Page 2: Conference of European Statisticians 59 th Plenary Session Session organizer: Ms. Shaida Badiee, World Bank Session II: The management challenges of SDMX



• 14:30 – 14:50– Introduction to session– Introducing the papers

• 14:50 – 15:05– Norway presentation and response to questions

• 15:05 – 15:20 – Russia presentation and response to questions

• 15:20 – 16:10– Brief statements on supporting papers & general discussion

• 16:10 – 16:30– Coffee

• 16:30 – 16:35– Summary of session 2 by chair

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Introduction to Session 2

• Session 2 discusses management challenges on SDMX implementation, from a NSI perspective– SDMX is an initiative started by international organizations, how will it

meet the needs of NSI’s

– How can needs of national and international statistical organizations be reconciled

– How to ensure technical interoperability to help automate and improve efficiencies

– Senior management buy in

– How to safeguard investments already made

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Introduction to Session 2

• To address some of these challenges, Norway and Russia were invited to share their thoughts.

• There are additional support papers from– Switzerland– The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia– Germany– Israel – Italy– Kyrgyz Republic– ECB– IMF / World Bank

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SDMX Progress Report

• Technical Standards are now mature• Content Standards have been firmed up• Various implementation tools available• Global working groups formed• Global Data Structure Definition(DSD) being defined• Work on Registry started• Many organizations have benefitted using SDMX

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Future Plans/Vision

• Sponsors to fully adopt SDMX for data & metadata exchange• Create around 20 global DSD’s in a number of flagship domains • Develop a global registry to host the DSD’s• Help constituencies to adopt SDMX• More and regular training on SDMX• More IT Tools and Learn by doing exercises

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Norway Paper

Key statements

• NSl‘s are currently reshaping their business processes• At the same time, they are facing

– budget cuts, intensified competition, consequences of globalization and requests for reduced response burden.

• These challenges, should be met by the community • Increased adoption of SDMX is one of the important efforts to

improve the business of the statistics community. • Avoid counter productive solutions

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Question 1

You mention in your paper that NSI’s no longer control production of statistics and instead they rely on several sources over the internet. What are the challenges faced by your organization in reconciling these data into a meaningful data set. If these data were available in SDMX format would it make your task easier and how?

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Question 2

In your conclusion you have mentioned SDMX standards are driven by the seven sponsor organizations. The sponsors have now formed two global working groups to work on the SDMX technical and content standards with involvement from NSI and Central Bank’s. In addition to this, what else should the sponsors do to involve the NSI’s and Central Banks?

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Russian Paper

Key statements• A single interagency information-statistical system “UniSIS” has

been developed – to exchange data between ROSSTAT and other 63 ministries and agencies

who collect data and produce statistical information

• Russia is also creating an information statistical system on international statistics (ISMS)– which will allow compliance with international organizations request for

Russian data and – maintain a database of information for the rest of the world to allow

meaningful international comparisons

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Support Papers

• SDMX: strategic and operational challenges for a national implementation (Switzerland)

• SDMX in statistics, complexity, costs and benefits (The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia)

• Integrating SDMX into existing processes and IT systems at Destatis (Germany)

• The management challenges of SDMX implementation: Israeli Central Bureau of Statistics as a case study

• The use of SDMX in ISTAT• The experience of the European Central Bank with SDMX

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General Discussion

The management challenges of SDMX implementation

– Don’t know what SDMX is, or the benefits– No senior management buy in– No resources (funding)– Not enough personnel with SDMX knowledge– Not enough training or learning material– Not sure on what tools to use– Using a different standard for data collection & dissemination

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