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Chinese Teaching in the Western WorldConference & Workshop

26-27 June 2015, University of Bath, UK

Adapting to the needs of international learners满足世界汉语学习者的需求

Page 2: Conference & Workshop


2015年6月26 日–6月27日

Adapting to the needs of international learners

26-27 June 2015, University of Bath, UK

Programme 会议日程

Friday 26 June: Conference 6月26日(星期五)大会:

09.30 – 10.00 Registration, Coffee/Tea and Exhibition 09.30 – 10.00 签到,期间提供咖啡/茶和产品展示

10.00 – 10.10 Introductions and Welcome Professor Peter Lambert, University of Bath (E)

10.00 – 10.10 大会介绍,致欢迎辞 巴斯大学 Peter Lambert教授 (E)

10.10 – 11.10 Opening Plenary : Reflections on Different Learning Styles and the Teaching of Mandarin Dan Li-Dunford, University of Bath (E)

10.10 – 11.10 主会场发言: 汉语的不同学习方式及其教学 巴斯大学 Dan Li-Dunford (E)

11.10 –11.30 Coffee/Tea Break, Exhibition 11.10 –11.30 茶歇,产品展示

11.30 – 12.10 Concurrent Sessions: 1 | 2 The Role of Translation in CLT Dr. Song Lianyi, SOAS (C) Interactive Computer Marked Assignments (iCMAs) Project, OU Dr. Kan Qian, Open University (E)

11.30 – 12.10 分会场:1 | 2 翻译在汉语教学中的作用 伦敦大学亚非学院 宋连谊博士 (C) 初级外语学生对形成性测试互动电脑评分作业感觉到的收获 开放大学 阚茜博士 (E)

12.15 – 12.55 Concurrent Sessions: 3 | 4 Teaching Chinese for Professional Purposes: Plan and Practice Dr. Zhu Zhu, University of Edinburgh (C) Comparing Teaching Approaches in China, Taiwan and the UK: A Student’s Perspective Nicola Dean, Newcastle University (E)

12.15 – 12.55 分会场:3 | 4 职业用途中文教学:计划与实施 爱丁堡大学 朱珠博士 (C) 从学生视角比较中国大陆、台湾和英国的教学方法 纽卡斯尔大学 Nicola Dean (E)

13.00 – 14.00 Lunch, Exhibition 13.00 – 14.00 午餐,产品展示

14.00 – 14.40 Concurrent Sessions: 5 | 6 Increasing Inclusivity in the Teaching and Learning of Chinese Dr. Wendy Che, Oxford University | Oxford Brookes University (C) Using Blended Learning to Prepare Students for Study-abroad in China Dr. Lan Lo and Dr. Neil Hughes, University of Nottingham (E)

14.00 – 14.40 分会场:5 | 6 增加汉语教学的包容性 牛津大学|牛津布鲁克斯大学 车文兵博士(C) 混合式学习法为留学中国铺路 诺丁汉大学 郭岚博士,Neil Hughes博士 (E)

14.45 – 15.25 Concurrent Sessions: 7 | 8 Applying Cognitive Linguistics in the Teaching of Chinese as a Second Language Huang Dian, University of Westminster (C) Fun, Mayhem and Task-based Learning in the Pursuit of Promoting Languages Andrew Grenfell, Newcastle University (E)

14.45 – 15.25 分会场:7 | 8 运用认识语言学促进中文作为第二语言的教学 威斯敏斯特大学 黄甸 (C) 在既有趣又混乱的任务式学习过程中促进语言技能发展 纽卡斯尔大学 Andrew Grenfell (E)

15.25 – 15.45 Coffee/Tea Break, Exhibition 15.25 – 15.45 茶歇,产品展示

15.45 – 17.00 Closing Plenary: The Pig Under the Roof Simon Greenall OBE, Writer, Editor, Advisor, Macmillan Education (E) Closing Remarks, Alison Castle, Macmillan Education and Andrew Grenfell, AULC (E)

15.45 – 17.00 闭幕发言:“屋檐”下的“猪” 麦克米伦教育作者,主编,顾问 Simon Greenall OBE (E) 总结 麦克米伦教育 Alison Castle (E) 纽卡斯尔大学, AULC Andrew Grenfell (E)

17.00 – 17.30 Exhibition 17.00 – 17.30 产品展示

18.30 – 20.30 Conference Dinner Wessex Restaurant (optional)

18.30 – 20.30 晚宴 威塞克斯饭店(可选)

Key: (C) – indicates session in Chinese

(E) – indicates session in English

注: (C) : 表示演讲内容为中文

(E) : 表示演讲内容为英文

Page 3: Conference & Workshop

Chinese Teaching in the Western WorldConference & Workshop


09.15 – 9.45 签到,期间提供咖啡/茶

09.45 – 11.00 第1场:中文入门课:如何从零开始? 爱丁堡大学 朱珠博士 (C)

11.00 – 11.15 茶歇

11.15 – 12.30 第2场:口语教学 奥克兰学校 Helen Day (E)

12.30 – 13.15 午餐

13.15 – 14.30 第3场:以创造性的方法向英语母语人士教授发音 褐瑞瓦特大学 吴砚梅(C)

14.30 – 14.45 茶歇

14.45 – 16.00 场次4:听力教学 自由培训师 Dede Wilson (E)

16.00 – 16.15 闭幕致辞及《走遍中国》教学资源介绍 麦克米伦教育出版集团 Alison Castle (E )

Saturday 27 June: Workshop

09.15 – 9.45 Registration, Coffee/Tea

09.45 – 11.00 Session 1: First Lessons With Absolute Beginners: How To Start From Zero Dr. Zhu Zhu, University of Edinburgh (C)

11.00 – 11.15 Coffee/Tea Break

11.15 – 12.30 Session 2: Teaching Speaking Helen Day, Oaklands School and Freelance Trainer (E)

12.30 – 13.15 Lunch

13.15 – 14.30 Session 3: Teaching Mandarin Tones: An Innovative Approach Wu Yanmei, Herriot Watt University (C)

14.30 – 14.45 Coffee/Tea Break

14.45 – 16.00 Session 4: Teaching Listening Dede Wilson, Freelance Trainer (E)

16.00 – 16.15 Closing Remarks and Discover China Resources Alison Castle, Macmillan Education

The organisers would like to thank the following companies for their generous support of the Chinese Teaching in the Western World Conference and Workshop.

我 们 由 衷 感 谢 以 下 公 司 对 本 次 “ 西 方国 家 的 汉 语 教 学 ” 研 讨 会 的 大 力 支 持


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2015年6月26 日–6月27日

Adapting to the needs of international learners

26-27 June 2015, University of Bath, UK

Summaries 摘要Friday 26 June 6月26日(星期五):

Opening Plenary: Reflections on Different Learning Styles and the Teaching of Mandarin Dan Li-Dunford, University of Bath (E)

Summary: “Learning by rote and chanting in the classroom does not work for me as I can do it by myself”. A British adult learner

“To me, teaching Chinese is more or less like cooking for different age groups with different tastes. How the food I cook can be tasty and digested well by all of my learners is always essential to my lesson preparation and teaching”. Dan Li-Dunford, Lecturer and Trainer

The talk will include a comparative analysis on the characteristics of British students’ learning preferences and the philosophy of teaching that the British Education system promotes. We will also explore your own learning style, and explain how this can influence your teaching strategies, create an interactive learning environment and make your teaching both interesting and effective.

Dan Li-Dunford is the course leader for the “Teaching Across Cultures” and “Doing Business with the Chinese” courses run by the University of Bath Foreign Languages Centre. She trained as an English Teacher and later went on to complete both an MBA and a PGCE in Secondary Business Education. Dan has taught Mandarin Chinese at all levels and age groups and is now a specialist trainer in cross-cultural teaching, learning and inter-cultural communication.

主会场发言: 汉语的不同学习方式及其教学 巴斯大学 Dan Li-Dunford (E)

简介 “死记硬背、课堂上机械诵读的方式对我来说纯属浪费时间 - 那个我自己都能做。”——位英国成人学者

“ 对 我 而 言 , 教 中 文 就 像 是 根 据 不 同 年 龄 段的 口 味 去 做 不 同 的 菜 肴 : 如 何 能 把 食 物 做 得既美味、又能够让所有的学生易于消化,是我备课和教学的重点。” ——讲师、培训师 Dan Li-Dunford


Dan Li-Dunford是英国巴斯大学外国语言中心“跨文化培训”及“与中国人的商务交往”课程的主讲。她原为英文教师,后来获得中等商务教育的MBA和PGCE(教育学研究生证书)学位。Dan有着针对不同水平、不同年龄段学生因材施教的丰富的中文教学经验,现为跨文化培训与跨文化交流的专业培训师。

The Role of Translation in CLT Dr. Song Lianyi, SOAS (C)

Summary: The translation grammar method is associated with an old and traditional approach of teaching foreign languages. However, it would be wrong for us to reject something simply because it is old and traditional and because new or newer methods have been available. I would like to explore ways in which translation, both ways, may be used more imaginatively and effectively in teaching Chinese. I would also like to introduce the concept of mediation in the discussion in relation to the application of the Common European Framework of Languages (CEFR): teaching, learning and assessment in CLT.

Song Lianyi is principal teaching fellow in Chinese at SOAS, University of London, where he has taught for over 20 years. He was the chairman of the British Chinese Language Teaching Society (BCLTS) between 2003 and 2005. His research covers Chinese language pedagogy, language assessment, teaching material development, etc.

翻译在汉语教学中的作用 伦敦大学亚非学院宋连谊博士(C)

简介 语法翻译法是一个历史最久的传统的外语教学方法。不过我们不能仅因其形式“陈旧”而将其拒之门外,而一味采用更为新潮的教学法。在这次的讲演展示过程中,我将试图探讨较为有效和有趣的中英/英中互译教学形式。同时,我也希望引入《欧洲共同语言参考框架》中“中介”活动的理念,并结合翻译法讨论该理念在中文教学中的应用。


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Chinese Teaching in the Western WorldConference & Workshop

Friday 26 June 6月26日(星期五):

Interactive Computer Marked Assignments (iCMAs) Project, OU Dr. Kan Qian, Open University (E)

Summary: This presentation reports on a group project which evaluates the effectiveness and perceived benefits of Interactive Computer Marked Assignments (iCMAs) for formative assessment on beginners’ language modules at The Open University (OU).

I will briefly report the findings of the project to provide a better understanding of the way students use iCMAs, so that it will allow course designers to improve the student experience and facilitate the further embedding of iCMAs into language teaching and learning.

The focus of the presentation will be on how the beginners’ Chinese module uses iCMAs for formative assessment. I will use examples to illustrate the differences between summative and formative assessment; the differences between assessing receptive skills and productive skills; comparing traditional question types for assessing receptive skills with iCMA question types; the importance of feedback; and finally the perceived benefits of iCMAs by the students.

Dr. Kan Qian is Lecturer in Chinese and Head of Chinese in the Department of Languages at The Open University (UK); Director of Studies in Asian and Middle Eastern Studies at Christ’s College, University of Cambridge; and Council Member of the British Association for Chinese Studies.

初级外语学生对形成性测试互动电脑评分作业感觉到的收获 开放大学 阚茜博士 (E)

简介 这篇发言汇报开放大学的一个小组研究项目。此项目评估开放大学初级外语课程利用互动电脑评分作业(iCMAs)作为形成性测试的有效性以及学生感觉到的收益。我将简要汇报研究结果以便我们更好地了解学生是如何运用iCMAs的,从而使得课程设计者完善互动电脑评分作业(iCMAs),让学生的学习旅程更愉快。



Teaching Chinese for Professional Purposes: Plan and Practice Dr. Zhu Zhu, University of Edinburgh (C)

Summary: According to Bloomberg Rankings, Mandarin Chinese has become the most useful language for business after English. Recent years have witnessed increasingly strong demands for classes and learning materials from learners who wish to study Chinese for professional purposes. This talk is aimed at Chinese language teachers who are currently or wish in the future to be engaged in this newly-emerged and growing area of language teaching. Taking an interactive approach, this talk encourages the participants to actively seek answers to a number of questions relating to the characteristics of this specific category of learners and to explore an efficient approach to designing and delivering teaching materials to these learners. Effective teaching techniques will be suggested by the speaker to assist the participants to support and facilitate the learners in a more efficient and confident manner.

Dr. Zhu Zhu is Chinese Language Programme Director at the University of Edinburgh, overseeing Chinese language provision across the University. She directs the curriculum development of Chinese language courses at both UG and PG levels as well as the design and revision of Chinese language courses for the general public. Zhu has extensive experience in training Chinese language teachers as well as in teaching language classes at ab initio to advanced levels. She is also an active researcher in the fields of Second Language Acquisition and Translation Studies.

职业用途中文教学:计划与实施 爱丁堡大学 朱珠博士 (C)

简介 根据美国“彭博排名”的数据,中文(普通话)已成为居英语之后最大的商用语言。近年来,以职业用途为目的而学习中文的学生越来越多,对这方面课程和学习材料的需求也快速增加。本讲座旨在与正在从事或有志于从事职业用途中文教学的教师进行互动交流,共同就理解学生学习特点与需求、课程内容设计、教学方法等问题进行探讨。主讲人还将建议一些切实可行的方法,帮助教师以更加高效、自信的方式组织教学活动并达到理想的教学效果。


Page 6: Conference & Workshop


2015年6月26 日–6月27日

Adapting to the needs of international learners

26-27 June 2015, University of Bath, UK

Friday 26 June 6月26日(星期五):

Comparing Teaching Approaches in Mainland China, Taiwan and the UK: A Student’s Perspective Nicola Dean, Newcastle University (E)

Summary: This talk will focus on first-hand experiences as a student of Mandarin Chinese in three different teaching locations: Newcastle University in the UK, Xinjiang Normal University in Mainland China, and the Chinese Language Centre at National Chengchi University in Taiwan. According to my experience and observations, the teaching and learning style promoted and used in these three environments was very different, each with respective advantages and disadvantages. I will suggest that a holistic approach combining the advantageous aspects of these styles could present the most effective way of learning and teaching Mandarin Chinese.

Nicola Dean is currently working as a self-employed freelance copy-editor and Chinese-English translator. She also conducts research into the politics of China, and is working on publishing a co-written book later this year. She graduated with BA Hons in Modern Languages from Newcastle University and an MA in Diplomacy from National Chengchi University in Taiwan. She will soon graduate with an MA in Chinese Translating and Interpreting from Newcastle University.

从学生视角比较中国大陆、台湾和英国的教学方法 纽卡斯尔大学 Nicola Dean (E)

简介 本发言将分享发言者在三地学习汉语的第一手体会,这三地分别是英国纽卡斯尔大学、中国新疆师范大学和台湾国立政治大学华语文教学中心。根据发言者自己的体会与观察,这三个环境下的教学和学习风格是非常不同的,各有优、缺点;相信整合各自的优点,将有助于形成中文教学的更有效方法。

Nicola Dean 是一名从事文字编辑和中英文翻译的自由职业者,并对中国政治有所研究,且有一本相关的合著图书将于今年出版。她在纽卡斯尔大学获得现代外文学士学位,在台湾国立政治大学获外交硕士学位;目前正在纽卡斯尔大学攻读中文笔译与口译专业,即将获得硕士学位。

Increasing Inclusivity in the Teaching and Learning of Chinese Dr. Wendy Che, Oxford University | Oxford Brookes University (C)

Summary: Today, many universities in the UK are offering Chinese language courses to their students and staff. The range of these courses is from the basic to advanced levels, and accommodates learners who are from different backgrounds, e.g. different subject areas, different mother-tongues, different learning experiences and styles, or different learning purposes. Under these circumstances teachers are challenged to design and implement all-inclusive teaching and learning strategies that enable students from these diverse groups to achieve their learning objectives. This talk will focus on the discussion of using a learning-centred approach in a variety of teaching settings, the strategies used to increase learning, and moving students towards established goals through the lens of diversity and inclusivity.

Dr. Wendy Che is a senior fellow of British Higher Education Academy, a tutor at the Language Centre in Oxford University and an associate lecturer at English and Modern Languages at Oxford Brookes University. She formerly taught at the University of Warwick and has 20 years of experience teaching intercultural communication, business culture and Chinese.

增加汉语教学的包容性 牛津大学|牛津布鲁克斯大学 车文兵博士(C)

简介 今天,很多大学都为他们的学生和教工开设了中文课程。这些课程的范围涵盖了从初级到高级,也照顾到了来学习学生的不同背景,如不同专业、不同母语、不同学习经历、不同学习习惯、不同学习目的等。在这种情况下,面对挑战,教师不得不设计和采用能够包容所有学生的教学策略和方法,从而使得学生能完成他们的学习目标。这个谈话将聚焦于多样性与包容性,重点讨论在不同教学设置下以学生为重心的教学方法、提升学生学习能力的策略,最终使得大多数学生达到既定目标。


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Chinese Teaching in the Western WorldConference & Workshop

Friday 26 June 6月26日(星期五):

Using Blended Learning to Prepare Students for Study-abroad in China Dr. Lan Lo and Dr. Neil Hughes, University of Nottingham (E)

Summary: The objective of this presentation is to look at how blended learning can be used to prepare British university students for study abroad in China. With its rich traditions and culture, and a fast growing economy, China has become a popular destination for international students. The University of Nottingham (UoN) now has campuses in China and Malaysia, and prepares students to take part in a year abroad programme. This preparation has some key challenges: what life and academic skills are needed for studying abroad; what specific language is needed; how can students prepare for day-to-day life in China. The presenter will provide examples of how blended learning has been used effectively to meet these challenges, and share students’ feedback and reflections on the process of preparing for study abroad.

Dr. Lan Lo is currently teaching Mandarin in the School of Cultures, Languages and Area Studies (CLAS) at the University of Nottingham. She has co-authored a short book and journal papers on migrant workers in the UK as part of her PhD research, as well as articles on teaching Mandarin.

Dr. Neil Hughes is Director of Modern Language Teaching in the School of Cultures, Languages and Area Studies (CLAS) at the University of Nottingham. He has written articles on blended language learning and on other aspects of language learning and teaching in journals such as the Language Learning Journal and the Latin American Journal of Content and Languages Integrated Learning (LACLIL).

混合式学习法为留学中国铺路 诺丁汉大学 郭岚博士(E),Neil Hughes博士

简介 本发言将分享如何借助混合式学习方式帮助英国大学生为去中国留学做准备。因其丰富的传统与文化以及飞速的经济发展,中国已经成为越来越多国际留学生选择的目标国。英国诺丁汉大学现已在中国和马来西亚设有校区,并有为期一年的大学生出国留学项目。留学准备面临的关键挑战是: 出国留学需要怎样的生活和学习技能;需要掌握怎样特定的语言;以及如何为在中国的日常生活做准备。本发言将展示如何应用混合式学习有效地应对这些挑战,并与大家分享学生们对出国留学前准备工作的一些反馈及反思。


Dr. Neil Hughes 现就职于英国诺丁汉大学文化语言和地区研究学院(CLAS),为现代语言教学负责人。他曾在许多期刊,如 Language Learn ing Journa l,LACLIL上发表过有关混合式语言学习和语言教学的学术文章。

Applying Cognitive Linguistics in the Teaching of Chinese as a Second Language Huang Dian, University of Westminster (C)

Summary: One of the cognitive processes is embodiment, such as gestures. Embodied cognition helps us to see and feel an abstract concept. Information stored in our long-term memory is in form of images. Utilizing embodiment is one possible way to illustrate grammar rules and phrase structures – that is to use images and gestures to establish a link between the physical and the mental world. The objective is to help students memorize and produce the correct language. In my presentation, I will focus on the following:

1 How to explain grammar structures and vocabulary usage by relating them to images and gestures.

2 How to help busy learners beginning Chinese language and enhance understanding, retention and the ability to use the language in the real world.

Huang Dian started teaching Chinese language at the University of Westminster, London, UK in 1988. She is the Coordinator of Coordinator of Chinese in the University-wide Taught Language Programme of the University of Westminster. She was a Committee Member and Chair of the British Chinese Language Teaching and Learning Society (BCLTS) from 2006 to 2009, and was an executive committee member of the Universities China Committee in London (UCCL) from 2009 to 2013.

运用认识语言学促进中文作为第二语言的教学 威斯敏斯特大学 黄甸 (C)

简介 人的认识过程之一,是通过人体化 (embodiment)比如手势。化身认知有助于我们看到、感受到抽象的概念。信息是以图像储存在我们的长期记忆之中的,所以化身有可能通过图像和手势帮助我们说明语法规则和词汇结构,这样能建立实际世界和我们的心理世界之间的联系,目的是帮助记忆、正确地使用语言。在我的演讲之中,我将着重解释以下两个方面:



黄甸从1988年起任教于英国伦敦威斯敏斯特大学,曾担任现代语言系中文专业主任,现任大学语言课程中文学科负责人。黄甸曾于2006年至2009年担任过英国汉语教学学会 (BCLTS) 委员会成员及会长,2009至2013年担任过英国大学伦敦中国委员会 (UCCL) 执行成员。

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2015年6月26 日–6月27日

Adapting to the needs of international learners

26-27 June 2015, University of Bath, UK

Friday 26 June 6月26日(星期五):

Fun, Mayhem and Task-based Learning in the Pursuit of Promoting Languages Andrew Grenfell, Newcastle University (E)

Summary: The Routes into Languages programme was funded by the Higher Education Funding Council for England. Under the programme, a number of regional consortia were established where groups of universities worked together, with schools and colleges, to enthuse and encourage people to study languages. The Newcastle strand produces the Linguacast website and Linguacast days. Linguacast is a podcast language learning website and home to The Angry Family. It hosts an extensive range of quality language learning videos for pupils learning Chinese in the North East of England and anywhere in the world. All the materials were made at Newcastle University and recorded using native speakers. The content is often a little whacky to capture pupils’ interest during lessons but strictly conforms to AQA and Edexcel syllabi for KS-4 and above. These materials are free for all to use with no logins required.

Andrew Grenfell has worked in the EFL/ESL sector since 1988 in both teaching and management in France, Ireland and the UK. Today he is the Open Learning Resources Manager for the school of Modern Languages at Newcastle University. In this role, he is responsible for the award-winning Language Resource Centre and the teaching and learning resources of the School of Modern Languages; including the translation and interpreting programmes facilities and the UWLP.

Andrew has been strand leader for Newcastle University’s Routes into Language programme since its start nine years ago. Andrew is also the Teaching and Learning SiG convenor for the AULC.

在既有趣又混乱的任务式学习过程中促进语言技能发展 纽卡斯尔大学 Andrew Grenfell (E)

简介 “语言之路”项目由英国高等教育基金委员会资助。基于该计划,多所大学校形成地区合作联盟,与中小学和学院合作,鼓励和促进语言学习。其中纽卡斯尔区建立了Linguacast网站并设立了Linguacast Days。Linguacast是播报语言学习信息的网站,也是语言学习游戏“愤怒一家人”的发源地。Linguacast 为英国东北部及世界各地的学生提供优质高量的语言学习视频,并且所有学习资料都由纽卡斯尔大学制作,且由母语人士录音。学习内容严格符合AQA及Edexcel的KS-4及以上级别的要求,但不失活泼有趣,非常引发学生的学习兴趣。这些资料完全免费且无需注册。

Andrew Grenfell 自1988年起就在法国,爱尔兰和英国从事EFL/ESL工作,现为纽卡斯尔大学现代语言学院开放学习资源经理,负责语言资源中心以及现代语言学院的教学资源,还包括翻译项目以及UWLP (University Wide Language Programme)。

自 项 目 开 始 , A n d r e w 九 年 来 一 直 是 纽卡 斯 尔 大 学 “ 语 言 之 路 ” 项 目 的 带 头人 , 也 是 A U L C 教 与 学 兴 趣 组 的 召 集 者 。

Closing Plenary: The Pig Under the Roof Simon Greenall OBE, Writer, Editor, Advisor, Macmillan Education (E)

Summary: Can Chinese Language Teaching use the same communicative methodology and publishing expertise as ELT? My personal experience of learning Chinese and my professional work in ELT and CLT textbook writing suggest the answer is yes. This talk will examine how communicative methodology in English language teaching can be applied to Chinese language teaching. It will also refer to the design and publishing values which contribute towards effective teaching material.

Simon Greenall is an English language teaching textbook writer, a past president of IATEFL and a Trustee of International House. Since 2000 he has been co-editor in chief of the New Standard English textbook series for Chinese primary, junior high and senior high schools, and universities. In 2007 he was invited to act as a consultant on the Discover China series (FLTRP and Macmillan). In 2013 he was awarded the OBE for services to English Language Teaching.

闭幕发言:“屋檐”下的“猪” 麦克米伦教育出版集团作者,主编,顾问 Simon Greenall OBE (E)

简介 中 文 教 学 能 否 借 用 英 语 教 学 的 交 际 教 学 法以 及 出 版 经 验 ? 以 发 言 者 个 人 学 习 中 文 的经 验 , 以 及 E L T 和 C L T 教 材 编 写 的 经 验 来看,答案是肯定的。本发言将探讨如何将英语 教 学 中 的 交 际 教 学 法 应 用 于 汉 语 , 也 将论 及 设 计 和 出 版 价 值 对 有 效 教 学 的 贡 献 。

Simon Greenall 是英语教材作者,IATEFL前任主席,现任International House的理事。自2000年起,Simon一直担任“新标准英语”系列教材的英方总主编(“新标准英语”是为中国小学、中学和大学编写的一条龙英语教材)。自2007年起,受北京外语教学与研究出版社和麦克米伦出版有限公司之邀,Simon还担任了两社合作出版的《走遍中国》(Discover China)汉语教材的编写顾问。2013年,因在英语教学领域的突出贡献,Simon获得了英国OBE勋章。

Page 9: Conference & Workshop

Chinese Teaching in the Western WorldConference & Workshop

Saturday 27 June 6月27日(星期六)工作坊

First Lessons with Absolute Beginners: How to Start from Zero Dr. Zhu Zhu, University of Edinburgh (C)

Summary: The most difficult obstacle to cross is the threshold. The first lessons that beginners take are vital in terms of their confidence-building and searching for efficient angles to approach the language. This is even more so when one attempts to learn a language that seems so remote and different from one’s mother tongue.

This workshop is designed to work with Chinese language teachers who teach absolute beginners aged 16 and over. This workshop takes an interactive approach by engaging teachers in actively seeking answers to a number of vital questions relating to what to teach in the first lessons with beginners, and more importantly, how to do so. This workshop aims to help the teachers with the design of their class materials and also to suggest effective techniques to deliver the contents so that the learners are introduced to the Chinese language in a fun, smooth, efficient and stress-free way. Key questions to be discussed include how to put students at ease in the very first class, how to teach pinyin, how to introduce Chinese characters, how to keep classes moving at a good pace, and how to organise in-class and after-class exercises.

Dr. Zhu Zhu is Chinese Language Programme Director at the University of Edinburgh, overseeing Chinese language provision across the University. She directs the curriculum development of Chinese language courses at both UG and PG levels as well as the design and revision of Chinese language courses for the general public. Zhu has extensive experience in training Chinese language teachers as well as in teaching language classes at ab initio to advanced levels. She is also an active researcher in the fields of Second Language Acquisition and Translation Studies.

中文入门课:如何从零开始? 爱丁堡大学朱珠博士(C)

简介 万事开头难。对于零起点的学生来说,头几节课至关重要,这关系到学生信心的建立,是帮助学生找到高效可行切入点的关键时机。学生在开始学习一门与自己母语千差万别的外语时尤其如此。



Teaching Speaking Helen Day, Oaklands College and Freelance Trainer (E)

Summary: To many learners of a language, speaking is one of the skills they are most keen to improve. However, traditionally speaking has been one of the more neglected areas of skills practice in the foreign language classroom.

In this session participants will consider the importance of practising speaking in class and ways of breaking down activities into manageable chunks. They will evaluate the particular challenges posed when encouraging beginners to practise speaking and will consider various options for increasing Student Talking Time. Participants will try out a range of adaptable speaking activities for different ability levels.

Helen Day is a teacher-trainer, teacher and adviser, for Modern Foreign Languages including English, Italian and Mandarin Chinese. She has over 25 years’ experience and has taught Mandarin at all levels. She specialises in the teaching of speaking skills and technology in the language classroom.

Her qualifications include a PGCE, a Diploma in Teaching English as a Foreign Language to Adults, an MA in Education: Applied Linguistics and an MA in Chinese Studies from SOAS.

口语教学 奥克兰学院 Helen Day (E)

简介 对于很多语言学习者来说,口语是他们最迫切想要提高的技能;但在语言教学传统上,口语练习恰恰属于被忽视的一族。


Helen Day 是外语教学培训师、讲师和教学顾问,教学领域包括英文、意大利语和中文。她有超过25年的教学经验,曾教授各个级别的汉语学习者,在口语教学和语言课堂技术方面尤为擅长。她的资历包括:PGCE(教育学研究生证书),英语作为外语教学(针对成人)学位证书,伦敦大学亚非学院(SOAS)应用语言学硕士学位和汉语研究硕士学位。

Page 10: Conference & Workshop


2015年6月26 日–6月27日

Adapting to the needs of international learners

26-27 June 2015, University of Bath, UK

Saturday 27 June 6月27日(星期六)工作坊

Teaching Mandarin Tones – An Innovative Approach Wu Yanmei, Herriot Watt University (C)

Summary: Plenty of learners find the acquisition of Mandarin tones difficult. This talk aims to introduce and demonstrate easy, simple but effective ways of teaching/instructing Mandarin Chinese tones. These innovative methods include: 1) matching Mandarin tones to English tones; 2) applying basic music theory/terms in teaching the tones. These tips are derived from the speaker’s musical background and twelve years of CLT experience.

Wu Yanmei teaches Chinese at Heriot-Watt University. Prior to this, she taught Chinese at Manchester Metropolitan University. She specializes in teaching Mandarin tones/pronunciation, as well as using films in language teaching. She holds an MA in Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language (Sheffield), an MMus in Music Performance (SOAS), and an MA in Visual Anthropology (Goldsmiths), and is currently reading for a PhD in Heritage and Performance.

以创造性的方法向英语母语人士教授发音 褐瑞瓦特大学 吴砚梅 (C)

简介 很多学生觉得汉语的声调很难,此次发言重点介绍一些教声调的简单却有效的方法。这些方法包括 1 把汉语的声调和英语里的音调联系起来教; 2 用一些简单的乐理常识来教。这些教法来自演讲者的音乐背景和12年在英外语教学经验。

吴砚梅目前在赫瑞瓦特大学教中文,之前在曼城城市大学任教。她擅长教汉语的声调/发音,也专注于研究电影在语言教学中的运用。她持有对外汉语教学硕士学位(谢菲尔德)、音乐表演硕士学位 ( 伦 敦 ) 和 视 觉 人 类 学 硕 士 学 位 ( 伦 敦 ) ,目 前 在 攻 读 文 化 遗 产 传 承 的 博 士 学 位 。

Teaching Listening Dede Wilson, Freelance Trainer (E)

Summary: Listening is a key skill to language learning but too often is ignored. Teachers tend to avoid it for various reasons. They may be unsure about how to teach it, or have materials or equipment that is old.

For students not developing this skill means they may not recognize what people say. It affects confidence. The classroom provides the only exposure to hearing language spoken so can mean the difference between continuing to learn Chinese or dropping out.

This practical workshop aims to focus on how to develop the skill effectively. It will consider student problems, motivation and methodology for different types of listening and supplementing course books with fun personalized activities.

Dede Wilson is an ELT consultant and language teacher trainer. For many years she was a course tutor and assessor for Cambridge ELT courses and ran an OCR Certificate training course in Teaching Foreign Languages to Adults.

During the last 14 years, she has run teacher development courses in the UK and around the world for the British Council. She has worked regularly with Chinese language trainers and teachers all over China and in the UK since 2003.

听力教学 自由培训师 Dede Wilson (E)

简介 听力是语言学习的一项关键技能,却也是常常被忽视的一项技能。听力技能被忽视的原因是多方面的:或许是教师不确定应该如何教,也或许是因为教学材料和设备太过陈旧。

而学生如果不提高听力技能,意味着他们听不懂别人在说什么,这无疑会影响他们学习的信心。课堂是学生唯一能够听到所学语言被 讲 出 来 的 场 所 , 因 此 也 会 成 为 决 定 他 们是 继 续 学 习 中 文 、 还 是 放 弃 学 习 的 关 键 。

本工作坊旨在探究如何有效提升听力技能,包括探讨学生面对的学习问题和学习动机、不 同 听 力 水 平 的 教 学 , 以 及 如 何 针 对 教 材补 充 有 趣 的 、 个 性 化 的 课 堂 听 力 活 动 。

Dede Wilson 是ELT教学顾问和教师培训师。她曾任剑桥ELT课程导师和技术顾问多年,并负责一项成人外语教学OCR证书培训的课程。


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