  • 8/14/2019 Conquering Yeast Infections Naturally


    Conquering Yeast Infections Naturally (Revised)By: Dr. William Wong, ND, PhD.

    Yeast infections seem to be every where these days. They are seen by themselves, usually after antibiotic use, and

    they are had accompanying other long term diseases such as Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue. Some believe the

    yeast infections are the cause of Fibromyalgia and CFS, while other see them as only taking advantage of a

    weakened immune system to proliferate and spread in the intestines and through the body. Yes through the body.

    Once it spreads yeast can be found in the lungs and sinuses, in the internal organs and as two autopsies of

    Fibromyalgia patients found, even in the brain and its fluid!

    Men and women treated with low-dose, long-term antibiotic use for acne all have systemic (body wide) yeast

    infections, also known as fungal infections. But yeast infections do not only come from long term antibiotic use;

    one course of antibiotics is all that is needed for most folks to show signs of a die off of the good bacteria and yeast

    in the body and an increase of the bad. Not all of the blame falls on the shoulders of antibiotics, Corticosteroid

    drugs, birth control pills and cancer chemo therapy agents are also contributors to the epidemic of systemic yeast

    infections. Women seem to be the hardest hit by yeast infections, with the predominance of the vaginal variety. But

    where there is a vaginal yeast infection there is a body wide fungus infestation behind it! Yeast is an opportunistic

    infection; and we all have yeast, good strains and bad in our bodies. Both strains live primarily in the intestines

    where if the balance of food and fiber is right, the good strains of yeast along with the good strains of bacteria keep

    the bad strains from colonizing the body.

    When antibiotic medications have to be used, they not only kill off the germs they are meant to destroy but they

    also kill off the good bacteria and yeast that are in charge of digestion, maintenance of the intestinal lining, food

    absorption, immune system boosting, and bad bacteria control. Some sure signs of the die off of good bacteria are

    the diarrhea, vaginal burning and itching and rectal itching that often accompanies antibiotic use. Odd thing is,

    while the drugs kill the good bacteria and yeast it does not do much to get rig of the bad! Without the good guys to

    keep the nasties from growing in number, the bad yeast and bacteria grow unchecked and colonize first the

    intestines and then the rest of the body!

    Well, that's no sweat, modern medical science tells us, they have other drugs to kill the yeast, like the old Nystatin

    and the new Diflucan! What they don't tell you about is the race. Yes, when you take those drugs there's a race

    going on inside you body. Those drugs will kill the fungus but they will also kill your liver! So it a race to see

    which dies first, the yeast or your liver (which you can't live without)! That's why physicians have to monitor your

    liver function closely while you are on anti fungal drugs; they have to be ready to yank you from them the instantthey see the liver getting in trouble.

    And, as it usually happens, the liver will begin to show signs of strain way before all the strains of bad yeast are

    gone. What happens then? Well, with the weaker strains of bad yeast dead, that left more room for the stronger

    drug resistant variety to take over all the space inside you actually making things worse than they were before you

    went on the drugs! To add insult to injury, you now also have to heal a damaged liver! By now I hope you folks are

    getting my drift that drugs are not the way to eliminate fungal infections.

    So what can be done naturally to get rid of yeast and restore the bodies natural balance between the good and bad

    bugs (excuse me, micro flora) inside of us? Let's look to nature for the answer.

    The firstthing we have to acknowledge is that a fungal infection is the sign of a weak immune system. Fungal

    inflections are the bodies' fallback position for immune support when the immune system is weakened or fails. How

    can this be? Well all of those yeast buds are producing three things in your body. The first is alcohol, which you

    don't need. It's the alcohol from fungal infections, which causes the dopiness and brain fog so often seen in chronic

    yeast infection patients. Your body is a waking beer factory taking the carbohydrates you eat and converting them

    into 14% ethyl alcohol all the time, every day! Serious systemic yeast infection patients have failed breathalyzer

    tests without ever having taken a drink.

    The secondthing the bad yeast produces are B Complex vitamins. These are essential to immune system and liver

    function, without them no energy is produced, blood gets weak, and nerves don't work. The third thing they create

    is Beta Glucan a powerful immune enhancing nutrient. Fermentation is how the bad yeast makes these products.

    They take in blood sugars and carbohydrates and ferment them into these products. All these fermentation

    processes are anaerobic which means that they take place with out oxygen, because most of the fungus types that

    invade the human bod live off of blood su ar l co en not ox en as the ood bacteria and east do.

  • 8/14/2019 Conquering Yeast Infections Naturally


    If the bad yeast performs a good function why get rid of it? Well aside from creating a myriad of problems on it's

    own yeast infections are implicated in worsening a range of diseases from ear infections to Lupus and infertility!

    Also the immune system will never heal while in a weakened state and while it is trying to cope with an infection

    that has taken over most of the dark and moist areas of the body!

    So what is needed to both cure the yeast infection and raise immune function to the point where the yeast infection

    is not needed as a last ditch stand for immunity? The answer is to introduce good bacteria into the gut and allow it

    to proliferate. But, that's easier said than done. There are hundreds of strains of good bacteria. Some are transient

    that means they go in one end help digestion and go out the other without staying implanted in the intestines. There

    are other stains that go in and look to stay by colonizing the intestinal walls, and reproducing themselves. Thesecolonizing good bacteria also help digestion but the do much more. In an almost magical way, these good bacteria

    change the lining of the intestinal wall into factories for immuno supportive substances. These colonies of good

    bacteria clinging to the inulin or FOS from which it feeds, create good yeast and between the two they produce


    With all of that said, now let's get to brass tacks. In curing a fungal infection the natural way, several other

    beneficial things will follow suit, you will:

    Boost immune function dramatically.1.

    Reduce Cholesterol2.

    Defend against colon cancer3.

    Prevent constipation, flatulence and abdominal bloating4.

    Improve skin conditions5.

    Increase tolerance of dairy products6.

    Assist in fighting chronic urinary bladder infections7.

    Decrease sensitivity to allergens.8.

    Need any more convincing? There is only one caveat, this program will begin to produce results within two weeks

    but, it will take months or years to drive the bad yeast out of all of it's crooks and nannies and replace it with good

    bacteria. But, long before that you will feel stronger, be healthier, and fight off disease faster!

    What to do:

    Anti-Candida Specific Probiotic like Dr. Wong's Essentials Armoured Acidophilus: 1 teaspoon daily.

    This supplement of good bacteria specialize in driving out the bad and creating the changes in the intestinallining that turns it into an IGA-1 factory.


    Molybdenum: 150 mcg. 2 times a day. This mineral stops the production of alcohol by the bad yeast in your

    body. This will end the brain fog and in many patients also controls the external itching from the candida



    B - Complex vitamins. 1 to 2 tablets or capsules a day. Find a balanced formula where most of the vitamins

    are in the 50, 75 or 100-mg strengths.


    Now to the most important part of the program - don't forget to keep it up even though you're feeling

    better. You've had the candida for years, expect it to take years to be completely rid of it from every crevice of

    your internal self.


    With candida there ain't no quick fixes. In the interim you will be healthier, stronger and more disease resistant for

    the effort. It's worth it!


    Updates To The Anti-Yeast Therapy:

    As many of you know I have been very disheartened by the charlatans' hawking most of the coral calcium

    supplements. Ive gone from a firm believer to heavy critic of the folks who put these together. Many of these folks

    are about as honest as snake oil salesmen and it pains me to see slime like this in the nutritional industry.

    Since the coral is SO expensive many sellers of coral calcium have taken up the practice of mixing calcium

    carbonate (the same ingredient as is in TUMS) into their coral and indeed most of what is in these very expensive

    supplements is calcium carbonate. If you wanted to buy TUMS you could have done it for a lot cheaper than what

    you spent on the coral. My advice is to stop using it.

  • 8/14/2019 Conquering Yeast Infections Naturally


    Nuff Said on that. Through the work of Dr. Tom Revis DC, ND, Ive discovered that plain old Cream of Tartar

    powder, yes the spice, will not only alkalinize better than the coral ever could. (You can test your saliva with

    Litmus paper to see the difference), but the Cream of Tartar powder also kills yeast all by itself! What a great

    combo to help with the battle! Most folks need between 1 to 2 tablespoons of the powder daily depending on the

    severity of the infection. You can mix it with water or just plop the powder in your mouth and swallow water to

    wash it down. (Dont breathe in while the powder is still dry in your mouth as some of the still dry powder can go

    down the wrong way). You can divide the tablespoon into 3 teaspoons to take less at one shot. Expect to have the

    runs for the first few days using the Cream of Tartar as the initial die off of yeast happens.

    So take the cream of tartar and the Armoured Acidophilus (1 tesapoon daily with or with out meals) and the

    Inulin powder (one teaspoon 3 to 4 times a day) as well. These days Ive been using the Inulin from Dr. Wong's

    Essentials 100% Chicory Inulin ( It is significantly less expensive than the stuff I used to use

    as it is from chicory and not artichoke hearts, yet all of the studies done by the German researchers from the

    University of Leipzig who first successfully used Inulin used the Chicory kind, so why spend more when the chicory

    Inulin will more than do the job and for a lot less money!

    Most docs and patients who have used this program have put a considerable dent in their Candida Infections in 30

    days without the problem of compliance to a restrictive diet. The program will work regardless of what youre


    Be well and God bless,

    Dr. Wong

    Jan 2006

    Update: March 1, 2009

    We have just developed a new product, Candessence, which contains everthing essential to fighing systemic yeast

    infections. It contains the Cream of Tartar, Lactobacillus Sporogenes, Chicory Inulin, and Molybdenum Citrate in

    one easy to use powder. Mix with juice and enjoy one simple step!

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