
During week the first week I joined a group. Our groups were formed around Belbin’s team roles. I was the plant.

The group was a 4 that consisted of Jake, Anand, Nathan and Bethany. Later, me and Isse joined the group to form a 6. We created a Trello site and decided on the name Climate Carnage.

We were then tasked to gather feedback on our ideas of a game using survey monkey, a site that allows for anonymous opinions and questions to be given through the internet for free.

ConceptThe game had gone through many ideas but the main one was that we remade snakes and ladders but put in our own twist on it. It had to be educational yet fun enough to take the regular family nights up a notch.

Week 2 consisted of the first prototypes for our games we chose Bethany’s idea as it retained the best parts of our games but was simple enough to execute well. Our board was just a regular 100x10 board, very similar to snakes and ladders.

We didn’t create counters straight away so we used the stock pieces for now.

Our group then handed out tasks on trello for us to do, some of our group members received 3 tasks some received 2.

These are the pictures of my tasks on Trello.

Justin then taught us how to make Gantt charts on excel. Gantt charts are a diagram that visualises how much time you must get certain tasks complete before they spill over. They help groups plan out their times and helps them figure out how they’ll get tasks done.

Week 3

lead us to promoting our games through different means. We created a personal yet professional twitter page that would serve as a base for our professional journey into our selected courses.

Mine is:

Some of us then created twitters and other forms of social media for our board games.

The game page is followed by the people who are in the group and other class members. It often tweets out our progress with the game. Its latest post was the board image of snakes and ladders.

Week 4We learned how to use photoshop and created our own board game prototypes, I made a Hearthstone monopoly cover.

The reason why I picked Hearthstone is that it’s a game that is friendly towards all ages as well as all demographics. However to understand the core mechanics of Monopoly you need to be of a certain age and that’s why I decided as 12+ to be my age range. Hearthstone is a card game on PC and on mobile phones. Monopoly has cards. See the link????

I placed the famous characters on the board to draw in World of Warcraft fans as Hearthstone is a card game derived from all characters in World of Warcraft. It turned out very well, I could’ve done better with the positioning of the cards that are beneath the Hearthstone badge.

We also created posters for the Sheffield Hallam Uni. I chose a fallout vault boy as it’s main selling point to all the gamers.

Week 5My attendance for this week was rather poor to be frank. However I did show up on time to catch the microphone recording sessions and had to interview many students on their experiences in Hallam. We had to edit these recordings to select the most perfect ones, sometimes cutting out the bobbing of the microphone in between speech. Sometimes that didn’t work very well and ended up making the audio very buggy. You can listen to this here.

Week 6 First of all I made sure I turned up to the lessons. Keith then instructed us on how we should film vox plots and more. We were then given cameras and microphones again to go interview different students in different locations and I was paired up with Jake, Izzy, Adam and Anand. We went to the student hubs to give SHU students a tour of the student hubs. We then took turns on interviewing each other asking common questions about university experiences and the lot.

The Video is here:

Week 7The class as a whole was tasked with completing their tasks as well as the assignments that were given in their groups as well the assignment tasks too. My tasks were creating the how to play video and to film and edit it too. I feel like I have done well in the video but not as well as it could’ve been. The video is here:

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