
Confessions of a Shopaholic -Sophie Kinsella-


SummaryRebecca Bloomwood is the personification of the expression "living beyond ones means."Rebecca works for a financial company: Successful Savings, writing articles for the monthly financial newsletter. She hates this job, but at least she gets paid. Becky also has a lot of debt. She has too many credit cards and all of them are over their limits.Hounded by debt and being incapable of controlling her urge to purchase , Becky invents excuse after excuse and scheme after scheme for not paying up; anything, from glandular fever to broken legs or defending herself from imaginary stalkers; she just sends amusing letters to the only real stalkers in her life , that is VISA and the bank.At one point she becomes so desperate that she decides the lottery is the answer to all her problems. Or I Could win the lottery. The lottery is by far the best solution. That would do. I could pay off all my debts, buy a car, buy a flat So , she already pictures herself spending the money that she didnt even have. For a moment I feel faint. What will I do with 10 million? Where will I start? When the lottery doesnt turn out well, she takes her dads suggestion: frugality. says dad.

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