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Brian DeanWayne Goddard Sandra 


Feng LuoBrian Malloy Jim Martin

John McGregor

Murali SitaramanMark Smotherman

Pradip SrimaniJacob Sorber James Wang

Ilya Safro

Rong GeAmy Apon,

ChairHongxin Hu

CS has 16 T/TT faculty

• Jim Bottum• Jim Clements• Jill Gemmill• Alex Herzog

• Linh Ngo• Steve Stuart• Paul Wilson

Associate/Adjunct faculty

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Data Science

Systems and Networks


2016 Hiring Emphasis Areas

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Energy efficient high performance computing –Rong Ge

Wearable Security and Privacy – Jacob Sorber

Research by New /Junior Faculty (Partial list only!!)

Security in SDN, security and privacy in social networks – Hongxin Hu

Fast, scalable algorithms and methods for data analytics – Ilya Safro

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New CS Grants and Gifts• Amy Apon, PI, "EAGER: Characterization, Prediction, and Management of Latency Variation in Virtualized HPC and Warehouse Scale Systems", NSF, $300,000, 2016‐2018

• Amy Apon, PI, Gifts from BMW, LexisNexis, Omnibond, and Amazon, $160K total

• Hongxin Hu, PI, "Collaborative Research: CICI: Secure and Resilient Architecture: SciGuard: Building a Security Architecture for Science DMZ based on SDN and NFV Technologies", NSF, $499,805, 2017‐2019.

• Hongxin Hu, PI, Feng Luo, co‐PI, "EAGER: Defending Against Visual Cyberbullying Attacks in Emerging Mobile Social Networks", NSF, $239,680, 2015‐2017.

• Hongxin Hu, co‐PI, "Collaborative Research: CICI: Regional: SouthEast SciEntificCybersecurity for University Research (SouthEast SECURE)", NSF, $140,504, 2016.

• Hongxin Hu, co‐PI, "Development of a Security Platform for Vehicle to Infrastructure Network", Southeastern Transportation Center (University of Tennessee), $77,287, 2016‐2017.

• Hongxin Hu, co‐PI, "Alleviating the Negative Consequences of Habitual Trust on Collaborative Privacy Control in Online Social Networks", Clemson OYA Grant, $20,000, 2016.

• Hongxin Hu, PI, "III: Small: Collaborative Research: Privacy‐aware Collaborative Data Sharing in Human‐centered Social Networks", NSF, $299,767, 2015‐2018.

• Jim Martin, PI, “Extreme Orange: Engaging Clemson Students in Systems of Discovery”, IBM Faculty Award, $100,000 2016 ‐2017.

• Jim Martin, co‐PI, “Security of Distributed Cyber‐Physical Systems with Connected Vehicle Applications”, NSF, $998,581, 2015 ‐2018.

• Jim Martin, PI, Hongxin Hu, co‐PI, “Enabling Connected Vehicle Applications through Advanced Network Infrastructure”, NSF, $598,582, 2015 – 2017.

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New CS Grants and Gifts, continued• Ilya Safro, PI, Gift from BMW, $40,000, 2016

• Ilya Safro, PI, "Fast and Scalable Multigrid Methods for Hypergraph Partitioning Problems", NSF, $180K, 7/2015‐8/2018

• Ilya Safro, PI "EAGER: Feedback‐based Network Optimization for Smart Cities", NSF, $151K, 8/2016‐7/2018

• Ilya Safro, co‐PI "CRISP Type 1: Data‐driven Real‐time Simulation for Adaptive Control of Interdependent Infrastructure Systems", NSF, $500K, 1/2017‐1/2019

• Murali Sitaraman, PI, Michelle P. Cook (with Florida Atlantic University and Indiana University) Collaborative Research: IUSE: Engaging and Enabling Learners to Reason Logically about Code, NSF, $300K (CU $213K), 2016‐18.

• Murali Sitaraman, PI, Russ Marion, Stacy M. Che, Michelle P. Cook, Eileen T. Kraemer, IUSE: Understanding and Propagating the Essence of Successful Computing Education Projects, NSF, $41,280, 8/1/2016 to 7/31/2017

• Jacob Sorber, PI, “Smart earpiece for supporting healthy eating behaviors”, NSF (Recommended), $1,400,000(Clemson $700,711), 9/2016

• Jacob Sorber, PI, “Computational Jewelry for Mobile Health (ABR)”, NSF (CNS‐1619950), $1,175,419 (Clemson $396,420),  9/2015

• Jacob Sorber, PI, “CAREER: Enabling Low‐Cost, Maintenance‐Free, Long‐Term Embedded Sensing Without Batteries”, NSF (CNS‐1453607), $496,661, 9/2015

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• Brian Dean won the Philip Prince Award for Innovation in Teaching– only one award given at the University level each year!

• Brian Dean led the U.S. student team to the  International Olympiad in Informatics (IOI), the world’s most prestigious computing contest at the high‐school level.  The team earned 1 silver and 3 gold medals, a feat matched only by China and Russia.

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Computer Science Research

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Data Intensive Computing Ecosystems Lab within CSAVI ‐ Complex Systems, Analytics and Visualization InstituteCo‐Directors Amy Apon (CS) and Mashrur Chowdhury (CE/ITS).  Some projects include:• Dynamic HPC Clusters within Amazon Web Services (AWS)

• Performance Considerations of Virtualization with Containers

• Distributed Data Delivery in a Connected Vehicle Environment

• Scalable Topic Modeling

Some of our partners:

Amy Apon

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Data Analytics

Brian DeanProblem: Epileptic seizures affect more than 50 million people every year. 1 in every 150 is autistic.Our approach: Seizure localization and anomaly detection with signal processing, machine learning. Graph theory and network analysis techniques study autism.

Can we make senseof massive data sets?

Approximate quantiles

Feature selection based

on linear programming

Connectivity data structures for

geometric networks

Recommendation systems based on auctions and stable matching algorithms

Computer vision and

sparse reconstruction algorithms to build cellular mechanical


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AlgorithmsWayne GoddardResearch in graph theory including:• Colorings• Domination• Generalized secretary problem• Eccentricity counts and sequences• Identifying codes

Managing Editor of Discrete MathematicsCo-organizer of Clemson Mini-Conference

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Network and System SecurityHongxin Hu

Goals: Protecting emerging computer and network systems

Research Areas: Emerging Network Security Social Network Security Cyberbullying Defense Internet of Things Security Mobile Platform Security

Ongoing NSF-Sponsored Research Projects: SciGuard: Building a Security Architecture for Science DMZ based on SDN and NFV

Technologies ($500K) Defending Against Visual Cyberbullying Attacks in Emerging Mobile Social Networks ($258K) Privacy-aware Collaborative Data Sharing in Human-centered Social Networks ($308K) SouthEast SciEntific Cybersecurity for University Research (SouthEast SECURE) ($141K) Enabling Connected Vehicle Applications through Advanced Network Technology ($600K)

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Our research explores novel systems and software design toimprove performance, scalability, and energy efficiency ofcompute- and data-intensive applications on parallel anddistributed systems.

Scalable Computing and Analytics Laboratory (ScaLab)

Scalable Computing &Analytics





ApplicationsSoftware and Runtime

Multicore-/Manycore-based Clusters



An Experimental System Approach

[email protected] web:

Scale-Up, Scale-Out Systems


Sponsored by

Rong Ge

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• Research Projects:• Data Intensive Bioinformatics

• Large scale genome data analytics.• Precision medicine.

• Big data analytics on HPC (high performance computing) cluster

• Satellite data analytics• Machine learning method for cyberbully detection.

Feng LuoBig Data Analytics Group

• Research Support:– Defending Against Visual Cyberbullying Attacks in

Emerging Mobile Social Networks, NSF;– Development of Spark Based Software for Kratos,

Kratos Technology and Training Solutions;– Understanding contributions of transcriptome and

metabolome to autism risk: Identification of long noncoding RNA (lncRNA) and metoabolomebiomarkers and therapeutic targets for ASDs,

Self Regional Healthcare foundation.

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Grammar Convergence & Program Analysis

Brian Malloy

Problem: How to reverse engineer a program to a graphical representation of the program that facilitates comprehension, analysis, testing, and debugging.

Approach: • Develop a parsable grammar• Parse the program building an

Abstract Semantic Graph (ASG)

• An ASG contains all important information about a program

• Convert the ASG into UML class diagram, control flow graph, or relevant program representation

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The Internet is changing….• Converging with 75+

years of broadcast video• Approaching 4 Billion

users!• Transitioning from the

baby boomers to millennials who have transformed the Internet with Social Media

• Open data exchanges and the requirements of an ‘on-demand’ economy will redefine the scale of the Internet

Smart Infrastructure Jim Martin

Our research helps the Internet to evolve and to support emerging applications such as the Internet-of-Things. Research topics include:● Broadband access MAC enhancements and evaluation for

cable and wireless networks.● Heterogeneous wireless system architecture, protocol

development and evaluation. ● System issues related to cybersecurity, scalability, and

incremental deployability.

Vehicular and transportation Smart Grid Environmental: Mobile InternetHealth Care

Intelligent Transportation System (ITS)

Access Networks & InternetCommercial Cloud Services

Power Company’s Smart Grid Support

Cellular Operators –Licensed Spectrum

Wireless Over Unlicensed Spectrum

Smart Infrastructure

‘Coexisting Systems’

Consumer Internet (Internet Video, …)

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Building Robust SoftwareProblem: Our health, wealth, and livelihood depend upon software doing its job correctly and doing it when required.Our research program includes: • Ecosystem perspectives on strategic software engineering

• Product line manufacturing of software‐intensive  products

• Techniques for detailed design of fault and error propagation to ensure that abnormal behavior is handled before a failure occurs

• Techniques for evaluating and tracking the value of reusable assets by measuring deviations from the desired (technical debt)

John D. McGregor

Solving Some of Society’s Most Pressing Problems

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Ilya Safro

Research Interests

• Scientific Computing• Network Science• Optimization• Machine Learning• Data Mining• Complex Systems• Graph Algorithms

Success Story I: Multiscale Methods for Fast Data MiningClassification, Detection of Outliers, Clustering

Algebraic Multigrid Framework  Excellent quality of performance measures Up to 1000 times faster on 

a single processor! Scalable

Attacked areas Optimal areas to prevent the spread

Fast and scalable solver for   computationally hard optimization problem

High‐quality model for optimalresponse

Budget efficient optimization results

Success Story II: Response to Cyber Attacks, Epidemics and Information Spread on Networks

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Software Engineering

Problem: Verify correctness of softwareSupport: NSF Funding continuously for about 25 years; Current support through NSF Software-Hardware Foundations, REU Supplements.

Problem: Understanding learning obstacles and teaching analytical ReasoningApproach: Web-integrated toolsDissemination: Multiple educator workshops, A dozen adoptee institutionsSupport: Current support through NSF IUSE Collaborators: College of Education at Clemson; others

Teaching Reasoning

Kimberly Ferguson, Christin Marshall, John McCann

RESOLVE Verifying Compiler

Murali Sitaraman

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Mobile Sensing for the Real World

Jacob Sorber

Problems in ecology such as wildlife tracking, Intelligent River, or with chronic disease or addiction research require advanced monitoring technologies

Approach• Mobile sensing for the real world – uncertain

conditions + scarce resources• Energy (harvesting and management) –

Conserve, Adapt, and Emulate• RFID-scale power — failure as the common case• Security & Privacy – passive authentication, safe


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Problem: Bioinformatics researchers need a way to share code and data

Our Approach:• G-SESAME tools have been

used more than 25.2 million times by researchers from 65 countries

• The G-BEAN search engine is shown to be better than PubMed, the most used search interface for biomedical articles

• “A New Method to Measure the Semantic Similarity of GO Terms”, Bioinformatics, 2007, 23: 1274-1281; cited more than 200 times in last 5 years

Having Impact

James Wang Pradip SrimaniMultimedia and Informatics 

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James Wang Pradip Srimani

• Information Retrieval• Biomedical Image Processing• Analysis and Classification• Wireless and Mobile Networks• Cloud computing, P2P• Multimedia

New NIH grant:  “Methods for Retrospective Multi‐site Research”, NIH 1R01HD069374‐01A1, (PI: Mark Eckert, MUSC), $1,338,555, (05/12 ~ 05/17)Three continuing NSF grants, $1.3M

Having ImpactMultimedia and Informatics 

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