    means that we need to understand the direction nature is guiding us to move in. The

    people, events, circumstances will present choices. Follow the choices that are right as

    per the principles of dharma but not shortcuts which compromise on such principles. Be

    ready for hard work & make your body, mind & spirit ready for this. Guru & the Divine are

    the best remedies during these periods. Take blessings from old people especially those

    who have grey hair. There is one word that saves you from experiencing the maleficeffects of Saturn - discipline. All I have described is centered around discipline.


    Saturn is a Griha. The word Griha means to seize (to catch, to hold, to ferry us in a

    particular direction or towards a certain circumstance or situation or environment (disha

    or dasha). We are all born with destinies that are purely formed by our own karmas. So,

    the Grihas are those eternal beings which are given different portfolios & they affect us

    through our thoughts & actions. Our good actions are rewards given to us, but these good

    actions are consumed much like money we earn & then spend to buy things we need or

    desire. Bad actions are like blocks or obstructions in our path & we have exert effort to

    overcome them. Since we are talking of Saturn, which is inherently a planet mostly meant

    to give us the fruit of our karma, good or bad. However, due to the adharmic nature of an

    overwhelming number of natives on this karmabhoomi we call earth, it tends to give the

    malefic effects & is therefore feared as a malefic. So we will detail bad karma. Bad

    karmas are divided into paap & apradh. Paap is the adharmic thought that we think of.

    Apradh is when a bad thought is converted into action to harm other things, living or non-

    living. Thus, the seed of paap/ apradh is sown. Now this weed will grow along with the

    good karma we have sown & make it weaker just like the weed in a field affects the

    normal healthy crop. This weed is controlled by Saturn which will give us the fruits of our

    bad karma. The weed of Saturn will make us work harder than normal to keep our good

    crop of karmas alive.

  • 8/17/2019 Considering the Fact That Sade



    When we do chanting, we are neutralizing these bad (adharmic) seeds (not the growing

    or grown up weeds). Often during the chanting, we feel a lot of heat. This heat is created

    by the prana inherent in the mantra which on repetition multiplies its force. This heat is

    called Tapas. And the result is that these bad seeds are “fried” due to the heat & they donot sprout. Now the bad seeds are fried first, then the good seeds. This follows nature’s

    dharmic principles on which our human body functions.


    Similarly, when we fast, the first substances that are released by the body are toxins and

    tissues that are weak, toxic & harmful for the body. It is because of this that ketones start

    getting released & if you go to a doctor, he will advise against fasting because he will tell

    you are losing ketones (which are proteins) and this will damage the organs of the body.

    But, the actual fact is not known to them. Through fasting diseased & weak tissues get

    dissolved & are excreted first. This is another facet that we must become aware about.

    Fasting done in a scientific manner cleanses the body. Obviously fasting should be done

    under guidance.


    Fasting done for 9 days dissolves karmas. This is why fasting done on navratras is

    essential, but the method of fasting has to be learned from a knowledgeable Guru since

    everybody’s body has a different level at which it functions. What suits one will not suit

    the other. Fasting is not only of the body, but of bad thoughts, negative speech & bad

    words to others. This cleanses our manomaya & vigyanmaya kosha. Therefore, during

    fasting prayer & forgiving & letting go attitude has to be adopted. Avoid the media in all

    forms – tv, newspapers, internet, books. The idea is to empty the mind. I have mentionedNavratras for a reason. First, the navratras occur at the “sandhi” of two different seasons.

    This means during seasonal change. At this time the body, as per nature’s laws throws

    out toxins. Adding fasting to it accelerates the process. The nine day period is also very

    important because in nine days all bodies of the human system are cleansed including

    the kaarana sharira (causal body) where karma is stored. It is because we have karma in

    storage that we continue to stay on this planet & experience both happiness & sadness

    (sukha & dukha). When I mentioned that prayer in the early morning 90 minutes before

    sunrise is important as well as the evening, there was a reason. The reason is that the

    pineal gland is active around this time. The soul body connects through the pineal gland

    so the chanting travels through the physical to the etheric (pranmaya kosha), to theemotional, mental (manomaya kosha), astral (vigyanamaya kosha), causal body

    (anandamaya kosha) to the soul body & further to the spiritual source which opens our

    Sahasraar chakra thus giving us extra spiritual prana which causes heat & “frying” of

    seeds of bad karma. This makes our body lighter & fills it with energy. Remember

    laziness & sloth are also indications of bad Saturn.


    Regarding the growing & grown up seeds, daana is the solution. Daana does not have to

    be in money or food (food is a very important daana so don’t ignore this since it contains

    all five elements & giving food cleanses the five elements within us) or gifts but in effort

    where we do not expect returns – either by giving knowledge, praying for the person etc.

  • 8/17/2019 Considering the Fact That Sade


    The deeper the bad karma, the stronger the weed & the more number of times must we

    help as well as pray for people who are experiencing the same problems & difficulties

    faced by us. We will also get punya from such activities that neutralizes this type of

    negative karma.

    Shani sadesathi is bad for everyone at the point when Saturn crosses the natal degrees

    of the moon,

    In the Zodiac.

    But sadesathi as a whole is not bad for everybody.

    For some almost all of the period of 7 plus years is good. For some 1/3rd is good..for

    others 2/3rd is good.

    It all depends on many factors..

    1. The friendship or enmity between Moon sign lord and Saturn.

    2. The Moons position in the horoscope..

    3.what nakshatra is Saturn transitting's relation with the moon nakshatra lord.



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