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Belgian Nobel prize-winning chemist, Prigogine. He has founded an institute to examine applica- tions of this type of model in other areas. Guy Engelen, from this institute, showed how the ideas have been applied to build a simulation model of the population movements and urban develop- ment in Brussels. These types of models have also been used to study the management of energy resources and fishing stocks.

The other major intellectual contribution to the ES1 was from one of the visiting guest lecturers, Len Troncale from the Institute of Advanced Sys- tems Analysis, California State Polytechnical Uni- versity, USA. Len described how much more rigorous empirical investigation of systems con- cepts was being conducted in the area of the natural sciences. He showed how this could have revolutionary implications for interdisciplinary re- search.

There were interesting contributions from the other distinguished guest lecturers, Christer Carls- son from Finland and Kjell Samuelson from Sweden. The programme also included visits to a number of local Finnish companies.

Professor Peter Pruzan from Denmark, chair- man of the scientific committee, played a very important role in guiding the discussions, contrib- uting from his great experience of applying OR and systems, and presented a paper on his ideas in these areas. Professor Jakob Krarup from Den- mark, the President Elect of EURO, also contrib- uted to the discussions.

The local arrangements, including the many social activities, were superbly organized by two Finns from Turku, Tuula Kinnunen assisted by Satu-Paivi Kantola, who also both presented papers.

A description of the ES1 would not be complete without mentioning the Finnish sauna. Our initial introduction to this involved going from a steam- ing hot room and diving into the sea, which was not many degrees above freezing! Despite this initial experience, many of us were sauna addicts by the end of the institute.

What were the results of ES1 IV, apart from the participants having a good time and perhaps learning a lot? A tangible product will be a special issue of the European Journal (EJOR), containing many of the papers presented. This is scheduled to be published next summer. One of the principal aims of the organizers of the ES1 is the establish-

ment of networks of scientists from different countries communicating and collaborating on projects. Communications are already taking place between participants, commenting on each others’ papers in preparation for submission to the special issue of EJOR. Many of us have already made arrangements for further contacts with individuals working in similar areas. It is hoped that par- ticipants will be able to meet again at the EURO conference in Paris in 1988.

John Holt University of Southampton

Taken from: OR Newsletter

Congresses, Conferences and Symposia

The Eighth International Conference on Infor- mation Systems will be held in Pittsburgh, Penn- sylvania, U.S.A., on December 6-12, 1987. Information: Charles Kriebel, Program Chairman, Carnegie-Mellon University Graduate School of Industrial Administration, Pittsburgh PA 15213- 3890, U.S.A.

The 12th IFIP W.G. 7.3 International Sym- posium on Computer Performance Modelling, Measurement, and Evaluation (Performance ‘87) will take place in Brussels, Belgium, on December 7-9, 1987. Information: P.-J. Courtois, Program Committee Chairman, Philips Research Laboratory, 2, av. E. Van Becelaere, Box 8, B-1170 Brussels, Belgium.

The IEEE Control Systems Society 1987 Con- ference on Decision and Control will be held in Los Angeles, CA, U.S.A. on December 9-11, 1987. Information: Prof. A.H. Haddad, 26th CDC, School of Electrical Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA 30332-0250, U.S.A.

ORBEL 4, the Fourth National Congress on Quantitative Methods for Decision Making will be organized by SOGESCI-B.V.W.B., the Belgian OR’ Society, in Brussels on January 14-15, 1988. Information: Prof. H. Pastijn, ORBEL 4, ERM- KMS, avenue de la Renaissance, B-1040 Brussels, Belgium.

The Hellenic Operational Research Society (HELORS) is organizing its Eighth National

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HELORS Conference in Athens on January 28-30, The IFIP WG8.2 Conference on Information 1988. The theme of the conference is “The Role Resource Management will take place in Noord- and Organization of the State”. wijkerhout, The Netherlands, on May 3-5, 1988. Information: Eighth National Conference, Hel- Information: Prof. dr. Henk G. Sol, Information lenic OR Society (HELORS), 20, Solomou str., Systems Group, Delft University of Technology, 106 82 Athens, Greece. P.O. Box 356, 2600 AJ Delft, The Netherlands.

The Fifth International Working Seminar on Production Economics will take place in In- nsbruck, Austria, on February 22-26, 1988. Information: J. Lundquist, Department of Pro- duction Economics, Linkping Institute of Tech- nology, S-581 83 Linkoping, Sweden.

The 8th International Conference on Decision Support Systems (DSS 88) will be organized on June 1, 1988 in Boston, MA, U.S.A. Information: Prof. E.S. Weber, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85721, U.S.A.

The 1988 IEEE Network Operations and Management Symposium will be held on February 28-March 2, 1988 in New Orleans, LA, U.S.A. Information: Dr. R.B. Kieburtz, AT&T Bell Laboratories, Room 14A-471, Whippany Road, Whippany, NJ 07981, U.S.A.

The Hungarian Academy of Sciences will organize the Fourth International Conference on the Foundations and Applications of Utility, Risk and Decision Theory in Budapest, Hungary, on June 6-10, 1988. Information: Attila Chikan/ISIR, V., Veres Pal& u. 36., Budapest, Hungary, H-1053.

The 9th European Meeting on Cybernetics and Systems Research will take place in Vienna, Austria on April 5-8, 1988. Information: EMCSR 88 Secretariat, Schotten- gasse 3, A-1010 Wien 1, Austria.

The IFAC/IFIP/IEA/IFORS Conference on Analysis, Design and Evaluation of Man-Machine Systems (MMS ‘88) will be held in Oulu, Finland, June 14-16, 1988. Information: B. Wahlstriim, Technical Research Centre of Finland, Electrical Eng. Lab., Otokaari 7 B, SF-02150 Espoo, Finland.

The First Symposium on Modelling and Control in Biomedical Systems (IFAC) will be organized on April 6-8, 1988 in Venice, Italy. Information: Secretariat IFAC-BME-88 Sym- posium, Dept. Electrical Engineering, Univ. of Padova, via Gradenigo, 6/A, I-35131 Padova, Italy.

The IFIP WG5.3 7th Conference on Software for Discrete Manufacturing (PROLAIKAT 88) is organized in Dresden, G.D.R., on June 14-17, 1988.

NATO is sponsoring an Advanced Research Workshop on A Reappraisal of the Efficiency of Financial Markets at Sesimbra, Portugal on April 11-151988. Workshop papers will cover U.S. and several European equity markets, commodity and currency markets, futures and options. Information: Dr. S.J. Taylor, School of Manage- ment, University of Lancaster, England, LA1 4YX.

Information: Prof. Kochan, Technische Universitlt Dresden, Sektion Fertigungstechnik und Werkzeugmaschinen, PROLAMAT 88, Mom- msenstrasse 13, Dresden, D.R. Germany 8027.

EURO IX-TIMS XXVIII will take place in Paris, France, on July 6-8, 1988.

Theme: OR and new technologies. Information: AFCET, 156, boulevard Ptreire, 75017 Paris, France.

The IFAC/IFIP Symposium Software for Computer Control (SOCOCO ‘88) will be held in Johannesburg, South Africa on April 26-28, 1988. Information: Prof. I.M. Macleod, Dept. of Electri- cal Engineering, University of Witwatersrand, I Jan Smits ave., Johannesburg 2001, South Africa.

The EURO Working Group on Project Mana- gement and Scheduling organizes the First Inter- national Workshop on Management and Schedul- ing (PMS) in Lisbon, Portugal, on July 11-13, 1988.

Deadline for abstracts: February 20, 1988. Information: Prof. L.V. Tavares, APDIO-PMS-

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CESUR, Instituto Superior Ttcnico, Av. Rovisco Pais, 1096 Lisboa Codex, Portugal.

The 12th World Congress on Scientific Compu- tation will be organized by IMACS on July 18-22, 1988 in Paris, France. Information: The Secretary, 12th IMACS World Congress, IDN, BP 48, 59651 Villeneuve d’Ascq Cedex, France.

The 1988 International Conference on Systems Science and Engineering (ICSSE’88) will be held in Beijing, P.R. China, on July 25-28, 1988. Information: ICSSE’88 Secretariat, Department of Automation, Tsinghua University, Beijing Univer- sity, Beijing 100084, P.R. China.

The Third International Congress on Computa- tional and Applied Mathematics will be organized in Leuven, Belgium, on July 25-30, 1988. Ab- stracts of at most one page are due for January 1, 1988. Information: Prof. F. Broeckx, R.U.C.A., Midde- lheimlaan 1, B-2020 Antwerpen, Belgium.

The 1988 Joint Statistical Meetings of the American Statistical Association, Biometric Society, IMS will take place in Fort Collins, CO, U.S.A. on August 14-19, 1988. Information: L. Billard, Dept. of Statistics, Uni- versity of Georgia, Athens, GA 30602, U.S.A.

Ergonomics of Advanced Manufacturing and Hybrid Automated Systems is a biennial con- ference now organized in Louisville, Kentucky, U.S.A., on August 16-18, 1988. Information: Waldemar Karwowski, Center for Industrial Ergonomics, University of Louisville, Louisville, KY 40292, U.S.A.

The 4th IFAC Symposium Computer Aided De- sign in Control and Engineering Systems will be held in Beijing, P.R. China, on August 23-25, 1988. Information: Prof. Chen Zhen-Yu, CADCS ‘88 Secretariat, Application Committee of the Chinese Association of Automation, P.O. Box 919, Beijing, P.R. China.

The First Conference of the Association of Asian-Pacific Operational Research Societies within IFORS (APORS) will take place in Seoul, Korea, on August 24-26, 1988.

Information: APORS ‘88 Organizing Committee, Dept. of Industrial Engineering, College of En- gineering, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea 151.

The 1988 IFAC Symposium on Identification and System Parameter Estimation will be held on August 27-31, 1988, in Beijing, China. Information: Prof. H.F. Chen, Institute of Sys- tems Science, Academia Sinica, Beijing 100080, P.R. China.

The 13th International Symposium on Mathe- matical Programming will take place on August 29-September 2, 1988 at Chuo University, Tokyo, Japan. Papers on all theoretical, computational and applied aspects of mathematical programming are welcome. Information: Organizing Committee for the 13th International Symposium on Mathematical Pro- gramming, c/o The Operations Research Society of Japan, Gakkai-Center Bldg., 2-4-16 Yayoi, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113, Japan.

The 3rd International Symposium on Systems Analysis and Simulation will be held in Berlin, G.D.R., on September 12-16,1988. Information: Central Institute of Cybernetics and Information Processes, Mrs. Biittcher, Kurstrasse 33, Berlin, 1086, G.D.R.

A conference on The Systems Analysis Ap- proach to Environmental and Natural Resources Management in the Baltic Region will be organized by the Polish Operational and Systems Research Society and the Operations Research Societies of Denmark, Iceland, Finland, Norway and Sweden in Gdansk in September 1988. Information: DORS Secretariat, Sommervej 3, DK-3100 Hombaek, Denmark.

IMEKO XI is going to take place in Houston, Texas, U.S.A. on October 16-21, 1988. Information: IMEKO Secretariat, POB 457, 137i Budapest, Hungary.

The 4th Latin-Iberian-American Congress on Operations Research and Systems Engineering will be held in Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, on October 17-21, 1988. Abstracts of at least one page and at most two pages are due for February 28, 1988. Information: Congrex, Rua do Ouvidor, 60/614, 20040 Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil.

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