
July/August 2018/5778 Published Monthly Volume 34 No. 11

Congregation B’nai Shalomבני שלום Bulletin

Kabbalat Shabbat at 6:45 pm July and AugustThere will be a pre-service Oneg of light snacks, wine, and soft drinks at 6:30 pm

for all July and August services other than for August 3 and August 24. There will be sign-ups on the temple website for all after-service dinner and social options

listed below. Advance RSVP is required for all dinners. More info on page 11.

July 13 Simply Shabbat. After-service social option: Sushi Shabbat at Rabbi Gurevitz’s home (it’s her birthday!). July 20 Torah Shabbat. After-service social option: Chai Club. (for those who have been members 18 years or longer) Shabbat Dinner at the temple.August 3 Family Picnic Shabbat at Haskell Playground and Fields, Westborough. Children’s games and sports at 5 pm. Family picnic dinner pre-service. Short Kabbalat Shabbat sing-along service at 6:45 to about 7:30 pm. No service at B’nai Shalom that night!August 24 Simply Shabbat. Regular post-service Dessert Oneg in the Social Hall (no pre-service Oneg).

Rabbi Gurevitz’s Annual BBQSunday, July 29 • 12 –4 pm

(Rain Date July 28)All members are welcome to Rabbi Gurevitz’s annual

congregational BBQ at her home. It’s an Open House, so just stop by for a short while when you can. Please sign up in

advance so the Rabbi will know how many burgers and hotdogs to grill. There will be vegetarian options too. Please sign up to bring a side dish, drinks, or desserts when you RSVP. Children are very welcome — games and a scavenger hunt in the woods will be available (please bring closed in shoes for walking in the woods).

The rain date is the day before, Saturday July 28, and will be announced on Friday, July 27 if the weather forecast necessitates a change.

RSVP required:

Selichot: Preparing for the High Holy Day seasonSaturday, September 1, 7 pm

Joint Selichot Program and Service with Congregation B’nai Shalom and B’nai Or of Boston at the home of Rabbi Gurevitz and Rabbi Krieger. Join Rabbi Gurevitz for study and discussion as we

take stock of our year and prepare to enter the High Holy Day season. More details to follow via email.

Page 2 Congregation B’nai Shalom

Friday, July 66:45 pm Shabbat RishonSaturday, July 7Pinchas Numbers 25:10 - 30:18:00 am Torah and T’filah

Friday, July 136:45 pm Simply Shabbat

Saturday, July 14Matot-Masei Numbers 30:2 - 36:138:00 am Torah and T’filah

Friday, July 206:45 pm Torah Shabbat

Saturday, July 21Devarim Deuteronomy 1:1 - 3:228:00 am Torah and T’filahFriday, July 276:45 pm Ritual Lab Shabbat

Saturday, July 28Vaetchanan Deuteronomy 3:23 - 7:118:00 am Torah and T’filahFriday, August 35:00 pm Family Picnic Shabbat at

Haskell Playground6:45 pm Short Kabbalat Shabbat Sing-

along at Haskell Playground. No service at Congregation B’nai Shalom

Saturday, August 4Eikev Deuteronomy 7:12 - 11:258:00 am Torah and T’filah

Friday, August 106:45 pm Simply Shabbat

Saturday, August 11Re’eh Deuteronomy 11:26 - 16:178:00 am Torah and T’filahFriday, August 176:45 pm Torah Shabbat

Saturday, August 18Shoftim Deuteronomy 16:18 - 21:98:00 am Torah and T’filahFriday, August 246:45 pm Simply Shabbat

Saturday, August 25Ki Teitzei Deuteronomy 21:10 - 25:198:00 am Torah and T’filah10:15 am Shabbat Morning Service –

Eli David Shaw will be called to the Torah as a Bar Mitzvah

Friday, August 316:45 pm Ritual Lab Shabbat

Saturday, September 1Ki Tavo Deuteronomy 26:1 - 29:88:00 am Torah and T’filah7:00 pm Joint Selichot Program and

Service with Congregation B’nai Shalom and B’nai Or of Boston at the home of Rabbi Gurevitz and Rabbi Krieger

MAIN OFFICE508-366-7191 FAX: 855-780-2665

SUMMER HOURS Mon–Fri 9am – 4pm, but please call first

Rabbi: Rachel GurevitzExt. 201 [email protected]

Rabbi–Educator: Joe EidusonExt. 204 [email protected]

Executive Director: Steve WinerExt. 202 [email protected]

Youth Educator: Debbi MorinExt. 209 [email protected]

Cantorial Soloist: Sharon Brown GoldsteinExt. 203 [email protected]

Cantorial Soloist: Lisa Marcus JonesExt. 312 [email protected]

Family Educator Cheryl PouliotExt. 209 [email protected]

Secretary: Lori ZembruskiExt. 200 [email protected]

Secretary: Stacey WeinExt. 205 [email protected]

Bookkeepeer Marsha BealsExt. 208 [email protected]

Worship Schedule Rabbis and Staff

President: Rob Blumberg [email protected]

VP Finance & Admin: Michael Manning [email protected]

VP Education: Steven Goldstein [email protected]

VP Cong. Affairs: Cheryl Kasof [email protected]

VP Membership: Karen Rothman [email protected]

Treasurer: Carole Grayson [email protected]

Secretary: Heidi Swanick [email protected]

Immediate Past President: Allison [email protected]

Directors:Robin BaerMark ChapleauSimon DavisJudy DeaneAlan EhrlichJordan EisenstockAndy FeldmanPhil LeavittAllen RosenfeldAndrew ShawWendy Zingher

Committee Chairs:Finance: Larry SambergInformation Technology: Steven GoldsteinMembership: Karen Rothman

Ritual: Adam WinterYouth Engagement and Lifelong Learning:

Rachel Bernzweig and Michelle Garland (School and Youth), OPEN (Early Childhood)

Social Action: Amy RosenbergCBS Cares • Yad b’Yad: Anita Backer

Affiliate Groups:Sisterhood: Nancy BoscoBrotherhood: Jim WilnerWAFTY: Ari Drotch

Our Board and Committee Chairs

Torah and T’filah • Saturdays, 8 – 9:30 am, Library

July/August 2018 Page 3

Back near the beginning of June, our WAFTY Senior Youth group led a beautiful

Shabbat service crafted by graduat-ing senior, Kaila Goldstein. On this, the 70th Anniversary of the creation of the modern State of Israel, the service was themed “Hearts in the East.” In it, we heard from several of our teens, some of whom had been to Israel and others who had not, speak about some of the ways they seek to have a relationship and sense of connection with Israel. Kaila’s overriding desire was to encourage everyone to reflect upon and seek out that relation-ship, recognizing that it can be diverse and complex. Further, our ability to talk about, explore, learn, and debate those complexi-ties makes, ultimately, for a deeper relationship.

I found this service inspirational and heartwarming, especially com-ing so soon after a spate of media coverage at the Gaza border which, on the whole, failed to convey what was happening with any nuance or complexity. Following those events, it pained me to read about exam-ples both in the US and the UK, of liberal Jews condemning Israel and saying Kaddish for those who were killed in Gaza among the crowds who had been encouraged by Hamas to run en masse toward the border fence with the explicit aim of breaching the border so that their operatives could enter to murder or kidnap Jewish citizens living in the towns closest to those borders. The loss of life and the injuries were certainly awful to read about, but the context was one in which Israelis

would have been in absolute danger had military action not been taken. Now we are hearing about kites being launched over the border with incendiary devices attached that have wreaked destruction by setting on fire buildings, farmer’s fields, and conservation forests established by the Jewish National Fund.

Those of you who know me well

or who have had opportunity to talk about Israel with me know that I have remained a strong advocate for a two-state solution, despite the intransigency we’ve seen on all sides in recent years. I am also a strong advocate for being open to hearing and recognizing the partial truths in perspectives and positions that are not our own, and that includes those of the Palestinian people, who are no more uniform in their perspectives than Israelis and Jews are. And yet, reading about young Jews condemn-ing Israel and supporting the free-dom fight of Palestinians without an ounce of compassion or understand-ing for the needs of Israel and its security, or the pernicious intentions of Hamas to cause utter devastation to Israel if the opportunity presented

itself, is enor-mously painful.

It is in this context that our WAFTY leader-ship made me so proud. I believe in discussing all sides of these issues with our students facilitates their ability to draw their own conclusions. However, we have to educate our students and help them develop a relationship with Israel that is deep and can withstand the incomplete stories that show up on our media feeds, even as we question and challenge the leader-ship of Israel if we believe that it has contributed to the stuck place that Israel and the Palestinians seem to find themselves today.

I will be returning to Israel this August. It’ll be a time for family reunions and visits, and for some rest and relaxation; but it will also be a time to reconnect with those who continue to hold the vision for a better future and a different path forward, and to be reminded and inspired that there are still those on both sides of the conflict who truly seek peace. I’m grateful to WAFTY and to Kaila for reminding us all of our responsibility as part of the Jewish diaspora to remain in rela-tionship and connection with this vital part of the Jewish people.

Rabbi Rachel [email protected]

From the Rabbi – Israel in the headlines, Israel in our hearts

I’m grateful to WAFTY and to Kaila for reminding us all of our responsibility

as part of the Jewish diaspora to remain in relationship and

connection with this vital part of the Jewish people.

Page 4 Congregation B’nai Shalom

From Our Executive Director – Summertime…and the office is busy

With apologies for the awful Gershwin para-phrase, we’ve got lots to do

during the summer in anticipation of a wonderful 5779 and the 40th anniversary of Congregation B’nai Shalom.

You’ll hear more and more about plans for a series of commemora-tions soon, with lots of great events in the works. We also are working hard to get ready for the High Holy Days, the start of Religious School, and all the other parts and facets of temple life. Believe it or not, the Rabbis and Cantorial Soloists held their High Holy Day kickoff meeting in early June, and we met as a group with our Ritual Practices committee on June 19 to plan for this upcoming year. There are web pages to build, seating cards to print, chairs and flowers to order, and many more details to help make your High Holy Days meaningful.

I wanted also to take a few moments to thank you, our con-

gregants, for the way you have embraced and utilized our new Syn-agogue Management System. School registrations, membership renewals, donations, events, and the like are now all being run through Shul-Cloud, and every time we look at a process that used to take multiple steps to complete, it’s built into the new system. We’ll be working this summer to import more information into the system, so we will be able to better serve your needs. More enhancements are on the way. We are expecting to launch the Congre-gation B’nai Shalom App for iPhone and Android over the summer. Stay tuned.

If you have been to the building recently, you’ve noticed a lot of work going on in our courtyard. This is one of the projects we’ve undertaken as part of CBS40. I want to give a special thanks to Ellen Hornig, who’s been the driving force behind the project, spending hours on design details, and, along

with a team of intrepid volun-teers, cleaning out the old and planting the new. I’ll make sure to thank each and every member of the team publicly in the near future.

I am anticipating that the office will be open Monday to Friday, probably from around 9 am to around 3 pm or so (depending on staff vacations and availability) this summer. Outside those hours, it’s probably a good idea to give a call before heading over (especially if you’ve got a distance to go). As usual, if you have any questions or issues, don’t hesitate to reach out by phone, email, or in person.

Have a wonderful relaxing summer.

Steve WinerExecutive [email protected]

Thank you all who took the time to join one of our three conversa-tions about the role of the non-Jew in leadership at Congregation B’nai Shalom, and to those of you who reached out to the Board or clergy. In our formal and informal discus-sions, we were able to gather your thoughts. The Board spent signifi-cant time evaluating the inputs and discussing the role of all members of our congregation.

We have updated our policy to note that: Since we are a religious institution, certain leadership roles in our congregation are reserved for

those of the Jewish faith, namely chairing of the Ritual Committee and sitting on the Board of Direc-tors. The change made by the Board extends eligibility of committee chairs, who are nominated by the President and appointed by the Board, to any member of Congre-gation B’nai Shalom. The Board did not change the requirements for chair of the Ritual Committee and for members of the Board of Direc-tors, all of which are reserved for those of the Jewish faith.

We are lucky to have members who were born Jewish, members

who chose to convert to Judaism, and members of many faith and cultural backgrounds who have chosen to raise their families at Con-gregation B’nai Shalom. All of our members contribute their time and expertise to benefit our congrega-tion in so many ways and we thank our active group of volunteers and lay leaders.

Allison OrensteinImmediate [email protected]

Update On Our Conversations About Synagogue Leadership

July/August 2018 Page 5

Dear Congregation B’nai Shalom Community,

I hope everyone enjoyed the wonderful spring weather and is looking forward to the summer. Taking a look back at the winter, you will recall that the building sustained some damage during the incredi-ble cold spell that we experienced just after New Year’s Day. The good news, as most of you have likely seen, is that the walls have been put back together and painted, and the carpets have been cleaned. Overall, the interior of the building looks spruced up. Thankfully, the damage was confined to areas outside of the sanctuary where we have our beau-tiful wood paneling, Torahs, and other religious assets, sound system, prayer books, etc.

We are happy that the flooded areas are repaired and refreshed, but we also realize that we need to take a look at the condition of the building and some of our long-term maintenance needs. While the walls were still open, two of our Con-gregants, Lee Kaufman and Daniel

Mahr, reached out to us to offer their expertise, support, and time to ensure we were not just addressing the immediate repairs but also the infrastructure issues that caused the pipes to freeze and burst so that it does not happen again.

We are forming a building committee that will be led by Lee Kaufman. The goal of the committee is to: • Address the immediate building

needs to ensure we don’t have another January freeze incident or something similar.

• Implement proper maintenance plans for our HVAC, safety, and other systems in the building.

• Forecast and plan for building-re-lated expenses (e.g. what is the expected life of our AC systems?)

• Address energy efficiency to manage our costs.

If you are interested in volunteer-ing to work on the Building Com-mittee or if you have expertise that would be valuable, please reach out to me or Steve Winer and we can

connect you with Lee.

As many of you may know, the temple actu-ally comprises two buildings: the original building where the Social Hall and ground floor religious school are, and the new building that begins at the administrative offices and ends at the Sanctuary. They were constructed in 1987 and 1999 respec-tively. Neither has undergone any significant renovations since con-struction. We have recently formed some working groups to look at plans for the older spaces that range from face-lifts to full renovations. If you are interested in being a part of those discussions or related volun-teer opportunities, please let Steve or me know.

L’shalom, Rob [email protected]

From Our President – Building Working Group

Blasts from the Past #fortieth

May 1986 – First Groundbreaking November 1998 – Second Groundbreaking

Page 6 Congregation B’nai Shalom

From the Desk of Rabbi Eiduson

At Congregation B’nai Shalom Religious School, we are always seeking new and innovative ways to bring Jewish educational programming to our students. Our education programs, retreats, shul-ins, and seminars allow us to integrate Jewish values into hands-on learning opportunities. We are providing you with the dates for these experiences now so that you can mark your calendars for these important and exciting programs.

Sunday, September 23Religious School Opening Day 8:30 – 11:30 am

Brotherhood Welcome Back BBQ Begins at 11:30 am

Gesher (6th Grade Opening Program) Begins at 4:30 pm

Chai SchoolAll Chai School (Grades 7 – 12) families will receive email in September with Chai School Course Registration Information.

Retreats and Seminars6th Grade Gesher Student Retreat Friday, October 26 – Saturday, October 279th Grade NYC Seminar Friday, November 9 – Sunday, November 11Post-Confirmation Alabama Civil Rights Seminar Thursday, January 24 – Sunday, January 2710th Grade Washington, D.C. L’taken Seminar Friday, February 8 – Monday, February 11

Religious School and Program Dates

Rabbi Joe Eiduson will return in September after his sabbatical. If you need to schedule something with him, you can contact Lori at [email protected]. She can check his calendar and give you a preliminary answer as to whether a certain date and time might be or is not available, and she can tentatively schedule an available time and date to be confirmed when he returns in September.

Confirmation 2018/5778

Mazel Tov to our wonderful

Confirmation Class of 2018/5778

July/August 2018 Page 7

A Note From Our Out-Going WAFTY President

From Our Youth Educator – Summertime at Congregation B’nai Shalom

Summertime at Congrega-tion B’nai Shalom is so quiet. While I appreciate the change

of pace, I miss the students — teach-ing them in the classroom, chatting with them in the foyer, dining with them on Tuesday nights at Chai School, travelling with them on our education seminars, and hanging out with them at youth group programs.

On the bright side, the relaxed schedule will allow me to visit sev-eral Jewish overnight camps so I can

see our students while they are away at their summer homes. I look for-ward to connecting with all of them either in person or by sending them letters. If your children are away at camp for the first time, please let me know so I don’t miss them.

Also, it would be great if any college students who are home for the summer could stop by so we can catch up and I can hear how you are doing. I will happily treat you to a cup of coffee or an ice cream

(at Uhlmans of course).

At least I still have my Bar and Bat Mitzvah stu-dents whom I am tutoring, but I hope to see other students as well so it’s not too quiet this summer.

Wishing you all a relaxing summer.

Debbi [email protected]

Our senior youth group at Congregation B’nai Sha-lom, WAFTY, has had an

exciting spring. WAFTY hosted a successful shul-in sleepover event titled “WAFTY’s Amazing Race.” Youth groups from all across the NFTY–Northeast region were invited. NFTY–Northeast is the regional temple youth group orga-nization in which WAFTY takes part. Our shul-in promoted Jewish education and explored some of the more unexpected mitzvot. Also at

this event, teenagers made blankets to send to children in need. At the annual regional awards ceremony, the Merri’s, WAFTY took home the award for the best multi-temple youth group event for our shul-in.

After the awards ceremony, one of WAFTY’s programming Vice Presi-dents, Peter Raider, was sworn into the regional board as Correspond-ing Secretary. Peter was elected to this position earlier this spring at the NFTY Northeast Spring Con-clavette. Peter is WAFTY’s second

member to be elected to regional board in recent years. Emily Mil-namow, who served on board this past year, passed on her position as Programming Vice President at Peter’s installation.

We are so proud of everything that WAFTY has accomplished this year to engage the community and help its members to grow.

Emma SwanickOutgoing WAFTY Co-President

Engaging Learners:We are a community

committed to nurturing an active, Jewish environment that

engages, cultivates, and inspires learners

of all ages

Page 8 Congregation B’nai Shalom

Member Activities

Sisterhood Action

This summer we are continu-ing to play Mah Jongg at CBS each Tuesday morning from

11:15 am – 1:15 pm. Drop-in any Tues-day to learn, re-learn, or meet new players. Are you looking for new players for your regular Mah Jongg game? Contact Nancy Bosco for more information.

Keep in touch this summer. Just for fun, meet us at Panera in Westboro on Friday, July 27, and Friday, August 24, between 11:00 am and 1:00 pm. We’ll save a large table — drop by , enjoy lunch, and say hello.

Our Leadership Team is prepar-ing for the new year. Sisterhood meetings begin in October with our Opening Event. We will have speakers or dinners at each meeting. We are looking forward to a busy, exciting year.

Watch your email for updates from Sisterhood. If you are not sure if you are on the Sisterhood mailing list, send a note to Nancy Bosco with your email address.

Now is the time to join or renew your Sisterhood membership. Be a part of a group of energetic, friendly, and welcoming women of all ages.

We plan events which enhance the temple community, as well as educa-tional opportunities and community service programs. As we begin the new year, join us and find out what Sisterhood can offer you and what you have to offer Sisterhood.

Look for the Sisterhood mem-bership form on the temple website at

Have a wonderful summer!Nancy (Leveillee) BoscoSisterhood [email protected]

CBS Connections: New MembersHave you joined CBS in the last year? If so, I hope you have already had some opportunities to meet other CBS members, or already knew some before joining. CBS Connections is our invitation for all of our new members to get better con-nected with our CBS family. These gatherings will enable you to meet and connect with other new mem-bers like you, and to get to know our professional and lay leaders. It is also a wonderful opportunity for our leadership to get to know a little about you during a three-part series for all new members this fall.

In the next few weeks you will be getting an invitation with an RSVP, but please save these dates:

The three CBS Connections pro-grams are scheduled for:

• Sunday, October 14 (9 – 11 am) at B’nai Shalom

• Sunday, October 21 (9 – 11 am) at B’nai Shalom

• Saturday, November 3 (4– 6 pm) at Rabbi Gurevitz’s home in Westborough.

Each program has a different focus, so I hope you will be able to attend them all, but do join us,

even if you can only make some of them. We will provide childcare as long as you let us know by one week prior to the program that you are planning to attend. If you have questions about the program, please do not hesitate to email me ([email protected]) or call me (508)-366-7175.

I look forward to meeting you soon.

L’Shalom (with peace),Karen Rothman

Follow Rabbi Gurevitz’s blog “Raise it up” at

Visit our Facebook page (you don’t need an account) at

CBS Early Childhood Facebook Group (you must join) at

CBS Interfaith Family Group (you must join):

Watch our Shabbat and High Holy Days worship live stream

July/August 2018 Page 9

Brotherhood News

On June 24, several men from Brotherhood volunteered a few hours of their time to

set up and run a water and refueling stop at Congregation B’nai Sha-lom for the Tour de Shuls, an event sponsored by the New England Region of the Federation of Jewish Men’s Clubs. Bikers stopped along the way at various Massachusetts synagogues, with proceeds going to benefit the Tikva program at Camp Ramah in Palmer, MA. Since 1970, this program has provided for the social, religious, and educational needs of campers with a range of disabilities. Special thanks go to Brotherhood’s Rob Sternburg for taking the lead this year.

As we head into the quiet sum-mer months and allow our members to spend their relaxation/vacation time with their families, please mark these dates down in your calendar:

Wednesday, September 5:Brotherhood pizza event, time and place to be determined. We would

like to welcome back all of our new and returning Brotherhood mem-bers, hold elections for officers, and plan events for the coming year.

Sunday, September 23:Congregational/Religious School “Welcome Back” BBQ, sponsored and run by Brotherhood. We will need “all hands on deck” as we cook and serve hot dogs and hamburgers for several hundred new and return-ing students, teachers, and families.

As we embark on a new (fiscal) year, CBS Brotherhood extends an invitation for other men in the con-gregation who would enjoy making connections with other men in the community to join Brotherhood this year. Brotherhood is an active group of men of all ages; many are Jewish but non-Jewish partners/spouses are always welcome too. We get together for social events, educational events, and community service events. This past year, Broth-erhood sponsored the community

BBQ, assisted with parking during the High Holy Days, gathered to watch Patriots football, toured a local brewery, hosted a brisket cookoff event, enjoyed several bagel & lox breakfasts with some great educational speakers, and more. If this sounds appealing, please join at

From all of us at CBS Brother-hood, we wish you and your family a wonderful and relaxing summer.

Brotherhood Officers (2017 –2018)Jim Wilner, [email protected] Randall, Vice President,[email protected] Winter, Treasurer,[email protected] Whitman, Membership,[email protected]

Member Activities

Whether you want to chill in air-conditioned bliss or head outside

bright and early before the heat of the day, there is plenty to do this summer with your CBS friends, those you already know and those you’ll meet.

Our Walk and Hike group has been very active this year. New walkers are always welcome. We will be planning hikes about every other week this summer, weather permitting. Contact Phil Leavitt at [email protected].

Our Bridge group began with a bang last month with fourteen members showing up. We will be meeting regularly on Saturday nights at CBS. There’s always room for more. Contact Judy Deane at [email protected].

After last summer’s success, the Day Trips group hopes to repeat a Boston Harbor cruise. Have an idea and a date that works for you? Email Karen Rothman to let her know what you have in mind and she’ll do her best to publicize and get others psyched to join you.

Our Bike group, which rides on rail trails, has been on a cou-ple of rides this summer, with Pat Rosenthal in the lead. On the Milford-Sherborn ride last month, riders made a quick side trip to learn about the history of the famous poem, Casey at the Bat.

Want to be take part? Sign up for groups you are interested in at, and help choose the dates and places we’ll go!

Karen Rothman [email protected]

Summertime is Membership Fun time at CBS

Page 10 Congregation B’nai Shalom

Member Activities

Northborough Meals

Next Meal on August 22

The Northborough Community Meal Pro-gram continues to be a wonderful mitzvah activ-ity for families as well as other congregants. We’re

part of the Northborough Interfaith Association. Con-gregation B’nai Shalom, along with other churches and civic organizations, participates. A meal is served every Wednesday night at Trinity Church in Northborough. CBS volunteers six to seven times a year. The program provides nourishment and socialization for forty to eighty people. In addition to preparing a delicious meal with a wide variety of dishes, we provide music. Many guests sing along. It is quite festive.

Our next meal is on Wednesday, August 22. Please contact Phyllis and Tony Simas at

[email protected] or [email protected] if you are interested in joining us. Thank you.

Bobbi and Joel Feinblatt

Calling All Singers! High Holy Day Choir Rehearsals

in August, and September

If you enjoy singing, please consider joining the High Holy Day choir. Singing in the choir is a wonderful activity

that will enrich your High Holy Day experience and deepen your friend-ships within the congregation. We work hard, build a close-knit commu-nity, and have a great time.

There were rehearsals in June. The August and September rehearsals are on Thursday, August 23; Sunday, August 26; Thurs-day, August 30; Thursday, September 6; Thursday, September 13; Sunday, September 16. All rehearsals are from 7:00 – 9:00 pm.

The choir sings the 11:15 am service on Rosh Hasha-nah Day I and on Yom Kippur. Please email me at [email protected] to join or inquire. We would love to have you.

Cantorial Soloist Lisa Marcus Jones

CBS CaresCBS Cares is here to help out our con-gregants in times of need, offering rides, helping those sitting shiva, and making visits to the sick. If you would like to learn more about CBS Cares or perhaps become more involved in this most worthwhile committee, or, if you know of someone who is in need of help, please contact Anita Backer at [email protected] or the office.

High Holy Days and BeyondSeptember 1 SelichotSeptember 9 Erev Rosh HashanaSeptember 10 Rosh Hashana 5779September 11 Rosh Hashana IISeptember 18 Erev Yom KippurSeptember 19 Yom KippurSeptember 23 Erev SukkotSeptember 24 SukkotSeptember 30 Erev Simchat Torah

Watch for High Holy Days Information in late August

July/August 2018 Page 11

Member Activities

B’nai Shalom Book Group for July and AugustOn Monday, July 9, please join us to discuss Jewish Comedy: A Serious History by Columbia Professor Jer-emy Dauber. Organized by conti-nents and centuries, the book traces the origins of Jewish comedy and its development from biblical times to the age of Twitter, enabling us to see how comedy mirrors the course of Jewish history. As well as history, the book contains many illuminating stories, fables, and outright jokes that serve as examples for discus-sion. Be sure to pick out a few that “sing” to you.

On Thursday, August 23, we will discuss The Orchard by Israeli biblical scholar Yochi Brandes, pub-lished in 2011 and recently translated to English in the style of contempo-rary historical fiction. The Orchard is the story of Rabbi Akiva and other Judeo-Christian sages during the first and second centuries. The novel depicts the beginnings of

modern Judaism and Christianity and the historical circumstances and tumultuous disputes that accom-panied their births. At the heart of the book is Rabbi Akiva and his complicated relationship with his wife, Rachel, who met him when he was a forty-year-old illiterate shepherd, married him against her father’s wishes, and compelled him to study the Torah until he became Israel’s greatest sage. Rabbi Akiva, his beloved wife Rachel, and heroes of that generation become flesh and blood in this stunning inter-weaving of biblical and Talmudic lore. Yochi Brandes is one of the top authors in Israel (excerpted from Rabbi Rachel Gurevitz or Rabbi Suri Krieger will join us to co-lead the meeting.

On Monday, October 15, we will discuss The Immortalists by Chloe Benjamin. The novel asks us to con-sider, “If you were told the date of

your death, how would it shape your present?” The opening scene is 1969 in NYC’s Lower East Side. Word has spread of the arrival of a traveling psychic who claims to be able to tell anyone the day they will die. The four teenage Gold children visit the psychic. The story traces each child’s life over the next fifty years. The Immortalists probes the blurred lines between destiny and choice, real-ity and illusion, this world and the next. It’s a testament to the power of mysticism, the nature of belief, and the pull of family bonds. Following our Yom Kippur introspection, the book should inspire a moving and stimulating discussion.

Meetings are held at B’nai Shalom at 7 pm. All B’nai Shalom members are welcome. For more information, please contact Barbara Barry at [email protected].

I’m in a Summer Shabbes State of MindWe are changing things up a bit for Friday night Shabbat at Congregation B’nai Shalom in July and August. The goal is to take advantage of the longer days and the less hectic pace of life that many of us experience in the summer. We seek to provide opportunities for community connection, so the format for our summer Shabbat services will offer some different ways to do that. Services will begin at 6:45 pm. There will be a pre-service Oneg with light snacks, wine, and soft drinks at 6:30 pm — a great way for those coming straight from work to get some sustenance! The service will run no longer than one hour. After services, members are encouraged to have dinner together. This might be arranged spontaneously, or you might choose to reach out to invite people to dine with you in advance. Additionally, we have some special opportunities lined up during the summer, and will send out RSVP emails for these events in late June and early July.

Want to host a Shabbat social? It can be as simple as being the point person for a restaurant reservation, or a pot-luck or catered dinner at your home. Dates still available: July 6, July 27, August 10, 17, 31. Please contact Rabbi Gurevitz to learn more or offer to be the contact person for a Shabbat Social.

Get in a Summer Shabbes State of Mind with Congregation B’nai Shalom.

Page 12 Congregation B’nai Shalom

The Young Adult Division (YAD) of the

Jewish Federation of Central Mass

To see events, visit and

For more information, contact Mindy Hall, JFCM Director of Outreach, [email protected].

Love To Sing? Give Shir Joy A Try!Shir Joy is a non-auditioned, adult, trans-denomi-national Jewish Chorus in Central Massachusets that practices on Sunday nights at B’nai Shalom. We sing

songs of various musical genres from Baroque to contemporary, and perform several concerts yearly. Rehearsals are fun! Our season begins with a pot-luck din-ner on Monday, October 8, with open rehearsals on October 8 and October 14. Members do not

need to be Jewish or belong to a religious institution to partic-ipate in Shir Joy. Singers of all levels are welcome. Interested in learning more? Contact us at [email protected].

JULY1 NaomiBotkin2 ThomasBleier2 JenniferSmith2 WendyStone3 StevenDaunais3 TimothyLippold3 DanielKnox4 LynneFox4 JenniferYarrow5 WilliamLopatin6 PaulDrotch6 AmyRosenfield6 BruceTannenbaum6 AmySunray6 JasonFromer6 PamelaPenna8 BarbaraFoster8 LisaMair8 PeterSutton8 RitaChad9 RichardGelfand11 CindyGordon11 FrancesTaylor12 LisaSigel13 AndrewFeldman13 RachelGurevitz13 PaulDeBruyn13 LeahNassar13 DavidGreenstein14 NelsonLipshutz

14 DaveFuller15 NealLipsitz16 EdwardLubitz16 MarkIsrael16 MarcyLippold16 PeterMecenas17 IvanMoore18 LevGerlovin18 HeatherMorgan18 JonathanHoffman20 SherylSchongold20 MitchellGordon21 RichardArmstrong21 MarjorySelig21 BarbaraAdams23 JenniferEhrlich23 SueGordon23 AlyssaCleveland24 MarilynCusher24 AndrewHarmon24 StevenKoss31 MatthewDempsey31 KarenAppelstein31 DougKasper

AUGUST1 JamesBruce1 SaulWilk2 MichaelCohn2 BrettMcCoy3 BrianLasoff

4 AdeleHaber4 GregoryTaylor4 ElizabethTannenbaum4 JenniferConnors5 MichaelDrues5 NeilFeldman5 JoelleOrloff6 CaitlinNewton6 MarkMilnamow6 LarrySamberg6 DeborahDreyfus7 KennethSchongold7 ChristineGolden7 AlissaSchimmel9 NeilFeldman11 DavidKanter12 EnidFeingold12 RobertBreeze12 LaurenRandall13 JohnMoore15 MichaelCooper16 DebraCushman16 AnitaBreeze16 StefanCressotti16 StuartMiniman18 HeleneDemmer18 JeffreyBosco18 RobertWidman19 MichaelHyde19 WendyHyatt19 DianeDiamond

19 GordonManning19 JoshuaGordon19 BreeShaw20 SamSkraly20 AnnaMunro20 MichaelPfeiffer20 AndrewBranz20 SusanHojlo21 DavidJohnson21 KevinGerber21 LoisParker22 BenjaminLieberman22 MerlePortnoy23 StevenSchimmel24 LaurenEpstein24 MichelleAxelrod25 AnitaBacker25 EricSchoenfeld25 CarolynCarpenter27 JoannePollack27 CarenSwerdlick28 CharlesNelson29 MelissaAugust30 MichaelBacker30 RebeccaJohnson30 ShannonMcDonald31 DanielGarland

July and August Birthdays


July/August 2018 Page 13

Eli David Shaw will be called to the Torah as a Bar Mitzvah on August 25, 2018. He is the son of Bree and Andrew Shaw, and has a brother, Alex (10), and sister, Darci (7). Eli lives in Shrewsbury and will attend Sherwood Middle School as a 7th grade student in the fall. His favorite subject in school is Social Studies. Eli’s favorite sport is baseball and he plays on the Shrewsbury Little League Majors Team. He loves to ski and is a part of the school Ski Club, and he also enjoys playing football with his friends.

B’nai Shalom Oneg SponsorsCelebrate s’machot (happy events) and

remembrances with your temple family by sponsoring an oneg. Please contact Ruth Lubitz at

[email protected].

August 24 Bree and Andrew Shaw in honor of their son, Eli, being called to the Torah as a Bar Mitzvah.

Our B’nai Mitzvah

Todah Rabbah and Mazal Tov

Mazal Tov to our Graduates*High SchoolAndrew AlperWorcester AcademyBrown UniversityAndrew plans to study Political Science and Music

Hannah SwanickGrafton High SchoolWestfield State UniversityNursing

*Additions this month. See the June Bulletin for other graduate information.

Higher EducationShelby AbramsAmerican International CollegeMasters in Education – Moderate Learning DisabilitiesCurrently working in the Shrewsbury School System

Scott AbramsUniversity of RochesterBA – Major in English/Psychology – Minor in MusicMagna Cum Laude/ Phi Betta KappaCurrently in Kenya teaching and sharing music with

children in schools and orphanagesWill be working for Epic Systems in Madison, Wisconsin

in the fall

Todah rabbah to our oneg hosts, oneg captains, and ushers since the last issue:Hosts: Marilyn Cusher, Keren Diamond, Evelyn Kravitz, Diane Diamond and Peter Mecenas, Wendy and Mitchell Diamond, Phyllis and Harvey Douglas, Sharon Minsky-Drues and Michael Drues, Deborah Dreyfus and Jason Kurland, Micali Morin, Norma and Stephen Sadow, Hannah Swanick, WAFTY.Captains: Heidi Swanick, Anita Backer, Judy Palken, Debbi Morin.Ushers: Allison Orenstein, Robin Baer, Simon David, Karen Rothman.

Please send announcements and news to Eileen Samberg at [email protected]

Mazal tov to Nancy and Jeff Lonstein on the birth of their granddaughter, Ava Arora Lonstein, daughter of Eric and Sarah Lonstein.

Mazal tov to Barbara Tabak and David Damiano on the marriage of their daughter Sarah to Daniel Miranda on June 16.

Mazal tov to Joanne and Bill Pollack on the marriage of their daughter Jessica to Aaron Hitchcock on June 2.

Mazal tov to Susan and Mark Gorden on the engagement of their son Robert Eric to Alana Geboff.

Page 14 Congregation B’nai Shalom

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Cosmetic, Implant and Family Dentistry

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Award Honored Realtor

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Robbi RubensteinProud member and sponsor since 1994! Award Honored RealtorSRES, CBR, Marketing & Negotiation SpecialistHall of Fame, Buyers & Sellers Representation

July/August 2018 Page 15

Trusts and Estates LawMarvin S. Silver, Esquire

2017 Trusts & Estates “Lawyer of the Year” Best Lawyers in America, Worcester County, MA

45 Lyman Street, Suite 15Westborough, MA 01581

[email protected]

Christopher ◆ hays

WojCik & MavriCos

Our Sponsors

42 Magill Dr., Grafton, MA 01519 •

Mazel TovHighfields Golf & Country Club would like to extend our sincere appreciation to our past families who have given us the honor of hosting their event at our Coun-try Club. We look forward to meeting our new families from the congregation and hope you, too, will share the same amazing experience at Highfields. Please contact AnnMarie in our Sales Department at (508)839-1945 ext. 222 to book your upcoming event.

Have you been wanting to learn about:• Your digestive system, toxins, cleansing?• How to achieve your ideal weight?• Reducing or eliminating food cravings?• Strengthening your immune systemContact me for a FREE consulation.

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Joan H. Bress, LICSW, CEP

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12 Southwood Road / Worcester, MA 01609Phone / Fax: (508) 757-8920

E-mail: [email protected]

College Resource

AssociatesYour sponsorship here!

Contact Eileen Samberg at [email protected]

Page 16 Congregation B’nai Shalom

Our Sponsors


The only Jewish Family Owned Funeral Home Serving MetroWest

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Richard PerlmanServing the Jewish communities of Worcester and Worcester County

Is now affiliated withMiles Funeral Directors

of Holden508.829.4434 800.983.4434

Taharah (religious preparation) is performed on-site by the Worcester Chevra Kadisha

Richard S. Mansfield,Funeral Director

*Lic. – Type 6

July/August 2018 Page 17

July 2018Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

Tammuz Av/

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

8 9 10 11 12 13 14

15 16 17 18 19 20 21

22 23 24 25 26 27 28

1115a Drop-In MahJongg

Independence Day 630p Pre-service lightOneg645p Shabbat RishonFamily Service

800a Torah & Tefilah

700p CBS Book Group 1115a Drop-In MahJongg

730p Social ActionCmte

630p Pre-service lightOneg645p Simply Shabbat745p Sushi Shabbat atRabbi's home -Members-only

800a Torah & Tefilah

1115a Drop-In MahJongg

730p Executive CmteMtg

630p Pre-service lightOneg645p Torah Shabbat745p Chai ClubShabbat Dinner

Erev Tisha B'Av800a Torah & Tefilah

Tisha B'Av 1115a Drop-In MahJongg

730p Board ofDirector's Mtg

Tu B'Av630p Pre-service lightOneg645p Ritual LabShabbat

800a Torah & Tefilah

29 30 311200n Rabbi Gurevitz'Congregational BBQ

1115a Drop-In MahJongg

אב /תמוז

August 2018Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

Av Elul/

1 2 3 4

5 6 7 8 9 10 11

12 13 14 15 16 17 18

19 20 21 22 23 24 25

500p Family ShabbatPicnic at Haskell Fields,Westborough645p Kabbalat Shabbatat Haskell Fields,Westborough

800a Torah & Tefilah

1115a Drop-In MahJongg

730p Social ActionCmte

630p Pre-service lightOneg645p Simply Shabbat

800a Torah & Tefilah

1115a Drop-In MahJongg

730p Executive CmteMtg

630p Pre-service lightOneg645p Torah Shabbat

800a Torah & Tefilah

1115a Drop-In MahJongg

NFTY-NE SummerInstitute500p NorthboroughMeals730p Board of

NFTY-NE SummerInstitute700p High Holy DayChoir Rehearsal700p CBS Book Group

NFTY-NE SummerInstitute645p Simply Shabbat745p Post-servicedessert Oneg

NFTY-NE SummerInstitute800a Torah & Tefilah1015a ShabbatMorning Service With

26 27 28 29 30 31NFTY-NE SummerInstitute700p High Holy DayChoir Rehearsal

1115a Drop-In MahJongg

700p High Holy DayChoir Rehearsal

אלול /אב

630p Pre-service lightOneg645p Ritual LabShabbat

Page 18 Congregation B’nai Shalom

General Fund WilliamLopatininmemoryofGertrudeGetmanWilliamLopatininmemoryofIrvingLopatinWilliamLopatininmemoryofHannahLopatinEileenandLarrySamberginhonorofthebirthofAvaAroraLonstein

BruceandRickeyLopatinHigh Holy Day Appeal 5779 GordonManningandKarenRothmanJennifer Lee Levine Fund AriDrotchLandscape Improvement Fund EileenandLarrySamberginmemoryofFrancesMortimerMeltzer Summer Camp Fund GaryGoldbergStop&ShopA+BonusBucksMusic Fund.ElaineSolomonthankingSharonGoldsteinforworkingdili-gentlywithmetomakemyAdultBatMitzvahsomeaningful.Ittrulywasoneofthemostspecial&importantdaysofmylife.

Prayer Book & Ritual Fund AndrewandBreeShawRabbi Debra R Hachen Caring Fund DebraHachenandPeterWeinrobeinmemoryofRabbiDavidHachen

Rabbi Educator Discretionary Fund HeidiandPatrickSwanickontheoccasionofRosieEidusonearningherMastersDegreeinPublicHealthfromBU

Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund LeonardandSandraTillmaninhonorofJoelFeinblatt’sspecialbirthday




Youth Fund JaimeandEricSheifferinhonoroftheBatMitzvahofRachelPowell

Pleasesenddonationsto: Attn: DonationsCongregation B’nai ShalomPO Box 1019, Westborough, MA 01581-6019In order for an acknowledgement to be sent, the donation must

be at least $10, and must include the name of the fund, the name and address of the person(s) to whom the acknowledge-ment is to be sent, and your name and address.

You can also donate at

Abby Brown EducationUsed for special school projects and materials such as films and records, speakers and field trips.

Adult EducationUsed for Adult Education Programs and Leadership Training Programs.

ArtUsed to purchase and display artwork to beautify the synagogue.

Building Improvement Fund Used for special projects on the interior of the Congregation B’nai Shalom building including maintenance, repairs, security, and furniture.

Early ChildhoodUsed for Early Childhood programming.

GeneralUsed to support the congregation’s current budget.

High Holy DayUsed to arrange our High Holy Day Services.

Jennifer Lee Levine Youth Supports cultural and educational programs to benefit out preteen and teen members.

Joel I. SilversteinUsed to refurbish the temple kitchen.

Landscape Improvement

LibraryUsed to purchase books for children and adults for our circulating library.

Lisa Elaine Feingold MemorialUsed for the annual children’s Hanukkah celebration and for media or cultural projects to benefit our Pre-K to Grade 1 students.

MusicUsed to augment the congregation’s musical programs.


The congregation extends its condolences to the following families on the deaths of their loved ones.

• Errol Mortimer and Mindy Hall and their children on the death of Errol’s mother, Frances Mortimer •

Zichronam Livracha, may their memories be a blessing.

זכרונם לברכה

July/August 2018 Page 19

Prayer Book and RitualUsed to purchase items needed in the sanctuary, religious observerance, and copies of our High Holiday prayerbook and our regular prayerbook, Mishkan T’filah. A donation of $36 for Mishkah T’filah is acknowledged with a bookplate on the inside cover of the prayerbook.

Rabbi Debra R. Hachen CaringUsed to offer emergency assistance to congregants in times of need.

Rabbi’s DiscretionaryUsed by the rabbi for Tzedakah (charity) and special projects.

Rabbi-Educator’s DiscretionaryUsed by the rabbi-educator for Tzedakah and special projects.

Social ActionUsed for social action and mitzvah programs, including “Mitzvah Day”, educational activities and speakers, and to assist worthy non-profit causes selected by the Social Action Committee.

Steve Meltzer Memorial Summer Camp ScholarshipUsed to defray some of the costs of attending summer programs offered by nonprofit Jewish organizations. Qualifying programs include Jewish overnight nonprofit summer camps and other programs for students sponsored by nonprofit Jewish organizations.

CBS Cares • Yad b’YadUsed by the CBS Cares committee to prepare and deliver meals to congregants who are ill or caring for a family member; making friendly visits to congregants with various needs; sending cards etc.

YouthUsed to further the work of all of our youth groups, and provide subsidies for retreats, conclaves, and conferences.

6 July, 2018 24 Tammuz, 5778RoseKatzBacker*HeleneBogatyHermanBronfenBerthaDermanEmanuelDreisiger*JeanFriedlandLilllianGordonHerbertIsen*


13 July 2 AvJanetteCimetRuthCohenDavidCottonHannahDorisDaneIrmaDeBruynMaeDefrinSolomonFriedlandAbrahamGoldbergEstelleJaffee


20 July 9 AvHelenBruenIonButnaru*BarryBuxbaumZeldaCottonFlorenceZDroozFelixPhil””HaasStephenHallBernardHowardNorbertL.Kurzman


27 July 16 AvLoisBlackSamuelCukell*EdithDanbergHeleneDreyerEdwardFinsteinAnnGildaHelenGlueckDavidGoldenRoseGoodmanCharlesHurwitz*SydellIsraelJenniferJaffeeEttaKliegerSelmaKranMorrisLevineBenLevineJeffreyOliverHildaOrlowShirleyRubin*JeanM.SilverBenjaminSilversteinRachelSimon


3 August 23 AvDoraBenderMichelleCohen*GoldyneCohen*LillianCovin*SelmaGattermanIrvingHirshonDianaLevenson*RuthLevine


10 August 30 AvLeslieI.BoffAlexanderCarlen*JosephAbrahamDunnJuliusFreedmanAnneGinsburgMaxHandler*MartinJ.Heims*JoanHertz*


17 Aug 7 ElulBeatriceAdamsHymanM.BrodskyLeoBrown*LouisCramerSylviaDiamond*HarryGinsburgJuliusKohnJudiKozek-WeissSophiaMedvin


24 Aug 14 ElulNathanEhrlich*PhyllisGlassmanHaroldLGordonWalterHertz*LucilleMachkovichPoulNielsen*SamuelPinchanskiBarneyPulda


31 Aug 21 ElulSamanthaRoseBaer*BenjaminCutter*RudyDubin*MelvinBernardDunnRonaldGoldbergRitaGottliebMorrisHodosDavidKaufman*MordecaiAryehLevowRalphLoftusGertrudePecarskyCharlesRandallEttisRaphael


Yahrzeits and Condolences

* Yahrzeit Plaque


Kabbalat Shabbat July and August ............................................... 1Rabbi Gurevitz’s Annual BBQ July 29......................................... 1Selichot: Saturday, September 1, 7 pm ........................................ 1Update On Synagogue Leadership .............................................. 4A Note From Our Out-Going WAFTY President .................... 7Sisterhood Action ............................................................................ 8CBS Connections: New Members ............................................... 8Summertime is Membership Fun Time at CBS! ...................... 9Brotherhood News .......................................................................... 9Northborough Meals: Next Meal on August 22 ..................... 10CBS Cares ....................................................................................... 10High Holy Day Choir Rehearsals ............................................... 10I’m in a Summer Shabbes State of Mind ................................... 11B’nai Shalom Book Group for July and August ....................... 11Love To Sing? Give Shir Joy A Try! ........................................... 12

Congregation B’nai Shalom Bulletin


PAIDWestborough, MA

Permit No. 93

117 East Main Street PO Box 1019 Westborough MA 01581-6019

Member of the Union for Reform Judaism

Congregation B’nai Shalom

The Congregation B’nai Shalom Bulletin is published 12 times a year (11 monthly issues and a High Holy Days Supplement) by Congregation B’nai Shalom, PO Box 1019, 117 East Main Street, Westborough, MA 01581-6019.

All content is the responsibility of Congregation B’nai Shalom. Comments and submissions should be e-mailed to [email protected]. The deadline is the 10th of the month.

Copyright © 2018, Congregation B’nai Shalom, Westborough, MA All Rights Reserved



Worship Schedule ............................................................................ 2From the Rabbi ................................................................................ 3From Our Executive Director ....................................................... 4From Our President ........................................................................ 5From the Desk of Rabbi Eiduson ................................................ 6Religious School and Program Dates .......................................... 6From Our Youth Educator ............................................................. 7Member Activities .................................................................... 8–11Our B’nai Mitzvah ......................................................................... 13Todah Rabbah and Mazal Tov .................................................... 13Our Sponsors ...........................................................................14–16Donations ........................................................................................ 18Yahrzeits and Condolences.......................................................... 19

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